Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.0)
An array-based unstructured mesh library
cub2h5m.cpp File Reference
#include "moab/GeomQueryTool.hpp"
#include "moab/GeomTopoTool.hpp"
#include "InitCGMA.hpp"
#include "CGMApp.hpp"
#include "moab/CN.hpp"
#include "moab/Core.hpp"
#include "moab/CartVect.hpp"
#include "moab/FileOptions.hpp"
#include "moab/Skinner.hpp"
#include "quads_to_tris.hpp"
#include <limits>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
#include <ctime>
+ Include dependency graph for cub2h5m.cpp:

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void tokenize (const std::string &str, std::vector< std::string > &tokens, const char *delimiters)
ErrorCode get_group_names (Interface *MBI, const EntityHandle group_set, const Tag nameTag, std::vector< std::string > &grp_names)
ErrorCode summarize_cell_volume_change (Interface *MBI, const EntityHandle cgm_file_set, const Tag categoryTag, const Tag dimTag, const Tag sizeTag, const Tag nameTag, const Tag idTag, const bool conserve_mass, const bool debug)
ErrorCode remove_empty_cgm_surfs_and_vols (Interface *MBI, const EntityHandle cgm_file_set, const Tag idTag, const Tag dimTag, const bool)
ErrorCode build_new_surface (Interface *MBI, EntityHandle &new_surf, const EntityHandle forward_parent_vol, const EntityHandle reverse_parent_vol, const int new_surf_id, const Tag dimTag, const Tag idTag, const Tag categoryTag, const Tag senseTag)
ErrorCode orient_faces_outward (Interface *MBI, const Range &faces, const bool)
void plot_histogram (const std::string &title, const std::string &x_axis_label, const std::string &y_axis_label, const int n_bins, const double data[], const int n_data)
void generate_plots (const double orig[], const double defo[], const int n_elems, const std::string &time_step)
static double tet_volume (const CartVect &v0, const CartVect &v1, const CartVect &v2, const CartVect &v3)
double measure (Interface *MBI, const EntityHandle element)
ErrorCode get_signed_volume (Interface *MBI, const EntityHandle surf_set, const CartVect &offset, double &signed_volume)
ErrorCode fix_surface_senses (Interface *MBI, const EntityHandle cgm_file_set, const EntityHandle cub_file_set, const Tag idTag, const Tag dimTag, const Tag senseTag, const bool debug)
ErrorCode replace_faceted_cgm_surfs (Interface *MBI, const EntityHandle cgm_file_set, const EntityHandle cub_file_set, const Tag idTag, const Tag dimTag, const bool debug)
ErrorCode add_dead_elems_to_impl_compl (Interface *MBI, const EntityHandle cgm_file_set, const EntityHandle cub_file_set, const Tag idTag, const Tag dimTag, const Tag categoryTag, const Tag senseTag, const bool debug)
const char * get_geom_file_type (const char *filename)
const char * get_geom_fptr_type (FILE *file)
int is_cubit_file (FILE *file)
int is_step_file (FILE *file)
int is_iges_file (FILE *file)
int is_acis_txt_file (FILE *file)
int is_acis_bin_file (FILE *file)
int is_occ_brep_file (FILE *file)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])


double DEFAULT_DISTANCE = 0.001
double DEFAULT_LEN = 0.0

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 20 of file cub2h5m.cpp.



Definition at line 19 of file cub2h5m.cpp.



Definition at line 16 of file cub2h5m.cpp.



Definition at line 18 of file cub2h5m.cpp.



Definition at line 21 of file cub2h5m.cpp.



Definition at line 17 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ add_dead_elems_to_impl_compl()

ErrorCode add_dead_elems_to_impl_compl ( Interface MBI,
const EntityHandle  cgm_file_set,
const EntityHandle  cub_file_set,
const Tag  idTag,
const Tag  dimTag,
const Tag  categoryTag,
const Tag  senseTag,
const bool  debug 

