Emil M.
Computational Mathematician
Office #: 2151
• Mathematics and Computer Science
• Argonne National Laboratory
• Scientist at large at CASE
• University of Chicago
Research Interests
My research interests reside in the areas of scientific computing and applied mathematics. My research focus is on the theory and application of algorithms for modeling and simulation of real processes. Accurate numerical simulations are essential in understanding nature's mechanisms and predicting its behavior. Two fundamental aspects are necessary for accurate simulations: (1) accurate numerical algorithms and (2) knowledge of the true modeled system such as initial conditions and uncertain parameters. I am developing robust time-stepping algorithms and adaptive mesh refinement techniques to efficiently evolve in time dynamical systems with multiple scales and physics. In order to address the second point, I am developing techniques aimed at uncertainty quantification and reduction. For a detailed description of my research interests follow the section below for more information on specific topics.
I started using Python in all my high level activities. One reson is well articulated in this blog post.
Research areas | Publications - [Journals - Proceedings - Reports] | Top
Research areas (keywords)
Research areas | Publications - [Journals - Proceedings - Reports] | Top
Journal publications,
proceedings, presentations
Journal impact factors (2008):
SIAM Review |
2.667 |
2.132 |
Atmos Environ |
2.890 |
Comp Geosci |
1.000 |
2.045 |
2.800 |
J Sci Comp |
1.281 |
AMS Classification
Research areas | Publications - [Journals - Proceedings - Reports] | Top
Journal publications:
Johann Rudi, Max Heldman, Emil M. Constantinescu, Qi Tang, and Xian-Zhu Tang,
"Scalable implicit solvers with dynamic mesh adaptation for a relativistic drift-kinetic Fokker-Planck-Boltzmann model."
Journal of Computational Physics, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2024.112954, 2024.
Hongli Zhao, Tyler E. Maltba, D. Adrian Maldonado, Emil Constantinescu, and Mihai Anitescu
"Data-driven estimation of failure probabilities in correlated structure-preserving stochastic power system models."
Submitted, 2024.
Haoyuan, Emil Constantinescu, Vishwas Rao, and Cristiana Stan
"Improving the predictability of the Madden-Julian oscillation at subseasonal scales with Gaussian process models."
Submitted, 2023.
Ahmed Attia, D. Adrian Maldonado, Emil Constantinescu, and Mihai Anitescu
"Centralized calibration of power system dynamic models using variational data assimilation."
Submitted, 2023.
Shinhoo Kang and Emil M. Constantinescu,
"Enhancing Low-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods with Neural Ordinary Differential Equations for Compressible Navier--Stokes Equations."
Submitted, 2023.
Shinhoo Kang, Alp Dener, Aidan Hamilton, Hong Zhang, Emil M. Constantinescu, and Robert Jacob,
"Multirate Partitioned Runge-Kutta Methods for Coupled Navier-Stokes Equations."
Computers & Fluids, Volume 264 (15), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compfluid.2023.105964, 2023.
Shinhoo Kang and Emil M. Constantinescu,
"Learning subgrid-scale models with neural ordinary differential equations."
Computers and Fluids, In Press, Vol. 261, Pages 105919, DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2023.105919.
Daniel Adrian Maldonado, Emil M. Constantinescu, Junbo Zhao, and Mihai Anitescu,
"Computationally efficient power system maximum transient linear growth estimation."
Submitted, 2023.
Youngdae Kim, Debojyoti Ghosh, Emil Constantinescu, and Ramesh Balakrishnan,
"GPU-Accelerated WENO schemes for the DNS of compressible turbulent flows."
Computers & Fluids, Vol 251, Pages 105744, 2023.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2022.105744).
Emil Constantinescu,
"Implicit extensions of an explicit multirate Runge–Kutta scheme."
Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol 128, Pages 107871, 2022.
(DOI: 10.1016/j.aml.2021.107871).
Hong Zhang and Emil M. Constantinescu,
"Optimal checkpointing for adjoint multistage time-stepping schemes."
Journal of Computational Science, Vol 366, 101913, (DOI: 10.1016/j.jocs.2022.101913).
