Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.1)
An array-based unstructured mesh library
gsets.cpp File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "moab/Range.hpp"
#include "moab/Core.hpp"
#include "MBTagConventions.hpp"
#include "moab/GeomTopoTool.hpp"
+ Include dependency graph for gsets.cpp:

Go to the source code of this file.


enum  Link { NONE = 0 , SOLID , DASHED }


static void usage (const char *name, bool brief=true)
static void write_dot (Link contained, Link children)
static void dot_nodes (std::ostream &s, Range &sets_out)
static void dot_children (std::ostream &s, const Range &sets, bool dashed)
static void dot_contained (std::ostream &s, const Range &sets, bool dashed)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
static void dot_get_sets (Range &curr_sets, Range &result_sets, Tag tag, void *tag_val=0)
static void dot_write_node (std::ostream &s, EntityHandle h, const char *label, int *id=0)
static void dot_write_id_nodes (std::ostream &s, const Range &entites, Tag id_tag, const char *type_name)
static void dot_down_link (std::ostream &s, EntityHandle parent, EntityHandle child, bool dashed, const char *label=0)


Tag geomTag = 0
Tag blockTag = 0
Tag sideTag = 0
Tag nodeTag = 0
Tag nameTag = 0
Tag idTag = 0
bool printAnonSets = false
bool printSVSense = false
Core mb

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Link

enum Link

Definition at line 49 of file gsets.cpp.

50 {
51  NONE = 0,
52  SOLID,
54 };

Function Documentation

◆ dot_children()

void dot_children ( std::ostream &  s,
const Range sets,
bool  dashed 

Definition at line 285 of file gsets.cpp.

286 {
287  int sense;
288  const char *fstr = "forward", *rstr = "reverse";
289  for( Range::iterator i = sets.begin(); i != sets.end(); ++i )
290  {
291  Range parents;
292  mb.get_parent_meshsets( *i, parents );
293  parents = intersect( parents, sets );
295  for( Range::iterator j = parents.begin(); j != parents.end(); ++j )
296  {
297  const char* linklabel = 0;
298  if( printSVSense && MB_SUCCESS == geomTool.get_sense( *i, *j, sense ) )
300  // check here only one sense, as before...
301  linklabel = ( sense == (int)SENSE_FORWARD ) ? fstr : rstr;
303  dot_down_link( s, *j, *i, dashed, linklabel );
304  }
305  }
306 }

References moab::Range::begin(), dot_down_link(), moab::Range::end(), moab::Core::get_parent_meshsets(), moab::intersect(), mb, MB_SUCCESS, and printSVSense.

Referenced by write_dot().

◆ dot_contained()

void dot_contained ( std::ostream &  s,
const Range sets,
bool  dashed 

Definition at line 308 of file gsets.cpp.

309 {
310  for( Range::iterator i = sets.begin(); i != sets.end(); ++i )
311  {
312  Range contained;
313  mb.get_entities_by_type( *i, MBENTITYSET, contained );
314  contained = intersect( contained, sets );
316  for( Range::iterator j = contained.begin(); j != contained.end(); ++j )
317  dot_down_link( s, *i, *j, dashed );
318  }
319 }

References moab::Range::begin(), dot_down_link(), moab::Range::end(), moab::Core::get_entities_by_type(), moab::intersect(), mb, and MBENTITYSET.

Referenced by write_dot().

◆ dot_down_link()

static void dot_down_link ( std::ostream &  s,
EntityHandle  parent,
EntityHandle  child,
bool  dashed,
const char *  label = 0 

Definition at line 269 of file gsets.cpp.

274 {
275  s << 's' << mb.id_from_handle( parent ) << " -> " << 's' << mb.id_from_handle( child );
276  if( dashed && label )
277  s << " [style = dashed label = \"" << label << "\"]";
278  else if( dashed )
279  s << " [style = dashed]";
280  else if( label )
281  s << " [label = \"" << label << "\"]";
282  s << ';' << std::endl;
283 }

References child, moab::Core::id_from_handle(), and mb.

Referenced by dot_children(), and dot_contained().

◆ dot_get_sets()

static void dot_get_sets ( Range curr_sets,
Range result_sets,
Tag  tag,
void *  tag_val = 0 

Definition at line 191 of file gsets.cpp.

192 {
193  if( !tag ) return;
195  result_sets.clear();
196  mb.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &tag, &tag_val, 1, result_sets );
197  result_sets = subtract( result_sets, curr_sets );
198  curr_sets.merge( result_sets );
199 }

References moab::Range::clear(), moab::Core::get_entities_by_type_and_tag(), mb, MBENTITYSET, moab::Range::merge(), and moab::subtract().