Definition at line 860 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

868 {
870  // Get the cgm surfaces
871  ErrorCode result;
872  const int two = 2;
873  const void* const two_val[] = { &two };
874  Range cgm_surfs;
875  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( cgm_file_set, MBENTITYSET, &dimTag, two_val, 1, cgm_surfs );
876  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
878  // Get the maximum surface id. This is so that new surfaces do not have
879  // duplicate ids.
880  int max_surf_id = -1;
881  for( Range::const_iterator i = cgm_surfs.begin(); i != cgm_surfs.end(); ++i )
882  {
883  int surf_id;
884  result = MBI->tag_get_data( idTag, &( *i ), 1, &surf_id );
885  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
886  if( max_surf_id < surf_id ) max_surf_id = surf_id;
887  }
888  std::cout << " Maximum surface id=" << max_surf_id << std::endl;
890  // For each cgm volume, does a cub volume with the same id exist?
891  const int three = 3;
892  const void* const three_val[] = { &three };
893  Range cgm_vols;
894  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( cgm_file_set, MBENTITYSET, &dimTag, three_val, 1, cgm_vols );
895  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
897  // get the corresponding cub volume
898  for( Range::iterator i = cgm_vols.begin(); i != cgm_vols.end(); ++i )
899  {
900  int vol_id;
901  result = MBI->tag_get_data( idTag, &( *i ), 1, &vol_id );
902  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
903  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
904  std::cout << " Volume " << vol_id;
906  // Find the meshed vol set with the same id
907  Range cub_vol;
908  const Tag tags[] = { idTag, dimTag };
909  const void* const tag_vals[] = { &vol_id, &three };
910  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( cub_file_set, MBENTITYSET, tags, tag_vals, 2, cub_vol );
911  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
912  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
913  if( 1 != cub_vol.size() )
914  {
915  std::cout << ": no meshed representation found" << std::endl;
916  continue;
917  }
918  else
919  {
920  std::cout << std::endl;
921  }
923  // get the mesh elements of the volume.
924  Range elems;
925  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type( cub_vol.front(), MBHEX, elems );
926  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
927  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
928  if( debug ) std::cout << " found " << elems.size() << " hex elems" << std::endl;
930  // skin the volumes
931  Skinner tool( MBI );
932  Range skin_faces;
933  result = tool.find_skin( 0, elems, 2, skin_faces, true );
934  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
935  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
937  // Reconcile the difference between faces of the cub file surfaces and skin
938  // faces of the 3D mesh. The difference exists because dead elements have been
939  // removed. Faces are divided into:
940  // cub_faces (in) - the faces in the cub file surface
941  // skin_faces (in) - the faces of the 3D mesh elements
942  // common_faces (out)- the faces common to both the cub file surface and 3D mesh
943  // they are still adjacent to this volume
944  // old_faces (out)- the faces of the cub surface not on the 3D mesh skin
945  // they are no longer adjacent to this vol
946  // new_faces (out)- the faces of the 3D mesh skin not on the cub surface
947  // they are now adjacent to this volume
949  // get cub child surfaces.
950  Range cub_surfs;
951  result = MBI->get_child_meshsets( cub_vol.front(), cub_surfs );
952  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
953  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
954  for( Range::iterator j = cub_surfs.begin(); j != cub_surfs.end(); ++j )
955  {
956  int surf_id;
957  result = MBI->tag_get_data( idTag, &( *j ), 1, &surf_id );
958  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
959  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
960  // get the quads on each surface
961  Range cub_faces;
962  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type( *j, MBQUAD, cub_faces );
963  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
964  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
965  // Meshed volumes must have meshed surfaces
966  if( cub_faces.empty() )
967  {
968  std::cout << " Surface " << surf_id << ": contains no meshed faces" << std::endl;
969  // return MB_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND;
970  }
971  // get the faces common to both the skin and this surface
972  Range common_faces = intersect( cub_faces, skin_faces );
973  // find the surface faces not on the skin - these are old and need removed
974  Range old_faces = subtract( cub_faces, common_faces );
975  result = MBI->remove_entities( *j, old_faces );
976  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
977  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
979  // remove the common faces from the skin faces
980  skin_faces = subtract( skin_faces, common_faces );
981  // If no old faces exist we are done
982  if( old_faces.empty() ) continue;
983  std::cout << " Surface " << surf_id << ": " << old_faces.size() << " old faces removed" << std::endl;
984  // Place the old faces in a new surface, because they may still be adjacent
985  // to 3D mesh in another volume. Get the parent vols of the surface.
986  Range cgm_surf;
987  const Tag tags2[] = { idTag, dimTag };
988  const void* const tag_vals2[] = { &surf_id, &two };
989  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( cgm_file_set, MBENTITYSET, tags2, tag_vals2, 2, cgm_surf );
990  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
991  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
992  if( 1 != cgm_surf.size() )
993  {
994  std::cout << "invalid size" << std::endl;
995  return MB_INVALID_SIZE;
996  }
997  EntityHandle cgm_vols2[2], cub_vols[2];
998  result = MBI->tag_get_data( senseTag, cgm_surf, &cgm_vols2 );
999  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
1000  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1001  result = MBI->tag_get_data( senseTag, &( *j ), 1, &cub_vols );
1002  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
1003  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1004  // for the new surf, replace the current volume with the impl compl vol.
1005  // This is because the faces that no longer exist will become adjacent to
1006  // the impl compl
1007  if( *i == cgm_vols2[0] )
1008  {
1009  cgm_vols2[0] = 0;
1010  cub_vols[0] = 0;
1011  }
1012  if( *i == cgm_vols2[1] )
1013  {
1014  cgm_vols2[1] = 0;
1015  cub_vols[1] = 0;
1016  }
1017  // If both sides of the surface are the impl comp, do not create the surface.
1018  if( 0 == cgm_vols2[0] && 0 == cgm_vols2[1] )
1019  {
1020  std::cout << " New surface was not created for old faces because both parents "
1021  "are impl_compl volume "
1022  << std::endl;
1023  continue;
1024  }
1025  // build the new surface.
1026  EntityHandle new_cgm_surf, new_cub_surf;
1027  ++max_surf_id;
1028  result = build_new_surface( MBI, new_cgm_surf, cgm_vols2[0], cgm_vols2[1], max_surf_id, dimTag, idTag,
1029  categoryTag, senseTag );
1030  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
1031  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1032  result = build_new_surface( MBI, new_cub_surf, cub_vols[0], cub_vols[1], max_surf_id, dimTag, idTag,
1033  categoryTag, senseTag );
1034  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
1035  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1036  // add the new surface to the file set and populate it with the old faces
1037  result = MBI->add_entities( cgm_file_set, &new_cgm_surf, 1 );
1038  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
1039  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1040  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
1041  result = MBI->add_entities( cub_file_set, &new_cub_surf, 1 );
1042  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1043  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
1044  result = MBI->add_entities( new_cub_surf, old_faces );
1045  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
1046  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1048  std::cout << " Surface " << max_surf_id << ": created for " << old_faces.size() << " old faces"
1049  << std::endl;
1050  }
1052  // the remaining skin faces are newly exposed faces
1053  Range new_faces = skin_faces;
1055  // new skin faces must be assigned to a surface
1056  if( new_faces.empty() ) continue;
1057  std::cout << " Surface " << max_surf_id + 1 << ": created for " << new_faces.size() << " new faces"
1058  << std::endl;
1060  // Ensure that faces are oriented outwards
1061  result = orient_faces_outward( MBI, new_faces, debug );
1062  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
1063  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1065  // Create the new surface.
1066  EntityHandle new_cgm_surf, new_cub_surf;
1067  ++max_surf_id;
1068  result = build_new_surface( MBI, new_cgm_surf, *i, 0, max_surf_id, dimTag, idTag, categoryTag, senseTag );
1069  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
1070  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1071  result = build_new_surface( MBI, new_cub_surf, cub_vol.front(), 0, max_surf_id, dimTag, idTag, categoryTag,
1072  senseTag );
1073  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
1074  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1075  // Insert the new surf into file sets and populate it with faces.
1076  result = MBI->add_entities( cgm_file_set, &new_cgm_surf, 1 );
1077  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
1078  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1079  result = MBI->add_entities( cub_file_set, &new_cub_surf, 1 );
1080  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
1081  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1082  result = MBI->add_entities( new_cub_surf, new_faces );
1083  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
1084  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1085  }
1087  return MB_SUCCESS;
1088 }

References moab::Range::begin(), build_new_surface(), moab::debug, moab::Range::empty(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::Skinner::find_skin(), moab::Range::front(), idTag, moab::intersect(), MB_INVALID_SIZE, MB_SUCCESS, MBENTITYSET, MBHEX, MBI, MBQUAD, orient_faces_outward(), moab::Range::size(), and moab::subtract().

Referenced by main().

◆ build_new_surface()

ErrorCode build_new_surface ( Interface MBI,
EntityHandle new_surf,
const EntityHandle  forward_parent_vol,
const EntityHandle  reverse_parent_vol,
const int  new_surf_id,
const Tag  dimTag,
const Tag  idTag,
const Tag  categoryTag,
const Tag  senseTag 

Definition at line 300 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

309 {
311  ErrorCode result;
312  result = MBI->create_meshset( 0, new_surf );
313  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
314  if( 0 != forward_parent_vol )
315  {
316  result = MBI->add_parent_child( forward_parent_vol, new_surf );
317  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
318  }
319  if( 0 != reverse_parent_vol )
320  {
321  result = MBI->add_parent_child( reverse_parent_vol, new_surf );
322  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
323  }
324  const int two = 2;
325  result = MBI->tag_set_data( dimTag, &new_surf, 1, &two );
326  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
327  result = MBI->tag_set_data( idTag, &new_surf, 1, &new_surf_id );
328  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
329  const char geom_category[CATEGORY_TAG_SIZE] = { "Surface\0" };
330  result = MBI->tag_set_data( categoryTag, &new_surf, 1, &geom_category );
331  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
332  EntityHandle vols[2] = { forward_parent_vol, reverse_parent_vol };
333  result = MBI->tag_set_data( senseTag, &new_surf, 1, vols );
334  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
336  return MB_SUCCESS;
337 }

References CATEGORY_TAG_SIZE, ErrorCode, moab::geom_category, idTag, MB_SUCCESS, and MBI.

Referenced by add_dead_elems_to_impl_compl().

