Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.1)
An array-based unstructured mesh library
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "moab/Interface.hpp"
2 #include "moab/ParallelComm.hpp"
4 #include "moab/ReadUtilIface.hpp"
5 #include "SequenceManager.hpp"
6 #include "moab/Error.hpp"
7 #include "EntitySequence.hpp"
8 #include "MBTagConventions.hpp"
9 #include "moab/Skinner.hpp"
10 #include "MBParallelConventions.h"
11 #include "moab/Core.hpp"
12 #include "ElementSequence.hpp"
13 #include "moab/CN.hpp"
14 #include "moab/RangeMap.hpp"
15 #include "moab/MeshTopoUtil.hpp"
16 #include "TagInfo.hpp"
17 #include "DebugOutput.hpp"
18 #include "SharedSetData.hpp"
19 #include "moab/ScdInterface.hpp"
20 #include "moab/TupleList.hpp"
21 #include "moab/gs.hpp"
23 #include <iostream>
24 #include <sstream>
25 #include <algorithm>
26 #include <functional>
27 #include <numeric>
29 #include <cmath>
30 #include <cstdlib>
31 #include <cassert>
33 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
34 #include "moab_mpi.h"
35 #endif
36 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
37 #include "mpe.h"
45 #endif
47 namespace moab
48 {
50 const unsigned int ParallelComm::INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE = 1024;
52 const int MAX_BCAST_SIZE = ( 1 << 28 );
54 std::vector< ParallelComm::Buffer* > msgs;
55 unsigned int __PACK_num = 0, __UNPACK_num = 0, __PACK_count = 0, __UNPACK_count = 0;
59 #define PC( n, m ) \
60  { \
61  if( __PACK_num == (unsigned int)n && __PACK_string == m ) \
62  __PACK_count++; \
63  else \
64  { \
65  if( __PACK_count > 1 ) std::cerr << " (" << __PACK_count << "x)"; \
66  __PACK_count = 1; \
67  __PACK_string = m; \
68  __PACK_num = n; \
69  std::cerr << std::endl << "PACK: " << n << m; \
70  } \
71  }
72 #define UPC( n, m ) \
73  { \
74  if( __UNPACK_num == (unsigned int)n && __UNPACK_string == m ) \
75  __UNPACK_count++; \
76  else \
77  { \
78  if( __UNPACK_count > 1 ) std::cerr << "(" << __UNPACK_count << "x)"; \
79  __UNPACK_count = 1; \
80  __UNPACK_string = m; \
81  __UNPACK_num = n; \
82  std::cerr << std::endl << "UNPACK: " << n << m; \
83  } \
84  }
85 #else
86 #define PC( n, m )
87 #define UPC( n, m )
88 #endif
90 template < typename T >
91 static inline void UNPACK( unsigned char*& buff, T* val, size_t count )
92 {
93  memcpy( val, buff, count * sizeof( T ) );
94  buff += count * sizeof( T );
95 }
97 template < typename T >
98 static inline void PACK( unsigned char*& buff, const T* val, size_t count )
99 {
100  memcpy( buff, val, count * sizeof( T ) );
101  buff += count * sizeof( T );
102 }
104 static inline void PACK_INTS( unsigned char*& buff, const int* int_val, size_t num )
105 {
106  PACK( buff, int_val, num );
107  PC( num, " ints" );
108 }
110 static inline void PACK_INT( unsigned char*& buff, int int_val )
111 {
112  PACK_INTS( buff, &int_val, 1 );
113 }
115 static inline void PACK_DBLS( unsigned char*& buff, const double* dbl_val, size_t num )
116 {
117  PACK( buff, dbl_val, num );
118  PC( num, " doubles" );
119 }
121 // static inline
122 // void PACK_DBL(unsigned char*& buff, const double dbl_val)
123 //{ PACK_DBLS(buff, &dbl_val, 1); }
125 static inline void PACK_EH( unsigned char*& buff, const EntityHandle* eh_val, size_t num )
126 {
127  PACK( buff, eh_val, num );
128  PC( num, " handles" );
129 }
131 // static inline
132 // void PACK_CHAR_64(unsigned char*& buff, const char* str)
133 //{
134 // memcpy(buff, str, 64);
135 // buff += 64;
136 // PC(64, " chars");
137 //}
139 static inline void PACK_VOID( unsigned char*& buff, const void* val, size_t num )
140 {
141  PACK( buff, reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( val ), num );
142  PC( num, " void" );
143 }
145 static inline void PACK_BYTES( unsigned char*& buff, const void* val, int num )
146 {
147  PACK_INT( buff, num );
148  PACK_VOID( buff, val, num );
149 }
151 static inline void PACK_RANGE( unsigned char*& buff, const Range& rng )
152 {
153  PACK_INT( buff, rng.psize() );
155  for( cit = rng.const_pair_begin(); cit != rng.const_pair_end(); ++cit )
156  {
157  EntityHandle eh[2] = { cit->first, cit->second };
158  PACK_EH( buff, eh, 2 );
159  }
160  PC( rng.psize(), "-subranged range" );
161 }
163 static inline void UNPACK_INTS( unsigned char*& buff, int* int_val, size_t num )
164 {
165  UNPACK( buff, int_val, num );
166  UPC( num, " ints" );
167 }
169 static inline void UNPACK_INT( unsigned char*& buff, int& int_val )
170 {
171  UNPACK_INTS( buff, &int_val, 1 );
172 }
174 static inline void UNPACK_DBLS( unsigned char*& buff, double* dbl_val, size_t num )
175 {
176  UNPACK( buff, dbl_val, num );
177  UPC( num, " doubles" );
178 }
180 static inline void UNPACK_DBL( unsigned char*& buff, double& dbl_val )
181 {
182  UNPACK_DBLS( buff, &dbl_val, 1 );
183 }
185 static inline void UNPACK_EH( unsigned char*& buff, EntityHandle* eh_val, size_t num )
186 {
187  UNPACK( buff, eh_val, num );
188  UPC( num, " handles" );
189 }
191 // static inline
192 // void UNPACK_CHAR_64(unsigned char*& buff, char* char_val)
193 //{
194 // memcpy(buff, char_val, 64);
195 // buff += 64;
196 // UPC(64, " chars");
197 //}
199 static inline void UNPACK_VOID( unsigned char*& buff, void* val, size_t num )
200 {
201  UNPACK( buff, reinterpret_cast< unsigned char* >( val ), num );
202  UPC( num, " void" );
203 }
205 static inline void UNPACK_TYPE( unsigned char*& buff, EntityType& type )
206 {
207  int int_type = MBMAXTYPE;
208  UNPACK_INT( buff, int_type );
209  type = static_cast< EntityType >( int_type );
210  assert( type >= MBVERTEX && type <= MBMAXTYPE );
211 }
213 static inline void UNPACK_RANGE( unsigned char*& buff, Range& rng )
214 {
215  int num_subs;
216  EntityHandle eh[2];
217  UNPACK_INT( buff, num_subs );
218  for( int i = 0; i < num_subs; i++ )
219  {
220  UPC( num_subs, "-subranged range" );
221  UNPACK_EH( buff, eh, 2 );
222  rng.insert( eh[0], eh[1] );
223  }
224 }
227 {
238 };
240 static inline size_t RANGE_SIZE( const Range& rng )
241 {
242  return 2 * sizeof( EntityHandle ) * rng.psize() + sizeof( int );
243 }
245 #define PRINT_DEBUG_ISEND( A, B, C, D, E ) print_debug_isend( ( A ), ( B ), ( C ), ( D ), ( E ) )
246 #define PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV( A, B, C, D, E, F ) print_debug_irecv( ( A ), ( B ), ( C ), ( D ), ( E ), ( F ) )
247 #define PRINT_DEBUG_RECD( A ) print_debug_recd( ( A ) )
248 #define PRINT_DEBUG_WAITANY( A, B, C ) print_debug_waitany( ( A ), ( B ), ( C ) )
250 void ParallelComm::print_debug_isend( int from, int to, unsigned char* buff, int tag, int sz )
251 {
252  myDebug->tprintf( 3, "Isend, %d->%d, buffer ptr = %p, tag=%d, size=%d\n", from, to, (void*)buff, tag, sz );
253 }
255 void ParallelComm::print_debug_irecv( int to, int from, unsigned char* buff, int sz, int tag, int incoming )
256 {
257  myDebug->tprintf( 3, "Irecv, %d<-%d, buffer ptr = %p, tag=%d, size=%d", to, from, (void*)buff, tag, sz );
258  if( tag < MB_MESG_REMOTEH_ACK )
259  myDebug->printf( 3, ", incoming1=%d\n", incoming );
260  else if( tag < MB_MESG_TAGS_ACK )
261  myDebug->printf( 3, ", incoming2=%d\n", incoming );
262  else
263  myDebug->printf( 3, ", incoming=%d\n", incoming );
264 }
266 void ParallelComm::print_debug_recd( MPI_Status status )
267 {
268  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 3 )
269  {
270  int this_count;
271  int success = MPI_Get_count( &status, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, &this_count );
272  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success ) this_count = -1;
273  myDebug->tprintf( 3, "Received from %d, count = %d, tag = %d\n", status.MPI_SOURCE, this_count,
274  status.MPI_TAG );
275  }
276 }
278 void ParallelComm::print_debug_waitany( std::vector< MPI_Request >& reqs, int tag, int proc )
279 {
280  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 3 )
281  {
282  myDebug->tprintf( 3, "Waitany, p=%d, ", proc );
283  if( tag < MB_MESG_REMOTEH_ACK )
284  myDebug->print( 3, ", recv_ent_reqs=" );
285  else if( tag < MB_MESG_TAGS_ACK )
286  myDebug->print( 3, ", recv_remoteh_reqs=" );
287  else
288  myDebug->print( 3, ", recv_tag_reqs=" );
289  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < reqs.size(); i++ )
290  myDebug->printf( 3, " %p", (void*)(intptr_t)reqs[i] );
291  myDebug->print( 3, "\n" );
292  }
293 }
295 /** Name of tag used to store ParallelComm Index on mesh paritioning sets */
298 /** \brief Tag storing parallel communication objects
299  *
300  * This tag stores pointers to ParallelComm communication
301  * objects; one of these is allocated for each different
302  * communicator used to read mesh. ParallelComm stores
303  * partition and interface sets corresponding to its parallel mesh.
304  * By default, a parallel read uses the first ParallelComm object
305  * on the interface instance; if instantiated with one, ReadParallel
306  * adds this object to the interface instance too.
307  *
308  * Tag type: opaque
309  * Tag size: MAX_SHARING_PROCS*sizeof(ParallelComm*)
310  */
313 ParallelComm::ParallelComm( Interface* impl, MPI_Comm cm, int* id )
314  : mbImpl( impl ), procConfig( cm ), sharedpTag( 0 ), sharedpsTag( 0 ), sharedhTag( 0 ), sharedhsTag( 0 ),
315  pstatusTag( 0 ), ifaceSetsTag( 0 ), partitionTag( 0 ), globalPartCount( -1 ), partitioningSet( 0 ),
316  myDebug( NULL )
317 {
318  initialize();
320  if( id ) *id = pcommID;
321 }
323 ParallelComm::ParallelComm( Interface* impl, std::vector< unsigned char >& /*tmp_buff*/, MPI_Comm cm, int* id )
324  : mbImpl( impl ), procConfig( cm ), sharedpTag( 0 ), sharedpsTag( 0 ), sharedhTag( 0 ), sharedhsTag( 0 ),
325  pstatusTag( 0 ), ifaceSetsTag( 0 ), partitionTag( 0 ), globalPartCount( -1 ), partitioningSet( 0 ),
326  myDebug( NULL )
327 {
328  initialize();
330  if( id ) *id = pcommID;
331 }
334 {
335  remove_pcomm( this );
337  delete myDebug;
338  delete sharedSetData;
339 }
342 {
343  Core* core = dynamic_cast< Core* >( mbImpl );
347  // Initialize MPI, if necessary
348  int flag = 1;
349  int retval = MPI_Initialized( &flag );
350  if( MPI_SUCCESS != retval || !flag )
351  {
352  int argc = 0;
353  char** argv = NULL;
355  // mpi not initialized yet - initialize here
356  retval = MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
357  assert( MPI_SUCCESS == retval );
358  }
360  // Reserve space for vectors
361  buffProcs.reserve( MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
365  pcommID = add_pcomm( this );
367  if( !myDebug )
368  {
369  myDebug = new DebugOutput( "ParallelComm", std::cerr );
371  }
372 }
375 {
376  // Add this pcomm to instance tag
377  std::vector< ParallelComm* > pc_array( MAX_SHARING_PROCS, (ParallelComm*)NULL );
378  Tag pc_tag = pcomm_tag( mbImpl, true );
379  assert( 0 != pc_tag );
381  const EntityHandle root = 0;
382  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( pc_tag, &root, 1, (void*)&pc_array[0] );
383  if( MB_SUCCESS != result && MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND != result ) return -1;
384  int index = 0;
385  while( index < MAX_SHARING_PROCS && pc_array[index] )
386  index++;
387  if( index == MAX_SHARING_PROCS )
388  {
389  index = -1;
390  assert( false );
391  }
392  else
393  {
394  pc_array[index] = pc;
395  mbImpl->tag_set_data( pc_tag, &root, 1, (void*)&pc_array[0] );
396  }
397  return index;
398 }
401 {
402  // Remove this pcomm from instance tag
403  std::vector< ParallelComm* > pc_array( MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
404  Tag pc_tag = pcomm_tag( mbImpl, true );
406  const EntityHandle root = 0;
407  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( pc_tag, &root, 1, (void*)&pc_array[0] );
408  std::vector< ParallelComm* >::iterator pc_it = std::find( pc_array.begin(), pc_array.end(), pc );
409  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result && pc_it != pc_array.end() );
410  // Empty if test to get around compiler warning about unused var
411  if( MB_SUCCESS == result )
412  {
413  }
415  *pc_it = NULL;
416  mbImpl->tag_set_data( pc_tag, &root, 1, (void*)&pc_array[0] );
417 }
419 //! Assign a global id space, for largest-dimension or all entities (and
420 //! in either case for vertices too)
422  const int dimension,
423  const int start_id,
424  const bool largest_dim_only,
425  const bool parallel,
426  const bool owned_only )
427 {
428  Range entities[4];
429  ErrorCode result;
430  std::vector< unsigned char > pstatus;
431  for( int dim = 0; dim <= dimension; dim++ )
432  {
433  if( dim == 0 || !largest_dim_only || dim == dimension )
434  {
435  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension( this_set, dim, entities[dim] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get vertices in assign_global_ids" );
436  }
438  // Need to filter out non-locally-owned entities!!!
439  pstatus.resize( entities[dim].size() );
440  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( pstatus_tag(), entities[dim], &pstatus[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get pstatus in assign_global_ids" );
442  Range dum_range;
443  Range::iterator rit;
444  unsigned int i;
445  for( rit = entities[dim].begin(), i = 0; rit != entities[dim].end(); ++rit, i++ )
446  if( pstatus[i] & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED ) dum_range.insert( *rit );
447  entities[dim] = subtract( entities[dim], dum_range );
448  }
450  return assign_global_ids( entities, dimension, start_id, parallel, owned_only );
451 }
453 //! Assign a global id space, for largest-dimension or all entities (and
454 //! in either case for vertices too)
456  const int dimension,
457  const int start_id,
458  const bool parallel,
459  const bool owned_only )
460 {
461  int local_num_elements[4];
462  ErrorCode result;
463  for( int dim = 0; dim <= dimension; dim++ )
464  {
465  local_num_elements[dim] = entities[dim].size();
466  }
468  // Communicate numbers
469  std::vector< int > num_elements( procConfig.proc_size() * 4 );
470 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
471  if( procConfig.proc_size() > 1 && parallel )
472  {
473  int retval =
474  MPI_Allgather( local_num_elements, 4, MPI_INT, &num_elements[0], 4, MPI_INT, procConfig.proc_comm() );
475  if( 0 != retval ) return MB_FAILURE;
476  }
477  else
478 #endif
479  for( int dim = 0; dim < 4; dim++ )
480  num_elements[dim] = local_num_elements[dim];
482  // My entities start at one greater than total_elems[d]
483  int total_elems[4] = { start_id, start_id, start_id, start_id };
485  for( unsigned int proc = 0; proc < procConfig.proc_rank(); proc++ )
486  {
487  for( int dim = 0; dim < 4; dim++ )
488  total_elems[dim] += num_elements[4 * proc + dim];
489  }
491  // Assign global ids now
492  Tag gid_tag = mbImpl->globalId_tag();
494  for( int dim = 0; dim < 4; dim++ )
495  {
496  if( entities[dim].empty() ) continue;
497  num_elements.resize( entities[dim].size() );
498  int i = 0;
499  for( Range::iterator rit = entities[dim].begin(); rit != entities[dim].end(); ++rit )
500  num_elements[i++] = total_elems[dim]++;
502  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( gid_tag, entities[dim], &num_elements[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set global id tag in assign_global_ids" );
503  }
505  if( owned_only ) return MB_SUCCESS;
507  // Exchange tags
508  for( int dim = 1; dim < 4; dim++ )
509  entities[0].merge( entities[dim] );
511  return exchange_tags( gid_tag, entities[0] );
512 }
514 int ParallelComm::get_buffers( int to_proc, bool* is_new )
515 {
516  int ind = -1;
517  std::vector< unsigned int >::iterator vit = std::find( buffProcs.begin(), buffProcs.end(), to_proc );
518  if( vit == buffProcs.end() )
519  {
520  assert( "shouldn't need buffer to myself" && to_proc != (int)procConfig.proc_rank() );
521  ind = buffProcs.size();
522  buffProcs.push_back( (unsigned int)to_proc );
523  localOwnedBuffs.push_back( new Buffer( INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE ) );
524  remoteOwnedBuffs.push_back( new Buffer( INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE ) );
525  if( is_new ) *is_new = true;
526  }
527  else
528  {
529  ind = vit - buffProcs.begin();
530  if( is_new ) *is_new = false;
531  }
532  assert( ind < MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
533  return ind;
534 }
537  Range& entities,
538  const bool adjacencies,
539  const bool tags )
540 {
541 #ifndef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
542  return MB_FAILURE;
543 #else
545  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
546  int success;
547  int buff_size;
549  Buffer buff( INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE );
550  buff.reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
551  if( (int)procConfig.proc_rank() == from_proc )
552  {
553  result = add_verts( entities );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to add adj vertices" );
555  buff.reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
556  result = pack_buffer( entities, adjacencies, tags, false, -1, &buff );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to compute buffer size in broadcast_entities" );
557  buff.set_stored_size();
558  buff_size = buff.buff_ptr - buff.mem_ptr;
559  }
561  success = MPI_Bcast( &buff_size, 1, MPI_INT, from_proc, procConfig.proc_comm() );
562  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
563  {
564  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "MPI_Bcast of buffer size failed" );
565  }
567  if( !buff_size ) // No data
568  return MB_SUCCESS;
570  if( (int)procConfig.proc_rank() != from_proc ) buff.reserve( buff_size );
572  size_t offset = 0;
573  while( buff_size )
574  {
575  int sz = std::min( buff_size, MAX_BCAST_SIZE );
576  success = MPI_Bcast( buff.mem_ptr + offset, sz, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, from_proc, procConfig.proc_comm() );
577  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
578  {
579  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "MPI_Bcast of buffer failed" );
580  }
582  offset += sz;
583  buff_size -= sz;
584  }
586  if( (int)procConfig.proc_rank() != from_proc )
587  {
588  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > dum1a, dum1b;
589  std::vector< std::vector< int > > dum1p;
590  std::vector< EntityHandle > dum2, dum4;
591  std::vector< unsigned int > dum3;
592  buff.reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
593  result = unpack_buffer( buff.buff_ptr, false, from_proc, -1, dum1a, dum1b, dum1p, dum2, dum2, dum3, dum4 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to unpack buffer in broadcast_entities" );
594  std::copy( dum4.begin(), dum4.end(), range_inserter( entities ) );
595  }
597  return MB_SUCCESS;
598 #endif
599 }
602  std::vector< Range >& entities,
603  const bool adjacencies,
604  const bool tags )
605 {
606 #ifndef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
607  return MB_FAILURE;
608 #else
609  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
610  int i, success, buff_size, prev_size;
611  int nProcs = (int)procConfig.proc_size();
612  int* sendCounts = new int[nProcs];
613  int* displacements = new int[nProcs];
614  sendCounts[0] = sizeof( int );
615  displacements[0] = 0;
616  Buffer buff( INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE );
617  buff.reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
618  buff.set_stored_size();
619  unsigned int my_proc = procConfig.proc_rank();
621  // Get buffer size array for each remote processor
622  if( my_proc == (unsigned int)from_proc )
623  {
624  for( i = 1; i < nProcs; i++ )
625  {
626  prev_size = buff.buff_ptr - buff.mem_ptr;
627  buff.reset_ptr( prev_size + sizeof( int ) );
628  result = add_verts( entities[i] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to add verts" );
630  result = pack_buffer( entities[i], adjacencies, tags, false, -1, &buff );
631  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
632  {
633  delete[] sendCounts;
634  delete[] displacements;
635  MB_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to pack buffer in scatter_entities" );
636  }
638  buff_size = buff.buff_ptr - buff.mem_ptr - prev_size;
639  *( (int*)( buff.mem_ptr + prev_size ) ) = buff_size;
640  sendCounts[i] = buff_size;
641  }
642  }
644  // Broadcast buffer size array
645  success = MPI_Bcast( sendCounts, nProcs, MPI_INT, from_proc, procConfig.proc_comm() );
646  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
647  {
648  delete[] sendCounts;
649  delete[] displacements;
650  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "MPI_Bcast of buffer size failed" );
651  }
653  for( i = 1; i < nProcs; i++ )
654  {
655  displacements[i] = displacements[i - 1] + sendCounts[i - 1];
656  }
658  Buffer rec_buff;
659  rec_buff.reserve( sendCounts[my_proc] );
661  // Scatter actual geometry
662  success = MPI_Scatterv( buff.mem_ptr, sendCounts, displacements, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, rec_buff.mem_ptr,
663  sendCounts[my_proc], MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, from_proc, procConfig.proc_comm() );
665  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
666  {
667  delete[] sendCounts;
668  delete[] displacements;
669  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "MPI_Scatterv of buffer failed" );
670  }
672  // Unpack in remote processors
673  if( my_proc != (unsigned int)from_proc )
674  {
675  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > dum1a, dum1b;
676  std::vector< std::vector< int > > dum1p;
677  std::vector< EntityHandle > dum2, dum4;
678  std::vector< unsigned int > dum3;
679  rec_buff.reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
680  result = unpack_buffer( rec_buff.buff_ptr, false, from_proc, -1, dum1a, dum1b, dum1p, dum2, dum2, dum3, dum4 );
681  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
682  {
683  delete[] sendCounts;
684  delete[] displacements;
685  MB_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to unpack buffer in scatter_entities" );
686  }
688  std::copy( dum4.begin(), dum4.end(), range_inserter( entities[my_proc] ) );
689  }
691  delete[] sendCounts;
692  delete[] displacements;
694  return MB_SUCCESS;
695 #endif
696 }
699  Range& orig_ents,
700  const bool adjs,
701  const bool tags,
702  const bool store_remote_handles,
703  const bool is_iface,
704  Range& /*final_ents*/,
705  int& incoming1,
706  int& incoming2,
707  TupleList& entprocs,
708  std::vector< MPI_Request >& recv_remoteh_reqs,
709  bool /*wait_all*/ )
710 {
711 #ifndef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
712  return MB_FAILURE;
713 #else
714  // Pack entities to local buffer
715  int ind = get_buffers( to_proc );
716  localOwnedBuffs[ind]->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
718  // Add vertices
719  ErrorCode result = add_verts( orig_ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to add verts in send_entities" );
721  // Filter out entities already shared with destination
722  Range tmp_range;
723  result = filter_pstatus( orig_ents, PSTATUS_SHARED, PSTATUS_AND, to_proc, &tmp_range );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to filter on owner" );
724  if( !tmp_range.empty() )
725  {
726  orig_ents = subtract( orig_ents, tmp_range );
727  }
729  result = pack_buffer( orig_ents, adjs, tags, store_remote_handles, to_proc, localOwnedBuffs[ind], &entprocs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to pack buffer in send_entities" );
731  // Send buffer
732  result = send_buffer( to_proc, localOwnedBuffs[ind], MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, sendReqs[2 * ind], recvReqs[2 * ind + 1],
733  (int*)( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr ),
734  //&ackbuff,
735  incoming1, MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE,
736  ( !is_iface && store_remote_handles ? localOwnedBuffs[ind] : NULL ),
737  &recv_remoteh_reqs[2 * ind], &incoming2 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to send buffer" );
739  return MB_SUCCESS;
740 #endif
741 }
743 ErrorCode ParallelComm::send_entities( std::vector< unsigned int >& send_procs,
744  std::vector< Range* >& send_ents,
745  int& incoming1,
746  int& incoming2,
747  const bool store_remote_handles )
748 {
749 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
750  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
751  {
752  MPE_Log_event( OWNED_START, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Starting send_entities." );
753  }
754 #endif
755  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Entering send_entities\n" );
756  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4 )
757  {
758  msgs.clear();
759  msgs.reserve( MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
760  }
762  unsigned int i;
763  int ind;
764  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
766  // Set buffProcs with communicating procs
767  unsigned int n_proc = send_procs.size();
768  for( i = 0; i < n_proc; i++ )
769  {
770  ind = get_buffers( send_procs[i] );
771  result = add_verts( *send_ents[i] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to add verts" );
773  // Filter out entities already shared with destination
774  Range tmp_range;
775  result = filter_pstatus( *send_ents[i], PSTATUS_SHARED, PSTATUS_AND, buffProcs[ind], &tmp_range );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to filter on owner" );
776  if( !tmp_range.empty() )
777  {
778  *send_ents[i] = subtract( *send_ents[i], tmp_range );
779  }
780  }
782  //===========================================
783  // Get entities to be sent to neighbors
784  // Need to get procs each entity is sent to
785  //===========================================
786  Range allsent, tmp_range;
787  int npairs = 0;
788  TupleList entprocs;
789  for( i = 0; i < n_proc; i++ )
790  {
791  int n_ents = send_ents[i]->size();
792  if( n_ents > 0 )
793  {
794  npairs += n_ents; // Get the total # of proc/handle pairs
795  allsent.merge( *send_ents[i] );
796  }
797  }
799  // Allocate a TupleList of that size
800  entprocs.initialize( 1, 0, 1, 0, npairs );
801  entprocs.enableWriteAccess();
803  // Put the proc/handle pairs in the list
804  for( i = 0; i < n_proc; i++ )
805  {
806  for( Range::iterator rit = send_ents[i]->begin(); rit != send_ents[i]->end(); ++rit )
807  {
808  entprocs.vi_wr[entprocs.get_n()] = send_procs[i];
809  entprocs.vul_wr[entprocs.get_n()] = *rit;
810  entprocs.inc_n();
811  }
812  }
814  // Sort by handle
815  moab::TupleList::buffer sort_buffer;
816  sort_buffer.buffer_init( npairs );
817  entprocs.sort( 1, &sort_buffer );
818  entprocs.disableWriteAccess();
819  sort_buffer.reset();
821  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "allsent ents compactness (size) = %f (%lu)\n", allsent.compactness(),
822  (unsigned long)allsent.size() );
824  //===========================================
825  // Pack and send ents from this proc to others
826  //===========================================
827  for( i = 0; i < n_proc; i++ )
828  {
829  if( send_ents[i]->size() > 0 )
830  {
831  ind = get_buffers( send_procs[i] );
832  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Sent ents compactness (size) = %f (%lu)\n", send_ents[i]->compactness(),
833  (unsigned long)send_ents[i]->size() );
834  // Reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size
835  localOwnedBuffs[ind]->reset_buffer( sizeof( int ) );
836  result = pack_buffer( *send_ents[i], false, true, store_remote_handles, buffProcs[ind],
837  localOwnedBuffs[ind], &entprocs, &allsent );
839  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4 )
840  {
841  msgs.resize( msgs.size() + 1 );
842  msgs.back() = new Buffer( *localOwnedBuffs[ind] );
843  }
845  // Send the buffer (size stored in front in send_buffer)
846  result = send_buffer( send_procs[i], localOwnedBuffs[ind], MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, sendReqs[2 * ind],
847  recvReqs[2 * ind + 1], &ackbuff, incoming1, MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE,
848  ( store_remote_handles ? localOwnedBuffs[ind] : NULL ), &recvRemotehReqs[2 * ind],
849  &incoming2 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to Isend in ghost send" );
850  }
851  }
852  entprocs.reset();
854 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
855  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
856  {
857  MPE_Log_event( ENTITIES_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending send_entities." );
858  }
859 #endif
861  return MB_SUCCESS;
862 }
864 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
865 // Send and Receive routines for a sequence of entities: use case UMR
866 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
867 void print_buff( unsigned char* ch, int size )
868 {
869  for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
870  std::cout << ch[i];
871  std::cout << "\n";
872 }
873 ErrorCode ParallelComm::send_recv_entities( std::vector< int >& send_procs,
874  std::vector< std::vector< int > >& msgsizes,
875  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > >& senddata,
876  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > >& recvdata )
877 {
878 #ifdef USE_MPE
879  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
880  {
881  MPE_Log_event( OWNED_START, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Starting send_recv_entities." );
882  }
883 #endif
884  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Entering send_recv_entities\n" );
885  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4 )
886  {
887  msgs.clear();
888  msgs.reserve( MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
889  }
891  // unsigned int i;
892  int i, ind, success;
895  //===========================================
896  // Pack and send ents from this proc to others
897  //===========================================
899  // std::cout<<"resetting all buffers"<<std::endl;
902  sendReqs.resize( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
903  std::vector< MPI_Request > recv_ent_reqs( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
904  int ack_buff;
905  int incoming = 0;
907  std::vector< unsigned int >::iterator sit;
909  for( ind = 0, sit = buffProcs.begin(); sit != buffProcs.end(); ++sit, ind++ )
910  {
911  incoming++;
913  MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, incoming );
915  success = MPI_Irecv( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, *sit,
916  MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_comm(), &recv_ent_reqs[3 * ind] );
917  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS )
918  {
919  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to post irecv in send_recv_entities" );
920  }
921  }
923  // std::set<unsigned int>::iterator it;
924  for( i = 0; i < (int)send_procs.size(); i++ )
925  {
926  // Get index of the shared processor in the local buffer
927  ind = get_buffers( send_procs[i] );
928  localOwnedBuffs[ind]->reset_buffer( sizeof( int ) );
930  int buff_size = msgsizes[i].size() * sizeof( int ) + senddata[i].size() * sizeof( EntityHandle );
931  localOwnedBuffs[ind]->check_space( buff_size );
933  // Pack entities
934  std::vector< int > msg;
935  msg.insert( msg.end(), msgsizes[i].begin(), msgsizes[i].end() );
936  PACK_INTS( localOwnedBuffs[ind]->buff_ptr, &msg[0], msg.size() );
938  std::vector< EntityHandle > entities;
939  entities.insert( entities.end(), senddata[i].begin(), senddata[i].end() );
940  PACK_EH( localOwnedBuffs[ind]->buff_ptr, &entities[0], entities.size() );
941  localOwnedBuffs[ind]->set_stored_size();
943  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4 )
944  {
945  msgs.resize( msgs.size() + 1 );
946  msgs.back() = new Buffer( *localOwnedBuffs[ind] );
947  }
949  // Send the buffer (size stored in front in send_buffer)
950  error = send_buffer( send_procs[i], localOwnedBuffs[ind], MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, sendReqs[3 * ind],
951  recv_ent_reqs[3 * ind + 2], &ack_buff, incoming );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( error, "Failed to Isend in send_recv_entities" );
952  }
954  //===========================================
955  // Receive and unpack ents from received data
956  //===========================================
958  while( incoming )
959  {
961  MPI_Status status;
962  int index_in_recv_requests;
965  success = MPI_Waitany( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &recv_ent_reqs[0], &index_in_recv_requests, &status );
966  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
967  {
968  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitany in send_recv_entities" );
969  }
971  // Processor index in the list is divided by 3
972  ind = index_in_recv_requests / 3;
974  PRINT_DEBUG_RECD( status );
976  // OK, received something; decrement incoming counter
977  incoming--;
979  bool done = false;
982  recv_ent_reqs[3 * ind + 1], // This is for receiving the second message
983  recv_ent_reqs[3 * ind + 2], // This would be for ack, but it is not
984  // used; consider removing it
985  incoming, localOwnedBuffs[ind],
986  sendReqs[3 * ind + 1], // Send request for sending the second message
987  sendReqs[3 * ind + 2], // This is for sending the ack
988  done );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( error, "Failed to resize recv buffer" );
990  if( done )
991  {
992  remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
994  int from_proc = status.MPI_SOURCE;
995  int idx = std::find( send_procs.begin(), send_procs.end(), from_proc ) - send_procs.begin();
997  int msg = msgsizes[idx].size();
998  std::vector< int > recvmsg( msg );
999  int ndata = senddata[idx].size();
1000  std::vector< EntityHandle > dum_vec( ndata );
1002  UNPACK_INTS( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->buff_ptr, &recvmsg[0], msg );
1003  UNPACK_EH( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->buff_ptr, &dum_vec[0], ndata );
1005  recvdata[idx].insert( recvdata[idx].end(), dum_vec.begin(), dum_vec.end() );
1006  }
1007  }
1009 #ifdef USE_MPE
1010  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
1011  {
1012  MPE_Log_event( ENTITIES_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending send_recv_entities." );
1013  }
1014 #endif
1016  return MB_SUCCESS;
1017 }
1020  std::vector< int >& procs,
1021  std::vector< EntityHandle >& handles )
1022 {
1023  ErrorCode error;
1024  unsigned char pstatus = PSTATUS_INTERFACE;
1026  int procmin = *std::min_element( procs.begin(), procs.end() );
1028  if( (int)rank() > procmin )
1029  pstatus |= PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
1030  else
1031  procmin = rank();
1033  // DBG
1034  // std::cout<<"entity = "<<entity<<std::endl;
1035  // for (int j=0; j<procs.size(); j++)
1036  // std::cout<<"procs["<<j<<"] = "<<procs[j]<<", handles["<<j<<"] = "<<handles[j]<<std::endl;
1037  // DBG
1039  if( (int)procs.size() > 1 )
1040  {
1041  procs.push_back( rank() );
1042  handles.push_back( entity );
1044  int idx = std::find( procs.begin(), procs.end(), procmin ) - procs.begin();
1046  std::iter_swap( procs.begin(), procs.begin() + idx );
1047  std::iter_swap( handles.begin(), handles.begin() + idx );
1049  // DBG
1050  // std::cout<<"entity = "<<entity<<std::endl;
1051  // for (int j=0; j<procs.size(); j++)
1052  // std::cout<<"procs["<<j<<"] = "<<procs[j]<<", handles["<<j<<"] = "<<handles[j]<<std::endl;
1053  // DBG
1054  }
1056  // if ((entity == 10388) && (rank()==1))
1057  // std::cout<<"Here"<<std::endl;
1059  error = update_remote_data( entity, &procs[0], &handles[0], procs.size(), pstatus );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
1061  return MB_SUCCESS;
1062 }
1064 ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_remote_handles( EntityHandle* local_vec, EntityHandle* rem_vec, int num_ents, int to_proc )
1065 {
1066  ErrorCode error;
1067  std::vector< EntityHandle > newents;
1068  error = get_remote_handles( true, local_vec, rem_vec, num_ents, to_proc, newents );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
1070  return MB_SUCCESS;
1071 }
1073 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1076  const bool store_remote_handles,
1077  const bool is_iface,
1078  Range& final_ents,
1079  int& incoming1,
1080  int& incoming2,
1081  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > >& L1hloc,
1082  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > >& L1hrem,
1083  std::vector< std::vector< int > >& L1p,
1084  std::vector< EntityHandle >& L2hloc,
1085  std::vector< EntityHandle >& L2hrem,
1086  std::vector< unsigned int >& L2p,
1087  std::vector< MPI_Request >& recv_remoteh_reqs,
1088  bool /*wait_all*/ )
1089 {
1090 #ifndef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
1091  return MB_FAILURE;
1092 #else
1093  // Non-blocking receive for the first message (having size info)
1094  int ind1 = get_buffers( from_proc );
1095  incoming1++;
1097  MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, incoming1 );
1098  int success = MPI_Irecv( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind1]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, from_proc,
1100  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS )
1101  {
1102  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to post irecv in ghost exchange" );
1103  }
1105  // Receive messages in while loop
1106  return recv_messages( from_proc, store_remote_handles, is_iface, final_ents, incoming1, incoming2, L1hloc, L1hrem,
1107  L1p, L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p, recv_remoteh_reqs );
1108 #endif
1109 }
1111 ErrorCode ParallelComm::recv_entities( std::set< unsigned int >& recv_procs,
1112  int incoming1,
1113  int incoming2,
1114  const bool store_remote_handles,
1115  const bool migrate )
1116 {
1117  //===========================================
1118  // Receive/unpack new entities
1119  //===========================================
1120  // Number of incoming messages is the number of procs we communicate with
1121  int success, ind, i;
1122  ErrorCode result;
1123  MPI_Status status;
1124  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > recd_ents( buffProcs.size() );
1125  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > L1hloc( buffProcs.size() ), L1hrem( buffProcs.size() );
1126  std::vector< std::vector< int > > L1p( buffProcs.size() );
1127  std::vector< EntityHandle > L2hloc, L2hrem;
1128  std::vector< unsigned int > L2p;
1129  std::vector< EntityHandle > new_ents;
1131  while( incoming1 )
1132  {
1133  // Wait for all recvs of ents before proceeding to sending remote handles,
1134  // b/c some procs may have sent to a 3rd proc ents owned by me;
1137  success = MPI_Waitany( 2 * buffProcs.size(), &recvReqs[0], &ind, &status );
1138  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
1139  {
1140  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitany in owned entity exchange" );
1141  }
1143  PRINT_DEBUG_RECD( status );
1145  // OK, received something; decrement incoming counter
1146  incoming1--;
1147  bool done = false;
1149  // In case ind is for ack, we need index of one before it
1150  unsigned int base_ind = 2 * ( ind / 2 );
1151  result = recv_buffer( MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, status, remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 2], recvReqs[ind], recvReqs[ind + 1],
1152  incoming1, localOwnedBuffs[ind / 2], sendReqs[base_ind], sendReqs[base_ind + 1], done,
1153  ( store_remote_handles ? localOwnedBuffs[ind / 2] : NULL ), MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE,
1154  &recvRemotehReqs[base_ind], &incoming2 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to receive buffer" );
1156  if( done )
1157  {
1158  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4 )
1159  {
1160  msgs.resize( msgs.size() + 1 );
1161  msgs.back() = new Buffer( *remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 2] );
1162  }
1164  // Message completely received - process buffer that was sent
1165  remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 2]->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
1166  result = unpack_buffer( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 2]->buff_ptr, store_remote_handles, buffProcs[ind / 2],
1167  ind / 2, L1hloc, L1hrem, L1p, L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p, new_ents, true );
1168  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
1169  {
1170  std::cout << "Failed to unpack entities. Buffer contents:" << std::endl;
1171  print_buffer( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 2]->mem_ptr, MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, buffProcs[ind / 2], false );
1172  return result;
1173  }
1175  if( recvReqs.size() != 2 * buffProcs.size() )
1176  {
1177  // Post irecv's for remote handles from new proc
1178  recvRemotehReqs.resize( 2 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
1179  for( i = recvReqs.size(); i < (int)( 2 * buffProcs.size() ); i += 2 )
1180  {
1181  localOwnedBuffs[i / 2]->reset_buffer();
1182  incoming2++;
1183  PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV( procConfig.proc_rank(), buffProcs[i / 2], localOwnedBuffs[i / 2]->mem_ptr,
1185  success = MPI_Irecv( localOwnedBuffs[i / 2]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,
1187  &recvRemotehReqs[i] );
1188  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS )
1189  {
1190  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to post irecv for remote handles in ghost exchange" );
1191  }
1192  }
1193  recvReqs.resize( 2 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
1194  sendReqs.resize( 2 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
1195  }
1196  }
1197  }
1199  // Assign and remove newly created elements from/to receive processor
1200  result = assign_entities_part( new_ents, procConfig.proc_rank() );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to assign entities to part" );
1201  if( migrate )
1202  {
1203  // result = remove_entities_part(allsent, procConfig.proc_rank());MB_CHK_SET_ERR(ressult,
1204  // "Failed to remove entities to part");
1205  }
1207  // Add requests for any new addl procs
1208  if( recvReqs.size() != 2 * buffProcs.size() )
1209  {
1210  // Shouldn't get here...
