4 #include "moab/Interface.hpp"
5 #include "moab/CartVect.hpp"
6 #include "moab/Matrix3.hpp"
7 #include "moab/CN.hpp"
9 #include <vector>
11 namespace moab
12 {
14 typedef ErrorCode ( *EvalFcn )( const double* params,
15 const double* field,
16 const int ndim,
17 const int num_tuples,
18 double* work,
19 double* result );
21 typedef ErrorCode ( *JacobianFcn )( const double* params,
22 const double* verts,
23 const int nverts,
24 const int ndim,
25 double* work,
26 double* result );
28 typedef ErrorCode ( *IntegrateFcn )( const double* field,
29 const double* verts,
30 const int nverts,
31 const int ndim,
32 const int num_tuples,
33 double* work,
34 double* result );
36 typedef ErrorCode ( *InitFcn )( const double* verts, const int nverts, double*& work );
38 typedef int ( *InsideFcn )( const double* verts, const int ndims, const double tol );
40 typedef ErrorCode ( *ReverseEvalFcn )( EvalFcn eval,
41 JacobianFcn jacob,
42 InsideFcn ins,
43 const double* posn,
44 const double* verts,
45 const int nverts,
46 const int ndim,
47 const double iter_tol,
48 const double inside_tol,
49 double* work,
50 double* params,
51 int* is_inside );
53 typedef ErrorCode (
54 *NormalFcn )( const int ientDim, const int facet, const int nverts, const double* verts, double normal[3] );
56 class EvalSet
57 {
58 public:
59 /** \brief Forward-evaluation of field at parametric coordinates */
60 EvalFcn evalFcn;
62 /** \brief Reverse-evaluation of parametric coordinates at physical space position */
63 ReverseEvalFcn reverseEvalFcn;
65 /** \brief Evaluate the normal at a local facet (edge/face for 2D/3D) */
66 NormalFcn normalFcn;
68 /** \brief Evaluate the jacobian at a specified parametric position */
69 JacobianFcn jacobianFcn;
71 /** \brief Forward-evaluation of field at parametric coordinates */
72 IntegrateFcn integrateFcn;
74 /** \brief Initialization function for an element */
75 InitFcn initFcn;
77 /** \brief Function that returns whether or not the parameters are inside the natural space of
78 * the element */
79 InsideFcn insideFcn;
81 /** \brief Bare constructor */
82 EvalSet()
83 : evalFcn( NULL ), reverseEvalFcn( NULL ), normalFcn( NULL ), jacobianFcn( NULL ), integrateFcn( NULL ),
84 initFcn( NULL ), insideFcn( NULL )
85 {
86 }
88 /** \brief Constructor */
89 EvalSet( EvalFcn eval,
90 ReverseEvalFcn rev,
91 NormalFcn normal,
92 JacobianFcn jacob,
93 IntegrateFcn integ,
94 InitFcn initf,
95 InsideFcn insidef )
96 : evalFcn( eval ), reverseEvalFcn( rev ), normalFcn( normal ), jacobianFcn( jacob ), integrateFcn( integ ),
97 initFcn( initf ), insideFcn( insidef )
98 {
99 }
101 /** \brief Copy constructor */
102 EvalSet( EvalSet const& eval )
103 : evalFcn( eval.evalFcn ), reverseEvalFcn( eval.reverseEvalFcn ), normalFcn( eval.normalFcn ),
104 jacobianFcn( eval.jacobianFcn ), integrateFcn( eval.integrateFcn ), initFcn( eval.initFcn ),
105 insideFcn( eval.insideFcn )
106 {
107 }
109 /** \brief Given an entity handle, get an appropriate eval set, based on type & #vertices */
110 static ErrorCode get_eval_set( Interface* mb, EntityHandle eh, EvalSet& eval_set );
112 /** \brief Given type & #vertices, get an appropriate eval set */
113 static ErrorCode get_eval_set( EntityType tp, unsigned int num_vertices, EvalSet& eval_set );
115 /** \brief Operator= */
116 EvalSet& operator=( const EvalSet& eval )
117 {
118 evalFcn = eval.evalFcn;
119 reverseEvalFcn = eval.reverseEvalFcn;
120 normalFcn = eval.normalFcn;
121 jacobianFcn = eval.jacobianFcn;
122 integrateFcn = eval.integrateFcn;
123 initFcn = eval.initFcn;
124 insideFcn = eval.insideFcn;
125 return *this;
126 }
128 /** \brief Common function to do reverse evaluation based on evaluation and jacobian functions
129 */
130 static ErrorCode evaluate_reverse( EvalFcn eval,
131 JacobianFcn jacob,
132 InsideFcn inside_f,
133 const double* posn,
134 const double* verts,