Adrian Maldonado, Emil M. Constantinescu, Hong Zhang, Vishwas Rao, and Mihai Anitescu,
"Trust-region approximation of extreme trajectories in power system dynamics." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems , Vol 37(5), Pages 3937-3946, 2022.
Shinhoo Kang and Emil M. Constantinescu,
"Entropy-preserving and entropy-stable relaxation IMEX and multirate time-stepping methods."
Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 93(23), DOI: 10.1007/s10915-022-01982-w, 2022.
Hong Zhang, Zhengyu Liu, Emil M. Constantinescu, and Robert Jacob
"Stability Analysis of Coupled Advection-Diffusion Models with Bulk Interface Condition"
Journal of Scientific Computing , Vol 93(33), DOI: 10.1007/s10915-022-01983-9, 2022.
Ahmed Attia and Emil M. Constantinescu,
"Optimal experimental design for inverse problems in the presence of observation correlations.
" SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC) Vol. 44 (4), Pages A2808-A2842, DOI: 10.1137/21M1418666, 2022.
Alina Kononov, Cheng-Wei Lee, Tatiane Pereira dos Santos, Brian Robinson, Yifan Yao, Yi Yao, Xavier Andrade, Andrew David Baczewski, Emil Constantinescu, Alfredo Correa, Yosuke Kanai, Norman Modine, and Andre Schleife,
"Electron dynamics in extended systems within real-time time-dependent density functional theory, "
MRS Communications, Pages 1-13, DOI: 10.1557/s43579-022-00273-7, 2022.
Luisa D'amore, Emil Constantinescu, and Luisa Carracciuolo,
"A scalable space-time domain decomposition approach for solving large scale non linear regularized inverse ill posed problems in 4D Variational Data Assimilation, " 91(59),
Springer Journal of Scientific Computing, 2022.
Hong Zhang, Emil M. Constantinescu, and Barry F. Smith, "PETSc TSAdjoint: a discrete adjoint ODE solver for first-order and second-order sensitivity analysis."
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol 44, Pages C1-C24, 2022.
Shinhoo Kang, Emil M. Constantinescu, Hong Zhang, and Robert Jacob,
"Mass-Conserving Implicit-Explicit Methods for Coupled Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations."
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (CMAME), Vol 384, pp. 113988, 2021, (DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2021.113988).
Shaohui Liu, Adrian Maldonado, and Emil Constantinescu, "Probabilistic analysis of masked loads with aggregated photovoltaic production." Electric Power Systems Research, Vol 189, pp. 106670, 2020. [https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.10334]
Emil M. Constantinescu, Noemi Petra, Julie Bessac, and Cosmin G. Petra, "Statistical treatment of inverse problems constrained by differential equations-based models with stochastic terms." SIAM Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, Vol 8(1), pp. 170-197, 2020. [https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.08557]
Hong Zhang, Zhengyu Liu, Emil M. Constantinescu, and Robert Jacob,
"Stability analysis of interface conditions for ocean-atmosphere coupling."
Springer Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 84 (44), 2020.
Joseph Hart*, Julie Bessac, and Emil M. Constantinescu, "Global sensitivity analysis for statistical model parameters." SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 7(1), 67–92, 2019. [Preprint # ANL/MCS-P8006-0817, https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.07441].
Ahmed Attia* and Emil M. Constantinescu, "An optimal experimental design framework for adaptive inflation and covariance localization for ensemble filters." Submitted, 2018. [https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.10655]
Hanqi Guo, Wenbin He, Sangmin Seo, Han-Wei Shen, Emil M. Constantinescu, Chunhui Liu, and Tom Peterka, "Extreme-scale stochastic particle tracing for uncertain unsteady flow visualization and analysis." IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol 25(9), Pages 2710-2724, 2019.
- Valeria Mele, Emil M. Constantinescu, Luisa Carracciuolo, and Luisa D'Amore, "A PETSc parallel-in-time solver based on MGRIT algorithm." Submitted, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2018.
Jiali Wang, Julie Bessac, Rao Kotamarthi, Emil M. Constantinescu, and Beth Drewniak, "Internal variability, regional climate model, spectral nudging, high spatial resolution, climate change." Climate Dynamics, Vol 50(11-12), Pages 4539-4559, 2018.