1211  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Requests length doesn't match proc count in entity exchange" );
1212  }
1214 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
1215  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
1216  {
1217  MPE_Log_event( ENTITIES_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending recv entities." );
1218  }
1219 #endif
1221  //===========================================
1222  // Send local handles for new entity to owner
1223  //===========================================
1224  std::set< unsigned int >::iterator it = recv_procs.begin();
1225  std::set< unsigned int >::iterator eit = recv_procs.end();
1226  for( ; it != eit; ++it )
1227  {
1228  ind = get_buffers( *it );
1229  // Reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size
1230  remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->reset_buffer( sizeof( int ) );
1232  result = pack_remote_handles( L1hloc[ind], L1hrem[ind], L1p[ind], buffProcs[ind], remoteOwnedBuffs[ind] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to pack remote handles" );
1233  remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->set_stored_size();
1235  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4 )
1236  {
1237  msgs.resize( msgs.size() + 1 );
1238  msgs.back() = new Buffer( *remoteOwnedBuffs[ind] );
1239  }
1240  result = send_buffer( buffProcs[ind], remoteOwnedBuffs[ind], MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, sendReqs[2 * ind],
1241  recvRemotehReqs[2 * ind + 1], &ackbuff, incoming2 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to send remote handles" );
1242  }
1244  //===========================================
1245  // Process remote handles of my ghosteds
1246  //===========================================
1247  while( incoming2 )
1248  {
1250  success = MPI_Waitany( 2 * buffProcs.size(), &recvRemotehReqs[0], &ind, &status );
1251  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
1252  {
1253  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitany in owned entity exchange" );
1254  }
1256  // OK, received something; decrement incoming counter
1257  incoming2--;
1259  PRINT_DEBUG_RECD( status );
1260  bool done = false;
1261  unsigned int base_ind = 2 * ( ind / 2 );
1262  result = recv_buffer( MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, status, localOwnedBuffs[ind / 2], recvRemotehReqs[ind],
1263  recvRemotehReqs[ind + 1], incoming2, remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 2], sendReqs[base_ind],
1264  sendReqs[base_ind + 1], done );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to receive remote handles" );
1265  if( done )
1266  {
1267  // Incoming remote handles
1268  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4 )
1269  {
1270  msgs.resize( msgs.size() + 1 );
1271  msgs.back() = new Buffer( *localOwnedBuffs[ind] );
1272  }
1274  localOwnedBuffs[ind / 2]->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
1275  result =
1276  unpack_remote_handles( buffProcs[ind / 2], localOwnedBuffs[ind / 2]->buff_ptr, L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to unpack remote handles" );
1277  }
1278  }
1280 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
1281  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
1282  {
1283  MPE_Log_event( RHANDLES_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending remote handles." );
1284  MPE_Log_event( OWNED_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending recv entities (still doing checks)." );
1285  }
1286 #endif
1287  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Exiting recv_entities.\n" );
1289  return MB_SUCCESS;
1290 }
1293  const bool store_remote_handles,
1294  const bool is_iface,
1295  Range& final_ents,
1296  int& incoming1,
1297  int& incoming2,
1298  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > >& L1hloc,
1299  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > >& L1hrem,
1300  std::vector< std::vector< int > >& L1p,
1301  std::vector< EntityHandle >& L2hloc,
1302  std::vector< EntityHandle >& L2hrem,
1303  std::vector< unsigned int >& L2p,
1304  std::vector< MPI_Request >& recv_remoteh_reqs )
1305 {
1306 #ifndef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
1307  return MB_FAILURE;
1308 #else
1309  MPI_Status status;
1310  ErrorCode result;
1311  int ind1 = get_buffers( from_proc );
1312  int success, ind2;
1313  std::vector< EntityHandle > new_ents;
1315  // Wait and receive messages
1316  while( incoming1 )
1317  {
1319  success = MPI_Waitany( 2, &recvReqs[2 * ind1], &ind2, &status );
1320  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
1321  {
1322  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitany in recv_messages" );
1323  }
1325  PRINT_DEBUG_RECD( status );
1327  // OK, received something; decrement incoming counter
1328  incoming1--;
1329  bool done = false;
1331  // In case ind is for ack, we need index of one before it
1332  ind2 += 2 * ind1;
1333  unsigned int base_ind = 2 * ( ind2 / 2 );
1335  result = recv_buffer( MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, status, remoteOwnedBuffs[ind2 / 2],
1336  // recvbuff,
1337  recvReqs[ind2], recvReqs[ind2 + 1], incoming1, localOwnedBuffs[ind2 / 2],
1338  sendReqs[base_ind], sendReqs[base_ind + 1], done,
1339  ( !is_iface && store_remote_handles ? localOwnedBuffs[ind2 / 2] : NULL ),
1340  MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, &recv_remoteh_reqs[base_ind], &incoming2 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to receive buffer" );
1342  if( done )
1343  {
1344  // If it is done, unpack buffer
1345  remoteOwnedBuffs[ind2 / 2]->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
1346  result = unpack_buffer( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind2 / 2]->buff_ptr, store_remote_handles, from_proc, ind2 / 2,
1347  L1hloc, L1hrem, L1p, L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p, new_ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to unpack buffer in recev_messages" );
1349  std::copy( new_ents.begin(), new_ents.end(), range_inserter( final_ents ) );
1351  // Send local handles for new elements to owner
1352  // Reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size
1353  remoteOwnedBuffs[ind2 / 2]->reset_buffer( sizeof( int ) );
1355  result = pack_remote_handles( L1hloc[ind2 / 2], L1hrem[ind2 / 2], L1p[ind2 / 2], from_proc,
1356  remoteOwnedBuffs[ind2 / 2] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to pack remote handles" );
1357  remoteOwnedBuffs[ind2 / 2]->set_stored_size();
1359  result = send_buffer( buffProcs[ind2 / 2], remoteOwnedBuffs[ind2 / 2], MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, sendReqs[ind2],
1360  recv_remoteh_reqs[ind2 + 1], (int*)( localOwnedBuffs[ind2 / 2]->mem_ptr ),
1361  //&ackbuff,
1362  incoming2 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to send remote handles" );
1363  }
1364  }
1366  return MB_SUCCESS;
1367 #endif
1368 }
1371  int& incoming2,
1372  std::vector< EntityHandle >& L2hloc,
1373  std::vector< EntityHandle >& L2hrem,
1374  std::vector< unsigned int >& L2p,
1375  std::vector< MPI_Request >& recv_remoteh_reqs )
1376 {
1377 #ifndef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
1378  return MB_FAILURE;
1379 #else
1380  MPI_Status status;
1381  ErrorCode result;
1382  int ind1 = get_buffers( from_proc );
1383  int success, ind2;
1385  while( incoming2 )
1386  {
1388  success = MPI_Waitany( 2, &recv_remoteh_reqs[2 * ind1], &ind2, &status );
1389  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
1390  {
1391  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitany in recv_remote_handle_messages" );
1392  }
1394  // OK, received something; decrement incoming counter
1395  incoming2--;
1397  PRINT_DEBUG_RECD( status );
1399  bool done = false;
1400  ind2 += 2 * ind1;
1401  unsigned int base_ind = 2 * ( ind2 / 2 );
1402  result = recv_buffer( MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, status, localOwnedBuffs[ind2 / 2], recv_remoteh_reqs[ind2],
1403  recv_remoteh_reqs[ind2 + 1], incoming2, remoteOwnedBuffs[ind2 / 2], sendReqs[base_ind],
1404  sendReqs[base_ind + 1], done );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to receive remote handles" );
1405  if( done )
1406  {
1407  // Incoming remote handles
1408  localOwnedBuffs[ind2 / 2]->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
1409  result =
1410  unpack_remote_handles( buffProcs[ind2 / 2], localOwnedBuffs[ind2 / 2]->buff_ptr, L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to unpack remote handles" );
1411  }
1412  }
1414  return MB_SUCCESS;
1415 #endif
1416 }
1419  const bool /*adjacencies*/,
1420  const bool tags,
1421  const bool store_remote_handles,
1422  const int to_proc,
1423  Buffer* buff,
1424  TupleList* entprocs,
1425  Range* allsent )
1426 {
1427  // Pack the buffer with the entity ranges, adjacencies, and tags sections
1428  //
1429  // Note: new entities used in subsequent connectivity lists, sets, or tags,
1430  // are referred to as (MBMAXTYPE + index), where index is into vector
1431  // of new entities, 0-based
1432  ErrorCode result;
1434  Range set_range;
1435  std::vector< Tag > all_tags;
1436  std::vector< Range > tag_ranges;
1440  // Entities
1441  result = pack_entities( orig_ents, buff, store_remote_handles, to_proc, false, entprocs, allsent );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Packing entities failed" );
1443  // Sets
1444  result = pack_sets( orig_ents, buff, store_remote_handles, to_proc );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Packing sets (count) failed" );
1446  // Tags
1447  Range final_ents;
1448  if( tags )
1449  {
1450  result = get_tag_send_list( orig_ents, all_tags, tag_ranges );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get tagged entities" );
1451  result = pack_tags( orig_ents, all_tags, all_tags, tag_ranges, buff, store_remote_handles, to_proc );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Packing tags (count) failed" );
1452  }
1453  else
1454  { // Set tag size to 0
1455  buff->check_space( sizeof( int ) );
1456  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, 0 );
1457  buff->set_stored_size();
1458  }
1460  return result;
1461 }
1463 ErrorCode ParallelComm::unpack_buffer( unsigned char* buff_ptr,
1464  const bool store_remote_handles,
1465  const int from_proc,
1466  const int ind,
1467  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > >& L1hloc,
1468  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > >& L1hrem,
1469  std::vector< std::vector< int > >& L1p,
1470  std::vector< EntityHandle >& L2hloc,
1471  std::vector< EntityHandle >& L2hrem,
1472  std::vector< unsigned int >& L2p,
1473  std::vector< EntityHandle >& new_ents,
1474  const bool created_iface )
1475 {
1476  unsigned char* tmp_buff = buff_ptr;
1477  ErrorCode result;
1478  result = unpack_entities( buff_ptr, store_remote_handles, ind, false, L1hloc, L1hrem, L1p, L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p,
1479  new_ents, created_iface );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Unpacking entities failed" );
1480  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 3 )
1481  {
1482  myDebug->tprintf( 4, "unpack_entities buffer space: %ld bytes.\n", (long int)( buff_ptr - tmp_buff ) );
1483  tmp_buff = buff_ptr;
1484  }
1485  result = unpack_sets( buff_ptr, new_ents, store_remote_handles, from_proc );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Unpacking sets failed" );
1486  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 3 )
1487  {
1488  myDebug->tprintf( 4, "unpack_sets buffer space: %ld bytes.\n", (long int)( buff_ptr - tmp_buff ) );
1489  tmp_buff = buff_ptr;
1490  }
1491  result = unpack_tags( buff_ptr, new_ents, store_remote_handles, from_proc );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Unpacking tags failed" );
1492  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 3 )
1493  {
1494  myDebug->tprintf( 4, "unpack_tags buffer space: %ld bytes.\n", (long int)( buff_ptr - tmp_buff ) );
1495  // tmp_buff = buff_ptr;
1496  }
1498  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 3 ) myDebug->print( 4, "\n" );
1500  return MB_SUCCESS;
1501 }
1503 int ParallelComm::estimate_ents_buffer_size( Range& entities, const bool store_remote_handles )
1504 {
1505  int buff_size = 0;
1506  std::vector< EntityHandle > dum_connect_vec;
1507  const EntityHandle* connect;
1508  int num_connect;
1510  int num_verts = entities.num_of_type( MBVERTEX );
1511  // # verts + coords + handles
1512  buff_size += 2 * sizeof( int ) + 3 * sizeof( double ) * num_verts;
1513  if( store_remote_handles ) buff_size += sizeof( EntityHandle ) * num_verts;
1515  // Do a rough count by looking at first entity of each type
1516  for( EntityType t = MBEDGE; t < MBENTITYSET; t++ )
1517  {
1518  const Range::iterator rit = entities.lower_bound( t );
1519  if( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( *rit ) != t ) continue;
1521  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->get_connectivity( *rit, connect, num_connect, false, &dum_connect_vec );MB_CHK_SET_ERR_RET_VAL( result, "Failed to get connectivity to estimate buffer size", -1 );
1523  // Number, type, nodes per entity
1524  buff_size += 3 * sizeof( int );
1525  int num_ents = entities.num_of_type( t );
1526  // Connectivity, handle for each ent
1527  buff_size += ( num_connect + 1 ) * sizeof( EntityHandle ) * num_ents;
1528  }
1530  // Extra entity type at end, passed as int
1531  buff_size += sizeof( int );
1533  return buff_size;
1534 }
1536 int ParallelComm::estimate_sets_buffer_size( Range& entities, const bool /*store_remote_handles*/ )
1537 {
1538  // Number of sets
1539  int buff_size = sizeof( int );
1541  // Do a rough count by looking at first entity of each type
1542  Range::iterator rit = entities.lower_bound( MBENTITYSET );
1543  ErrorCode result;
1545  for( ; rit != entities.end(); ++rit )
1546  {
1547  unsigned int options;
1548  result = mbImpl->get_meshset_options( *rit, options );MB_CHK_SET_ERR_RET_VAL( result, "Failed to get meshset options", -1 );
1550  buff_size += sizeof( int );
1552  Range set_range;
1553  if( options & MESHSET_SET )
1554  {
1555  // Range-based set; count the subranges
1556  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle( *rit, set_range );MB_CHK_SET_ERR_RET_VAL( result, "Failed to get set entities", -1 );
1558  // Set range
1559  buff_size += RANGE_SIZE( set_range );
1560  }
1561  else if( options & MESHSET_ORDERED )
1562  {
1563  // Just get the number of entities in the set
1564  int num_ents;
1565  result = mbImpl->get_number_entities_by_handle( *rit, num_ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR_RET_VAL( result, "Failed to get number entities in ordered set", -1 );
1567  // Set vec
1568  buff_size += sizeof( EntityHandle ) * num_ents + sizeof( int );
1569  }
1571  // Get numbers of parents/children
1572  int num_par, num_ch;
1573  result = mbImpl->num_child_meshsets( *rit, &num_ch );MB_CHK_SET_ERR_RET_VAL( result, "Failed to get num children", -1 );
1574  result = mbImpl->num_parent_meshsets( *rit, &num_par );MB_CHK_SET_ERR_RET_VAL( result, "Failed to get num parents", -1 );
1576  buff_size += ( num_ch + num_par ) * sizeof( EntityHandle ) + 2 * sizeof( int );
1577  }
1579  return buff_size;
1580 }
1583  Buffer* buff,
1584  const bool store_remote_handles,
1585  const int to_proc,
1586  const bool /*is_iface*/,
1587  TupleList* entprocs,
1588  Range* /*allsent*/ )
1589 {
1590  // Packed information:
1591  // 1. # entities = E
1592  // 2. for e in E
1593  // a. # procs sharing e, incl. sender and receiver = P
1594  // b. for p in P (procs sharing e)
1595  // c. for p in P (handle for e on p) (Note1)
1596  // 3. vertex/entity info
1598  // Get an estimate of the buffer size & pre-allocate buffer size
1599  int buff_size = estimate_ents_buffer_size( entities, store_remote_handles );
1600  if( buff_size < 0 ) MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to estimate ents buffer size" );
1601  buff->check_space( buff_size );
1602  myDebug->tprintf( 3, "estimate buffer size for %d entities: %d \n", (int)entities.size(), buff_size );
1604  unsigned int num_ents;
1605  ErrorCode result;
1607  std::vector< EntityHandle > entities_vec( entities.size() );
1608  std::copy( entities.begin(), entities.end(), entities_vec.begin() );
1610  // First pack procs/handles sharing this ent, not including this dest but including
1611  // others (with zero handles)
1612  if( store_remote_handles )
1613  {
1614  // Buff space is at least proc + handle for each entity; use avg of 4 other procs
1615  // to estimate buff size, but check later
1616  buff->check_space( sizeof( int ) + ( 5 * sizeof( int ) + sizeof( EntityHandle ) ) * entities.size() );
1618  // 1. # entities = E
1619  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, entities.size() );
1621  Range::iterator rit;
1623  // Pre-fetch sharedp and pstatus
1624  std::vector< int > sharedp_vals( entities.size() );
1625  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedp_tag(), entities, &sharedp_vals[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedp tag data" );
1626  std::vector< char > pstatus_vals( entities.size() );
1627  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( pstatus_tag(), entities, &pstatus_vals[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get pstatus tag data" );
1629  unsigned int i;
1630  int tmp_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
1631  EntityHandle tmp_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
1632  std::set< unsigned int > dumprocs;
1634  // 2. for e in E
1635  for( rit = entities.begin(), i = 0; rit != entities.end(); ++rit, i++ )
1636  {
1637  unsigned int ind =
1638  std::lower_bound( entprocs->vul_rd, entprocs->vul_rd + entprocs->get_n(), *rit ) - entprocs->vul_rd;
1639  assert( ind < entprocs->get_n() );
1641  while( ind < entprocs->get_n() && entprocs->vul_rd[ind] == *rit )
1642  dumprocs.insert( entprocs->vi_rd[ind++] );
1644  result = build_sharedhps_list( *rit, pstatus_vals[i], sharedp_vals[i], dumprocs, num_ents, tmp_procs,
1645  tmp_handles );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to build sharedhps" );
1647  dumprocs.clear();
1649  // Now pack them
1650  buff->check_space( ( num_ents + 1 ) * sizeof( int ) + num_ents * sizeof( EntityHandle ) );
1651  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, num_ents );
1652  PACK_INTS( buff->buff_ptr, tmp_procs, num_ents );
1653  PACK_EH( buff->buff_ptr, tmp_handles, num_ents );
1655 #ifndef NDEBUG
1656  // Check for duplicates in proc list
1657  unsigned int dp = 0;
1658  for( ; dp < MAX_SHARING_PROCS && -1 != tmp_procs[dp]; dp++ )
1659  dumprocs.insert( tmp_procs[dp] );
1660  assert( dumprocs.size() == dp );
1661  dumprocs.clear();
1662 #endif
1663  }
1664  }
1666  // Pack vertices
1667  Range these_ents = entities.subset_by_type( MBVERTEX );
1668  num_ents = these_ents.size();
1670  if( num_ents )
1671  {
1672  buff_size = 2 * sizeof( int ) + 3 * num_ents * sizeof( double );
1673  buff->check_space( buff_size );
1675  // Type, # ents
1676  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, ( (int)MBVERTEX ) );
1677  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, ( (int)num_ents ) );
1679  std::vector< double > tmp_coords( 3 * num_ents );
1680  result = mbImpl->get_coords( these_ents, &tmp_coords[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get vertex coordinates" );
1681  PACK_DBLS( buff->buff_ptr, &tmp_coords[0], 3 * num_ents );
1683  myDebug->tprintf( 4, "Packed %lu ents of type %s\n", (unsigned long)these_ents.size(),
1684  CN::EntityTypeName( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( *these_ents.begin() ) ) );
1685  }
1687  // Now entities; go through range, packing by type and equal # verts per element
1688  Range::iterator start_rit = entities.find( *these_ents.rbegin() );
1689  ++start_rit;
1690  int last_nodes = -1;
1691  EntityType last_type = MBMAXTYPE;
1692  these_ents.clear();
1693  Range::iterator end_rit = start_rit;
1694  EntitySequence* seq;
1695  ElementSequence* eseq;
1697  while( start_rit != entities.end() || !these_ents.empty() )
1698  {
1699  // Cases:
1700  // A: !end, last_type == MBMAXTYPE, seq: save contig sequence in these_ents
1701  // B: !end, last type & nodes same, seq: save contig sequence in these_ents
1702  // C: !end, last type & nodes different: pack these_ents, then save contig sequence in
1703  // these_ents D: end: pack these_ents
1705  // Find the sequence holding current start entity, if we're not at end
1706  eseq = NULL;
1707  if( start_rit != entities.end() )
1708  {
1709  result = sequenceManager->find( *start_rit, seq );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to find entity sequence" );
1710  if( NULL == seq ) return MB_FAILURE;
1711  eseq = dynamic_cast< ElementSequence* >( seq );
1712  }
1714  // Pack the last batch if at end or next one is different
1715  if( !these_ents.empty() &&
1716  ( !eseq || eseq->type() != last_type || last_nodes != (int)eseq->nodes_per_element() ) )
1717  {
1718  result = pack_entity_seq( last_nodes, store_remote_handles, to_proc, these_ents, entities_vec, buff );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to pack entities from a sequence" );
1719  these_ents.clear();
1720  }
1722  if( eseq )
1723  {
1724  // Continuation of current range, just save these entities
1725  // Get position in entities list one past end of this sequence
1726  end_rit = entities.lower_bound( start_rit, entities.end(), eseq->end_handle() + 1 );
1728  // Put these entities in the range
1729  std::copy( start_rit, end_rit, range_inserter( these_ents ) );
1731  last_type = eseq->type();
1732  last_nodes = eseq->nodes_per_element();
1733  }
1734  else if( start_rit != entities.end() && TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( *start_rit ) == MBENTITYSET )
1735  break;
1737  start_rit = end_rit;
1738  }
1740  // Pack MBMAXTYPE to indicate end of ranges
1741  buff->check_space( sizeof( int ) );
1742  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, ( (int)MBMAXTYPE ) );
1744  buff->set_stored_size();
1745  return MB_SUCCESS;
1746 }
1749  const unsigned char pstatus,
1750  const int
1751 #ifndef NDEBUG
1752  sharedp
1753 #endif
1754  ,
1755  const std::set< unsigned int >& procs,
1756  unsigned int& num_ents,
1757  int* tmp_procs,
1758  EntityHandle* tmp_handles )
1759 {
1760  num_ents = 0;
1761  unsigned char pstat;
1762  ErrorCode result = get_sharing_data( entity, tmp_procs, tmp_handles, pstat, num_ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharing data" );
1763  assert( pstat == pstatus );
1765  // Build shared proc/handle lists
1766  // Start with multi-shared, since if it is the owner will be first
1767  if( pstatus & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED )
1768  {
1769  }
1770  else if( pstatus & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED )
1771  {
1772  // If not multishared and not owned, other sharing proc is owner, put that
1773  // one first
1774  assert( "If not owned, I should be shared too" && pstatus & PSTATUS_SHARED && 1 == num_ents );
1775  tmp_procs[1] = procConfig.proc_rank();
1776  tmp_handles[1] = entity;
1777  num_ents = 2;
1778  }
1779  else if( pstatus & PSTATUS_SHARED )
1780  {
1781  // If not multishared and owned, I'm owner
1782  assert( "shared and owned, should be only 1 sharing proc" && 1 == num_ents );
1783  tmp_procs[1] = tmp_procs[0];
1784  tmp_procs[0] = procConfig.proc_rank();
1785  tmp_handles[1] = tmp_handles[0];
1786  tmp_handles[0] = entity;
1787  num_ents = 2;
1788  }
1789  else
1790  {
1791  // Not shared yet, just add owner (me)
1792  tmp_procs[0] = procConfig.proc_rank();
1793  tmp_handles[0] = entity;
1794  num_ents = 1;
1795  }
1797 #ifndef NDEBUG
1798  int tmp_ps = num_ents;
1799 #endif
1801  // Now add others, with zero handle for now
1802  for( std::set< unsigned int >::iterator sit = procs.begin(); sit != procs.end(); ++sit )
1803  {
1804 #ifndef NDEBUG
1805  if( tmp_ps && std::find( tmp_procs, tmp_procs + tmp_ps, *sit ) != tmp_procs + tmp_ps )
1806  {
1807  std::cerr << "Trouble with something already in shared list on proc " << procConfig.proc_rank()
1808  << ". Entity:" << std::endl;
1809  list_entities( &entity, 1 );
1810  std::cerr << "pstatus = " << (int)pstatus << ", sharedp = " << sharedp << std::endl;
1811  std::cerr << "tmp_ps = ";
1812  for( int i = 0; i < tmp_ps; i++ )
1813  std::cerr << tmp_procs[i] << " ";
1814  std::cerr << std::endl;
1815  std::cerr << "procs = ";
1816  for( std::set< unsigned int >::iterator sit2 = procs.begin(); sit2 != procs.end(); ++sit2 )
1817  std::cerr << *sit2 << " ";
1818  assert( false );
1819  }
1820 #endif
1821  tmp_procs[num_ents] = *sit;
1822  tmp_handles[num_ents] = 0;
1823  num_ents++;
1824  }
1826  // Put -1 after procs and 0 after handles
1827  if( MAX_SHARING_PROCS > num_ents )
1828  {
1829  tmp_procs[num_ents] = -1;
1830  tmp_handles[num_ents] = 0;
1831  }
1833  return MB_SUCCESS;
1834 }
1836 ErrorCode ParallelComm::pack_entity_seq( const int nodes_per_entity,
1837  const bool store_remote_handles,
1838  const int to_proc,
1839  Range& these_ents,
1840  std::vector< EntityHandle >& entities_vec,
1841  Buffer* buff )
1842 {
1843  int tmp_space = 3 * sizeof( int ) + nodes_per_entity * these_ents.size() * sizeof( EntityHandle );
1844  buff->check_space( tmp_space );
1846  // Pack the entity type
1847  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, ( (int)TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( *these_ents.begin() ) ) );
1849  // Pack # ents
1850  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, these_ents.size() );
1852  // Pack the nodes per entity
1853  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, nodes_per_entity );
1854  myDebug->tprintf( 3, "after some pack int %d \n", buff->get_current_size() );
1856  // Pack the connectivity
1857  std::vector< EntityHandle > connect;
1858  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
1859  for( Range::const_iterator rit = these_ents.begin(); rit != these_ents.end(); ++rit )
1860  {
1861  connect.clear();
1862  result = mbImpl->get_connectivity( &( *rit ), 1, connect, false );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get connectivity" );
1863  assert( (int)connect.size() == nodes_per_entity );
1864  result =
1865  get_remote_handles( store_remote_handles, &connect[0], &connect[0], connect.size(), to_proc, entities_vec );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed in get_remote_handles" );
1866  PACK_EH( buff->buff_ptr, &connect[0], connect.size() );
1867  }
1869  myDebug->tprintf( 3, "Packed %lu ents of type %s\n", (unsigned long)these_ents.size(),
1870  CN::EntityTypeName( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( *these_ents.begin() ) ) );
1872  return result;
1873 }
1875 ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_remote_handles( const bool store_remote_handles,
1876  EntityHandle* from_vec,
1877  EntityHandle* to_vec_tmp,
1878  int num_ents,
1879  int to_proc,
1880  const std::vector< EntityHandle >& new_ents )
1881 {
1885  if( 0 == num_ents ) return MB_SUCCESS;
1887  // Use a local destination ptr in case we're doing an in-place copy
1888  std::vector< EntityHandle > tmp_vector;
1889  EntityHandle* to_vec = to_vec_tmp;
1890  if( to_vec == from_vec )
1891  {
1892  tmp_vector.resize( num_ents );
1893  to_vec = &tmp_vector[0];
1894  }
1896  if( !store_remote_handles )
1897  {
1898  int err;
1899  // In this case, substitute position in new_ents list
1900  for( int i = 0; i < num_ents; i++ )
1901  {
1902  int ind = std::lower_bound( new_ents.begin(), new_ents.end(), from_vec[i] ) - new_ents.begin();
1903  assert( new_ents[ind] == from_vec[i] );
1904  to_vec[i] = CREATE_HANDLE( MBMAXTYPE, ind, err );
1905  assert( to_vec[i] != 0 && !err && -1 != ind );
1906  }
1907  }
1908  else
1909  {
1910  Tag shp_tag, shps_tag, shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag;
1911  ErrorCode result = get_shared_proc_tags( shp_tag, shps_tag, shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get shared proc tags" );
1913  // Get single-proc destination handles and shared procs
1914  std::vector< int > sharing_procs( num_ents );
1915  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( shh_tag, from_vec, num_ents, to_vec );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get shared handle tag for remote_handles" );
1916  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( shp_tag, from_vec, num_ents, &sharing_procs[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharing proc tag in remote_handles" );
1917  for( int j = 0; j < num_ents; j++ )
1918  {
1919  if( to_vec[j] && sharing_procs[j] != to_proc ) to_vec[j] = 0;
1920  }
1922  EntityHandle tmp_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
1923  int tmp_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
1924  int i;
1925  // Go through results, and for 0-valued ones, look for multiple shared proc
1926  for( i = 0; i < num_ents; i++ )
1927  {
1928  if( !to_vec[i] )
1929  {
1930  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( shps_tag, from_vec + i, 1, tmp_procs );
1931  if( MB_SUCCESS == result )
1932  {
1933  for( int j = 0; j < MAX_SHARING_PROCS; j++ )
1934  {
1935  if( -1 == tmp_procs[j] )
1936  break;
1937  else if( tmp_procs[j] == to_proc )
1938  {
1939  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( shhs_tag, from_vec + i, 1, tmp_handles );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedhs tag data" );
1940  to_vec[i] = tmp_handles[j];
1941  assert( to_vec[i] );
1942  break;
1943  }
1944  }
1945  }
1946  if( !to_vec[i] )
1947  {
1948  int j = std::lower_bound( new_ents.begin(), new_ents.end(), from_vec[i] ) - new_ents.begin();
1949  if( (int)new_ents.size() == j )
1950  {
1951  std::cout << "Failed to find new entity in send list, proc " << procConfig.proc_rank()
1952  << std::endl;
1953  for( int k = 0; k <= num_ents; k++ )
1954  std::cout << k << ": " << from_vec[k] << " " << to_vec[k] << std::endl;
1955  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to find new entity in send list" );
1956  }
1957  int err;
1958  to_vec[i] = CREATE_HANDLE( MBMAXTYPE, j, err );
1959  if( err )
1960  {
1961  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to create handle in remote_handles" );
1962  }
1963  }
1964  }
1965  }
1966  }
1968  // memcpy over results if from_vec and to_vec are the same
1969  if( to_vec_tmp == from_vec ) memcpy( from_vec, to_vec, num_ents * sizeof( EntityHandle ) );
1971  return MB_SUCCESS;
1972 }
1974 ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_remote_handles( const bool store_remote_handles,
1975  const Range& from_range,
1976  EntityHandle* to_vec,
1977  int to_proc,
1978  const std::vector< EntityHandle >& new_ents )
1979 {
1983  if( from_range.empty() ) return MB_SUCCESS;
1985  if( !store_remote_handles )
1986  {
1987  int err;
1988  // In this case, substitute position in new_ents list
1989  Range::iterator rit;
1990  unsigned int i;
1991  for( rit = from_range.begin(), i = 0; rit != from_range.end(); ++rit, i++ )
1992  {
1993  int ind = std::lower_bound( new_ents.begin(), new_ents.end(), *rit ) - new_ents.begin();
1994  assert( new_ents[ind] == *rit );
1995  to_vec[i] = CREATE_HANDLE( MBMAXTYPE, ind, err );
1996  assert( to_vec[i] != 0 && !err && -1 != ind );
1997  }
1998  }
1999  else
2000  {
2001  Tag shp_tag, shps_tag, shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag;
2002  ErrorCode result = get_shared_proc_tags( shp_tag, shps_tag, shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get shared proc tags" );
2004  // Get single-proc destination handles and shared procs
2005  std::vector< int > sharing_procs( from_range.size() );
2006  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( shh_tag, from_range, to_vec );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get shared handle tag for remote_handles" );
2007  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( shp_tag, from_range, &sharing_procs[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharing proc tag in remote_handles" );
2008  for( unsigned int j = 0; j < from_range.size(); j++ )
2009  {
2010  if( to_vec[j] && sharing_procs[j] != to_proc ) to_vec[j] = 0;
2011  }
2013  EntityHandle tmp_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
2014  int tmp_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
2015  // Go through results, and for 0-valued ones, look for multiple shared proc
2016  Range::iterator rit;
2017  unsigned int i;
2018  for( rit = from_range.begin(), i = 0; rit != from_range.end(); ++rit, i++ )
2019  {
2020  if( !to_vec[i] )
2021  {
2022  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( shhs_tag, &( *rit ), 1, tmp_handles );
2023  if( MB_SUCCESS == result )
2024  {
2025  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( shps_tag, &( *rit ), 1, tmp_procs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedps tag data" );
2026  for( int j = 0; j < MAX_SHARING_PROCS; j++ )
2027  if( tmp_procs[j] == to_proc )
2028  {
2029  to_vec[i] = tmp_handles[j];
2030  break;
2031  }
2032  }
2034  if( !to_vec[i] )
2035  {
2036  int j = std::lower_bound( new_ents.begin(), new_ents.end(), *rit ) - new_ents.begin();
2037  if( (int)new_ents.size() == j )
2038  {
2039  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to find new entity in send list" );
2040  }
2041  int err;
2042  to_vec[i] = CREATE_HANDLE( MBMAXTYPE, j, err );
2043  if( err )
2044  {
2045  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to create handle in remote_handles" );
2046  }
2047  }
2048  }
2049  }
2050  }
2052  return MB_SUCCESS;
2053 }
2055 ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_remote_handles( const bool store_remote_handles,
2056  const Range& from_range,
2057  Range& to_range,
2058  int to_proc,
2059  const std::vector< EntityHandle >& new_ents )
2060 {
2061  std::vector< EntityHandle > to_vector( from_range.size() );
2063  ErrorCode result = get_remote_handles( store_remote_handles, from_range, &to_vector[0], to_proc, new_ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get remote handles" );
2064  std::copy( to_vector.begin(), to_vector.end(), range_inserter( to_range ) );
2065  return result;
2066 }
2068 ErrorCode ParallelComm::unpack_entities( unsigned char*& buff_ptr,
2069  const bool store_remote_handles,
2070  const int /*from_ind*/,
2071  const bool is_iface,
2072  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > >& L1hloc,
2073  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > >& L1hrem,
2074  std::vector< std::vector< int > >& L1p,
2075  std::vector< EntityHandle >& L2hloc,
2076  std::vector< EntityHandle >& L2hrem,
2077  std::vector< unsigned int >& L2p,
2078  std::vector< EntityHandle >& new_ents,
2079  const bool created_iface )
2080 {
2081  // General algorithm:
2082  // - unpack # entities
2083  // - save start of remote handle info, then scan forward to entity definition data
2084  // - for all vertices or entities w/ same # verts:
2085  // . get entity type, num ents, and (if !vert) # verts
2086  // . for each ent:
2087  // o get # procs/handles in remote handle info
2088  // o if # procs/handles > 2, check for already-created entity:
2089  // x get index of owner proc (1st in proc list), resize L1 list if nec
2090  // x look for already-arrived entity in L2 by owner handle
2091  // o if no existing entity:
2092  // x if iface, look for existing entity with same connect & type
2093  // x if none found, create vertex or element
2094  // x if !iface & multi-shared, save on L2
2095  // x if !iface, put new entity on new_ents list
2096  // o update proc/handle, pstatus tags, adjusting to put owner first if iface
2097  // o if !iface, save new handle on L1 for all sharing procs
2099  // Lists of handles/procs to return to sending/other procs
2100  // L1hloc[p], L1hrem[p]: handle pairs [h, h'], where h is the local proc handle
2101  // and h' is either the remote proc handle (if that is known) or
2102  // the owner proc handle (otherwise);
2103  // L1p[p]: indicates whether h is remote handle (= -1) or owner (rank of owner)
2104  // L2hloc, L2hrem: local/remote handles for entities shared by > 2 procs;
2105  // remote handles are on owning proc
2106  // L2p: owning procs for handles in L2hrem
2108  ErrorCode result;
2109  bool done = false;
2110  ReadUtilIface* ru = NULL;
2112  result = mbImpl->query_interface( ru );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get ReadUtilIface" );
2114  // 1. # entities = E
2115  int num_ents = 0;
2116  unsigned char* buff_save = buff_ptr;
2117  int i, j;
2119  if( store_remote_handles )
2120  {
2121  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, num_ents );
2123  buff_save = buff_ptr;
2125  // Save place where remote handle info starts, then scan forward to ents
2126  for( i = 0; i < num_ents; i++ )
2127  {
2128  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, j );
2129  if( j < 0 )
2130  {
2131  std::cout << "Should be non-negative # proc/handles.";
2132  return MB_FAILURE;
2133  }
2135  buff_ptr += j * ( sizeof( int ) + sizeof( EntityHandle ) );
2136  }
2137  }
2139  std::vector< EntityHandle > msg_ents;
2141  while( !done )
2142  {
2143  EntityType this_type = MBMAXTYPE;
2144  UNPACK_TYPE( buff_ptr, this_type );
2145  assert( this_type != MBENTITYSET );
2147  // MBMAXTYPE signifies end of entities data
2148  if( MBMAXTYPE == this_type ) break;
2150  // Get the number of ents
2151  int num_ents2, verts_per_entity = 0;
2152  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, num_ents2 );
2154  // Unpack the nodes per entity
2155  if( MBVERTEX != this_type && num_ents2 )
2156  {
2157  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, verts_per_entity );
2158  }
2160  std::vector< int > ps( MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1 );
2161  std::vector< EntityHandle > hs( MAX_SHARING_PROCS, 0 );
2162  for( int e = 0; e < num_ents2; e++ )
2163  {
2164  // Check for existing entity, otherwise make new one
2165  EntityHandle new_h = 0;
2167  double coords[3];
2168  int num_ps = -1;
2170  //=======================================
2171  // Unpack all the data at once, to make sure the buffer pointers
2172  // are tracked correctly
2173  //=======================================
2174  if( store_remote_handles )
2175  {
2176  // Pointers to other procs/handles
2177  UNPACK_INT( buff_save, num_ps );
2178  if( 0 >= num_ps )
2179  {
2180  std::cout << "Shouldn't ever be fewer than 1 procs here." << std::endl;
2181  return MB_FAILURE;
2182  }
2184  UNPACK_INTS( buff_save, &ps[0], num_ps );
2185  UNPACK_EH( buff_save, &hs[0], num_ps );
2186  }
2188  if( MBVERTEX == this_type )
2189  {
2190  UNPACK_DBLS( buff_ptr, coords, 3 );
2191  }
2192  else
2193  {
2194  assert( verts_per_entity <= CN::MAX_NODES_PER_ELEMENT );
2195  UNPACK_EH( buff_ptr, connect, verts_per_entity );
2197  // Update connectivity to local handles
2198  result = get_local_handles( connect, verts_per_entity, msg_ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get local handles" );
2199  }
2201  //=======================================
2202  // Now, process that data; begin by finding an identical
2203  // entity, if there is one
2204  //=======================================
2205  if( store_remote_handles )
2206  {
2207  result = find_existing_entity( is_iface, ps[0], hs[0], num_ps, connect, verts_per_entity, this_type,
2208  L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p, new_h );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get existing entity" );
2209  }
2211  //=======================================
2212  // If we didn't find one, we'll have to create one
2213  //=======================================
2214  bool created_here = false;
2215  if( !new_h && !is_iface )
2216  {
2217  if( MBVERTEX == this_type )
2218  {
2219  // Create a vertex
2220  result = mbImpl->create_vertex( coords, new_h );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to make new vertex" );
2221  }
2222  else
2223  {
2224  // Create the element
2225  result = mbImpl->create_element( this_type, connect, verts_per_entity, new_h );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to make new element" );
2227  // Update adjacencies
2228  result = ru->update_adjacencies( new_h, 1, verts_per_entity, connect );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to update adjacencies" );
2229  }
2231  // Should have a new handle now
2232  assert( new_h );
2234  created_here = true;
2235  }
2237  //=======================================
2238  // Take care of sharing data
2239  //=======================================
2241  // Need to save entities found in order, for interpretation of
2242  // later parts of this message
2243  if( !is_iface )
2244  {
2245  assert( new_h );
2246  msg_ents.push_back( new_h );
2247  }
2249  if( created_here ) new_ents.push_back( new_h );
2251  if( new_h && store_remote_handles )
2252  {
2253  unsigned char new_pstat = 0x0;
2254  if( is_iface )
2255  {
2256  new_pstat = PSTATUS_INTERFACE;
2257  // Here, lowest rank proc should be first
2258  int idx = std::min_element( &ps[0], &ps[0] + num_ps ) - &ps[0];
2259  if( idx )
2260  {
2261  std::swap( ps[0], ps[idx] );
2262  std::swap( hs[0], hs[idx] );
2263  }
2264  // Set ownership based on lowest rank; can't be in update_remote_data, because
2265  // there we don't know whether it resulted from ghosting or not
2266  if( ( num_ps > 1 && ps[0] != (int)rank() ) ) new_pstat |= PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
2267  }
2268  else if( created_here )
2269  {
2270  if( created_iface )
2271  new_pstat = PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
2272  else
2274  }
2276  // Update sharing data and pstatus, adjusting order if iface
2277  result = update_remote_data( new_h, &ps[0], &hs[0], num_ps, new_pstat );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "unpack_entities" );
2279  // If a new multi-shared entity, save owner for subsequent lookup in L2 lists
2280  if( store_remote_handles && !is_iface && num_ps > 2 )
2281  {
2282  L2hrem.push_back( hs[0] );
2283  L2hloc.push_back( new_h );
2284  L2p.push_back( ps[0] );
2285  }
2287  // Need to send this new handle to all sharing procs
2288  if( !is_iface )
2289  {
2290  for( j = 0; j < num_ps; j++ )
2291  {
2292  if( ps[j] == (int)procConfig.proc_rank() ) continue;
2293  int idx = get_buffers( ps[j] );
2294  if( idx == (int)L1hloc.size() )
2295  {
2296  L1hloc.resize( idx + 1 );
2297  L1hrem.resize( idx + 1 );
2298  L1p.resize( idx + 1 );
2299  }
2301  // Don't bother adding if it's already in the list
2302  std::vector< EntityHandle >::iterator vit =
2303  std::find( L1hloc[idx].begin(), L1hloc[idx].end(), new_h );
2304  if( vit != L1hloc[idx].end() )
2305  {
2306  // If it's in the list but remote handle isn't known but we know
2307  // it, replace in the list
2308  if( L1p[idx][vit - L1hloc[idx].begin()] != -1 && hs[j] )
2309  {
2310  L1hrem[idx][vit - L1hloc[idx].begin()] = hs[j];
2311  L1p[idx][vit - L1hloc[idx].begin()] = -1;
2312  }
2313  else
2314  continue;
2315  }
2316  else
2317  {
2318  if( !hs[j] )
2319  {
2320  assert( -1 != ps[0] && num_ps > 2 );
2321  L1p[idx].push_back( ps[0] );
2322  L1hrem[idx].push_back( hs[0] );
2323  }
2324  else
2325  {
2326  assert(
2327  "either this remote handle isn't in the remote list, or "
2328  "it's for another proc" &&
2329  ( std::find( L1hrem[idx].begin(), L1hrem[idx].end(), hs[j] ) == L1hrem[idx].end() ||
2330  L1p[idx][std::find( L1hrem[idx].begin(), L1hrem[idx].end(), hs[j] ) -
2331  L1hrem[idx].begin()] != -1 ) );
2332  L1p[idx].push_back( -1 );
2333  L1hrem[idx].push_back( hs[j] );
2334  }
2335  L1hloc[idx].push_back( new_h );
2336  }
2337  }
2338  }
2340  assert( "Shouldn't be here for non-shared entities" && -1 != num_ps );
2341  std::fill( &ps[0], &ps[num_ps], -1 );
2342  std::fill( &hs[0], &hs[num_ps], 0 );
2343  }
2344  }
2346  myDebug->tprintf( 4, "Unpacked %d ents of type %s", num_ents2, CN::EntityTypeName( this_type ) );
2347  }
2349  myDebug->tprintf( 4, "Done unpacking entities.\n" );
2351  // Need to sort here, to enable searching
2352  std::sort( new_ents.begin(), new_ents.end() );
2354  return MB_SUCCESS;
2355 }
2357 ErrorCode ParallelComm::print_buffer( unsigned char* buff_ptr, int mesg_tag, int from_proc, bool sent )
2358 {
2359  std::cerr << procConfig.proc_rank();
2360  if( sent )
2361  std::cerr << " sent";
2362  else
2363  std::cerr << " received";
2364  std::cerr << " message type " << mesg_tag << " to/from proc " << from_proc << "; contents:" << std::endl;
2366  int msg_length, num_ents;
2367  unsigned char* orig_ptr = buff_ptr;
2368  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, msg_length );
2369  std::cerr << msg_length << " bytes..." << std::endl;
2371  if( MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE == mesg_tag || MB_MESG_ENTS_LARGE == mesg_tag )
2372  {
2373  // 1. # entities = E
2374  int i, j, k;
2375  std::vector< int > ps;
2376  std::vector< EntityHandle > hs;
2378  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, num_ents );
2379  std::cerr << num_ents << " entities..." << std::endl;
2381  // Save place where remote handle info starts, then scan forward to ents
2382  for( i = 0; i < num_ents; i++ )
2383  {
2384  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, j );
2385  if( 0 > j ) return MB_FAILURE;
2386  ps.resize( j );
2387  hs.resize( j );
2388  std::cerr << "Entity " << i << ", # procs = " << j << std::endl;
2389  UNPACK_INTS( buff_ptr, &ps[0], j );
2390  UNPACK_EH( buff_ptr, &hs[0], j );
2391  std::cerr << " Procs: ";
2392  for( k = 0; k < j; k++ )
2393  std::cerr << ps[k] << " ";
2394  std::cerr << std::endl;
2395  std::cerr << " Handles: ";
2396  for( k = 0; k < j; k++ )
2397  std::cerr << hs[k] << " ";
2398  std::cerr << std::endl;
2400  if( buff_ptr - orig_ptr > msg_length )
2401  {
2402  std::cerr << "End of buffer..." << std::endl;
2403  std::cerr.flush();
2404  return MB_FAILURE;
2405  }
2406  }
2408  while( true )
2409  {
2410  EntityType this_type = MBMAXTYPE;
2411  UNPACK_TYPE( buff_ptr, this_type );
2412  assert( this_type != MBENTITYSET );
2414  // MBMAXTYPE signifies end of entities data
2415  if( MBMAXTYPE == this_type ) break;
2417  // Get the number of ents
2418  int num_ents2, verts_per_entity = 0;
2419  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, num_ents2 );
2421  // Unpack the nodes per entity
2422  if( MBVERTEX != this_type && num_ents2 )
2423  {
2424  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, verts_per_entity );
2425  }
2427  std::cerr << "Type: " << CN::EntityTypeName( this_type ) << "; num_ents = " << num_ents2;
2428  if( MBVERTEX != this_type ) std::cerr << "; verts_per_ent = " << verts_per_entity;
2429  std::cerr << std::endl;
2430  if( num_ents2 < 0 || num_ents2 > msg_length )
2431  {
2432  std::cerr << "Wrong number of entities, returning." << std::endl;
2433  return MB_FAILURE;
2434  }
2436  for( int e = 0; e < num_ents2; e++ )
2437  {
2438  // Check for existing entity, otherwise make new one
2439  if( MBVERTEX == this_type )
2440  {
2441  double coords[3];
2442  UNPACK_DBLS( buff_ptr, coords, 3 );
2443  std::cerr << "xyz = " << coords[0] << ", " << coords[1] << ", " << coords[2] << std::endl;
2444  }
2445  else
2446  {
2448  assert( verts_per_entity <= CN::MAX_NODES_PER_ELEMENT );
2449  UNPACK_EH( buff_ptr, connect, verts_per_entity );
2451  // Update connectivity to local handles
2452  std::cerr << "Connectivity: ";
2453  for( k = 0; k < verts_per_entity; k++ )
2454  std::cerr << connect[k] << " ";
2455  std::cerr << std::endl;
2456  }
2458  if( buff_ptr - orig_ptr > msg_length )
2459  {
2460  std::cerr << "End of buffer..." << std::endl;
2461  std::cerr.flush();
2462  return MB_FAILURE;
2463  }
2464  }
2465  }
2466  }
2467  else if( MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE == mesg_tag || MB_MESG_REMOTEH_LARGE == mesg_tag )
2468  {
2469  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, num_ents );
2470  std::cerr << num_ents << " entities..." << std::endl;
2471  if( 0 > num_ents || num_ents > msg_length )
2472  {
2473  std::cerr << "Wrong number of entities, returning." << std::endl;
2474  return MB_FAILURE;
2475  }
2476  std::vector< EntityHandle > L1hloc( num_ents ), L1hrem( num_ents );
2477  std::vector< int > L1p( num_ents );
2478  UNPACK_INTS( buff_ptr, &L1p[0], num_ents );
2479  UNPACK_EH( buff_ptr, &L1hrem[0], num_ents );
2480  UNPACK_EH( buff_ptr, &L1hloc[0], num_ents );
2481  std::cerr << num_ents << " Entity pairs; hremote/hlocal/proc: " << std::endl;
2482  for( int i = 0; i < num_ents; i++ )
2483  {
2484  EntityType etype = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( L1hloc[i] );
2485  std::cerr << CN::EntityTypeName( etype ) << ID_FROM_HANDLE( L1hrem[i] ) << ", "
2486  << CN::EntityTypeName( etype ) << ID_FROM_HANDLE( L1hloc[i] ) << ", " << L1p[i] << std::endl;
2487  }
2489  if( buff_ptr - orig_ptr > msg_length )
2490  {
2491  std::cerr << "End of buffer..." << std::endl;
2492  std::cerr.flush();
2493  return MB_FAILURE;
2494  }
2495  }
2496  else if( mesg_tag == MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE || mesg_tag == MB_MESG_TAGS_LARGE )
2497  {
2498  int num_tags, dum1, data_type, tag_size;
2499  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, num_tags );
2500  std::cerr << "Number of tags = " << num_tags << std::endl;
2501  for( int i = 0; i < num_tags; i++ )
2502  {
2503  std::cerr << "Tag " << i << ":" << std::endl;
2504  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, tag_size );
2505  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, dum1 );
2506  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, data_type );
2507  std::cerr << "Tag size, type, data type = " << tag_size << ", " << dum1 << ", " << data_type << std::endl;
2508  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, dum1 );
2509  std::cerr << "Default value size = " << dum1 << std::endl;
2510  buff_ptr += dum1;
2511  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, dum1 );
2512  std::string name( (char*)buff_ptr, dum1 );
2513  std::cerr << "Tag name = " << name.c_str() << std::endl;
2514  buff_ptr += dum1;
2515  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, num_ents );
2516  std::cerr << "Number of ents = " << num_ents << std::endl;
2517  std::vector< EntityHandle > tmp_buff( num_ents );
2518  UNPACK_EH( buff_ptr, &tmp_buff[0], num_ents );
2519  int tot_length = 0;
2520  for( int j = 0; j < num_ents; j++ )
2521  {
2522  EntityType etype = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( tmp_buff[j] );
2523  std::cerr << CN::EntityTypeName( etype ) << " " << ID_FROM_HANDLE( tmp_buff[j] ) << ", tag = ";
2524  if( tag_size == MB_VARIABLE_LENGTH )
2525  {
2526  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, dum1 );
2527  tot_length += dum1;
2528  std::cerr << "(variable, length = " << dum1 << ")" << std::endl;
2529  }
2530  else if( data_type == MB_TYPE_DOUBLE )
2531  {
2532  double dum_dbl;
2533  UNPACK_DBL( buff_ptr, dum_dbl );
2534  std::cerr << dum_dbl << std::endl;
2535  }
2536  else if( data_type == MB_TYPE_INTEGER )
2537  {
2538  int dum_int;
2539  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, dum_int );
2540  std::cerr << dum_int << std::endl;
2541  }
2542  else if( data_type == MB_TYPE_OPAQUE )
2543  {
2544  std::cerr << "(opaque)" << std::endl;
2545  buff_ptr += tag_size;
2546  }
2547  else if( data_type == MB_TYPE_HANDLE )
2548  {
2549  EntityHandle dum_eh;
2550  UNPACK_EH( buff_ptr, &dum_eh, 1 );
2551  std::cerr << dum_eh << std::endl;
2552  }
2553  else if( data_type == MB_TYPE_BIT )
2554  {
2555  std::cerr << "(bit)" << std::endl;
2556  buff_ptr += tag_size;
2557  }
2558  }
2559  if( tag_size == MB_VARIABLE_LENGTH ) buff_ptr += tot_length;
2560  }
2561  }
2562  else
2563  {
2564  assert( false );
2565  return MB_FAILURE;
2566  }
2568  std::cerr.flush();
2570  return MB_SUCCESS;
2571 }
2574 {
2575  if( NULL == ents )
2576  {
2577  Range shared_ents;
2578  std::copy( sharedEnts.begin(), sharedEnts.end(), range_inserter( shared_ents ) );
2579  shared_ents.print( "Shared entities:\n" );
2580  return MB_SUCCESS;
2581  }
2583  unsigned char pstat;
2584  EntityHandle tmp_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
2585  int tmp_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
2586  unsigned int num_ps;
2587  ErrorCode result;
2589  for( int i = 0; i < num_ents; i++ )
2590  {
2591  result = mbImpl->list_entities( ents + i, 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
2592  double coords[3];
2593  result = mbImpl->get_coords( ents + i, 1, coords );
2594  std::cout << " coords: " << coords[0] << " " << coords[1] << " " << coords[2] << "\n";
2596  result = get_sharing_data( ents[i], tmp_procs, tmp_handles, pstat, num_ps );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharing data" );
2598  std::cout << "Pstatus: ";
2599  if( !num_ps )
2600  std::cout << "local " << std::endl;
2601  else
2602  {
2603  if( pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED ) std::cout << "NOT_OWNED; ";
2604  if( pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED ) std::cout << "SHARED; ";
2605  if( pstat & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED ) std::cout << "MULTISHARED; ";
2606  if( pstat & PSTATUS_INTERFACE ) std::cout << "INTERFACE; ";
2607  if( pstat & PSTATUS_GHOST ) std::cout << "GHOST; ";
2608  std::cout << std::endl;
2609  for( unsigned int j = 0; j < num_ps; j++ )
2610  {
2611  std::cout << " proc " << tmp_procs[j] << " id (handle) " << mbImpl->id_from_handle( tmp_handles[j] )
2612  << "(" << tmp_handles[j] << ")" << std::endl;
2613  }
2614  }
2615  std::cout << std::endl;
2616  }
2618  return MB_SUCCESS;
2619 }
2622 {
2623  for( Range::iterator rit = ents.begin(); rit != ents.end(); ++rit )
2624  list_entities( &( *rit ), 1 );
2626  return MB_SUCCESS;
2627 }
2630  Range& remote_range,
2631  int other_proc,
2632  const unsigned char add_pstat )
2633 {
2634  Range::iterator rit, rit2;
2635  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
2637  // For each pair of local/remote handles:
2638  for( rit = local_range.begin(), rit2 = remote_range.begin(); rit != local_range.end(); ++rit, ++rit2 )
2639  {
2640  result = update_remote_data( *rit, &other_proc, &( *rit2 ), 1, add_pstat );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
2641  }
2643  return MB_SUCCESS;
2644 }
2647  const int* ps,
2648  const EntityHandle* hs,
2649  const int num_ps,
2650  const unsigned char add_pstat
2651  // The following lines left in for future debugging, at least until I trust
2652  // this function; tjt, 10/4/2013
2653  // , int *new_ps,
2654  // EntityHandle *new_hs,
2655  // int &new_numps,
2656  // unsigned char &new_pstat
2657 )
2658 {
2659  // Get initial sharing data; tag_ps and tag_hs get terminated with -1 and 0
2660  // in this function, so no need to initialize; sharing data does not include
2661  // this proc if shared with only one other
2663  // Following variables declared here to avoid compiler errors
2664  int new_numps;
2665  unsigned char new_pstat;
2666  std::vector< int > new_ps( MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1 );
2667  std::vector< EntityHandle > new_hs( MAX_SHARING_PROCS, 0 );
2669  new_numps = 0;
2670  ErrorCode result = get_sharing_data( new_h, &new_ps[0], &new_hs[0], new_pstat, new_numps );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharing data in update_remote_data" );
2671  int num_exist = new_numps;
2673  // Add new pstat info to the flag
2674  new_pstat |= add_pstat;
2676  /*
2677  #define plist(str, lst, siz) \
2678  std::cout << str << "("; \
2679  for (int i = 0; i < (int)siz; i++) std::cout << lst[i] << " "; \
2680  std::cout << ") "; \
2682  std::cout << "update_remote_data: rank = " << rank() << ", new_h = " << new_h << std::endl;
2683  std::string ostr;
2684  plist("ps", ps, num_ps);
2685  plist("hs", hs, num_ps);
2686  print_pstatus(add_pstat, ostr);
2687  std::cout << ", add_pstat = " << ostr.c_str() << std::endl;
2688  plist("tag_ps", new_ps, new_numps);
2689  plist("tag_hs", new_hs, new_numps);
2690  assert(new_numps <= size());
2691  print_pstatus(new_pstat, ostr);
2692  std::cout << ", tag_pstat=" << ostr.c_str() << std::endl;
2693  */
2695 #ifndef NDEBUG
2696  {
2697  // Check for duplicates in proc list
2698  std::set< unsigned int > dumprocs;
2699  unsigned int dp = 0;
2700  for( ; (int)dp < num_ps && -1 != ps[dp]; dp++ )
2701  dumprocs.insert( ps[dp] );
2702  assert( dp == dumprocs.size() );
2703  }
2704 #endif
2706  // If only one sharer and I'm the owner, insert myself in the list;
2707  // otherwise, my data is checked at the end
2708  if( 1 == new_numps && !( new_pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED ) )
2709  {
2710  new_hs[1] = new_hs[0];
2711  new_ps[1] = new_ps[0];
2712  new_hs[0] = new_h;
2713  new_ps[0] = rank();
2714  new_numps = 2;
2715  }
2717  // Now put passed-in data onto lists
2718  int idx;
2719  for( int i = 0; i < num_ps; i++ )
2720  {
2721  idx = std::find( &new_ps[0], &new_ps[0] + new_numps, ps[i] ) - &new_ps[0];
2722  if( idx < new_numps )
2723  {
2724  if( !new_hs[idx] && hs[i] )
2725  // h on list is 0 and passed-in h is non-zero, replace it
2726  new_hs[idx] = hs[i];
2727  else
2728  assert( !hs[i] || new_hs[idx] == hs[i] );
2729  }
2730  else
2731  {
2732  if( new_numps + 1 == MAX_SHARING_PROCS )
2733  {
2735  << CN::EntityTypeName( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( new_h ) ) << ' '
2736  << ID_FROM_HANDLE( new_h ) << " in process " << rank() );
2737  }
2738  new_ps[new_numps] = ps[i];
2739  new_hs[new_numps] = hs[i];
2740  new_numps++;
2741  }
2742  }
2744  // Add myself, if it isn't there already
2745  idx = std::find( &new_ps[0], &new_ps[0] + new_numps, rank() ) - &new_ps[0];
2746  if( idx == new_numps )
2747  {
2748  new_ps[new_numps] = rank();
2749  new_hs[new_numps] = new_h;
2750  new_numps++;
2751  }
2752  else if( !new_hs[idx] && new_numps > 2 )
2753  new_hs[idx] = new_h;
2755  // Proc list is complete; update for shared, multishared
2756  if( new_numps > 1 )
2757  {
2758  if( new_numps > 2 ) new_pstat |= PSTATUS_MULTISHARED;
2759  new_pstat |= PSTATUS_SHARED;
2760  }
2762  /*
2763  plist("new_ps", new_ps, new_numps);
2764  plist("new_hs", new_hs, new_numps);
2765  print_pstatus(new_pstat, ostr);
2766  std::cout << ", new_pstat=" << ostr.c_str() << std::endl;
2767  std::cout << std::endl;
2768  */
2770  result = set_sharing_data( new_h, new_pstat, num_exist, new_numps, &new_ps[0], &new_hs[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharing data in update_remote_data" );
2772  if( new_pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED ) sharedEnts.insert( new_h );
2774  return MB_SUCCESS;
2775 }
2778  const int* ps,
2779  const EntityHandle* hs,
2780  const int num_ps,
2781  const unsigned char add_pstat )
2782 {
2784  int tag_ps[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
2785  unsigned char pstat;
2786  // Get initial sharing data; tag_ps and tag_hs get terminated with -1 and 0
2787  // in this function, so no need to initialize
2788  unsigned int num_exist;
2789  ErrorCode result = get_sharing_data( new_h, tag_ps, tag_hs, pstat, num_exist );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
2791 #ifndef NDEBUG
2792  {
2793  // Check for duplicates in proc list
2794  std::set< unsigned int > dumprocs;
2795  unsigned int dp = 0;
2796  for( ; (int)dp < num_ps && -1 != ps[dp]; dp++ )
2797  dumprocs.insert( ps[dp] );
2798  assert( dp == dumprocs.size() );
2799  }
2800 #endif
2802  // Add any new sharing data
2803  bool changed = false;
2804  int idx;
2805  if( !num_exist )
2806  {
2807  // Just take what caller passed
2808  memcpy( tag_ps, ps, num_ps * sizeof( int ) );
2809  memcpy( tag_hs, hs, num_ps * sizeof( EntityHandle ) );
2810  num_exist = num_ps;
2811  // If it's only one, hopefully I'm not there yet...
