1 /**
2 * MOAB, a Mesh-Oriented datABase, is a software component for creating,
3 * storing and accessing finite element mesh data.
4 *
5 * Copyright 2004 Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
6 * DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government
7 * retains certain rights in this software.
8 *
9 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 *
14 */
16 /*!
17 \brief Stores contiguous or partially contiguous values in an optimized
18 fashion. Partially contiguous accessing patterns is also optimized.
20 \author Clinton Stimpson
22 \date 15 April 2002
24 ************* Range FAQ and tips ********************
26 The purpose of this FAQ is to familiarize a user with
27 the appropriate use of the Range template.
29 ******* A few points about Range: *******
30 1. Range is not the be all of generic containers.
31 2. Range has its strengths and weaknesses as any other
32 STL container has.
33 3. Strengths:
34 a. For contiguous values, storage is extremely minimal.
35 b. Searching through contiguous values, at best, is
36 a constant time operation.
37 b. Fairly compatible with most STL algorithms.
38 c. Insertions of data from high value to low value
39 is a linear operation (constant for each insertion).
40 d. Removal of a value using an iterator is constant time.
42 4. Weaknesses:
43 a. For non-contiguous values, storage is not minimal and is
44 on the order of 4x the storage space as using a vector.
45 b. Searching through non-contiguous values is linear
46 time operation.
47 c. Insertions of random data is VERY slow.
49 Given the above characteristics of Ranges, you can now
50 decide between Range and another STL container for your
51 particular needs.
54 ******* Tips *******
55 1. Be aware of what iterators are available. Currently, there are
56 three. Range<T>::iterator, Range<T>::const_iterator,
57 and Range<T>::RangeListIterator.
58 iterator is derived from const_iterator. const_iterator
59 is derived from RangeListIterator. RangeListIterator is a
60 std::list<std::pair<T,T> >::const_iterator.
61 If a particular algorithm could be more efficient by using
62 RangeListIterator, do so.
64 ie.
66 Range<char> range1;
67 ... put some stuff in range1
68 Range<char> range2;
70 // the SLOW way.
71 std::copy(range1.begin(), range1.end(), range_inserter<...>(range2));
73 // the FAST way.
74 for(Range<char>::RangeListIterator iter = range1.begin(),
75 iter != range1.end(); ++iter)
76 {
77 range2.insert(iter->first, iter->second);
78 }
80 2. Prefer insert(val1, val2) over insert(val) where possible.
82 3. insert(val) and insert(val1, val2) have to perform searching
83 to find out where to insert an item. Searches are started
84 from the beginning of the values. Inserting larger values
85 before smaller values will increase efficiency.
87 ie.
88 std::set<int> my_set;
89 Range<int> my_range;
90 .. perform some operations which set does efficiently.
92 // now copy the results from the set into the range.
93 // copy from the end of the set to the beginning of the set
94 std::copy(my_set.rbegin(), my_set.rend(),
95 range_inserter< Range<int> > ( my_range );
97 4. Use empty() instead of size() if you only need to find out
98 if there is anything in the list.
100 5. Know what swap() does. Sometimes it is useful. It'll replace
101 the contents of one list with another.
103 void compute_and_get_some_set(
104 Range<char> range1,
105 Range<char> range2,
106 Range<char>& results
107 );
108 {
109 Range<char> tmp_results;
110 .. perform some computation on range1 and range2
111 and put results in tmp_results;
112 .. filter tmp_results out for some special type.
113 .. etc....
114 // return results
115 results.swap(tmp_results);
116 }
119 ******* FAQ *******
120 1. Why won't this code compile?
121 ------------------------
122 class SomeClass
123 {
124 public:
125 Range<int> range;
126 };
127 ....
128 void some_function( const SomeClass& some_class )
129 {
130 Range<int>::iterator = some_class.range.begin();
131 }
132 ---------------------
133 Solution: you need to use
134 Range<int>::const_iterator instead.
136 2. Why doesn't this work right when I try to change the
137 contents of an Range?
