Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.1)
An array-based unstructured mesh library
moab::Skinner Class Reference

Class for constructing and querying skin of a mesh Class for constructing and querying skin of a mesh, defined as the outside lower-dimensional boundary of a mesh or a given set of entities. This class provides options for finding the forward- and reverse-oriented members of the skin. Several methods are available for computing the skin, e.g. using geometric topology sets, vertex-entity adjacencies, or directly from (n-1)-dimensional entities. More...

#include <Skinner.hpp>

+ Collaboration diagram for moab::Skinner:

Public Member Functions

 Skinner (Interface *mdb)
 constructor, takes mdb instance More...
 ~Skinner ()
 destructor More...
ErrorCode find_geometric_skin (const EntityHandle meshset, Range &forward_target_entities)
ErrorCode find_skin (const EntityHandle meshset, const Range &entities, bool get_vertices, Range &output_handles, Range *output_reverse_handles=0, bool create_vert_elem_adjs=false, bool create_skin_elements=true, bool look_for_scd=false)
 will accept entities all of one dimension and return entities of n-1 dimension; NOTE: get_vertices argument controls whether vertices or entities of n-1 dimension are returned, and only one of these is allowed (i.e. this function returns only vertices or (n-1)-dimensional entities, but not both) More...
ErrorCode find_skin (const EntityHandle this_set, const EntityHandle *entities, int num_entities, bool get_vertices, Range &output_handles, Range *output_reverse_handles=0, bool create_vert_elem_adjs=false, bool create_skin_elements=true, bool look_for_scd=false)
 will accept entities all of one dimension and return entities of n-1 dimension; NOTE: get_vertices argument controls whether vertices or entities of n-1 dimension are returned, and only one of these is allowed (i.e. this function returns only vertices or (n-1)-dimensional entities, but not both) More...
ErrorCode find_skin (const EntityHandle this_set, const Range &entities, int dim, Range &skin_entities, bool create_vert_elem_adjs=false, bool create_skin_elements=true)
 get skin entities of prescribed dimension More...
ErrorCode classify_2d_boundary (const Range &boundary, const Range &bar_elements, EntityHandle boundary_edges, EntityHandle inferred_edges, EntityHandle non_manifold_edges, EntityHandle other_edges, int &number_boundary_nodes)
ErrorCode classify_2d_boundary (const Range &boundary, const Range &mesh_1d_elements, Range &boundary_edges, Range &inferred_edges, Range &non_manifold_edges, Range &other_edges, int &number_boundary_nodes)
 given a skin of dimension 2, will classify and return edges as boundary, inferred, and non-manifold, and the rest (other) More...

Protected Member Functions

ErrorCode initialize ()
ErrorCode deinitialize ()
ErrorCode find_skin_noadj (const Range &source_entities, Range &forward_target_entities, Range &reverse_target_entities)
ErrorCode add_adjacency (EntityHandle entity)
void add_adjacency (EntityHandle entity, const EntityHandle *conn, const int num_nodes)
ErrorCode remove_adjacency (EntityHandle entity)
bool entity_deletable (EntityHandle entity)
void find_match (EntityType type, const EntityHandle *conn, const int num_nodes, EntityHandle &match, Skinner::direction &direct)
bool connectivity_match (const EntityHandle *conn1, const EntityHandle *conn2, const int num_verts, Skinner::direction &direct)
void find_inferred_edges (Range &skin_boundary, Range &candidate_edges, Range &inferred_edges, double reference_angle_degrees)
bool has_larger_angle (EntityHandle &entity1, EntityHandle &entity2, double reference_angle_cosine)
ErrorCode find_skin_vertices (const EntityHandle this_set, const Range &entities, Range *skin_verts=0, Range *skin_elems=0, Range *rev_elems=0, bool create_if_missing=true, bool corners_only=false)
 Find vertices on the skin of a set of mesh entities. More...
ErrorCode find_skin_vertices_1D (Tag tag, const Range &edges, Range &skin_verts)
 Skin edges. More...
ErrorCode find_skin_vertices_2D (const EntityHandle this_set, Tag tag, const Range &faces, Range *skin_verts=0, Range *skin_edges=0, Range *reverse_edges=0, bool create_edges=false, bool corners_only=false)
 Skin faces. More...
ErrorCode find_skin_vertices_3D (const EntityHandle this_set, Tag tag, const Range &entities, Range *skin_verts=0, Range *skin_faces=0, Range *reverse_faces=0, bool create_faces=false, bool corners_only=false)
 Skin volume mesh. More...
ErrorCode create_side (const EntityHandle this_set, EntityHandle element, EntityType side_type, const EntityHandle *side_corners, EntityHandle &side_elem_handle_out)
bool edge_reversed (EntityHandle face, const EntityHandle edge_ends[2])
bool face_reversed (EntityHandle region, const EntityHandle *face_conn, EntityType face_type)
ErrorCode find_skin_scd (const Range &source_entities, bool get_vertices, Range &output_handles, bool create_skin_elements)
 look for structured box comprising source_entities, and if one is found use structured information to find the skin More...
ErrorCode skin_box (ScdBox *box, bool get_vertices, Range &output_handles, bool create_skin_elements)
 skin a structured box, taking advantage of structured information More...

Protected Attributes

 the MB instance that this works with More...
Tag mDeletableMBTag
Tag mAdjTag
int mTargetDim

Private Types

enum  direction { FORWARD = 1 , REVERSE = -1 }

Detailed Description

Class for constructing and querying skin of a mesh Class for constructing and querying skin of a mesh, defined as the outside lower-dimensional boundary of a mesh or a given set of entities. This class provides options for finding the forward- and reverse-oriented members of the skin. Several methods are available for computing the skin, e.g. using geometric topology sets, vertex-entity adjacencies, or directly from (n-1)-dimensional entities.

Definition at line 36 of file Skinner.hpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ direction


Definition at line 39 of file Skinner.hpp.

40  {
41  FORWARD = 1,
42  REVERSE = -1
43  };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Skinner()

moab::Skinner::Skinner ( Interface mdb)

constructor, takes mdb instance

Definition at line 55 of file Skinner.hpp.

55 : thisMB( mdb ), mDeletableMBTag( 0 ), mAdjTag( 0 ), mTargetDim( 0 ) {}

◆ ~Skinner()

moab::Skinner::~Skinner ( )


Definition at line 48 of file Skinner.cpp.

49 {
50  // delete the adjacency tag
51 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_adjacency() [1/2]

ErrorCode moab::Skinner::add_adjacency ( EntityHandle  entity)

Definition at line 129 of file Skinner.cpp.

130 {
131  std::vector< EntityHandle >* adj = NULL;
132  const EntityHandle* nodes;
133  int num_nodes;
134  ErrorCode result = thisMB->get_connectivity( entity, nodes, num_nodes, true );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
135  const EntityHandle* iter = std::min_element( nodes, nodes + num_nodes );
137  if( iter == nodes + num_nodes ) return MB_SUCCESS;
139  // add this entity to the node
140  if( thisMB->tag_get_data( mAdjTag, iter, 1, &adj ) == MB_SUCCESS && adj != NULL )
141  {
142  adj->push_back( entity );
143  }
144  // create a new vector and add it
145  else
146  {
147  adj = new std::vector< EntityHandle >;
148  adj->push_back( entity );
149  result = thisMB->tag_set_data( mAdjTag, iter, 1, &adj );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
150  }
152  return MB_SUCCESS;
153 }

References ErrorCode, moab::Interface::get_connectivity(), mAdjTag, MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, moab::Interface::tag_get_data(), moab::Interface::tag_set_data(), and thisMB.

Referenced by classify_2d_boundary(), find_skin_noadj(), and initialize().

◆ add_adjacency() [2/2]

void moab::Skinner::add_adjacency ( EntityHandle  entity,
const EntityHandle conn,
const int  num_nodes 

Definition at line 155 of file Skinner.cpp.

156 {
157  std::vector< EntityHandle >* adj = NULL;
158  const EntityHandle* iter = std::min_element( nodes, nodes + num_nodes );
160  if( iter == nodes + num_nodes ) return;
162  // should not be setting adjacency lists in ho-nodes
163  assert( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( entity ) == MBPOLYGON ||
164  num_nodes == CN::VerticesPerEntity( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( entity ) ) );
166  // add this entity to the node
167  if( thisMB->tag_get_data( mAdjTag, iter, 1, &adj ) == MB_SUCCESS && adj != NULL )
168  {
169  adj->push_back( entity );
170  }
171  // create a new vector and add it
172  else
173  {
174  adj = new std::vector< EntityHandle >;
175  adj->push_back( entity );
176  thisMB->tag_set_data( mAdjTag, iter, 1, &adj );
177  }
178 }

References mAdjTag, MB_SUCCESS, MBPOLYGON, moab::Interface::tag_get_data(), moab::Interface::tag_set_data(), thisMB, moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(), and moab::CN::VerticesPerEntity().

◆ classify_2d_boundary() [1/2]

ErrorCode moab::Skinner::classify_2d_boundary ( const Range boundary,
const Range bar_elements,
EntityHandle  boundary_edges,
EntityHandle  inferred_edges,
EntityHandle  non_manifold_edges,
EntityHandle  other_edges,
int &  number_boundary_nodes 

Definition at line 659 of file Skinner.cpp.

666 {
667  Range bedges, iedges, nmedges, oedges;
668  ErrorCode result =
669  classify_2d_boundary( boundary, bar_elements, bedges, iedges, nmedges, oedges, number_boundary_nodes );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
671  // now set the input meshsets to the output ranges
672  result = thisMB->clear_meshset( &boundary_edges, 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
673  result = thisMB->add_entities( boundary_edges, bedges );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
675  result = thisMB->clear_meshset( &inferred_edges, 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
676  result = thisMB->add_entities( inferred_edges, iedges );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
678  result = thisMB->clear_meshset( &non_manifold_edges, 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
679  result = thisMB->add_entities( non_manifold_edges, nmedges );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
681  result = thisMB->clear_meshset( &other_edges, 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
682  result = thisMB->add_entities( other_edges, oedges );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
684  return MB_SUCCESS;
685 }

References moab::Interface::add_entities(), moab::Interface::clear_meshset(), ErrorCode, MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, and thisMB.

◆ classify_2d_boundary() [2/2]

ErrorCode moab::Skinner::classify_2d_boundary ( const Range boundary,
const Range mesh_1d_elements,
Range boundary_edges,
Range inferred_edges,
Range non_manifold_edges,
Range other_edges,
int &  number_boundary_nodes 

given a skin of dimension 2, will classify and return edges as boundary, inferred, and non-manifold, and the rest (other)

Definition at line 687 of file Skinner.cpp.