135 const int nverts,
136 const int ndim,
137 const double iter_tol,
138 const double inside_tol,
139 double* work,
140 double* params,
141 int* inside );
142 /** \brief Common function that returns true if params is in [-1,1]^ndims */
143 static int inside_function( const double* params, const int ndims, const double tol );
144 };
146 /** \brief Given an entity handle, get an appropriate eval set, based on type & #vertices */
147 inline ErrorCode EvalSet::get_eval_set( Interface* mb, EntityHandle eh, EvalSet& eval_set )
148 {
149 int nv;
150 EntityType tp = mb->type_from_handle( eh );
151 const EntityHandle* connect;
152 std::vector< EntityHandle > dum_vec;
153 ErrorCode rval = mb->get_connectivity( eh, connect, nv, false, &dum_vec );
154 if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
156 return get_eval_set( tp, nv, eval_set );
157 }
159 /**\brief Class facilitating local discretization-related functions
160 * \class ElemEvaluator
161 * This class implements discretization-related functionality operating
162 * on data in MOAB. A member of this class caches certain data about the element
163 * it's currently operating on, but is not meant to be instantiated one-per-element,
164 * but rather one-per-search (or other operation on a collection of elements).
165 *
166 * Actual discretization functionality is accessed through function pointers,
167 * allowing applications to specialize the implementation of specific functions
168 * while still using this class.
169 *
170 * This class depends on MOAB functionality for gathering entity-based data; the functions
171 * it calls through function pointers depend only on POD (plain old data, or intrinsic data types).
172 * This allows the use of other packages for serving these functions, without having to modify
173 * them to get data through MOAB. This should also promote efficiency, since in many cases they
174 * will be able to read data from its native storage locations.
175 */
177 class ElemEvaluator
178 {
179 public:
180 /** \brief Constructor
181 * \param impl MOAB instance
182 * \param ent Entity handle to cache on the evaluator; if non-zero, calls set_ent_handle, which
183 * does some other stuff. \param tag Tag to cache on the evaluator; if non-zero, calls
184 * set_tag_handle, which does some other stuff too. \param tagged_ent_dim Dimension of entities
185 * to be tagged to cache on the evaluator
186 */
187 ElemEvaluator( Interface* impl, EntityHandle ent = 0, Tag tag = 0, int tagged_ent_dim = -1 );
188 ~ElemEvaluator();
190 /** \brief Evaluate cached tag at a given parametric location within the cached entity
191 * If evaluating coordinates, call set_tag(0, 0), which indicates coords instead of a tag.
192 * \param params Parameters at which to evaluate field
193 * \param result Result of evaluation
194 * \param num_tuples Size of evaluated field, in number of values
195 */
196 ErrorCode eval( const double* params, double* result, int num_tuples = -1 ) const;
198 /** \brief Reverse-evaluate the cached entity at a given physical position
199 * \param posn Position at which to evaluate parameters
200 * \param iter_tol Tolerance of reverse evaluation non-linear iteration, usually 10^-10 or so
201 * \param inside_tol Tolerance of is_inside evaluation, usually 10^-6 or so
202 * \param params Result of evaluation
203 * \param is_inside If non-NULL, returns true of resulting parameters place the point inside the
204 * element (in most cases, within [-1]*(dim)
205 */
206 ErrorCode reverse_eval( const double* posn,
207 double iter_tol,
208 double inside_tol,
209 double* params,
210 int* is_inside = NULL ) const;
212 /**
213 * \brief Evaluate the normal to a facet of an entity
214 * \param ientDim Dimension of the facet. Should be (d-1) for d-dimensional entities
215 * \param facet Local id of the facet w.r.t the entity
216 * \param normal Returns the normal.