139 // make a range that has the letters A,B,C in it.
140 Range<char> my_chars('A', 'C');
141 // make an iterator that points to 'A'.
142 Range<char>::iterator iter = my_chars.begin();
143 // change A to D
144 *iter = 'D';
145 // print contents of my_chars to stdout
146 std::copy(my_chars.begin(), my_chars.end(),
147 std::ostream_iterator(std::cout, " "));
149 result is
150 A B C
151 instead of
152 B C D
154 When one calls *iter, which returns 'A', the actual storage of the value 'A'
155 which is returned is in the iterator and not in the Range. This allows
156 for multiple iterators on a single Range and the Range does not have
157 to keep track of which iterator is referencing which value.
161 */
163 #ifndef MOAB_RANGE_HPP
164 #define MOAB_RANGE_HPP
166 #include <string>
167 #include <iterator>
168 #include <iosfwd>
169 #include <algorithm>
170 #include <string>
172 #include "moab/Types.hpp"
174 namespace moab
175 {
177 struct range_iter_tag : public std::bidirectional_iterator_tag
178 {
179 };
181 struct range_base_iter
182 {
183 typedef range_iter_tag iterator_category;
184 typedef EntityID difference_type;
185 typedef EntityHandle value_type;
186 typedef EntityHandle* pointer;
187 typedef EntityHandle& reference;
188 };
190 //! the class Range
191 class MOAB_EXPORT Range
192 {
193 public:
194 // forward declare the iterators
195 class const_iterator;
196 class const_reverse_iterator;
197 typedef const_iterator iterator;
198 typedef const_reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
200 friend Range intersect( const Range&, const Range& );
201 friend Range subtract( const Range&, const Range& );
203 //! just like subtract, but as an operator
204 Range& operator-=( const Range& rhs );
206 //! for short hand notation, lets typedef the
207 //! container class that holds the ranges
208 typedef EntityHandle value_type;
210 //! default constructor
211 Range();
213 //! copy constructor
214 Range( const Range& copy );
216 //! another constructor that takes an initial range
217 Range( EntityHandle val1, EntityHandle val2 );
219 //! operator=
220 Range& operator=( const Range& copy );
222 //! destructor
223 inline ~Range();
225 //! return the beginning const iterator of this range
226 inline const_iterator begin() const;
228 //! return the beginning const reverse iterator of this range
229 inline const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
231 //! return the ending const iterator for this range
232 inline const_iterator end() const;
234 //! return the ending const reverse iterator for this range
235 inline const_reverse_iterator rend() const;
237 //! return the number of values this Ranges represents
238 size_t size() const;
240 //! return the number of range pairs in the list
241 size_t psize() const;
243 //! return whether empty or not
244 //! always use "if(!Ranges::empty())" instead of "if(Ranges::size())"
245 inline bool empty() const;
247 iterator insert( iterator hint, EntityHandle val );
249 //! insert an item into the list and return the iterator for the inserted item
250 iterator insert( EntityHandle val )
251 {
252 return insert( begin(), val );
253 }
255 //! insert a range of items into this list and return the iterator for the first
256 //! inserted item
257 iterator insert( iterator hint, EntityHandle first, EntityHandle last );
259 //! insert a range of items into this list and return the iterator for the first
260 //! inserted item
261 iterator insert( EntityHandle val1, EntityHandle val2 )
262 {
263 return insert( begin(), val1, val2 );
264 }
266 template < typename T >
267 iterator insert_list( T begin_iter, T end_iter );
269 template < class T >
270 iterator insert( typename T::const_iterator begin_iter, typename T::const_iterator end_iter )
271 {
272 return insert_list( begin_iter, end_iter );
273 }
275 template < typename T >
276 iterator insert( const T* begin_iter, const T* end_iter )
277 {
278 return insert_list( begin_iter, end_iter );