Julie Bessac*, Emil M. Constantinescu, and Mihai Anitescu, "Stochastic simulation of predictive space-time scenarios of wind speed using observations and physical models." Vol 12(1), Pages 432-458, Annals of Applied Statistics, 2018. [Preprint # ANL/MCS-P5432-1015, http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.09416].
Simone Marras, Michal A. Kopera, Emil M. Constantinescu, Jenny
Suckale, and Francis X. Giraldo "A residual-based shock capturing scheme for the continuous/discontinuous spectral element solution of the 2D shallow water equations." Vol. 114, Pages 45-63, 2018. [http://arxiv.org/abs/1607.04547]
Emil Constantinescu, "Generalizing global error estimation for ordinary differential equations by using coupled time-stepping methods." Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol 332(C), Pages 140-158, 2018. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1503.05166)
Shrirang Abhyankar, Emil M. Constantinescu, Barry Smith, Alexander J. Flueck, and Daniel A. Maldonado "Parallel dynamics simulation using a Krylov-Schwarz linear solution scheme." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Special Issue on High Performance Computing (HPC) Applications for a More Resilient and Efficient Power Grid, Vol. 8(3), Pages 1378-1386, 2017.
Hong Zhang, Shrirang S. Abhyankar, Emil M. Constantinescu, and Mihai Anitescu, "Discrete adjoint sensitivity analysis of power system dynamics." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems--I: Regular Papers, Vol. 64(5), Pages 1247-1259, 2017.
Noemi Petra, Cosmin G. Petra, Zheng Zhang*, Emil M. Constantinescu, and Mihai Anitescu, "A Bayesian approach for parameter estimation with uncertainty for dynamic power systems." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 32(4), Pages 2735-2743, 2017.
Debojyoti Ghosh* and Emil M. Constantinescu, "Semi-implicit time integration of atmospheric flows with characteristic-based flux partitioning." SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC), Vol. 38(3), Pages A1848-A1875, 2016. [Preprint # ANL/MCS-P5417-1015; http://arxiv.org/abs/1510.05751].
Nan Li, Canan Uckun, Emil M. Constantinescu, John Birge, Kory W. Hedman, and Audun Botterud "Flexible operation of batteries in power system scheduling with renewable energy." IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2016.
Peng Wang, David Barajas-Solano, Emil Constantinescu, Shrirang S. Abhyankar, Debojyoti Ghosh*, Barry Smith, Zhenyu Huang, and Alexandre Tartakovsky, "Probabilistic density function method for stochastic ODEs of power systems with uncertain power input"; SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification (JUQ), Vol. 3(1), Pages 873-896, 2015.
Debojyoti Ghosh* and Emil M. Constantinescu, "A well-balanced conservative finite-difference algorithm for atmospheric flows." AAIA Journal, Accepted, 2015. [Preprint # ANL/MCS-P5371-0615].
Ilias Bilionis*, Beth A. Drewniak, and Emil M. Constantinescu, "Crop physiology calibration in the CLM."Vol 8(4), Pages 1071-1083, Geoscientific Model Development, 2015.
Debojyoti Ghosh*, Emil M. Constantinescu, and Jed Brown, "Efficient implementation of non-linear compact schemes on massively-parallel platforms." SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC), Vol. 37(3), Pages C354-C383, 2015. -> Technical report version.
{WEB}Ilias Bilionis*, Emil M. Constantinescu, and Mihai Anitescu, "Data-driven model for solar irradiation based on satellite observations." Vol 110, Pages 22-38, Solar Energy, 2014.
Mihai Anitescu, Xiaoyan Zeng*, and Emil M. Constantinescu, "A low-memory approach for best-state estimation of hidden Markov models with model error." SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (SINUM), Vol. 52(1), Pages 468-495, 2014.
Francis X Giraldo, James F. Kelly, and Emil Constantinescu, "Implicit-explicit formulations of a three-dimensional nonhydrostatic unified model of the atmosphere (NUMA)." SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC), Vol 35(5), pp B1162-B1194, 2013. [Preprint # ANL/MCS-P2083-0512]
Juan M. Salazar, Urmila Diwekar, Emil M. Constantinescu, and Victor Zavala, "Stochastic Optimization Approach to Water Management in Cooling-Constrained Power Plants." Applied Energy, Vol 112, pp 12-22, 2013.