217 */
218 ErrorCode get_normal( const int ientDim, const int facet, double normal[3] ) const;
220 /** \brief Evaluate the jacobian of the cached entity at a given parametric location
221 * \param params Parameters at which to evaluate jacobian
222 * \param result Result of evaluation, in the form of a 3x3 matrix, stored in column-major order
223 */
224 ErrorCode jacobian( const double* params, double* result ) const;
226 /** \brief Integrate the cached tag over the cached entity
227 * \param result Result of the integration
228 */
229 ErrorCode integrate( double* result ) const;
231 /** \brief Return whether a physical position is inside the cached entity to within a tolerance
232 * \param params Parameters at which to query the element
233 * \param tol Tolerance, usually 10^-6 or so
234 */
235 int inside( const double* params, const double tol ) const;
237 /** \brief Given a list of entities, return the entity the point is in, or none
238 * This function reverse-evaluates the entities, returning the first entity containing the
239 * point. If no entity contains the point, containing_ent is returned as 0 and params are
240 * unchanged. This function returns something other than MB_SUCCESS only when queries go wrong
241 * for some reason. num_evals, if non-NULL, is always incremented for each call to reverse_eval.
242 * This function calls set_ent_handle for each entity before calling reverse_eval, so the
243 * ElemEvaluator object is changed. \param entities Entities tested \param point Point tested,
244 * must have 3 dimensions, even for edge and face entities \param iter_tol Tolerance for
245 * non-linear reverse evaluation \param inside_tol Tolerance for is_inside test \param
246 * containing_ent Entity containing the point, returned 0 if no entity \param params Parameters
247 * of point in containing entity, unchanged if no containing entity \param num_evals If
248 * non-NULL, incremented each time reverse_eval is called \return Returns non-success only if
249 * evaulation failed for some reason (point not in element is NOT a reason for failure)
250 */
251 ErrorCode find_containing_entity( Range& entities,
252 const double* point,
253 const double iter_tol,
254 const double inside_tol,
255 EntityHandle& containing_ent,
256 double* params,
257 unsigned int* num_evals = NULL );
259 /** \brief Given an entity set, return the contained entity the point is in, or none
260 * This function reverse-evaluates the entities, returning the first entity containing the
261 * point. If no entity contains the point, containing_ent is returned as 0 and params are
262 * unchanged. This function returns something other than MB_SUCCESS only when queries go wrong
263 * for some reason. num_evals, if non-NULL, is always incremented for each call to reverse_eval.
264 * This function calls set_ent_handle for each entity before calling reverse_eval, so the
265 * ElemEvaluator object is changed. \param ent_set Entity set containing the entities to be
266 * tested \param point Point tested, must have 3 dimensions, even for edge and face entities
267 * \param iter_tol Tolerance for non-linear reverse evaluation
268 * \param inside_tol Tolerance for is_inside test
269 * \param containing_ent Entity containing the point, returned 0 if no entity
270 * \param params Parameters of point in containing entity, unchanged if no containing entity
271 * \param num_evals If non-NULL, incremented each time reverse_eval is called
272 * \return Returns non-success only if evaulation failed for some reason (point not in element
273 * is NOT a reason for failure)
274 */
275 ErrorCode find_containing_entity( EntityHandle ent_set,
276 const double* point,
277 const double iter_tol,
278 const double inside_tol,
279 EntityHandle& containing_ent,
280 double* params,
281 unsigned int* num_evals = NULL );
283 /** \brief Set the eval set for a given type entity
284 * \param tp Entity type for which to set the eval set
285 * \param eval_set Eval set object to use
286 */
287 ErrorCode set_eval_set( EntityType tp, const EvalSet& eval_set );
289 /** \brief Set the eval set using a given entity handle
290 * This function queries the entity type and number of vertices on the entity to decide which
291 * type of shape function to use. NOTE: this function should only be called after setting a
292 * valid MOAB instance on the evaluator \param eh Entity handle whose type and #vertices are
293 * queried
294 */
295 ErrorCode set_eval_set( const EntityHandle eh );
297 /** \brief Get the eval set for a given type entity */
298 inline EvalSet get_eval_set( EntityType tp )
299 {
300 return evalSets[tp];
301 }
303 /** \brief Set entity handle & cache connectivty & vertex positions */
304 inline ErrorCode set_ent_handle( EntityHandle ent );
306 /** \brief Get entity handle for this ElemEval */
307 inline EntityHandle get_ent_handle() const
308 {
309 return entHandle;
310 }
312 /* \brief Get vertex positions cached on this EE
313 */
314 inline double* get_vert_pos()
315 {
316 return vertPos[0].array();
317 }
319 /* \brief Get the vertex handles cached here */
320 inline const EntityHandle* get_vert_handles() const
321 {
322 return vertHandles;
323 }
325 /* \brief Get the number of vertices for the cached entity */
326 inline int get_num_verts() const
327 {
328 return numVerts;
329 }
331 /* \brief Get the tag handle cached on this entity */
332 inline Tag get_tag_handle() const
333 {
334 return tagHandle;
335 };
337 /* \brief Set the tag handle to cache on this evaluator
338 * To designate that vertex coordinates are the desired tag, pass in a tag handle of 0
339 * and a tag dimension of 0.