694 {
696  // clear out the edge lists
698  boundary_edges.clear();
699  inferred_edges.clear();
700  non_manifold_edges.clear();
701  other_edges.clear();
703  number_boundary_nodes = 0;
705  // make sure we have something to work with
706  if( boundary.empty() )
707  {
708  return MB_FAILURE;
709  }
711  // get our working dimensions
712  EntityType type = thisMB->type_from_handle( *( boundary.begin() ) );
713  const int source_dim = CN::Dimension( type );
715  // make sure we can handle the working dimensions
716  if( source_dim != 2 )
717  {
718  return MB_FAILURE;
719  }
720  mTargetDim = source_dim - 1;
722  // initialize
723  initialize();
725  // additional initialization for this routine
726  // define a tag for MBEDGE which counts the occurrences of the edge below
727  // default should be 0 for existing edges, if any
729  Tag count_tag;
730  int default_count = 0;
731  ErrorCode result =
732  thisMB->tag_get_handle( 0, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, count_tag, MB_TAG_DENSE | MB_TAG_CREAT, &default_count );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
734  Range::const_iterator iter, end_iter;
735  end_iter = boundary.end();
737  std::vector< EntityHandle > conn;
738  EntityHandle sub_conn[2];
739  EntityHandle match;
741  Range edge_list;
742  Range boundary_nodes;
743  Skinner::direction direct;
745  EntityType sub_type;
746  int num_edge, num_sub_ent_vert;
747  const short* edge_verts;
749  // now, process each entity in the boundary
751  for( iter = boundary.begin(); iter != end_iter; ++iter )
752  {
753  // get the connectivity of this entity
754  conn.clear();
755  result = thisMB->get_connectivity( &( *iter ), 1, conn, false );
756  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
758  // add node handles to boundary_node range
759  std::copy( conn.begin(), conn.begin() + CN::VerticesPerEntity( type ), range_inserter( boundary_nodes ) );
761  type = thisMB->type_from_handle( *iter );
763  // get connectivity of each n-1 dimension entity (edge in this case)
764  const struct CN::ConnMap* conn_map = &( CN::mConnectivityMap[type][0] );
765  num_edge = CN::NumSubEntities( type, 1 );
766  for( int i = 0; i < num_edge; i++ )
767  {
768  edge_verts = CN::SubEntityVertexIndices( type, 1, i, sub_type, num_sub_ent_vert );
769  assert( sub_type == MBEDGE && num_sub_ent_vert == 2 );
770  sub_conn[0] = conn[edge_verts[0]];
771  sub_conn[1] = conn[edge_verts[1]];
772  int num_sub_nodes = conn_map->num_corners_per_sub_element[i];
774  // see if we can match this connectivity with
775  // an existing entity
776  find_match( MBEDGE, sub_conn, num_sub_nodes, match, direct );
778  // if there is no match, create a new entity
779  if( match == 0 )
780  {
781  EntityHandle tmphndl = 0;
782  int indices[MAX_SUB_ENTITY_VERTICES];
783  EntityType new_type;
784  int num_new_nodes;
785  CN::SubEntityNodeIndices( type, conn.size(), 1, i, new_type, num_new_nodes, indices );
786  for( int j = 0; j < num_new_nodes; j++ )
787  sub_conn[j] = conn[indices[j]];
789  result = thisMB->create_element( new_type, sub_conn, num_new_nodes, tmphndl );
790  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
791  add_adjacency( tmphndl, sub_conn, num_sub_nodes );
792  // target_entities.insert(tmphndl);
793  edge_list.insert( tmphndl );
794  int count;
795  result = thisMB->tag_get_data( count_tag, &tmphndl, 1, &count );
796  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
797  count++;
798  result = thisMB->tag_set_data( count_tag, &tmphndl, 1, &count );
799  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
800  }
801  else
802  {
803  // We found a match, we must increment the count on the match
804  int count;
805  result = thisMB->tag_get_data( count_tag, &match, 1, &count );
806  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
807  count++;
808  result = thisMB->tag_set_data( count_tag, &match, 1, &count );
809  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
811  // if the entity is not deletable, it was pre-existing in
812  // the database. We therefore may need to add it to the
813  // edge_list. Since it will not hurt the range, we add
814  // whether it was added before or not
815  if( !entity_deletable( match ) )
816  {
817  edge_list.insert( match );
818  }
819  }
820  }
821  }
823  // Any bar elements in the model should be classified separately
824  // If the element is in the skin edge_list, then it should be put in
825  // the non-manifold edge list. Edges not in the edge_list are stand-alone
826  // bars, and we make them simply boundary elements
828  if( !bar_elements.empty() )
829  {
830  Range::iterator bar_iter;
831  for( iter = bar_elements.begin(); iter != bar_elements.end(); ++iter )
832  {
833  EntityHandle handle = *iter;
834  bar_iter = edge_list.find( handle );
835  if( bar_iter != edge_list.end() )
836  {
837  // it is in the list, erase it and put in non-manifold list
838  edge_list.erase( bar_iter );
839  non_manifold_edges.insert( handle );
840  }
841  else
842  {
843  // not in the edge list, make it a boundary edge
844  boundary_edges.insert( handle );
845  }
846  }
847  }
849  // now all edges should be classified. Go through the edge_list,
850  // and put all in the appropriate lists
852  Range::iterator edge_iter, edge_end_iter;
853  edge_end_iter = edge_list.end();
854  int count;
855  for( edge_iter = edge_list.begin(); edge_iter != edge_end_iter; ++edge_iter )
856  {
857  // check the count_tag
858  result = thisMB->tag_get_data( count_tag, &( *edge_iter ), 1, &count );
859  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
860  if( count == 1 )
861  {
862  boundary_edges.insert( *edge_iter );
863  }
864  else if( count == 2 )
865  {
866  other_edges.insert( *edge_iter );
867  }
868  else
869  {
870  non_manifold_edges.insert( *edge_iter );
871  }
872  }
874  // find the inferred edges from the other_edge_list
876  double min_angle_degrees = 20.0;
877  find_inferred_edges( const_cast< Range& >( boundary ), other_edges, inferred_edges, min_angle_degrees );
879  // we now want to remove the inferred_edges from the other_edges
881  Range temp_range;
883  std::set_difference( other_edges.begin(), other_edges.end(), inferred_edges.begin(), inferred_edges.end(),
884  range_inserter( temp_range ), std::less< EntityHandle >() );
886  other_edges = temp_range;
888  // get rid of count tag and deinitialize
890  result = thisMB->tag_delete( count_tag );
891  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
892  deinitialize();
894  // set the node count
895  number_boundary_nodes = boundary_nodes.size();
897  return MB_SUCCESS;
898 }

References add_adjacency(), moab::Range::begin(), moab::Range::clear(), moab::Interface::create_element(), deinitialize(), moab::CN::Dimension(), moab::Range::empty(), moab::Range::end(), entity_deletable(), moab::Range::erase(), ErrorCode, moab::Range::find(), find_inferred_edges(), find_match(), moab::Interface::get_connectivity(), initialize(), moab::Range::insert(), moab::MAX_SUB_ENTITY_VERTICES, MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, MB_TAG_CREAT, MB_TAG_DENSE, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, MBEDGE, moab::CN::mConnectivityMap, mTargetDim, moab::CN::ConnMap::num_corners_per_sub_element, moab::CN::NumSubEntities(), moab::Range::size(), moab::CN::SubEntityNodeIndices(), moab::CN::SubEntityVertexIndices(), moab::Interface::tag_delete(), moab::Interface::tag_get_data(), moab::Interface::tag_get_handle(), moab::Interface::tag_set_data(), thisMB, moab::Interface::type_from_handle(), and moab::CN::VerticesPerEntity().

◆ connectivity_match()

bool moab::Skinner::connectivity_match ( const EntityHandle conn1,
const EntityHandle conn2,
const int  num_verts,
Skinner::direction direct 

Definition at line 582 of file Skinner.cpp.

586 {
587  const EntityHandle* iter = std::find( conn2, conn2 + num_verts, conn1[0] );
588  if( iter == conn2 + num_verts ) return false;
590  bool they_match = true;
592  int i;
593  unsigned int j = iter - conn2;
595  // first compare forward
596  for( i = 1; i < num_verts; ++i )
597  {
598  if( conn1[i] != conn2[( j + i ) % num_verts] )
599  {
600  they_match = false;
601  break;
602  }
603  }
605  if( they_match == true )
606  {
607  // need to check for reversed edges here
608  direct = ( num_verts == 2 && j ) ? REVERSE : FORWARD;
609  return true;
610  }
612  they_match = true;
614  // then compare reverse
615  j += num_verts;
616  for( i = 1; i < num_verts; )
617  {
618  if( conn1[i] != conn2[( j - i ) % num_verts] )
619  {
620  they_match = false;
621  break;
622  }
623  ++i;
624  }
625  if( they_match )
626  {
627  direct = REVERSE;
628  }
629  return they_match;
630 }

References FORWARD, and REVERSE.

Referenced by find_match().

◆ create_side()

ErrorCode moab::Skinner::create_side ( const EntityHandle  this_set,
EntityHandle  element,
EntityType  side_type,
const EntityHandle side_corners,
EntityHandle side_elem_handle_out 

Definition at line 1432 of file Skinner.cpp.

1437 {
1438  const int max_side = 9;
1439  const EntityHandle* conn;
1440  int len, side_len, side, sense, offset, indices[max_side];
1441  ErrorCode rval;
1442  EntityType type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( elem ), tmp_type;
1443  const int ncorner = CN::VerticesPerEntity( side_type );
1444  const int d = CN::Dimension( side_type );
1445  std::vector< EntityHandle > storage;
1447  // Get the connectivity of the parent element
1448  rval = thisMB->get_connectivity( elem, conn, len, false, &storage );
1449  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1451  // treat separately MBPOLYGON; we want to create the edge in the
1452  // forward sense always ; so figure out the sense first, then get out
1453  if( MBPOLYGON == type && 1 == d && MBEDGE == side_type )
1454  {
1455  // first find the first vertex in the conn list
1456  int i = 0;
1457  for( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
1458  {
1459  if( conn[i] == side_conn[0] ) break;
1460  }
1461  if( len == i ) return MB_FAILURE; // not found, big error
1462  // now, what if the polygon is padded?
1463  // the previous index is fine always. but the next one could be trouble :(
1464  int prevIndex = ( i + len - 1 ) % len;
1465  int nextIndex = ( i + 1 ) % len;
1466  // if the next index actually point to the same node, as current, it means it is padded
1467  if( conn[nextIndex] == conn[i] )
1468  {
1469  // it really means we are at the end of proper nodes, the last nodes are repeated, so it
1470  // should be the first node
1471  nextIndex = 0; // this is the first node!
1472  }
1473  EntityHandle conn2[2] = { side_conn[0], side_conn[1] };
1474  if( conn[prevIndex] == side_conn[1] )
1475  {
1476  // reverse, so the edge will be forward
1477  conn2[0] = side_conn[1];
1478  conn2[1] = side_conn[0];
1479  }
1480  else if( conn[nextIndex] != side_conn[1] )
1481  return MB_FAILURE; // it is not adjacent to the polygon
1483  rval = thisMB->create_element( MBEDGE, conn2, 2, side_elem );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
1484  if( this_set )
1485  {
1486  rval = thisMB->add_entities( this_set, &side_elem, 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
1487  }
1488  return MB_SUCCESS;
1489  }
1490  // Find which side we are creating and get indices of all nodes
1491  // (including higher-order, if any.)
1492  CN::SideNumber( type, conn, side_conn, ncorner, d, side, sense, offset );
1493  CN::SubEntityNodeIndices( type, len, d, side, tmp_type, side_len, indices );
1494  assert( side_len <= max_side );
1495  assert( side_type == tmp_type );
1497  // NOTE: re-create conn array even when no higher-order nodes
1498  // because we want it to always be forward with respect
1499  // to the side ordering.
1500  EntityHandle side_conn_full[max_side];
1501  for( int i = 0; i < side_len; ++i )
1502  side_conn_full[i] = conn[indices[i]];
1504  rval = thisMB->create_element( side_type, side_conn_full, side_len, side_elem );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
1505  if( this_set )
1506  {
1507  rval = thisMB->add_entities( this_set, &side_elem, 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
1508  }
1509  return MB_SUCCESS;
1510  ;
1511 }