279 }
281 //! remove an item from this list and return an iterator to the next item
282 iterator erase( iterator iter );
284 //! remove a range of items from the list
285 iterator erase( iterator iter1, iterator iter2 );
287 //! erases a value from this container
288 inline iterator erase( EntityHandle val );
290 //! get first entity in range
291 inline const EntityHandle& front() const;
292 //! get last entity in range
293 inline const EntityHandle& back() const;
294 //! remove first entity from range
295 EntityHandle pop_front();
296 //! remove last entity from range
297 EntityHandle pop_back();
299 //! find an item int the list and return an iterator at that value
300 const_iterator find( EntityHandle val ) const;
302 //! return an iterator to the first value >= val
303 static const_iterator lower_bound( const_iterator first, const_iterator last, EntityHandle val );
304 static const_iterator upper_bound( const_iterator first, const_iterator last, EntityHandle val );
306 const_iterator lower_bound( EntityHandle val ) const
307 {
308 return lower_bound( begin(), end(), val );
309 }
310 const_iterator upper_bound( EntityHandle val ) const
311 {
312 return upper_bound( begin(), end(), val );
313 }
314 const_iterator lower_bound( EntityType type ) const;
315 const_iterator upper_bound( EntityType type ) const;
316 std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > equal_range( EntityType type ) const;
317 const_iterator lower_bound( EntityType type, const_iterator first ) const;
318 const_iterator upper_bound( EntityType type, const_iterator first ) const;
320 //! True if all entities in range are of passed type
321 //! (also true if range is empty)
322 bool all_of_type( EntityType type ) const;
323 //! True if all entities in range are of passed dimension
324 //! (also true if range is empty)
325 bool all_of_dimension( int dimension ) const;
327 unsigned num_of_type( EntityType type ) const;
328 unsigned num_of_dimension( int dim ) const;
330 //! clears the contents of the list
331 void clear();
333 //! for debugging
334 const std::string str_rep( const char* indent_prefix = NULL ) const;
336 void print( const char* indent_prefix = NULL ) const;
337 void print( std::ostream& s, const char* indent_prefix = NULL ) const;
339 unsigned long get_memory_use() const;
341 double compactness() const;
343 void insert( Range::const_iterator begin, Range::const_iterator end );
345 //! merges this Range with another range
346 void merge( const Range& range )
347 {
348 insert( range.begin(), range.end() );
349 }
351 //! merge a subset of some other range
352 void merge( Range::const_iterator beginr, Range::const_iterator endr )
353 {
354 insert( beginr, endr );
355 }
357 //! swap the contents of this range with another one
358 void swap( Range& range );
360 //! check for internal consistency
361 void sanity_check() const;
363 //! Check if this range is a non-strict superset of some other range
364 bool contains( const Range& other ) const;
366 //! return a subset of this range, by type
367 Range subset_by_type( EntityType t ) const;
369 //! return a subset of this range, by dimension
370 Range subset_by_dimension( int dim ) const;
372 struct PairNode : public std::pair< EntityHandle, EntityHandle >
373 {
375 PairNode() : std::pair< EntityHandle, EntityHandle >( 0, 0 ), mNext( NULL ), mPrev( NULL ) {}
376 PairNode( PairNode* next, PairNode* prev, EntityHandle _first, EntityHandle _second )
377 : std::pair< EntityHandle, EntityHandle >( _first, _second ), mNext( next ), mPrev( prev )
378 {
379 }
381 PairNode* mNext;
382 PairNode* mPrev;
383 };
385 EntityHandle operator[]( EntityID index ) const;
387 int index( EntityHandle handle ) const;
389 protected:
390 //! the head of the list that contains pairs that represent the ranges
391 //! this list is sorted and unique at all times
392 PairNode mHead;
394 //! if dead_node is not mHead, remove it from the list and free it's memory.