340 * \param tag Tag handle to cache, or 0 to cache vertex positions
341 * \param tagged_ent_dim Dimension of entities tagged with this tag
342 */
343 inline ErrorCode set_tag_handle( Tag tag, int tagged_ent_dim = -1 );
345 /* \brief Set the name of the tag to cache on this evaluator
346 * To designate that vertex coordinates are the desired tag, pass in "COORDS" as the name
347 * and a tag dimension of 0.
348 * \param tag_name Tag handle to cache, or 0 to cache vertex positions
349 * \param tagged_ent_dim Dimension of entities tagged with this tag
350 */
351 inline ErrorCode set_tag( const char* tag_name, int tagged_ent_dim = -1 );
353 /* \brief Get the dimension of the entities on which tag is set */
354 inline int get_tagged_ent_dim() const
355 {
356 return taggedEntDim;
357 };
359 /* \brief Set the dimension of entities having the tag */
360 inline ErrorCode set_tagged_ent_dim( int dim );
362 /* \brief Get work space, sometimes this is useful for evaluating data you don't want to set as
363 * tags on entities Can't be const because most of the functions (evaluate, integrate, etc.)
364 * take non-const work space *'s
365 */
366 inline double* get_work_space()
367 {
368 return workSpace;
369 }
371 /* \brief MOAB interface cached on this evaluator */
372 inline Interface* get_moab()
373 {
374 return mbImpl;
375 }
377 private:
378 /** \brief Interface */
379 Interface* mbImpl;
381 /** \brief Entity handle being evaluated */
382 EntityHandle entHandle;
384 /** \brief Entity type */
385 EntityType entType;
387 /** \brief Entity dimension */
388 int entDim;
390 /** \brief Number of vertices cached here */
391 int numVerts;
393 /** \brief Cached copy of vertex handle ptr */
394 const EntityHandle* vertHandles;
396 /** \brief Cached copy of vertex positions */
397 CartVect vertPos[CN::MAX_NODES_PER_ELEMENT];
399 /** \brief Tag being evaluated */
400 Tag tagHandle;
402 /** \brief Whether tag is coordinates or something else */
403 bool tagCoords;
405 /** \brief Number of values in this tag */
406 int numTuples;
408 /** \brief Dimension of entities from which to grab tag */
409 int taggedEntDim;
411 /** \brief Tag space */
412 std::vector< unsigned char > tagSpace;
414 /** \brief Evaluation methods for elements of various topologies */
415 EvalSet evalSets[MBMAXTYPE];
417 /** \brief Work space for element-specific data */
418 double* workSpace;
420 }; // class ElemEvaluator
422 inline ElemEvaluator::ElemEvaluator( Interface* impl, EntityHandle ent, Tag tag, int tagged_ent_dim )
423 : mbImpl( impl ), entHandle( 0 ), entType( MBMAXTYPE ), entDim( -1 ), numVerts( 0 ), vertHandles( NULL ),
424 tagHandle( 0 ), tagCoords( false ), numTuples( 0 ), taggedEntDim( 0 ), workSpace( NULL )
425 {
426 if( ent ) set_ent_handle( ent );
427 if( tag ) set_tag_handle( tag, tagged_ent_dim );
428 }
430 inline ElemEvaluator::~ElemEvaluator()
431 {
432 if( workSpace ) delete[] workSpace;
433 }
435 inline ErrorCode ElemEvaluator::set_ent_handle( EntityHandle ent )
436 {
437 entHandle = ent;
438 if( workSpace )
439 {
440 delete[] workSpace;
441 workSpace = NULL;
442 }
444 entType = mbImpl->type_from_handle( ent );
445 entDim = mbImpl->dimension_from_handle( ent );
447 std::vector< EntityHandle > dum_vec;
448 ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->get_connectivity( ent, vertHandles, numVerts, false, &dum_vec );
449 if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