Emil M. Constantinescu and Adrian Sandu, "Extrapolated multirate methods for differential equations with multiple time scales." Journal of
Scientific Computing, Vol. 56(1), pp 28-44, 2013.
Emil M. Constantinescu and Mihai Anitescu, "Physics-based covariance models for Gaussian processes with multiple outputs." International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification,Vol. 3(1), pp 47-71, 2013.
David E. Keyes, Lois Curfman McInnes, Carol Woodward, William Gropp, Eric Myra, Michael Pernice,
John Bell, Jed Brown, Alain Clo, Jeffrey Connors, Emil Constantinescu, Don Estep, Kate Evans,
Charbel Farhat, Ammar Hakim, Glenn Hammond, Glen Hansen, Judith Hill, Tobin Isaac, Xiaomin Jiao, Kirk Jordan,
Dinesh Kaushik, Efthimios Kaxiras, Alice Koniges, Kihwan Lee, Aaron Lott, Qiming Lu, John Magerlein,
Reed Maxwell, Michael McCourt, Miriam Mehl, Roger Pawlowski, Amanda Peters Randles, Daniel Reynolds,
Beatrice Rivière, Ulrich Rüde, Tim Scheibe, John Shadid, Brendan Sheehan, Mark Shephard, Andrew Siegel,
Barry Smith, Xianzhu Tang, Cian Wilson, and Barbara Wohlmuth "Multiphysics Simulations: Challenges and Opportunities." International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 27(1): 4-83, 2013.
-->> Tech Report verion: 
Xiaoyan Zeng*, Beth A. Drewniak, and Emil M. Constantinescu, "Calibration of the crop model in the Community Land Model." Vol. 6(1), Pages 379-398, Geoscientific Model Development, submitted; Preprint # ANL/MCS-P3054-1112, 2013.
D.E. Keyes, L.C. McInnes, C. Woodward, W.D. Gropp, E. Myra, M. Pernice, J. Bell, J. Brown, A. Clo, J. Connors, E. Constantinescu, D. Estep, K. Evans, C. Farhat, A. Hakim, G. Hammond, G. Hansen, J. Hill, T. Isaac, X. Jiao, K. Jordan, D. Kaushik, E. Kaxiras, A. Koniges, K. Lee, A. Lott, Q. Lu, J. Magerlein, R. Maxwell, M. McCourt, M. Mehl, R. Pawlowski, A. Peters, D. Reynolds, B. Rivière, U. Rüde, T. Scheibe, J. Shadid, B. Sheehan, M. Shephard, A. Siegel, B. Smith, X. Tang, C. Wilson, B. Wohlmuth, "Multiphysics Simulations: Challenges and Opportunities." Tech. Rep. ANL/MCS-TM-321, Revision 1.1, October 2012, Argonne National Laboratory. ICiS Multiphysics 2011 Workshop Report, Park City, Utah, July 30 - August 6, 2012. To appear as a special issue of the International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications.
Ricardo J. Bessa, Vladimiro Miranda, Audun Botterud, Jianhui Wang, and Emil Constantinescu, "Time Adaptive Conditional Kernel Density Estimation for Wind Power Forecasting." IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (Special Wind Energy issue), Vol. 3(4), Pages 660-669, 2012.
Emil M. Constantinescu,Victor Zavala, Matthew Rocklin*, Sangmin Lee, and Mihai Anitescu, "A Computational Framework for Uncertainty Quantification and Stochastic Optimization in Unit Commitment with Wind Power Generation." Vol. 26(1), Pages 431-441, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2011. Technical report version.
Adrian Sandu, Emil M. Constantinescu, Gregory R. Carmichael, Tianfeng Chai, Dacian Daescu and John Seinfeld "Ensemble Methods for Dynamic Data Assimilation of Chemical Observations in Atmospheric Models." Vol. 5(4), Pages 667-692, Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology, 2011.
Emil M. Constantinescu and Adrian Sandu, "Optimal strong-stability-preserving general linear methods." SIAM Journal of
Scientific Computing, Vol. 32(5), Pages 3130-3150, 2010. -> Technical report with complete results.