References moab::CN::Dimension(), ErrorCode, MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, MBEDGE, MBPOLYGON, moab::CN::SideNumber(), moab::CN::SubEntityNodeIndices(), moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(), and moab::CN::VerticesPerEntity().

◆ deinitialize()

ErrorCode moab::Skinner::deinitialize ( )

Definition at line 98 of file Skinner.cpp.

99 {
100  ErrorCode result;
101  if( 0 != mDeletableMBTag )
102  {
103  result = thisMB->tag_delete( mDeletableMBTag );
104  mDeletableMBTag = 0;MB_CHK_ERR( result );
105  }
107  // remove the adjacency tag
108  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle >* > adj_arr;
109  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle >* >::iterator i;
110  if( 0 != mAdjTag )
111  {
112  for( EntityType t = MBVERTEX; t != MBMAXTYPE; ++t )
113  {
114  Range entities;
115  result = thisMB->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, t, &mAdjTag, 0, 1, entities );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
116  adj_arr.resize( entities.size() );
117  result = thisMB->tag_get_data( mAdjTag, entities, &adj_arr[0] );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
118  for( i = adj_arr.begin(); i != adj_arr.end(); ++i )
119  delete *i;
120  }
122  result = thisMB->tag_delete( mAdjTag );
123  mAdjTag = 0;MB_CHK_ERR( result );
124  }
126  return MB_SUCCESS;
127 }

References entities, ErrorCode, moab::Interface::get_entities_by_type_and_tag(), mAdjTag, MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, MBMAXTYPE, MBVERTEX, mDeletableMBTag, moab::Interface::tag_delete(), moab::Interface::tag_get_data(), and thisMB.

Referenced by classify_2d_boundary(), and find_skin_noadj().

◆ edge_reversed()

bool moab::Skinner::edge_reversed ( EntityHandle  face,
const EntityHandle  edge_ends[2] 

Definition at line 1515 of file Skinner.cpp.

1516 {
1517  const EntityHandle* conn;
1518  int len, idx;
1519  ErrorCode rval = thisMB->get_connectivity( face, conn, len, true );
1520  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval )
1521  {
1522  assert( false );
1523  return false;
1524  }
1525  idx = std::find( conn, conn + len, edge_ends[0] ) - conn;
1526  if( idx == len )
1527  {
1528  assert( false );
1529  return false;
1530  }
1531  return ( edge_ends[1] == conn[( idx + len - 1 ) % len] );
1532 }

References ErrorCode, and MB_SUCCESS.

◆ entity_deletable()

bool moab::Skinner::entity_deletable ( EntityHandle  entity)

Definition at line 650 of file Skinner.cpp.

651 {
652  unsigned char deletable = 0;
653  ErrorCode result = thisMB->tag_get_data( mDeletableMBTag, &entity, 1, &deletable );
654  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
655  if( MB_SUCCESS == result && deletable == 1 ) return false;
656  return true;
657 }

References ErrorCode, MB_SUCCESS, mDeletableMBTag, moab::Interface::tag_get_data(), and thisMB.

Referenced by classify_2d_boundary(), and find_skin_noadj().

◆ face_reversed()

bool moab::Skinner::face_reversed ( EntityHandle  region,
const EntityHandle face_conn,
EntityType  face_type 

Definition at line 1537 of file Skinner.cpp.

1538 {
1539  const EntityHandle* conn;
1540  int len, side, sense, offset;
1541  ErrorCode rval = thisMB->get_connectivity( region, conn, len, true );
1542  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval )
1543  {
1544  assert( false );
1545  return false;
1546  }
1547  short r = CN::SideNumber( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( region ), conn, face_corners, CN::VerticesPerEntity( face_type ),
1548  CN::Dimension( face_type ), side, sense, offset );
1549  assert( 0 == r );
1550  return ( !r && sense == -1 );
1551 }

References moab::CN::Dimension(), ErrorCode, MB_SUCCESS, moab::CN::SideNumber(), moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(), and moab::CN::VerticesPerEntity().

◆ find_geometric_skin()

ErrorCode moab::Skinner::find_geometric_skin ( const EntityHandle  meshset,
Range forward_target_entities 

Definition at line 180 of file Skinner.cpp.

181 {
182  // attempts to find whole model skin, using geom topo sets first then
183  // normal find_skin function
184  bool debug = true;
186  // look for geom topo sets
187  Tag geom_tag;
188  ErrorCode result =
191  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
193  // get face sets (dimension = 2)
194  Range face_sets;
195  int two = 2;
196  const void* two_ptr = &two;
197  result = thisMB->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( meshset, MBENTITYSET, &geom_tag, &two_ptr, 1, face_sets );
199  Range::iterator it;
200  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
201  return result;
202  else if( face_sets.empty() )
203  return MB_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND;
205  // ok, we have face sets; use those to determine skin
206  Range skin_sets;
207  if( debug ) std::cout << "Found " << face_sets.size() << " face sets total..." << std::endl;
209  for( it = face_sets.begin(); it != face_sets.end(); ++it )
210  {
211  int num_parents;
212  result = thisMB->num_parent_meshsets( *it, &num_parents );
213  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
214  return result;
215  else if( num_parents == 1 )
216  skin_sets.insert( *it );
217  }
219  if( debug ) std::cout << "Found " << skin_sets.size() << " 1-parent face sets..." << std::endl;
221  if( skin_sets.empty() ) return MB_FAILURE;
223  // ok, we have the shell; gather up the elements, putting them all in forward for now
224  for( it = skin_sets.begin(); it != skin_sets.end(); ++it )
225  {
226  result = thisMB->get_entities_by_handle( *it, forward_target_entities, true );
227  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
228  }
230  return result;
231 }

References moab::Range::begin(), moab::debug, moab::Range::empty(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, GEOM_DIMENSION_TAG_NAME, moab::Interface::get_entities_by_handle(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_type_and_tag(), moab::Range::insert(), MB_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND, MB_SUCCESS, MB_TAG_CREAT, MB_TAG_SPARSE, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, MBENTITYSET, moab::Interface::num_parent_meshsets(), moab::Range::size(), moab::Interface::tag_get_handle(), and thisMB.

◆ find_inferred_edges()

void moab::Skinner::find_inferred_edges ( Range skin_boundary,
Range candidate_edges,
Range inferred_edges,
double  reference_angle_degrees 

Definition at line 900 of file Skinner.cpp.

904 {
906  // mark all the entities in the skin boundary
907  Tag mark_tag;
908  ErrorCode result = thisMB->tag_get_handle( 0, 1, MB_TYPE_BIT, mark_tag, MB_TAG_CREAT );
909  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
910  unsigned char bit = true;
911  result = thisMB->tag_clear_data( mark_tag, skin_boundary, &bit );
912  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
914  // find the cosine of the reference angle
916  double reference_cosine = cos( reference_angle_degrees * SKINNER_PI / 180.0 );
918  // check all candidate edges for an angle greater than the minimum
920  Range::iterator iter, end_iter = candidate_edges.end();
921  std::vector< EntityHandle > adjacencies;
922  std::vector< EntityHandle >::iterator adj_iter;
923  EntityHandle face[2];
925  for( iter = candidate_edges.begin(); iter != end_iter; ++iter )
926  {
928  // get the 2D elements connected to this edge
929  adjacencies.clear();
930  result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( &( *iter ), 1, 2, false, adjacencies );
931  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) continue;
933  // there should be exactly two, that is why the edge is classified as nonBoundary
934  // and manifold
936  int faces_found = 0;
937  for( adj_iter = adjacencies.begin(); adj_iter != adjacencies.end() && faces_found < 2; ++adj_iter )
938  {
939  // we need to find two of these which are in the skin
940  unsigned char is_marked = 0;
941  result = thisMB->tag_get_data( mark_tag, &( *adj_iter ), 1, &is_marked );
942  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
943  if( is_marked )
944  {
945  face[faces_found] = *adj_iter;
946  faces_found++;
947  }
948  }
950  // assert(faces_found == 2 || faces_found == 0);
951  if( 2 != faces_found ) continue;
953  // see if the two entities have a sufficient angle
955  if( has_larger_angle( face[0], face[1], reference_cosine ) )
956  {
957  inferred_edges.insert( *iter );
958  }
959  }
961  result = thisMB->tag_delete( mark_tag );
962  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
963 }

References moab::Range::begin(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::Interface::get_adjacencies(), has_larger_angle(), moab::Range::insert(), MB_SUCCESS, MB_TAG_CREAT, MB_TYPE_BIT, SKINNER_PI, moab::Interface::tag_clear_data(), moab::Interface::tag_delete(), moab::Interface::tag_get_data(), moab::Interface::tag_get_handle(), and thisMB.

Referenced by classify_2d_boundary().

◆ find_match()

void moab::Skinner::find_match ( EntityType  type,
const EntityHandle conn,
const int  num_nodes,
EntityHandle match,
Skinner::direction direct 

Definition at line 532 of file Skinner.cpp.