2812  assert( "I shouldn't be the only proc there." && ( 1 != num_exist || ps[0] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank() ) );
2813  changed = true;
2814  }
2815  else
2816  {
2817  for( int i = 0; i < num_ps; i++ )
2818  {
2819  idx = std::find( tag_ps, tag_ps + num_exist, ps[i] ) - tag_ps;
2820  if( idx == (int)num_exist )
2821  {
2822  if( num_exist == MAX_SHARING_PROCS )
2823  {
2824  std::cerr << "Exceeded MAX_SHARING_PROCS for " << CN::EntityTypeName( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( new_h ) )
2825  << ' ' << ID_FROM_HANDLE( new_h ) << " in process " << proc_config().proc_rank()
2826  << std::endl;
2827  std::cerr.flush();
2828  MPI_Abort( proc_config().proc_comm(), 66 );
2829  }
2831  // If there's only 1 sharing proc, and it's not me, then
2832  // we'll end up with 3; add me to the front
2833  if( !i && num_ps == 1 && num_exist == 1 && ps[0] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank() )
2834  {
2835  int j = 1;
2836  // If I own this entity, put me at front, otherwise after first
2837  if( !( pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED ) )
2838  {
2839  tag_ps[1] = tag_ps[0];
2840  tag_hs[1] = tag_hs[0];
2841  j = 0;
2842  }
2843  tag_ps[j] = procConfig.proc_rank();
2844  tag_hs[j] = new_h;
2845  num_exist++;
2846  }
2848  tag_ps[num_exist] = ps[i];
2849  tag_hs[num_exist] = hs[i];
2850  num_exist++;
2851  changed = true;
2852  }
2853  else if( 0 == tag_hs[idx] )
2854  {
2855  tag_hs[idx] = hs[i];
2856  changed = true;
2857  }
2858  else if( 0 != hs[i] )
2859  {
2860  assert( hs[i] == tag_hs[idx] );
2861  }
2862  }
2863  }
2865  // Adjust for interface layer if necessary
2866  if( add_pstat & PSTATUS_INTERFACE )
2867  {
2868  idx = std::min_element( tag_ps, tag_ps + num_exist ) - tag_ps;
2869  if( idx )
2870  {
2871  int tag_proc = tag_ps[idx];
2872  tag_ps[idx] = tag_ps[0];
2873  tag_ps[0] = tag_proc;
2874  EntityHandle tag_h = tag_hs[idx];
2875  tag_hs[idx] = tag_hs[0];
2876  tag_hs[0] = tag_h;
2877  changed = true;
2878  if( tag_ps[0] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank() ) pstat |= PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
2879  }
2880  }
2882  if( !changed ) return MB_SUCCESS;
2884  assert( "interface entities should have > 1 proc" && ( !( add_pstat & PSTATUS_INTERFACE ) || num_exist > 1 ) );
2885  assert( "ghost entities should have > 1 proc" && ( !( add_pstat & PSTATUS_GHOST ) || num_exist > 1 ) );
2887  // If it's multi-shared and we created the entity in this unpack,
2888  // local handle probably isn't in handle list yet
2889  if( num_exist > 2 )
2890  {
2891  idx = std::find( tag_ps, tag_ps + num_exist, procConfig.proc_rank() ) - tag_ps;
2892  assert( idx < (int)num_exist );
2893  if( !tag_hs[idx] ) tag_hs[idx] = new_h;
2894  }
2896  int tag_p;
2897  EntityHandle tag_h;
2899  // Update pstat
2900  pstat |= add_pstat;
2902  if( num_exist > 2 )
2904  else if( num_exist > 0 )
2905  pstat |= PSTATUS_SHARED;
2907  // compare_remote_data(new_h, num_ps, hs, ps, add_pstat,
2908  // num_exist, tag_hs, tag_ps, pstat);
2910  // Reset single shared proc/handle if was shared and moving to multi-shared
2911  if( num_exist > 2 && !( pstat & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED ) && ( pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED ) )
2912  {
2913  // Must remove sharedp/h first, which really means set to default value
2914  tag_p = -1;
2915  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedp_tag(), &new_h, 1, &tag_p );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharedp tag data" );
2916  tag_h = 0;
2917  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedh_tag(), &new_h, 1, &tag_h );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharedh tag data" );
2918  }
2920  // Set sharing tags
2921  if( num_exist > 2 )
2922  {
2923  std::fill( tag_ps + num_exist, tag_ps + MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1 );
2924  std::fill( tag_hs + num_exist, tag_hs + MAX_SHARING_PROCS, 0 );
2925  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedps_tag(), &new_h, 1, tag_ps );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharedps tag data" );
2926  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedhs_tag(), &new_h, 1, tag_hs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharedhs tag data" );
2928 #ifndef NDEBUG
2929  {
2930  // Check for duplicates in proc list
2931  std::set< unsigned int > dumprocs;
2932  unsigned int dp = 0;
2933  for( ; dp < num_exist && -1 != tag_ps[dp]; dp++ )
2934  dumprocs.insert( tag_ps[dp] );
2935  assert( dp == dumprocs.size() );
2936  }
2937 #endif
2938  }
2939  else if( num_exist == 2 || num_exist == 1 )
2940  {
2941  if( tag_ps[0] == (int)procConfig.proc_rank() )
2942  {
2943  assert( 2 == num_exist && tag_ps[1] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank() );
2944  tag_ps[0] = tag_ps[1];
2945  tag_hs[0] = tag_hs[1];
2946  }
2947  assert( tag_ps[0] != -1 && tag_hs[0] != 0 );
2948  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedp_tag(), &new_h, 1, tag_ps );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharedp tag data" );
2949  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedh_tag(), &new_h, 1, tag_hs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharedh tag data" );
2950  }
2952  // Now set new pstatus
2953  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( pstatus_tag(), &new_h, 1, &pstat );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set pstatus tag data" );
2955  if( pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED ) sharedEnts.insert( new_h );
2957  return MB_SUCCESS;
2958 }
2960 ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_sharing_data( const Range& entities, std::set< int >& procs, int operation )
2961 {
2962  // Get the union or intersection of sharing data for multiple entities
2963  ErrorCode result;
2964  int sp2[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
2965  int num_ps;
2966  unsigned char pstat;
2967  std::set< int > tmp_procs;
2968  procs.clear();
2970  for( Range::const_iterator rit = entities.begin(); rit != entities.end(); ++rit )
2971  {
2972  // Get sharing procs
2973  result = get_sharing_data( *rit, sp2, NULL, pstat, num_ps );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharing data in get_sharing_data" );
2974  if( !( pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED ) && Interface::INTERSECT == operation )
2975  {
2976  procs.clear();
2977  return MB_SUCCESS;
2978  }
2980  if( rit == entities.begin() )
2981  {
2982  std::copy( sp2, sp2 + num_ps, std::inserter( procs, procs.begin() ) );
2983  }
2984  else
2985  {
2986  std::sort( sp2, sp2 + num_ps );
2987  tmp_procs.clear();
2988  if( Interface::UNION == operation )
2989  std::set_union( procs.begin(), procs.end(), sp2, sp2 + num_ps,
2990  std::inserter( tmp_procs, tmp_procs.end() ) );
2991  else if( Interface::INTERSECT == operation )
2992  std::set_intersection( procs.begin(), procs.end(), sp2, sp2 + num_ps,
2993  std::inserter( tmp_procs, tmp_procs.end() ) );
2994  else
2995  {
2996  assert( "Unknown operation." && false );
2997  return MB_FAILURE;
2998  }
2999  procs.swap( tmp_procs );
3000  }
3001  if( Interface::INTERSECT == operation && procs.empty() ) return MB_SUCCESS;
3002  }
3004  return MB_SUCCESS;
3005 }
3008  int* ps,
3009  EntityHandle* hs,
3010  unsigned char& pstat,
3011  unsigned int& num_ps )
3012 {
3013  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( pstatus_tag(), &entity, 1, &pstat );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get pstatus tag data" );
3014  if( pstat & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED )
3015  {
3016  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedps_tag(), &entity, 1, ps );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedps tag data" );
3017  if( hs )
3018  {
3019  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedhs_tag(), &entity, 1, hs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedhs tag data" );
3020  }
3021  num_ps = std::find( ps, ps + MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1 ) - ps;
3022  }
3023  else if( pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED )
3024  {
3025  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedp_tag(), &entity, 1, ps );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedp tag data" );
3026  if( hs )
3027  {
3028  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedh_tag(), &entity, 1, hs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedh tag data" );
3029  hs[1] = 0;
3030  }
3031  // Initialize past end of data
3032  ps[1] = -1;
3033  num_ps = 1;
3034  }
3035  else
3036  {
3037  ps[0] = -1;
3038  if( hs ) hs[0] = 0;
3039  num_ps = 0;
3040  }
3042  assert( MAX_SHARING_PROCS >= num_ps );
3044  return MB_SUCCESS;
3045 }
3048  const int owner_p,
3049  const EntityHandle owner_h,
3050  const int num_ps,
3051  const EntityHandle* connect,
3052  const int num_connect,
3053  const EntityType this_type,
3054  std::vector< EntityHandle >& L2hloc,
3055  std::vector< EntityHandle >& L2hrem,
3056  std::vector< unsigned int >& L2p,
3057  EntityHandle& new_h )
3058 {
3059  new_h = 0;
3060  if( !is_iface && num_ps > 2 )
3061  {
3062  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < L2hrem.size(); i++ )
3063  {
3064  if( L2hrem[i] == owner_h && owner_p == (int)L2p[i] )
3065  {
3066  new_h = L2hloc[i];
3067  return MB_SUCCESS;
3068  }
3069  }
3070  }
3072  // If we got here and it's a vertex, we don't need to look further
3073  if( MBVERTEX == this_type || !connect || !num_connect ) return MB_SUCCESS;
3075  Range tmp_range;
3076  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies( connect, num_connect, CN::Dimension( this_type ), false, tmp_range );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get existing entity" );
3077  if( !tmp_range.empty() )
3078  {
3079  // Found a corresponding entity - return target
3080  new_h = *tmp_range.begin();
3081  }
3082  else
3083  {
3084  new_h = 0;
3085  }
3087  return MB_SUCCESS;
3088 }
3091  Range& local_handles,
3092  const std::vector< EntityHandle >& new_ents )
3093 {
3094  std::vector< EntityHandle > rh_vec;
3095  rh_vec.reserve( remote_handles.size() );
3096  std::copy( remote_handles.begin(), remote_handles.end(), std::back_inserter( rh_vec ) );
3097  ErrorCode result = get_local_handles( &rh_vec[0], remote_handles.size(), new_ents );
3098  std::copy( rh_vec.begin(), rh_vec.end(), range_inserter( local_handles ) );
3099  return result;
3100 }
3102 ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_local_handles( EntityHandle* from_vec, int num_ents, const Range& new_ents )
3103 {
3104  std::vector< EntityHandle > tmp_ents;
3105  std::copy( new_ents.begin(), new_ents.end(), std::back_inserter( tmp_ents ) );
3106  return get_local_handles( from_vec, num_ents, tmp_ents );
3107 }
3110  int num_ents,
3111  const std::vector< EntityHandle >& new_ents )
3112 {
3113  for( int i = 0; i < num_ents; i++ )
3114  {
3115  if( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( from_vec[i] ) == MBMAXTYPE )
3116  {
3117  assert( ID_FROM_HANDLE( from_vec[i] ) < (int)new_ents.size() );
3118  from_vec[i] = new_ents[ID_FROM_HANDLE( from_vec[i] )];
3119  }
3120  }
3122  return MB_SUCCESS;
3123 }
3125 /*
3126 template <typename T> void
3127 insert_in_array(T* array, size_t array_size, size_t location, T value)
3128 {
3129  assert(location + 1 < array_size);
3130  for (size_t i = array_size - 1; i > location; i--)
3131  array[i] = array[i - 1];
3132  array[location] = value;
3133 }
3134 */
3137 {
3138  for( Range::const_pair_iterator key_it = key_range.const_pair_begin(); key_it != key_range.const_pair_end();
3139  ++key_it )
3140  {
3141  int tmp_num = ( *key_it ).second - ( *key_it ).first + 1;
3142  handle_map.insert( ( *key_it ).first, val_start, tmp_num );
3143  val_start += tmp_num;
3144  }
3146  return MB_SUCCESS;
3147 }
3149 ErrorCode ParallelComm::pack_sets( Range& entities, Buffer* buff, const bool store_remote_handles, const int to_proc )
3150 {
3151  // SETS:
3152  // . #sets
3153  // . for each set:
3154  // - options[#sets] (unsigned int)
3155  // - if (unordered) set range
3156  // - else if ordered
3157  // . #ents in set
3158  // . handles[#ents]
3159  // - #parents
3160  // - if (#parents) handles[#parents]
3161  // - #children
3162  // - if (#children) handles[#children]
3164  // Now the sets; assume any sets the application wants to pass are in the entities list
3165  ErrorCode result;
3166  Range all_sets = entities.subset_by_type( MBENTITYSET );
3168  int buff_size = estimate_sets_buffer_size( all_sets, store_remote_handles );
3169  if( buff_size < 0 ) MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to estimate sets buffer size" );
3170  buff->check_space( buff_size );
3172  // Number of sets
3173  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, all_sets.size() );
3175  // Options for all sets
3176  std::vector< unsigned int > options( all_sets.size() );
3177  Range::iterator rit;
3178  std::vector< EntityHandle > members;
3179  int i;
3180  for( rit = all_sets.begin(), i = 0; rit != all_sets.end(); ++rit, i++ )
3181  {
3182  result = mbImpl->get_meshset_options( *rit, options[i] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get meshset options" );
3183  }
3184  buff->check_space( all_sets.size() * sizeof( unsigned int ) );
3185  PACK_VOID( buff->buff_ptr, &options[0], all_sets.size() * sizeof( unsigned int ) );
3187  // Pack parallel geometry unique id
3188  if( !all_sets.empty() )
3189  {
3190  Tag uid_tag;
3191  int n_sets = all_sets.size();
3192  bool b_pack = false;
3193  std::vector< int > id_data( n_sets );
3194  result =
3195  mbImpl->tag_get_handle( "PARALLEL_UNIQUE_ID", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, uid_tag, MB_TAG_SPARSE | MB_TAG_CREAT );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to create parallel geometry unique id tag" );
3197  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( uid_tag, all_sets, &id_data[0] );
3198  if( MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND != result )
3199  {
3200  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) MB_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get parallel geometry unique ids" );
3201  for( i = 0; i < n_sets; i++ )
3202  {
3203  if( id_data[i] != 0 )
3204  {
3205  b_pack = true;
3206  break;
3207  }
3208  }
3209  }
3211  if( b_pack )
3212  { // If you find
3213  buff->check_space( ( n_sets + 1 ) * sizeof( int ) );
3214  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, n_sets );
3215  PACK_INTS( buff->buff_ptr, &id_data[0], n_sets );
3216  }
3217  else
3218  {
3219  buff->check_space( sizeof( int ) );
3220  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, 0 );
3221  }
3222  }
3224  // Vectors/ranges
3225  std::vector< EntityHandle > entities_vec( entities.size() );
3226  std::copy( entities.begin(), entities.end(), entities_vec.begin() );
3227  for( rit = all_sets.begin(), i = 0; rit != all_sets.end(); ++rit, i++ )
3228  {
3229  members.clear();
3230  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle( *rit, members );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get entities in ordered set" );
3231  result =
3232  get_remote_handles( store_remote_handles, &members[0], &members[0], members.size(), to_proc, entities_vec );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed in get_remote_handles" );
3233  buff->check_space( members.size() * sizeof( EntityHandle ) + sizeof( int ) );
3234  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, members.size() );
3235  PACK_EH( buff->buff_ptr, &members[0], members.size() );
3236  }
3238  // Pack parent/child sets
3239  if( !store_remote_handles )
3240  { // Only works not store remote handles
3241  // Pack numbers of parents/children
3242  unsigned int tot_pch = 0;
3243  int num_pch;
3244  buff->check_space( 2 * all_sets.size() * sizeof( int ) );
3245  for( rit = all_sets.begin(), i = 0; rit != all_sets.end(); ++rit, i++ )
3246  {
3247  // Pack parents
3248  result = mbImpl->num_parent_meshsets( *rit, &num_pch );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get num parents" );
3249  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, num_pch );
3250  tot_pch += num_pch;
3251  result = mbImpl->num_child_meshsets( *rit, &num_pch );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get num children" );
3252  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, num_pch );
3253  tot_pch += num_pch;
3254  }
3256  // Now pack actual parents/children
3257  members.clear();
3258  members.reserve( tot_pch );
3259  std::vector< EntityHandle > tmp_pch;
3260  for( rit = all_sets.begin(), i = 0; rit != all_sets.end(); ++rit, i++ )
3261  {
3262  result = mbImpl->get_parent_meshsets( *rit, tmp_pch );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get parents" );
3263  std::copy( tmp_pch.begin(), tmp_pch.end(), std::back_inserter( members ) );
3264  tmp_pch.clear();
3265  result = mbImpl->get_child_meshsets( *rit, tmp_pch );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get children" );
3266  std::copy( tmp_pch.begin(), tmp_pch.end(), std::back_inserter( members ) );
3267  tmp_pch.clear();
3268  }
3269  assert( members.size() == tot_pch );
3270  if( !members.empty() )
3271  {
3272  result = get_remote_handles( store_remote_handles, &members[0], &members[0], members.size(), to_proc,
3273  entities_vec );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get remote handles for set parent/child sets" );
3274 #ifndef NDEBUG
3275  // Check that all handles are either sets or maxtype
3276  for( unsigned int __j = 0; __j < members.size(); __j++ )
3277  assert( ( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( members[__j] ) == MBMAXTYPE &&
3278  ID_FROM_HANDLE( members[__j] ) < (int)entities.size() ) ||
3279  TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( members[__j] ) == MBENTITYSET );
3280 #endif
3281  buff->check_space( members.size() * sizeof( EntityHandle ) );
3282  PACK_EH( buff->buff_ptr, &members[0], members.size() );
3283  }
3284  }
3285  else
3286  {
3287  buff->check_space( 2 * all_sets.size() * sizeof( int ) );
3288  for( rit = all_sets.begin(); rit != all_sets.end(); ++rit )
3289  {
3290  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, 0 );
3291  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, 0 );
3292  }
3293  }
3295  // Pack the handles
3296  if( store_remote_handles && !all_sets.empty() )
3297  {
3298  buff_size = RANGE_SIZE( all_sets );
3299  buff->check_space( buff_size );
3300  PACK_RANGE( buff->buff_ptr, all_sets );
3301  }
3303  myDebug->tprintf( 4, "Done packing sets.\n" );
3305  buff->set_stored_size();
3307  return MB_SUCCESS;
3308 }
3310 ErrorCode ParallelComm::unpack_sets( unsigned char*& buff_ptr,
3311  std::vector< EntityHandle >& entities,
3312  const bool store_remote_handles,
3313  const int from_proc )
3314 {
3315  // Now the sets; assume any sets the application wants to pass are in the entities list
3316  ErrorCode result;
3318  bool no_sets = ( entities.empty() || ( mbImpl->type_from_handle( *entities.rbegin() ) == MBENTITYSET ) );
3320  Range new_sets;
3321  int num_sets;
3322  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, num_sets );
3324  if( !num_sets ) return MB_SUCCESS;
3326  int i;
3328  std::vector< EntityHandle > members;
3329  int num_ents;
3330  std::vector< unsigned int > options_vec( num_sets );
3331  // Option value
3332  if( num_sets ) UNPACK_VOID( buff_ptr, &options_vec[0], num_sets * sizeof( unsigned int ) );
3334  // Unpack parallel geometry unique id
3335  int n_uid;
3336  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, n_uid );
3337  if( n_uid > 0 && n_uid != num_sets )
3338  {
3339  std::cerr << "The number of Parallel geometry unique ids should be same." << std::endl;
3340  }
3342  if( n_uid > 0 )
3343  { // If parallel geometry unique id is packed
3344  std::vector< int > uids( n_uid );
3345  UNPACK_INTS( buff_ptr, &uids[0], n_uid );
3347  Tag uid_tag;
3348  result =
3349  mbImpl->tag_get_handle( "PARALLEL_UNIQUE_ID", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, uid_tag, MB_TAG_SPARSE | MB_TAG_CREAT );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to create parallel geometry unique id tag" );
3351  // Find existing sets
3352  for( i = 0; i < n_uid; i++ )
3353  {
3354  EntityHandle set_handle;
3355  Range temp_sets;
3356  void* tag_vals[] = { &uids[i] };
3357  if( uids[i] > 0 )
3358  {
3359  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &uid_tag, tag_vals, 1, temp_sets );
3360  }
3361  if( !temp_sets.empty() )
3362  { // Existing set
3363  set_handle = *temp_sets.begin();
3364  }
3365  else
3366  { // Create a new set
3367  result = mbImpl->create_meshset( options_vec[i], set_handle );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to create set in unpack" );
3368  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( uid_tag, &set_handle, 1, &uids[i] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set parallel geometry unique ids" );
3369  }
3370  new_sets.insert( set_handle );
3371  }
3372  }
3373  else
3374  {
3375  // Create sets
3376  for( i = 0; i < num_sets; i++ )
3377  {
3378  EntityHandle set_handle;
3379  result = mbImpl->create_meshset( options_vec[i], set_handle );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to create set in unpack" );
3381  // Make sure new sets handles are monotonically increasing
3382  assert( set_handle > *new_sets.rbegin() );
3383  new_sets.insert( set_handle );
3384  }
3385  }
3387  std::copy( new_sets.begin(), new_sets.end(), std::back_inserter( entities ) );
3388  // Only need to sort if we came in with no sets on the end
3389  if( !no_sets ) std::sort( entities.begin(), entities.end() );
3391  for( rit = new_sets.begin(), i = 0; rit != new_sets.end(); ++rit, i++ )
3392  {
3393  // Unpack entities as vector, with length
3394  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, num_ents );
3395  members.resize( num_ents );
3396  if( num_ents ) UNPACK_EH( buff_ptr, &members[0], num_ents );
3397  result = get_local_handles( &members[0], num_ents, entities );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get local handles for ordered set contents" );
3398  result = mbImpl->add_entities( *rit, &members[0], num_ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to add ents to ordered set in unpack" );
3399  }
3401  std::vector< int > num_pch( 2 * new_sets.size() );
3402  std::vector< int >::iterator vit;
3403  int tot_pch = 0;
3404  for( vit = num_pch.begin(); vit != num_pch.end(); ++vit )
3405  {
3406  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, *vit );
3407  tot_pch += *vit;
3408  }
3410  members.resize( tot_pch );
3411  UNPACK_EH( buff_ptr, &members[0], tot_pch );
3412  result = get_local_handles( &members[0], tot_pch, entities );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get local handle for parent/child sets" );
3414  int num = 0;
3415  EntityHandle* mem_ptr = &members[0];
3416  for( rit = new_sets.begin(); rit != new_sets.end(); ++rit )
3417  {
3418  // Unpack parents/children
3419  int num_par = num_pch[num++], num_child = num_pch[num++];
3420  if( num_par + num_child )
3421  {
3422  for( i = 0; i < num_par; i++ )
3423  {
3424  assert( 0 != mem_ptr[i] );
3425  result = mbImpl->add_parent_meshset( *rit, mem_ptr[i] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to add parent to set in unpack" );
3426  }
3427  mem_ptr += num_par;
3428  for( i = 0; i < num_child; i++ )
3429  {
3430  assert( 0 != mem_ptr[i] );
3431  result = mbImpl->add_child_meshset( *rit, mem_ptr[i] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to add child to set in unpack" );
3432  }
3433  mem_ptr += num_child;
3434  }
3435  }
3437  // Unpack source handles
3438  Range dum_range;
3439  if( store_remote_handles && !new_sets.empty() )
3440  {
3441  UNPACK_RANGE( buff_ptr, dum_range );
3442  result = update_remote_data( new_sets, dum_range, from_proc, 0 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharing data for sets" );
3443  }
3445  myDebug->tprintf( 4, "Done unpacking sets." );
3447  return MB_SUCCESS;
3448 }
3451  Range::const_iterator& /*start_rit*/,
3452  Range& /*whole_range*/,
3453  unsigned char*& /*buff_ptr*/,
3454  int& /*count*/,
3455  const bool /*just_count*/,
3456  const bool /*store_handles*/,
3457  const int /*to_proc*/ )
3458 {
3459  return MB_FAILURE;
3460 }
3462 ErrorCode ParallelComm::unpack_adjacencies( unsigned char*& /*buff_ptr*/,
3463  Range& /*entities*/,
3464  const bool /*store_handles*/,
3465  const int /*from_proc*/ )
3466 {
3467  return MB_FAILURE;
3468 }
3471  const std::vector< Tag >& src_tags,
3472  const std::vector< Tag >& dst_tags,
3473  const std::vector< Range >& tag_ranges,
3474  Buffer* buff,
3475  const bool store_remote_handles,
3476  const int to_proc )
3477 {
3478  ErrorCode result;
3479  std::vector< Tag >::const_iterator tag_it, dst_it;
3480  std::vector< Range >::const_iterator rit;
3481  int count = 0;
3483  for( tag_it = src_tags.begin(), rit = tag_ranges.begin(); tag_it != src_tags.end(); ++tag_it, ++rit )
3484  {
3485  result = packed_tag_size( *tag_it, *rit, count );
3486  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
3487  }
3489  // Number of tags
3490  count += sizeof( int );
3492  buff->check_space( count );
3494  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, src_tags.size() );
3496  std::vector< EntityHandle > entities_vec( entities.size() );
3497  std::copy( entities.begin(), entities.end(), entities_vec.begin() );
3499  for( tag_it = src_tags.begin(), dst_it = dst_tags.begin(), rit = tag_ranges.begin(); tag_it != src_tags.end();
3500  ++tag_it, ++dst_it, ++rit )
3501  {
3502  result = pack_tag( *tag_it, *dst_it, *rit, entities_vec, buff, store_remote_handles, to_proc );
3503  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
3504  }
3506  myDebug->tprintf( 4, "Done packing tags." );
3508  buff->set_stored_size();
3510  return MB_SUCCESS;
3511 }
3513 ErrorCode ParallelComm::packed_tag_size( Tag tag, const Range& tagged_entities, int& count )
3514 {
3515  // For dense tags, compute size assuming all entities have that tag
3516  // For sparse tags, get number of entities w/ that tag to compute size
3518  std::vector< int > var_len_sizes;
3519  std::vector< const void* > var_len_values;
3521  // Default value
3522  count += sizeof( int );
3523  if( NULL != tag->get_default_value() ) count += tag->get_default_value_size();
3525  // Size, type, data type
3526  count += 3 * sizeof( int );
3528  // Name
3529  count += sizeof( int );
3530  count += tag->get_name().size();
3532  // Range of tag
3533  count += sizeof( int ) + tagged_entities.size() * sizeof( EntityHandle );
3535  if( tag->get_size() == MB_VARIABLE_LENGTH )
3536  {
3537  const int num_ent = tagged_entities.size();
3538  // Send a tag size for each entity
3539  count += num_ent * sizeof( int );
3540  // Send tag data for each entity
3541  var_len_sizes.resize( num_ent );
3542  var_len_values.resize( num_ent );
3543  ErrorCode result =
3544  tag->get_data( sequenceManager, errorHandler, tagged_entities, &var_len_values[0], &var_len_sizes[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get lenghts of variable-length tag values" );
3545  count += std::accumulate( var_len_sizes.begin(), var_len_sizes.end(), 0 );
3546  }
3547  else
3548  {
3549  // Tag data values for range or vector
3550  count += tagged_entities.size() * tag->get_size();
3551  }
3553  return MB_SUCCESS;
3554 }
3557  Tag dst_tag,
3558  const Range& tagged_entities,
3559  const std::vector< EntityHandle >& whole_vec,
3560  Buffer* buff,
3561  const bool store_remote_handles,
3562  const int to_proc )
3563 {
3564  ErrorCode result;
3565  std::vector< int > var_len_sizes;
3566  std::vector< const void* > var_len_values;
3568  if( src_tag != dst_tag )
3569  {
3570  if( dst_tag->get_size() != src_tag->get_size() ) return MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
3571  if( dst_tag->get_data_type() != src_tag->get_data_type() && dst_tag->get_data_type() != MB_TYPE_OPAQUE &&
3572  src_tag->get_data_type() != MB_TYPE_OPAQUE )
3573  return MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
3574  }
3576  // Size, type, data type
3577  buff->check_space( 3 * sizeof( int ) );
3578  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, src_tag->get_size() );
3579  TagType this_type;
3580  result = mbImpl->tag_get_type( dst_tag, this_type );
3581  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, (int)this_type );
3582  DataType data_type = src_tag->get_data_type();
3583  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, (int)data_type );
3584  int type_size = TagInfo::size_from_data_type( data_type );
3586  // Default value
3587  if( NULL == src_tag->get_default_value() )
3588  {
3589  buff->check_space( sizeof( int ) );
3590  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, 0 );
3591  }
3592  else
3593  {
3594  buff->check_space( src_tag->get_default_value_size() );
3595  PACK_BYTES( buff->buff_ptr, src_tag->get_default_value(), src_tag->get_default_value_size() );
3596  }
3598  // Name
3599  buff->check_space( src_tag->get_name().size() );
3600  PACK_BYTES( buff->buff_ptr, dst_tag->get_name().c_str(), dst_tag->get_name().size() );
3602  myDebug->tprintf( 4, "Packing tag \"%s\"", src_tag->get_name().c_str() );
3603  if( src_tag != dst_tag ) myDebug->tprintf( 4, " (as tag \"%s\")", dst_tag->get_name().c_str() );
3604  myDebug->tprintf( 4, "\n" );
3606  // Pack entities
3607  buff->check_space( tagged_entities.size() * sizeof( EntityHandle ) + sizeof( int ) );
3608  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, tagged_entities.size() );
3609  std::vector< EntityHandle > dum_tagged_entities( tagged_entities.size() );
3610  result = get_remote_handles( store_remote_handles, tagged_entities, &dum_tagged_entities[0], to_proc, whole_vec );
3611  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
3612  {
3613  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 3 )
3614  {
3615  std::cerr << "Failed to get remote handles for tagged entities:" << std::endl;
3616  tagged_entities.print( " " );
3617  }
3618  MB_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get remote handles for tagged entities" );
3619  }
3621  PACK_EH( buff->buff_ptr, &dum_tagged_entities[0], dum_tagged_entities.size() );
3623  const size_t num_ent = tagged_entities.size();
3624  if( src_tag->get_size() == MB_VARIABLE_LENGTH )
3625  {
3626  var_len_sizes.resize( num_ent, 0 );
3627  var_len_values.resize( num_ent, 0 );
3628  result = mbImpl->tag_get_by_ptr( src_tag, tagged_entities, &var_len_values[0], &var_len_sizes[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get variable-length tag data in pack_tags" );
3629  buff->check_space( num_ent * sizeof( int ) );
3630  PACK_INTS( buff->buff_ptr, &var_len_sizes[0], num_ent );
3631  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < num_ent; i++ )
3632  {
3633  buff->check_space( var_len_sizes[i] );
3634  PACK_VOID( buff->buff_ptr, var_len_values[i], type_size * var_len_sizes[i] );
3635  }
3636  }
3637  else
3638  {
3639  buff->check_space( num_ent * src_tag->get_size() );
3640  // Should be OK to read directly into buffer, since tags are untyped and
3641  // handled by memcpy
3642  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( src_tag, tagged_entities, buff->buff_ptr );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get tag data in pack_tags" );
3643  buff->buff_ptr += num_ent * src_tag->get_size();
3644  PC( num_ent * src_tag->get_size(), " void" );
3645  }
3647  return MB_SUCCESS;
3648 }
3651  std::vector< Tag >& all_tags,
3652  std::vector< Range >& tag_ranges )
3653 {
3654  std::vector< Tag > tmp_tags;
3655  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_tags( tmp_tags );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get tags in pack_tags" );
3657  std::vector< Tag >::iterator tag_it;
3658  for( tag_it = tmp_tags.begin(); tag_it != tmp_tags.end(); ++tag_it )
3659  {
3660  std::string tag_name;
3661  result = mbImpl->tag_get_name( *tag_it, tag_name );
3662  if( tag_name.c_str()[0] == '_' && tag_name.c_str()[1] == '_' ) continue;
3664  Range tmp_range;
3665  result = ( *tag_it )->get_tagged_entities( sequenceManager, tmp_range );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get entities for tag in pack_tags" );
3666  tmp_range = intersect( tmp_range, whole_range );
3668  if( tmp_range.empty() ) continue;
3670  // OK, we'll be sending this tag
3671  all_tags.push_back( *tag_it );
3672  tag_ranges.push_back( Range() );
3673  tag_ranges.back().swap( tmp_range );
3674  }
3676  return MB_SUCCESS;
3677 }
3679 ErrorCode ParallelComm::unpack_tags( unsigned char*& buff_ptr,
3680  std::vector< EntityHandle >& entities,
3681  const bool /*store_remote_handles*/,
3682  const int /*from_proc*/,
3683  const MPI_Op* const mpi_op )
3684 {
3685  // Tags
3686  // Get all the tags
3687  // For dense tags, compute size assuming all entities have that tag
3688  // For sparse tags, get number of entities w/ that tag to compute size
3690  ErrorCode result;
3692  int num_tags;
3693  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, num_tags );
3694  std::vector< const void* > var_len_vals;
3695  std::vector< unsigned char > dum_vals;
3696  std::vector< EntityHandle > dum_ehvals;
3698  for( int i = 0; i < num_tags; i++ )
3699  {
3700  // Tag handle
3701  Tag tag_handle;
3703  // Size, data type
3704  int tag_size, tag_data_type, tag_type;
3705  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, tag_size );
3706  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, tag_type );
3707  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, tag_data_type );
3709  // Default value
3710  int def_val_size;
3711  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, def_val_size );
3712  void* def_val_ptr = NULL;
3713  if( def_val_size )
3714  {
3715  def_val_ptr = buff_ptr;
3716  buff_ptr += def_val_size;
3717  UPC( tag_size, " void" );
3718  }
3720  // Name
3721  int name_len;
3722  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, name_len );
3723  std::string tag_name( reinterpret_cast< char* >( buff_ptr ), name_len );
3724  buff_ptr += name_len;
3725  UPC( 64, " chars" );
3727  myDebug->tprintf( 4, "Unpacking tag %s\n", tag_name.c_str() );
3729  // Create the tag
3730  if( tag_size == MB_VARIABLE_LENGTH )
3731  result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle( tag_name.c_str(), def_val_size, (DataType)tag_data_type, tag_handle,
3732  MB_TAG_VARLEN | MB_TAG_CREAT | MB_TAG_BYTES | tag_type, def_val_ptr );
3733  else
3734  result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle( tag_name.c_str(), tag_size, (DataType)tag_data_type, tag_handle,
3735  MB_TAG_CREAT | MB_TAG_BYTES | tag_type, def_val_ptr );
3736  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
3738  // Get handles and convert to local handles
3739  int num_ents;
3740  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, num_ents );
3741  std::vector< EntityHandle > dum_ents( num_ents );
3742  UNPACK_EH( buff_ptr, &dum_ents[0], num_ents );
3744  // In this case handles are indices into new entity range; need to convert
3745  // to local handles
3746  result = get_local_handles( &dum_ents[0], num_ents, entities );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Unable to convert to local handles" );
3748  // If it's a handle type, also convert tag vals in-place in buffer
3749  if( MB_TYPE_HANDLE == tag_type )
3750  {
3751  dum_ehvals.resize( num_ents );
3752  UNPACK_EH( buff_ptr, &dum_ehvals[0], num_ents );
3753  result = get_local_handles( &dum_ehvals[0], num_ents, entities );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get local handles for tag vals" );
3754  }
3756  DataType data_type;
3757  mbImpl->tag_get_data_type( tag_handle, data_type );
3758  int type_size = TagInfo::size_from_data_type( data_type );
3760  if( !dum_ents.empty() )
3761  {
3762  if( tag_size == MB_VARIABLE_LENGTH )
3763  {
3764  // Be careful of alignment here. If the integers are aligned
3765  // in the buffer, we can use them directly. Otherwise we must
3766  // copy them.