Victor Zavala, Emil M. Constantinescu, Theodore Krause, and Mihai Anitescu, "On-line economic optimization of energy systems using weather forecast information." Vol. 19(10), Pages 1725-1736, Journal of Process Control, 2009. -> Preprint version [ANL/MCS P1588-0309, Mar 2009]; Technical Memorandum [ANL/MCS-TM-305, Feb 2009].
Emil M. Constantinescu, "On the order of general linear methods." Vol. 22(9), Pages 1425-1428, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2009. -> Technical report version [ANL/MCS-P1555-1008, Oct 2008].
Emil M. Constantinescu and Adrian Sandu, "Extrapolated implicit-explicit time stepping." Vol. 31(6), Pages 4452-4477, SIAM Journal of
Scientific Computing, 2010. -> Technical report version.
Adrian Sandu and Emil M. Constantinescu, "Multirate explicit Adams methods for time integration of conservation laws." Vol. 38(2), Pages 229-249, Journal of
Scientific Computing, 2009. ->
Technical report version.
Emil M. Constantinescu, Adrian Sandu, and Gregory R. Carmichael, "Modeling atmospheric chemistry and transport with dynamic adaptive resolution." Vol. 12(2), Pages 133-151,
Computational Geosciences, 2008.
Emil M. Constantinescu and Adrian Sandu, "Multirate timestepping
methods for hyperbolic conservation laws." Vol. 33(3), Pages 239-278, Journal of
Scientific Computing, 2007. -> Technical report version.
Emil M. Constantinescu,
Adrian Sandu, Tianfeng Chai, and Gregory R. Carmichael, "Ensemble-based
chemical data assimilation I: General approach."Vol. 133(626), Pages 1229-1243, Quarterly Journal
of Royal Meteorological Society, 2007.
Emil M. Constantinescu,
Adrian Sandu, Tianfeng Chai, and Gregory R. Carmichael, "Ensemble-based chemical
data assimilation II: Covariance localization." Vol. 133(626), Pages 1245-1256, Quarterly Journal
of Royal Meteorological Society, 2007.
Emil M. Constantinescu, Tianfeng Chai, Adrian Sandu, and Gregory R. Carmichael,
"Autoregressive models of background errors for chemical data assimilation."
Vol. 112, Pages D12309, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2007.
Gregory R. Carmichael, Adrian Sandu, Tianfeng Chai, Dacian N. Daescu, Emil M. Constantinescu, and Youhua Tang, "Predicting air quality: Improvements through advanced methods to integrate models and measurements." Vol. 227(7), Pages 3540-3571, Journal of Computational Physics, Review, 2007.
Zhang, Emil M. Constantinescu, Adrian Sandu, Youhua Tang, Tianfeng Chai, Gregory R. Carmichael, Daewon Byun, and Eduardo Olaguer, "An adjoint sensitivity analysis and 4D-Var data assimilation study of Texas air quality," Vol. 42(23), Pages 5787 - 5804, Atmospheric Environment (special ACM issue), 2008.
Emil M.
Constantinescu, Adrian Sandu, Tianfeng Chai, and Gregory R. Carmichael,
"Assessment of ensemble-based chemical data assimilation in an idealized
setting." Vol. 41(1), Pages 18-36, Atmospheric Environment,
Research areas | Publications - [Journals - Proceedings - Reports] | Top
Sungho Shin, François Pacaud, Emil Constantinescu, and Mihai Anitescu,
"Constrained Policy Optimization for Stochastic Optimal Control under Nonstationary Uncertainties." Advances in Automotive Control , 2022.
Hong Zhang and Emil M. Constantinescu,
"Revolve-Based Adjoint Checkpointing for Multistage Time Integration."
; ICCS 2021 (International Conference on Computational Science 2021), In press.
Romit Maulik Vishwas Rao, Jiali Wang, Gianmarco Mengaldo, Emil Constantinescu, Bethany Lusch, Prasanna Balaprakash, Ian Foster, Rao Kotamarthi,
"AIEADA 1.0: Efficient high-dimensional variational data assimilation with machine-learned reduced-order models, " GMDD, DOI https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-2021-415, 2022.