537 {
538  match = 0;
540  if( type == MBVERTEX )
541  {
542  match = *conn;
543  direct = FORWARD;
544  return;
545  }
547  const EntityHandle* iter = std::min_element( conn, conn + num_nodes );
549  std::vector< EntityHandle >* adj = NULL;
551  ErrorCode result = thisMB->tag_get_data( mAdjTag, iter, 1, &adj );
552  if( result == MB_FAILURE || adj == NULL )
553  {
554  return;
555  }
557  std::vector< EntityHandle >::iterator jter, end_jter;
558  end_jter = adj->end();
560  const EntityHandle* tmp;
561  int num_verts;
563  for( jter = adj->begin(); jter != end_jter; ++jter )
564  {
565  EntityType tmp_type;
566  tmp_type = thisMB->type_from_handle( *jter );
568  if( type != tmp_type ) continue;
570  result = thisMB->get_connectivity( *jter, tmp, num_verts, false );
571  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result && num_verts >= CN::VerticesPerEntity( type ) );
572  // FIXME: connectivity_match appears to work only for linear elements,
573  // so ignore higher-order nodes.
574  if( connectivity_match( conn, tmp, CN::VerticesPerEntity( type ), direct ) )
575  {
576  match = *jter;
577  break;
578  }
579  }
580 }

References connectivity_match(), ErrorCode, FORWARD, moab::Interface::get_connectivity(), mAdjTag, MB_SUCCESS, MBVERTEX, moab::Interface::tag_get_data(), thisMB, moab::Interface::type_from_handle(), and moab::CN::VerticesPerEntity().

Referenced by classify_2d_boundary(), and find_skin_noadj().

◆ find_skin() [1/3]

ErrorCode moab::Skinner::find_skin ( const EntityHandle  meshset,
const Range entities,
bool  get_vertices,
Range output_handles,
Range output_reverse_handles = 0,
bool  create_vert_elem_adjs = false,
bool  create_skin_elements = true,
bool  look_for_scd = false 

will accept entities all of one dimension and return entities of n-1 dimension; NOTE: get_vertices argument controls whether vertices or entities of n-1 dimension are returned, and only one of these is allowed (i.e. this function returns only vertices or (n-1)-dimensional entities, but not both)

entitiesThe elements for which to find the skin
get_verticesIf true, vertices on the skin are returned in the range, otherwise elements are returned
output_handlesRange holding skin entities returned
output_reverse_handlesRange holding entities on skin which are reversed wrt entities
create_vert_elem_adjsIf true, this function will cause vertex-element adjacencies to be generated
create_skin_elementsIf true, this function will cause creation of skin entities, otherwise only skin entities already extant will be returned

Definition at line 233 of file Skinner.cpp.

241 {
242  if( source_entities.empty() ) return MB_SUCCESS;
244  if( look_for_scd )
245  {
246  ErrorCode rval = find_skin_scd( source_entities, get_vertices, output_handles, create_skin_elements );
247  // if it returns success, it's all scd, and we don't need to do anything more
248  if( MB_SUCCESS == rval ) return rval;
249  }
251  Core* this_core = dynamic_cast< Core* >( thisMB );
252  if( this_core && create_vert_elem_adjs && !this_core->a_entity_factory()->vert_elem_adjacencies() )
253  this_core->a_entity_factory()->create_vert_elem_adjacencies();
255  return find_skin_vertices( meshset, source_entities, get_vertices ? &output_handles : 0,
256  get_vertices ? 0 : &output_handles, output_reverse_handles, create_skin_elements );
257 }

References moab::Core::a_entity_factory(), moab::AEntityFactory::create_vert_elem_adjacencies(), moab::Range::empty(), ErrorCode, find_skin_scd(), find_skin_vertices(), MB_SUCCESS, thisMB, and moab::AEntityFactory::vert_elem_adjacencies().

Referenced by MetisPartitioner::assemble_taggedsets_graph(), moab::GeomTopoTool::check_model(), moab::TempestRemapper::ComputeOverlapMesh(), moab::ParallelComm::create_interface_sets(), DeformMeshRemap::execute(), find_skin(), moab::GeomTopoTool::geometrize_surface_set(), get_imesh_mesh(), moab::LloydSmoother::initialize(), main(), moab::MergeMesh::merge_entities(), moab::MergeMesh::merge_higher_dimensions(), moab::ParallelMergeMesh::PopulateMySkinEnts(), moab::ParallelComm::resolve_shared_ents(), tag_depth(), and moab::WriteCCMIO::write_cells_and_faces().

◆ find_skin() [2/3]

ErrorCode moab::Skinner::find_skin ( const EntityHandle  this_set,
const EntityHandle entities,
int  num_entities,
bool  get_vertices,
Range output_handles,
Range output_reverse_handles = 0,
bool  create_vert_elem_adjs = false,
bool  create_skin_elements = true,
bool  look_for_scd = false 

will accept entities all of one dimension and return entities of n-1 dimension; NOTE: get_vertices argument controls whether vertices or entities of n-1 dimension are returned, and only one of these is allowed (i.e. this function returns only vertices or (n-1)-dimensional entities, but not both)

entitiesPointer to elements for which to find the skin
num_entitiesNumber of entities in vector
get_verticesIf true, vertices on the skin are returned in the range, otherwise elements are returned
output_handlesRange holding skin entities returned
output_reverse_handlesRange holding entities on skin which are reversed wrt entities
create_vert_elem_adjsIf true, this function will cause vertex-element adjacencies to be generated
create_skin_elementsIf true, this function will cause creation of skin entities, otherwise only skin entities already extant will be returned

Definition at line 286 of file Skinner.hpp.

295 {
296  Range ents;
297  std::copy( entities, entities + num_entities, range_inserter( ents ) );
298  return find_skin( this_set, ents, get_vertices, output_handles, output_reverse_handles, create_vert_elem_adjs,
299  create_skin_elements, look_for_scd );
300 }

References entities, and find_skin().

◆ find_skin() [3/3]

ErrorCode moab::Skinner::find_skin ( const EntityHandle  this_set,
const Range entities,
int  dim,
Range skin_entities,
bool  create_vert_elem_adjs = false,
bool  create_skin_elements = true 

get skin entities of prescribed dimension

entitiesThe elements for which to find the skin
dimDimension of skin entities requested
skin_entitiesRange holding skin entities returned
create_vert_elem_adjsIf true, this function will cause vertex-element adjacencies to be generated

Definition at line 985 of file Skinner.cpp.

991 {
992  Range tmp_skin;
993  ErrorCode result =
994  find_skin( this_set, entities, ( dim == 0 ), tmp_skin, 0, create_vert_elem_adjs, create_skin_elements );
995  if( MB_SUCCESS != result || tmp_skin.empty() ) return result;
997  if( tmp_skin.all_of_dimension( dim ) )
998  {
999  if( skin_entities.empty() )
1000  skin_entities.swap( tmp_skin );
1001  else
1002  skin_entities.merge( tmp_skin );
1003  }
1004  else
1005  {
1006  result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( tmp_skin, dim, create_skin_elements, skin_entities, Interface::UNION );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
1007  if( this_set ) result = thisMB->add_entities( this_set, skin_entities );
1008  }
1010  return result;
1011 }

References moab::Interface::add_entities(), moab::Range::all_of_dimension(), dim, moab::Range::empty(), entities, ErrorCode, find_skin(), moab::Interface::get_adjacencies(), MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, moab::Range::merge(), moab::Range::swap(), thisMB, and moab::Interface::UNION.

◆ find_skin_noadj()

ErrorCode moab::Skinner::find_skin_noadj ( const Range source_entities,
Range forward_target_entities,
Range reverse_target_entities 

use_adjs &&

use_adjs &&

Definition at line 386 of file Skinner.cpp.

390 {
391  if( source_entities.empty() ) return MB_FAILURE;
393  // get our working dimensions
394  EntityType type = thisMB->type_from_handle( *( source_entities.begin() ) );
395  const int source_dim = CN::Dimension( type );
396  mTargetDim = source_dim - 1;
398  // make sure we can handle the working dimensions
399  if( mTargetDim < 0 || source_dim > 3 ) return MB_FAILURE;
401  initialize();
403  Range::const_iterator iter, end_iter;
404  end_iter = source_entities.end();
405  const EntityHandle* conn;
406  EntityHandle match;
408  direction direct;
409  ErrorCode result;
410  // assume we'll never have more than 32 vertices on a facet (checked
411  // with assert later)
412  EntityHandle sub_conn[32];
413  std::vector< EntityHandle > tmp_conn_vec;
414  int num_nodes, num_sub_nodes, num_sides;
415  int sub_indices[32]; // Also, assume that no polygon has more than 32 nodes
416  // we could increase that, but we will not display it right in visit moab h5m , anyway
417  EntityType sub_type;
419  // for each source entity
420  for( iter = source_entities.begin(); iter != end_iter; ++iter )
421  {
422  // get the connectivity of this entity
423  int actual_num_nodes_polygon = 0;
424  result = thisMB->get_connectivity( *iter, conn, num_nodes, false, &tmp_conn_vec );
425  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
427  type = thisMB->type_from_handle( *iter );
428  Range::iterator seek_iter;
430  // treat separately polygons (also, polyhedra will need special handling)
431  if( MBPOLYGON == type )
432  {
433  // treat padded polygons, if existing; count backwards, see how many of the last nodes
434  // are repeated assume connectivity is fine, otherwise we could be in trouble
435  actual_num_nodes_polygon = num_nodes;
436  while( actual_num_nodes_polygon >= 3 &&
437  conn[actual_num_nodes_polygon - 1] == conn[actual_num_nodes_polygon - 2] )
438  actual_num_nodes_polygon--;
439  num_sides = actual_num_nodes_polygon;
440  sub_type = MBEDGE;
441  num_sub_nodes = 2;
442  }
443  else // get connectivity of each n-1 dimension entity
444  num_sides = CN::NumSubEntities( type, mTargetDim );
445  for( int i = 0; i < num_sides; i++ )
446  {
447  if( MBPOLYGON == type )
448  {
449  sub_conn[0] = conn[i];
450  sub_conn[1] = conn[i + 1];
451  if( i + 1 == actual_num_nodes_polygon ) sub_conn[1] = conn[0];
452  }
453  else
454  {
455  CN::SubEntityNodeIndices( type, num_nodes, mTargetDim, i, sub_type, num_sub_nodes, sub_indices );
456  assert( (size_t)num_sub_nodes <= sizeof( sub_indices ) / sizeof( sub_indices[0] ) );
457  for( int j = 0; j < num_sub_nodes; j++ )
458  sub_conn[j] = conn[sub_indices[j]];
459  }
461  // see if we can match this connectivity with
462  // an existing entity
463  find_match( sub_type, sub_conn, num_sub_nodes, match, direct );
465  // if there is no match, create a new entity
466  if( match == 0 )
467  {
468  EntityHandle tmphndl = 0;
469  int indices[MAX_SUB_ENTITY_VERTICES];
470  EntityType new_type;
471  int num_new_nodes;
472  if( MBPOLYGON == type )
473  {
474  new_type = MBEDGE;
475  num_new_nodes = 2;
476  }
477  else
478  {
479  CN::SubEntityNodeIndices( type, num_nodes, mTargetDim, i, new_type, num_new_nodes, indices );
480  for( int j = 0; j < num_new_nodes; j++ )
481  sub_conn[j] = conn[indices[j]];
482  }
483  result = thisMB->create_element( new_type, sub_conn, num_new_nodes, tmphndl );
484  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
485  add_adjacency( tmphndl, sub_conn, CN::VerticesPerEntity( new_type ) );
486  forward_target_entities.insert( tmphndl );
487  }
488  // if there is a match, delete the matching entity
489  // if we can.
490  else
491  {
492  if( ( seek_iter = forward_target_entities.find( match ) ) != forward_target_entities.end() )
493  {
494  forward_target_entities.erase( seek_iter );
495  remove_adjacency( match );
496  if( /*!use_adjs &&*/ entity_deletable( match ) )
497  {
498  result = thisMB->delete_entities( &match, 1 );
499  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
500  }
501  }
502  else if( ( seek_iter = reverse_target_entities.find( match ) ) != reverse_target_entities.end() )
503  {
504  reverse_target_entities.erase( seek_iter );
505  remove_adjacency( match );
506  if( /*!use_adjs &&*/ entity_deletable( match ) )
507  {
508  result = thisMB->delete_entities( &match, 1 );
509  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
510  }
511  }
512  else
513  {
514  if( direct == FORWARD )
515  {
516  forward_target_entities.insert( match );
517  }
518  else
519  {
520  reverse_target_entities.insert( match );
521  }
522  }
523  }
524  }
525  }
527  deinitialize();
529  return MB_SUCCESS;
530 }

