Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.1)
An array-based unstructured mesh library
moab::AEntityFactory Class Reference

class AEntityFactory More...

#include <AEntityFactory.hpp>

+ Collaboration diagram for moab::AEntityFactory:

Public Member Functions

 AEntityFactory (Core *mdb)
 require an Interface object in order to access tags on that interface More...
 ~AEntityFactory ()
 destructor More...
ErrorCode add_adjacency (EntityHandle from_ent, EntityHandle to_ent, const bool both_ways=false)
 add an adjacency from from_ent to to_ent; if both_ways is true, add one in reverse too NOTE: this function is defined even though we may only be implementing vertex-based up-adjacencies More...
ErrorCode remove_adjacency (EntityHandle base_entity, EntityHandle adjacency_to_remove)
 remove an adjacency from from the base_entity. More...
ErrorCode remove_all_adjacencies (EntityHandle base_entity, const bool delete_adj_list=false)
 remove all adjacencies from from the base_entity. More...
ErrorCode get_elements (EntityHandle source_entity, const unsigned int target_dimension, std::vector< EntityHandle > &target_entities, const bool create_if_missing, const int create_adjacency_option=-1)
 Get adjacencies for a single source entity. More...
ErrorCode get_polyhedron_vertices (const EntityHandle source_entity, std::vector< EntityHandle > &target_entities)
 get the vertices for a polyhedron (special implementation because for polyhedra connectivity array stores faces) More...
ErrorCode get_associated_meshsets (EntityHandle source_entity, std::vector< EntityHandle > &target_entities)
 get the meshsets that are in source_entitiy's adjacency vector More...
ErrorCode get_element (const EntityHandle *vertex_list, const int vertex_list_size, const EntityType target_type, EntityHandle &target_entity, const bool create_if_missing, const EntityHandle source_entity=0, const int create_adjacency_option=-1)
 get the element defined by the vertices in vertex_list, of the type target_type, passing back in target_entity; if create_if_missing is true and no entity is found, one is created; if create_adjacency_option is >= 0, adjacencies from entities of that dimension to target_entity are created (only create_adjacency_option=0 is supported right now, so that never creates other ancillary entities); explicitly require the vertex_list_size for consistency, even though we could probably get it from target_type More...
ErrorCode get_adjacencies (const EntityHandle entity, const unsigned int to_dimension, bool create_if_missing, std::vector< EntityHandle > &adjacent_entities)
 Get adjacent entities. More...
ErrorCode get_adjacencies (EntityHandle entity, const EntityHandle *&adjacent_entities, int &num_entities) const
 return const array * for adjacencies More...
ErrorCode get_adjacencies (EntityHandle entity, std::vector< EntityHandle > *&adj_vec_ptr_out, bool create_if_missing=false)
ErrorCode get_adjacencies (EntityHandle entity, std::vector< EntityHandle > &adjacent_entities) const
 returns the entities in sorted order More...
ErrorCode create_vert_elem_adjacencies ()
 creates vertex to element adjacency information More...
bool vert_elem_adjacencies () const
 returns whether vertex to element adjacencies are being stored More...
ErrorCode notify_delete_entity (EntityHandle entity)
 calling code notifying this that an entity is getting deleted More...
ErrorCode notify_create_entity (const EntityHandle entity, const EntityHandle *node_array, const int number_nodes)
 calling code notifying this that to update connectivity of 'entity' More...
ErrorCode notify_change_connectivity (EntityHandle entity, const EntityHandle *old_array, const EntityHandle *new_array, int number_nodes)
 calling code notifying that an entity changed its connectivity More...
bool explicitly_adjacent (const EntityHandle ent1, const EntityHandle ent2)
 return true if 2 entities are explicitly adjacent More...
ErrorCode merge_adjust_adjacencies (EntityHandle entity_to_keep, EntityHandle entity_to_remove)
 in preparation for merging two entities, adjust adjacencies so that entity_to_keep will be adjacent to the "right" entities after merge (also checks for potential formation of equivalent entities and creates explicit adjacencies accordingly) More...
void get_memory_use (unsigned long long &total_entity_storage, unsigned long long &total_storage)
ErrorCode get_memory_use (const Range &entities, unsigned long long &total_entity_storage, unsigned long long &total_amortized_storage)