3767  std::vector< int > var_lengths( num_ents );
3768  UNPACK_INTS( buff_ptr, &var_lengths[0], num_ents );
3769  UPC( sizeof( int ) * num_ents, " void" );
3771  // Get pointers into buffer for each tag value
3772  var_len_vals.resize( num_ents );
3773  for( std::vector< EntityHandle >::size_type j = 0; j < (std::vector< EntityHandle >::size_type)num_ents;
3774  j++ )
3775  {
3776  var_len_vals[j] = buff_ptr;
3777  buff_ptr += var_lengths[j] * type_size;
3778  UPC( var_lengths[j], " void" );
3779  }
3780  result =
3781  mbImpl->tag_set_by_ptr( tag_handle, &dum_ents[0], num_ents, &var_len_vals[0], &var_lengths[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set tag data when unpacking variable-length tag" );
3782  }
3783  else
3784  {
3785  // Get existing values of dst tag
3786  dum_vals.resize( tag_size * num_ents );
3787  if( mpi_op )
3788  {
3789  int tag_length;
3790  result = mbImpl->tag_get_length( tag_handle, tag_length );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get tag length" );
3791  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( tag_handle, &dum_ents[0], num_ents, &dum_vals[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get existing value of dst tag on entities" );
3792  result = reduce_void( tag_data_type, *mpi_op, tag_length * num_ents, &dum_vals[0], buff_ptr );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to perform mpi op on dst tags" );
3793  }
3794  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( tag_handle, &dum_ents[0], num_ents, buff_ptr );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set range-based tag data when unpacking tag" );
3795  buff_ptr += num_ents * tag_size;
3796  UPC( num_ents * tag_size, " void" );
3797  }
3798  }
3799  }
3801  myDebug->tprintf( 4, "Done unpacking tags.\n" );
3803  return MB_SUCCESS;
3804 }
3806 template < class T >
3807 T LAND( const T& arg1, const T& arg2 )
3808 {
3809  return arg1 && arg2;
3810 }
3811 template < class T >
3812 T LOR( const T& arg1, const T& arg2 )
3813 {
3814  return arg1 || arg2;
3815 }
3816 template < class T >
3817 T LXOR( const T& arg1, const T& arg2 )
3818 {
3819  return ( ( arg1 && !arg2 ) || ( !arg1 && arg2 ) );
3820 }
3821 template < class T >
3822 T MAX( const T& arg1, const T& arg2 )
3823 {
3824  return ( arg1 > arg2 ? arg1 : arg2 );
3825 }
3826 template < class T >
3827 T MIN( const T& arg1, const T& arg2 )
3828 {
3829  return ( arg1 < arg2 ? arg1 : arg2 );
3830 }
3831 template < class T >
3832 T ADD( const T& arg1, const T& arg2 )
3833 {
3834  return arg1 + arg2;
3835 }
3836 template < class T >
3837 T MULT( const T& arg1, const T& arg2 )
3838 {
3839  return arg1 * arg2;
3840 }
3842 template < class T >
3843 ErrorCode ParallelComm::reduce( const MPI_Op mpi_op, int num_ents, void* old_vals, void* new_vals )
3844 {
3845  T* old_tmp = reinterpret_cast< T* >( old_vals );
3846  // T *new_tmp = reinterpret_cast<T*>(new_vals);
3847  // new vals pointer needs to be aligned , some compilers will optimize and will shift
3849  std::vector< T > new_values;
3850  new_values.resize( num_ents );
3851  memcpy( &new_values[0], new_vals, num_ents * sizeof( T ) );
3852  T* new_tmp = &new_values[0];
3854  if( mpi_op == MPI_SUM )
3855  std::transform( old_tmp, old_tmp + num_ents, new_tmp, new_tmp, ADD< T > );
3856  else if( mpi_op == MPI_PROD )
3857  std::transform( old_tmp, old_tmp + num_ents, new_tmp, new_tmp, MULT< T > );
3858  else if( mpi_op == MPI_MAX )
3859  std::transform( old_tmp, old_tmp + num_ents, new_tmp, new_tmp, MAX< T > );
3860  else if( mpi_op == MPI_MIN )
3861  std::transform( old_tmp, old_tmp + num_ents, new_tmp, new_tmp, MIN< T > );
3862  else if( mpi_op == MPI_LAND )
3863  std::transform( old_tmp, old_tmp + num_ents, new_tmp, new_tmp, LAND< T > );
3864  else if( mpi_op == MPI_LOR )
3865  std::transform( old_tmp, old_tmp + num_ents, new_tmp, new_tmp, LOR< T > );
3866  else if( mpi_op == MPI_LXOR )
3867  std::transform( old_tmp, old_tmp + num_ents, new_tmp, new_tmp, LXOR< T > );
3868  else if( mpi_op == MPI_BAND || mpi_op == MPI_BOR || mpi_op == MPI_BXOR )
3869  {
3870  std::cerr << "Bitwise operations not allowed in tag reductions." << std::endl;
3871  return MB_FAILURE;
3872  }
3873  else if( mpi_op != MPI_OP_NULL )
3874  {
3875  std::cerr << "Unknown MPI operation type." << std::endl;
3876  return MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
3877  }
3879  // copy now the result back where it should be
3880  memcpy( new_vals, new_tmp, num_ents * sizeof( T ) );
3881  std::vector< T >().swap( new_values ); // way to release allocated vector
3883  return MB_SUCCESS;
3884 }
3887  const MPI_Op mpi_op,
3888  int num_ents,
3889  void* old_vals,
3890  void* new_vals )
3891 {
3892  ErrorCode result;
3893  switch( tag_data_type )
3894  {
3895  case MB_TYPE_INTEGER:
3896  result = reduce< int >( mpi_op, num_ents, old_vals, new_vals );
3897  break;
3898  case MB_TYPE_DOUBLE:
3899  result = reduce< double >( mpi_op, num_ents, old_vals, new_vals );
3900  break;
3901  case MB_TYPE_BIT:
3902  result = reduce< unsigned char >( mpi_op, num_ents, old_vals, new_vals );
3903  break;
3904  default:
3905  result = MB_SUCCESS;
3906  break;
3907  }
3909  return result;
3910 }
3912 ErrorCode ParallelComm::resolve_shared_ents( EntityHandle this_set, int resolve_dim, int shared_dim, const Tag* id_tag )
3913 {
3914  ErrorCode result;
3915  Range proc_ents;
3917  // Check for structured mesh, and do it differently if it is
3918  ScdInterface* scdi;
3919  result = mbImpl->query_interface( scdi );
3920  if( scdi )
3921  {
3922  result = scdi->tag_shared_vertices( this, this_set );
3923  if( MB_SUCCESS == result )
3924  {
3925  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Total number of shared entities = %lu.\n", (unsigned long)sharedEnts.size() );
3926  return result;
3927  }
3928  }
3930  if( 0 == this_set )
3931  {
3932  // Get the entities in the partition sets
3933  for( Range::iterator rit = partitionSets.begin(); rit != partitionSets.end(); ++rit )
3934  {
3935  Range tmp_ents;
3936  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle( *rit, tmp_ents, true );
3937  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
3938  proc_ents.merge( tmp_ents );
3939  }
3940  }
3941  else
3942  {
3943  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle( this_set, proc_ents, true );
3944  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
3945  }
3947  // Resolve dim is maximal dim of entities in proc_ents
3948  if( -1 == resolve_dim )
3949  {
3950  if( !proc_ents.empty() ) resolve_dim = mbImpl->dimension_from_handle( *proc_ents.rbegin() );
3951  }
3953  // proc_ents should all be of same dimension
3954  if( resolve_dim > shared_dim &&
3955  mbImpl->dimension_from_handle( *proc_ents.rbegin() ) != mbImpl->dimension_from_handle( *proc_ents.begin() ) )
3956  {
3957  Range::iterator lower = proc_ents.lower_bound( CN::TypeDimensionMap[0].first ),
3958  upper = proc_ents.upper_bound( CN::TypeDimensionMap[resolve_dim - 1].second );
3959  proc_ents.erase( lower, upper );
3960  }
3962  // Must call even if we don't have any entities, to make sure
3963  // collective comm'n works
3964  return resolve_shared_ents( this_set, proc_ents, resolve_dim, shared_dim, NULL, id_tag );
3965 }
3968  Range& proc_ents,
3969  int resolve_dim,
3970  int shared_dim,
3971  Range* skin_ents,
3972  const Tag* id_tag )
3973 {
3974 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
3975  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
3976  {
3977  define_mpe();
3978  MPE_Log_event( RESOLVE_START, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Entering resolve_shared_ents." );
3979  }
3980 #endif
3982  ErrorCode result;
3983  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Resolving shared entities.\n" );
3985  if( resolve_dim < shared_dim )
3986  {
3987  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "MOAB does not support vertex-based partitions, only element-based ones" );
3988  }
3990  if( -1 == shared_dim )
3991  {
3992  if( !proc_ents.empty() )
3993  shared_dim = mbImpl->dimension_from_handle( *proc_ents.begin() ) - 1;
3994  else if( resolve_dim == 3 )
3995  shared_dim = 2;
3996  }
3997  int max_global_resolve_dim = -1;
3998  int err = MPI_Allreduce( &resolve_dim, &max_global_resolve_dim, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, proc_config().proc_comm() );
3999  if( MPI_SUCCESS != err )
4000  {
4001  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Unable to guess global resolve_dim" );
4002  }
4003  if( shared_dim < 0 || resolve_dim < 0 )
4004  {
4005  // MB_SET_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "Unable to guess shared_dim or resolve_dim");
4006  resolve_dim = max_global_resolve_dim;
4007  shared_dim = resolve_dim - 1;
4008  }
4010  if( resolve_dim < 0 || shared_dim < 0 ) return MB_SUCCESS;
4011  // no task has any mesh, get out
4013  // Get the skin entities by dimension
4014  Range tmp_skin_ents[4];
4016  // Get the entities to be skinned
4017  // Find the skin
4018  int skin_dim = resolve_dim - 1;
4019  if( !skin_ents )
4020  {
4021  skin_ents = tmp_skin_ents;
4022  skin_ents[resolve_dim] = proc_ents;
4023  Skinner skinner( mbImpl );
4024  result =
4025  skinner.find_skin( this_set, skin_ents[skin_dim + 1], false, skin_ents[skin_dim], NULL, true, true, true );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to find skin" );
4026  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Found skin: skin_dim: %d resolve_dim: %d , now resolving.\n", skin_dim, resolve_dim );
4027  myDebug->tprintf( 3, "skin_ents[0].size(): %d skin_ents[1].size(): %d \n", (int)skin_ents[0].size(),
4028  (int)skin_ents[1].size() );
4029  // Get entities adjacent to skin ents from shared_dim down to zero
4030  for( int this_dim = skin_dim - 1; this_dim >= 0; this_dim-- )
4031  {
4032  result =
4033  mbImpl->get_adjacencies( skin_ents[skin_dim], this_dim, true, skin_ents[this_dim], Interface::UNION );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get skin adjacencies" );
4035  if( this_set && skin_dim == 2 && this_dim == 1 )
4036  {
4037  result = mbImpl->add_entities( this_set, skin_ents[this_dim] );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
4038  }
4039  }
4040  }
4041  else if( skin_ents[resolve_dim].empty() )
4042  skin_ents[resolve_dim] = proc_ents;
4044  // Global id tag
4045  Tag gid_tag;
4046  if( id_tag )
4047  gid_tag = *id_tag;
4048  else
4049  {
4050  bool tag_created = false;
4051  int def_val = -1;
4053  &def_val, &tag_created );
4054  if( MB_ALREADY_ALLOCATED != result && MB_SUCCESS != result )
4055  {
4056  MB_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to create/get gid tag handle" );
4057  }
4058  else if( tag_created )
4059  {
4060  // Just created it, so we need global ids
4061  result = assign_global_ids( this_set, skin_dim + 1, true, true, true );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to assign global ids" );
4062  }
4063  }
4065  DataType tag_type;
4066  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data_type( gid_tag, tag_type );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get tag data type" );
4067  int bytes_per_tag;
4068  result = mbImpl->tag_get_bytes( gid_tag, bytes_per_tag );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get number of bytes per tag" );
4069  // On 64 bits, long and int are different
4070  // On 32 bits, they are not; if size of long is 8, it is a 64 bit machine (really?)
4072  // Get gids for skin ents in a vector, to pass to gs
4073  std::vector< long > lgid_data( skin_ents[0].size() );
4074  // Size is either long or int
4075  // On 64 bit is 8 or 4
4076  if( sizeof( long ) == bytes_per_tag && ( ( MB_TYPE_HANDLE == tag_type ) || ( MB_TYPE_OPAQUE == tag_type ) ) )
4077  { // It is a special id tag
4078  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( gid_tag, skin_ents[0], &lgid_data[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Couldn't get gid tag for skin vertices" );
4079  }
4080  else if( 4 == bytes_per_tag )
4081  { // Must be GLOBAL_ID tag or 32 bits ...
4082  std::vector< int > gid_data( lgid_data.size() );
4083  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( gid_tag, skin_ents[0], &gid_data[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get gid tag for skin vertices" );
4084  std::copy( gid_data.begin(), gid_data.end(), lgid_data.begin() );
4085  }
4086  else
4087  {
4088  // Not supported flag
4089  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Unsupported id tag" );
4090  }
4092  // Put handles in vector for passing to gs setup
4093  std::vector< Ulong > handle_vec; // Assumes that we can do conversion from Ulong to EntityHandle
4094  std::copy( skin_ents[0].begin(), skin_ents[0].end(), std::back_inserter( handle_vec ) );
4096 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
4097  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
4098  {
4099  MPE_Log_event( SHAREDV_START, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Creating crystal router." );
4100  }
4101 #endif
4103  // Get a crystal router
4106  /*
4107  // Get total number of entities; will overshoot highest global id, but
4108  // that's OK
4109  int num_total[2] = {0, 0}, num_local[2] = {0, 0};
4110  result = mbImpl->get_number_entities_by_dimension(this_set, 0, num_local);
4111  if (MB_SUCCESS != result)return result;
4112  int failure = MPI_Allreduce(num_local, num_total, 1,
4113  MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, procConfig.proc_comm());
4114  if (failure) {
4115  MB_SET_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "Allreduce for total number of shared ents failed");
4116  }
4117  */
4118  // Call gather-scatter to get shared ids & procs
4119  gs_data* gsd = new gs_data();
4120  // assert(sizeof(ulong_) == sizeof(EntityHandle));
4121  result = gsd->initialize( skin_ents[0].size(), &lgid_data[0], &handle_vec[0], 2, 1, 1, cd );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to create gs data" );
4123  // Get shared proc tags
4124  Tag shp_tag, shps_tag, shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag;
4125  result = get_shared_proc_tags( shp_tag, shps_tag, shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get shared proc tags" );
4127  // Load shared verts into a tuple, then sort by index
4128  TupleList shared_verts;
4129  shared_verts.initialize( 2, 0, 1, 0, skin_ents[0].size() * ( MAX_SHARING_PROCS + 1 ) );
4130  shared_verts.enableWriteAccess();
4132  unsigned int i = 0, j = 0;
4133  for( unsigned int p = 0; p < gsd->nlinfo->_np; p++ )
4134  for( unsigned int np = 0; np < gsd->nlinfo->_nshared[p]; np++ )
4135  {
4136  shared_verts.vi_wr[i++] = gsd->nlinfo->_sh_ind[j];
4137  shared_verts.vi_wr[i++] = gsd->nlinfo->_target[p];
4138  shared_verts.vul_wr[j] = gsd->nlinfo->_ulabels[j];
4139  j++;
4140  shared_verts.inc_n();
4141  }
4143  myDebug->tprintf( 3, " shared verts size %d \n", (int)shared_verts.get_n() );
4145  int max_size = skin_ents[0].size() * ( MAX_SHARING_PROCS + 1 );
4146  moab::TupleList::buffer sort_buffer;
4147  sort_buffer.buffer_init( max_size );
4148  shared_verts.sort( 0, &sort_buffer );
4149  sort_buffer.reset();
4151  // Set sharing procs and handles tags on skin ents
4152  int maxp = -1;
4153  std::vector< int > sharing_procs( MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
4154  std::fill( sharing_procs.begin(), sharing_procs.end(), maxp );
4155  j = 0;
4156  i = 0;
4158  // Get ents shared by 1 or n procs
4159  std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > > proc_nvecs;
4160  Range proc_verts;
4161  result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies( proc_ents, 0, false, proc_verts, Interface::UNION );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get proc_verts" );
4163  myDebug->print( 3, " resolve shared ents: proc verts ", proc_verts );
4164  result = tag_shared_verts( shared_verts, skin_ents, proc_nvecs, proc_verts );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to tag shared verts" );
4166 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
4167  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
4168  {
4169  MPE_Log_event( SHAREDV_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Finished tag_shared_verts." );
4170  }
4171 #endif
4173  // Get entities shared by 1 or n procs
4174  result = get_proc_nvecs( resolve_dim, shared_dim, skin_ents, proc_nvecs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to tag shared entities" );
4176  shared_verts.reset();
4178  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() > 0 )
4179  {
4180  for( std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > >::const_iterator mit = proc_nvecs.begin();
4181  mit != proc_nvecs.end(); ++mit )
4182  {
4183  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Iface: " );
4184  for( std::vector< int >::const_iterator vit = ( mit->first ).begin(); vit != ( mit->first ).end(); ++vit )
4185  myDebug->printf( 1, " %d", *vit );
4186  myDebug->print( 1, "\n" );
4187  }
4188  }
4190  // Create the sets for each interface; store them as tags on
4191  // the interface instance
4192  Range iface_sets;
4193  result = create_interface_sets( proc_nvecs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to create interface sets" );
4195  // Establish comm procs and buffers for them
4196  std::set< unsigned int > procs;
4197  result = get_interface_procs( procs, true );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get interface procs" );
4199 #ifndef NDEBUG
4200  result = check_all_shared_handles( true );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Shared handle check failed after interface vertex exchange" );
4201 #endif
4203  // Resolve shared entity remote handles; implemented in ghost cell exchange
4204  // code because it's so similar
4205  result = exchange_ghost_cells( -1, -1, 0, 0, true, true );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to resolve shared entity remote handles" );
4207  // Now build parent/child links for interface sets
4208  result = create_iface_pc_links();MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to create interface parent/child links" );
4210  gsd->reset();
4211  delete gsd;
4213 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
4214  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
4215  {
4216  MPE_Log_event( RESOLVE_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Exiting resolve_shared_ents." );
4217  }
4218 #endif
4220  // std::ostringstream ent_str;
4221  // ent_str << "mesh." << procConfig.proc_rank() << ".h5m";
4222  // mbImpl->write_mesh(ent_str.str().c_str());
4224  // Done
4225  return result;
4226 }
4229 {
4230 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
4231  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
4232  {
4233  // Define mpe states used for logging
4234  int success;
4235  MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( &IFACE_START, &IFACE_END );
4236  MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( &GHOST_START, &GHOST_END );
4237  MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( &SHAREDV_START, &SHAREDV_END );
4238  MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( &RESOLVE_START, &RESOLVE_END );
4239  MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( &ENTITIES_START, &ENTITIES_END );
4240  MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( &RHANDLES_START, &RHANDLES_END );
4241  MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( &OWNED_START, &OWNED_END );
4242  success = MPE_Describe_state( IFACE_START, IFACE_END, "Resolve interface ents", "green" );
4243  assert( MPE_LOG_OK == success );
4244  success = MPE_Describe_state( GHOST_START, GHOST_END, "Exchange ghost ents", "red" );
4245  assert( MPE_LOG_OK == success );
4246  success = MPE_Describe_state( SHAREDV_START, SHAREDV_END, "Resolve interface vertices", "blue" );
4247  assert( MPE_LOG_OK == success );
4248  success = MPE_Describe_state( RESOLVE_START, RESOLVE_END, "Resolve shared ents", "purple" );
4249  assert( MPE_LOG_OK == success );
4250  success = MPE_Describe_state( ENTITIES_START, ENTITIES_END, "Exchange shared ents", "yellow" );
4251  assert( MPE_LOG_OK == success );
4252  success = MPE_Describe_state( RHANDLES_START, RHANDLES_END, "Remote handles", "cyan" );
4253  assert( MPE_LOG_OK == success );
4254  success = MPE_Describe_state( OWNED_START, OWNED_END, "Exchange owned ents", "black" );
4255  assert( MPE_LOG_OK == success );
4256  }
4257 #endif
4258 }
4261  const unsigned int np,
4262  EntityHandle this_set,
4263  const int part_dim )
4264 {
4265  std::vector< Range > verts( np );
4266  int tot_verts = 0;
4267  unsigned int p, i, j, v;
4268  ErrorCode rval;
4269  for( p = 0; p < np; p++ )
4270  {
4271  Skinner skinner( pc[p]->get_moab() );
4272  Range part_ents, skin_ents;
4273  rval = pc[p]->get_moab()->get_entities_by_dimension( this_set, part_dim, part_ents );
4274  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
4275  rval = skinner.find_skin( this_set, part_ents, false, skin_ents, 0, true, true, true );
4276  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
4277  rval = pc[p]->get_moab()->get_adjacencies( skin_ents, 0, true, verts[p], Interface::UNION );
4278  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
4279  tot_verts += verts[p].size();
4280  }
4282  TupleList shared_ents;
4283  shared_ents.initialize( 2, 0, 1, 0, tot_verts );
4284  shared_ents.enableWriteAccess();
4286  i = 0;
4287  j = 0;
4288  std::vector< int > gids;
4289  Range::iterator rit;
4290  Tag gid_tag;
4291  for( p = 0; p < np; p++ )
4292  {
4293  gid_tag = pc[p]->get_moab()->globalId_tag();
4295  gids.resize( verts[p].size() );
4296  rval = pc[p]->get_moab()->tag_get_data( gid_tag, verts[p], &gids[0] );
4297  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
4299  for( v = 0, rit = verts[p].begin(); v < gids.size(); v++, ++rit )
4300  {
4301  shared_ents.vi_wr[i++] = gids[v];
4302  shared_ents.vi_wr[i++] = p;
4303  shared_ents.vul_wr[j] = *rit;
4304  j++;
4305  shared_ents.inc_n();
4306  }
4307  }
4309  moab::TupleList::buffer sort_buffer;
4310  sort_buffer.buffer_init( tot_verts );
4311  shared_ents.sort( 0, &sort_buffer );
4312  sort_buffer.reset();
4314  j = 0;
4315  i = 0;
4316  std::vector< EntityHandle > handles;
4317  std::vector< int > procs;
4319  while( i < shared_ents.get_n() )
4320  {
4321  handles.clear();
4322  procs.clear();
4324  // Count & accumulate sharing procs
4325  int this_gid = shared_ents.vi_rd[j];
4326  while( i < shared_ents.get_n() && shared_ents.vi_rd[j] == this_gid )
4327  {
4328  j++;
4329  procs.push_back( shared_ents.vi_rd[j++] );
4330  handles.push_back( shared_ents.vul_rd[i++] );
4331  }
4332  if( 1 == procs.size() ) continue;
4334  for( v = 0; v < procs.size(); v++ )
4335  {
4336  rval = pc[procs[v]]->update_remote_data( handles[v], &procs[0], &handles[0], procs.size(),
4337  ( procs[0] == (int)pc[procs[v]]->rank()
4340  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
4341  }
4342  }
4344  std::set< unsigned int > psets;
4345  for( p = 0; p < np; p++ )
4346  {
4347  rval = pc[p]->create_interface_sets( this_set, part_dim, part_dim - 1 );
4348  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
4349  // Establish comm procs and buffers for them
4350  psets.clear();
4351  rval = pc[p]->get_interface_procs( psets, true );
4352  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
4353  }
4355  shared_ents.reset();
4357  return MB_SUCCESS;
4358 }
4361 {
4362  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
4363  Range iface_ents, tmp_ents, rmv_ents;
4364  std::vector< unsigned char > pstat;
4365  unsigned char set_pstat;
4366  Range::iterator rit2;
4367  unsigned int i;
4369  for( Range::iterator rit = interfaceSets.begin(); rit != interfaceSets.end(); ++rit )
4370  {
4371  iface_ents.clear();
4373  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle( *rit, iface_ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get interface set contents" );
4374  pstat.resize( iface_ents.size() );
4375  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( pstatus_tag(), iface_ents, &pstat[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get pstatus values for interface set entities" );
4376  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( pstatus_tag(), &( *rit ), 1, &set_pstat );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get pstatus values for interface set" );
4377  rmv_ents.clear();
4378  for( rit2 = iface_ents.begin(), i = 0; rit2 != iface_ents.end(); ++rit2, i++ )
4379  {
4380  if( !( pstat[i] & PSTATUS_INTERFACE ) )
4381  {
4382  rmv_ents.insert( *rit2 );
4383  pstat[i] = 0x0;
4384  }
4385  }
4386  result = mbImpl->remove_entities( *rit, rmv_ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to remove entities from interface set" );
4388  if( !( set_pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED ) ) continue;
4389  // If we're here, we need to set the notowned status on (remaining) set contents
4391  // Remove rmv_ents from the contents list
4392  iface_ents = subtract( iface_ents, rmv_ents );
4393  // Compress the pstat vector (removing 0x0's)
4394  std::remove_if( pstat.begin(), pstat.end(),
4395  std::bind( std::equal_to< unsigned char >(), std::placeholders::_1, 0x0 ) );
4396  // std::bind2nd(std::equal_to<unsigned char>(), 0x0));
4397  //
4398  // Fold the not_owned bit into remaining values
4399  unsigned int sz = iface_ents.size();
4400  for( i = 0; i < sz; i++ )
4401  pstat[i] |= PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
4403  // Set the tag on the entities
4404  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( pstatus_tag(), iface_ents, &pstat[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set pstatus values for interface set entities" );
4405  }
4407  return MB_SUCCESS;
4408 }
4411  unsigned char pstatus_val,
4412  bool lower_dim_ents,
4413  bool verts_too,
4414  int operation )
4415 {
4416  std::vector< unsigned char > pstatus_vals( pstatus_ents.size() );
4417  Range all_ents, *range_ptr = &pstatus_ents;
4418  ErrorCode result;
4419  if( lower_dim_ents || verts_too )
4420  {
4421  all_ents = pstatus_ents;
4422  range_ptr = &all_ents;
4423  int start_dim = ( lower_dim_ents ? mbImpl->dimension_from_handle( *pstatus_ents.rbegin() ) - 1 : 0 );
4424  for( ; start_dim >= 0; start_dim-- )
4425  {
4426  result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies( all_ents, start_dim, true, all_ents, Interface::UNION );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get adjacencies for pstatus entities" );
4427  }
4428  }
4429  if( Interface::UNION == operation )
4430  {
4431  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( pstatus_tag(), *range_ptr, &pstatus_vals[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get pstatus tag data" );
4432  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < pstatus_vals.size(); i++ )
4433  pstatus_vals[i] |= pstatus_val;
4434  }
4435  else
4436  {
4437  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < pstatus_vals.size(); i++ )
4438  pstatus_vals[i] = pstatus_val;
4439  }
4440  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( pstatus_tag(), *range_ptr, &pstatus_vals[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set pstatus tag data" );
4442  return MB_SUCCESS;
4443 }
4446  int num_ents,
4447  unsigned char pstatus_val,
4448  bool lower_dim_ents,
4449  bool verts_too,
4450  int operation )
4451 {
4452  std::vector< unsigned char > pstatus_vals( num_ents );
4453  ErrorCode result;
4454  if( lower_dim_ents || verts_too )
4455  {
4456  // In this case, call the range-based version
4457  Range tmp_range;
4458  std::copy( pstatus_ents, pstatus_ents + num_ents, range_inserter( tmp_range ) );
4459  return set_pstatus_entities( tmp_range, pstatus_val, lower_dim_ents, verts_too, operation );
4460  }
4462  if( Interface::UNION == operation )
4463  {
4464  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( pstatus_tag(), pstatus_ents, num_ents, &pstatus_vals[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get pstatus tag data" );
4465  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)num_ents; i++ )
4466  pstatus_vals[i] |= pstatus_val;
4467  }
4468  else
4469  {
4470  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)num_ents; i++ )
4471  pstatus_vals[i] = pstatus_val;
4472  }
4473  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( pstatus_tag(), pstatus_ents, num_ents, &pstatus_vals[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set pstatus tag data" );
4475  return MB_SUCCESS;
4476 }
4478 static size_t choose_owner_idx( const std::vector< unsigned >& proc_list )
4479 {
4480  // Try to assign owners randomly so we get a good distribution,
4481  // (note: specifying the same seed on all procs is essential)
4482  unsigned val = 0;
4483  for( size_t i = 0; i < proc_list.size(); i++ )
4484  val ^= proc_list[i];
4485  srand( (int)( val ) );
4486  return rand() % proc_list.size();
4487 }
4490 {
4491  unsigned idx;
4492  unsigned proc;
4494  inline bool operator<( set_tuple other ) const
4495  {
4496  return ( idx == other.idx ) ? ( proc < other.proc ) : ( idx < other.idx );
4497  }
4498 };
4501 {
4502  // Find all sets with any of the following tags:
4503  const char* const shared_set_tag_names[] = { GEOM_DIMENSION_TAG_NAME, MATERIAL_SET_TAG_NAME, DIRICHLET_SET_TAG_NAME,
4505  int num_tags = sizeof( shared_set_tag_names ) / sizeof( shared_set_tag_names[0] );
4506  Range candidate_sets;
4507  ErrorCode result = MB_FAILURE;
4509  // If we're not given an ID tag to use to globally identify sets,
4510  // then fall back to using known tag values
4511  if( !idtag )
4512  {
4513  Tag gid, tag;
4514  gid = mbImpl->globalId_tag();
4515  if( NULL != gid ) result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle( GEOM_DIMENSION_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, tag );
4516  if( MB_SUCCESS == result )
4517  {
4518  for( int d = 0; d < 4; d++ )
4519  {
4520  candidate_sets.clear();
4521  const void* vals[] = { &d };
4522  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( file, MBENTITYSET, &tag, vals, 1, candidate_sets );
4523  if( MB_SUCCESS == result ) resolve_shared_sets( candidate_sets, gid );
4524  }
4525  }
4527  for( int i = 1; i < num_tags; i++ )
4528  {
4529  result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle( shared_set_tag_names[i], 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, tag );
4530  if( MB_SUCCESS == result )
4531  {
4532  candidate_sets.clear();
4533  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( file, MBENTITYSET, &tag, 0, 1, candidate_sets );
4534  if( MB_SUCCESS == result ) resolve_shared_sets( candidate_sets, tag );
4535  }
4536  }
4538  return MB_SUCCESS;
4539  }
4541  for( int i = 0; i < num_tags; i++ )
4542  {
4543  Tag tag;
4544  result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle( shared_set_tag_names[i], 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, tag, MB_TAG_ANY );
4545  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) continue;
4547  mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( file, MBENTITYSET, &tag, 0, 1, candidate_sets, Interface::UNION );
4548  }
4550  // Find any additional sets that contain shared entities
4551  Range::iterator hint = candidate_sets.begin();
4552  Range all_sets;
4553  mbImpl->get_entities_by_type( file, MBENTITYSET, all_sets );
4554  all_sets = subtract( all_sets, candidate_sets );
4555  Range::iterator it = all_sets.begin();
4556  while( it != all_sets.end() )
4557  {
4558  Range contents;
4559  mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle( *it, contents );
4560  contents.erase( contents.lower_bound( MBENTITYSET ), contents.end() );
4562  if( contents.empty() )
4563  {
4564  ++it;
4565  }
4566  else
4567  {
4568  hint = candidate_sets.insert( hint, *it );
4569  it = all_sets.erase( it );
4570  }
4571  }
4573  // Find any additionl sets that contain or are parents of potential shared sets
4574  Range prev_list = candidate_sets;
4575  while( !prev_list.empty() )
4576  {
4577  it = all_sets.begin();
4578  Range new_list;
4579  hint = new_list.begin();
4580  while( it != all_sets.end() )
4581  {
4582  Range contents;
4583  mbImpl->get_entities_by_type( *it, MBENTITYSET, contents );
4584  if( !intersect( prev_list, contents ).empty() )
4585  {
4586  hint = new_list.insert( hint, *it );
4587  it = all_sets.erase( it );
4588  }
4589  else
4590  {
4591  new_list.clear();
4592  mbImpl->get_child_meshsets( *it, contents );
4593  if( !intersect( prev_list, contents ).empty() )
4594  {
4595  hint = new_list.insert( hint, *it );
4596  it = all_sets.erase( it );
4597  }
4598  else
4599  {
4600  ++it;
4601  }
4602  }
4603  }
4605  candidate_sets.merge( new_list );
4606  prev_list.swap( new_list );
4607  }
4609  return resolve_shared_sets( candidate_sets, *idtag );
4610 }
4612 #ifndef NDEBUG
4613 bool is_sorted_unique( std::vector< unsigned >& v )
4614 {
4615  for( size_t i = 1; i < v.size(); i++ )
4616  if( v[i - 1] >= v[i] ) return false;
4617  return true;
4618 }
4619 #endif
4622 {
4623  ErrorCode result;
4624  const unsigned rk = proc_config().proc_rank();
4625  MPI_Comm cm = proc_config().proc_comm();
4627  // Build sharing list for all sets
4629  // Get ids for sets in a vector, to pass to gs
4630  std::vector< long > larray; // Allocate sufficient space for longs
4631  std::vector< Ulong > handles;
4632  Range tmp_sets;
4633  // The id tag can be size 4 or size 8
4634  // Based on that, convert to int or to long, similarly to what we do
4635  // for resolving shared vertices;
4636  // This code must work on 32 bit too, where long is 4 bytes, also
4637  // so test first size 4, then we should be fine
4638  DataType tag_type;
4639  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data_type( idtag, tag_type );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed getting tag data type" );
4640  int bytes_per_tag;
4641  result = mbImpl->tag_get_bytes( idtag, bytes_per_tag );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed getting number of bytes per tag" );
4642  // On 64 bits, long and int are different
4643  // On 32 bits, they are not; if size of long is 8, it is a 64 bit machine (really?)
4645  for( Range::iterator rit = sets.begin(); rit != sets.end(); ++rit )
4646  {
4647  if( sizeof( long ) == bytes_per_tag && ( ( MB_TYPE_HANDLE == tag_type ) || ( MB_TYPE_OPAQUE == tag_type ) ) )
4648  { // It is a special id tag
4649  long dum;
4650  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( idtag, &( *rit ), 1, &dum );
4651  if( MB_SUCCESS == result )
4652  {
4653  larray.push_back( dum );
4654  handles.push_back( *rit );
4655  tmp_sets.insert( tmp_sets.end(), *rit );
4656  }
4657  }
4658  else if( 4 == bytes_per_tag )
4659  { // Must be GLOBAL_ID tag or MATERIAL_ID, etc
4660  int dum;
4661  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( idtag, &( *rit ), 1, &dum );
4662  if( MB_SUCCESS == result )
4663  {
4664  larray.push_back( dum );
4665  handles.push_back( *rit );
4666  tmp_sets.insert( tmp_sets.end(), *rit );
4667  }
4668  }
4669  }
4671  const size_t nsets = handles.size();
4673  // Get handle array for sets
4674  // This is not true on windows machine, 64 bits: entity handle is 64 bit, long is 32
4675  // assert(sizeof(EntityHandle) <= sizeof(unsigned long));
4677  // Do communication of data
4679  gs_data* gsd = new gs_data();
4680  result = gsd->initialize( nsets, &larray[0], &handles[0], 2, 1, 1, cd );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to create gs data" );
4682  // Convert from global IDs grouped by process rank to list
4683  // of <idx, rank> pairs so that we can sort primarily
4684  // by idx and secondarily by rank (we want lists of procs for each
4685  // idx, not lists if indices for each proc).