◆ fix_surface_senses()

ErrorCode fix_surface_senses ( Interface MBI,
const EntityHandle  cgm_file_set,
const EntityHandle  cub_file_set,
const Tag  idTag,
const Tag  dimTag,
const Tag  senseTag,
const bool  debug 

Definition at line 694 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

701 {
702  ErrorCode result;
703  const int two = 2;
704  const void* const two_val[] = { &two };
705  Range cgm_surfs;
706  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( cgm_file_set, MBENTITYSET, &dimTag, two_val, 1, cgm_surfs );
707  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
708  for( Range::iterator i = cgm_surfs.begin(); i != cgm_surfs.end(); ++i )
709  {
710  int surf_id;
711  result = MBI->tag_get_data( idTag, &( *i ), 1, &surf_id );
712  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
714  // Find the meshed surface set with the same id
715  Range cub_surf;
716  const Tag tags[] = { idTag, dimTag };
717  const void* const tag_vals[] = { &surf_id, &two };
718  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( cub_file_set, MBENTITYSET, tags, tag_vals, 2, cub_surf );
719  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
720  if( 1 != cub_surf.size() )
721  {
722  std::cout << " Surface " << surf_id << ": no meshed representation found, using CAD representation instead"
723  << std::endl;
724  continue;
725  }
727  // Get tris that represent the quads of the cub surf
728  Range quads;
729  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type( cub_surf.front(), MBQUAD, quads );
730  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
731  Range cub_tris;
732  result = make_tris_from_quads( MBI, quads, cub_tris );
733  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
735  // Add the tris to the same surface meshset as the quads are inside.
736  result = MBI->add_entities( cub_surf.front(), cub_tris );
737  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
739  // get the signed volume for each surface representation. Keep trying until
740  // The signed volumes are much greater than numerical precision. Planar
741  // surfaces will have a signed volume of zero if the plane goes through the
742  // origin, unless we apply an offset.
743  const int n_attempts = 100;
744  const int max_random = 10;
745  const double min_signed_vol = 0.1;
746  double cgm_signed_vol, cub_signed_vol;
747  for( int j = 0; j < n_attempts; ++j )
748  {
749  cgm_signed_vol = 0;
750  cub_signed_vol = 0;
751  CartVect offset( std::rand() % max_random, std::rand() % max_random, std::rand() % max_random );
752  result = get_signed_volume( MBI, *i, offset, cgm_signed_vol );
753  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
754  result = get_signed_volume( MBI, cub_surf.front(), offset, cub_signed_vol );
755  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
756  if( debug )
757  std::cout << " surf_id=" << surf_id << " cgm_signed_vol=" << cgm_signed_vol
758  << " cub_signed_vol=" << cub_signed_vol << std::endl;
759  if( fabs( cgm_signed_vol ) > min_signed_vol && fabs( cub_signed_vol ) > min_signed_vol ) break;
760  if( n_attempts == j + 1 )
761  {
762  std::cout << "error: signed volume could not be calculated unambiguously" << std::endl;
763  return MB_FAILURE;
764  }
765  }
767  // If the sign is different, reverse the cgm senses so that both
768  // representations have the same signed volume.
769  if( ( cgm_signed_vol < 0 && cub_signed_vol > 0 ) || ( cgm_signed_vol > 0 && cub_signed_vol < 0 ) )
770  {
771  EntityHandle cgm_surf_volumes[2], reversed_cgm_surf_volumes[2];
772  result = MBI->tag_get_data( senseTag, &( *i ), 1, cgm_surf_volumes );
773  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
774  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
776  reversed_cgm_surf_volumes[0] = cgm_surf_volumes[1];
777  reversed_cgm_surf_volumes[1] = cgm_surf_volumes[0];
779  result = MBI->tag_set_data( senseTag, &( *i ), 1, reversed_cgm_surf_volumes );
780  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
781  }
782  }
784  return MB_SUCCESS;
785 }

References moab::Range::begin(), moab::debug, moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::Range::front(), get_signed_volume(), idTag, make_tris_from_quads(), MB_SUCCESS, MBENTITYSET, MBI, MBQUAD, and moab::Range::size().

Referenced by main().

◆ generate_plots()

void generate_plots ( const double  orig[],
const double  defo[],
const int  n_elems,
const std::string &  time_step 

Definition at line 570 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

571 {
573  // find volume ratio then max and min
574  double* ratio = new double[n_elems];
575  for( int i = 0; i < n_elems; ++i )
576  ratio[i] = ( defo[i] - orig[i] ) / orig[i];
578  plot_histogram( "Predeformed Element Volume", "Num_Elems", "Volume [cc]", 10, orig, n_elems );
579  std::string title = "Element Volume Change Ratio at Time Step " + time_step;
580  plot_histogram( title, "Num_Elems", "Volume Ratio", 10, ratio, n_elems );
581  delete[] ratio;
582 }

References plot_histogram().

Referenced by main().

◆ get_geom_file_type()

const char * get_geom_file_type ( const char *  filename)

Definition at line 1440 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

1441 {
1442  FILE* file;
1443  const char* result = 0;
1445  file = fopen( name, "r" );
1446  if( file )
1447  {
1448  result = get_geom_fptr_type( file );
1449  fclose( file );
1450  }
1452  return result;
1453 }

References get_geom_fptr_type().

Referenced by main().

◆ get_geom_fptr_type()

const char * get_geom_fptr_type ( FILE *  file)

Definition at line 1455 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

1456 {
1457  static const char* CUBIT_NAME = GF_CUBIT_FILE_TYPE;
1458  static const char* STEP_NAME = GF_STEP_FILE_TYPE;
1459  static const char* IGES_NAME = GF_IGES_FILE_TYPE;
1460  static const char* SAT_NAME = GF_ACIS_TXT_FILE_TYPE;
1461  static const char* SAB_NAME = GF_ACIS_BIN_FILE_TYPE;
1462  static const char* BREP_NAME = GF_OCC_BREP_FILE_TYPE;
1464  if( is_cubit_file( file ) )
1465  return CUBIT_NAME;
1466  else if( is_step_file( file ) )
1467  return STEP_NAME;
1468  else if( is_iges_file( file ) )
1469  return IGES_NAME;
1470  else if( is_acis_bin_file( file ) )
1471  return SAB_NAME;
1472  else if( is_acis_txt_file( file ) )
1473  return SAT_NAME;
1474  else if( is_occ_brep_file( file ) )
1475  return BREP_NAME;
1476  else
1477  return 0;
1478 }

References GF_ACIS_BIN_FILE_TYPE, GF_ACIS_TXT_FILE_TYPE, GF_CUBIT_FILE_TYPE, GF_IGES_FILE_TYPE, GF_OCC_BREP_FILE_TYPE, GF_STEP_FILE_TYPE, is_acis_bin_file(), is_acis_txt_file(), is_cubit_file(), is_iges_file(), is_occ_brep_file(), and is_step_file().

Referenced by get_geom_file_type().

◆ get_group_names()

ErrorCode get_group_names ( Interface MBI,
const EntityHandle  group_set,
const Tag  nameTag,
std::vector< std::string > &  grp_names 

Definition at line 41 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

45 {
46  // get names
47  char name0[NAME_TAG_SIZE];
48  std::fill( name0, name0 + NAME_TAG_SIZE, '\0' );
49  ErrorCode result = MBI->tag_get_data( nameTag, &group_set, 1, &name0 );
50  if( MB_SUCCESS != result && MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND != result ) return MB_FAILURE;
52  if( MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND != result ) grp_names.push_back( std::string( name0 ) );
54  return MB_SUCCESS;
55 }

References ErrorCode, MB_SUCCESS, MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND, MBI, NAME_TAG_SIZE, and nameTag.

Referenced by summarize_cell_volume_change().