Private Member Functions

ErrorCode get_adjacency_ptr (EntityHandle, std::vector< EntityHandle > *&)
ErrorCode get_adjacency_ptr (EntityHandle, const std::vector< EntityHandle > *&) const
ErrorCode set_adjacency_ptr (EntityHandle, std::vector< EntityHandle > *)
ErrorCode get_vertices (EntityHandle h, const EntityHandle *&vect_out, int &count_out, std::vector< EntityHandle > &storage)
 AEntityFactory ()
 private constructor to prevent the construction of a default one More...
bool entities_equivalent (const EntityHandle this_entity, const EntityHandle *vertex_list, const int vertex_list_size, const EntityType target_type)
 compare vertex_list to the vertices in this_entity, and return true if they contain the same vertices More...
ErrorCode get_zero_to_n_elements (EntityHandle source_entity, const unsigned int target_dimension, std::vector< EntityHandle > &target_entities, const bool create_if_missing, const int create_adjacency_option=-1)
ErrorCode get_down_adjacency_elements (EntityHandle source_entity, const unsigned int target_dimension, std::vector< EntityHandle > &target_entities, const bool create_if_missing, const int create_adjacency_option=-1)
ErrorCode get_down_adjacency_elements_poly (EntityHandle source_entity, const unsigned int target_dimension, std::vector< EntityHandle > &target_entities, const bool create_if_missing, const int create_adjacency_option=-1)
ErrorCode get_up_adjacency_elements (EntityHandle source_entity, const unsigned int target_dimension, std::vector< EntityHandle > &target_entities, const bool create_if_missing, const int create_adjacency_option=-1)
ErrorCode check_equiv_entities (EntityHandle entity_to_keep, EntityHandle entity_to_remove)
 check for equivalent entities that may be formed when merging two entities, and create explicit adjacencies accordingly More...
ErrorCode create_explicit_adjs (EntityHandle this_ent)
 create explicit adjacencies between this_ent and all adjacent entities of higher dimension More...

Private Attributes

 interface associated with this tool More...
bool mVertElemAdj
 whether vertex to element adjacencies are begin done More...

Detailed Description

class AEntityFactory

Definition at line 33 of file AEntityFactory.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AEntityFactory() [1/2]

moab::AEntityFactory::AEntityFactory ( Core mdb)

require an Interface object in order to access tags on that interface

Definition at line 55 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

56 {
57  assert( NULL != mdb );
58  thisMB = mdb;
59  mVertElemAdj = false;
60 }

References mVertElemAdj, and thisMB.

◆ ~AEntityFactory()

moab::AEntityFactory::~AEntityFactory ( )


Definition at line 62 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

63 {
64  // clean up all the adjacency information that was created
65  EntityType ent_type;
67  // iterate through each element type
68  for( ent_type = MBVERTEX; ent_type <= MBENTITYSET; ent_type++ )
69  {
71  TypeSequenceManager& seqman = thisMB->sequence_manager()->entity_map( ent_type );
72  for( i = seqman.begin(); i != seqman.end(); ++i )
73  {
74  std::vector< EntityHandle >** adj_list = ( *i )->data()->get_adjacency_data();
75  if( !adj_list ) continue;
76  adj_list += ( *i )->start_handle() - ( *i )->data()->start_handle();
78  for( EntityID j = 0; j < ( *i )->size(); ++j )
79  {
80  delete adj_list[j];
81  adj_list[j] = 0;
82  }
83  }
84  }
85 }

References moab::TypeSequenceManager::begin(), moab::TypeSequenceManager::end(), moab::SequenceManager::entity_map(), MBENTITYSET, MBVERTEX, moab::Core::sequence_manager(), and thisMB.

◆ AEntityFactory() [2/2]

moab::AEntityFactory::AEntityFactory ( )

private constructor to prevent the construction of a default one

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_adjacency()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::add_adjacency ( EntityHandle  from_ent,
EntityHandle  to_ent,
const bool  both_ways = false 

add an adjacency from from_ent to to_ent; if both_ways is true, add one in reverse too NOTE: this function is defined even though we may only be implementing vertex-based up-adjacencies

Definition at line 368 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

369 {
370  EntityType to_type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( to_ent );
372  if( to_type == MBVERTEX ) return MB_ALREADY_ALLOCATED;
374  AdjacencyVector* adj_list_ptr = NULL;
375  ErrorCode result = get_adjacencies( from_ent, adj_list_ptr, true );
376  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
378  // get an iterator to the right spot in this sorted vector
379  AdjacencyVector::iterator adj_iter;
380  if( !adj_list_ptr->empty() )
381  {
382  adj_iter = std::lower_bound( adj_list_ptr->begin(), adj_list_ptr->end(), to_ent );
384  if( adj_iter == adj_list_ptr->end() || to_ent != *adj_iter )
385  {
386  adj_list_ptr->insert( adj_iter, to_ent );
387  }
388  }
389  else
390  adj_list_ptr->push_back( to_ent );
392  // if both_ways is true, recursively call this function
393  if( true == both_ways && to_type != MBVERTEX ) result = add_adjacency( to_ent, from_ent, false );
395  return result;
396 }

References ErrorCode, get_adjacencies(), MB_ALREADY_ALLOCATED, MB_SUCCESS, MBVERTEX, and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

Referenced by moab::MeshSet::create_adjacencies(), create_explicit_adjs(), create_vert_elem_adjacencies(), get_down_adjacency_elements_poly(), merge_adjust_adjacencies(), notify_change_connectivity(), notify_create_entity(), moab::range_tool< pair_iter_t >::ranged_insert_entities(), moab::MeshSet::replace_entities(), moab::range_tool< pair_iter_t >::vector_insert_entities(), and moab::vector_insert_vector().