References add_adjacency(), moab::Range::begin(), moab::Interface::create_element(), deinitialize(), moab::Interface::delete_entities(), moab::CN::Dimension(), moab::Range::empty(), moab::Range::end(), entity_deletable(), moab::Range::erase(), ErrorCode, moab::Range::find(), find_match(), FORWARD, moab::Interface::get_connectivity(), initialize(), moab::Range::insert(), moab::MAX_SUB_ENTITY_VERTICES, MB_SUCCESS, MBEDGE, MBPOLYGON, mTargetDim, moab::CN::NumSubEntities(), remove_adjacency(), moab::CN::SubEntityNodeIndices(), thisMB, moab::Interface::type_from_handle(), and moab::CN::VerticesPerEntity().

◆ find_skin_scd()

ErrorCode moab::Skinner::find_skin_scd ( const Range source_entities,
bool  get_vertices,
Range output_handles,
bool  create_skin_elements 

look for structured box comprising source_entities, and if one is found use structured information to find the skin

Definition at line 259 of file Skinner.cpp.

263 {
264  // get the scd interface and check if it's been initialized
265  ScdInterface* scdi = NULL;
266  ErrorCode rval = thisMB->query_interface( scdi );
267  if( !scdi ) return MB_FAILURE;
269  // ok, there's scd mesh; see if the entities passed in are all in a scd box
270  // a box needs to be wholly included in entities for this to work
271  std::vector< ScdBox* > boxes, myboxes;
272  Range myrange;
273  rval = scdi->find_boxes( boxes );
274  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
275  for( std::vector< ScdBox* >::iterator bit = boxes.begin(); bit != boxes.end(); ++bit )
276  {
277  Range belems( ( *bit )->start_element(), ( *bit )->start_element() + ( *bit )->num_elements() - 1 );
278  if( source_entities.contains( belems ) )
279  {
280  myboxes.push_back( *bit );
281  myrange.merge( belems );
282  }
283  }
284  if( myboxes.empty() || myrange.size() != source_entities.size() ) return MB_FAILURE;
286  // ok, we're all structured; get the skin for each box
287  for( std::vector< ScdBox* >::iterator bit = boxes.begin(); bit != boxes.end(); ++bit )
288  {
289  rval = skin_box( *bit, get_vertices, output_handles, create_skin_elements );
290  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
291  }
293  return MB_SUCCESS;
294 }

References moab::Range::contains(), ErrorCode, moab::ScdInterface::find_boxes(), MB_SUCCESS, moab::Range::merge(), moab::Interface::query_interface(), moab::Range::size(), skin_box(), and thisMB.

Referenced by find_skin().

◆ find_skin_vertices()

ErrorCode moab::Skinner::find_skin_vertices ( const EntityHandle  this_set,
const Range entities,
Range skin_verts = 0,
Range skin_elems = 0,
Range rev_elems = 0,
bool  create_if_missing = true,
bool  corners_only = false 

Find vertices on the skin of a set of mesh entities.

entitiesThe elements for which to find the skin. Range may NOT contain vertices, polyhedra, or entity sets. All elements in range must be of the same dimension.
skin_vertsOutput: the vertices on the skin.
skin_elemsOptional output: elements representing sides of entities that are on the skin
create_if_missingIf skin_elemts is non-null and this is true, create new elements representing the sides of entities on the skin. If this is false, skin_elems will contain only those skin elements that already exist.

Definition at line 1013 of file Skinner.cpp.

1020 {
1021  ErrorCode rval;
1022  if( entities.empty() ) return MB_SUCCESS;
1024  const int dim = CN::Dimension( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( entities.front() ) );
1025  if( dim < 1 || dim > 3 || !entities.all_of_dimension( dim ) ) return MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
1027  // are we skinning all entities
1028  size_t count = entities.size();
1029  int num_total;
1030  rval = thisMB->get_number_entities_by_dimension( this_set, dim, num_total );
1031  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1032  bool all = ( count == (size_t)num_total );
1034  // Create a bit tag for fast intersection with input entities range.
1035  // If we're skinning all the entities in the mesh, we really don't
1036  // need the tag. To save memory, just create it with a default value
1037  // of one and don't set it. That way MOAB will return 1 for all
1038  // entities.
1039  Tag tag;
1040  char bit = all ? 1 : 0;
1041  rval = thisMB->tag_get_handle( NULL, 1, MB_TYPE_BIT, tag, MB_TAG_CREAT, &bit );
1042  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1044  // tag all entities in input range
1045  if( !all )
1046  {
1047  std::vector< unsigned char > vect( count, 1 );
1048  rval = thisMB->tag_set_data( tag, entities, &vect[0] );
1049  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval )
1050  {
1051  thisMB->tag_delete( tag );
1052  return rval;
1053  }
1054  }
1056  switch( dim )
1057  {
1058  case 1:
1059  if( skin_verts )
1060  rval = find_skin_vertices_1D( tag, entities, *skin_verts );
1061  else if( skin_elems )
1062  rval = find_skin_vertices_1D( tag, entities, *skin_elems );
1063  else
1064  rval = MB_SUCCESS;
1065  break;
1066  case 2:
1067  rval = find_skin_vertices_2D( this_set, tag, entities, skin_verts, skin_elems, skin_rev_elems,
1068  create_skin_elems, corners_only );
1069  break;
1070  case 3:
1071  rval = find_skin_vertices_3D( this_set, tag, entities, skin_verts, skin_elems, skin_rev_elems,
1072  create_skin_elems, corners_only );
1073  break;
1074  default:
1075  rval = MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
1076  break;
1077  }
1079  thisMB->tag_delete( tag );
1080  return rval;
1081 }

References dim, moab::CN::Dimension(), entities, ErrorCode, find_skin_vertices_1D(), find_skin_vertices_2D(), find_skin_vertices_3D(), moab::Interface::get_number_entities_by_dimension(), MB_SUCCESS, MB_TAG_CREAT, MB_TYPE_BIT, MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE, moab::Interface::tag_delete(), moab::Interface::tag_get_handle(), moab::Interface::tag_set_data(), thisMB, and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

Referenced by find_skin().

◆ find_skin_vertices_1D()

ErrorCode moab::Skinner::find_skin_vertices_1D ( Tag  tag,
const Range edges,
Range skin_verts 

Skin edges.

Return any vertices adjacent to exactly one of the input edges.

Definition at line 1083 of file Skinner.cpp.

1084 {
1085  // This rather simple algorithm is provided for completeness
1086  // (not sure how often one really wants the 'skin' of a chain
1087  // or tangle of edges.)
1088  //
1089  // A vertex is on the skin of the edges if it is contained in exactly
1090  // one of the edges *in the input range*.
1091  //
1092  // This function expects the caller to have tagged all edges in the
1093  // input range with a value of one for the passed bit tag, and all
1094  // other edges with a value of zero. This allows us to do a faster
1095  // intersection with the input range and the edges adjacent to a vertex.
1097  ErrorCode rval;
1098  Range::iterator hint = skin_verts.begin();
1100  // All input entities must be edges.
1101  if( !edges.all_of_dimension( 1 ) ) return MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
1103  // get all the vertices
1104  Range verts;
1105  rval = thisMB->get_connectivity( edges, verts, true );
1106  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1108  // Test how many edges each input vertex is adjacent to.
1109  std::vector< char > tag_vals;
1110  std::vector< EntityHandle > adj;
1111  int n;
1112  for( Range::const_iterator it = verts.begin(); it != verts.end(); ++it )
1113  {
1114  // get edges adjacent to vertex
1115  adj.clear();
1116  rval = thisMB->get_adjacencies( &*it, 1, 1, false, adj );
1117  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1118  if( adj.empty() ) continue;
1120  // Intersect adjacent edges with the input list of edges
1121  tag_vals.resize( adj.size() );
1122  rval = thisMB->tag_get_data( tag, &adj[0], adj.size(), &tag_vals[0] );
1123  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1124 #ifdef MOAB_OLD_STD_COUNT
1125  n = 0;
1126  std::count( tag_vals.begin(), tag_vals.end(), '\001' );
1127 #else
1128  n = std::count( tag_vals.begin(), tag_vals.end(), '\001' );
1129 #endif
1130  // If adjacent to only one input edge, then vertex is on skin
1131  if( n == 1 )
1132  {
1133  hint = skin_verts.insert( hint, *it );
1134  }
1135  }
1137  return MB_SUCCESS;
1138 }

References moab::Range::all_of_dimension(), moab::Range::begin(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::Interface::get_adjacencies(), moab::Interface::get_connectivity(), moab::Range::insert(), MB_SUCCESS, MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE, moab::Interface::tag_get_data(), and thisMB.

Referenced by find_skin_vertices().

◆ find_skin_vertices_2D()

ErrorCode moab::Skinner::find_skin_vertices_2D ( const EntityHandle  this_set,
Tag  tag,
const Range faces,
Range skin_verts = 0,
Range skin_edges = 0,
Range reverse_edges = 0,
bool  create_edges = false,
bool  corners_only = false 

Skin faces.