4686  size_t ntuple = 0;
4687  for( unsigned p = 0; p < gsd->nlinfo->_np; p++ )
4688  ntuple += gsd->nlinfo->_nshared[p];
4689  std::vector< set_tuple > tuples;
4690  tuples.reserve( ntuple );
4691  size_t j = 0;
4692  for( unsigned p = 0; p < gsd->nlinfo->_np; p++ )
4693  {
4694  for( unsigned np = 0; np < gsd->nlinfo->_nshared[p]; np++ )
4695  {
4696  set_tuple t;
4697  t.idx = gsd->nlinfo->_sh_ind[j];
4698  t.proc = gsd->nlinfo->_target[p];
4699  t.handle = gsd->nlinfo->_ulabels[j];
4700  tuples.push_back( t );
4701  j++;
4702  }
4703  }
4704  std::sort( tuples.begin(), tuples.end() );
4706  // Release crystal router stuff
4707  gsd->reset();
4708  delete gsd;
4710  // Storing sharing data for each set
4711  size_t ti = 0;
4712  unsigned idx = 0;
4713  std::vector< unsigned > procs;
4714  Range::iterator si = tmp_sets.begin();
4715  while( si != tmp_sets.end() && ti < tuples.size() )
4716  {
4717  assert( idx <= tuples[ti].idx );
4718  if( idx < tuples[ti].idx ) si += ( tuples[ti].idx - idx );
4719  idx = tuples[ti].idx;
4721  procs.clear();
4722  size_t ti_init = ti;
4723  while( ti < tuples.size() && tuples[ti].idx == idx )
4724  {
4725  procs.push_back( tuples[ti].proc );
4726  ++ti;
4727  }
4728  assert( is_sorted_unique( procs ) );
4730  result = sharedSetData->set_sharing_procs( *si, procs );
4731  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
4732  {
4733  std::cerr << "Failure at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl;
4734  std::cerr.flush();
4735  MPI_Abort( cm, 1 );
4736  }
4738  // Add this proc to list of sharing procs in correct position
4739  // so that all procs select owner based on same list
4740  std::vector< unsigned >::iterator it = std::lower_bound( procs.begin(), procs.end(), rk );
4741  assert( it == procs.end() || *it > rk );
4742  procs.insert( it, rk );
4743  size_t owner_idx = choose_owner_idx( procs );
4744  EntityHandle owner_handle;
4745  if( procs[owner_idx] == rk )
4746  owner_handle = *si;
4747  else if( procs[owner_idx] > rk )
4748  owner_handle = tuples[ti_init + owner_idx - 1].handle;
4749  else
4750  owner_handle = tuples[ti_init + owner_idx].handle;
4751  result = sharedSetData->set_owner( *si, procs[owner_idx], owner_handle );
4752  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
4753  {
4754  std::cerr << "Failure at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl;
4755  std::cerr.flush();
4756  MPI_Abort( cm, 1 );
4757  }
4759  ++si;
4760  ++idx;
4761  }
4763  return MB_SUCCESS;
4764 }
4765 // populate sets with ghost entities, if necessary
4767 {
4768  // gather all default sets we are interested in, material, neumann, etc
4769  // we will skip geometry sets, because they are not uniquely identified with their tag value
4770  // maybe we will add another tag, like category
4772  if( procConfig.proc_size() < 2 ) return MB_SUCCESS; // no reason to stop by
4773  const char* const shared_set_tag_names[] = { MATERIAL_SET_TAG_NAME, DIRICHLET_SET_TAG_NAME, NEUMANN_SET_TAG_NAME,
4776  int num_tags = sizeof( shared_set_tag_names ) / sizeof( shared_set_tag_names[0] );
4778  Range* rangeSets = new Range[num_tags];
4779  Tag* tags = new Tag[num_tags + 1]; // one extra for global id tag, which is an int, so far
4781  int my_rank = rank();
4782  int** tagVals = new int*[num_tags];
4783  for( int i = 0; i < num_tags; i++ )
4784  tagVals[i] = NULL;
4785  ErrorCode rval;
4787  // for each tag, we keep a local map, from the value to the actual set with that value
4788  // we assume that the tag values are unique, for a given set, otherwise we
4789  // do not know to which set to add the entity
4791  typedef std::map< int, EntityHandle > MVal;
4792  typedef std::map< int, EntityHandle >::iterator itMVal;
4793  MVal* localMaps = new MVal[num_tags];
4795  for( int i = 0; i < num_tags; i++ )
4796  {
4798  rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle( shared_set_tag_names[i], 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, tags[i], MB_TAG_ANY );
4799  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) continue;
4800  rval = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( file_set, MBENTITYSET, &( tags[i] ), 0, 1, rangeSets[i],
4801  Interface::UNION );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't get sets with a tag" );
4803  if( rangeSets[i].size() > 0 )
4804  {
4805  tagVals[i] = new int[rangeSets[i].size()];
4806  // fill up with the tag values
4807  rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data( tags[i], rangeSets[i], tagVals[i] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't get set tag values" );
4808  // now for inverse mapping:
4809  for( int j = 0; j < (int)rangeSets[i].size(); j++ )
4810  {
4811  localMaps[i][tagVals[i][j]] = rangeSets[i][j];
4812  }
4813  }
4814  }
4815  // get the global id tag too
4816  tags[num_tags] = mbImpl->globalId_tag();
4818  TupleList remoteEnts;
4819  // processor to send to, type of tag (0-mat,) tag value, remote handle
4820  // 1-diri
4821  // 2-neum
4822  // 3-part
4823  //
4824  int initialSize = (int)sharedEnts.size(); // estimate that on average, each shared ent
4825  // will be sent to one processor, for one tag
4826  // we will actually send only entities that are owned locally, and from those
4827  // only those that do have a special tag (material, neumann, etc)
4828  // if we exceed the capacity, we resize the tuple
4829  remoteEnts.initialize( 3, 0, 1, 0, initialSize );
4830  remoteEnts.enableWriteAccess();
4832  // now, for each owned entity, get the remote handle(s) and Proc(s), and verify if it
4833  // belongs to one of the sets; if yes, create a tuple and append it
4835  std::set< EntityHandle > own_and_sha;
4836  int ir = 0, jr = 0;
4837  for( std::set< EntityHandle >::iterator vit = sharedEnts.begin(); vit != sharedEnts.end(); ++vit )
4838  {
4839  // ghosted eh
4840  EntityHandle geh = *vit;
4841  if( own_and_sha.find( geh ) != own_and_sha.end() ) // already encountered
4842  continue;
4843  int procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
4845  int nprocs;
4846  unsigned char pstat;
4847  rval = get_sharing_data( geh, procs, handles, pstat, nprocs );
4848  if( rval != MB_SUCCESS )
4849  {
4850  for( int i = 0; i < num_tags; i++ )
4851  delete[] tagVals[i];
4852  delete[] tagVals;
4854  MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Failed to get sharing data" );
4855  }
4856  if( pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED ) continue; // we will send info only for entities that we own
4857  own_and_sha.insert( geh );
4858  for( int i = 0; i < num_tags; i++ )
4859  {
4860  for( int j = 0; j < (int)rangeSets[i].size(); j++ )
4861  {
4862  EntityHandle specialSet = rangeSets[i][j]; // this set has tag i, value tagVals[i][j];
4863  if( mbImpl->contains_entities( specialSet, &geh, 1 ) )
4864  {
4865  // this ghosted entity is in a special set, so form the tuple
4866  // to send to the processors that do not own this
4867  for( int k = 0; k < nprocs; k++ )
4868  {
4869  if( procs[k] != my_rank )
4870  {
4871  if( remoteEnts.get_n() >= remoteEnts.get_max() - 1 )
4872  {
4873  // resize, so we do not overflow
4874  int oldSize = remoteEnts.get_max();
4875  // increase with 50% the capacity
4876  remoteEnts.resize( oldSize + oldSize / 2 + 1 );
4877  }
4878  remoteEnts.vi_wr[ir++] = procs[k]; // send to proc
4879  remoteEnts.vi_wr[ir++] = i; // for the tags [i] (0-3)
4880  remoteEnts.vi_wr[ir++] = tagVals[i][j]; // actual value of the tag
4881  remoteEnts.vul_wr[jr++] = handles[k];
4882  remoteEnts.inc_n();
4883  }
4884  }
4885  }
4886  }
4887  }
4888  // if the local entity has a global id, send it too, so we avoid
4889  // another "exchange_tags" for global id
4890  int gid;
4891  rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data( tags[num_tags], &geh, 1, &gid );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Failed to get global id" );
4892  if( gid != 0 )
4893  {
4894  for( int k = 0; k < nprocs; k++ )
4895  {
4896  if( procs[k] != my_rank )
4897  {
4898  if( remoteEnts.get_n() >= remoteEnts.get_max() - 1 )
4899  {
4900  // resize, so we do not overflow
4901  int oldSize = remoteEnts.get_max();
4902  // increase with 50% the capacity
4903  remoteEnts.resize( oldSize + oldSize / 2 + 1 );
4904  }
4905  remoteEnts.vi_wr[ir++] = procs[k]; // send to proc
4906  remoteEnts.vi_wr[ir++] = num_tags; // for the tags [j] (4)
4907  remoteEnts.vi_wr[ir++] = gid; // actual value of the tag
4908  remoteEnts.vul_wr[jr++] = handles[k];
4909  remoteEnts.inc_n();
4910  }
4911  }
4912  }
4913  }
4915 #ifndef NDEBUG
4916  if( my_rank == 1 && 1 == get_debug_verbosity() ) remoteEnts.print( " on rank 1, before augment routing" );
4917  MPI_Barrier( procConfig.proc_comm() );
4918  int sentEnts = remoteEnts.get_n();
4919  assert( ( sentEnts == jr ) && ( 3 * sentEnts == ir ) );
4920 #endif
4921  // exchange the info now, and send to
4923  // All communication happens here; no other mpi calls
4924  // Also, this is a collective call
4925  rval = cd->gs_transfer( 1, remoteEnts, 0 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Error in tuple transfer" );
4926 #ifndef NDEBUG
4927  if( my_rank == 0 && 1 == get_debug_verbosity() ) remoteEnts.print( " on rank 0, after augment routing" );
4928  MPI_Barrier( procConfig.proc_comm() );
4929 #endif
4931  // now process the data received from other processors
4932  int received = remoteEnts.get_n();
4933  for( int i = 0; i < received; i++ )
4934  {
4935  // int from = ents_to_delete.vi_rd[i];
4936  EntityHandle geh = (EntityHandle)remoteEnts.vul_rd[i];
4937  int from_proc = remoteEnts.vi_rd[3 * i];
4938  if( my_rank == from_proc )
4939  std::cout << " unexpected receive from my rank " << my_rank << " during augmenting with ghosts\n ";
4940  int tag_type = remoteEnts.vi_rd[3 * i + 1];
4941  assert( ( 0 <= tag_type ) && ( tag_type <= num_tags ) );
4942  int value = remoteEnts.vi_rd[3 * i + 2];
4943  if( tag_type == num_tags )
4944  {
4945  // it is global id
4946  rval = mbImpl->tag_set_data( tags[num_tags], &geh, 1, &value );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Error in setting gid tag" );
4947  }
4948  else
4949  {
4950  // now, based on value and tag type, see if we have that value in the map
4951  MVal& lmap = localMaps[tag_type];
4952  itMVal itm = lmap.find( value );
4953  if( itm == lmap.end() )
4954  {
4955  // the value was not found yet in the local map, so we have to create the set
4956  EntityHandle newSet;
4957  rval = mbImpl->create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, newSet );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't create new set" );
4958  lmap[value] = newSet;
4959  // set the tag value
4960  rval = mbImpl->tag_set_data( tags[tag_type], &newSet, 1, &value );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't set tag for new set" );
4962  // we also need to add the new created set to the file set, if not null
4963  if( file_set )
4964  {
4965  rval = mbImpl->add_entities( file_set, &newSet, 1 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't add new set to the file set" );
4966  }
4967  }
4968  // add the entity to the set pointed to by the map
4969  rval = mbImpl->add_entities( lmap[value], &geh, 1 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't add ghost ent to the set" );
4970  }
4971  }
4973  for( int i = 0; i < num_tags; i++ )
4974  delete[] tagVals[i];
4975  delete[] tagVals;
4976  delete[] rangeSets;
4977  delete[] tags;
4978  delete[] localMaps;
4979  return MB_SUCCESS;
4980 }
4981 ErrorCode ParallelComm::create_interface_sets( EntityHandle this_set, int resolve_dim, int shared_dim )
4982 {
4983  std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > > proc_nvecs;
4985  // Build up the list of shared entities
4986  int procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
4988  ErrorCode result;
4989  int nprocs;
4990  unsigned char pstat;
4991  for( std::set< EntityHandle >::iterator vit = sharedEnts.begin(); vit != sharedEnts.end(); ++vit )
4992  {
4993  if( shared_dim != -1 && mbImpl->dimension_from_handle( *vit ) > shared_dim ) continue;
4994  result = get_sharing_data( *vit, procs, handles, pstat, nprocs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharing data" );
4995  std::sort( procs, procs + nprocs );
4996  std::vector< int > tmp_procs( procs, procs + nprocs );
4997  assert( tmp_procs.size() != 2 );
4998  proc_nvecs[tmp_procs].push_back( *vit );
4999  }
5001  Skinner skinner( mbImpl );
5002  Range skin_ents[4];
5003  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension( this_set, resolve_dim, skin_ents[resolve_dim] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get skin entities by dimension" );
5004  result =
5005  skinner.find_skin( this_set, skin_ents[resolve_dim], false, skin_ents[resolve_dim - 1], 0, true, true, true );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to find skin" );
5006  if( shared_dim > 1 )
5007  {
5008  result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies( skin_ents[resolve_dim - 1], resolve_dim - 2, true, skin_ents[resolve_dim - 2],
5009  Interface::UNION );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get skin adjacencies" );
5010  }
5012  result = get_proc_nvecs( resolve_dim, shared_dim, skin_ents, proc_nvecs );
5014  return create_interface_sets( proc_nvecs );
5015 }
5017 ErrorCode ParallelComm::create_interface_sets( std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > >& proc_nvecs )
5018 {
5019  if( proc_nvecs.empty() ) return MB_SUCCESS;
5021  int proc_ids[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
5022  EntityHandle proc_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
5023  Tag shp_tag, shps_tag, shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag;
5024  ErrorCode result = get_shared_proc_tags( shp_tag, shps_tag, shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get shared proc tags in create_interface_sets" );
5025  Range::iterator rit;
5027  // Create interface sets, tag them, and tag their contents with iface set tag
5028  std::vector< unsigned char > pstatus;
5029  for( std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > >::iterator vit = proc_nvecs.begin();
5030  vit != proc_nvecs.end(); ++vit )
5031  {
5032  // Create the set
5033  EntityHandle new_set;
5034  result = mbImpl->create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, new_set );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to create interface set" );
5035  interfaceSets.insert( new_set );
5037  // Add entities
5038  assert( !vit->second.empty() );
5039  result = mbImpl->add_entities( new_set, &( vit->second )[0], ( vit->second ).size() );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to add entities to interface set" );
5040  // Tag set with the proc rank(s)
5041  if( vit->first.size() == 1 )
5042  {
5043  assert( ( vit->first )[0] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank() );
5044  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( shp_tag, &new_set, 1, &( vit->first )[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to tag interface set with procs" );
5045  proc_handles[0] = 0;
5046  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( shh_tag, &new_set, 1, proc_handles );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to tag interface set with procs" );
5047  }
5048  else
5049  {
5050  // Pad tag data out to MAX_SHARING_PROCS with -1
5051  if( vit->first.size() > MAX_SHARING_PROCS )
5052  {
5053  std::cerr << "Exceeded MAX_SHARING_PROCS for " << CN::EntityTypeName( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( new_set ) )
5054  << ' ' << ID_FROM_HANDLE( new_set ) << " on process " << proc_config().proc_rank()
5055  << std::endl;
5056  std::cerr.flush();
5057  MPI_Abort( proc_config().proc_comm(), 66 );
5058  }
5059  // assert(vit->first.size() <= MAX_SHARING_PROCS);
5060  std::copy( vit->first.begin(), vit->first.end(), proc_ids );
5061  std::fill( proc_ids + vit->first.size(), proc_ids + MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1 );
5062  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( shps_tag, &new_set, 1, proc_ids );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to tag interface set with procs" );
5063  unsigned int ind = std::find( proc_ids, proc_ids + vit->first.size(), procConfig.proc_rank() ) - proc_ids;
5064  assert( ind < vit->first.size() );
5065  std::fill( proc_handles, proc_handles + MAX_SHARING_PROCS, 0 );
5066  proc_handles[ind] = new_set;
5067  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( shhs_tag, &new_set, 1, proc_handles );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to tag interface set with procs" );
5068  }
5070  // Get the owning proc, then set the pstatus tag on iface set
5071  int min_proc = ( vit->first )[0];
5072  unsigned char pval = ( PSTATUS_SHARED | PSTATUS_INTERFACE );
5073  if( min_proc < (int)procConfig.proc_rank() ) pval |= PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
5074  if( vit->first.size() > 1 ) pval |= PSTATUS_MULTISHARED;
5075  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( pstat_tag, &new_set, 1, &pval );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to tag interface set with pstatus" );
5077  // Tag the vertices with the same thing
5078  pstatus.clear();
5079  std::vector< EntityHandle > verts;
5080  for( std::vector< EntityHandle >::iterator v2it = ( vit->second ).begin(); v2it != ( vit->second ).end();
5081  ++v2it )
5082  if( mbImpl->type_from_handle( *v2it ) == MBVERTEX ) verts.push_back( *v2it );
5083  pstatus.resize( verts.size(), pval );
5084  if( !verts.empty() )
5085  {
5086  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( pstat_tag, &verts[0], verts.size(), &pstatus[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to tag interface set vertices with pstatus" );
5087  }
5088  }
5090  return MB_SUCCESS;
5091 }
5094 {
5095  // Now that we've resolved the entities in the iface sets,
5096  // set parent/child links between the iface sets
5098  // First tag all entities in the iface sets
5099  Tag tmp_iface_tag;
5100  EntityHandle tmp_iface_set = 0;
5101  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle( "__tmp_iface", 1, MB_TYPE_HANDLE, tmp_iface_tag,
5102  MB_TAG_DENSE | MB_TAG_CREAT, &tmp_iface_set );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to create temporary interface set tag" );
5104  Range iface_ents;
5105  std::vector< EntityHandle > tag_vals;
5106  Range::iterator rit;
5108  for( rit = interfaceSets.begin(); rit != interfaceSets.end(); ++rit )
5109  {
5110  // tag entities with interface set
5111  iface_ents.clear();
5112  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle( *rit, iface_ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get entities in interface set" );
5114  if( iface_ents.empty() ) continue;
5116  tag_vals.resize( iface_ents.size() );
5117  std::fill( tag_vals.begin(), tag_vals.end(), *rit );
5118  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( tmp_iface_tag, iface_ents, &tag_vals[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to tag iface entities with interface set" );
5119  }
5121  // Now go back through interface sets and add parent/child links
5122  Range tmp_ents2;
5123  for( int d = 2; d >= 0; d-- )
5124  {
5125  for( rit = interfaceSets.begin(); rit != interfaceSets.end(); ++rit )
5126  {
5127  // Get entities on this interface
5128  iface_ents.clear();
5129  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle( *rit, iface_ents, true );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get entities by handle" );
5130  if( iface_ents.empty() || mbImpl->dimension_from_handle( *iface_ents.rbegin() ) != d ) continue;
5132  // Get higher-dimensional entities and their interface sets
5133  result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies( &( *iface_ents.begin() ), 1, d + 1, false, tmp_ents2 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get adjacencies for interface sets" );
5134  tag_vals.resize( tmp_ents2.size() );
5135  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( tmp_iface_tag, tmp_ents2, &tag_vals[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get tmp iface tag for interface sets" );
5137  // Go through and for any on interface make it a parent
5138  EntityHandle last_set = 0;
5139  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < tag_vals.size(); i++ )
5140  {
5141  if( tag_vals[i] && tag_vals[i] != last_set )
5142  {
5143  result = mbImpl->add_parent_child( tag_vals[i], *rit );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to add parent/child link for interface set" );
5144  last_set = tag_vals[i];
5145  }
5146  }
5147  }
5148  }
5150  // Delete the temporary tag
5151  result = mbImpl->tag_delete( tmp_iface_tag );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to delete tmp iface tag" );
5153  return MB_SUCCESS;
5154 }
5157  int shared_dim,
5158  Range* skin_ents,
5159  std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > >& proc_nvecs )
5160 {
5161  // Set sharing procs tags on other skin ents
5162  ErrorCode result;
5163  const EntityHandle* connect;
5164  int num_connect;
5165  std::set< int > sharing_procs;
5166  std::vector< EntityHandle > dum_connect;
5167  std::vector< int > sp_vec;
5169  for( int d = 3; d > 0; d-- )
5170  {
5171  if( resolve_dim == d ) continue;
5173  for( Range::iterator rit = skin_ents[d].begin(); rit != skin_ents[d].end(); ++rit )
5174  {
5175  // Get connectivity
5176  result = mbImpl->get_connectivity( *rit, connect, num_connect, false, &dum_connect );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get connectivity on non-vertex skin entities" );
5178  int op = ( resolve_dim < shared_dim ? Interface::UNION : Interface::INTERSECT );
5179  result = get_sharing_data( connect, num_connect, sharing_procs, op );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharing data in get_proc_nvecs" );
5180  if( sharing_procs.empty() ||
5181  ( sharing_procs.size() == 1 && *sharing_procs.begin() == (int)procConfig.proc_rank() ) )
5182  continue;
5184  // Need to specify sharing data correctly for entities or they will
5185  // end up in a different interface set than corresponding vertices
5186  if( sharing_procs.size() == 2 )
5187  {
5188  std::set< int >::iterator it = sharing_procs.find( proc_config().proc_rank() );
5189  assert( it != sharing_procs.end() );
5190  sharing_procs.erase( it );
5191  }
5193  // Intersection is the owning proc(s) for this skin ent
5194  sp_vec.clear();
5195  std::copy( sharing_procs.begin(), sharing_procs.end(), std::back_inserter( sp_vec ) );
5196  assert( sp_vec.size() != 2 );
5197  proc_nvecs[sp_vec].push_back( *rit );
5198  }
5199  }
5201 #ifndef NDEBUG
5202  // Shouldn't be any repeated entities in any of the vectors in proc_nvecs
5203  for( std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > >::iterator mit = proc_nvecs.begin();
5204  mit != proc_nvecs.end(); ++mit )
5205  {
5206  std::vector< EntityHandle > tmp_vec = ( mit->second );
5207  std::sort( tmp_vec.begin(), tmp_vec.end() );
5208  std::vector< EntityHandle >::iterator vit = std::unique( tmp_vec.begin(), tmp_vec.end() );
5209  assert( vit == tmp_vec.end() );
5210  }
5211 #endif
5213  return MB_SUCCESS;
5214 }
5216 // Overloaded form of tag_shared_verts
5217 // Tuple coming in is of form (arbitrary value, remoteProc, localHandle, remoteHandle)
5218 // Also will check for doubles in the list if the list is sorted
5220  std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > >& proc_nvecs,
5221  Range& /*proc_verts*/,
5222  unsigned int i_extra )
5223 {
5224  Tag shp_tag, shps_tag, shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag;
5225  ErrorCode result = get_shared_proc_tags( shp_tag, shps_tag, shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get shared proc tags in tag_shared_verts" );
5227  unsigned int j = 0, i = 0;
5228  std::vector< int > sharing_procs, sharing_procs2, tag_procs;
5229  std::vector< EntityHandle > sharing_handles, sharing_handles2, tag_lhandles, tag_rhandles;
5230  std::vector< unsigned char > pstatus;
5232  // Were on tuple j/2
5233  if( i_extra ) i += i_extra;
5234  while( j < 2 * shared_ents.get_n() )
5235  {
5236  // Count & accumulate sharing procs
5237  EntityHandle this_ent = shared_ents.vul_rd[j], other_ent = 0;
5238  int other_proc = -1;
5239  while( j < 2 * shared_ents.get_n() && shared_ents.vul_rd[j] == this_ent )
5240  {
5241  j++;
5242  // Shouldn't have same proc
5243  assert( shared_ents.vi_rd[i] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank() );
5244  // Grab the remote data if its not a dublicate
5245  if( shared_ents.vul_rd[j] != other_ent || shared_ents.vi_rd[i] != other_proc )
5246  {
5247  assert( 0 != shared_ents.vul_rd[j] );
5248  sharing_procs.push_back( shared_ents.vi_rd[i] );
5249  sharing_handles.push_back( shared_ents.vul_rd[j] );
5250  }
5251  other_proc = shared_ents.vi_rd[i];
5252  other_ent = shared_ents.vul_rd[j];
5253  j++;
5254  i += 1 + i_extra;
5255  }
5257  if( sharing_procs.size() > 1 )
5258  {
5259  // Add current proc/handle to list
5260  sharing_procs.push_back( procConfig.proc_rank() );
5261  sharing_handles.push_back( this_ent );
5263  // Sort sharing_procs and sharing_handles such that
5264  // sharing_procs is in ascending order. Use temporary
5265  // lists and binary search to re-order sharing_handles.
5266  sharing_procs2 = sharing_procs;
5267  std::sort( sharing_procs2.begin(), sharing_procs2.end() );
5268  sharing_handles2.resize( sharing_handles.size() );
5269  for( size_t k = 0; k < sharing_handles.size(); k++ )
5270  {
5271  size_t idx = std::lower_bound( sharing_procs2.begin(), sharing_procs2.end(), sharing_procs[k] ) -
5272  sharing_procs2.begin();
5273  sharing_handles2[idx] = sharing_handles[k];
5274  }
5275  sharing_procs.swap( sharing_procs2 );
5276  sharing_handles.swap( sharing_handles2 );
5277  }
5279  assert( sharing_procs.size() != 2 );
5280  proc_nvecs[sharing_procs].push_back( this_ent );
5282  unsigned char share_flag = PSTATUS_SHARED, ms_flag = ( PSTATUS_SHARED | PSTATUS_MULTISHARED );
5283  if( sharing_procs.size() == 1 )
5284  {
5285  tag_procs.push_back( sharing_procs[0] );
5286  tag_lhandles.push_back( this_ent );
5287  tag_rhandles.push_back( sharing_handles[0] );
5288  pstatus.push_back( share_flag );
5289  }
5290  else
5291  {
5292  // Pad lists
5293  // assert(sharing_procs.size() <= MAX_SHARING_PROCS);
5294  if( sharing_procs.size() > MAX_SHARING_PROCS )
5295  {
5296  std::cerr << "MAX_SHARING_PROCS exceeded for vertex " << this_ent << " on process "
5297  << proc_config().proc_rank() << std::endl;
5298  std::cerr.flush();
5299  MPI_Abort( proc_config().proc_comm(), 66 );
5300  }
5301  sharing_procs.resize( MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1 );
5302  sharing_handles.resize( MAX_SHARING_PROCS, 0 );
5303  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( shps_tag, &this_ent, 1, &sharing_procs[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharedps tag on shared vertex" );
5304  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( shhs_tag, &this_ent, 1, &sharing_handles[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharedhs tag on shared vertex" );
5305  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( pstat_tag, &this_ent, 1, &ms_flag );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set pstatus tag on shared vertex" );
5306  sharedEnts.insert( this_ent );
5307  }
5309  // Reset sharing proc(s) tags
5310  sharing_procs.clear();
5311  sharing_handles.clear();
5312  }
5314  if( !tag_procs.empty() )
5315  {
5316  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( shp_tag, &tag_lhandles[0], tag_procs.size(), &tag_procs[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharedp tag on shared vertex" );
5317  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( shh_tag, &tag_lhandles[0], tag_procs.size(), &tag_rhandles[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharedh tag on shared vertex" );
5318  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( pstat_tag, &tag_lhandles[0], tag_procs.size(), &pstatus[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set pstatus tag on shared vertex" );
5319  for( std::vector< EntityHandle >::iterator vvt = tag_lhandles.begin(); vvt != tag_lhandles.end(); vvt++ )
5320  sharedEnts.insert( *vvt );
5321  }
5323 #ifndef NDEBUG
5324  // Shouldn't be any repeated entities in any of the vectors in proc_nvecs
5325  for( std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > >::iterator mit = proc_nvecs.begin();
5326  mit != proc_nvecs.end(); ++mit )
5327  {
5328  std::vector< EntityHandle > tmp_vec = ( mit->second );
5329  std::sort( tmp_vec.begin(), tmp_vec.end() );
5330  std::vector< EntityHandle >::iterator vit = std::unique( tmp_vec.begin(), tmp_vec.end() );
5331  assert( vit == tmp_vec.end() );
5332  }
5333 #endif
5335  return MB_SUCCESS;
5336 }
5339  Range* skin_ents,
5340  std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > >& proc_nvecs,
5341  Range& /*proc_verts*/ )
5342 {
5343  Tag shp_tag, shps_tag, shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag;
5344  ErrorCode result = get_shared_proc_tags( shp_tag, shps_tag, shh_tag, shhs_tag, pstat_tag );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get shared proc tags in tag_shared_verts" );
5346  unsigned int j = 0, i = 0;
5347  std::vector< int > sharing_procs, sharing_procs2;
5348  std::vector< EntityHandle > sharing_handles, sharing_handles2, skin_verts( skin_ents[0].size() );
5349  for( Range::iterator rit = skin_ents[0].begin(); rit != skin_ents[0].end(); ++rit, i++ )
5350  skin_verts[i] = *rit;
5351  i = 0;
5353  while( j < 2 * shared_ents.get_n() )
5354  {
5355  // Count & accumulate sharing procs
5356  int this_idx = shared_ents.vi_rd[j];
5357  EntityHandle this_ent = skin_verts[this_idx];
5358  while( j < 2 * shared_ents.get_n() && shared_ents.vi_rd[j] == this_idx )
5359  {
5360  j++;
5361  // Shouldn't have same proc
5362  assert( shared_ents.vi_rd[j] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank() );
5363  sharing_procs.push_back( shared_ents.vi_rd[j++] );
5364  sharing_handles.push_back( shared_ents.vul_rd[i++] );
5365  }
5367  if( sharing_procs.size() > 1 )
5368  {
5369  // Add current proc/handle to list
5370  sharing_procs.push_back( procConfig.proc_rank() );
5371  sharing_handles.push_back( this_ent );
5372  }
5374  // Sort sharing_procs and sharing_handles such that
5375  // sharing_procs is in ascending order. Use temporary
5376  // lists and binary search to re-order sharing_handles.
5377  sharing_procs2 = sharing_procs;
5378  std::sort( sharing_procs2.begin(), sharing_procs2.end() );
5379  sharing_handles2.resize( sharing_handles.size() );
5380  for( size_t k = 0; k < sharing_handles.size(); k++ )
5381  {
5382  size_t idx = std::lower_bound( sharing_procs2.begin(), sharing_procs2.end(), sharing_procs[k] ) -
5383  sharing_procs2.begin();
5384  sharing_handles2[idx] = sharing_handles[k];
5385  }
5386  sharing_procs.swap( sharing_procs2 );
5387  sharing_handles.swap( sharing_handles2 );
5389  assert( sharing_procs.size() != 2 );
5390  proc_nvecs[sharing_procs].push_back( this_ent );
5392  unsigned char share_flag = PSTATUS_SHARED, ms_flag = ( PSTATUS_SHARED | PSTATUS_MULTISHARED );
5393  if( sharing_procs.size() == 1 )
5394  {
5395  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( shp_tag, &this_ent, 1, &sharing_procs[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharedp tag on shared vertex" );
5396  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( shh_tag, &this_ent, 1, &sharing_handles[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharedh tag on shared vertex" );
5397  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( pstat_tag, &this_ent, 1, &share_flag );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set pstatus tag on shared vertex" );
5398  sharedEnts.insert( this_ent );
5399  }
5400  else
5401  {
5402  // Pad lists
5403  // assert(sharing_procs.size() <= MAX_SHARING_PROCS);
5404  if( sharing_procs.size() > MAX_SHARING_PROCS )
5405  {
5406  std::cerr << "MAX_SHARING_PROCS exceeded for vertex " << this_ent << " on process "
5407  << proc_config().proc_rank() << std::endl;
5408  std::cerr.flush();
5409  MPI_Abort( proc_config().proc_comm(), 66 );
5410  }
5411  sharing_procs.resize( MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1 );
5412  sharing_handles.resize( MAX_SHARING_PROCS, 0 );
5413  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( shps_tag, &this_ent, 1, &sharing_procs[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharedps tag on shared vertex" );
5414  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( shhs_tag, &this_ent, 1, &sharing_handles[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharedhs tag on shared vertex" );
5415  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( pstat_tag, &this_ent, 1, &ms_flag );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set pstatus tag on shared vertex" );
5416  sharedEnts.insert( this_ent );
5417  }
5419  // Reset sharing proc(s) tags
5420  sharing_procs.clear();
5421  sharing_handles.clear();
5422  }
5424 #ifndef NDEBUG
5425  // Shouldn't be any repeated entities in any of the vectors in proc_nvecs
5426  for( std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > >::iterator mit = proc_nvecs.begin();
5427  mit != proc_nvecs.end(); ++mit )
5428  {
5429  std::vector< EntityHandle > tmp_vec = ( mit->second );
5430  std::sort( tmp_vec.begin(), tmp_vec.end() );
5431  std::vector< EntityHandle >::iterator vit = std::unique( tmp_vec.begin(), tmp_vec.end() );
5432  assert( vit == tmp_vec.end() );
5433  }
5434 #endif
5436  return MB_SUCCESS;
5437 }
5439 //! Get processors with which this processor communicates; sets are sorted by processor
5440 ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_interface_procs( std::set< unsigned int >& procs_set, bool get_buffs )
5441 {
5442  // Make sure the sharing procs vector is empty
5443  procs_set.clear();
5445  // Pre-load vector of single-proc tag values
5446  unsigned int i, j;
5447  std::vector< int > iface_proc( interfaceSets.size() );
5448  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedp_tag(), interfaceSets, &iface_proc[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get iface_proc for iface sets" );
5450  // Get sharing procs either from single-proc vector or by getting
5451  // multi-proc tag value
5452  int tmp_iface_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
5453  std::fill( tmp_iface_procs, tmp_iface_procs + MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1 );
5454  Range::iterator rit;
5455  for( rit = interfaceSets.begin(), i = 0; rit != interfaceSets.end(); ++rit, i++ )
5456  {
5457  if( -1 != iface_proc[i] )
5458  {
5459  assert( iface_proc[i] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank() );
5460  procs_set.insert( (unsigned int)iface_proc[i] );
5461  }
5462  else
5463  {
5464  // Get the sharing_procs tag
5465  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedps_tag(), &( *rit ), 1, tmp_iface_procs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get iface_procs for iface set" );
5466  for( j = 0; j < MAX_SHARING_PROCS; j++ )
5467  {
5468  if( -1 != tmp_iface_procs[j] && tmp_iface_procs[j] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank() )
5469  procs_set.insert( (unsigned int)tmp_iface_procs[j] );
5470  else if( -1 == tmp_iface_procs[j] )
5471  {
5472  std::fill( tmp_iface_procs, tmp_iface_procs + j, -1 );
5473  break;
5474  }
5475  }
5476  }
5477  }
5479  if( get_buffs )
5480  {
5481  for( std::set< unsigned int >::iterator sit = procs_set.begin(); sit != procs_set.end(); ++sit )
5482  get_buffers( *sit );
5483  }
5485  return MB_SUCCESS;
5486 }
5488 ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_pstatus( EntityHandle entity, unsigned char& pstatus_val )
5489 {
5490  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( pstatus_tag(), &entity, 1, &pstatus_val );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get pastatus tag data" );
5491  return result;
5492 }
5494 ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_pstatus_entities( int dim, unsigned char pstatus_val, Range& pstatus_ents )
5495 {
5496  Range ents;
5497  ErrorCode result;
5499  if( -1 == dim )
5500  {
5501  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle( 0, ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get all entities" );
5502  }
5503  else
5504  {
5505  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension( 0, dim, ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get entities of dimension " << dim );
5506  }
5508  std::vector< unsigned char > pstatus( ents.size() );
5509  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( pstatus_tag(), ents, &pstatus[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get pastatus tag data" );
5510  Range::iterator rit = ents.begin();
5511  int i = 0;
5512  if( pstatus_val )
5513  {
5514  for( ; rit != ents.end(); i++, ++rit )
5515  {
5516  if( pstatus[i] & pstatus_val && ( -1 == dim || mbImpl->dimension_from_handle( *rit ) == dim ) )
5517  pstatus_ents.insert( *rit );
5518  }
5519  }
5520  else
5521  {
5522  for( ; rit != ents.end(); i++, ++rit )
5523  {
5524  if( !pstatus[i] && ( -1 == dim || mbImpl->dimension_from_handle( *rit ) == dim ) )
5525  pstatus_ents.insert( *rit );
5526  }
5527  }
5529  return MB_SUCCESS;
5530 }
5533  const int dimension,
5534  const int start_id,
5535  const bool largest_dim_only,
5536  const bool parallel,
5537  const bool owned_only )
5538 {
5539  // Global id tag
5540  Tag gid_tag = mbImpl->globalId_tag();
5541  int def_val = -1;
5542  Range dum_range;
5544  void* tag_ptr = &def_val;
5545  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( this_set, MBVERTEX, &gid_tag, &tag_ptr, 1, dum_range );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get entities by MBVERTEX type and gid tag" );
5547  if( !dum_range.empty() )
5548  {
5549  // Just created it, so we need global ids
5550  result = assign_global_ids( this_set, dimension, start_id, largest_dim_only, parallel, owned_only );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed assigning global ids" );
5551  }
5553  return MB_SUCCESS;
5554 }
5556 bool ParallelComm::is_iface_proc( EntityHandle this_set, int to_proc )
5557 {
5558  int sharing_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
5559  std::fill( sharing_procs, sharing_procs + MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1 );
5560  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedp_tag(), &this_set, 1, sharing_procs );
5561  if( MB_SUCCESS == result && to_proc == sharing_procs[0] ) return true;
5563  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedps_tag(), &this_set, 1, sharing_procs );
5564  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return false;
5566  for( int i = 0; i < MAX_SHARING_PROCS; i++ )
5567  {
5568  if( to_proc == sharing_procs[i] )
5569  return true;
5570  else if( -1 == sharing_procs[i] )
5571  return false;
5572  }
5574  return false;
5575 }
5578  unsigned char pstat,
5579  unsigned char op,
5580  int to_proc,
5581  Range* returned_ents )
5582 {
5583  Range tmp_ents;
5585  // assert(!ents.empty());
5586  if( ents.empty() )
5587  {
5588  if( returned_ents ) returned_ents->clear();
5589  return MB_SUCCESS;
5590  }
5592  // Put into tmp_ents any entities which are not owned locally or
5593  // who are already shared with to_proc
5594  std::vector< unsigned char > shared_flags( ents.size() ), shared_flags2;
5595  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( pstatus_tag(), ents, &shared_flags[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get pstatus flag" );
5596  Range::const_iterator rit, hint = tmp_ents.begin();
5597  ;
5598  int i;
5599  if( op == PSTATUS_OR )
5600  {
5601  for( rit = ents.begin(), i = 0; rit != ents.end(); ++rit, i++ )
5602  {
5603  if( ( ( shared_flags[i] & ~pstat ) ^ shared_flags[i] ) & pstat )
5604  {
5605  hint = tmp_ents.insert( hint, *rit );
5606  if( -1 != to_proc ) shared_flags2.push_back( shared_flags[i] );
5607  }
5608  }
5609  }
5610  else if( op == PSTATUS_AND )
5611  {
5612  for( rit = ents.begin(), i = 0; rit != ents.end(); ++rit, i++ )
5613  {
5614  if( ( shared_flags[i] & pstat ) == pstat )
5615  {
5616  hint = tmp_ents.insert( hint, *rit );
5617  if( -1 != to_proc ) shared_flags2.push_back( shared_flags[i] );
5618  }
5619  }
5620  }
5621  else if( op == PSTATUS_NOT )
5622  {
5623  for( rit = ents.begin(), i = 0; rit != ents.end(); ++rit, i++ )
5624  {
5625  if( !( shared_flags[i] & pstat ) )
5626  {
5627  hint = tmp_ents.insert( hint, *rit );
5628  if( -1 != to_proc ) shared_flags2.push_back( shared_flags[i] );
5629  }
5630  }
5631  }
5632  else
5633  {
5634  assert( false );
5635  return MB_FAILURE;
5636  }
5638  if( -1 != to_proc )
5639  {
5640  int sharing_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
5641  std::fill( sharing_procs, sharing_procs + MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1 );
5642  Range tmp_ents2;
5643  hint = tmp_ents2.begin();
5645  for( rit = tmp_ents.begin(), i = 0; rit != tmp_ents.end(); ++rit, i++ )
5646  {
5647  // We need to check sharing procs
5648  if( shared_flags2[i] & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED )
5649  {
5650  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedps_tag(), &( *rit ), 1, sharing_procs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedps tag" );
5651  assert( -1 != sharing_procs[0] );
5652  for( unsigned int j = 0; j < MAX_SHARING_PROCS; j++ )
5653  {
5654  // If to_proc shares this entity, add it to list
5655  if( sharing_procs[j] == to_proc )
5656  {
5657  hint = tmp_ents2.insert( hint, *rit );
5658  }
5659  else if( -1 == sharing_procs[j] )
5660  break;
5662  sharing_procs[j] = -1;
5663  }
5664  }
5665  else if( shared_flags2[i] & PSTATUS_SHARED )
5666  {
5667  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedp_tag(), &( *rit ), 1, sharing_procs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedp tag" );
5668  assert( -1 != sharing_procs[0] );
5669  if( sharing_procs[0] == to_proc ) hint = tmp_ents2.insert( hint, *rit );
5670  sharing_procs[0] = -1;
5671  }
5672  else
5673  assert( "should never get here" && false );
5674  }
5676  tmp_ents.swap( tmp_ents2 );
5677  }
5679  if( returned_ents )
5680  returned_ents->swap( tmp_ents );
5681  else
5682  ents.swap( tmp_ents );
5684  return MB_SUCCESS;
5685 }
5688  int bridge_dim,
5689  int num_layers,
5690  int addl_ents,
5691  bool store_remote_handles,
5692  bool wait_all,
5693  EntityHandle* file_set )
5694 {
5695 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
5696  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
5697  {
5698  if( !num_layers )
5699  MPE_Log_event( IFACE_START, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Starting interface exchange." );
5700  else
5701  MPE_Log_event( GHOST_START, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Starting ghost exchange." );
5702  }
5703 #endif
5705  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Entering exchange_ghost_cells with num_layers = %d\n", num_layers );
5706  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4 )
5707  {
5708  msgs.clear();
5709  msgs.reserve( MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
5710  }
5712  // If we're only finding out about existing ents, we have to be storing
5713  // remote handles too
5714  assert( num_layers > 0 || store_remote_handles );
5716  const bool is_iface = !num_layers;
5718  // Get the b-dimensional interface(s) with with_proc, where b = bridge_dim
5720  int success;
5721  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
5722  int incoming1 = 0, incoming2 = 0;
5726  // When this function is called, buffProcs should already have any
5727  // communicating procs
5729  //===========================================
5730  // Post ghost irecv's for ghost entities from all communicating procs
5731  //===========================================
5732 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
5733  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
5734  {
5735  MPE_Log_event( ENTITIES_START, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Starting entity exchange." );
5736  }
5737 #endif
5739  // Index reqs the same as buffer/sharing procs indices
5740  std::vector< MPI_Request > recv_ent_reqs( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL ),
5741  recv_remoteh_reqs( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
5742  std::vector< unsigned int >::iterator proc_it;
5743  int ind, p;
5744  sendReqs.resize( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
5745  for( ind = 0, proc_it = buffProcs.begin(); proc_it != buffProcs.end(); ++proc_it, ind++ )
5746  {
5747  incoming1++;
5749  MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, incoming1 );
5750  success = MPI_Irecv( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, buffProcs[ind],
5751  MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_comm(), &recv_ent_reqs[3 * ind] );
5752  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS )
5753  {
5754  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to post irecv in ghost exchange" );
5755  }
5756  }
5758  //===========================================
5759  // Get entities to be sent to neighbors
5760  //===========================================
5761  Range sent_ents[MAX_SHARING_PROCS], allsent, tmp_range;
5762  TupleList entprocs;
5763  int dum_ack_buff;
5764  result = get_sent_ents( is_iface, bridge_dim, ghost_dim, num_layers, addl_ents, sent_ents, allsent, entprocs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "get_sent_ents failed" );
5766  // augment file set with the entities to be sent
5767  // we might have created new entities if addl_ents>0, edges and/or faces
5768  if( addl_ents > 0 && file_set && !allsent.empty() )
5769  {
5770  result = mbImpl->add_entities( *file_set, allsent );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to add new sub-entities to set" );
5771  }
5772  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "allsent ents compactness (size) = %f (%lu)\n", allsent.compactness(),
5773  (unsigned long)allsent.size() );
5775  //===========================================
5776  // Pack and send ents from this proc to others
5777  //===========================================
5778  for( p = 0, proc_it = buffProcs.begin(); proc_it != buffProcs.end(); ++proc_it, p++ )
5779  {
5780  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Sent ents compactness (size) = %f (%lu)\n", sent_ents[p].compactness(),
5781  (unsigned long)sent_ents[p].size() );
5783  // Reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size
5784  localOwnedBuffs[p]->reset_buffer( sizeof( int ) );
5786  // Entities
5787  result = pack_entities( sent_ents[p], localOwnedBuffs[p], store_remote_handles, buffProcs[p], is_iface,
5788  &entprocs, &allsent );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Packing entities failed" );
5790  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4 )
5791  {
5792  msgs.resize( msgs.size() + 1 );
5793  msgs.back() = new Buffer( *localOwnedBuffs[p] );
5794  }
5796  // Send the buffer (size stored in front in send_buffer)
5797  result = send_buffer( *proc_it, localOwnedBuffs[p], MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, sendReqs[3 * p],
5798  recv_ent_reqs[3 * p + 2], &dum_ack_buff, incoming1, MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE,
5799  ( !is_iface && store_remote_handles ? // this used for ghosting only
5800  localOwnedBuffs[p]
5801  : NULL ),
5802  &recv_remoteh_reqs[3 * p], &incoming2 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to Isend in ghost exchange" );
5803  }
5805  entprocs.reset();
5807  //===========================================
5808  // Receive/unpack new entities
5809  //===========================================
5810  // Number of incoming messages for ghosts is the number of procs we
5811  // communicate with; for iface, it's the number of those with lower rank
5812  MPI_Status status;
5813  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > recd_ents( buffProcs.size() );
5814  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > L1hloc( buffProcs.size() ), L1hrem( buffProcs.size() );
5815  std::vector< std::vector< int > > L1p( buffProcs.size() );
5816  std::vector< EntityHandle > L2hloc, L2hrem;
5817  std::vector< unsigned int > L2p;
5818  std::vector< EntityHandle > new_ents;
5820  while( incoming1 )
5821  {
5822  // Wait for all recvs of ghost ents before proceeding to sending remote handles,
5823  // b/c some procs may have sent to a 3rd proc ents owned by me;
5826  success = MPI_Waitany( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &recv_ent_reqs[0], &ind, &status );
5827  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
5828  {
5829  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitany in ghost exchange" );
5830  }
5832  PRINT_DEBUG_RECD( status );
5834  // OK, received something; decrement incoming counter
5835  incoming1--;
5836  bool done = false;
5838  // In case ind is for ack, we need index of one before it
5839  unsigned int base_ind = 3 * ( ind / 3 );
5840  result = recv_buffer( MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, status, remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 3], recv_ent_reqs[base_ind + 1],
5841  recv_ent_reqs[base_ind + 2], incoming1, localOwnedBuffs[ind / 3], sendReqs[base_ind + 1],
5842  sendReqs[base_ind + 2], done,
5843  ( !is_iface && store_remote_handles ? localOwnedBuffs[ind / 3] : NULL ),
5844  MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, // maybe base_ind+1?
5845  &recv_remoteh_reqs[base_ind + 1], &incoming2 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to receive buffer" );
5847  if( done )
5848  {
5849  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4 )
5850  {
5851  msgs.resize( msgs.size() + 1 );
5852  msgs.back() = new Buffer( *remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 3] );
5853  }
5855  // Message completely received - process buffer that was sent
5856  remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 3]->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
5857  result = unpack_entities( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 3]->buff_ptr, store_remote_handles, ind / 3, is_iface,
5858  L1hloc, L1hrem, L1p, L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p, new_ents );
5859  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
5860  {
5861  std::cout << "Failed to unpack entities. Buffer contents:" << std::endl;
5862  print_buffer( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 3]->mem_ptr, MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, buffProcs[ind / 3], false );
5863  return result;
5864  }
5866  if( recv_ent_reqs.size() != 3 * buffProcs.size() )
5867  {
5868  // Post irecv's for remote handles from new proc; shouldn't be iface,
5869  // since we know about all procs we share with
5870  assert( !is_iface );
5871  recv_remoteh_reqs.resize( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
5872  for( unsigned int i = recv_ent_reqs.size(); i < 3 * buffProcs.size(); i += 3 )
5873  {
5874  localOwnedBuffs[i / 3]->reset_buffer();
5875  incoming2++;
5876  PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV( procConfig.proc_rank(), buffProcs[i / 3], localOwnedBuffs[i / 3]->mem_ptr,
5878  success = MPI_Irecv( localOwnedBuffs[i / 3]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,
5880  &recv_remoteh_reqs[i] );
5881  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS )
5882  {
5883  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to post irecv for remote handles in ghost exchange" );
5884  }
5885  }
5886  recv_ent_reqs.resize( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
5887  sendReqs.resize( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
5888  }
5889  }
5890  }
5892  // Add requests for any new addl procs
5893  if( recv_ent_reqs.size() != 3 * buffProcs.size() )
5894  {
5895  // Shouldn't get here...