395 void delete_pair_node( PairNode* dead_node );
397 public:
398 //! used to iterate over sub-ranges of a range
399 class MOAB_EXPORT pair_iterator : public range_base_iter
400 {
401 friend class Range;
403 public:
404 pair_iterator() : mNode( NULL ) {}
405 pair_iterator( PairNode* nodep ) : mNode( nodep ) {}
406 pair_iterator( const pair_iterator& copy ) : mNode( copy.mNode ) {}
407 pair_iterator( const const_iterator& copy ) : mNode( copy.mNode ) {}
409 std::pair< EntityHandle, EntityHandle >* operator->()
410 {
411 return mNode;
412 }
414 pair_iterator& operator++()
415 {
416 mNode = mNode->mNext;
417 return *this;
418 }
419 pair_iterator operator++( int )
420 {
421 pair_iterator tmp( *this );
422 this->operator++();
423 return tmp;
424 }
426 pair_iterator& operator--()
427 {
428 mNode = mNode->mPrev;
429 return *this;
430 }
431 pair_iterator operator--( int )
432 {
433 pair_iterator tmp( *this );
434 this->operator--();
435 return tmp;
436 }
437 bool operator==( const pair_iterator& other ) const
438 {
439 return mNode == other.mNode;
440 }
442 bool operator!=( const pair_iterator& other ) const
443 {
444 return mNode != other.mNode;
445 }
447 PairNode* node()
448 {
449 return mNode;
450 }
452 private:
453 PairNode* mNode;
454 };
456 class const_pair_iterator;
458 //! a const iterator which iterates over an Range
459 class MOAB_EXPORT const_iterator : public range_base_iter
460 {
461 friend class Range;
462 friend class pair_iterator;
463 friend class const_pair_iterator;
464 friend EntityID operator-( const const_iterator&, const const_iterator& );
466 public:
467 //! default constructor - intialize base default constructor
468 const_iterator() : mNode( NULL ), mValue( 0 ) {}
470 //! constructor used by Range
471 const_iterator( const PairNode* iter, const EntityHandle val )
472 : mNode( const_cast< PairNode* >( iter ) ), mValue( val )
473 {
474 }
476 //! dereference that value this iterator points to
477 //! returns a const reference
478 const EntityHandle& operator*() const
479 {
480 return mValue;
481 }
483 //! prefix incrementer
484 const_iterator& operator++()
485 {
486 // see if we need to increment the base iterator
487 if( mValue == mNode->second )
488 {
489 mNode = mNode->mNext;
490 mValue = mNode->first;
491 }
492 // if not, just increment the value in the range
493 else
494 ++mValue;
495 return *this;
496 }
498 //! postfix incrementer
499 const_iterator operator++( int )
500 {
501 // make a temporary copy
502 const_iterator tmp( *this );
503 // increment self
504 this->operator++();
505 // return the copy
506 return tmp;
507 }
509 //! prefix decrementer
510 const_iterator& operator--()
511 {
512 // see if we need to decrement the base iterator
513 if( mValue == mNode->first )
514 {
515 mNode = mNode->mPrev;
516 ;
517 mValue = mNode->second;
518 }
519 // if not, just decrement the value
520 else
521 --mValue;
522 return *this;
523 }
525 //! postfix decrementer
526 const_iterator operator--( int )
527 {
528 // make a copy of this
529 const_iterator tmp( *this );
530 // decrement self
531 this->operator--();
532 // return the copy
533 return tmp;
534 }
536 //! Advance iterator specified amount.
537 //! Potentially O(n), but typically better. Always
538 //! more efficient than calling operator++ step times.
539 const_iterator& operator+=( EntityID step );
541 //! Regress iterator specified amount.
542 //! Potentially O(n), but typically better. Always
543 //! more efficient than calling operator-- step times.
544 const_iterator& operator-=( EntityID step );
546 //! equals operator
547 bool operator==( const const_iterator& other ) const
548 {
549 // see if the base iterator is the same and the
550 // value of this iterator is the same
551 return ( mNode == other.mNode ) && ( mValue == other.mValue );
552 }
554 //! not equals operator
555 bool operator!=( const const_iterator& other ) const
556 {
557 // call == operator and not it.