Referenced by dot_nodes().

◆ dot_nodes()

void dot_nodes ( std::ostream &  s,
Range sets_out 

Definition at line 215 of file gsets.cpp.

216 {
217  Range vol_sets, surf_sets, curv_sets, vert_sets;
218  Range block_sets, side_sets, node_sets;
219  Range named_sets, other_sets;
221  dot_get_sets( sets, named_sets, nameTag );
223  int dim = 3;
224  dot_get_sets( sets, vol_sets, geomTag, &dim );
225  dim = 2;
226  dot_get_sets( sets, surf_sets, geomTag, &dim );
227  dim = 1;
228  dot_get_sets( sets, curv_sets, geomTag, &dim );
229  dim = 0;
230  dot_get_sets( sets, vert_sets, geomTag, &dim );
232  dot_get_sets( sets, block_sets, blockTag );
233  dot_get_sets( sets, side_sets, sideTag );
234  dot_get_sets( sets, node_sets, nodeTag );
236  if( printAnonSets )
237  {
238  mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBENTITYSET, other_sets );
239  Range xsect = subtract( other_sets, sets );
240  sets.swap( other_sets );
241  other_sets.swap( xsect );
242  }
244  dot_write_id_nodes( s, vol_sets, idTag, "Volume" );
245  dot_write_id_nodes( s, surf_sets, idTag, "Surface" );
246  dot_write_id_nodes( s, curv_sets, idTag, "Curve" );
247  dot_write_id_nodes( s, vert_sets, idTag, "Vertex" );
248  dot_write_id_nodes( s, block_sets, blockTag, "Block" );
249  dot_write_id_nodes( s, side_sets, sideTag, "Neumann Set" );
250  dot_write_id_nodes( s, node_sets, nodeTag, "Dirichlet Set" );
252  Range::iterator i;
253  char name[NAME_TAG_SIZE + 1];
254  for( i = named_sets.begin(); i != named_sets.end(); ++i )
255  {
256  if( MB_SUCCESS == mb.tag_get_data( nameTag, &*i, 1, name ) )
257  {
258  name[NAME_TAG_SIZE] = '\0';
259  dot_write_node( s, *i, name );
260  }
261  }
262  for( i = other_sets.begin(); i != other_sets.end(); ++i )
263  {
264  int id = mb.id_from_handle( *i );
265  dot_write_node( s, *i, "EntitySet ", &id );
266  }
267 }

References moab::Range::begin(), blockTag, dim, dot_get_sets(), dot_write_id_nodes(), dot_write_node(), moab::Range::end(), geomTag, moab::Core::get_entities_by_type(), moab::Core::id_from_handle(), idTag, mb, MB_SUCCESS, MBENTITYSET, NAME_TAG_SIZE, nameTag, nodeTag, printAnonSets, sideTag, moab::subtract(), moab::Range::swap(), and moab::Core::tag_get_data().

Referenced by write_dot().

◆ dot_write_id_nodes()

static void dot_write_id_nodes ( std::ostream &  s,
const Range entites,
Tag  id_tag,
const char *  type_name 

Definition at line 208 of file gsets.cpp.

209 {
210  int id;
211  for( Range::iterator i = entites.begin(); i != entites.end(); ++i )
212  if( MB_SUCCESS == mb.tag_get_data( id_tag, &*i, 1, &id ) ) dot_write_node( s, *i, type_name, &id );
213 }

References moab::Range::begin(), dot_write_node(), moab::Range::end(), mb, MB_SUCCESS, and moab::Core::tag_get_data().

Referenced by dot_nodes().

◆ dot_write_node()

static void dot_write_node ( std::ostream &  s,
EntityHandle  h,
const char *  label,
int *  id = 0 

Definition at line 201 of file gsets.cpp.

202 {
203  s << 's' << mb.id_from_handle( h ) << " [label = \"" << label;
204  if( id ) s << ' ' << *id;
205  s << "\"];" << std::endl;
206 }

References moab::Core::id_from_handle(), and mb.

Referenced by dot_nodes(), and dot_write_id_nodes().

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 60 of file gsets.cpp.