Valeria Mele, Diego Romano, Emil Constantinescu, Luisa Carracciuolo, and Luisa D�Amore , "Performance evaluation for a PETSc Parallel-in-Time Solver based on the MGRIT algorithm." Springer's Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (LNCSE) Series, Euro-Par 2018; 24th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Turin, Italy, August 27 � 31, 2018.
Debojyoti Ghosh* and Emil M. Constantinescu, "Nonlinear compact finite-difference schemes with semi-implicit time stepping."Springer's Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (LNCSE) Series, ICOSAHOM 2014, Vol. 106, Pages 237-245, 2015.
Shrirang Abhyankar*, Barry Smith, and Emil M. Constantinescu, "Evaluation of overlapping restricted additive Schwarz preconditioning for parallel solution of very large power flow problems." Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on High Performance Computing, Networking and Analytics for the Power Grid, pp 5:1-5:8, 2013.
Emil M. Constantinescu, "High Order Partitioned Time Stepping Methods for Stiff Problems" at SIAM Computational Science and Engineering (CS&E) (SIAM CSE13), Boston, MA, Feb 25 - Mar 1, 2013.
Emil M. Constantinescu, "Consistency and stability considerations for implicit-explicit additive splittings" at SIAM Annual Meeting (SIAM AN12), Minneapolis, MN, July 9-13, 2012.
Barry Smith, Lois Curfman McInnes, Emil Constantinescu, Mark Adams, Satish Balay, Jed Brown, Matthew Knepley, and Hong Zhang, "PETSc's Software Strategy for the Design Space of Composable Extreme-Scale Solvers." (Preprint # ANL/MCS-P2059-0312) DOE Exascale Research Conference, April 16-18, 2012, Portland, OR, 2012.
Emil M. Constantinescu and Mihai Anitescu, "Physics-based auto- and cross-covariance models for Gaussian process regression" at SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (SIAM UQ12), Raleigh, NC, April 2-5, 2012.
Alexandru Cioaca*, Victor Zavala, and Emil M. Constantinescu, "Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis for Numerical Weather Prediction: Applications to Power Grid Optimization."1st International Workshop on High Performance Computing, Networking and Analytics for the Power Grid, Preprint # ANL/MCS-P1928-0911, Seattle, WA, USA, November 13, 2011.
Emil M. Constantinescu, Victor M. Zavala, and Mihai Anitescu, "Quantifying uncertainty in wind power predictions for stochastic unit commitment optimization" at SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS11), Long Beach, CA, March 21-24, 2011.
Ricardo J. Bessa, J. Sumaili, Vladimiro Miranda, Audun Botterud, Jianhui Wang, and Emil Constantinescu, "Time-adaptive kernel density forecast: a new method for wind power uncertainty modeling" at the 17th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC'11), Stockholm, Sweden, August 22-26, 2011.
Victor M. Zavala, Emil Constantinescu, and Mihai Anitescu, "Integration of Uncertainty Quantification and Stochastic Optimization in Power Grid Applications" at INFORMS Computing Society Conference (ICS2011), Monterey, CA, January 9-11, 2011.
Emil Constantinescu, "Uncertainty Quantification in Downscaling Procedures for Effective Decisions in Energy Systems" at the AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, CA, Dec 13-17, 2010.
Emil Constantinescu, Victor M. Zavala, and Mihai Anitescu, "Wind Power Forecasting Using Numerical Weather Prediction Models" at INFORMS 2010, Annual meeting, Austin TX, Nov 7-10, 2010.
Juan M. Salazar, Urmila Diwekar, Emil Constantinescu, and Victor M. Zavala, "Real-Time Water Management in Power Plants and Implications in Electricity Markets" at the AIChE meeting, Salt Lake City, UT (November 7 - 12, 2010) 2010.
Victor M. Zavala, Audun Botterud, Emil M. Constantinescu, and Jianhui Wang, "Computational and Economic Limitations of Dispatch Operations in the Next-Generation Power Grid." IEEE Conference on Innovative Technologies for an Efficient and Reliable Energy Supply, Boston, September 27-29, 2010.