558 return ( mNode != other.mNode ) || ( mValue != other.mValue );
559 }
561 /**\brief get an iterator at the end of the block
562 *
563 * Get an iterator at the end of the block of consecutive
564 * handles that this iterator is currently contained in.
565 * That is, if the range contains blocks of consecutive
566 * handles of the form { [1,5], [7,100], ... } and this
567 * iterator is at any handle in the range [7,100], return
568 * an iterator at the '100' handle.
569 *
570 * Never returns begin() or end() unless this iterator is
571 * at begin() or end(). May return the same location as
572 * this iterator.
573 */
574 inline const_iterator end_of_block() const;
576 /**\brief get an iterator at the start of the block
577 *
578 * Get an iterator at the start of the block of consecutive
579 * handles that this iterator is currently contained in.
580 * That is, if the range contains blocks of consecutive
581 * handles of the form { [1,5], [7,100], ... } and this
582 * iterator is at any handle in the range [7,100], return
583 * an iterator at the '7' handle.
584 *
585 * Never returns end() unless this iterator is
586 * at end(). May return the same location as
587 * this iterator.
588 */
589 inline const_iterator start_of_block() const;
591 protected:
592 //! the node we are pointing at
593 PairNode* mNode;
594 //! the value in the range
595 EntityHandle mValue;
596 };
598 //! a const reverse iterator which iterates over an Range
599 class MOAB_EXPORT const_reverse_iterator : public range_base_iter
600 {
601 friend class Range;
602 friend class pair_iterator;
604 public:
605 //! default constructor - intialize base default constructor
606 const_reverse_iterator() {}
608 const_reverse_iterator( const_iterator fwd_iter ) : myIter( fwd_iter ) {}
610 //! constructor used by Range
611 const_reverse_iterator( const PairNode* iter, const EntityHandle val ) : myIter( iter, val ) {}
613 //! dereference that value this iterator points to
614 //! returns a const reference
615 const EntityHandle& operator*() const
616 {
617 return *myIter;
618 }
620 //! prefix incrementer
621 const_reverse_iterator& operator++()
622 {
623 --myIter;
624 return *this;
625 }
627 //! postfix incrementer
628 const_reverse_iterator operator++( int )
629 {
630 return const_reverse_iterator( myIter-- );
631 }
633 //! prefix decrementer
634 const_reverse_iterator& operator--()
635 {
636 ++myIter;
637 return *this;
638 }
640 //! postfix decrementer
641 const_reverse_iterator operator--( int )
642 {
643 return const_reverse_iterator( myIter++ );
644 }
646 //! Advance iterator specified amount.
647 //! Potentially O(n), but typically better. Always
648 //! more efficient than calling operator++ step times.
649 const_reverse_iterator& operator+=( EntityID step )
650 {
651 myIter -= step;
652 return *this;
653 }
655 //! Regress iterator specified amount.
656 //! Potentially O(n), but typically better. Always
657 //! more efficient than calling operator-- step times.