61 {
62  Link children = SOLID, contained = SOLID;
63  bool printGeomSets = true;
64  bool printMeshSets = true;
65  bool printNamedSets = true;
66  const char* input_file = 0;
67  bool geom_flag = false, mesh_flag = false, name_flag = false, all_flag = false;
68  bool no_more_flags = false;
69  for( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i )
70  {
71  if( no_more_flags || argv[i][0] != '-' )
72  {
73  if( input_file ) usage( argv[0] );
74  input_file = argv[i];
75  continue;
76  }
77  for( int j = 1; argv[i][j]; ++j )
78  {
79  switch( argv[i][j] )
80  {
81  case 'a':
82  all_flag = true;
83  break;
84  case 'g':
85  geom_flag = true;
86  break;
87  case 'm':
88  mesh_flag = true;
89  break;
90  case 'n':
91  name_flag = true;
92  break;
93  case 's':
94  printSVSense = true;
95  break;
96  case 'P':
97  children = NONE;
98  break;
99  case 'p':
100  children = DASHED;
101  break;
102  case 'C':
103  contained = NONE;
104  break;
105  case 'c':
106  contained = DASHED;
107  break;
108  case '-':
109  no_more_flags = true;
110  break;
111  case 'h':
112  usage( argv[0], false );
113  break;
114  default:
115  std::cerr << "Unknown flag: '" << argv[i][j] << "'" << std::endl;
116  usage( argv[0] );
117  }
118  }
119  }
121  if( !input_file )
122  {
123  std::cerr << "No input file specified." << std::endl;
124  usage( argv[0] );
125  }
127  if( all_flag )
128  {
129  printGeomSets = printMeshSets = printNamedSets = printAnonSets = true;
130  }
131  else if( geom_flag || mesh_flag || name_flag )
132  {
133  printGeomSets = geom_flag;
134  printMeshSets = mesh_flag;
135  printNamedSets = name_flag;
136  }
138  if( MB_SUCCESS != mb.load_mesh( input_file ) )
139  {
140  std::cerr << input_file << ": file read failed." << std::endl;
141  return 1;
142  }
144  Tag t;
145  if( printGeomSets )
146  {
148  {
149  geomTag = t;
150  }
151  }
152  if( printMeshSets )
153  {
155  {
156  blockTag = t;
157  }
159  {
160  nodeTag = t;
161  }
163  {
164  sideTag = t;
165  }
166  }
167  if( printNamedSets )
168  {
170  {
171  nameTag = t;
172  }
173  }
174  idTag = mb.globalId_tag();
176  write_dot( contained, children );
177  return 0;
178 }

References blockTag, children, DASHED, DIRICHLET_SET_TAG_NAME, GEOM_DIMENSION_TAG_NAME, geomTag, moab::Core::globalId_tag(), idTag, input_file, moab::Core::load_mesh(), MATERIAL_SET_TAG_NAME, mb, MB_SUCCESS, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, NAME_TAG_NAME, NAME_TAG_SIZE, nameTag, NEUMANN_SET_TAG_NAME, nodeTag, NONE, printAnonSets, printSVSense, sideTag, SOLID, moab::Core::tag_get_handle(), usage(), and write_dot().

◆ usage()

static void usage ( const char *  name,
bool  brief = true 

Definition at line 22 of file gsets.cpp.

23 {
24  std::ostream& str = brief ? std::cerr : std::cout;
25  if( !brief )
26  str << name << ": A tool to export entity set parent/child relations" << std::endl
27  << " for use as input to graphviz" << std::endl;
28  str << "Usage: " << name << " [-a | [-g] [-m] [-n] ] <input_file>" << std::endl
29  << " " << name << " -h" << std::endl;
30  if( brief ) exit( 1 );
31  str << " The default behavior is equivalent to \"-gmn\"." << std::endl
32  << " If any of the following options are used to specify which " << std::endl
33  << " sets to output, then there are no defaults. Only the " << std::endl
34  << " indicated sets will be output." << std::endl
35  << " -a : write all sets (default is only geom, mesh, and named)" << std::endl
36  << " -g : write geometric topology sets" << std::endl
37  << " -m : write material sets and boundary condition sets" << std::endl
38  << " -n : write named sets" << std::endl
39  << " -s : label surface-volume links with sense" << std::endl
40  << " The default link behavior is to both child links" << std::endl
41  << " and containment with solid lines." << std::endl
42  << " -P : do not write child links" << std::endl
43  << " -p : write child links with dashed lines" << std::endl
44  << " -C : do not write containment links" << std::endl
45  << " -c : write containment links with dashed lines" << std::endl;
46  exit( 0 );
47 }

Referenced by main().

◆ write_dot()

void write_dot ( Link  contained,
Link  children 

Definition at line 180 of file gsets.cpp.