◆ get_signed_volume()

ErrorCode get_signed_volume ( Interface MBI,
const EntityHandle  surf_set,
const CartVect offset,
double &  signed_volume 

Definition at line 653 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

657 {
658  ErrorCode rval;
659  Range tris;
660  rval = MBI->get_entities_by_type( surf_set, MBTRI, tris );
661  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
662  signed_volume = 0.0;
663  const EntityHandle* conn;
664  int len;
665  CartVect coords[3];
666  for( Range::iterator j = tris.begin(); j != tris.end(); ++j )
667  {
668  rval = MBI->get_connectivity( *j, conn, len, true );
669  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
670  if( 3 != len ) return MB_INVALID_SIZE;
671  rval = MBI->get_coords( conn, 3, coords[0].array() );
672  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
674  // Apply offset to avoid calculating 0 for cases when the origin is in the
675  // plane of the surface.
676  for( unsigned int k = 0; k < 3; ++k )
677  {
678  coords[k][0] += offset[0];
679  coords[k][1] += offset[1];
680  coords[k][2] += offset[2];
681  }
683  coords[1] -= coords[0];
684  coords[2] -= coords[0];
685  signed_volume += ( coords[0] % ( coords[1] * coords[2] ) );
686  }
687  return MB_SUCCESS;
688 }

References moab::Range::begin(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, MB_INVALID_SIZE, MB_SUCCESS, MBI, and MBTRI.

Referenced by fix_surface_senses().

◆ is_acis_bin_file()

int is_acis_bin_file ( FILE *  file)

Definition at line 1498 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

1499 {
1500  char buffer[15];
1501  return !fseek( file, 0, SEEK_SET ) && fread( buffer, 15, 1, file ) && !memcmp( buffer, "ACIS BinaryFile", 9 );
1502 }

References buffer.

Referenced by get_geom_fptr_type().

◆ is_acis_txt_file()

int is_acis_txt_file ( FILE *  file)

Definition at line 1504 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

1505 {
1506  char buffer[5];
1507  int version, length;
1509  if( fseek( file, 0, SEEK_SET ) || 2 != fscanf( file, "%d %*d %*d %*d %d ", &version, &length ) ) return 0;
1511  if( version < 1 || version > 0xFFFF ) return 0;
1513  // Skip application name
1514  if( fseek( file, length, SEEK_CUR ) ) return 0;
1516  // Read length of version string followed by first 5 characters
1517  if( 2 != fscanf( file, "%d %4s", &length, buffer ) ) return 0;
1519  return !strcmp( buffer, "ACIS" );
1520 }

References buffer, and length().

Referenced by get_geom_fptr_type().

◆ is_cubit_file()

int is_cubit_file ( FILE *  file)

Definition at line 1480 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

1481 {
1482  unsigned char buffer[4];
1483  return !fseek( file, 0, SEEK_SET ) && fread( buffer, 4, 1, file ) && !memcmp( buffer, "CUBE", 4 );
1484 }

References buffer.

Referenced by get_geom_fptr_type().

◆ is_iges_file()

int is_iges_file ( FILE *  file)

Definition at line 1492 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

1493 {
1494  unsigned char buffer[10];
1495  return !fseek( file, 72, SEEK_SET ) && fread( buffer, 10, 1, file ) && !memcmp( buffer, "S 1\r\n", 10 );
1496 }

References buffer.

Referenced by get_geom_fptr_type().

◆ is_occ_brep_file()

int is_occ_brep_file ( FILE *  file)

Definition at line 1522 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

1523 {
1524  unsigned char buffer[6];
1525  return !fseek( file, 0, SEEK_SET ) && fread( buffer, 6, 1, file ) && !memcmp( buffer, "DBRep_", 6 );
1526 }

References buffer.

Referenced by get_geom_fptr_type().

◆ is_step_file()

int is_step_file ( FILE *  file)

Definition at line 1486 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

1487 {
1488  unsigned char buffer[9];
1489  return !fseek( file, 0, SEEK_SET ) && fread( buffer, 9, 1, file ) && !memcmp( buffer, "ISO-10303", 9 );
1490 }

References buffer.

Referenced by get_geom_fptr_type().

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 1129 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