Emil M. Constantinescu and Adrian Sandu, "Multirate explicit SSP methods for hyperbolic PDEs" in Time Discretizations for the Evolution of Time-dependent PDEs mini-symposium; SIAM Annual Meeting (AN10), Pittsburgh, PA, July 13, 2010.
Victor Zavala, Emil M. Constantinescu, and Mihai Anitescu, "Economic impacts of advanced weather forecasting in energy system operations." IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, January 19-21, 2010.
Victor M. Zavala, Jianhui Wang, Sven Leyffer, Emil M. Constantinescu, Mihai Anitescu, and Guenter Conzelmann, "Proactive energy management for next-generation building systems." SimBuild 2010, August 11-13, 2010.
Adrian Sandu and Emil M. Constantinescu, "Multirate time discretizations for hyperbolic partial differential equations." International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2009), Crete, Greece, 18-22 September; Vol. 1168(1), pp. 1411-1414, 2009.
Emil M. Constantinescu
and Adrian Sandu, "Explicit time stepping methods with high stage order and monotonicity properties."
International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) 2009, Baton Rouge, Louisiana,
May 25-27, 2009 [ Preprint ANL/MCS-P1576-0109, January 2009].
"On General Linear Time Stepping Methods." Presented by Emil M. Constantinescu at SIAM CS&E 2009 meeting, Miami, FL, March 2-6, 2009.
Emil M. Constantinescu,
"The certain importance of uncertainty in modeling and simulations." Laboratory for Advanced Numerical Simulations (LANS) Informal Seminar Series, Argonne National Laboratory, February 25, 2009.
Emil M. Constantinescu and Adrian Sandu,
"Challenges in Ensemble Kalman Data Assimilation for Atmospheric Chemical Transport Models." SIAM CS&E 2009, Miami, FL, March 2-6, 2009.
Emil M. Constantinescu and Adrian Sandu, "On Extrapolated multirate numerical integration methods."
ECMI 2008 (Springer Mathematics in Industry), 2008 -> Technical report version.
Adrian Sandu,
Emil M. Constantinescu, Gregory R. Carmichael, Tianfeng Chai, John H. Seinfeld, and Dacian Daescu,
"Localized ensemble Kalman dynamic data assimilation for atmospheric chemistry." International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), 2007.
Emil M. Constantinescu and Adrian Sandu,
"Strong stability preserving multirate schemes for hyperbolic conservation
laws." SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE
2007), Costa Mesa, CA, February
18-23, 2007.
Emil M. Constantinescu and Adrian Sandu,
"4D-Var computational tools for the assimilation of observations in chemical
transport models." SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
(CSE 2007), Costa Mesa, CA, February
18-23, 2007.
Dan Negrut, Mihai Anitescu, Anter El-Azab, Steve Benson, Emil Constantinescu,
Peter Zapol, and Toby Heyn,
"A real-space parallel optimization model reduction approach for
electronic structure computation in large nanostructures using orbital-free
density functional theory." IMECE 2006-15740, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and
Exposition, Chicago, IL, 2006.
Adrian Sandu, Emil M. Constantinescu, Wenyuan Liao, Gregory R. Carmichael,
Tianfeng Chai, John H. Seinfeld, and Dacian Daescu,
"Ensemble filter data assimilation for atmospheric chemical transport models."
International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) 2005, Atlanta, GA, May 22-25, 2005.
Emil M. Constantinescu
and Adrian Sandu, "On adaptive mesh refinement for atmospheric pollution
models."International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) 2005, pages 798-806 Atlanta, GA,
May 22-25, 2005.
Emil M. Constantinescu, Wenyuan Liao,
and Adrian Sandu, "Mesh refinement strategies in air quality modeling." High Performance Computing Symposium
(HPC) 2005, pages 158-163 - San Diego, CA, April 2-8, 2005.
Chaitaniya Belwal, Adrian Sandu, and Emil
Constantinescu, "Adaptive resolution modeling of regional air quality." ACM
Symposium on Applied Computing SAC 2004, pages 235-239, Nicosia, Cyprus, March
14-17, 2004.
Adrian Sandu, Chaitaniya Belwal, and Emil
Constantinescu, "Parallel adaptive simulations
of regional air quality." Presented at SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific
Computing; February 25-27, 2004.