For the set of face sides (logical edges), return vertices on such sides and/or edges equivalent to such sides.

facesSet of toplogically 2D entities to skin.
skin_vertsIf non-NULL, skin vertices will be added to this container.
skin_edgesIf non-NULL, skin edges will be added to this container
reverse_edgesIf skin_edges is not NULL and this is not NULL, then any existing skin edges that are reversed with respect to the skin side will be placed in this range instead of skin_edges. Note: this argument is ignored if skin_edges is NULL.
create_edgesIf true, edges equivalent to face sides on the skin that don't already exist will be created. Note: this parameter is honored regardless of whether or not skin edges or vertices are returned.
corners_onlyIf true, only skin vertices that correspond to the corners of sides will be returned (i.e. no higher-order nodes.) This argument is ignored if skin_verts is NULL.

Definition at line 1553 of file Skinner.cpp.

1561 {
1562  // This function iterates over all the vertices contained in the
1563  // input face list. For each such vertex, it then iterates over
1564  // all of the sides of the face elements adjacent to the vertex.
1565  // If an adjacent side is the side of only one of the input
1566  // faces, then that side is on the skin.
1567  //
1568  // This algorithm will visit each skin vertex exactly once. It
1569  // will visit each skin side once for each vertex in the side.
1570  //
1571  // This function expects the caller to have created the passed bit
1572  // tag and set it to one only for the faces in the passed range. This
1573  // tag is used to do a fast intersection of the faces adjacent to a
1574  // vertex with the faces in the input range (discard any for which the
1575  // tag is not set to one.)
1577  ErrorCode rval;
1578  std::vector< EntityHandle >::iterator i, j;
1579  Range::iterator hint;
1580  if( skin_verts ) hint = skin_verts->begin();
1581  std::vector< EntityHandle > storage;
1582  const EntityHandle* conn;
1583  int len;
1584  bool find_edges = skin_edges || create_edges;
1585  bool printed_nonconformal_ho_warning = false;
1588  if( !faces.all_of_dimension( 2 ) ) return MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
1590  // get all the vertices
1591  Range verts;
1592  rval = thisMB->get_connectivity( faces, verts, true );
1593  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1595  std::vector< char > tag_vals;
1596  std::vector< EntityHandle > adj;
1597  AdjSides< 2 > adj_edges;
1598  for( Range::const_iterator it = verts.begin(); it != verts.end(); ++it )
1599  {
1600  bool higher_order = false;
1602  // get all adjacent faces
1603  adj.clear();
1604  rval = thisMB->get_adjacencies( &*it, 1, 2, false, adj );
1605  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1606  if( adj.empty() ) continue;
1608  // remove those not in the input list (intersect with input list)
1609  i = j = adj.begin();
1610  tag_vals.resize( adj.size() );
1611  rval = thisMB->tag_get_data( tag, &adj[0], adj.size(), &tag_vals[0] );
1612  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1613  // remove non-tagged entries
1614  i = j = adj.begin();
1615  for( ; i != adj.end(); ++i )
1616  if( tag_vals[i - adj.begin()] ) *( j++ ) = *i;
1617  adj.erase( j, adj.end() );
1619  // For each adjacent face, check the edges adjacent to the current vertex
1620  adj_edges.clear(); // other vertex for adjacent edges
1621  for( i = adj.begin(); i != adj.end(); ++i )
1622  {
1623  rval = thisMB->get_connectivity( *i, conn, len, false, &storage );
1624  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1626  // For a single face element adjacent to this vertex, there
1627  // will be exactly two sides (edges) adjacent to the vertex.
1628  // Find the other vertex for each of the two edges.
1630  EntityHandle prev, next; // vertices of two adjacent edge-sides
1631  const int idx = std::find( conn, conn + len, *it ) - conn;
1632  assert( idx != len );
1634  if( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( *i ) == MBTRI && len > 3 )
1635  {
1636  len = 3;
1637  higher_order = true;
1638  if( idx > 2 )
1639  { // skip higher-order nodes for now
1640  if( !printed_nonconformal_ho_warning )
1641  {
1642  printed_nonconformal_ho_warning = true;
1643  std::cerr << "Non-conformal higher-order mesh detected in skinner: "
1644  << "vertex " << ID_FROM_HANDLE( *it ) << " is a corner in "
1645  << "some elements and a higher-order node in others" << std::endl;
1646  }
1647  continue;
1648  }
1649  }
1650  else if( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( *i ) == MBQUAD && len > 4 )
1651  {
1652  len = 4;
1653  higher_order = true;
1654  if( idx > 3 )
1655  { // skip higher-order nodes for now
1656  if( !printed_nonconformal_ho_warning )
1657  {
1658  printed_nonconformal_ho_warning = true;
1659  std::cerr << "Non-conformal higher-order mesh detected in skinner: "
1660  << "vertex " << ID_FROM_HANDLE( *it ) << " is a corner in "
1661  << "some elements and a higher-order node in others" << std::endl;
1662  }
1663  continue;
1664  }
1665  }
1667  // so it must be a MBPOLYGON
1668  const int prev_idx = ( idx + len - 1 ) % len; // this should be fine, always, even for padded case
1669  prev = conn[prev_idx];
1670  next = conn[( idx + 1 ) % len];
1671  if( next == conn[idx] ) // it must be the padded case, so roll to the beginning
1672  next = conn[0];
1674  // Insert sides (edges) in our list of candidate skin sides
1675  adj_edges.insert( &prev, 1, *i, prev_idx );
1676  adj_edges.insert( &next, 1, *i, idx );
1677  }
1679  // If vertex is not on skin, advance to next vertex.
1680  // adj_edges handled checking for duplicates on insertion.
1681  // If every candidate skin edge occurred more than once (was
1682  // not in fact on the skin), then we're done with this vertex.
1683  if( 0 == adj_edges.num_skin() ) continue;
1685  // If user requested Range of *vertices* on the skin...
1686  if( skin_verts )
1687  {
1688  // Put skin vertex in output list
1689  hint = skin_verts->insert( hint, *it );
1691  // Add mid edge nodes to vertex list
1692  if( !corners_only && higher_order )
1693  {
1694  for( AdjSides< 2 >::const_iterator p = adj_edges.begin(); p != adj_edges.end(); ++p )
1695  {
1696  if( p->skin() )
1697  {
1698  face = p->adj_elem;
1699  EntityType type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( face );
1701  rval = thisMB->get_connectivity( face, conn, len, false );
1702  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1703  if( !CN::HasMidEdgeNodes( type, len ) ) continue;
1705  EntityHandle ec[2] = { *it, p->handles[0] };
1706  int side, sense, offset;
1707  CN::SideNumber( type, conn, ec, 2, 1, side, sense, offset );
1708  offset = CN::HONodeIndex( type, len, 1, side );
1709  assert( offset >= 0 && offset < len );
1710  skin_verts->insert( conn[offset] );
1711  }
1712  }
1713  }
1714  }
1716  // If user requested Range of *edges* on the skin...
1717  if( find_edges )
1718  {
1719  // Search list of existing adjacent edges for any that are on the skin
1720  adj.clear();
1721  rval = thisMB->get_adjacencies( &*it, 1, 1, false, adj );
1722  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1723  for( i = adj.begin(); i != adj.end(); ++i )
1724  {
1725  rval = thisMB->get_connectivity( *i, conn, len, true );
1726  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1728  // bool equality expression within find_and_unmark call
1729  // will be evaluate to the index of *it in the conn array.
1730  //
1731  // Note that the order of the terms in the if statement is important.
1732  // We want to unmark any existing skin edges even if we aren't
1733  // returning them. Otherwise we'll end up creating duplicates
1734  // if create_edges is true and skin_edges is not.
1735  if( adj_edges.find_and_unmark( conn, ( conn[1] == *it ), face ) && skin_edges )
1736  {
1737  if( reversed_edges && edge_reversed( face, conn ) )
1738  reversed_edges->insert( *i );
1739  else
1740  skin_edges->insert( *i );
1741  }
1742  }
1743  }
1745  // If the user requested that we create new edges for sides
1746  // on the skin for which there is no existing edge, and there
1747  // are still skin sides for which no corresponding edge was found...
1748  if( create_edges && adj_edges.num_skin() )
1749  {
1750  // Create any skin edges that don't exist
1751  for( AdjSides< 2 >::const_iterator p = adj_edges.begin(); p != adj_edges.end(); ++p )
1752  {
1753  if( p->skin() )
1754  {
1755  EntityHandle edge, ec[] = { *it, p->handles[0] };
1756  rval = create_side( this_set, p->adj_elem, MBEDGE, ec, edge );
1757  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1758  if( skin_edges ) skin_edges->insert( edge );
1759  }
1760  }
1761  }
1763  } // end for each vertex
1765  return MB_SUCCESS;
1766 }

References moab::Range::all_of_dimension(), moab::Range::begin(), moab::AdjSides< CORNERS >::begin(), moab::AdjSides< CORNERS >::clear(), moab::Range::end(), moab::AdjSides< CORNERS >::end(), ErrorCode, moab::AdjSides< CORNERS >::find_and_unmark(), moab::CN::HasMidEdgeNodes(), moab::CN::HONodeIndex(), moab::ID_FROM_HANDLE(), moab::AdjSides< CORNERS >::insert(), moab::Range::insert(), MB_SUCCESS, MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE, MBEDGE, MBQUAD, MBTRI, moab::AdjSides< CORNERS >::num_skin(), moab::CN::SideNumber(), and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

Referenced by find_skin_vertices().

◆ find_skin_vertices_3D()

ErrorCode moab::Skinner::find_skin_vertices_3D ( const EntityHandle  this_set,
Tag  tag,
const Range entities,
Range skin_verts = 0,
Range skin_faces = 0,
Range reverse_faces = 0,
bool  create_faces = false,
bool  corners_only = false 

Skin volume mesh.

For the set of element sides (logical faces), return vertices on such sides and/or faces equivalent to such sides.

entitiesSet of toplogically 3D entities to skin.
skin_vertsIf non-NULL, skin vertices will be added to this container.
skin_facesIf non-NULL, skin faces will be added to this container
reverse_facesIf skin_faces is not NULL and this is not NULL, then any existing skin faces that are reversed with respect to the skin side will be placed in this range instead of skin_faces. Note: this argument is ignored if skin_faces is NULL.
create_facesIf true, face equivalent to sides on the skin that don't already exist will be created. Note: this parameter is honored regardless of whether or not skin faces or vertices are returned.
corners_onlyIf true, only skin vertices that correspond to the corners of sides will be returned (i.e. no higher-order nodes.) This argument is ignored if skin_verts is NULL.

Definition at line 1768 of file Skinner.cpp.