5896  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Requests length doesn't match proc count in ghost exchange" );
5897  }
5899 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
5900  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
5901  {
5902  MPE_Log_event( ENTITIES_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending entity exchange." );
5903  }
5904 #endif
5906  if( is_iface )
5907  {
5908  // Need to check over entities I sent and make sure I received
5909  // handles for them from all expected procs; if not, need to clean
5910  // them up
5911  result = check_clean_iface( allsent );
5912  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) std::cout << "Failed check." << std::endl;
5914  // Now set the shared/interface tag on non-vertex entities on interface
5915  result = tag_iface_entities();MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to tag iface entities" );
5917 #ifndef NDEBUG
5918  result = check_sent_ents( allsent );
5919  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) std::cout << "Failed check." << std::endl;
5920  result = check_all_shared_handles( true );
5921  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) std::cout << "Failed check." << std::endl;
5922 #endif
5924 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
5925  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
5926  {
5927  MPE_Log_event( IFACE_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending interface exchange." );
5928  }
5929 #endif
5931  //===========================================
5932  // Wait if requested
5933  //===========================================
5934  if( wait_all )
5935  {
5936  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 5 )
5937  {
5938  success = MPI_Barrier( procConfig.proc_comm() );
5939  }
5940  else
5941  {
5942  MPI_Status mult_status[3 * MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
5943  success = MPI_Waitall( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &recv_ent_reqs[0], mult_status );
5944  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
5945  {
5946  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitall in ghost exchange" );
5947  }
5948  success = MPI_Waitall( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &sendReqs[0], mult_status );
5949  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
5950  {
5951  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitall in ghost exchange" );
5952  }
5953  /*success = MPI_Waitall(3*buffProcs.size(), &recv_remoteh_reqs[0], mult_status);
5954  if (MPI_SUCCESS != success) {
5955  MB_SET_ERR(MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitall in ghost exchange");
5956  }*/
5957  }
5958  }
5960  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Total number of shared entities = %lu.\n", (unsigned long)sharedEnts.size() );
5961  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Exiting exchange_ghost_cells for is_iface==true \n" );
5963  return MB_SUCCESS;
5964  }
5966  // we still need to wait on sendReqs, if they are not fulfilled yet
5967  if( wait_all )
5968  {
5969  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 5 )
5970  {
5971  success = MPI_Barrier( procConfig.proc_comm() );
5972  }
5973  else
5974  {
5975  MPI_Status mult_status[3 * MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
5976  success = MPI_Waitall( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &sendReqs[0], mult_status );
5977  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
5978  {
5979  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitall in ghost exchange" );
5980  }
5981  }
5982  }
5983  //===========================================
5984  // Send local handles for new ghosts to owner, then add
5985  // those to ghost list for that owner
5986  //===========================================
5987  for( p = 0, proc_it = buffProcs.begin(); proc_it != buffProcs.end(); ++proc_it, p++ )
5988  {
5990  // Reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size
5991  remoteOwnedBuffs[p]->reset_buffer( sizeof( int ) );
5993  result = pack_remote_handles( L1hloc[p], L1hrem[p], L1p[p], *proc_it, remoteOwnedBuffs[p] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to pack remote handles" );
5994  remoteOwnedBuffs[p]->set_stored_size();
5996  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4 )
5997  {
5998  msgs.resize( msgs.size() + 1 );
5999  msgs.back() = new Buffer( *remoteOwnedBuffs[p] );
6000  }
6002  recv_remoteh_reqs[3 * p + 2], &dum_ack_buff, incoming2 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to send remote handles" );
6003  }
6005  //===========================================
6006  // Process remote handles of my ghosteds
6007  //===========================================
6008  while( incoming2 )
6009  {
6011  success = MPI_Waitany( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &recv_remoteh_reqs[0], &ind, &status );
6012  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
6013  {
6014  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitany in ghost exchange" );
6015  }
6017  // OK, received something; decrement incoming counter
6018  incoming2--;
6020  PRINT_DEBUG_RECD( status );
6022  bool done = false;
6023  unsigned int base_ind = 3 * ( ind / 3 );
6024  result = recv_buffer( MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, status, localOwnedBuffs[ind / 3], recv_remoteh_reqs[base_ind + 1],
6025  recv_remoteh_reqs[base_ind + 2], incoming2, remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 3],
6026  sendReqs[base_ind + 1], sendReqs[base_ind + 2], done );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to receive remote handles" );
6027  if( done )
6028  {
6029  // Incoming remote handles
6030  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4 )
6031  {
6032  msgs.resize( msgs.size() + 1 );
6033  msgs.back() = new Buffer( *localOwnedBuffs[ind / 3] );
6034  }
6035  localOwnedBuffs[ind / 3]->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
6036  result =
6037  unpack_remote_handles( buffProcs[ind / 3], localOwnedBuffs[ind / 3]->buff_ptr, L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to unpack remote handles" );
6038  }
6039  }
6041 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
6042  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
6043  {
6044  MPE_Log_event( RHANDLES_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending remote handles." );
6045  MPE_Log_event( GHOST_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending ghost exchange (still doing checks)." );
6046  }
6047 #endif
6049  //===========================================
6050  // Wait if requested
6051  //===========================================
6052  if( wait_all )
6053  {
6054  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 5 )
6055  {
6056  success = MPI_Barrier( procConfig.proc_comm() );
6057  }
6058  else
6059  {
6060  MPI_Status mult_status[3 * MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
6061  success = MPI_Waitall( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &recv_remoteh_reqs[0], mult_status );
6062  if( MPI_SUCCESS == success ) success = MPI_Waitall( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &sendReqs[0], mult_status );
6063  }
6064  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
6065  {
6066  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitall in ghost exchange" );
6067  }
6068  }
6070 #ifndef NDEBUG
6071  result = check_sent_ents( allsent );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed check on shared entities" );
6072  result = check_all_shared_handles( true );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed check on all shared handles" );
6073 #endif
6075  if( file_set && !new_ents.empty() )
6076  {
6077  result = mbImpl->add_entities( *file_set, &new_ents[0], new_ents.size() );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to add new entities to set" );
6078  }
6080  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Total number of shared entities = %lu.\n", (unsigned long)sharedEnts.size() );
6081  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Exiting exchange_ghost_cells for is_iface==false \n" );
6083  return MB_SUCCESS;
6084 }
6086 ErrorCode ParallelComm::send_buffer( const unsigned int to_proc,
6087  Buffer* send_buff,
6088  int mesg_tag,
6089  MPI_Request& send_req,
6090  MPI_Request& ack_req,
6091  int* ack_buff,
6092  int& this_incoming,
6093  int next_mesg_tag,
6094  Buffer* next_recv_buff,
6095  MPI_Request* next_recv_req,
6096  int* next_incoming )
6097 {
6098  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
6099  int success;
6101  // If small message, post recv for remote handle message
6102  if( send_buff->get_stored_size() <= (int)INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE && next_recv_buff )
6103  {
6104  ( *next_incoming )++;
6105  PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV( procConfig.proc_rank(), to_proc, next_recv_buff->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, next_mesg_tag,
6106  *next_incoming );
6107  success = MPI_Irecv( next_recv_buff->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, to_proc, next_mesg_tag,
6108  procConfig.proc_comm(), next_recv_req );
6109  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS )
6110  {
6111  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to post irecv for next message in ghost exchange" );
6112  }
6113  }
6114  // If large, we'll need an ack before sending the rest
6115  else if( send_buff->get_stored_size() > (int)INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE )
6116  {
6117  this_incoming++;
6118  PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV( procConfig.proc_rank(), to_proc, (unsigned char*)ack_buff, sizeof( int ), mesg_tag - 1,
6119  this_incoming );
6120  success = MPI_Irecv( (void*)ack_buff, sizeof( int ), MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, to_proc, mesg_tag - 1,
6121  procConfig.proc_comm(), &ack_req );
6122  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS )
6123  {
6124  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to post irecv for entity ack in ghost exchange" );
6125  }
6126  }
6128  // Send the buffer
6129  PRINT_DEBUG_ISEND( procConfig.proc_rank(), to_proc, send_buff->mem_ptr, mesg_tag,
6130  std::min( send_buff->get_stored_size(), (int)INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE ) );
6131  assert( 0 <= send_buff->get_stored_size() && send_buff->get_stored_size() <= (int)send_buff->alloc_size );
6132  success = MPI_Isend( send_buff->mem_ptr, std::min( send_buff->get_stored_size(), (int)INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE ),
6133  MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, to_proc, mesg_tag, procConfig.proc_comm(), &send_req );
6134  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS ) return MB_FAILURE;
6136  return result;
6137 }
6139 ErrorCode ParallelComm::recv_buffer( int mesg_tag_expected,
6140  const MPI_Status& mpi_status,
6141  Buffer* recv_buff,
6142  MPI_Request& recv_req,
6143  MPI_Request& /*ack_recvd_req*/,
6144  int& this_incoming,
6145  Buffer* send_buff,
6146  MPI_Request& send_req,
6147  MPI_Request& sent_ack_req,
6148  bool& done,
6149  Buffer* next_buff,
6150  int next_tag,
6151  MPI_Request* next_req,
6152  int* next_incoming )
6153 {
6154  // Process a received message; if there will be more coming,
6155  // post a receive for 2nd part then send an ack message
6156  int from_proc = mpi_status.MPI_SOURCE;
6157  int success;
6159  // Set the buff_ptr on the recv_buffer; needs to point beyond any
6160  // valid data already in the buffer
6161  recv_buff->reset_ptr( std::min( recv_buff->get_stored_size(), (int)recv_buff->alloc_size ) );
6163  if( mpi_status.MPI_TAG == mesg_tag_expected && recv_buff->get_stored_size() > (int)INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE )
6164  {
6165  // 1st message & large - allocate buffer, post irecv for 2nd message,
6166  // then send ack
6167  recv_buff->reserve( recv_buff->get_stored_size() );
6168  assert( recv_buff->alloc_size > INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE );
6170  // Will expect a 2nd message
6171  this_incoming++;
6173  PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV( procConfig.proc_rank(), from_proc, recv_buff->mem_ptr + INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE,
6174  recv_buff->get_stored_size() - INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, mesg_tag_expected + 1, this_incoming );
6175  success = MPI_Irecv( recv_buff->mem_ptr + INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, recv_buff->get_stored_size() - INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE,
6176  MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, from_proc, mesg_tag_expected + 1, procConfig.proc_comm(), &recv_req );
6177  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS )
6178  {
6179  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to post 2nd iRecv in ghost exchange" );
6180  }
6182  // Send ack, doesn't matter what data actually is
6183  PRINT_DEBUG_ISEND( procConfig.proc_rank(), from_proc, recv_buff->mem_ptr, mesg_tag_expected - 1,
6184  sizeof( int ) );
6185  success = MPI_Isend( recv_buff->mem_ptr, sizeof( int ), MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, from_proc, mesg_tag_expected - 1,
6186  procConfig.proc_comm(), &sent_ack_req );
6187  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS )
6188  {
6189  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to send ack in ghost exchange" );
6190  }
6191  }
6192  else if( mpi_status.MPI_TAG == mesg_tag_expected - 1 )
6193  {
6194  // Got an ack back, send the 2nd half of message
6196  // Should be a large message if we got this
6197  assert( *( (size_t*)send_buff->mem_ptr ) > INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE );
6199  // Post irecv for next message, then send 2nd message
6200  if( next_buff )
6201  {
6202  // We'll expect a return message
6203  ( *next_incoming )++;
6204  PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV( procConfig.proc_rank(), from_proc, next_buff->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, next_tag,
6205  *next_incoming );
6207  success = MPI_Irecv( next_buff->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, from_proc, next_tag,
6208  procConfig.proc_comm(), next_req );
6209  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS )
6210  {
6211  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to post next irecv in ghost exchange" );
6212  }
6213  }
6215  // Send 2nd message
6216  PRINT_DEBUG_ISEND( procConfig.proc_rank(), from_proc, send_buff->mem_ptr + INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE,
6217  mesg_tag_expected + 1, send_buff->get_stored_size() - INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE );
6219  assert( send_buff->get_stored_size() - INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE < send_buff->alloc_size &&
6220  0 <= send_buff->get_stored_size() );
6221  success = MPI_Isend( send_buff->mem_ptr + INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, send_buff->get_stored_size() - INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE,
6222  MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, from_proc, mesg_tag_expected + 1, procConfig.proc_comm(), &send_req );
6223  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS )
6224  {
6225  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to send 2nd message in ghost exchange" );
6226  }
6227  }
6228  else if( ( mpi_status.MPI_TAG == mesg_tag_expected && recv_buff->get_stored_size() <= (int)INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE ) ||
6229  mpi_status.MPI_TAG == mesg_tag_expected + 1 )
6230  {
6231  // Message completely received - signal that we're done
6232  done = true;
6233  }
6235  return MB_SUCCESS;
6236 }
6238 struct ProcList
6239 {
6241 };
6242 static bool operator<( const ProcList& a, const ProcList& b )
6243 {
6244  for( int i = 0; i < MAX_SHARING_PROCS; i++ )
6245  {
6246  if( a.procs[i] < b.procs[i] )
6247  return true;
6248  else if( b.procs[i] < a.procs[i] )
6249  return false;
6250  else if( a.procs[i] < 0 )
6251  return false;
6252  }
6253  return false;
6254 }
6257 {
6258  // allsent is all entities I think are on interface; go over them, looking
6259  // for zero-valued handles, and fix any I find
6261  // Keep lists of entities for which teh sharing data changed, grouped
6262  // by set of sharing procs.
6263  typedef std::map< ProcList, Range > procmap_t;
6264  procmap_t old_procs, new_procs;
6266  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
6267  Range::iterator rit;
6269  unsigned char pstatus;
6270  int nump;
6271  ProcList sharedp;
6273  for( rvit = allsent.rbegin(); rvit != allsent.rend(); ++rvit )
6274  {
6275  result = get_sharing_data( *rvit, sharedp.procs, sharedh, pstatus, nump );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharing data" );
6276  assert( "Should be shared with at least one other proc" &&
6277  ( nump > 1 || sharedp.procs[0] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank() ) );
6278  assert( nump == MAX_SHARING_PROCS || sharedp.procs[nump] == -1 );
6280  // Look for first null handle in list
6281  int idx = std::find( sharedh, sharedh + nump, (EntityHandle)0 ) - sharedh;
6282  if( idx == nump ) continue; // All handles are valid
6284  ProcList old_list( sharedp );
6285  std::sort( old_list.procs, old_list.procs + nump );
6286  old_procs[old_list].insert( *rvit );
6288  // Remove null handles and corresponding proc ranks from lists
6289  int new_nump = idx;
6290  bool removed_owner = !idx;
6291  for( ++idx; idx < nump; ++idx )
6292  {
6293  if( sharedh[idx] )
6294  {
6295  sharedh[new_nump] = sharedh[idx];
6296  sharedp.procs[new_nump] = sharedp.procs[idx];
6297  ++new_nump;
6298  }
6299  }
6300  sharedp.procs[new_nump] = -1;
6302  if( removed_owner && new_nump > 1 )
6303  {
6304  // The proc that we choose as the entity owner isn't sharing the
6305  // entity (doesn't have a copy of it). We need to pick a different
6306  // owner. Choose the proc with lowest rank.
6307  idx = std::min_element( sharedp.procs, sharedp.procs + new_nump ) - sharedp.procs;
6308  std::swap( sharedp.procs[0], sharedp.procs[idx] );
6309  std::swap( sharedh[0], sharedh[idx] );
6310  if( sharedp.procs[0] == (int)proc_config().proc_rank() ) pstatus &= ~PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
6311  }
6313  result = set_sharing_data( *rvit, pstatus, nump, new_nump, sharedp.procs, sharedh );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharing data in check_clean_iface" );
6315  if( new_nump > 1 )
6316  {
6317  if( new_nump == 2 )
6318  {
6319  if( sharedp.procs[1] != (int)proc_config().proc_rank() )
6320  {
6321  assert( sharedp.procs[0] == (int)proc_config().proc_rank() );
6322  sharedp.procs[0] = sharedp.procs[1];
6323  }
6324  sharedp.procs[1] = -1;
6325  }
6326  else
6327  {
6328  std::sort( sharedp.procs, sharedp.procs + new_nump );
6329  }
6330  new_procs[sharedp].insert( *rvit );
6331  }
6332  }
6334  if( old_procs.empty() )
6335  {
6336  assert( new_procs.empty() );
6337  return MB_SUCCESS;
6338  }
6340  // Update interface sets
6341  procmap_t::iterator pmit;
6342  // std::vector<unsigned char> pstatus_list;
6343  rit = interface_sets().begin();
6344  while( rit != interface_sets().end() )
6345  {
6346  result = get_sharing_data( *rit, sharedp.procs, sharedh, pstatus, nump );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharing data for interface set" );
6347  assert( nump != 2 );
6348  std::sort( sharedp.procs, sharedp.procs + nump );
6349  assert( nump == MAX_SHARING_PROCS || sharedp.procs[nump] == -1 );
6351  pmit = old_procs.find( sharedp );
6352  if( pmit != old_procs.end() )
6353  {
6354  result = mbImpl->remove_entities( *rit, pmit->second );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to remove entities from interface set" );
6355  }
6357  pmit = new_procs.find( sharedp );
6358  if( pmit == new_procs.end() )
6359  {
6360  int count;
6361  result = mbImpl->get_number_entities_by_handle( *rit, count );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get number of entities in interface set" );
6362  if( !count )
6363  {
6364  result = mbImpl->delete_entities( &*rit, 1 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to delete entities from interface set" );
6365  rit = interface_sets().erase( rit );
6366  }
6367  else
6368  {
6369  ++rit;
6370  }
6371  }
6372  else
6373  {
6374  result = mbImpl->add_entities( *rit, pmit->second );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to add entities to interface set" );
6376  // Remove those that we've processed so that we know which ones
6377  // are new.
6378  new_procs.erase( pmit );
6379  ++rit;
6380  }
6381  }
6383  // Create interface sets for new proc id combinations
6384  std::fill( sharedh, sharedh + MAX_SHARING_PROCS, 0 );
6385  for( pmit = new_procs.begin(); pmit != new_procs.end(); ++pmit )
6386  {
6387  EntityHandle new_set;
6388  result = mbImpl->create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, new_set );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to create interface set" );
6389  interfaceSets.insert( new_set );
6391  // Add entities
6392  result = mbImpl->add_entities( new_set, pmit->second );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to add entities to interface set" );
6393  // Tag set with the proc rank(s)
6394  assert( pmit->first.procs[0] >= 0 );
6396  if( pmit->first.procs[1] == -1 )
6397  {
6398  int other = pmit->first.procs[0];
6399  assert( other != (int)procConfig.proc_rank() );
6400  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedp_tag(), &new_set, 1, pmit->first.procs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to tag interface set with procs" );
6401  sharedh[0] = 0;
6402  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedh_tag(), &new_set, 1, sharedh );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to tag interface set with procs" );
6403  if( other < (int)proc_config().proc_rank() ) pstatus |= PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
6404  }
6405  else
6406  {
6407  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedps_tag(), &new_set, 1, pmit->first.procs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to tag interface set with procs" );
6408  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedhs_tag(), &new_set, 1, sharedh );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to tag interface set with procs" );
6409  pstatus |= PSTATUS_MULTISHARED;
6410  if( pmit->first.procs[0] < (int)proc_config().proc_rank() ) pstatus |= PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
6411  }
6413  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( pstatus_tag(), &new_set, 1, &pstatus );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to tag interface set with pstatus" );
6415  // Set pstatus on all interface entities in set
6416  result = mbImpl->tag_clear_data( pstatus_tag(), pmit->second, &pstatus );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to tag interface entities with pstatus" );
6417  }
6419  return MB_SUCCESS;
6420 }
6423  unsigned char pstatus,
6424  int old_nump,
6425  int new_nump,
6426  int* ps,
6427  EntityHandle* hs )
6428 {
6429  // If new nump is less than 3, the entity is no longer mutishared
6430  if( old_nump > 2 && ( pstatus & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED ) && new_nump < 3 )
6431  {
6432  // Unset multishared flag
6433  pstatus ^= PSTATUS_MULTISHARED;
6434  }
6436  // Check for consistency in input data
6437  // DBG
6438  /* bool con1 = ((new_nump == 2 && pstatus&PSTATUS_SHARED && !(pstatus&PSTATUS_MULTISHARED)) ||
6439  (new_nump > 2 && pstatus&PSTATUS_SHARED && pstatus&PSTATUS_MULTISHARED)); bool con2 =
6440  (!(pstatus&PSTATUS_GHOST) || pstatus&PSTATUS_SHARED); bool con3 = (new_nump < 3 ||
6441  (pstatus&PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED && ps[0] != (int)rank()) || (!(pstatus&PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED) && ps[0]
6442  == (int)rank())); std::cout<<"current rank = "<<rank()<<std::endl; std::cout<<"condition
6443  1::"<<con1<<std::endl; std::cout<<"condition 2::"<<con2<<std::endl; std::cout<<"condition
6444  3::"<<con3<<std::endl;*/
6446  // DBG
6448  assert( new_nump > 1 &&
6449  ( ( new_nump == 2 && pstatus & PSTATUS_SHARED &&
6450  !( pstatus & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED ) ) || // If <= 2 must not be multishared
6451  ( new_nump > 2 && pstatus & PSTATUS_SHARED &&
6452  pstatus & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED ) ) && // If > 2 procs, must be multishared
6453  ( !( pstatus & PSTATUS_GHOST ) || pstatus & PSTATUS_SHARED ) && // If ghost, it must also be shared
6454  ( new_nump < 3 ||
6455  ( pstatus & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED && ps[0] != (int)rank() ) || // I'm not owner and first proc not me
6456  ( !( pstatus & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED ) && ps[0] == (int)rank() ) ) // I'm owner and first proc is me
6457  );
6459 #ifndef NDEBUG
6460  {
6461  // Check for duplicates in proc list
6462  std::set< unsigned int > dumprocs;
6463  int dp = 0;
6464  for( ; dp < old_nump && -1 != ps[dp]; dp++ )
6465  dumprocs.insert( ps[dp] );
6466  assert( dp == (int)dumprocs.size() );
6467  }
6468 #endif
6470  ErrorCode result;
6471  // Reset any old data that needs to be
6472  if( old_nump > 2 && new_nump < 3 )
6473  {
6474  // Need to remove multishared tags
6475  result = mbImpl->tag_delete_data( sharedps_tag(), &ent, 1 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "set_sharing_data:1" );
6476  result = mbImpl->tag_delete_data( sharedhs_tag(), &ent, 1 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "set_sharing_data:2" );
6477  // if (new_nump < 2)
6478  // pstatus = 0x0;
6479  // else if (ps[0] != (int)proc_config().proc_rank())
6480  // pstatus |= PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED;
6481  }
6482  else if( ( old_nump < 3 && new_nump > 2 ) || ( old_nump > 1 && new_nump == 1 ) )
6483  {
6484  // Reset sharedp and sharedh tags
6485  int tmp_p = -1;
6486  EntityHandle tmp_h = 0;
6487  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedp_tag(), &ent, 1, &tmp_p );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "set_sharing_data:3" );
6488  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedh_tag(), &ent, 1, &tmp_h );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "set_sharing_data:4" );
6489  }
6491  assert( "check for multishared/owner I'm first proc" &&
6492  ( !( pstatus & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED ) || ( pstatus & ( PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED | PSTATUS_GHOST ) ) ||
6493  ( ps[0] == (int)rank() ) ) &&
6494  "interface entities should have > 1 proc" && ( !( pstatus & PSTATUS_INTERFACE ) || new_nump > 1 ) &&
6495  "ghost entities should have > 1 proc" && ( !( pstatus & PSTATUS_GHOST ) || new_nump > 1 ) );
6497  // Now set new data
6498  if( new_nump > 2 )
6499  {
6500  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedps_tag(), &ent, 1, ps );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "set_sharing_data:5" );
6501  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedhs_tag(), &ent, 1, hs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "set_sharing_data:6" );
6502  }
6503  else
6504  {
6505  unsigned int j = ( ps[0] == (int)procConfig.proc_rank() ? 1 : 0 );
6506  assert( -1 != ps[j] );
6507  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedp_tag(), &ent, 1, ps + j );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "set_sharing_data:7" );
6508  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedh_tag(), &ent, 1, hs + j );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "set_sharing_data:8" );
6509  }
6511  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( pstatus_tag(), &ent, 1, &pstatus );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "set_sharing_data:9" );
6513  if( old_nump > 1 && new_nump < 2 ) sharedEnts.erase( ent );
6515  return result;
6516 }
6519  const int bridge_dim,
6520  const int ghost_dim,
6521  const int num_layers,
6522  const int addl_ents,
6523  Range* sent_ents,
6524  Range& allsent,
6525  TupleList& entprocs )
6526 {
6527  ErrorCode result;
6528  unsigned int ind;
6529  std::vector< unsigned int >::iterator proc_it;
6530  Range tmp_range;
6532  // Done in a separate loop over procs because sometimes later procs
6533  // need to add info to earlier procs' messages
6534  for( ind = 0, proc_it = buffProcs.begin(); proc_it != buffProcs.end(); ++proc_it, ind++ )
6535  {
6536  if( !is_iface )
6537  {
6538  result =
6539  get_ghosted_entities( bridge_dim, ghost_dim, buffProcs[ind], num_layers, addl_ents, sent_ents[ind] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get ghost layers" );
6540  }
6541  else
6542  {
6543  result = get_iface_entities( buffProcs[ind], -1, sent_ents[ind] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get interface layers" );
6544  }
6546  // Filter out entities already shared with destination
6547  tmp_range.clear();
6548  result = filter_pstatus( sent_ents[ind], PSTATUS_SHARED, PSTATUS_AND, buffProcs[ind], &tmp_range );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to filter on owner" );
6549  if( !tmp_range.empty() ) sent_ents[ind] = subtract( sent_ents[ind], tmp_range );
6551  allsent.merge( sent_ents[ind] );
6552  }
6554  //===========================================
6555  // Need to get procs each entity is sent to
6556  //===========================================
6558  // Get the total # of proc/handle pairs
6559  int npairs = 0;
6560  for( ind = 0; ind < buffProcs.size(); ind++ )
6561  npairs += sent_ents[ind].size();
6563  // Allocate a TupleList of that size
6564  entprocs.initialize( 1, 0, 1, 0, npairs );
6565  entprocs.enableWriteAccess();
6567  // Put the proc/handle pairs in the list
6568  for( ind = 0, proc_it = buffProcs.begin(); proc_it != buffProcs.end(); ++proc_it, ind++ )
6569  {
6570  for( Range::iterator rit = sent_ents[ind].begin(); rit != sent_ents[ind].end(); ++rit )
6571  {
6572  entprocs.vi_wr[entprocs.get_n()] = *proc_it;
6573  entprocs.vul_wr[entprocs.get_n()] = *rit;
6574  entprocs.inc_n();
6575  }
6576  }
6577  // Sort by handle
6578  moab::TupleList::buffer sort_buffer;
6579  sort_buffer.buffer_init( npairs );
6580  entprocs.sort( 1, &sort_buffer );
6582  entprocs.disableWriteAccess();
6583  sort_buffer.reset();
6585  return MB_SUCCESS;
6586 }
6589  unsigned int num_procs,
6590  int ghost_dim,
6591  int bridge_dim,
6592  int num_layers,
6593  int addl_ents,
6594  bool store_remote_handles,
6595  EntityHandle* file_sets )
6596 {
6597  // Static version of function, exchanging info through buffers rather
6598  // than through messages
6600  // If we're only finding out about existing ents, we have to be storing
6601  // remote handles too
6602  assert( num_layers > 0 || store_remote_handles );
6604  const bool is_iface = !num_layers;
6606  unsigned int ind;
6607  ParallelComm* pc;
6608  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
6610  std::vector< Error* > ehs( num_procs );
6611  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < num_procs; i++ )
6612  {
6613  result = pcs[i]->get_moab()->query_interface( ehs[i] );
6614  assert( MB_SUCCESS == result );
6615  }
6617  // When this function is called, buffProcs should already have any
6618  // communicating procs
6620  //===========================================
6621  // Get entities to be sent to neighbors
6622  //===========================================
6624  // Done in a separate loop over procs because sometimes later procs
6625  // need to add info to earlier procs' messages
6628  //===========================================
6629  // Get entities to be sent to neighbors
6630  //===========================================
6631  TupleList entprocs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
6632  for( unsigned int p = 0; p < num_procs; p++ )
6633  {
6634  pc = pcs[p];
6635  result = pc->get_sent_ents( is_iface, bridge_dim, ghost_dim, num_layers, addl_ents, sent_ents[p], allsent[p],
6636  entprocs[p] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "p = " << p << ", get_sent_ents failed" );
6638  //===========================================
6639  // Pack entities into buffers
6640  //===========================================
6641  for( ind = 0; ind < pc->buffProcs.size(); ind++ )
6642  {
6643  // Entities
6644  pc->localOwnedBuffs[ind]->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
6645  result = pc->pack_entities( sent_ents[p][ind], pc->localOwnedBuffs[ind], store_remote_handles,
6646  pc->buffProcs[ind], is_iface, &entprocs[p], &allsent[p] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "p = " << p << ", packing entities failed" );
6647  }
6649  entprocs[p].reset();
6650  }
6652  //===========================================
6653  // Receive/unpack new entities
6654  //===========================================
6655  // Number of incoming messages for ghosts is the number of procs we
6656  // communicate with; for iface, it's the number of those with lower rank
6657  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > L1hloc[MAX_SHARING_PROCS], L1hrem[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
6658  std::vector< std::vector< int > > L1p[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
6659  std::vector< EntityHandle > L2hloc[MAX_SHARING_PROCS], L2hrem[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
6660  std::vector< unsigned int > L2p[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
6661  std::vector< EntityHandle > new_ents[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
6663  for( unsigned int p = 0; p < num_procs; p++ )
6664  {
6665  L1hloc[p].resize( pcs[p]->buffProcs.size() );
6666  L1hrem[p].resize( pcs[p]->buffProcs.size() );
6667  L1p[p].resize( pcs[p]->buffProcs.size() );
6668  }
6670  for( unsigned int p = 0; p < num_procs; p++ )
6671  {
6672  pc = pcs[p];
6674  for( ind = 0; ind < pc->buffProcs.size(); ind++ )
6675  {
6676  // Incoming ghost entities; unpack; returns entities received
6677  // both from sending proc and from owning proc (which may be different)
6679  // Buffer could be empty, which means there isn't any message to
6680  // unpack (due to this comm proc getting added as a result of indirect
6681  // communication); just skip this unpack
6682  if( pc->localOwnedBuffs[ind]->get_stored_size() == 0 ) continue;
6684  unsigned int to_p = pc->buffProcs[ind];
6685  pc->localOwnedBuffs[ind]->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
6686  result = pcs[to_p]->unpack_entities( pc->localOwnedBuffs[ind]->buff_ptr, store_remote_handles, ind,
6687  is_iface, L1hloc[to_p], L1hrem[to_p], L1p[to_p], L2hloc[to_p],
6688  L2hrem[to_p], L2p[to_p], new_ents[to_p] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "p = " << p << ", failed to unpack entities" );
6689  }
6690  }
6692  if( is_iface )
6693  {
6694  // Need to check over entities I sent and make sure I received
6695  // handles for them from all expected procs; if not, need to clean
6696  // them up
6697  for( unsigned int p = 0; p < num_procs; p++ )
6698  {
6699  result = pcs[p]->check_clean_iface( allsent[p] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "p = " << p << ", failed to check on shared entities" );
6700  }
6702 #ifndef NDEBUG
6703  for( unsigned int p = 0; p < num_procs; p++ )
6704  {
6705  result = pcs[p]->check_sent_ents( allsent[p] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "p = " << p << ", failed to check on shared entities" );
6706  }
6707  result = check_all_shared_handles( pcs, num_procs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to check on all shared handles" );
6708 #endif
6709  return MB_SUCCESS;
6710  }
6712  //===========================================
6713  // Send local handles for new ghosts to owner, then add
6714  // those to ghost list for that owner
6715  //===========================================
6716  std::vector< unsigned int >::iterator proc_it;
6717  for( unsigned int p = 0; p < num_procs; p++ )
6718  {
6719  pc = pcs[p];
6721  for( ind = 0, proc_it = pc->buffProcs.begin(); proc_it != pc->buffProcs.end(); ++proc_it, ind++ )
6722  {
6723  // Skip if iface layer and higher-rank proc
6724  pc->localOwnedBuffs[ind]->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
6725  result = pc->pack_remote_handles( L1hloc[p][ind], L1hrem[p][ind], L1p[p][ind], *proc_it,
6726  pc->localOwnedBuffs[ind] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "p = " << p << ", failed to pack remote handles" );
6727  }
6728  }
6730  //===========================================
6731  // Process remote handles of my ghosteds
6732  //===========================================
6733  for( unsigned int p = 0; p < num_procs; p++ )
6734  {
6735  pc = pcs[p];
6737  for( ind = 0, proc_it = pc->buffProcs.begin(); proc_it != pc->buffProcs.end(); ++proc_it, ind++ )
6738  {
6739  // Incoming remote handles
6740  unsigned int to_p = pc->buffProcs[ind];
6741  pc->localOwnedBuffs[ind]->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
6742  result = pcs[to_p]->unpack_remote_handles( p, pc->localOwnedBuffs[ind]->buff_ptr, L2hloc[to_p],
6743  L2hrem[to_p], L2p[to_p] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "p = " << p << ", failed to unpack remote handles" );
6744  }
6745  }
6747 #ifndef NDEBUG
6748  for( unsigned int p = 0; p < num_procs; p++ )
6749  {
6750  result = pcs[p]->check_sent_ents( allsent[p] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "p = " << p << ", failed to check on shared entities" );
6751  }
6753  result = ParallelComm::check_all_shared_handles( pcs, num_procs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to check on all shared handles" );
6754 #endif
6756  if( file_sets )
6757  {
6758  for( unsigned int p = 0; p < num_procs; p++ )
6759  {
6760  if( new_ents[p].empty() ) continue;
6761  result = pcs[p]->get_moab()->add_entities( file_sets[p], &new_ents[p][0], new_ents[p].size() );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "p = " << p << ", failed to add new entities to set" );
6762  }
6763  }
6765  return MB_SUCCESS;
6766 }
6768 ErrorCode ParallelComm::post_irecv( std::vector< unsigned int >& exchange_procs )
6769 {
6770  // Set buffers
6771  int n_proc = exchange_procs.size();
6772  for( int i = 0; i < n_proc; i++ )
6773  get_buffers( exchange_procs[i] );
6776  // Post ghost irecv's for entities from all communicating procs
6777  // Index requests the same as buffer/sharing procs indices
6778  int success;
6779  recvReqs.resize( 2 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
6780  recvRemotehReqs.resize( 2 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
6781  sendReqs.resize( 2 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
6783  int incoming = 0;
6784  for( int i = 0; i < n_proc; i++ )
6785  {
6786  int ind = get_buffers( exchange_procs[i] );
6787  incoming++;
6789  MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, incoming );
6790  success = MPI_Irecv( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, buffProcs[ind],
6792  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS )
6793  {
6794  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to post irecv in owned entity exchange" );
6795  }
6796  }
6798  return MB_SUCCESS;
6799 }
6801 ErrorCode ParallelComm::post_irecv( std::vector< unsigned int >& shared_procs, std::set< unsigned int >& recv_procs )
6802 {
6803  // Set buffers
6804  int num = shared_procs.size();
6805  for( int i = 0; i < num; i++ )
6806  get_buffers( shared_procs[i] );
6808  num = remoteOwnedBuffs.size();
6809  for( int i = 0; i < num; i++ )
6810  remoteOwnedBuffs[i]->set_stored_size();
6811  num = localOwnedBuffs.size();
6812  for( int i = 0; i < num; i++ )
6813  localOwnedBuffs[i]->set_stored_size();
6815  // Post ghost irecv's for entities from all communicating procs
6816  // Index requests the same as buffer/sharing procs indices
6817  int success;
6818  recvReqs.resize( 2 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
6819  recvRemotehReqs.resize( 2 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
6820  sendReqs.resize( 2 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
6822  int incoming = 0;
6823  std::set< unsigned int >::iterator it = recv_procs.begin();
6824  std::set< unsigned int >::iterator eit = recv_procs.end();
6825  for( ; it != eit; ++it )
6826  {
6827  int ind = get_buffers( *it );
6828  incoming++;
6830  MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, incoming );
6831  success = MPI_Irecv( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, buffProcs[ind],
6833  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS )
6834  {
6835  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to post irecv in owned entity exchange" );
6836  }
6837  }
6839  return MB_SUCCESS;
6840 }
6842 ErrorCode ParallelComm::exchange_owned_meshs( std::vector< unsigned int >& exchange_procs,
6843  std::vector< Range* >& exchange_ents,
6844  std::vector< MPI_Request >& recv_ent_reqs,
6845  std::vector< MPI_Request >& recv_remoteh_reqs,
6846  bool store_remote_handles,
6847  bool wait_all,
6848  bool migrate,
6849  int dim )
6850 {
6851  // Filter out entities already shared with destination
6852  // Exchange twice for entities and sets
6853  ErrorCode result;
6854  std::vector< unsigned int > exchange_procs_sets;
6855  std::vector< Range* > exchange_sets;
6856  int n_proc = exchange_procs.size();
6857  for( int i = 0; i < n_proc; i++ )
6858  {
6859  Range set_range = exchange_ents[i]->subset_by_type( MBENTITYSET );
6860  *exchange_ents[i] = subtract( *exchange_ents[i], set_range );
6861  Range* tmp_range = new Range( set_range );
6862  exchange_sets.push_back( tmp_range );
6863  exchange_procs_sets.push_back( exchange_procs[i] );
6864  }
6866  if( dim == 2 )
6867  {
6868  // Exchange entities first
6869  result = exchange_owned_mesh( exchange_procs, exchange_ents, recvReqs, recvRemotehReqs, true,
6870  store_remote_handles, wait_all, migrate );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to exchange owned mesh entities" );
6872  // Exchange sets
6873  result = exchange_owned_mesh( exchange_procs_sets, exchange_sets, recvReqs, recvRemotehReqs, false,
6874  store_remote_handles, wait_all, migrate );
6875  }
6876  else
6877  {
6878  // Exchange entities first
6879  result = exchange_owned_mesh( exchange_procs, exchange_ents, recv_ent_reqs, recv_remoteh_reqs, false,
6880  store_remote_handles, wait_all, migrate );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to exchange owned mesh entities" );
6882  // Exchange sets
6883  result = exchange_owned_mesh( exchange_procs_sets, exchange_sets, recv_ent_reqs, recv_remoteh_reqs, false,
6884  store_remote_handles, wait_all, migrate );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to exchange owned mesh sets" );
6885  }
6887  for( int i = 0; i < n_proc; i++ )
6888  delete exchange_sets[i];
6890  // Build up the list of shared entities
6891  std::map< std::vector< int >, std::vector< EntityHandle > > proc_nvecs;
6892  int procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
6894  int nprocs;
6895  unsigned char pstat;
6896  for( std::set< EntityHandle >::iterator vit = sharedEnts.begin(); vit != sharedEnts.end(); ++vit )
6897  {
6898  if( mbImpl->dimension_from_handle( *vit ) > 2 ) continue;
6899  result = get_sharing_data( *vit, procs, handles, pstat, nprocs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharing data in exchange_owned_meshs" );
6900  std::sort( procs, procs + nprocs );
6901  std::vector< int > tmp_procs( procs, procs + nprocs );
6902  assert( tmp_procs.size() != 2 );
6903  proc_nvecs[tmp_procs].push_back( *vit );
6904  }
6906  // Create interface sets from shared entities
6907  result = create_interface_sets( proc_nvecs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to create interface sets" );
6909  return MB_SUCCESS;
6910 }
6912 ErrorCode ParallelComm::exchange_owned_mesh( std::vector< unsigned int >& exchange_procs,
6913  std::vector< Range* >& exchange_ents,
6914  std::vector< MPI_Request >& recv_ent_reqs,
6915  std::vector< MPI_Request >& recv_remoteh_reqs,
6916  const bool recv_posted,
6917  bool store_remote_handles,
6918  bool wait_all,
6919  bool migrate )
6920 {
6921 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
6922  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
6923  {
6924  MPE_Log_event( OWNED_START, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Starting owned ents exchange." );
6925  }
6926 #endif
6928  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Entering exchange_owned_mesh\n" );
6929  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4 )
6930  {
6931  msgs.clear();
6932  msgs.reserve( MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
6933  }
6934  unsigned int i;
6935  int ind, success;
6936  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
6937  int incoming1 = 0, incoming2 = 0;
6939  // Set buffProcs with communicating procs
6940  unsigned int n_proc = exchange_procs.size();
6941  for( i = 0; i < n_proc; i++ )
6942  {
6943  ind = get_buffers( exchange_procs[i] );
6944  result = add_verts( *exchange_ents[i] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to add verts" );
6946  // Filter out entities already shared with destination
6947  Range tmp_range;
6948  result = filter_pstatus( *exchange_ents[i], PSTATUS_SHARED, PSTATUS_AND, buffProcs[ind], &tmp_range );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to filter on owner" );
6949  if( !tmp_range.empty() )
6950  {
6951  *exchange_ents[i] = subtract( *exchange_ents[i], tmp_range );
6952  }
6953  }
6955  //===========================================
6956  // Post ghost irecv's for entities from all communicating procs
6957  //===========================================
6958 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
6959  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
6960  {
6961  MPE_Log_event( ENTITIES_START, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Starting entity exchange." );
6962  }
6963 #endif
6965  // Index reqs the same as buffer/sharing procs indices
6966  if( !recv_posted )
6967  {
6969  recv_ent_reqs.resize( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
6970  recv_remoteh_reqs.resize( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
6971  sendReqs.resize( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
6973  for( i = 0; i < n_proc; i++ )
6974  {
6975  ind = get_buffers( exchange_procs[i] );
6976  incoming1++;
6979  success = MPI_Irecv( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, buffProcs[ind],
6980  MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_comm(), &recv_ent_reqs[3 * ind] );
6981  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS )
6982  {
6983  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to post irecv in owned entity exchange" );
6984  }
6985  }
6986  }
6987  else
6988  incoming1 += n_proc;
6990  //===========================================
6991  // Get entities to be sent to neighbors
6992  // Need to get procs each entity is sent to
6993  //===========================================
6994  Range allsent, tmp_range;
6995  int dum_ack_buff;
6996  int npairs = 0;
6997  TupleList entprocs;
6998  for( i = 0; i < n_proc; i++ )
6999  {
7000  int n_ents = exchange_ents[i]->size();
7001  if( n_ents > 0 )
7002  {
7003  npairs += n_ents; // Get the total # of proc/handle pairs
7004  allsent.merge( *exchange_ents[i] );
7005  }
7006  }
7008  // Allocate a TupleList of that size
7009  entprocs.initialize( 1, 0, 1, 0, npairs );
7010  entprocs.enableWriteAccess();
7012  // Put the proc/handle pairs in the list
7013  for( i = 0; i < n_proc; i++ )
7014  {
7015  for( Range::iterator rit = exchange_ents[i]->begin(); rit != exchange_ents[i]->end(); ++rit )
7016  {
7017  entprocs.vi_wr[entprocs.get_n()] = exchange_procs[i];
7018  entprocs.vul_wr[entprocs.get_n()] = *rit;
7019  entprocs.inc_n();
7020  }
7021  }
7023  // Sort by handle
7024  moab::TupleList::buffer sort_buffer;
7025  sort_buffer.buffer_init( npairs );
7026  entprocs.sort( 1, &sort_buffer );
7027  sort_buffer.reset();
7029  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "allsent ents compactness (size) = %f (%lu)\n", allsent.compactness(),
7030  (unsigned long)allsent.size() );
7032  //===========================================
7033  // Pack and send ents from this proc to others
7034  //===========================================
7035  for( i = 0; i < n_proc; i++ )
7036  {
7037  ind = get_buffers( exchange_procs[i] );
7038  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Sent ents compactness (size) = %f (%lu)\n", exchange_ents[i]->compactness(),
7039  (unsigned long)exchange_ents[i]->size() );
7040  // Reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size
7041  localOwnedBuffs[ind]->reset_buffer( sizeof( int ) );
7042  result = pack_buffer( *exchange_ents[i], false, true, store_remote_handles, buffProcs[ind],
7043  localOwnedBuffs[ind], &entprocs, &allsent );
7045  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4 )
7046  {
7047  msgs.resize( msgs.size() + 1 );
7048  msgs.back() = new Buffer( *localOwnedBuffs[ind] );
7049  }
7051  // Send the buffer (size stored in front in send_buffer)
7052  result = send_buffer( exchange_procs[i], localOwnedBuffs[ind], MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, sendReqs[3 * ind],
7053  recv_ent_reqs[3 * ind + 2], &dum_ack_buff, incoming1, MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE,
7054  ( store_remote_handles ? localOwnedBuffs[ind] : NULL ), &recv_remoteh_reqs[3 * ind],
7055  &incoming2 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to Isend in ghost exchange" );
7056  }
7058  entprocs.reset();
7060  //===========================================
7061  // Receive/unpack new entities
7062  //===========================================
7063  // Number of incoming messages is the number of procs we communicate with
7064  MPI_Status status;
7065  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > recd_ents( buffProcs.size() );
7066  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > L1hloc( buffProcs.size() ), L1hrem( buffProcs.size() );
7067  std::vector< std::vector< int > > L1p( buffProcs.size() );
7068  std::vector< EntityHandle > L2hloc, L2hrem;
7069  std::vector< unsigned int > L2p;
7070  std::vector< EntityHandle > new_ents;
7072  while( incoming1 )
7073  {
7074  // Wait for all recvs of ents before proceeding to sending remote handles,
7075  // b/c some procs may have sent to a 3rd proc ents owned by me;
7078  success = MPI_Waitany( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &recv_ent_reqs[0], &ind, &status );
7079  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
7080  {
7081  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitany in owned entity exchange" );
7082  }
7084  PRINT_DEBUG_RECD( status );
7086  // OK, received something; decrement incoming counter
7087  incoming1--;
7088  bool done = false;
7090  // In case ind is for ack, we need index of one before it
7091  unsigned int base_ind = 3 * ( ind / 3 );
7092  result = recv_buffer( MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, status, remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 3], recv_ent_reqs[base_ind + 1],
7093  recv_ent_reqs[base_ind + 2], incoming1, localOwnedBuffs[ind / 3], sendReqs[base_ind + 1],
7094  sendReqs[base_ind + 2], done, ( store_remote_handles ? localOwnedBuffs[ind / 3] : NULL ),
7095  MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, &recv_remoteh_reqs[base_ind + 1], &incoming2 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to receive buffer" );
7097  if( done )
7098  {
7099  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4 )
7100  {
7101  msgs.resize( msgs.size() + 1 );
7102  msgs.back() = new Buffer( *remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 3] );
7103  }
7105  // Message completely received - process buffer that was sent
7106  remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 3]->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
7107  result = unpack_buffer( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 3]->buff_ptr, store_remote_handles, buffProcs[ind / 3],
7108  ind / 3, L1hloc, L1hrem, L1p, L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p, new_ents, true );
7109  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
7110  {
7111  std::cout << "Failed to unpack entities. Buffer contents:" << std::endl;
7112  print_buffer( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 3]->mem_ptr, MB_MESG_ENTS_SIZE, buffProcs[ind / 3], false );
7113  return result;
7114  }
7116  if( recv_ent_reqs.size() != 3 * buffProcs.size() )
7117  {
7118  // Post irecv's for remote handles from new proc
7119  recv_remoteh_reqs.resize( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
7120  for( i = recv_ent_reqs.size(); i < 3 * buffProcs.size(); i += 3 )
7121  {
7122  localOwnedBuffs[i / 3]->reset_buffer();
7123  incoming2++;
7124  PRINT_DEBUG_IRECV( procConfig.proc_rank(), buffProcs[i / 3], localOwnedBuffs[i / 3]->mem_ptr,
7126  success = MPI_Irecv( localOwnedBuffs[i / 3]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,
7128  &recv_remoteh_reqs[i] );
7129  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS )
7130  {
7131  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to post irecv for remote handles in ghost exchange" );
7132  }
7133  }
7134  recv_ent_reqs.resize( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
7135  sendReqs.resize( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
7136  }
7137  }
7138  }
7140  // Assign and remove newly created elements from/to receive processor
7141  result = assign_entities_part( new_ents, procConfig.proc_rank() );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to assign entities to part" );
7142  if( migrate )
7143  {
7144  result = remove_entities_part( allsent, procConfig.proc_rank() );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to remove entities to part" );
7145  }
7147  // Add requests for any new addl procs
7148  if( recv_ent_reqs.size() != 3 * buffProcs.size() )
7149  {
7150  // Shouldn't get here...