1130 {
1131  clock_t start_time = clock();
1133  const bool debug = false;
1134  const char* file_type = NULL;
1136  const char* cub_name = 0;
1137  const char* exo_name = 0;
1138  const char* out_name = 0;
1139  const char* time_step = 0;
1140  const char* sat_name = 0;
1141  double dist_tol = 0.001, len_tol = 0.0;
1142  int norm_tol = 5;
1144  if( 6 != argc && 9 != argc )
1145  {
1146  std::cerr << "To read meshed geometry for MOAB:" << std::endl;
1147  std::cerr << "$> <cub_file.cub> <acis_file.sat> <facet_tol> <output_file.h5m> conserve_mass<bool>" << std::endl;
1148  std::cerr << "To read meshed geometry for MOAB and update node coordinates:" << std::endl;
1149  std::cerr << "$> <cub_file.cub> <acis_file.sat> <facet_tol> <output_file.h5m> "
1150  "<deformed_exo_file.e> time_step<int> check_vol_change<bool> conserve_mass<bool>"
1151  << std::endl;
1152  exit( 4 );
1153  }
1155  // check filenames for proper suffix
1156  std::string temp;
1157  cub_name = argv[1];
1158  temp.assign( cub_name );
1159  if( std::string::npos == temp.find( ".cub" ) )
1160  {
1161  std::cerr << "cub_file does not have correct suffix" << std::endl;
1162  return 1;
1163  }
1164  sat_name = argv[2]; // needed because the cub file's embedded sat file does not have groups
1165  temp.assign( sat_name );
1166  if( std::string::npos == temp.find( ".sat" ) )
1167  {
1168  std::cerr << "sat_file does not have correct suffix" << std::endl;
1169  return 1;
1170  }
1171  out_name = argv[4];
1172  temp.assign( out_name );
1173  if( std::string::npos == temp.find( ".h5m" ) )
1174  {
1175  std::cerr << "out_file does not have correct suffix" << std::endl;
1176  return 1;
1177  }
1179  // get the facet tolerance
1180  dist_tol = atof( argv[3] );
1181  if( 0 > dist_tol || 1 < dist_tol )
1182  {
1183  std::cout << "error: facet_tolerance=" << dist_tol << std::endl;
1184  return 1;
1185  }
1187  // Should the nodes be updated?
1188  bool update_coords = false;
1189  if( 9 == argc )
1190  {
1191  exo_name = argv[5];
1192  temp.assign( exo_name );
1193  if( std::string::npos == temp.find( ".e" ) )
1194  {
1195  std::cerr << "e_file does not have correct suffix" << std::endl;
1196  return 1;
1197  }
1198  time_step = argv[6];
1199  update_coords = true;
1200  }
1202  // Should the volume change be determined?
1203  bool determine_volume_change = false;
1204  if( 9 == argc )
1205  {
1206  temp.assign( argv[7] );
1207  if( std::string::npos != temp.find( "true" ) ) determine_volume_change = true;
1208  }
1210  // Should densities be changed to conserve mass?
1211  bool conserve_mass = false;
1212  if( 9 == argc )
1213  {
1214  temp.assign( argv[8] );
1215  if( std::string::npos != temp.find( "true" ) ) conserve_mass = true;
1216  }
1217  else if( 6 == argc )
1218  {
1219  temp.assign( argv[5] );
1220  if( std::string::npos != temp.find( "true" ) ) conserve_mass = true;
1221  }
1223  // Get CGM file type
1224  if( !file_type )
1225  {
1226  file_type = get_geom_file_type( cub_name );
1227  if( !file_type )
1228  {
1229  std::cerr << cub_name << " : unknown file type, try '-t'" << std::endl;
1230  exit( 1 );
1231  }
1232  }
1234  // Read the mesh from the cub file with Tqcdfr
1235  Core* MBI = new Core();
1236  ErrorCode result;
1237  EntityHandle cub_file_set;
1238  result = MBI->create_meshset( 0, cub_file_set );
1239  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1240  // Do not ignore the Cubit file version. In testing, a cub file from Cubit12
1241  // did not work.
1242  // char cub_options[256] = "120";
1243  // char cub_options[256] = "IGNORE_VERSION";
1244  // result = MBI->load_file(cub_name, &cub_file_set, cub_options, NULL, 0, 0);
1245  result = MBI->load_file( cub_name, &cub_file_set, 0, NULL, 0, 0 );
1246  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
1247  {
1248  std::cout << "error: problem reading cub file" << std::endl;
1249  return result;
1250  }
1251  std::cout << "Mesh file read." << std::endl;
1253  // Read the ACIS file with ReadCGM
1254  char cgm_options[256];
1255  std::cout << " facet tolerance=" << dist_tol << std::endl;
1256  sprintf( cgm_options,
1258  "LENGTH=%g;",
1259  dist_tol, norm_tol, len_tol );
1260  EntityHandle cgm_file_set;
1261  result = MBI->create_meshset( 0, cgm_file_set );
1262  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1263  result = MBI->load_file( sat_name, &cgm_file_set, cgm_options, NULL, 0, 0 );
1264  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
1265  {
1266  std::cout << "error: problem reading sat file" << std::endl;
1267  return result;
1268  }
1269  std::cout << "CAD file read." << std::endl;
1271  // Create tags
1272  Tag dimTag, idTag, categoryTag, senseTag, sizeTag, nameTag;
1273  result = MBI->tag_get_handle( GEOM_DIMENSION_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, dimTag, MB_TAG_SPARSE | MB_TAG_CREAT );
1274  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1275  idTag = MBI->globalId_tag();
1276  result = MBI->tag_get_handle( CATEGORY_TAG_NAME, CATEGORY_TAG_SIZE, MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, categoryTag,
1278  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1279  result = MBI->tag_get_handle( "GEOM_SENSE_2", 2, MB_TYPE_HANDLE, senseTag, MB_TAG_SPARSE | MB_TAG_CREAT );
1280  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1281  result = MBI->tag_get_handle( "GEOM_SIZE", 1, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, sizeTag, MB_TAG_DENSE | MB_TAG_CREAT );
1282  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1284  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1286  // Create triangles from the quads of the cub surface sets and add them to the
1287  // cub surface sets. Get the signed volume of each surface for both cgm and
1288  // cub representations. Change the sense of the cgm representation to match
1289  // the cub representation.
1290  result = fix_surface_senses( MBI, cgm_file_set, cub_file_set, idTag, dimTag, senseTag, debug );
1291  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1292  std::cout << "Fixed CAD surface senses to match meshed surface senses." << std::endl;
1294  // Get the 3D elements in the cub file and measure their volume.
1295  Range orig_elems;
1296  std::vector< double > orig_size;
1297  if( determine_volume_change )
1298  {
1299  result = MBI->get_entities_by_dimension( 0, 3, orig_elems );
1300  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1301  orig_size.resize( orig_elems.size() );
1302  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < orig_elems.size(); ++i )
1303  {
1304  orig_size[i] = measure( MBI, orig_elems[i] );
1305  }
1306  }
1308  // Before updating the nodes and removing dead elements, force the cub volume
1309  // sets to track ownership so that dead elements will be deleted from the sets.
1310  const int three = 3;
1311  const void* const three_val[] = { &three };
1312  Range cub_vols;
1313  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( cub_file_set, MBENTITYSET, &dimTag, three_val, 1, cub_vols );
1314  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1315  for( Range::const_iterator i = cub_vols.begin(); i != cub_vols.end(); ++i )
1316  {
1317  result = MBI->set_meshset_options( *i, MESHSET_TRACK_OWNER );
1318  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1319  }
1321  // Tag volume sets with the undeformed size of each volume.
1322  Range vol_sets;
1323  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( cgm_file_set, MBENTITYSET, &dimTag, three_val, 1, vol_sets );
1324  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1326  moab::GeomTopoTool gtt = moab::GeomTopoTool( MBI, false );
1329  for( Range::const_iterator i = vol_sets.begin(); i != vol_sets.end(); ++i )
1330  {
1331  double size;
1332  result = gqt.measure_volume( *i, size );
1333  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1334  result = MBI->tag_set_data( sizeTag, &( *i ), 1, &size );
1335  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1336  }
1338  // Update the coordinates if needed. Do not do this before checking surface
1339  // sense, because the coordinate update could deform the surfaces too much
1340  // to make an accurate comparison.
1341  // The cub node ids are unique because cgm vertex ids are tagged on the vertex
1342  // meshset and not the vertex itself.
1343  // result = MBI->delete_entities( &cub_file_set, 1 );
1344  // if(MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
1345  // Assume dead elements exist until I think of something better.
1346  bool dead_elements_exist = true;
1347  if( update_coords )
1348  {
1349  // ReadNCDF my_ex_reader(MBI);
1350  char exo_options[120] = "tdata=coord,";
1351  strcat( exo_options, time_step );
1352  strcat( exo_options, ",set" );
1353  // FileOptions exo_opts(exo_options) ;
1354  // opts = "tdata=coord, 100, sum, temp.exo";
1355  // result = my_ex_reader.load_file(exo_name, cgm_file_set, exo_opts, NULL, 0 , 0);
1356  // result = my_ex_reader.load_file(exo_name, cub_file_set, exo_opts, NULL, 0 , 0);
1357  // result = my_ex_reader.load_file(exo_name, &cub_file_set, exo_opts, NULL, 0 , 0);
1358  MBI->load_file( exo_name, &cub_file_set, exo_options );
1359  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
1360  {
1361  std::string last_error;
1362  MBI->get_last_error( last_error );
1363  std::cout << "coordinate update failed, " << last_error << std::endl;
1364  return result;
1365  }
1366  std::cout << "Updated mesh nodes with deformed coordinates from exodus file." << std::endl;
1367  }
1369  if( determine_volume_change )
1370  {
1371  // Dead elements have been removed by the deformation. Get the elements that
1372  // still exist.
1373  Range defo_elems;
1374  result = MBI->get_entities_by_dimension( 0, 3, defo_elems );
1375  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1377  // Determine the volume of the elements now that a deformation has been
1378  // applied. Condense the original array by removing dead elements.
1379  double* orig_size_condensed = new double[defo_elems.size()];
1380  double* defo_size_condensed = new double[defo_elems.size()];
1381  int j = 0;
1382  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < orig_elems.size(); ++i )
1383  {
1384  if( orig_elems[i] == defo_elems[j] )
1385  {
1386  orig_size_condensed[j] = orig_size[i];
1387  defo_size_condensed[j] = measure( MBI, defo_elems[j] );
1388  ++j;
1389  }
1390  }
1391  generate_plots( orig_size_condensed, defo_size_condensed, defo_elems.size(), std::string( time_step ) );
1392  delete[] orig_size_condensed; // can't use the same delete[] for both
1393  delete[] defo_size_condensed;
1394  }
1396  // Deal with dead elements. For now, add them to the impl_compl volume.
1397  // Extra surfaces are created to do this.
1398  if( update_coords && dead_elements_exist )
1399  {
1400  result = add_dead_elems_to_impl_compl( MBI, cgm_file_set, cub_file_set, idTag, dimTag, categoryTag, senseTag,
1401  debug );
1402  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1403  std::cout << "Placed dead elements in implicit complement volume and added required surfaces." << std::endl;
1404  }
1406  // The quads in the cub_file_set have been updated for dead elements. For each
1407  // cgm_surf, if there exists a cub_surf with the same id, replace the cgm tris
1408  // with cub_tris (created from the quads). Note the a surface that is not
1409  // meshed (in cub file) will not be effected.
1410  result = replace_faceted_cgm_surfs( MBI, cgm_file_set, cub_file_set, idTag, dimTag, debug );
1411  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1412  std::cout << "Replaced faceted CAD surfaces with meshed surfaces of triangles." << std::endl;
1414  result = remove_empty_cgm_surfs_and_vols( MBI, cgm_file_set, idTag, dimTag, debug );
1415  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1416  std::cout << "Removed surfaces and volumes that no longer have any triangles." << std::endl;
1418  // For each material, sum the volume. If the coordinates were updated for
1419  // deformation, summarize the volume change.
1420  result = summarize_cell_volume_change( MBI, cgm_file_set, categoryTag, dimTag, sizeTag, nameTag, idTag,
1421  conserve_mass, debug );
1422  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1423  std::cout << "Summarized the volume change of each material, with respect to the solid model." << std::endl;
1425  result = MBI->write_mesh( out_name, &cgm_file_set, 1 );
1426  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
1427  {
1428  std::cout << "write mesh failed" << std::endl;
1429  return result;
1430  }
1431  std::cout << "Saved output file for mesh-based analysis." << std::endl;
1433  clock_t end_time = clock();
1434  std::cout << " " << (double)( end_time - start_time ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << std::endl;
1435  std::cout << std::endl;
1437  return 0;
1438 }