1776 {
1777  // This function iterates over all the vertices contained in the
1778  // input vol elem list. For each such vertex, it then iterates over
1779  // all of the sides of the vol elements adjacent to the vertex.
1780  // If an adjacent side is the side of only one of the input
1781  // elements, then that side is on the skin.
1782  //
1783  // This algorithm will visit each skin vertex exactly once. It
1784  // will visit each skin side once for each vertex in the side.
1785  //
1786  // This function expects the caller to have created the passed bit
1787  // tag and set it to one only for the elements in the passed range. This
1788  // tag is used to do a fast intersection of the elements adjacent to a
1789  // vertex with the elements in the input range (discard any for which the
1790  // tag is not set to one.)
1791  //
1792  // For each vertex, iterate over each adjacent element. Construct
1793  // lists of the sides of each adjacent element that contain the vertex.
1794  //
1795  // A list of three-vertex sides is kept for all triangular faces,
1796  // included three-vertex faces of type MBPOLYGON. Putting polygons
1797  // in the same list ensures that we find polyhedron and non-polyhedron
1798  // elements that are adjacent.
1799  //
1800  // A list of four-vertex sides is kept for all quadrilateral faces,
1801  // including four-vertex faces of type MBPOLYGON.
1802  //
1803  // Sides with more than four vertices must have an explicit MBPOLYGON
1804  // element representing them because MBPOLYHEDRON connectivity is a
1805  // list of faces rather than vertices. So the third list (vertices>=5),
1806  // need contain only the handle of the face rather than the vertex handles.
1808  ErrorCode rval;
1809  std::vector< EntityHandle >::iterator i, j;
1810  Range::iterator hint;
1811  if( skin_verts ) hint = skin_verts->begin();
1812  std::vector< EntityHandle > storage, storage2; // temp storage for conn lists
1813  const EntityHandle *conn, *conn2;
1814  int len, len2;
1815  bool find_faces = skin_faces || create_faces;
1816  int clen, side, sense, offset, indices[9];
1817  EntityType face_type;
1818  EntityHandle elem;
1819  bool printed_nonconformal_ho_warning = false;
1821  if( !entities.all_of_dimension( 3 ) ) return MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
1823  // get all the vertices
1824  Range verts;
1825  rval = thisMB->get_connectivity( entities, verts, true );
1826  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1827  // if there are polyhedra in the input list, need to make another
1828  // call to get vertices from faces
1829  if( !verts.all_of_dimension( 0 ) )
1830  {
1831  Range::iterator it = verts.upper_bound( MBVERTEX );
1832  Range pfaces;
1833  pfaces.merge( it, verts.end() );
1834  verts.erase( it, verts.end() );
1835  rval = thisMB->get_connectivity( pfaces, verts, true );
1836  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1837  assert( verts.all_of_dimension( 0 ) );
1838  }
1840  AdjSides< 4 > adj_quads; // 4-node sides adjacent to a vertex
1841  AdjSides< 3 > adj_tris; // 3-node sides adjacent to a vertex
1842  AdjSides< 2 > adj_poly; // n-node sides (n>5) adjacent to vertex
1843  // (must have an explicit polygon, so store
1844  // polygon handle rather than vertices.)
1845  std::vector< char > tag_vals;
1846  std::vector< EntityHandle > adj;
1847  for( Range::const_iterator it = verts.begin(); it != verts.end(); ++it )
1848  {
1849  bool higher_order = false;
1851  // get all adjacent elements
1852  adj.clear();
1853  rval = thisMB->get_adjacencies( &*it, 1, 3, false, adj );
1854  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1855  if( adj.empty() ) continue;
1857  // remove those not tagged (intersect with input range)
1858  i = j = adj.begin();
1859  tag_vals.resize( adj.size() );
1860  rval = thisMB->tag_get_data( tag, &adj[0], adj.size(), &tag_vals[0] );
1861  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1862  for( ; i != adj.end(); ++i )
1863  if( tag_vals[i - adj.begin()] ) *( j++ ) = *i;
1864  adj.erase( j, adj.end() );
1866  // Build lists of sides of 3D element adjacent to the current vertex
1867  adj_quads.clear(); // store three other vertices for each adjacent quad face
1868  adj_tris.clear(); // store two other vertices for each adjacent tri face
1869  adj_poly.clear(); // store handle of each adjacent polygonal face
1870  int idx;
1871  for( i = adj.begin(); i != adj.end(); ++i )
1872  {
1873  const EntityType type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( *i );
1875  // Special case for POLYHEDRA
1876  if( type == MBPOLYHEDRON )
1877  {
1878  rval = thisMB->get_connectivity( *i, conn, len );
1879  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1880  for( int k = 0; k < len; ++k )
1881  {
1882  rval = thisMB->get_connectivity( conn[k], conn2, len2, true, &storage2 );
1883  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1884  idx = std::find( conn2, conn2 + len2, *it ) - conn2;
1885  if( idx == len2 ) // vertex not in this face
1886  continue;
1888  // Treat 3- and 4-vertex faces specially, so that
1889  // if the mesh contains both elements and polyhedra,
1890  // we don't miss one type adjacent to the other.
1891  switch( len2 )
1892  {
1893  case 3:
1894  adj_tris.insert( conn2, idx, *i, k );
1895  break;
1896  case 4:
1897  adj_quads.insert( conn2, idx, *i, k );
1898  break;
1899  default:
1900  adj_poly.insert( conn + k, 1, *i, k );
1901  break;
1902  }
1903  }
1904  }
1905  else
1906  {
1907  rval = thisMB->get_connectivity( *i, conn, len, false, &storage );
1908  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1910  idx = std::find( conn, conn + len, *it ) - conn;
1911  assert( idx != len );
1913  if( len > CN::VerticesPerEntity( type ) )
1914  {
1915  higher_order = true;
1916  // skip higher-order nodes for now
1917  if( idx >= CN::VerticesPerEntity( type ) )
1918  {
1919  if( !printed_nonconformal_ho_warning )
1920  {
1921  printed_nonconformal_ho_warning = true;
1922  std::cerr << "Non-conformal higher-order mesh detected in skinner: "
1923  << "vertex " << ID_FROM_HANDLE( *it ) << " is a corner in "
1924  << "some elements and a higher-order node in others" << std::endl;
1925  }
1926  continue;
1927  }
1928  }
1930  // For each side of the element...
1931  const int num_faces = CN::NumSubEntities( type, 2 );
1932  for( int f = 0; f < num_faces; ++f )
1933  {
1934  int num_vtx;
1935  const short* face_indices = CN::SubEntityVertexIndices( type, 2, f, face_type, num_vtx );
1936  const short face_idx = std::find( face_indices, face_indices + num_vtx, (short)idx ) - face_indices;
1937  // skip sides that do not contain vertex from outer loop
1938  if( face_idx == num_vtx ) continue; // current vertex not in this face
1940  assert( num_vtx <= 4 ); // polyhedra handled above
1941  switch( face_type )
1942  {
1943  case MBTRI:
1944  adj_tris.insert( conn, face_idx, *i, f, face_indices );
1945  break;
1946  case MBQUAD:
1947  adj_quads.insert( conn, face_idx, *i, f, face_indices );
1948  break;
1949  default:
1950  return MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
1951  }
1952  }
1953  }
1954  } // end for (adj[3])
1956  // If vertex is not on skin, advance to next vertex
1957  if( 0 == ( adj_tris.num_skin() + adj_quads.num_skin() + adj_poly.num_skin() ) ) continue;
1959  // If user requested that skin *vertices* be passed back...
1960  if( skin_verts )
1961  {
1962  // Put skin vertex in output list
1963  hint = skin_verts->insert( hint, *it );
1965  // Add mid-edge and mid-face nodes to vertex list
1966  if( !corners_only && higher_order )
1967  {
1968  for( AdjSides< 3 >::const_iterator t = adj_tris.begin(); t != adj_tris.end(); ++t )
1969  {
1970  if( t->skin() )
1971  {
1972  elem = t->adj_elem;
1973  EntityType type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( elem );
1975  rval = thisMB->get_connectivity( elem, conn, len, false );
1976  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1977  if( !CN::HasMidNodes( type, len ) ) continue;
1979  EntityHandle ec[3] = { *it, t->handles[0], t->handles[1] };
1980  CN::SideNumber( type, conn, ec, 3, 2, side, sense, offset );
1981  CN::SubEntityNodeIndices( type, len, 2, side, face_type, clen, indices );
1982  assert( MBTRI == face_type );
1983  for( int k = 3; k < clen; ++k )
1984  skin_verts->insert( conn[indices[k]] );
1985  }
1986  }
1987  for( AdjSides< 4 >::const_iterator q = adj_quads.begin(); q != adj_quads.end(); ++q )
1988  {
1989  if( q->skin() )
1990  {
1991  elem = q->adj_elem;
1992  EntityType type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( elem );
1994  rval = thisMB->get_connectivity( elem, conn, len, false );
1995  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1996  if( !CN::HasMidNodes( type, len ) ) continue;
1998  EntityHandle ec[4] = { *it, q->handles[0], q->handles[1], q->handles[2] };
1999  CN::SideNumber( type, conn, ec, 4, 2, side, sense, offset );
2000  CN::SubEntityNodeIndices( type, len, 2, side, face_type, clen, indices );
2001  assert( MBQUAD == face_type );
2002  for( int k = 4; k < clen; ++k )
2003  skin_verts->insert( conn[indices[k]] );
2004  }
2005  }
2006  }
2007  }
2009  // If user requested that we pass back the list of 2D elements
2010  // representing the skin of the mesh...
2011  if( find_faces )
2012  {
2013  // Search list of adjacent faces for any that are on the skin
2014  adj.clear();
2015  rval = thisMB->get_adjacencies( &*it, 1, 2, false, adj );
2016  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
2018  for( i = adj.begin(); i != adj.end(); ++i )
2019  {
2020  rval = thisMB->get_connectivity( *i, conn, len, true );
2021  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
2022  const int idx2 = std::find( conn, conn + len, *it ) - conn;
2023  if( idx2 >= len )
2024  {
2025  assert( printed_nonconformal_ho_warning );
2026  continue;
2027  }
2029  // Note that the order of the terms in the if statements below
2030  // is important. We want to unmark any existing skin faces even
2031  // if we aren't returning them. Otherwise we'll end up creating
2032  // duplicates if create_faces is true.
2033  if( 3 == len )
2034  {
2035  if( adj_tris.find_and_unmark( conn, idx2, elem ) && skin_faces )
2036  {
2037  if( reversed_faces && face_reversed( elem, conn, MBTRI ) )
2038  reversed_faces->insert( *i );
2039  else
2040  skin_faces->insert( *i );
2041  }
2042  }
2043  else if( 4 == len )
2044  {
2045  if( adj_quads.find_and_unmark( conn, idx2, elem ) && skin_faces )
2046  {
2047  if( reversed_faces && face_reversed( elem, conn, MBQUAD ) )
2048  reversed_faces->insert( *i );
2049  else
2050  skin_faces->insert( *i );
2051  }
2052  }
2053  else
2054  {
2055  if( adj_poly.find_and_unmark( &*i, 1, elem ) && skin_faces ) skin_faces->insert( *i );
2056  }
2057  }
2058  }
2060  // If user does not want use to create new faces representing
2061  // sides for which there is currently no explicit element,
2062  // skip the remaining code and advance the outer loop to the
2063  // next vertex.
2064  if( !create_faces ) continue;
2066  // Polyhedra always have explicitly defined faces, so
2067  // there is no way we could need to create such a face.
2068  assert( 0 == adj_poly.num_skin() );
2070  // Create any skin tris that don't exist
2071  if( adj_tris.num_skin() )
2072  {
2073  for( AdjSides< 3 >::const_iterator t = adj_tris.begin(); t != adj_tris.end(); ++t )
2074  {
2075  if( t->skin() )
2076  {
2077  EntityHandle tri, c[3] = { *it, t->handles[0], t->handles[1] };
2078  rval = create_side( this_set, t->adj_elem, MBTRI, c, tri );
2079  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
2080  if( skin_faces ) skin_faces->insert( tri );
2081  }
2082  }
2083  }
2085  // Create any skin quads that don't exist
2086  if( adj_quads.num_skin() )
2087  {
2088  for( AdjSides< 4 >::const_iterator q = adj_quads.begin(); q != adj_quads.end(); ++q )
2089  {
2090  if( q->skin() )
2091  {
2092  EntityHandle quad, c[4] = { *it, q->handles[0], q->handles[1], q->handles[2] };
2093  rval = create_side( this_set, q->adj_elem, MBQUAD, c, quad );
2094  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
2095  if( skin_faces ) skin_faces->insert( quad );
2096  }
2097  }
2098  }
2099  } // end for each vertex
2101  return MB_SUCCESS;
2102 }