7151  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Requests length doesn't match proc count in entity exchange" );
7152  }
7154 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
7155  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
7156  {
7157  MPE_Log_event( ENTITIES_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending entity exchange." );
7158  }
7159 #endif
7161  // we still need to wait on sendReqs, if they are not fulfilled yet
7162  if( wait_all )
7163  {
7164  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 5 )
7165  {
7166  success = MPI_Barrier( procConfig.proc_comm() );
7167  }
7168  else
7169  {
7170  MPI_Status mult_status[3 * MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
7171  success = MPI_Waitall( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &sendReqs[0], mult_status );
7172  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
7173  {
7174  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitall in exchange owned mesh" );
7175  }
7176  }
7177  }
7179  //===========================================
7180  // Send local handles for new entity to owner
7181  //===========================================
7182  for( i = 0; i < n_proc; i++ )
7183  {
7184  ind = get_buffers( exchange_procs[i] );
7185  // Reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size
7186  remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->reset_buffer( sizeof( int ) );
7188  result = pack_remote_handles( L1hloc[ind], L1hrem[ind], L1p[ind], buffProcs[ind], remoteOwnedBuffs[ind] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to pack remote handles" );
7189  remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->set_stored_size();
7191  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4 )
7192  {
7193  msgs.resize( msgs.size() + 1 );
7194  msgs.back() = new Buffer( *remoteOwnedBuffs[ind] );
7195  }
7196  result = send_buffer( buffProcs[ind], remoteOwnedBuffs[ind], MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, sendReqs[3 * ind],
7197  recv_remoteh_reqs[3 * ind + 2], &dum_ack_buff, incoming2 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to send remote handles" );
7198  }
7200  //===========================================
7201  // Process remote handles of my ghosteds
7202  //===========================================
7203  while( incoming2 )
7204  {
7206  success = MPI_Waitany( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &recv_remoteh_reqs[0], &ind, &status );
7207  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
7208  {
7209  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitany in owned entity exchange" );
7210  }
7212  // OK, received something; decrement incoming counter
7213  incoming2--;
7215  PRINT_DEBUG_RECD( status );
7217  bool done = false;
7218  unsigned int base_ind = 3 * ( ind / 3 );
7219  result = recv_buffer( MB_MESG_REMOTEH_SIZE, status, localOwnedBuffs[ind / 3], recv_remoteh_reqs[base_ind + 1],
7220  recv_remoteh_reqs[base_ind + 2], incoming2, remoteOwnedBuffs[ind / 3],
7221  sendReqs[base_ind + 1], sendReqs[base_ind + 2], done );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to receive remote handles" );
7223  if( done )
7224  {
7225  // Incoming remote handles
7226  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 4 )
7227  {
7228  msgs.resize( msgs.size() + 1 );
7229  msgs.back() = new Buffer( *localOwnedBuffs[ind / 3] );
7230  }
7232  localOwnedBuffs[ind / 3]->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
7233  result =
7234  unpack_remote_handles( buffProcs[ind / 3], localOwnedBuffs[ind / 3]->buff_ptr, L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to unpack remote handles" );
7235  }
7236  }
7238 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPE
7239  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 2 )
7240  {
7241  MPE_Log_event( RHANDLES_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending remote handles." );
7242  MPE_Log_event( OWNED_END, procConfig.proc_rank(), "Ending ghost exchange (still doing checks)." );
7243  }
7244 #endif
7246  //===========================================
7247  // Wait if requested
7248  //===========================================
7249  if( wait_all )
7250  {
7251  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 5 )
7252  {
7253  success = MPI_Barrier( procConfig.proc_comm() );
7254  }
7255  else
7256  {
7257  MPI_Status mult_status[3 * MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
7258  success = MPI_Waitall( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &recv_remoteh_reqs[0], mult_status );
7259  if( MPI_SUCCESS == success ) success = MPI_Waitall( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &sendReqs[0], mult_status );
7260  }
7261  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
7262  {
7263  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitall in owned entity exchange" );
7264  }
7265  }
7267 #ifndef NDEBUG
7268  result = check_sent_ents( allsent );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed check on shared entities" );
7269 #endif
7270  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Exiting exchange_owned_mesh\n" );
7272  return MB_SUCCESS;
7273 }
7275 ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_iface_entities( int other_proc, int dim, Range& iface_ents )
7276 {
7277  Range iface_sets;
7278  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
7280  for( Range::iterator rit = interfaceSets.begin(); rit != interfaceSets.end(); ++rit )
7281  {
7282  if( -1 != other_proc && !is_iface_proc( *rit, other_proc ) ) continue;
7284  if( -1 == dim )
7285  {
7286  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle( *rit, iface_ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get entities in iface set" );
7287  }
7288  else
7289  {
7290  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension( *rit, dim, iface_ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get entities in iface set" );
7291  }
7292  }
7294  return MB_SUCCESS;
7295 }
7297 ErrorCode ParallelComm::assign_entities_part( std::vector< EntityHandle >& entities, const int proc )
7298 {
7299  EntityHandle part_set;
7300  ErrorCode result = get_part_handle( proc, part_set );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get part handle" );
7302  if( part_set > 0 )
7303  {
7304  result = mbImpl->add_entities( part_set, &entities[0], entities.size() );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to add entities to part set" );
7305  }
7307  return MB_SUCCESS;
7308 }
7311 {
7312  EntityHandle part_set;
7313  ErrorCode result = get_part_handle( proc, part_set );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get part handle" );
7315  if( part_set > 0 )
7316  {
7317  result = mbImpl->remove_entities( part_set, entities );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to remove entities from part set" );
7318  }
7320  return MB_SUCCESS;
7321 }
7324 {
7325  // Check entities to make sure there are no zero-valued remote handles
7326  // where they shouldn't be
7327  std::vector< unsigned char > pstat( allsent.size() );
7328  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( pstatus_tag(), allsent, &pstat[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get pstatus tag data" );
7329  std::vector< EntityHandle > handles( allsent.size() );
7330  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedh_tag(), allsent, &handles[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedh tag data" );
7331  std::vector< int > procs( allsent.size() );
7332  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedp_tag(), allsent, &procs[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedp tag data" );
7334  Range bad_entities;
7336  Range::iterator rit;
7337  unsigned int i;
7339  int dum_ps[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
7341  for( rit = allsent.begin(), i = 0; rit != allsent.end(); ++rit, i++ )
7342  {
7343  if( -1 != procs[i] && 0 == handles[i] )
7344  bad_entities.insert( *rit );
7345  else
7346  {
7347  // Might be multi-shared...
7348  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedps_tag(), &( *rit ), 1, dum_ps );
7349  if( MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND == result )
7350  continue;
7351  else if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
7352  MB_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedps tag data" );
7353  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedhs_tag(), &( *rit ), 1, dum_hs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedhs tag data" );
7355  // Find first non-set proc
7356  int* ns_proc = std::find( dum_ps, dum_ps + MAX_SHARING_PROCS, -1 );
7357  int num_procs = ns_proc - dum_ps;
7358  assert( num_procs <= MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
7359  // Now look for zero handles in active part of dum_hs
7360  EntityHandle* ns_handle = std::find( dum_hs, dum_hs + num_procs, 0 );
7361  int num_handles = ns_handle - dum_hs;
7362  assert( num_handles <= num_procs );
7363  if( num_handles != num_procs ) bad_entities.insert( *rit );
7364  }
7365  }
7367  return MB_SUCCESS;
7368 }
7370 ErrorCode ParallelComm::pack_remote_handles( std::vector< EntityHandle >& L1hloc,
7371  std::vector< EntityHandle >& L1hrem,
7372  std::vector< int >& L1p,
7373  unsigned int /*to_proc*/,
7374  Buffer* buff )
7375 {
7376  assert( std::find( L1hloc.begin(), L1hloc.end(), (EntityHandle)0 ) == L1hloc.end() );
7378  // 2 vectors of handles plus ints
7379  buff->check_space( ( ( L1p.size() + 1 ) * sizeof( int ) + ( L1hloc.size() + 1 ) * sizeof( EntityHandle ) +
7380  ( L1hrem.size() + 1 ) * sizeof( EntityHandle ) ) );
7382  // Should be in pairs of handles
7383  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, L1hloc.size() );
7384  PACK_INTS( buff->buff_ptr, &L1p[0], L1p.size() );
7385  // Pack handles in reverse order, (remote, local), so on destination they
7386  // are ordered (local, remote)
7387  PACK_EH( buff->buff_ptr, &L1hrem[0], L1hrem.size() );
7388  PACK_EH( buff->buff_ptr, &L1hloc[0], L1hloc.size() );
7390  buff->set_stored_size();
7392  return MB_SUCCESS;
7393 }
7396  unsigned char*& buff_ptr,
7397  std::vector< EntityHandle >& L2hloc,
7398  std::vector< EntityHandle >& L2hrem,
7399  std::vector< unsigned int >& L2p )
7400 {
7401  // Incoming remote handles; use to set remote handles
7402  int num_eh;
7403  UNPACK_INT( buff_ptr, num_eh );
7405  unsigned char* buff_proc = buff_ptr;
7406  buff_ptr += num_eh * sizeof( int );
7407  unsigned char* buff_rem = buff_ptr + num_eh * sizeof( EntityHandle );
7408  ErrorCode result;
7409  EntityHandle hpair[2], new_h;
7410  int proc;
7411  for( int i = 0; i < num_eh; i++ )
7412  {
7413  UNPACK_INT( buff_proc, proc );
7414  // Handles packed (local, remote), though here local is either on this
7415  // proc or owner proc, depending on value of proc (-1 = here, otherwise owner);
7416  // this is decoded in find_existing_entity
7417  UNPACK_EH( buff_ptr, hpair, 1 );
7418  UNPACK_EH( buff_rem, hpair + 1, 1 );
7420  if( -1 != proc )
7421  {
7422  result = find_existing_entity( false, proc, hpair[0], 3, NULL, 0, mbImpl->type_from_handle( hpair[1] ),
7423  L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p, new_h );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Didn't get existing entity" );
7424  if( new_h )
7425  hpair[0] = new_h;
7426  else
7427  hpair[0] = 0;
7428  }
7429  if( !( hpair[0] && hpair[1] ) ) return MB_FAILURE;
7430  int this_proc = from_proc;
7431  result = update_remote_data( hpair[0], &this_proc, hpair + 1, 1, 0 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set remote data range on sent entities in ghost exchange" );
7432  }
7434  return MB_SUCCESS;
7435 }
7438  int ghost_dim,
7439  int to_proc,
7440  int num_layers,
7441  int addl_ents,
7442  Range& ghosted_ents )
7443 {
7444  // Get bridge ents on interface(s)
7445  Range from_ents;
7446  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
7447  assert( 0 < num_layers );
7448  for( Range::iterator rit = interfaceSets.begin(); rit != interfaceSets.end(); ++rit )
7449  {
7450  if( !is_iface_proc( *rit, to_proc ) ) continue;
7452  // Get starting "from" entities
7453  if( bridge_dim == -1 )
7454  {
7455  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle( *rit, from_ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get bridge ents in the set" );
7456  }
7457  else
7458  {
7459  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension( *rit, bridge_dim, from_ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get bridge ents in the set" );
7460  }
7462  // Need to get layers of bridge-adj entities
7463  if( from_ents.empty() ) continue;
7464  result =
7465  MeshTopoUtil( mbImpl ).get_bridge_adjacencies( from_ents, bridge_dim, ghost_dim, ghosted_ents, num_layers );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get bridge adjacencies" );
7466  }
7468  result = add_verts( ghosted_ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to add verts" );
7470  if( addl_ents )
7471  {
7472  // First get the ents of ghost_dim
7473  Range tmp_ents, tmp_owned, tmp_notowned;
7474  tmp_owned = ghosted_ents.subset_by_dimension( ghost_dim );
7475  if( tmp_owned.empty() ) return result;
7477  tmp_notowned = tmp_owned;
7479  // Next, filter by pstatus; can only create adj entities for entities I own
7480  result = filter_pstatus( tmp_owned, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT, -1, &tmp_owned );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to filter owned entities" );
7482  tmp_notowned -= tmp_owned;
7484  // Get edges first
7485  if( 1 == addl_ents || 3 == addl_ents )
7486  {
7487  result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies( tmp_owned, 1, true, tmp_ents, Interface::UNION );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get edge adjacencies for owned ghost entities" );
7488  result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies( tmp_notowned, 1, false, tmp_ents, Interface::UNION );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get edge adjacencies for notowned ghost entities" );
7489  }
7490  if( 2 == addl_ents || 3 == addl_ents )
7491  {
7492  result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies( tmp_owned, 2, true, tmp_ents, Interface::UNION );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get face adjacencies for owned ghost entities" );
7493  result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies( tmp_notowned, 2, false, tmp_ents, Interface::UNION );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get face adjacencies for notowned ghost entities" );
7494  }
7496  ghosted_ents.merge( tmp_ents );
7497  }
7499  return result;
7500 }
7503 {
7504  // Get the verts adj to these entities, since we'll have to send those too
7506  // First check sets
7507  std::pair< Range::const_iterator, Range::const_iterator > set_range = sent_ents.equal_range( MBENTITYSET );
7508  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS, tmp_result;
7509  for( Range::const_iterator rit = set_range.first; rit != set_range.second; ++rit )
7510  {
7511  tmp_result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type( *rit, MBVERTEX, sent_ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( tmp_result, "Failed to get contained verts" );
7512  }
7514  // Now non-sets
7515  Range tmp_ents;
7516  std::copy( sent_ents.begin(), set_range.first, range_inserter( tmp_ents ) );
7517  result = mbImpl->get_adjacencies( tmp_ents, 0, false, sent_ents, Interface::UNION );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get vertices adj to ghosted ents" );
7519  // if polyhedra, need to add all faces from there
7520  Range polyhedra = sent_ents.subset_by_type( MBPOLYHEDRON );
7521  // get all faces adjacent to every polyhedra
7522  result = mbImpl->get_connectivity( polyhedra, sent_ents );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get polyhedra faces" );
7523  return result;
7524 }
7526 ErrorCode ParallelComm::exchange_tags( const std::vector< Tag >& src_tags,
7527  const std::vector< Tag >& dst_tags,
7528  const Range& entities_in )
7529 {
7530  ErrorCode result;
7531  int success;
7533  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Entering exchange_tags\n" );
7535  // Get all procs interfacing to this proc
7536  std::set< unsigned int > exch_procs;
7537  result = get_comm_procs( exch_procs );
7539  // Post ghost irecv's for all interface procs
7540  // Index requests the same as buffer/sharing procs indices
7541  std::vector< MPI_Request > recv_tag_reqs( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
7542  // sent_ack_reqs(buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
7543  std::vector< unsigned int >::iterator sit;
7544  int ind;
7547  int incoming = 0;
7549  for( ind = 0, sit = buffProcs.begin(); sit != buffProcs.end(); ++sit, ind++ )
7550  {
7551  incoming++;
7553  MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, incoming );
7555  success = MPI_Irecv( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, *sit,
7556  MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_comm(), &recv_tag_reqs[3 * ind] );
7557  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS )
7558  {
7559  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to post irecv in ghost exchange" );
7560  }
7561  }
7563  // Pack and send tags from this proc to others
7564  // Make sendReqs vector to simplify initialization
7565  sendReqs.resize( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
7567  // Take all shared entities if incoming list is empty
7568  Range entities;
7569  if( entities_in.empty() )
7570  std::copy( sharedEnts.begin(), sharedEnts.end(), range_inserter( entities ) );
7571  else
7572  entities = entities_in;
7574  int dum_ack_buff;
7576  for( ind = 0, sit = buffProcs.begin(); sit != buffProcs.end(); ++sit, ind++ )
7577  {
7578  Range tag_ents = entities;
7580  // Get ents shared by proc *sit
7581  result = filter_pstatus( tag_ents, PSTATUS_SHARED, PSTATUS_AND, *sit );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed pstatus AND check" );
7583  // Remote nonowned entities
7584  if( !tag_ents.empty() )
7585  {
7586  result = filter_pstatus( tag_ents, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed pstatus NOT check" );
7587  }
7589  // Pack-send; this also posts receives if store_remote_handles is true
7590  std::vector< Range > tag_ranges;
7591  for( std::vector< Tag >::const_iterator vit = src_tags.begin(); vit != src_tags.end(); ++vit )
7592  {
7593  const void* ptr;
7594  int sz;
7595  if( mbImpl->tag_get_default_value( *vit, ptr, sz ) != MB_SUCCESS )
7596  {
7597  Range tagged_ents;
7598  mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBMAXTYPE, &*vit, 0, 1, tagged_ents );
7599  tag_ranges.push_back( intersect( tag_ents, tagged_ents ) );
7600  }
7601  else
7602  {
7603  tag_ranges.push_back( tag_ents );
7604  }
7605  }
7607  // Pack the data
7608  // Reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size
7609  localOwnedBuffs[ind]->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
7611  result = pack_tags( tag_ents, src_tags, dst_tags, tag_ranges, localOwnedBuffs[ind], true, *sit );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to count buffer in pack_send_tag" );
7613  // Now send it
7614  result = send_buffer( *sit, localOwnedBuffs[ind], MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, sendReqs[3 * ind],
7615  recv_tag_reqs[3 * ind + 2], &dum_ack_buff, incoming );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to send buffer" );
7616  }
7618  // Receive/unpack tags
7619  while( incoming )
7620  {
7621  MPI_Status status;
7622  int index_in_recv_requests;
7624  success = MPI_Waitany( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &recv_tag_reqs[0], &index_in_recv_requests, &status );
7625  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
7626  {
7627  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitany in tag exchange" );
7628  }
7629  // Processor index in the list is divided by 3
7630  ind = index_in_recv_requests / 3;
7632  PRINT_DEBUG_RECD( status );
7634  // OK, received something; decrement incoming counter
7635  incoming--;
7637  bool done = false;
7638  std::vector< EntityHandle > dum_vec;
7639  result = recv_buffer( MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, status, remoteOwnedBuffs[ind],
7640  recv_tag_reqs[3 * ind + 1], // This is for receiving the second message
7641  recv_tag_reqs[3 * ind + 2], // This would be for ack, but it is not
7642  // used; consider removing it
7643  incoming, localOwnedBuffs[ind],
7644  sendReqs[3 * ind + 1], // Send request for sending the second message
7645  sendReqs[3 * ind + 2], // This is for sending the ack
7646  done );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to resize recv buffer" );
7647  if( done )
7648  {
7649  remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
7650  result = unpack_tags( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->buff_ptr, dum_vec, true, buffProcs[ind] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to recv-unpack-tag message" );
7651  }
7652  }
7654  // OK, now wait
7655  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 5 )
7656  {
7657  success = MPI_Barrier( procConfig.proc_comm() );
7658  }
7659  else
7660  {
7661  MPI_Status status[3 * MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
7662  success = MPI_Waitall( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &sendReqs[0], status );
7663  }
7664  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
7665  {
7666  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failure in waitall in tag exchange" );
7667  }
7669  // If source tag is not equal to destination tag, then
7670  // do local copy for owned entities (communicate w/ self)
7671  assert( src_tags.size() == dst_tags.size() );
7672  if( src_tags != dst_tags )
7673  {
7674  std::vector< unsigned char > data;
7675  Range owned_ents;
7676  if( entities_in.empty() )
7677  std::copy( sharedEnts.begin(), sharedEnts.end(), range_inserter( entities ) );
7678  else
7679  owned_ents = entities_in;
7680  result = filter_pstatus( owned_ents, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failure to get subset of owned entities" );
7682  if( !owned_ents.empty() )
7683  { // Check this here, otherwise we get
7684  // Unexpected results from get_entities_by_type_and_tag w/ Interface::INTERSECT
7685  for( size_t i = 0; i < src_tags.size(); i++ )
7686  {
7687  if( src_tags[i] == dst_tags[i] ) continue;
7689  Range tagged_ents( owned_ents );
7690  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBMAXTYPE, &src_tags[0], 0, 1, tagged_ents,
7691  Interface::INTERSECT );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "get_entities_by_type_and_tag(type == MBMAXTYPE) failed" );
7693  int sz, size2;
7694  result = mbImpl->tag_get_bytes( src_tags[i], sz );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "tag_get_size failed" );
7695  result = mbImpl->tag_get_bytes( dst_tags[i], size2 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "tag_get_size failed" );
7696  if( sz != size2 )
7697  {
7698  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "tag sizes don't match" );
7699  }
7701  data.resize( sz * tagged_ents.size() );
7702  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( src_tags[i], tagged_ents, &data[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "tag_get_data failed" );
7703  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( dst_tags[i], tagged_ents, &data[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "tag_set_data failed" );
7704  }
7705  }
7706  }
7708  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Exiting exchange_tags" );
7710  return MB_SUCCESS;
7711 }
7713 ErrorCode ParallelComm::reduce_tags( const std::vector< Tag >& src_tags,
7714  const std::vector< Tag >& dst_tags,
7715  const MPI_Op mpi_op,
7716  const Range& entities_in )
7717 {
7718  ErrorCode result;
7719  int success;
7721  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Entering reduce_tags\n" );
7723  // Check that restrictions are met: number of source/dst tags...
7724  if( src_tags.size() != dst_tags.size() )
7725  {
7726  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Source and destination tag handles must be specified for reduce_tags" );
7727  }
7729  // ... tag data types
7730  std::vector< Tag >::const_iterator vits, vitd;
7731  int tags_size, tagd_size;
7732  DataType tags_type, tagd_type;
7733  std::vector< unsigned char > vals;
7734  std::vector< int > tags_sizes;
7735  for( vits = src_tags.begin(), vitd = dst_tags.begin(); vits != src_tags.end(); ++vits, ++vitd )
7736  {
7737  // Checks on tag characteristics
7738  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data_type( *vits, tags_type );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get src tag data type" );
7739  if( tags_type != MB_TYPE_INTEGER && tags_type != MB_TYPE_DOUBLE && tags_type != MB_TYPE_BIT )
7740  {
7741  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Src/dst tags must have integer, double, or bit data type" );
7742  }
7744  result = mbImpl->tag_get_bytes( *vits, tags_size );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get src tag bytes" );
7745  vals.resize( tags_size );
7746  result = mbImpl->tag_get_default_value( *vits, &vals[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Src tag must have default value" );
7748  tags_sizes.push_back( tags_size );
7750  // OK, those passed; now check whether dest tags, if specified, agree with src tags
7751  if( *vits == *vitd ) continue;
7753  result = mbImpl->tag_get_bytes( *vitd, tagd_size );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Coudln't get dst tag bytes" );
7754  if( tags_size != tagd_size )
7755  {
7756  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Sizes between src and dst tags don't match" );
7757  }
7758  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data_type( *vitd, tagd_type );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Coudln't get dst tag data type" );
7759  if( tags_type != tagd_type )
7760  {
7761  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Src and dst tags must be of same data type" );
7762  }
7763  }
7765  // Get all procs interfacing to this proc
7766  std::set< unsigned int > exch_procs;
7767  result = get_comm_procs( exch_procs );
7769  // Post ghost irecv's for all interface procs
7770  // Index requests the same as buffer/sharing procs indices
7771  std::vector< MPI_Request > recv_tag_reqs( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
7773  std::vector< unsigned int >::iterator sit;
7774  int ind;
7777  int incoming = 0;
7779  for( ind = 0, sit = buffProcs.begin(); sit != buffProcs.end(); ++sit, ind++ )
7780  {
7781  incoming++;
7783  MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, incoming );
7785  success = MPI_Irecv( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, *sit,
7786  MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_comm(), &recv_tag_reqs[3 * ind] );
7787  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS )
7788  {
7789  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to post irecv in ghost exchange" );
7790  }
7791  }
7793  // Pack and send tags from this proc to others
7794  // Make sendReqs vector to simplify initialization
7795  sendReqs.resize( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
7797  // Take all shared entities if incoming list is empty
7798  Range entities;
7799  if( entities_in.empty() )
7800  std::copy( sharedEnts.begin(), sharedEnts.end(), range_inserter( entities ) );
7801  else
7802  entities = entities_in;
7804  // If the tags are different, copy the source to the dest tag locally
7805  std::vector< Tag >::const_iterator vit = src_tags.begin(), vit2 = dst_tags.begin();
7806  std::vector< int >::const_iterator vsizes = tags_sizes.begin();
7807  for( ; vit != src_tags.end(); ++vit, ++vit2, ++vsizes )
7808  {
7809  if( *vit == *vit2 ) continue;
7810  vals.resize( entities.size() * ( *vsizes ) );
7811  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( *vit, entities, &vals[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Didn't get data properly" );
7812  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( *vit2, entities, &vals[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Didn't set data properly" );
7813  }
7815  int dum_ack_buff;
7817  for( ind = 0, sit = buffProcs.begin(); sit != buffProcs.end(); ++sit, ind++ )
7818  {
7819  Range tag_ents = entities;
7821  // Get ents shared by proc *sit
7822  result = filter_pstatus( tag_ents, PSTATUS_SHARED, PSTATUS_AND, *sit );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed pstatus AND check" );
7824  // Pack-send
7825  std::vector< Range > tag_ranges;
7826  for( vit = src_tags.begin(); vit != src_tags.end(); ++vit )
7827  {
7828  const void* ptr;
7829  int sz;
7830  if( mbImpl->tag_get_default_value( *vit, ptr, sz ) != MB_SUCCESS )
7831  {
7832  Range tagged_ents;
7833  mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBMAXTYPE, &*vit, 0, 1, tagged_ents );
7834  tag_ranges.push_back( intersect( tag_ents, tagged_ents ) );
7835  }
7836  else
7837  tag_ranges.push_back( tag_ents );
7838  }
7840  // Pack the data
7841  // Reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size
7842  localOwnedBuffs[ind]->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
7844  result = pack_tags( tag_ents, src_tags, dst_tags, tag_ranges, localOwnedBuffs[ind], true, *sit );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to count buffer in pack_send_tag" );
7846  // Now send it
7847  result = send_buffer( *sit, localOwnedBuffs[ind], MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, sendReqs[3 * ind],
7848  recv_tag_reqs[3 * ind + 2], &dum_ack_buff, incoming );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to send buffer" );
7849  }
7851  // Receive/unpack tags
7852  while( incoming )
7853  {
7854  MPI_Status status;
7855  int index_in_recv_requests;
7857  success = MPI_Waitany( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &recv_tag_reqs[0], &index_in_recv_requests, &status );
7858  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
7859  {
7860  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitany in ghost exchange" );
7861  }
7862  ind = index_in_recv_requests / 3;
7864  PRINT_DEBUG_RECD( status );
7866  // OK, received something; decrement incoming counter
7867  incoming--;
7869  bool done = false;
7870  std::vector< EntityHandle > dum_vec;
7871  result = recv_buffer( MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, status, remoteOwnedBuffs[ind],
7872  recv_tag_reqs[3 * ind + 1], // This is for receiving the second message
7873  recv_tag_reqs[3 * ind + 2], // This would be for ack, but it is not
7874  // used; consider removing it
7875  incoming, localOwnedBuffs[ind],
7876  sendReqs[3 * ind + 1], // Send request for sending the second message
7877  sendReqs[3 * ind + 2], // This is for sending the ack
7878  done );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to resize recv buffer" );
7879  if( done )
7880  {
7881  remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
7882  result = unpack_tags( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->buff_ptr, dum_vec, true, buffProcs[ind], &mpi_op );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to recv-unpack-tag message" );
7883  }
7884  }
7886  // OK, now wait
7887  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 5 )
7888  {
7889  success = MPI_Barrier( procConfig.proc_comm() );
7890  }
7891  else
7892  {
7893  MPI_Status status[3 * MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
7894  success = MPI_Waitall( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &sendReqs[0], status );
7895  }
7896  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
7897  {
7898  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failure in waitall in tag exchange" );
7899  }
7901  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Exiting reduce_tags" );
7903  return MB_SUCCESS;
7904 }
7906 //! return sharedp tag
7908 {
7909  if( !sharedpTag )
7910  {
7911  int def_val = -1;
7913  MB_TAG_DENSE | MB_TAG_CREAT, &def_val );
7914  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return 0;
7915  }
7917  return sharedpTag;
7918 }
7920 //! return sharedps tag
7922 {
7923  if( !sharedpsTag )
7924  {
7927  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return 0;
7928  }
7930  return sharedpsTag;
7931 }
7933 //! return sharedh tag
7935 {
7936  if( !sharedhTag )
7937  {
7938  EntityHandle def_val = 0;
7940  MB_TAG_DENSE | MB_TAG_CREAT, &def_val );
7941  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return 0;
7942  }
7944  return sharedhTag;
7945 }
7947 //! return sharedhs tag
7949 {
7950  if( !sharedhsTag )
7951  {
7954  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return 0;
7955  }
7957  return sharedhsTag;
7958 }
7960 //! return pstatus tag
7962 {
7963  if( !pstatusTag )
7964  {
7965  unsigned char tmp_pstatus = 0;
7967  MB_TAG_DENSE | MB_TAG_CREAT, &tmp_pstatus );
7968  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return 0;
7969  }
7971  return pstatusTag;
7972 }
7974 //! return partition set tag
7976 {
7977  if( !partitionTag )
7978  {
7979  int dum_id = -1;
7981  MB_TAG_SPARSE | MB_TAG_CREAT, &dum_id );
7982  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return 0;
7983  }
7985  return partitionTag;
7986 }
7988 //! return pcomm tag; passes in impl 'cuz this is a static function
7989 Tag ParallelComm::pcomm_tag( Interface* impl, bool create_if_missing )
7990 {
7991  Tag this_tag = 0;
7992  ErrorCode result;
7993  if( create_if_missing )
7994  {
7997  }
7998  else
7999  {
8001  MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, this_tag, MB_TAG_SPARSE );
8002  }
8004  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return 0;
8006  return this_tag;
8007 }
8009 //! get the indexed pcomm object from the interface
8011 {
8012  Tag pc_tag = pcomm_tag( impl, false );
8013  if( 0 == pc_tag ) return NULL;
8015  const EntityHandle root = 0;
8016  ParallelComm* pc_array[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
8017  ErrorCode result = impl->tag_get_data( pc_tag, &root, 1, (void*)pc_array );
8018  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return NULL;
8020  return pc_array[index];
8021 }
8023 ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_all_pcomm( Interface* impl, std::vector< ParallelComm* >& list )
8024 {
8025  Tag pc_tag = pcomm_tag( impl, false );
8026  if( 0 == pc_tag ) return MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND;
8028  const EntityHandle root = 0;
8029  ParallelComm* pc_array[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
8030  ErrorCode rval = impl->tag_get_data( pc_tag, &root, 1, pc_array );
8031  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
8033  for( int i = 0; i < MAX_SHARING_PROCS; i++ )
8034  {
8035  if( pc_array[i] ) list.push_back( pc_array[i] );
8036  }
8038  return MB_SUCCESS;
8039 }
8041 //! get the indexed pcomm object from the interface
8042 ParallelComm* ParallelComm::get_pcomm( Interface* impl, EntityHandle prtn, const MPI_Comm* comm )
8043 {
8044  ErrorCode rval;
8045  ParallelComm* result = 0;
8047  Tag prtn_tag;
8048  rval =
8050  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return 0;
8052  int pcomm_id;
8053  rval = impl->tag_get_data( prtn_tag, &prtn, 1, &pcomm_id );
8054  if( MB_SUCCESS == rval )
8055  {
8056  result = get_pcomm( impl, pcomm_id );
8057  }
8058  else if( MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND == rval && comm )
8059  {
8060  result = new ParallelComm( impl, *comm, &pcomm_id );
8061  if( !result ) return 0;
8062  result->set_partitioning( prtn );
8064  rval = impl->tag_set_data( prtn_tag, &prtn, 1, &pcomm_id );
8065  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval )
8066  {
8067  delete result;
8068  result = 0;
8069  }
8070  }
8072  return result;
8073 }
8076 {
8077  ErrorCode rval;
8078  Tag prtn_tag;
8081  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
8083  // Get my id
8084  ParallelComm* pcomm_arr[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
8085  Tag pc_tag = pcomm_tag( mbImpl, false );
8086  if( 0 == pc_tag ) return MB_FAILURE;
8087  const EntityHandle root = 0;
8088  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( pc_tag, &root, 1, pcomm_arr );
8089  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return MB_FAILURE;
8090  int id = std::find( pcomm_arr, pcomm_arr + MAX_SHARING_PROCS, this ) - pcomm_arr;
8091  if( id == MAX_SHARING_PROCS ) return MB_FAILURE;
8094  if( old )
8095  {
8096  rval = mbImpl->tag_delete_data( prtn_tag, &old, 1 );
8097  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
8098  partitioningSet = 0;
8099  }
8101  if( !set ) return MB_SUCCESS;
8103  Range contents;
8104  if( old )
8105  {
8106  rval = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle( old, contents );
8107  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
8108  }
8109  else
8110  {
8111  contents = partition_sets();
8112  }
8114  rval = mbImpl->add_entities( set, contents );
8115  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
8117  // Store pcomm id on new partition set
8118  rval = mbImpl->tag_set_data( prtn_tag, &set, 1, &id );
8119  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
8121  partitioningSet = set;
8122  return MB_SUCCESS;
8123 }
8125 //! return all the entities in parts owned locally
8127 {
8128  ErrorCode result;
8130  for( Range::iterator rit = partitionSets.begin(); rit != partitionSets.end(); ++rit )
8131  {
8132  Range tmp_ents;
8133  if( -1 == dim )
8134  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle( *rit, tmp_ents, true );
8135  else
8136  result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension( *rit, dim, tmp_ents, true );
8138  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
8139  ents.merge( tmp_ents );
8140  }
8142  return MB_SUCCESS;
8143 }
8145 /** \brief Return the rank of the entity owner
8146  */
8148 {
8149  unsigned char pstat;
8150  int sharing_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
8151  EntityHandle sharing_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
8153  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( pstatus_tag(), &entity, 1, &pstat );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get pstatus tag data" );
8154  if( !( pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED ) )
8155  {
8156  owner = proc_config().proc_rank();
8157  handle = entity;
8158  }
8159  else if( pstat & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED )
8160  {
8161  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedps_tag(), &entity, 1, sharing_procs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedps tag data" );
8162  owner = sharing_procs[0];
8163  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedhs_tag(), &entity, 1, sharing_handles );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedhs tag data" );
8164  handle = sharing_handles[0];
8165  }
8166  else if( pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED )
8167  {
8168  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedp_tag(), &entity, 1, sharing_procs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedp tag data" );
8169  owner = sharing_procs[0];
8170  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedh_tag(), &entity, 1, sharing_handles );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedh tag data" );
8171  handle = sharing_handles[0];
8172  }
8173  else
8174  {
8175  owner = -1;
8176  handle = 0;
8177  }
8179  return MB_SUCCESS;
8180 }
8183 {
8184  count_out = globalPartCount;
8185  return count_out < 0 ? MB_FAILURE : MB_SUCCESS;
8186 }
8188 ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_part_owner( int part_id, int& owner ) const
8189 {
8190  // FIXME: assumes only 1 local part
8191  owner = part_id;
8192  return MB_SUCCESS;
8193 }
8195 ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_part_id( EntityHandle /*part*/, int& id_out ) const
8196 {
8197  // FIXME: assumes only 1 local part
8198  id_out = proc_config().proc_rank();
8199  return MB_SUCCESS;
8200 }
8203 {
8204  // FIXME: assumes only 1 local part
8205  if( (unsigned)id != proc_config().proc_rank() ) return MB_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND;
8206  handle_out = partition_sets().front();
8207  return MB_SUCCESS;
8208 }
8211 {
8212  // Mark as invalid so we know that it needs to be updated
8213  globalPartCount = -1;
8215  // Create set representing part
8216  ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, set_out );
8217  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
8219  // Set tag on set
8220  int val = proc_config().proc_rank();
8221  rval = mbImpl->tag_set_data( part_tag(), &set_out, 1, &val );
8223  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval )
8224  {
8225  mbImpl->delete_entities( &set_out, 1 );
8226  return rval;
8227  }
8229  if( get_partitioning() )
8230  {
8231  rval = mbImpl->add_entities( get_partitioning(), &set_out, 1 );
8232  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval )
8233  {
8234  mbImpl->delete_entities( &set_out, 1 );
8235  return rval;
8236  }
8237  }
8239  moab::Range& pSets = this->partition_sets();
8240  if( pSets.index( set_out ) < 0 )
8241  {
8242  pSets.insert( set_out );
8243  }
8245  return MB_SUCCESS;
8246 }
8249 {
8250  // Mark as invalid so we know that it needs to be updated
8251  globalPartCount = -1;
8253  ErrorCode rval;
8254  if( get_partitioning() )
8255  {
8256  rval = mbImpl->remove_entities( get_partitioning(), &part_id, 1 );
8257  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
8258  }
8260  moab::Range& pSets = this->partition_sets();
8261  if( pSets.index( part_id ) >= 0 )
8262  {
8263  pSets.erase( part_id );
8264  }
8265  return mbImpl->delete_entities( &part_id, 1 );
8266 }
8269 {
8270  int count = partition_sets().size();
8271  globalPartCount = 0;
8272  int err = MPI_Allreduce( &count, &globalPartCount, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, proc_config().proc_comm() );
8273  return err ? MB_FAILURE : MB_SUCCESS;
8274 }
8277  int neighbors_out[MAX_SHARING_PROCS],
8278  int& num_neighbors_out )
8279 {
8280  ErrorCode rval;
8281  Range iface;
8282  rval = get_interface_sets( part, iface );
8283  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
8285  num_neighbors_out = 0;
8286  int n, j = 0;
8287  int tmp[MAX_SHARING_PROCS] = { 0 }, curr[MAX_SHARING_PROCS] = { 0 };
8288  int* parts[2] = { neighbors_out, tmp };
8289  for( Range::iterator i = iface.begin(); i != iface.end(); ++i )
8290  {
8291  unsigned char pstat;
8292  rval = get_sharing_data( *i, curr, NULL, pstat, n );
8293  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
8294  std::sort( curr, curr + n );
8295  assert( num_neighbors_out < MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
8296  int* k = std::set_union( parts[j], parts[j] + num_neighbors_out, curr, curr + n, parts[1 - j] );
8297  j = 1 - j;
8298  num_neighbors_out = k - parts[j];
8299  }
8300  if( parts[j] != neighbors_out ) std::copy( parts[j], parts[j] + num_neighbors_out, neighbors_out );
8302  // Remove input part from list
8303  int id;
8304  rval = get_part_id( part, id );
8305  if( MB_SUCCESS == rval )
8306  num_neighbors_out = std::remove( neighbors_out, neighbors_out + num_neighbors_out, id ) - neighbors_out;
8307  return rval;
8308 }
8310 ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_interface_sets( EntityHandle, Range& iface_sets_out, int* adj_part_id )
8311 {
8312  // FIXME : assumes one part per processor.
8313  // Need to store part iface sets as children to implement
8314  // this correctly.