451 if( !evalSets[entType].evalFcn ) EvalSet::get_eval_set( entType, numVerts, evalSets[entType] );
453 rval = mbImpl->get_coords( vertHandles, numVerts, vertPos[0].array() );
454 if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
456 if( tagHandle )
457 {
458 rval = set_tag_handle( tagHandle );
459 if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
460 }
461 if( evalSets[entType].initFcn ) return ( *evalSets[entType].initFcn )( vertPos[0].array(), numVerts, workSpace );
462 return MB_SUCCESS;
463 }
465 inline ErrorCode ElemEvaluator::set_tag_handle( Tag tag, int tagged_ent_dim )
466 {
467 ErrorCode rval = MB_SUCCESS;
468 if( !tag && !tagged_ent_dim )
469 {
470 tagCoords = true;
471 numTuples = 3;
472 taggedEntDim = 0;
473 tagHandle = 0;
474 return rval;
475 }
476 else if( tagHandle != tag )
477 {
478 tagHandle = tag;
479 rval = mbImpl->tag_get_length( tagHandle, numTuples );
480 if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
481 int sz;
482 rval = mbImpl->tag_get_bytes( tag, sz );
483 if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
484 tagSpace.resize( CN::MAX_NODES_PER_ELEMENT * sz );
485 tagCoords = false;
486 }
488 taggedEntDim = ( -1 == tagged_ent_dim ? 0 : tagged_ent_dim );
490 if( entHandle )
491 {
492 if( 0 == taggedEntDim )
493 {
494 rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data( tagHandle, vertHandles, numVerts, &tagSpace[0] );
495 if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
496 }
497 else if( taggedEntDim == entDim )
498 {
499 rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data( tagHandle, &entHandle, 1, &tagSpace[0] );
500 if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
501 }
502 }
504 return rval;
505 }
507 inline ErrorCode ElemEvaluator::set_tag( const char* tag_name, int tagged_ent_dim )
508 {
509 ErrorCode rval = MB_SUCCESS;
510 if( !tag_name || strlen( tag_name ) == 0 ) return MB_FAILURE;
511 Tag tag;
512 if( !strcmp( tag_name, "COORDS" ) )
513 {
514 tagCoords = true;
515 taggedEntDim = 0;
516 numTuples = 3;
517 tagHandle = 0;
518 // can return here, because vertex coords already cached when entity handle set
519 return rval;
520 }
521 else
522 {
523 rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle( tag_name, tag );
524 if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
526 if( tagHandle != tag )
527 {
528 tagHandle = tag;
529 rval = mbImpl->tag_get_length( tagHandle, numTuples );
530 if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
531 int sz;
532 rval = mbImpl->tag_get_bytes( tag, sz );
533 if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
534 tagSpace.reserve( CN::MAX_NODES_PER_ELEMENT * sz );
535 tagCoords = false;
536 }
538 taggedEntDim = ( -1 == tagged_ent_dim ? entDim : tagged_ent_dim );
539 }
541 if( entHandle )
542 {
543 if( 0 == taggedEntDim )
544 {
545 rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data( tagHandle, vertHandles, numVerts, &tagSpace[0] );
546 if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
547 }
548 else if( taggedEntDim == entDim )
549 {
550 rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data( tagHandle, &entHandle, 1, &tagSpace[0] );
551 if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
552 }
553 }
555 return rval;
556 }
558 inline ErrorCode ElemEvaluator::set_eval_set( EntityType tp, const EvalSet& eval_set )
559 {
560 evalSets[tp] = eval_set;
561 if( entHandle && evalSets[entType].initFcn )
562 {
563 ErrorCode rval = ( *evalSets[entType].initFcn )( vertPos[0].array(), numVerts, workSpace );