References moab::Range::all_of_dimension(), moab::Range::begin(), moab::AdjSides< CORNERS >::begin(), moab::AdjSides< CORNERS >::clear(), moab::Range::end(), moab::AdjSides< CORNERS >::end(), entities, moab::Range::erase(), ErrorCode, moab::AdjSides< CORNERS >::find_and_unmark(), moab::CN::HasMidNodes(), moab::ID_FROM_HANDLE(), moab::AdjSides< CORNERS >::insert(), moab::Range::insert(), MB_SUCCESS, MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE, MBPOLYHEDRON, MBQUAD, MBTRI, MBVERTEX, moab::Range::merge(), moab::AdjSides< CORNERS >::num_skin(), moab::CN::NumSubEntities(), moab::CN::SideNumber(), moab::CN::SubEntityNodeIndices(), moab::CN::SubEntityVertexIndices(), moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(), moab::Range::upper_bound(), and moab::CN::VerticesPerEntity().

Referenced by find_skin_vertices().

◆ has_larger_angle()

bool moab::Skinner::has_larger_angle ( EntityHandle entity1,
EntityHandle entity2,
double  reference_angle_cosine 

Definition at line 965 of file Skinner.cpp.

966 {
967  // compare normals to get angle. We assume that the surface quads
968  // which we test here will be approximately planar
970  double norm[2][3];
971  Util::normal( thisMB, entity1, norm[0][0], norm[0][1], norm[0][2] );
972  Util::normal( thisMB, entity2, norm[1][0], norm[1][1], norm[1][2] );
974  double cosine = norm[0][0] * norm[1][0] + norm[0][1] * norm[1][1] + norm[0][2] * norm[1][2];
976  if( cosine < reference_angle_cosine )
977  {
978  return true;
979  }
981  return false;
982 }

References moab::Util::normal(), and thisMB.

Referenced by find_inferred_edges().

◆ initialize()

ErrorCode moab::Skinner::initialize ( )

Definition at line 53 of file Skinner.cpp.

54 {
55  // go through and mark all the target dimension entities
56  // that already exist as not deleteable
57  // also get the connectivity tags for each type
58  // also populate adjacency information
59  EntityType type;
60  DimensionPair target_ent_types = CN::TypeDimensionMap[mTargetDim];
62  void* null_ptr = NULL;
64  ErrorCode result = thisMB->tag_get_handle( "skinner adj", sizeof( void* ), MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, mAdjTag,
65  MB_TAG_DENSE | MB_TAG_CREAT, &null_ptr );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
67  if( mDeletableMBTag == 0 )
68  {
69  result =
70  thisMB->tag_get_handle( "skinner deletable", 1, MB_TYPE_BIT, mDeletableMBTag, MB_TAG_BIT | MB_TAG_CREAT );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
71  }
73  Range entities;
75  // go through each type at this dimension
76  for( type = target_ent_types.first; type <= target_ent_types.second; ++type )
77  {
78  // get the entities of this type in the MB
81  // go through each entity of this type in the MB
82  // and set its deletable tag to NO
83  Range::iterator iter, end_iter;
84  end_iter = entities.end();
85  for( iter = entities.begin(); iter != end_iter; ++iter )
86  {
87  unsigned char bit = 0x1;
88  result = thisMB->tag_set_data( mDeletableMBTag, &( *iter ), 1, &bit );
89  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
90  // add adjacency information too
91  if( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( *iter ) != MBVERTEX ) add_adjacency( *iter );
92  }
93  }
95  return MB_SUCCESS;
96 }

References add_adjacency(), entities, ErrorCode, moab::Interface::get_entities_by_type(), mAdjTag, MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, MB_TAG_BIT, MB_TAG_CREAT, MB_TAG_DENSE, MB_TYPE_BIT, MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, MBVERTEX, mDeletableMBTag, mTargetDim, moab::Interface::tag_get_handle(), moab::Interface::tag_set_data(), thisMB, moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(), and moab::CN::TypeDimensionMap.

Referenced by classify_2d_boundary(), and find_skin_noadj().

◆ remove_adjacency()

ErrorCode moab::Skinner::remove_adjacency ( EntityHandle  entity)

Definition at line 632 of file Skinner.cpp.

633 {
634  std::vector< EntityHandle > nodes, *adj = NULL;
635  ErrorCode result = thisMB->get_connectivity( &entity, 1, nodes );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
636  std::vector< EntityHandle >::iterator iter = std::min_element( nodes.begin(), nodes.end() );
638  if( iter == nodes.end() ) return MB_FAILURE;
640  // remove this entity from the node
641  if( thisMB->tag_get_data( mAdjTag, &( *iter ), 1, &adj ) == MB_SUCCESS && adj != NULL )
642  {
643  iter = std::find( adj->begin(), adj->end(), entity );
644  if( iter != adj->end() ) adj->erase( iter );
645  }
647  return result;
648 }

References ErrorCode, moab::Interface::get_connectivity(), mAdjTag, MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, moab::Interface::tag_get_data(), and thisMB.

Referenced by find_skin_noadj().

◆ skin_box()

ErrorCode moab::Skinner::skin_box ( ScdBox box,
bool  get_vertices,
Range output_handles,
bool  create_skin_elements 

skin a structured box, taking advantage of structured information

Definition at line 296 of file Skinner.cpp.

297 {
298  HomCoord bmin = box->box_min(), bmax = box->box_max();
300  // don't support 1d boxes
301  if( bmin.j() == bmax.j() && bmin.k() == bmax.k() ) return MB_FAILURE;
303  int dim = ( bmin.k() == bmax.k() ? 1 : 2 );
305  ErrorCode rval;
306  EntityHandle ent;
308  // i=min
309  for( int k = bmin.k(); k < bmax.k(); k++ )
310  {
311  for( int j = bmin.j(); j < bmax.j(); j++ )
312  {
313  ent = 0;
314  rval = box->get_adj_edge_or_face( dim, bmin.i(), j, k, 0, ent, create_skin_elements );
315  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
316  if( ent ) output_handles.insert( ent );
317  }
318  }
319  // i=max
320  for( int k = bmin.k(); k < bmax.k(); k++ )
321  {
322  for( int j = bmin.j(); j < bmax.j(); j++ )
323  {
324  ent = 0;
325  rval = box->get_adj_edge_or_face( dim, bmax.i(), j, k, 0, ent, create_skin_elements );
326  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
327  if( ent ) output_handles.insert( ent );
328  }
329  }
330  // j=min
331  for( int k = bmin.k(); k < bmax.k(); k++ )
332  {
333  for( int i = bmin.i(); i < bmax.i(); i++ )
334  {
335  ent = 0;
336  rval = box->get_adj_edge_or_face( dim, i, bmin.j(), k, 1, ent, create_skin_elements );
337  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
338  if( ent ) output_handles.insert( ent );
339  }
340  }
341  // j=max
342  for( int k = bmin.k(); k < bmax.k(); k++ )
343  {
344  for( int i = bmin.i(); i < bmax.i(); i++ )
345  {
346  ent = 0;
347  rval = box->get_adj_edge_or_face( dim, i, bmax.j(), k, 1, ent, create_skin_elements );
348  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
349  if( ent ) output_handles.insert( ent );
350  }
351  }
352  // k=min
353  for( int j = bmin.j(); j < bmax.j(); j++ )
354  {
355  for( int i = bmin.i(); i < bmax.i(); i++ )
356  {
357  ent = 0;
358  rval = box->get_adj_edge_or_face( dim, i, j, bmin.k(), 2, ent, create_skin_elements );
359  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
360  if( ent ) output_handles.insert( ent );
361  }
362  }
363  // k=max
364  for( int j = bmin.j(); j < bmax.j(); j++ )
365  {
366  for( int i = bmin.i(); i < bmax.i(); i++ )
367  {
368  ent = 0;
369  rval = box->get_adj_edge_or_face( dim, i, j, bmax.k(), 2, ent, create_skin_elements );
370  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
371  if( ent ) output_handles.insert( ent );
372  }
373  }
375  if( get_vertices )
376  {
377  Range verts;
378  rval = thisMB->get_adjacencies( output_handles, 0, true, verts, Interface::UNION );
379  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
380  output_handles.merge( verts );
381  }
383  return MB_SUCCESS;
384 }

References moab::ScdBox::box_max(), moab::ScdBox::box_min(), dim, ErrorCode, moab::ScdBox::get_adj_edge_or_face(), moab::Interface::get_adjacencies(), moab::HomCoord::i(), moab::Range::insert(), moab::HomCoord::j(), moab::HomCoord::k(), MB_SUCCESS, moab::Range::merge(), thisMB, and moab::Interface::UNION.

Referenced by find_skin_scd().

Member Data Documentation

◆ mAdjTag

Tag moab::Skinner::mAdjTag

Definition at line 50 of file Skinner.hpp.

Referenced by add_adjacency(), deinitialize(), find_match(), initialize(), and remove_adjacency().

◆ mDeletableMBTag

Tag moab::Skinner::mDeletableMBTag

Definition at line 49 of file Skinner.hpp.

Referenced by deinitialize(), entity_deletable(), and initialize().

◆ mTargetDim

int moab::Skinner::mTargetDim

Definition at line 51 of file Skinner.hpp.

Referenced by classify_2d_boundary(), find_skin_noadj(), and initialize().

◆ thisMB

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