658 const_reverse_iterator& operator-=( EntityID step )
659 {
660 myIter += step;
661 return *this;
662 }
664 //! equals operator
665 bool operator==( const const_reverse_iterator& other ) const
666 {
667 return myIter == other.myIter;
668 }
670 //! not equals operator
671 bool operator!=( const const_reverse_iterator& other ) const
672 {
673 return myIter != other.myIter;
674 }
676 protected:
677 //! the node we are pointing at
678 const_iterator myIter;
679 };
681 public:
682 class MOAB_EXPORT const_pair_iterator
683 {
684 public:
685 const_pair_iterator() : myNode( NULL ) {}
686 const_pair_iterator( const PairNode* node ) : myNode( node ) {}
687 const_pair_iterator( const const_iterator& i ) : myNode( i.mNode ) {}
689 const PairNode& operator*() const
690 {
691 return *myNode;
692 }
694 const PairNode* operator->() const
695 {
696 return myNode;
697 }
699 const_pair_iterator& operator--()
700 {
701 myNode = myNode->mPrev;
702 return *this;
703 }
705 const_pair_iterator& operator++()
706 {
707 myNode = myNode->mNext;
708 return *this;
709 }
711 const_pair_iterator operator--( int )
712 {
713 const_pair_iterator rval( *this );
714 this->operator--();
715 return rval;
716 }
718 const_pair_iterator operator++( int )
719 {
720 const_pair_iterator rval( *this );
721 this->operator++();
722 return rval;
723 }
725 bool operator==( const const_pair_iterator& other ) const
726 {
727 return other.myNode == myNode;
728 }
730 bool operator!=( const const_pair_iterator& other ) const
731 {
732 return other.myNode != myNode;
733 }
735 private:
736 const PairNode* myNode;
737 };
739 pair_iterator pair_begin()
740 {
741 return pair_iterator( mHead.mNext );
742 }
743 pair_iterator pair_end()
744 {
745 return pair_iterator( &mHead );
746 }
748 const_pair_iterator const_pair_begin() const
749 {
750 return const_pair_iterator( mHead.mNext );
751 }
752 const_pair_iterator const_pair_end() const
753 {
754 return const_pair_iterator( &mHead );
755 }
756 const_pair_iterator pair_begin() const
757 {
758 return const_pair_iterator( mHead.mNext );
759 }
760 const_pair_iterator pair_end() const
761 {
762 return const_pair_iterator( &mHead );
763 }
764 };
766 //! intersect two ranges, placing the results in the return range
767 Range intersect( const Range&, const Range& );
769 //! subtract range2 from this, placing the results in the return range
770 Range subtract( const Range& from, const Range& );
772 //! unite two ranges, placing the results in the return range
773 inline Range unite( const Range& r1, const Range& r2 )
774 {
775 Range r( r1 );
776 r.insert( r2.begin(), r2.end() );
777 return r;
778 }
780 inline Range::const_iterator operator+( const Range::const_iterator& it, EntityID step )
781 {
782 Range::const_iterator tmp( it );
783 return tmp += step;
784 }
786 inline Range::const_iterator operator+( EntityID step, const Range::const_iterator& it )
787 {
788 Range::const_iterator tmp( it );
789 return tmp += step;
790 }
792 inline Range::const_iterator operator-( const Range::const_iterator& it, EntityID step )
793 {
794 Range::const_iterator tmp( it );
795 return tmp -= step;
796 }
798 inline Range::const_iterator operator-( EntityID step, const Range::const_iterator& it )
799 {
800 Range::const_iterator tmp( it );
801 return tmp -= step;
802 }
804 EntityID operator-( const Range::const_iterator& it1, const Range::const_iterator& it2 );
806 //! Use as you would an STL back_inserter
807 /**
808 * e.g. std::copy(list.begin(), list.end(), range_inserter(my_range);
809 * Also, see comments/instructions at the top of this class declaration
810 */
811 class MOAB_EXPORT range_inserter
812 {
814 protected:
815 Range* container;
817 public:
818 // constructor
819 explicit range_inserter( Range& x ) : container( &x ) {}
820 range_inserter& operator=( const Range::value_type& value )
821 {
822 container->insert( value );
823 return *this;
824 }
826 range_inserter& operator*()
827 {
828 return *this;
829 }
830 range_inserter& operator++()
831 {
832 return *this;
833 }
834 range_inserter& operator++( int )
835 {