References add_dead_elems_to_impl_compl(), moab::Range::begin(), CATEGORY_TAG_NAME, CATEGORY_TAG_SIZE, moab::debug, moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, fix_surface_senses(), generate_plots(), GEOM_DIMENSION_TAG_NAME, get_geom_file_type(), idTag, MB_SUCCESS, MB_TAG_CREAT, MB_TAG_DENSE, MB_TAG_SPARSE, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, MB_TYPE_HANDLE, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, MBENTITYSET, MBI, moab::measure(), moab::GeomQueryTool::measure_volume(), MESHSET_TRACK_OWNER, NAME_TAG_NAME, NAME_TAG_SIZE, nameTag, remove_empty_cgm_surfs_and_vols(), replace_faceted_cgm_surfs(), size, moab::Range::size(), start_time, and summarize_cell_volume_change().

◆ measure()

double measure ( Interface MBI,
const EntityHandle  element 

Definition at line 591 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

592 {
593  EntityType type = MBI->type_from_handle( element );
595  const EntityHandle* conn;
596  int num_vertices;
597  ErrorCode result = MBI->get_connectivity( element, conn, num_vertices );
598  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
600  std::vector< CartVect > coords( num_vertices );
601  result = MBI->get_coords( conn, num_vertices, coords[0].array() );
602  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
604  switch( type )
605  {
606  case MBEDGE:
607  return ( coords[0] - coords[1] ).length();
608  case MBTRI:
609  return 0.5 * ( ( coords[1] - coords[0] ) * ( coords[2] - coords[0] ) ).length();
610  case MBQUAD:
611  num_vertices = 4;
612  case MBPOLYGON: {
613  CartVect mid( 0, 0, 0 );
614  for( int i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i )
615  mid += coords[i];
616  mid /= num_vertices;
618  double sum = 0.0;
619  for( int i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i )
620  {
621  int j = ( i + 1 ) % num_vertices;
622  sum += ( ( mid - coords[i] ) * ( mid - coords[j] ) ).length();
623  }
624  return 0.5 * sum;
625  }
626  case MBTET:
627  return tet_volume( coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3] );
628  case MBPYRAMID:
629  return tet_volume( coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[4] ) +
630  tet_volume( coords[0], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4] );
631  case MBPRISM:
632  return tet_volume( coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[5] ) +
633  tet_volume( coords[3], coords[5], coords[4], coords[0] ) +
634  tet_volume( coords[1], coords[4], coords[5], coords[0] );
635  case MBHEX:
636  return tet_volume( coords[0], coords[1], coords[3], coords[4] ) +
637  tet_volume( coords[7], coords[3], coords[6], coords[4] ) +
638  tet_volume( coords[4], coords[5], coords[1], coords[6] ) +
639  tet_volume( coords[1], coords[6], coords[3], coords[4] ) +
640  tet_volume( coords[2], coords[6], coords[3], coords[1] );
641  default:
642  return 0.0;
643  }
644 }

References ErrorCode, length(), MB_SUCCESS, MBEDGE, MBHEX, MBI, MBPOLYGON, MBPRISM, MBPYRAMID, MBQUAD, MBTET, MBTRI, moab::sum(), and tet_volume().

◆ orient_faces_outward()

ErrorCode orient_faces_outward ( Interface MBI,
const Range faces,
const bool   

Definition at line 341 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

342 {
344  ErrorCode result;
345  for( Range::const_iterator i = faces.begin(); i != faces.end(); ++i )
346  {
347  Range adj_elem;
348  result = MBI->get_adjacencies( &( *i ), 1, 3, false, adj_elem );
349  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
350  if( 1 != adj_elem.size() ) return MB_INVALID_SIZE;
352  // get connectivity for element and face
353  const EntityHandle* elem_conn;
354  int elem_n_nodes;
355  result = MBI->get_connectivity( adj_elem.front(), elem_conn, elem_n_nodes );
356  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
357  const EntityHandle* face_conn;
358  int face_n_nodes;
359  result = MBI->get_connectivity( *i, face_conn, face_n_nodes );
360  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
362  // Get the sense of the face wrt the element
363  EntityType elem_type = MBI->type_from_handle( adj_elem.front() );
364  EntityType face_type = MBI->type_from_handle( *i );
365  int face_num, offset;
366  int sense = 0;
367  const int face_dim = CN::Dimension( face_type );
368  int rval = CN::SideNumber( elem_type, elem_conn, face_conn, face_n_nodes, face_dim, face_num, sense, offset );
369  if( 0 != rval ) return MB_FAILURE;
371  // If the face is not oriented outward wrt the element, reverse it
372  if( -1 == sense )
373  {
374  EntityHandle new_face_conn[4] = { face_conn[3], face_conn[2], face_conn[1], face_conn[0] };
375  result = MBI->set_connectivity( *i, new_face_conn, 4 );
376  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
377  }
378  }
379  return MB_SUCCESS;
380 }

References moab::Range::begin(), moab::CN::Dimension(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::Range::front(), MB_INVALID_SIZE, MB_SUCCESS, MBI, moab::CN::SideNumber(), and moab::Range::size().

Referenced by add_dead_elems_to_impl_compl().