181 {
182  Range sets;
183  std::cout << "digraph {" << std::endl;
184  dot_nodes( std::cout, sets );
185  std::cout << std::endl;
186  if( contained ) dot_contained( std::cout, sets, contained == DASHED );
187  if( children ) dot_children( std::cout, sets, children == DASHED );
188  std::cout << "}" << std::endl;
189 }

References children, DASHED, dot_children(), dot_contained(), and dot_nodes().

Referenced by main().

Variable Documentation

◆ blockTag

Tag blockTag = 0

Definition at line 11 of file gsets.cpp.

Referenced by dot_nodes(), and main().

◆ geomTag

Tag geomTag = 0

Definition at line 10 of file gsets.cpp.

Referenced by dot_nodes(), and main().

◆ idTag

Tag idTag = 0

Definition at line 15 of file gsets.cpp.

Referenced by dot_nodes(), main(), and merge_input_surfs().

◆ mb

GeomTopoTool geomTool & mb
ComputeTriDual.cpp, ExtractLand.cpp, ExtrudePoly.cpp, GenLargeMesh.cpp, GetEntities.cpp, HelloMOAB.cpp, HelloParMOAB.cpp, LaplacianSmoother.cpp, LloydRelaxation.cpp, LoadPartial.cpp, QuadTriConv.cpp, ReadPartFile.cpp, ReadWriteTest.cpp, SetsNTags.cpp, StructuredMeshSimple.cpp, TestErrorHandling.cpp, TestErrorHandlingPar.cpp, TestExodusII.cpp, VisTags.cpp, addPCdata.cpp, and copyPartition.cpp.

Definition at line 19 of file gsets.cpp.

Referenced by moab::IntxAreaUtils::area_on_sphere(), moab::IntxAreaUtils::area_spherical_element(), moab::check_int_tag(), compute_dual_mesh(), moab::ParCommGraph::compute_partition(), moab::TempestRemapper::ComputeOverlapMesh(), moab::NCHelperDomain::create_mesh(), moab::NCHelperScrip::create_mesh(), moab::IntxUtils::deep_copy_set_with_quads(), do_test_mode(), dot_children(), dot_contained(), dot_down_link(), dot_get_sets(), dot_nodes(), dot_write_id_nodes(), dot_write_node(), moab::IntxUtils::enforce_convexity(), moab::IntxUtils::fix_degenerate_quads(), moab::ParCommGraph::form_mesh_from_tuples(), moab::ParCommGraph::form_tuples_to_migrate_mesh(), moab::get_adjacencies_intersection(), get_adjacent_elems(), get_degree_seq(), moab::EvalSet::get_eval_set(), get_max_volume(), get_mem_stats(), moab::IntxUtils::global_gnomonic_projection(), hcFilter(), hex_containing_point(), laplacianFilter(), main(), memstr(), moab::numAdjTriInSet(), perform_laplacian_smoothing(), perform_lloyd_relaxation(), moab::IntxAreaUtils::positive_orientation(), print_error(), print_hex(), print_memory_stats(), process_partition_file(), ReadTriangleOutput(), moab::ParCommGraph::receive_mesh(), moab::ParCommGraph::receive_tag_values(), moab::IntxUtils::remove_duplicate_vertices(), moab::IntxUtils::remove_padded_vertices(), moab::IntxUtils::ScaleToRadius(), moab::ParCommGraph::send_tag_values(), skin_tris(), tag_depth(), tag_storage_string(), tag_type_string(), test_spectral_hex(), test_spectral_quad(), TestErrorHandling_1(), TestErrorHandling_2(), TestErrorHandling_3(), TestErrorHandling_4(), TestErrorHandlingPar_1(), TestErrorHandlingPar_2(), and v_quad_aspect_ratio().

◆ nameTag

Tag nameTag = 0

Definition at line 14 of file gsets.cpp.

Referenced by dot_nodes(), and main().

◆ nodeTag

Tag nodeTag = 0

Definition at line 13 of file gsets.cpp.

Referenced by dot_nodes(), and main().

◆ printAnonSets

bool printAnonSets = false

Definition at line 16 of file gsets.cpp.

Referenced by dot_nodes(), and main().

◆ printSVSense

bool printSVSense = false

Definition at line 17 of file gsets.cpp.

Referenced by dot_children(), and main().

◆ sideTag

Tag sideTag = 0

Definition at line 12 of file gsets.cpp.

Referenced by dot_nodes(), and main().