836 return *this;
837 }
839 typedef EntityHandle value_type;
840 typedef EntityID difference_type;
841 typedef std::output_iterator_tag iterator_category;
842 typedef EntityHandle* pointer;
843 typedef EntityHandle& reference;
844 };
846 inline Range::Range()
847 {
848 // set the head node to point to itself
849 mHead.mNext = mHead.mPrev = &mHead;
850 mHead.first = mHead.second = 0;
851 }
853 //! destructor
854 inline Range::~Range()
855 {
856 clear();
857 }
859 //! return the beginning const iterator of this range
860 inline Range::const_iterator Range::begin() const
861 {
862 return const_iterator( mHead.mNext, mHead.mNext->first );
863 }
865 //! return the beginning const reverse iterator of this range
866 inline Range::const_reverse_iterator Range::rbegin() const
867 {
868 return const_reverse_iterator( mHead.mPrev, mHead.mPrev->second );
869 }
871 //! return the ending const iterator for this range
872 inline Range::const_iterator Range::end() const
873 {
874 return const_iterator( &mHead, mHead.first );
875 }
877 //! return the ending const reverse iterator for this range
878 inline Range::const_reverse_iterator Range::rend() const
879 {
880 return const_reverse_iterator( &mHead, mHead.second );
881 }
883 //! return whether empty or not
884 //! always use "if(!Ranges::empty())" instead of "if(Ranges::size())"
885 inline bool Range::empty() const
886 {
887 return ( mHead.mNext == &mHead );
888 }
890 //! erases a value from this container
891 inline Range::iterator Range::erase( EntityHandle val )
892 {
893 return erase( find( val ) );
894 }
896 inline Range::const_iterator Range::const_iterator::end_of_block() const
897 {
898 return Range::const_iterator( mNode, mNode->second );
899 }
901 inline Range::const_iterator Range::const_iterator::start_of_block() const
902 {
903 return Range::const_iterator( mNode, mNode->first );
904 }
906 //! get first entity in range
907 inline const EntityHandle& Range::front() const
908 {
909 return mHead.mNext->first;
910 }
911 //! get last entity in range
912 inline const EntityHandle& Range::back() const
913 {
914 return mHead.mPrev->second;
915 }
917 inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& s, const Range& r )
918 {
919 r.print( s );
920 return s;
921 }
923 bool operator==( const Range& r1, const Range& r2 );
924 inline bool operator!=( const Range& r1, const Range& r2 )
925 {
926 return !( r1 == r2 );
927 }
929 inline EntityHandle Range::operator[]( EntityID indexp ) const
930 {
931 Range::const_iterator i = begin();
932 i += indexp;
933 return *i;
934 }
936 inline int Range::index( EntityHandle handle ) const
937 {
938 if( handle < *begin() || handle > *rbegin() ) return -1;
940 unsigned int i = 0;
941 Range::const_pair_iterator pit = const_pair_begin();
942 while( handle > ( *pit ).second && pit != const_pair_end() )
943 {
944 i += ( *pit ).second - ( *pit ).first + 1;
945 ++pit;
946 }
947 if( handle < ( *pit ).first || pit == const_pair_end() ) return -1;
949 return i + handle - ( *pit ).first;
950 }
952 inline double Range::compactness() const
953 {
954 unsigned int num_ents = size();
955 return ( num_ents ? ( (double)get_memory_use() / (double)( num_ents * sizeof( EntityHandle ) ) ) : -1 );
956 }
958 template < typename Iterator >
959 Range::iterator Range::insert_list( Iterator begin_iter, Iterator end_iter )
960 {
961 size_t n = std::distance( begin_iter, end_iter );
962 EntityHandle* sorted = new EntityHandle[n];
963 std::copy( begin_iter, end_iter, sorted );
964 std::sort( sorted, sorted + n );
965 iterator hint = begin();
966 size_t i = 0;
967 while( i < n )
968 {
969 size_t j = i + 1;
970 while( j < n && sorted[j] == 1 + sorted[j - 1] )
971 ++j;
972 hint = insert( hint, sorted[i], sorted[i] + ( ( j - i ) - 1 ) );
973 i = j;
974 }
975 delete[] sorted;
976 return hint;
977 }
979 inline size_t Range::psize() const
980 {
981 size_t i = 0;
982 Range::const_pair_iterator pit;
983 for( pit = const_pair_begin(), i = 0; pit != const_pair_end(); ++pit, i++ )
984 ;
986 return i;
987 }
989 } // namespace moab
991 #endif // MOAB_RANGE_HPP