564 if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
565 }
566 return MB_SUCCESS;
567 }
569 inline ErrorCode ElemEvaluator::eval( const double* params, double* result, int num_tuples ) const
570 {
571 assert( entHandle && MBMAXTYPE != entType );
572 return ( *evalSets[entType].evalFcn )(
573 params, ( tagCoords ? (const double*)vertPos[0].array() : (const double*)&tagSpace[0] ), entDim,
574 ( -1 == num_tuples ? numTuples : num_tuples ), workSpace, result );
575 }
577 inline ErrorCode ElemEvaluator::reverse_eval( const double* posn,
578 const double iter_tol,
579 const double inside_tol,
580 double* params,
581 int* ins ) const
582 {
583 assert( entHandle && MBMAXTYPE != entType );
584 return ( *evalSets[entType].reverseEvalFcn )( evalSets[entType].evalFcn, evalSets[entType].jacobianFcn,
585 evalSets[entType].insideFcn, posn, vertPos[0].array(), numVerts,
586 entDim, iter_tol, inside_tol, workSpace, params, ins );
587 }
589 /** \brief Evaluate the normal of the cached entity at a given facet */
590 inline ErrorCode ElemEvaluator::get_normal( const int ientDim, const int facet, double normal[3] ) const
591 {
592 assert( entHandle && MBMAXTYPE != entType );
593 return ( *evalSets[entType].normalFcn )( ientDim, facet, numVerts, vertPos[0].array(), normal );
594 }
596 /** \brief Evaluate the jacobian of the cached entity at a given parametric location */
597 inline ErrorCode ElemEvaluator::jacobian( const double* params, double* result ) const
598 {
599 assert( entHandle && MBMAXTYPE != entType );
600 return ( *evalSets[entType].jacobianFcn )( params, vertPos[0].array(), numVerts, entDim, workSpace, result );
601 }
603 /** \brief Integrate the cached tag over the cached entity */
604 inline ErrorCode ElemEvaluator::integrate( double* result ) const
605 {
606 assert( entHandle && MBMAXTYPE != entType && ( tagCoords || tagHandle ) );
607 ErrorCode rval = MB_SUCCESS;
608 if( !tagCoords )
609 {
610 if( 0 == taggedEntDim )
611 rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data( tagHandle, vertHandles, numVerts, (void*)&tagSpace[0] );
612 else
613 rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data( tagHandle, &entHandle, 1, (void*)&tagSpace[0] );
614 if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
615 }
616 return ( *evalSets[entType].integrateFcn )( ( tagCoords ? vertPos[0].array() : (const double*)&tagSpace[0] ),
617 vertPos[0].array(), numVerts, entDim, numTuples, workSpace, result );
618 }
620 inline ErrorCode ElemEvaluator::find_containing_entity( EntityHandle ent_set,
621 const double* point,
622 const double iter_tol,
623 const double inside_tol,
624 EntityHandle& containing_ent,
625 double* params,
626 unsigned int* num_evals )
627 {
628 assert( mbImpl->type_from_handle( ent_set ) == MBENTITYSET );
629 Range entities;
630 ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle( ent_set, entities );
631 if( MB_SUCCESS != rval )
632 return rval;
633 else
634 return find_containing_entity( entities, point, iter_tol, inside_tol, containing_ent, params, num_evals );
635 }
637 inline int ElemEvaluator::inside( const double* params, const double tol ) const
638 {
639 return ( *evalSets[entType].insideFcn )( params, entDim, tol );
640 }
642 inline ErrorCode ElemEvaluator::set_eval_set( const EntityHandle eh )
643 {
644 EvalSet eset;
645 ErrorCode rval = EvalSet::get_eval_set( mbImpl, eh, evalSets[mbImpl->type_from_handle( eh )] );
646 return rval;
647 }
649 } // namespace moab