Research areas | Publications - [Journals - Proceedings - Reports] | Top
Technical Reports:
Hong Zhang*, Shrirang S. Abhyankar, Emil M. Constantinescu, and Mihai Anitescu, Efficient adjoint computation of hybrid systems of differential algebraic equations with applications in power systems,” MCS Report, ANL/MCS-TM-360, Published Online in 2016.
Franck Cappello, Emil Constantinescu, Paul Hovland, Tom Peterka, Carolyn Phillips, Marc Snir, Stefan Wild, Improving the trust in results of numerical simulations and scientific data analytics,” MCS Report, ANL/MCS-TM-352, Published Online in April 2015.
Debojyoti Ghosh*, Emil M. Constantinescu, and Jed Brown, Scalable nonlinear compact schemes,” MCS Report, ANL/MCS-TM-340, Published Online in 2014.
Emil M. Constantinescu,Victor Zavala, Matthew Rocklin, Sangmin Lee, and Mihai Anitescu, "Unit Commitment with Wind Power Generation: Integrating Wind
Forecast Uncertainty and Stochastic Programming." Mathematics and Computer Science Division Technical Memorandum, ANL/MCS-TM-309, Argonne National Laboratory, Published Online in September 2009.
Victor Zavala, Emil M. Constantinescu, Theodore Krause, and Mihai Anitescu, "Exploiting Weather Forecast Information in the Operation of Integrated Energy Systems." Mathematics and Computer Science Division Technical Memorandum ANL/MCS-TM-305, Argonne National Laboratory, Published Online in February 2009.
Emil M. Constantinescu and Adrian Sandu, "Optimal Explicit Strong-Stability-Preserving General Linear Methods: Complete Results." Mathematics and Computer Science Division Technical Memorandum ANL/MCS-TM-304, Argonne National Laboratory, Published Online in January 2009.
Emil M. Constantinescu and Adrian Sandu, "On the order of general linear methods." Technical Report ANL/MCS/JA-62914, Mathematics and Computer Science, Argonne National Laboratory, Published Online in October 2008.
Emil M. Constantinescu and Adrian Sandu, "On Extrapolated Multirate Methods." Technical Report TR-08-12, Computer
Science, Virginia Tech, 2008.
Emil M. Constantinescu and Adrian Sandu, "Achieving Very High Order for Implicit Explicit Time Stepping: Extrapolation Methods."Mathematics and Computer Science Division Technical Memorandum ANL/MCS-TM-306, Argonne National Laboratory, April 2009.
Adrian Sandu and Emil M. Constantinescu, "Multirate explicit Adams methods for time integration of conservation laws." Technical Report TR-07-30(989), Computer
Science, Virginia Tech, 2007.
Emil M.
Constantinescu and Adrian Sandu, "Update on multirate timestepping
methods for hyperbolic conservation laws." Technical Report TR-07-12(955), Computer
Science, Virginia Tech, 2007.
Emil M. Constantinescu, Tianfeng Chai, Adrian Sandu, and Gregory R. Carmichael, "Autoregressive models of background errors for chemical data assimilation." Technical Report TR-06-22, Computer Science, Virginia Tech, 2006.
Emil M.
Constantinescu and Adrian Sandu, "Multirate timestepping
methods for hyperbolic conservation laws." Technical Report TR-06-15, Computer
Science, Virginia Tech, 2006.
Emil M. Constantinescu, Adrian Sandu, Tianfeng Chai, and Gregory R.
Carmichael, "Ensemble-based chemical data assimilation III: Filter
localization." Technical Report TR-06-08, Computer Science, Virginia Tech, 2006.
Emil M. Constantinescu, Adrian Sandu, Tianfeng Chai, and Gregory R.
Carmichael, "Ensemble-based chemical data assimilation II:
Real observations." Technical Report TR-06-07, Computer Science, Virginia Tech,
Emil M. Constantinescu, Adrian Sandu, Tianfeng Chai, and Gregory R.
Carmichael, "Ensemble-based chemical data assimilation I: An idealized
setting." Technical Report TR-06-06, Computer Science, Virginia Tech, 2006.
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