◆ plot_histogram()

void plot_histogram ( const std::string &  title,
const std::string &  x_axis_label,
const std::string &  y_axis_label,
const int  n_bins,
const double  data[],
const int  n_data 

Definition at line 500 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

506 {
507  // find max and min
508  double min = std::numeric_limits< double >::max();
509  double max = -std::numeric_limits< double >::max();
510  for( int i = 0; i < n_data; ++i )
511  {
512  if( min > data[i] ) min = data[i];
513  if( max < data[i] ) max = data[i];
514  }
516  // make bins for histogram
517  double bin_width = ( max - min ) / n_bins;
518  std::vector< int > bins( n_bins );
519  for( int i = 0; i < n_bins; ++i )
520  bins[i] = 0;
522  // fill the bins
523  for( int i = 0; i < n_data; ++i )
524  {
525  double diff = data[i] - min;
526  int bin = diff / bin_width;
527  if( 9 < bin ) bin = 9; // cheap fix for numerical precision error
528  if( 0 > bin ) bin = 0; // cheap fix for numerical precision error
529  ++bins[bin];
530  }
532  // create bars
533  int max_bin = 0;
534  for( int i = 0; i < n_bins; ++i )
535  if( max_bin < bins[i] ) max_bin = bins[i];
536  int bar_height;
537  int max_bar_chars = 72;
538  std::vector< std::string > bars( n_bins );
539  for( int i = 0; i < n_bins; ++i )
540  {
541  bar_height = ( max_bar_chars * bins[i] ) / max_bin;
542  for( int j = 0; j < bar_height; ++j )
543  bars[i] += "*";
544  }
546  // print histogram header
547  std::cout << std::endl;
548  std::cout << " " << title << std::endl;
550  // print results
551  std::cout.width( 15 );
552  std::cout << min << std::endl;
553  for( int i = 0; i < n_bins; ++i )
554  {
555  std::cout.width( 15 );
556  std::cout << min + ( ( i + 1 ) * bin_width );
557  std::cout.width( max_bar_chars );
558  std::cout << bars[i] << bins[i] << std::endl;
559  }
561  // print histogram footer
562  std::cout.width( 15 );
563  std::cout << y_axis_label;
564  std::cout.width( max_bar_chars );
565  std::cout << " " << x_axis_label << std::endl;
566  std::cout << std::endl;
567 }

Referenced by generate_plots().

◆ remove_empty_cgm_surfs_and_vols()

ErrorCode remove_empty_cgm_surfs_and_vols ( Interface MBI,
const EntityHandle  cgm_file_set,
const Tag  idTag,
const Tag  dimTag,
const bool   

Definition at line 188 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

193 {
195  ErrorCode result;
196  const int two = 2;
197  const void* const two_val[] = { &two };
198  Range cgm_surfs;
199  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( cgm_file_set, MBENTITYSET, &dimTag, two_val, 1, cgm_surfs );
200  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
202  for( Range::iterator i = cgm_surfs.begin(); i != cgm_surfs.end(); ++i )
203  {
204  int n_tris;
205  result = MBI->get_number_entities_by_type( *i, MBTRI, n_tris );
206  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
208  if( 0 == n_tris )
209  {
210  int surf_id;
211  result = MBI->tag_get_data( idTag, &( *i ), 1, &surf_id );
212  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
214  Range parent_vols;
215  result = MBI->get_parent_meshsets( *i, parent_vols );
216  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
217  for( Range::iterator j = parent_vols.begin(); j != parent_vols.end(); ++j )
218  {
219  result = MBI->remove_parent_child( *j, *i );
220  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
221  }
222  Range child_curves;
223  result = MBI->get_child_meshsets( *i, child_curves );
224  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
225  for( Range::iterator j = child_curves.begin(); j != child_curves.end(); ++j )
226  {
227  result = MBI->remove_parent_child( *i, *j );
228  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
229  }
230  result = MBI->remove_entities( cgm_file_set, &( *i ), 1 );
231  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
233  // Is the set contained anywhere else? If the surface is in a CUBIT group,
234  // such as "unmerged_surfs" it will cause write_mesh to fail. This should
235  // be a MOAB bug.
236  Range all_sets;
237  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type( 0, MBENTITYSET, all_sets );
238  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
239  for( Range::iterator j = all_sets.begin(); j != all_sets.end(); ++j )
240  {
241  if( MBI->contains_entities( *j, &( *i ), 1 ) )
242  {
243  result = MBI->remove_entities( *j, &( *i ), 1 );
244  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
245  }
246  }
248  result = MBI->delete_entities( &( *i ), 1 );
249  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
250  std::cout << " Surface " << surf_id << ": removed because all of its mesh faces have been removed"
251  << std::endl;
252  }
253  }
255  // get all volumes
256  const int three = 3;
257  const void* const three_val[] = { &three };
258  Range cgm_vols;
259  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( cgm_file_set, MBENTITYSET, &dimTag, three_val, 1, cgm_vols );
260  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
262  for( Range::iterator i = cgm_vols.begin(); i != cgm_vols.end(); ++i )
263  {
264  // get the volume's number of surfaces
265  int n_surfs;
266  result = MBI->num_child_meshsets( *i, &n_surfs );
267  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
269  // if no surfaces remain, remove the volume
270  if( 0 == n_surfs )
271  {
272  int vol_id;
273  result = MBI->tag_get_data( idTag, &( *i ), 1, &vol_id );
274  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
275  // Is the set contained anywhere else? If the surface is in a CUBIT group,
276  // such as "unmerged_surfs" it will cause write_mesh to fail. This should
277  // be a MOAB bug.
278  Range all_sets;
279  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type( 0, MBENTITYSET, all_sets );
280  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
281  for( Range::iterator j = all_sets.begin(); j != all_sets.end(); ++j )
282  {
283  if( MBI->contains_entities( *j, &( *i ), 1 ) )
284  {
285  result = MBI->remove_entities( *j, &( *i ), 1 );
286  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
287  }
288  }
289  result = MBI->delete_entities( &( *i ), 1 );
290  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
291  std::cout << " Volume " << vol_id << ": removed because all of its surfaces have been removed"
292  << std::endl;
293  }
294  }
295  return MB_SUCCESS;
296 }

References moab::Range::begin(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, idTag, MB_SUCCESS, MBENTITYSET, MBI, and MBTRI.

Referenced by main().

◆ replace_faceted_cgm_surfs()

ErrorCode replace_faceted_cgm_surfs ( Interface MBI,
const EntityHandle  cgm_file_set,
const EntityHandle  cub_file_set,
const Tag  idTag,
const Tag  dimTag,
const bool  debug 

Definition at line 791 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

797 {
798  ErrorCode result;
799  const int two = 2;
800  const void* const two_val[] = { &two };
801  Range cgm_surfs;
802  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( cgm_file_set, MBENTITYSET, &dimTag, two_val, 1, cgm_surfs );
803  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
805  for( Range::iterator i = cgm_surfs.begin(); i != cgm_surfs.end(); ++i )
806  {
807  int surf_id;
808  result = MBI->tag_get_data( idTag, &( *i ), 1, &surf_id );
809  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
810  if( debug ) std::cout << "surf_id=" << surf_id << std::endl;
812  // Find the meshed surface set with the same id
813  Range cub_surf;
814  const Tag tags[] = { idTag, dimTag };
815  const void* const tag_vals[] = { &surf_id, &two };
816  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( cub_file_set, MBENTITYSET, tags, tag_vals, 2, cub_surf );
817  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
818  if( 1 != cub_surf.size() )
819  {
820  std::cout << " Surface " << surf_id << ": no meshed representation found, using CAD representation instead"
821  << std::endl;
822  continue;
823  }
825  // Get tris that represent the quads of the cub surf
826  Range quads;
827  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type( cub_surf.front(), MBQUAD, quads );
828  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
830  Range cub_tris;
831  result = make_tris_from_quads( MBI, quads, cub_tris );
832  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
834  // Remove the tris from the cgm surf. Don't forget to remove them from the
835  // cgm_file_set because it is not TRACKING.
836  Range cgm_tris;
837  result = MBI->get_entities_by_type( *i, MBTRI, cgm_tris );
838  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
839  result = MBI->remove_entities( *i, cgm_tris );
840  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
841  result = MBI->remove_entities( cgm_file_set, cgm_tris );
842  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
843  result = MBI->delete_entities( cgm_tris );
844  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
846  // Add the cub_tris to the cgm_surf
847  result = MBI->add_entities( *i, cub_tris );
848  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
849  }
851  return MB_SUCCESS;
852 }

References moab::Range::begin(), moab::debug, moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::Range::front(), idTag, make_tris_from_quads(), MB_SUCCESS, MBENTITYSET, MBI, MBQUAD, MBTRI, and moab::Range::size().