8315  iface_sets_out = interface_sets();
8317  if( adj_part_id )
8318  {
8319  int part_ids[MAX_SHARING_PROCS], num_parts;
8320  Range::iterator i = iface_sets_out.begin();
8321  while( i != iface_sets_out.end() )
8322  {
8323  unsigned char pstat;
8324  ErrorCode rval = get_sharing_data( *i, part_ids, NULL, pstat, num_parts );
8325  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
8327  if( std::find( part_ids, part_ids + num_parts, *adj_part_id ) - part_ids != num_parts )
8328  ++i;
8329  else
8330  i = iface_sets_out.erase( i );
8331  }
8332  }
8334  return MB_SUCCESS;
8335 }
8337 ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_owning_part( EntityHandle handle, int& owning_part_id, EntityHandle* remote_handle )
8338 {
8339  // FIXME : assumes one part per proc, and therefore part_id == rank
8341  // If entity is not shared, then we're the owner.
8342  unsigned char pstat;
8343  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( pstatus_tag(), &handle, 1, &pstat );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get pstatus tag data" );
8344  if( !( pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED ) )
8345  {
8346  owning_part_id = proc_config().proc_rank();
8347  if( remote_handle ) *remote_handle = handle;
8348  return MB_SUCCESS;
8349  }
8351  // If entity is shared with one other proc, then
8352  // sharedp_tag will contain a positive value.
8353  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedp_tag(), &handle, 1, &owning_part_id );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedp tag data" );
8354  if( owning_part_id != -1 )
8355  {
8356  // Done?
8357  if( !remote_handle ) return MB_SUCCESS;
8359  // Get handles on remote processors (and this one)
8360  return mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedh_tag(), &handle, 1, remote_handle );
8361  }
8363  // If here, then the entity is shared with at least two other processors.
8364  // Get the list from the sharedps_tag
8365  const void* part_id_list = 0;
8366  result = mbImpl->tag_get_by_ptr( sharedps_tag(), &handle, 1, &part_id_list );
8367  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
8368  owning_part_id = ( (const int*)part_id_list )[0];
8370  // Done?
8371  if( !remote_handle ) return MB_SUCCESS;
8373  // Get remote handles
8374  const void* handle_list = 0;
8375  result = mbImpl->tag_get_by_ptr( sharedhs_tag(), &handle, 1, &handle_list );
8376  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
8378  *remote_handle = ( (const EntityHandle*)handle_list )[0];
8379  return MB_SUCCESS;
8380 }
8383  int part_ids_out[MAX_SHARING_PROCS],
8384  int& num_part_ids_out,
8385  EntityHandle remote_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS] )
8386 {
8387  // FIXME : assumes one part per proc, and therefore part_id == rank
8389  // If entity is not shared, then we're the owner.
8390  unsigned char pstat;
8391  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( pstatus_tag(), &entity, 1, &pstat );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get pstatus tag data" );
8392  if( !( pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED ) )
8393  {
8394  part_ids_out[0] = proc_config().proc_rank();
8395  if( remote_handles ) remote_handles[0] = entity;
8396  num_part_ids_out = 1;
8397  return MB_SUCCESS;
8398  }
8400  // If entity is shared with one other proc, then
8401  // sharedp_tag will contain a positive value.
8402  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedp_tag(), &entity, 1, part_ids_out );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get sharedp tag data" );
8403  if( part_ids_out[0] != -1 )
8404  {
8405  num_part_ids_out = 2;
8406  part_ids_out[1] = proc_config().proc_rank();
8408  // Done?
8409  if( !remote_handles ) return MB_SUCCESS;
8411  // Get handles on remote processors (and this one)
8412  remote_handles[1] = entity;
8413  return mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedh_tag(), &entity, 1, remote_handles );
8414  }
8416  // If here, then the entity is shared with at least two other processors.
8417  // Get the list from the sharedps_tag
8418  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedps_tag(), &entity, 1, part_ids_out );
8419  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
8420  // Count number of valid (positive) entries in sharedps_tag
8421  for( num_part_ids_out = 0; num_part_ids_out < MAX_SHARING_PROCS && part_ids_out[num_part_ids_out] >= 0;
8422  num_part_ids_out++ )
8423  ;
8424  // part_ids_out[num_part_ids_out++] = proc_config().proc_rank();
8425 #ifndef NDEBUG
8426  int my_idx = std::find( part_ids_out, part_ids_out + num_part_ids_out, proc_config().proc_rank() ) - part_ids_out;
8427  assert( my_idx < num_part_ids_out );
8428 #endif
8430  // Done?
8431  if( !remote_handles ) return MB_SUCCESS;
8433  // Get remote handles
8434  result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedhs_tag(), &entity, 1, remote_handles );
8435  // remote_handles[num_part_ids_out - 1] = entity;
8436  assert( remote_handles[my_idx] == entity );
8438  return result;
8439 }
8441 ErrorCode ParallelComm::pack_shared_handles( std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > >& send_data )
8442 {
8443  // Build up send buffers
8444  ErrorCode rval = MB_SUCCESS;
8445  int ent_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
8447  int num_sharing, tmp_int;
8448  SharedEntityData tmp;
8449  send_data.resize( buffProcs.size() );
8450  for( std::set< EntityHandle >::iterator i = sharedEnts.begin(); i != sharedEnts.end(); ++i )
8451  {
8452  tmp.remote = *i; // Swap local/remote so they're correct on the remote proc.
8453  rval = get_owner( *i, tmp_int );
8454  tmp.owner = tmp_int;
8455  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
8457  unsigned char pstat;
8458  rval = get_sharing_data( *i, ent_procs, handles, pstat, num_sharing );
8459  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
8460  for( int j = 0; j < num_sharing; j++ )
8461  {
8462  if( ent_procs[j] == (int)proc_config().proc_rank() ) continue;
8463  tmp.local = handles[j];
8464  int ind = get_buffers( ent_procs[j] );
8465  assert( -1 != ind );
8466  if( (int)send_data.size() < ind + 1 ) send_data.resize( ind + 1 );
8467  send_data[ind].push_back( tmp );
8468  }
8469  }
8471  return MB_SUCCESS;
8472 }
8474 ErrorCode ParallelComm::exchange_all_shared_handles( std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > >& send_data,
8475  std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > >& result )
8476 {
8477  int ierr;
8478  const int tag = 0;
8479  const MPI_Comm cm = procConfig.proc_comm();
8480  const int num_proc = buffProcs.size();
8481  const std::vector< int > procs( buffProcs.begin(), buffProcs.end() );
8482  std::vector< MPI_Request > recv_req( buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
8483  std::vector< MPI_Request > send_req( buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
8485  // Set up to receive sizes
8486  std::vector< int > sizes_send( num_proc ), sizes_recv( num_proc );
8487  for( int i = 0; i < num_proc; i++ )
8488  {
8489  ierr = MPI_Irecv( &sizes_recv[i], 1, MPI_INT, procs[i], tag, cm, &recv_req[i] );
8490  if( ierr ) return MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
8491  }
8493  // Send sizes
8494  assert( num_proc == (int)send_data.size() );
8496  result.resize( num_proc );
8497  for( int i = 0; i < num_proc; i++ )
8498  {
8499  sizes_send[i] = send_data[i].size();
8500  ierr = MPI_Isend( &sizes_send[i], 1, MPI_INT, buffProcs[i], tag, cm, &send_req[i] );
8501  if( ierr ) return MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
8502  }
8504  // Receive sizes
8505  std::vector< MPI_Status > stat( num_proc );
8506  ierr = MPI_Waitall( num_proc, &recv_req[0], &stat[0] );
8507  if( ierr ) return MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
8509  // Wait until all sizes are sent (clean up pending req's)
8510  ierr = MPI_Waitall( num_proc, &send_req[0], &stat[0] );
8511  if( ierr ) return MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
8513  // Set up to receive data
8514  for( int i = 0; i < num_proc; i++ )
8515  {
8516  result[i].resize( sizes_recv[i] );
8517  ierr = MPI_Irecv( (void*)( &( result[i][0] ) ), sizeof( SharedEntityData ) * sizes_recv[i], MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,
8518  buffProcs[i], tag, cm, &recv_req[i] );
8519  if( ierr ) return MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
8520  }
8522  // Send data
8523  for( int i = 0; i < num_proc; i++ )
8524  {
8525  ierr = MPI_Isend( (void*)( &( send_data[i][0] ) ), sizeof( SharedEntityData ) * sizes_send[i],
8526  MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, buffProcs[i], tag, cm, &send_req[i] );
8527  if( ierr ) return MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
8528  }
8530  // Receive data
8531  ierr = MPI_Waitall( num_proc, &recv_req[0], &stat[0] );
8532  if( ierr ) return MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
8534  // Wait until everything is sent to release send buffers
8535  ierr = MPI_Waitall( num_proc, &send_req[0], &stat[0] );
8536  if( ierr ) return MB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR;
8538  return MB_SUCCESS;
8539 }
8542 {
8543  // Get all shared ent data from other procs
8544  std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > > shents( buffProcs.size() ), send_data( buffProcs.size() );
8546  ErrorCode result;
8547  bool done = false;
8549  while( !done )
8550  {
8551  result = check_local_shared();
8552  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
8553  {
8554  done = true;
8555  continue;
8556  }
8558  result = pack_shared_handles( send_data );
8559  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
8560  {
8561  done = true;
8562  continue;
8563  }
8565  result = exchange_all_shared_handles( send_data, shents );
8566  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
8567  {
8568  done = true;
8569  continue;
8570  }
8572  if( !shents.empty() ) result = check_my_shared_handles( shents );
8573  done = true;
8574  }
8576  if( MB_SUCCESS != result && print_em )
8577  {
8578 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_HDF5
8579  std::ostringstream ent_str;
8580  ent_str << "mesh." << procConfig.proc_rank() << ".h5m";
8581  mbImpl->write_mesh( ent_str.str().c_str() );
8582 #endif
8583  }
8585  return result;
8586 }
8589 {
8590  // Do some checks on shared entities to make sure things look
8591  // consistent
8593  // Check that non-vertex shared entities are shared by same procs as all
8594  // their vertices
8595  // std::pair<Range::const_iterator,Range::const_iterator> vert_it =
8596  // sharedEnts.equal_range(MBVERTEX);
8597  std::vector< EntityHandle > dum_connect;
8598  const EntityHandle* connect;
8599  int num_connect;
8600  int tmp_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
8602  std::set< int > tmp_set, vset;
8603  int num_ps;
8604  ErrorCode result;
8605  unsigned char pstat;
8606  std::vector< EntityHandle > bad_ents;
8607  std::vector< std::string > errors;
8609  std::set< EntityHandle >::iterator vit;
8610  for( vit = sharedEnts.begin(); vit != sharedEnts.end(); ++vit )
8611  {
8612  // Get sharing procs for this ent
8613  result = get_sharing_data( *vit, tmp_procs, tmp_hs, pstat, num_ps );
8614  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
8615  {
8616  bad_ents.push_back( *vit );
8617  errors.push_back( std::string( "Failure getting sharing data." ) );
8618  continue;
8619  }
8621  bool bad = false;
8622  // Entity must be shared
8623  if( !( pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED ) )
8624  errors.push_back( std::string( "Entity should be shared but isn't." ) ), bad = true;
8626  // If entity is not owned this must not be first proc
8627  if( pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED && tmp_procs[0] == (int)procConfig.proc_rank() )
8628  errors.push_back( std::string( "Entity not owned but is first proc." ) ), bad = true;
8630  // If entity is owned and multishared, this must be first proc
8631  if( !( pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED ) && pstat & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED &&
8632  ( tmp_procs[0] != (int)procConfig.proc_rank() || tmp_hs[0] != *vit ) )
8633  errors.push_back( std::string( "Entity owned and multishared but not first proc or not first handle." ) ),
8634  bad = true;
8636  if( bad )
8637  {
8638  bad_ents.push_back( *vit );
8639  continue;
8640  }
8642  EntityType type = mbImpl->type_from_handle( *vit );
8643  if( type == MBVERTEX || type == MBENTITYSET ) continue;
8645  // Copy element's procs to vset and save size
8646  int orig_ps = num_ps;
8647  vset.clear();
8648  std::copy( tmp_procs, tmp_procs + num_ps, std::inserter( vset, vset.begin() ) );
8650  // Get vertices for this ent and intersection of sharing procs
8651  result = mbImpl->get_connectivity( *vit, connect, num_connect, false, &dum_connect );
8652  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
8653  {
8654  bad_ents.push_back( *vit );
8655  errors.push_back( std::string( "Failed to get connectivity." ) );
8656  continue;
8657  }
8659  for( int i = 0; i < num_connect; i++ )
8660  {
8661  result = get_sharing_data( connect[i], tmp_procs, NULL, pstat, num_ps );
8662  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
8663  {
8664  bad_ents.push_back( *vit );
8665  continue;
8666  }
8667  if( !num_ps )
8668  {
8669  vset.clear();
8670  break;
8671  }
8672  std::sort( tmp_procs, tmp_procs + num_ps );
8673  tmp_set.clear();
8674  std::set_intersection( tmp_procs, tmp_procs + num_ps, vset.begin(), vset.end(),
8675  std::inserter( tmp_set, tmp_set.end() ) );
8676  vset.swap( tmp_set );
8677  if( vset.empty() ) break;
8678  }
8680  // Intersect them; should be the same size as orig_ps
8681  tmp_set.clear();
8682  std::set_intersection( tmp_procs, tmp_procs + num_ps, vset.begin(), vset.end(),
8683  std::inserter( tmp_set, tmp_set.end() ) );
8684  if( orig_ps != (int)tmp_set.size() )
8685  {
8686  errors.push_back( std::string( "Vertex proc set not same size as entity proc set." ) );
8687  bad_ents.push_back( *vit );
8688  for( int i = 0; i < num_connect; i++ )
8689  {
8690  bad_ents.push_back( connect[i] );
8691  errors.push_back( std::string( "vertex in connect" ) );
8692  }
8693  }
8694  }
8696  if( !bad_ents.empty() )
8697  {
8698  std::cout << "Found bad entities in check_local_shared, proc rank " << procConfig.proc_rank() << ","
8699  << std::endl;
8700  std::vector< std::string >::iterator sit;
8701  std::vector< EntityHandle >::iterator rit;
8702  for( rit = bad_ents.begin(), sit = errors.begin(); rit != bad_ents.end(); ++rit, ++sit )
8703  {
8704  list_entities( &( *rit ), 1 );
8705  std::cout << "Reason: " << *sit << std::endl;
8706  }
8707  return MB_FAILURE;
8708  }
8710  // To do: check interface sets
8712  return MB_SUCCESS;
8713 }
8716 {
8717  std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > > > shents, send_data;
8718  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS, tmp_result;
8720  // Get all shared ent data from each proc to all other procs
8721  send_data.resize( num_pcs );
8722  for( int p = 0; p < num_pcs; p++ )
8723  {
8724  tmp_result = pcs[p]->pack_shared_handles( send_data[p] );
8725  if( MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result ) result = tmp_result;
8726  }
8727  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
8729  // Move the data sorted by sending proc to data sorted by receiving proc
8730  shents.resize( num_pcs );
8731  for( int p = 0; p < num_pcs; p++ )
8732  shents[p].resize( pcs[p]->buffProcs.size() );
8734  for( int p = 0; p < num_pcs; p++ )
8735  {
8736  for( unsigned int idx_p = 0; idx_p < pcs[p]->buffProcs.size(); idx_p++ )
8737  {
8738  // Move send_data[p][to_p] to shents[to_p][idx_p]
8739  int to_p = pcs[p]->buffProcs[idx_p];
8740  int top_idx_p = pcs[to_p]->get_buffers( p );
8741  assert( -1 != top_idx_p );
8742  shents[to_p][top_idx_p] = send_data[p][idx_p];
8743  }
8744  }
8746  for( int p = 0; p < num_pcs; p++ )
8747  {
8748  std::ostringstream ostr;
8749  ostr << "Processor " << p << " bad entities:";
8750  tmp_result = pcs[p]->check_my_shared_handles( shents[p], ostr.str().c_str() );
8751  if( MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result ) result = tmp_result;
8752  }
8754  return result;
8755 }
8757 ErrorCode ParallelComm::check_my_shared_handles( std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > >& shents,
8758  const char* prefix )
8759 {
8760  // Now check against what I think data should be
8761  // Get all shared entities
8762  ErrorCode result;
8763  Range all_shared;
8764  std::copy( sharedEnts.begin(), sharedEnts.end(), range_inserter( all_shared ) );
8765  std::vector< EntityHandle > dum_vec;
8766  all_shared.erase( all_shared.upper_bound( MBPOLYHEDRON ), all_shared.end() );
8768  Range bad_ents, local_shared;
8769  std::vector< SharedEntityData >::iterator vit;
8770  unsigned char tmp_pstat;
8771  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < shents.size(); i++ )
8772  {
8773  int other_proc = buffProcs[i];
8774  result = get_shared_entities( other_proc, local_shared );
8775  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
8776  for( vit = shents[i].begin(); vit != shents[i].end(); ++vit )
8777  {
8778  EntityHandle localh = vit->local, remoteh = vit->remote, dumh;
8779  local_shared.erase( localh );
8780  result = get_remote_handles( true, &localh, &dumh, 1, other_proc, dum_vec );
8781  if( MB_SUCCESS != result || dumh != remoteh ) bad_ents.insert( localh );
8782  result = get_pstatus( localh, tmp_pstat );
8783  if( MB_SUCCESS != result || ( !( tmp_pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED ) && (unsigned)vit->owner != rank() ) ||
8784  ( tmp_pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED && (unsigned)vit->owner == rank() ) )
8785  bad_ents.insert( localh );
8786  }
8788  if( !local_shared.empty() ) bad_ents.merge( local_shared );
8789  }
8791  if( !bad_ents.empty() )
8792  {
8793  if( prefix ) std::cout << prefix << std::endl;
8794  list_entities( bad_ents );
8795  return MB_FAILURE;
8796  }
8797  else
8798  return MB_SUCCESS;
8799 }
8802  Range& shared_ents,
8803  int dim,
8804  const bool iface,
8805  const bool owned_filter )
8806 {
8807  shared_ents.clear();
8808  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
8810  // Dimension
8811  if( -1 != dim )
8812  {
8814  Range dum_range;
8815  std::copy( sharedEnts.begin(), sharedEnts.end(), range_inserter( dum_range ) );
8816  shared_ents.merge( dum_range.lower_bound( dp.first ), dum_range.upper_bound( dp.second ) );
8817  }
8818  else
8819  std::copy( sharedEnts.begin(), sharedEnts.end(), range_inserter( shared_ents ) );
8821  // Filter by iface
8822  if( iface )
8823  {
8824  result = filter_pstatus( shared_ents, PSTATUS_INTERFACE, PSTATUS_AND );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to filter by iface" );
8825  }
8827  // Filter by owned
8828  if( owned_filter )
8829  {
8830  result = filter_pstatus( shared_ents, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to filter by owned" );
8831  }
8833  // Filter by proc
8834  if( -1 != other_proc )
8835  {
8836  result = filter_pstatus( shared_ents, PSTATUS_SHARED, PSTATUS_AND, other_proc );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to filter by proc" );
8837  }
8839  return result;
8840 }
8842 ErrorCode ParallelComm::clean_shared_tags( std::vector< Range* >& exchange_ents )
8843 {
8844  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < exchange_ents.size(); i++ )
8845  {
8846  Range* ents = exchange_ents[i];
8847  int num_ents = ents->size();
8848  Range::iterator it = ents->begin();
8850  for( int n = 0; n < num_ents; n++ )
8851  {
8852  int sharing_proc;
8853  ErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedp_tag(), &( *ents->begin() ), 1, &sharing_proc );
8854  if( result != MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND && sharing_proc == -1 )
8855  {
8856  result = mbImpl->tag_delete_data( sharedp_tag(), &( *it ), 1 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to delete sharedp tag data" );
8857  result = mbImpl->tag_delete_data( sharedh_tag(), &( *it ), 1 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to delete sharedh tag data" );
8858  result = mbImpl->tag_delete_data( pstatus_tag(), &( *it ), 1 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to delete pstatus tag data" );
8859  }
8860  ++it;
8861  }
8862  }
8864  return MB_SUCCESS;
8865 }
8868 {
8869  myDebug->set_verbosity( verb );
8870 }
8873 {
8874  return myDebug->get_verbosity();
8875 }
8877 ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_entityset_procs( EntityHandle set, std::vector< unsigned >& ranks ) const
8878 {
8879  return sharedSetData->get_sharing_procs( set, ranks );
8880 }
8883  unsigned& owner_rank,
8884  EntityHandle* remote_handle ) const
8885 {
8886  if( remote_handle )
8887  return sharedSetData->get_owner( entity_set, owner_rank, *remote_handle );
8888  else
8889  return sharedSetData->get_owner( entity_set, owner_rank );
8890 }
8893  EntityHandle remote_handle,
8894  EntityHandle& local_handle ) const
8895 {
8896  return sharedSetData->get_local_handle( owning_rank, remote_handle, local_handle );
8897 }
8900 {
8901  return sharedSetData->get_shared_sets( result );
8902 }
8904 ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_entityset_owners( std::vector< unsigned >& ranks ) const
8905 {
8906  return sharedSetData->get_owning_procs( ranks );
8907 }
8909 ErrorCode ParallelComm::get_owned_sets( unsigned owning_rank, Range& sets_out ) const
8910 {
8911  return sharedSetData->get_shared_sets( owning_rank, sets_out );
8912 }
8915  Tag& tag_handle,
8916  Tag id_tag,
8917  EntityHandle gather_set,
8918  int root_proc_rank )
8919 {
8920  int dim = mbImpl->dimension_from_handle( *gather_ents.begin() );
8921  int bytes_per_tag = 0;
8922  ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->tag_get_bytes( tag_handle, bytes_per_tag );
8923  if( rval != MB_SUCCESS ) return rval;
8925  int sz_buffer = sizeof( int ) + gather_ents.size() * ( sizeof( int ) + bytes_per_tag );
8926  void* senddata = malloc( sz_buffer );
8927  ( (int*)senddata )[0] = (int)gather_ents.size();
8928  int* ptr_int = (int*)senddata + 1;
8929  rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data( id_tag, gather_ents, (void*)ptr_int );
8930  if( rval != MB_SUCCESS ) return rval;
8931  ptr_int = (int*)( senddata ) + 1 + gather_ents.size();
8932  rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data( tag_handle, gather_ents, (void*)ptr_int );
8933  if( rval != MB_SUCCESS ) return rval;
8934  std::vector< int > displs( proc_config().proc_size(), 0 );
8935  MPI_Gather( &sz_buffer, 1, MPI_INT, &displs[0], 1, MPI_INT, root_proc_rank, comm() );
8936  std::vector< int > recvcnts( proc_config().proc_size(), 0 );
8937  std::copy( displs.begin(), displs.end(), recvcnts.begin() );
8938  std::partial_sum( displs.begin(), displs.end(), displs.begin() );
8939  std::vector< int >::iterator lastM1 = displs.end() - 1;
8940  std::copy_backward( displs.begin(), lastM1, displs.end() );
8941  // std::copy_backward(displs.begin(), --displs.end(), displs.end());
8942  displs[0] = 0;
8944  if( (int)rank() != root_proc_rank )
8945  MPI_Gatherv( senddata, sz_buffer, MPI_BYTE, NULL, NULL, NULL, MPI_BYTE, root_proc_rank, comm() );
8946  else
8947  {
8948  Range gents;
8949  mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension( gather_set, dim, gents );
8950  int recvbuffsz = gents.size() * ( bytes_per_tag + sizeof( int ) ) + proc_config().proc_size() * sizeof( int );
8951  void* recvbuf = malloc( recvbuffsz );
8952  MPI_Gatherv( senddata, sz_buffer, MPI_BYTE, recvbuf, &recvcnts[0], &displs[0], MPI_BYTE, root_proc_rank,
8953  comm() );
8955  void* gvals = NULL;
8957  // Test whether gents has multiple sequences
8958  bool multiple_sequences = false;
8959  if( gents.psize() > 1 )
8960  multiple_sequences = true;
8961  else
8962  {
8963  int count;
8964  rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate( tag_handle, gents.begin(), gents.end(), count, gvals );
8965  assert( NULL != gvals );
8966  assert( count > 0 );
8967  if( (size_t)count != gents.size() )
8968  {
8969  multiple_sequences = true;
8970  gvals = NULL;
8971  }
8972  }
8974  // If gents has multiple sequences, create a temp buffer for gathered values
8975  if( multiple_sequences )
8976  {
8977  gvals = malloc( gents.size() * bytes_per_tag );
8978  assert( NULL != gvals );
8979  }
8981  for( int i = 0; i != (int)size(); i++ )
8982  {
8983  int numents = *(int*)( ( (char*)recvbuf ) + displs[i] );
8984  int* id_ptr = (int*)( ( (char*)recvbuf ) + displs[i] + sizeof( int ) );
8985  char* val_ptr = (char*)( id_ptr + numents );
8986  for( int j = 0; j != numents; j++ )
8987  {
8988  int idx = id_ptr[j];
8989  memcpy( (char*)gvals + ( idx - 1 ) * bytes_per_tag, val_ptr + j * bytes_per_tag, bytes_per_tag );
8990  }
8991  }
8993  // Free the receive buffer
8994  free( recvbuf );
8996  // If gents has multiple sequences, copy tag data (stored in the temp buffer) to each
8997  // sequence separately
8998  if( multiple_sequences )
8999  {
9000  Range::iterator iter = gents.begin();
9001  size_t start_idx = 0;
9002  while( iter != gents.end() )
9003  {
9004  int count;
9005  void* ptr;
9006  rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate( tag_handle, iter, gents.end(), count, ptr );
9007  assert( NULL != ptr );
9008  assert( count > 0 );
9009  memcpy( (char*)ptr, (char*)gvals + start_idx * bytes_per_tag, bytes_per_tag * count );
9011  iter += count;
9012  start_idx += count;
9013  }
9014  assert( start_idx == gents.size() );
9016  // Free the temp buffer
9017  free( gvals );
9018  }
9019  }
9021  // Free the send data
9022  free( senddata );
9024  return MB_SUCCESS;
9025 }
9027 /*
9028  * This call is collective, so we will use the message ids for tag communications;
9029  * they are similar, but simpler
9030  * Pack the number of edges, the remote edge handles, then for each edge, the number
9031  * of intersection points, and then 3 doubles for each intersection point
9032  * On average, there is one intx point per edge, in some cases 2, in some cases 0
9033  * so on average, the message size is num_edges * (sizeof(eh) + sizeof(int) + 1*3*sizeof(double))
9034  * = num_edges * (8 + 4 + 24)
9035  */
9037  Range& shared_edges_owned,
9038  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle >* >& extraNodesVec,
9039  double tolerance )
9040 {
9041  // The index of an edge in the edges Range will give the index for extraNodesVec
9042  // the strategy of this follows exchange tags strategy:
9043  ErrorCode result;
9044  int success;
9046  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Entering settle_intersection_points\n" );
9048  // Get all procs interfacing to this proc
9049  std::set< unsigned int > exch_procs;
9050  result = get_comm_procs( exch_procs );
9052  // Post ghost irecv's for all interface procs
9053  // Index requests the same as buffer/sharing procs indices
9054  std::vector< MPI_Request > recv_intx_reqs( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
9055  std::vector< unsigned int >::iterator sit;
9056  int ind;
9059  int incoming = 0;
9061  for( ind = 0, sit = buffProcs.begin(); sit != buffProcs.end(); ++sit, ind++ )
9062  {
9063  incoming++;
9065  MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, incoming );
9067  success = MPI_Irecv( remoteOwnedBuffs[ind]->mem_ptr, INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, *sit,
9068  MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, procConfig.proc_comm(), &recv_intx_reqs[3 * ind] );
9069  if( success != MPI_SUCCESS )
9070  {
9071  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed to post irecv in settle intersection point" );
9072  }
9073  }
9075  // Pack and send intersection points from this proc to others
9076  // Make sendReqs vector to simplify initialization
9077  sendReqs.resize( 3 * buffProcs.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL );
9079  // Take all shared entities if incoming list is empty
9080  Range& entities = shared_edges_owned;
9082  int dum_ack_buff;
9084  for( ind = 0, sit = buffProcs.begin(); sit != buffProcs.end(); ++sit, ind++ )
9085  {
9086  Range edges_to_send = entities;
9088  // Get ents shared by proc *sit
9089  result = filter_pstatus( edges_to_send, PSTATUS_SHARED, PSTATUS_AND, *sit );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed pstatus AND check" );
9091  // Remote nonowned entities; not needed, edges are already owned by this proc
9093  // Pack the data
9094  // Reserve space on front for size and for initial buff size
9095  Buffer* buff = localOwnedBuffs[ind];
9096  buff->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
9098  /*result = pack_intx_points(edges_to_send, edges, extraNodesVec,
9099  localOwnedBuffs[ind], *sit);*/
9101  // Count first data, and see if it is enough room?
9102  // Send the remote handles
9103  std::vector< EntityHandle > dum_remote_edges( edges_to_send.size() );
9104  /*
9105  * get_remote_handles(const bool store_remote_handles,
9106  EntityHandle *from_vec,
9107  EntityHandle *to_vec_tmp,
9108  int num_ents, int to_proc,
9109  const std::vector<EntityHandle> &new_ents);
9110  */
9111  // We are sending count, num edges, remote edges handles, and then, for each edge:
9112  // -- nb intx points, 3*nbintPointsforEdge "doubles"
9113  std::vector< EntityHandle > dum_vec;
9114  result = get_remote_handles( true, edges_to_send, &dum_remote_edges[0], *sit, dum_vec );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get remote handles" );
9115  int count = 4; // Size of data
9116  count += sizeof( int ) * (int)edges_to_send.size();
9117  count += sizeof( EntityHandle ) * (int)edges_to_send.size(); // We will send the remote handles
9118  for( Range::iterator eit = edges_to_send.begin(); eit != edges_to_send.end(); ++eit )
9119  {
9120  EntityHandle edge = *eit;
9121  unsigned int indx = edges.find( edge ) - edges.begin();
9122  std::vector< EntityHandle >& intx_nodes = *( extraNodesVec[indx] );
9123  count += (int)intx_nodes.size() * 3 * sizeof( double ); // 3 integer for each entity handle
9124  }
9125  //
9126  buff->check_space( count );
9127  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, edges_to_send.size() );
9128  PACK_EH( buff->buff_ptr, &dum_remote_edges[0], dum_remote_edges.size() );
9129  for( Range::iterator eit = edges_to_send.begin(); eit != edges_to_send.end(); ++eit )
9130  {
9131  EntityHandle edge = *eit;
9132  // Pack the remote edge
9133  unsigned int indx = edges.find( edge ) - edges.begin();
9134  std::vector< EntityHandle >& intx_nodes = *( extraNodesVec[indx] );
9135  PACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, intx_nodes.size() );
9137  result = mbImpl->get_coords( &intx_nodes[0], intx_nodes.size(), (double*)buff->buff_ptr );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get coords" );
9138  buff->buff_ptr += 3 * sizeof( double ) * intx_nodes.size();
9139  }
9141  // Done packing the intx points and remote edges
9142  buff->set_stored_size();
9144  // Now send it
9145  result = send_buffer( *sit, localOwnedBuffs[ind], MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, sendReqs[3 * ind],
9146  recv_intx_reqs[3 * ind + 2], &dum_ack_buff, incoming );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to send buffer" );
9147  }
9149  // Receive/unpack intx points
9150  while( incoming )
9151  {
9152  MPI_Status status;
9153  int index_in_recv_requests;
9155  success = MPI_Waitany( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &recv_intx_reqs[0], &index_in_recv_requests, &status );
9156  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
9157  {
9158  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failed in waitany in ghost exchange" );
9159  }
9160  // Processor index in the list is divided by 3
9161  ind = index_in_recv_requests / 3;
9163  PRINT_DEBUG_RECD( status );
9165  // OK, received something; decrement incoming counter
9166  incoming--;
9168  bool done = false;
9169  result = recv_buffer( MB_MESG_TAGS_SIZE, status, remoteOwnedBuffs[ind],
9170  recv_intx_reqs[3 * ind + 1], // This is for receiving the second message
9171  recv_intx_reqs[3 * ind + 2], // This would be for ack, but it is not
9172  // used; consider removing it
9173  incoming, localOwnedBuffs[ind],
9174  sendReqs[3 * ind + 1], // Send request for sending the second message
9175  sendReqs[3 * ind + 2], // This is for sending the ack
9176  done );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to resize recv buffer" );
9177  if( done )
9178  {
9179  Buffer* buff = remoteOwnedBuffs[ind];
9180  buff->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
9181  /*result = unpack_tags(remoteOwnedBuffs[ind/2]->buff_ptr, dum_vec, true,
9182  buffProcs[ind/2]);*/
9183  // Unpack now the edges and vertex info; compare with the existing vertex positions
9185  int num_edges;
9187  UNPACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, num_edges );
9188  std::vector< EntityHandle > rec_edges;
9189  rec_edges.resize( num_edges );
9190  UNPACK_EH( buff->buff_ptr, &rec_edges[0], num_edges );
9191  for( int i = 0; i < num_edges; i++ )
9192  {
9193  EntityHandle edge = rec_edges[i];
9194  unsigned int indx = edges.find( edge ) - edges.begin();
9195  std::vector< EntityHandle >& intx_nodes = *( extraNodesVec[indx] );
9196  // Now get the number of nodes on this (now local) edge
9197  int nverts;
9198  UNPACK_INT( buff->buff_ptr, nverts );
9199  std::vector< double > pos_from_owner;
9200  pos_from_owner.resize( 3 * nverts );
9201  UNPACK_DBLS( buff->buff_ptr, &pos_from_owner[0], 3 * nverts );
9202  std::vector< double > current_positions( 3 * intx_nodes.size() );
9203  result = mbImpl->get_coords( &intx_nodes[0], intx_nodes.size(), &current_positions[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to get current positions" );
9204  // Now, look at what we have in current pos, compare to pos from owner, and reset
9205  for( int k = 0; k < (int)intx_nodes.size(); k++ )
9206  {
9207  double* pk = &current_positions[3 * k];
9208  // Take the current pos k, and settle among the ones from owner:
9209  bool found = false;
9210  for( int j = 0; j < nverts && !found; j++ )
9211  {
9212  double* pj = &pos_from_owner[3 * j];
9213  double dist2 = ( pk[0] - pj[0] ) * ( pk[0] - pj[0] ) + ( pk[1] - pj[1] ) * ( pk[1] - pj[1] ) +
9214  ( pk[2] - pj[2] ) * ( pk[2] - pj[2] );
9215  if( dist2 < tolerance )
9216  {
9217  pk[0] = pj[0];
9218  pk[1] = pj[1];
9219  pk[2] = pj[2]; // Correct it!
9220  found = true;
9221  break;
9222  }
9223  }
9224  if( !found )
9225  {
9226 #ifndef NDEBUG
9227  std::cout << " pk:" << pk[0] << " " << pk[1] << " " << pk[2] << " not found \n";
9228 #endif
9229  result = MB_FAILURE;
9230  }
9231  }
9232  // After we are done resetting, we can set the new positions of nodes:
9233  result = mbImpl->set_coords( &intx_nodes[0], (int)intx_nodes.size(), &current_positions[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set new current positions" );
9234  }
9235  }
9236  }
9238  // OK, now wait
9239  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 5 )
9240  {
9241  success = MPI_Barrier( procConfig.proc_comm() );
9242  }
9243  else
9244  {
9245  MPI_Status status[3 * MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
9246  success = MPI_Waitall( 3 * buffProcs.size(), &sendReqs[0], status );
9247  }
9248  if( MPI_SUCCESS != success )
9249  {
9250  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Failure in waitall in tag exchange" );
9251  }
9253  myDebug->tprintf( 1, "Exiting settle_intersection_points" );
9255  return MB_SUCCESS;
9256 }
9259 {
9260  // Will not look at shared sets yet, but maybe we should
9261  // First, see if any of the entities to delete is shared; then inform the other processors
9262  // about their fate (to be deleted), using a crystal router transfer
9263  ErrorCode rval = MB_SUCCESS;
9264  unsigned char pstat;
9265  EntityHandle tmp_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
9266  int tmp_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
9267  unsigned int num_ps;
9268  TupleList ents_to_delete;
9269  ents_to_delete.initialize( 1, 0, 1, 0, to_delete.size() * ( MAX_SHARING_PROCS + 1 ) ); // A little bit of overkill
9270  ents_to_delete.enableWriteAccess();
9271  unsigned int i = 0;
9272  for( Range::iterator it = to_delete.begin(); it != to_delete.end(); ++it )
9273  {
9274  EntityHandle eh = *it; // Entity to be deleted
9276  rval = get_sharing_data( eh, tmp_procs, tmp_handles, pstat, num_ps );
9277  if( rval != MB_SUCCESS || num_ps == 0 ) continue;
9278  // Add to the tuple list the information to be sent (to the remote procs)
9279  for( unsigned int p = 0; p < num_ps; p++ )
9280  {
9281  ents_to_delete.vi_wr[i] = tmp_procs[p];
9282  ents_to_delete.vul_wr[i] = (unsigned long)tmp_handles[p];
9283  i++;
9284  ents_to_delete.inc_n();
9285  }
9286  }
9289  // All communication happens here; no other mpi calls
9290  // Also, this is a collective call
9291  rval = cd->gs_transfer( 1, ents_to_delete, 0 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Error in tuple transfer" );
9293  // Add to the range of ents to delete the new ones that were sent from other procs
9294  unsigned int received = ents_to_delete.get_n();
9295  for( i = 0; i < received; i++ )
9296  {
9297  // int from = ents_to_delete.vi_rd[i];
9298  unsigned long valrec = ents_to_delete.vul_rd[i];
9299  to_delete.insert( (EntityHandle)valrec );
9300  }
9301  rval = mbImpl->delete_entities( to_delete );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Error in deleting actual entities" );
9303  std::set< EntityHandle > good_ents;
9304  for( std::set< EntityHandle >::iterator sst = sharedEnts.begin(); sst != sharedEnts.end(); sst++ )
9305  {
9306  EntityHandle eh = *sst;
9307  int index = to_delete.index( eh );
9308  if( -1 == index ) good_ents.insert( eh );
9309  }
9310  sharedEnts = good_ents;
9312  // What about shared sets? Who is updating them?
9313  return MB_SUCCESS;
9314 }
9316 void ParallelComm::print_pstatus( unsigned char pstat, std::string& ostr )
9317 {
9318  std::ostringstream str;
9319  int num = 0;
9320 #define ppstat( a, b ) \
9321  { \
9322  if( pstat & ( a ) ) \
9323  { \
9324  if( num ) str << ", "; \
9325  str << ( b ); \
9326  num++; \
9327  } \
9328  }
9330  ppstat( PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, "NOT_OWNED" );
9331  ppstat( PSTATUS_SHARED, "SHARED" );
9334  ppstat( PSTATUS_GHOST, "GHOST" );
9336  ostr = str.str();
9337 }
9339 void ParallelComm::print_pstatus( unsigned char pstat )
9340 {
9341  std::string str;
9342  print_pstatus( pstat, str );
9343  std::cout << str.c_str() << std::endl;
9344 }
9347 {
9349  // Get all shared ent data from other procs
9350  std::vector< std::vector< SharedEntityData > > shents( buffProcs.size() ), send_data( buffProcs.size() );
9352  // will work only on multi-shared tags sharedps_tag(), sharedhs_tag();
9354  /*
9355  * domain0 | domain1 | domain2 | domain3
9356  * vertices from domain 1 and 2 are visible from both 0 and 3, but
9357  * domain 0 might not have info about multi-sharing from domain 3
9358  * so we will force that domain 0 vertices owned by 1 and 2 have information
9359  * about the domain 3 sharing
9360  *
9361  * SharedEntityData will have :
9362  * struct SharedEntityData {
9363  EntityHandle local; // this is same meaning, for the proc we sent to, it is local
9364  EntityHandle remote; // this will be the far away handle that will need to be added
9365  EntityID owner; // this will be the remote proc
9366  };
9367  // so we need to add data like this:
9368  a multishared entity owned by proc x will have data like
9369  multishared procs: proc x, a, b, c
9370  multishared handles: h1, h2, h3, h4
9371  we will need to send data from proc x like this:
9372  to proc a we will send
9373  (h2, h3, b), (h2, h4, c)
9374  to proc b we will send
9375  (h3, h2, a), (h3, h4, c)
9376  to proc c we will send
9377  (h4, h2, a), (h4, h3, b)
9378  *
9379  */
9381  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
9382  int ent_procs[MAX_SHARING_PROCS + 1];
9383  EntityHandle handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS + 1];
9384  int num_sharing;
9385  SharedEntityData tmp;
9387  for( std::set< EntityHandle >::iterator i = sharedEnts.begin(); i != sharedEnts.end(); ++i )
9388  {
9390  unsigned char pstat;
9391  result = get_sharing_data( *i, ent_procs, handles, pstat, num_sharing );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "can't get sharing data" );
9392  if( !( pstat & PSTATUS_MULTISHARED ) ||
9393  num_sharing <= 2 ) // if not multishared, skip, it should have no problems
9394  continue;
9395  // we should skip the ones that are not owned locally
9396  // the owned ones will have the most multi-shared info, because the info comes from other
9397  // remote processors
9398  if( pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED ) continue;
9399  for( int j = 1; j < num_sharing; j++ )
9400  {
9401  // we will send to proc
9402  int send_to_proc = ent_procs[j]; //
9403  tmp.local = handles[j];
9404  int ind = get_buffers( send_to_proc );
9405  assert( -1 != ind ); // THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN
9406  for( int k = 1; k < num_sharing; k++ )
9407  {
9408  // do not send to self proc
9409  if( j == k ) continue;
9410  tmp.remote = handles[k]; // this will be the handle of entity on proc
9411  tmp.owner = ent_procs[k];
9412  send_data[ind].push_back( tmp );
9413  }
9414  }
9415  }
9417  result = exchange_all_shared_handles( send_data, shents );MB_CHK_ERR( result );
9419  // loop over all shents and add if vertex type, add if missing
9420  for( size_t i = 0; i < shents.size(); i++ )
9421  {
9422  std::vector< SharedEntityData >& shEnts = shents[i];
9423  for( size_t j = 0; j < shEnts.size(); j++ )
9424  {
9425  tmp = shEnts[j];
9426  // basically, check the shared data for tmp.local entity
9427  // it should have inside the tmp.owner and tmp.remote
9428  EntityHandle eh = tmp.local;
9429  unsigned char pstat;
9430  result = get_sharing_data( eh, ent_procs, handles, pstat, num_sharing );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "can't get sharing data" );
9431  // see if the proc tmp.owner is in the list of ent_procs; if not, we have to increase
9432  // handles, and ent_procs; and set
9434  int proc_remote = tmp.owner; //
9435  if( std::find( ent_procs, ent_procs + num_sharing, proc_remote ) == ent_procs + num_sharing )
9436  {
9437  // so we did not find on proc
9438 #ifndef NDEBUG
9439  if( myDebug->get_verbosity() == 3 )
9440  std::cout << "THIN GHOST: we did not find on proc " << rank() << " for shared ent " << eh
9441  << " the proc " << proc_remote << "\n";
9442 #endif
9443  // increase num_sharing, and set the multi-shared tags
9444  if( num_sharing >= MAX_SHARING_PROCS ) return MB_FAILURE;
9445  handles[num_sharing] = tmp.remote;
9446  handles[num_sharing + 1] = 0; // end of list
9447  ent_procs[num_sharing] = tmp.owner;
9448  ent_procs[num_sharing + 1] = -1; // this should be already set
9449  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedps_tag(), &eh, 1, ent_procs );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharedps tag data" );
9450  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedhs_tag(), &eh, 1, handles );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharedhs tag data" );
9451  if( 2 == num_sharing ) // it means the sharedp and sharedh tags were set with a
9452  // value non default
9453  {
9454  // so entity eh was simple shared before, we need to set those dense tags back
9455  // to default
9456  // values
9457  EntityHandle zero = 0;
9458  int no_proc = -1;
9459  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedp_tag(), &eh, 1, &no_proc );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharedp tag data" );
9460  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( sharedh_tag(), &eh, 1, &zero );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set sharedh tag data" );
9461  // also, add multishared pstatus tag
9462  // also add multishared status to pstatus
9463  pstat = pstat | PSTATUS_MULTISHARED;
9464  result = mbImpl->tag_set_data( pstatus_tag(), &eh, 1, &pstat );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( result, "Failed to set pstatus tag data" );
9465  }
9466  }
9467  }
9468  }
9469  return MB_SUCCESS;
9470 }
9471 } // namespace moab