Referenced by main().

◆ summarize_cell_volume_change()

ErrorCode summarize_cell_volume_change ( Interface MBI,
const EntityHandle  cgm_file_set,
const Tag  categoryTag,
const Tag  dimTag,
const Tag  sizeTag,
const Tag  nameTag,
const Tag  idTag,
const bool  conserve_mass,
const bool  debug 

Definition at line 59 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

68 {
69  // get groups
70  ErrorCode rval;
71  const char group_category[CATEGORY_TAG_SIZE] = { "Group\0" };
72  const void* const group_val[] = { &group_category };
73  Range groups;
74  rval = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &categoryTag, group_val, 1, groups );
75  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
77  // Get the maximum group id. This is so that new groups do not have
78  // duplicate ids.
79  int max_grp_id = -1;
80  for( Range::const_iterator i = groups.begin(); i != groups.end(); ++i )
81  {
82  int grp_id;
83  rval = MBI->tag_get_data( idTag, &( *i ), 1, &grp_id );
84  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
85  if( max_grp_id < grp_id ) max_grp_id = grp_id;
86  }
87  if( conserve_mass )
88  {
89  std::cout << " Altering group densities to conserve mass for each volume." << std::endl;
90  std::cout << " maximum group id=" << max_grp_id << std::endl;
91  }
93  for( Range::const_iterator i = groups.begin(); i != groups.end(); ++i )
94  {
95  // get group names
96  std::vector< std::string > grp_names;
97  rval = get_group_names( MBI, *i, nameTag, grp_names );
98  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return MB_FAILURE;
100  // determine if it is a material group
101  bool material_grp = false;
102  int mat_id = -1;
103  double rho = 0;
104  for( std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator j = grp_names.begin(); j != grp_names.end(); ++j )
105  {
106  if( std::string::npos != ( *j ).find( "mat" ) && std::string::npos != ( *j ).find( "rho" ) )
107  {
108  material_grp = true;
109  std::cout << " material group: " << *j << std::endl;
111  // get the density and material id
112  std::vector< std::string > tokens;
113  tokenize( *j, tokens, "_" );
114  mat_id = atoi( tokens[1].c_str() );
115  rho = atof( tokens[3].c_str() );
116  }
117  }
118  if( !material_grp ) continue;
120  // get the volume sets of the material group
121  const int three = 3;
122  const void* const three_val[] = { &three };
123  Range vols;
124  rval = MBI->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( *i, MBENTITYSET, &dimTag, three_val, 1, vols );
125  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
127  // for each volume, sum predeformed and deformed volume
128  double orig_grp_volume = 0, defo_grp_volume = 0;
130  moab::GeomTopoTool gtt = moab::GeomTopoTool( MBI, false );
132  for( Range::const_iterator j = vols.begin(); j != vols.end(); ++j )
133  {
134  double defo_size = 0, orig_size = 0;
135  rval = gqt.measure_volume( *j, defo_size );
136  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
137  defo_grp_volume += defo_size;
138  rval = MBI->tag_get_data( sizeTag, &( *j ), 1, &orig_size );
139  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
140  orig_grp_volume += orig_size;
142  // calculate a new density to conserve mass through the deformation
143  if( !conserve_mass ) continue;
144  double new_rho = rho * orig_size / defo_size;
146  // create a group for the volume with modified density
147  EntityHandle new_grp;
148  rval = MBI->create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, new_grp );
149  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
150  std::stringstream new_name_ss;
151  new_name_ss << "mat_" << mat_id << "_rho_" << new_rho << "\0";
152  std::string new_name;
153  new_name_ss >> new_name;
154  rval = MBI->tag_set_data( nameTag, &new_grp, 1, new_name.c_str() );
155  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
156  max_grp_id++;
157  rval = MBI->tag_set_data( idTag, &new_grp, 1, &max_grp_id );
158  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
159  const char group_category2[CATEGORY_TAG_SIZE] = "Group\0";
160  rval = MBI->tag_set_data( categoryTag, &new_grp, 1, group_category2 );
161  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
163  // add the volume to the new group
164  rval = MBI->add_entities( new_grp, &( *j ), 1 );
165  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
167  // add the new grp to the cgm_file_set
168  rval = MBI->add_entities( cgm_file_set, &new_grp, 1 );
169  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
171  // remove the volume from the old group
172  rval = MBI->remove_entities( *i, &( *j ), 1 );
173  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
174  if( debug ) std::cout << " new group: " << new_name << " id=" << max_grp_id << std::endl;
175  }
177  std::cout << " orig_volume=" << orig_grp_volume << " defo_volume=" << defo_grp_volume
178  << " defo/orig=" << defo_grp_volume / orig_grp_volume << std::endl;
179  }
181  return MB_SUCCESS;
182 }

References moab::Range::begin(), CATEGORY_TAG_SIZE, moab::debug, moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, get_group_names(), idTag, MB_SUCCESS, MBENTITYSET, MBI, moab::GeomQueryTool::measure_volume(), MESHSET_SET, nameTag, and tokenize().

Referenced by main().

◆ tet_volume()

static double tet_volume ( const CartVect v0,
const CartVect v1,
const CartVect v2,
const CartVect v3 

Definition at line 585 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

586 {
587  return 1. / 6. * ( ( ( v1 - v0 ) * ( v2 - v0 ) ) % ( v3 - v0 ) );
588 }

Referenced by measure().

◆ tokenize()

void tokenize ( const std::string &  str,
std::vector< std::string > &  tokens,
const char *  delimiters 

Definition at line 25 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

26 {
27  std::string::size_type last = str.find_first_not_of( delimiters, 0 );
28  std::string::size_type pos = str.find_first_of( delimiters, last );
29  if( std::string::npos == pos )
30  tokens.push_back( str );
31  else
32  while( std::string::npos != pos && std::string::npos != last )
33  {
34  tokens.push_back( str.substr( last, pos - last ) );
35  last = str.find_first_not_of( delimiters, pos );
36  pos = str.find_first_of( delimiters, last );
37  if( std::string::npos == pos ) pos = str.size();
38  }
39 }

Referenced by summarize_cell_volume_change().

Variable Documentation


double DEFAULT_DISTANCE = 0.001

Definition at line 1103 of file cub2h5m.cpp.


double DEFAULT_LEN = 0.0

Definition at line 1104 of file cub2h5m.cpp.



Definition at line 1105 of file cub2h5m.cpp.

Referenced by moab::ReadCGM::set_options().