◆ check_equiv_entities()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::check_equiv_entities ( EntityHandle  entity_to_keep,
EntityHandle  entity_to_remove 

check for equivalent entities that may be formed when merging two entities, and create explicit adjacencies accordingly

Definition at line 1343 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

1344 {
1345  if( thisMB->dimension_from_handle( entity_to_keep ) > 0 ) return MB_SUCCESS;
1347  // get all the adjacencies for both entities for all dimensions > 0
1348  Range adjs_keep, adjs_remove;
1349  ErrorCode result;
1351  for( int dim = 1; dim <= 3; dim++ )
1352  {
1353  result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( &entity_to_keep, 1, dim, false, adjs_keep, Interface::UNION );
1354  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1355  result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( &entity_to_remove, 1, dim, false, adjs_remove, Interface::UNION );
1356  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1357  }
1359  // now look for equiv entities which will be formed
1360  // algorithm:
1361  // for each entity adjacent to removed entity:
1362  EntityHandle two_ents[2];
1363  for( Range::iterator rit_rm = adjs_remove.begin(); rit_rm != adjs_remove.end(); ++rit_rm )
1364  {
1365  two_ents[0] = *rit_rm;
1367  // - for each entity of same dimension adjacent to kept entity:
1368  for( Range::iterator rit_kp = adjs_keep.begin(); rit_kp != adjs_keep.end(); ++rit_kp )
1369  {
1370  if( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( *rit_kp ) != TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( *rit_rm ) ) continue;
1372  Range all_verts;
1373  two_ents[1] = *rit_kp;
1374  // . get union of adjacent vertices to two entities
1375  result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( two_ents, 2, 0, false, all_verts, Interface::UNION );
1376  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1378  assert( all_verts.find( entity_to_keep ) != all_verts.end() &&
1379  all_verts.find( entity_to_remove ) != all_verts.end() );
1381  // . if # vertices != number of corner vertices + 1, continue
1382  if( CN::VerticesPerEntity( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( *rit_rm ) ) + 1 != (int)all_verts.size() ) continue;
1384  // . for the two entities adjacent to kept & removed entity:
1385  result = create_explicit_adjs( *rit_rm );
1386  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1387  result = create_explicit_adjs( *rit_kp );
1388  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1389  // . (end for)
1390  }
1391  // - (end for)
1392  }
1394  return MB_SUCCESS;
1395 }

References moab::Range::begin(), create_explicit_adjs(), dim, moab::Core::dimension_from_handle(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::Range::find(), moab::Core::get_adjacencies(), MB_SUCCESS, moab::Range::size(), thisMB, moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(), moab::Interface::UNION, and moab::CN::VerticesPerEntity().

Referenced by merge_adjust_adjacencies().

◆ create_explicit_adjs()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::create_explicit_adjs ( EntityHandle  this_ent)

create explicit adjacencies between this_ent and all adjacent entities of higher dimension

Definition at line 1397 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

1398 {
1399  // - get adjacent entities of next higher dimension
1400  Range all_adjs;
1401  ErrorCode result;
1402  result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( &this_ent, 1, thisMB->dimension_from_handle( this_ent ) + 1, false, all_adjs,
1403  Interface::UNION );
1404  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1406  // - create explicit adjacency to these entities
1407  for( Range::iterator rit = all_adjs.begin(); rit != all_adjs.end(); ++rit )
1408  {
1409  result = add_adjacency( this_ent, *rit );
1410  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1411  }
1413  return MB_SUCCESS;
1414 }

References add_adjacency(), moab::Range::begin(), moab::Core::dimension_from_handle(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_adjacencies(), MB_SUCCESS, thisMB, and moab::Interface::UNION.

Referenced by check_equiv_entities().

◆ create_vert_elem_adjacencies()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::create_vert_elem_adjacencies ( )

creates vertex to element adjacency information

Definition at line 475 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

476 {
478  mVertElemAdj = true;
480  EntityType ent_type;
481  Range::iterator i_range;
482  const EntityHandle* connectivity;
483  std::vector< EntityHandle > aux_connect;
484  int number_nodes;
485  ErrorCode result;
486  Range handle_range;
488  // 1. over all element types, for each element, create vertex-element adjacencies
489  for( ent_type = MBEDGE; ent_type != MBENTITYSET; ent_type++ )
490  {
491  handle_range.clear();
493  // get this type of entity
494  result = thisMB->get_entities_by_type( 0, ent_type, handle_range );
495  if( result != MB_SUCCESS ) return result;
497  for( i_range = handle_range.begin(); i_range != handle_range.end(); ++i_range )
498  {
499  result = get_vertices( *i_range, connectivity, number_nodes, aux_connect );
500  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
502  // add the adjacency
503  for( int k = 0; k < number_nodes; k++ )
504  if( ( result = add_adjacency( connectivity[k], *i_range ) ) != MB_SUCCESS ) return result;
505  }
506  }
508  return MB_SUCCESS;
509 }

References add_adjacency(), moab::Range::begin(), moab::Range::clear(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_entities_by_type(), get_vertices(), MB_SUCCESS, MBEDGE, MBENTITYSET, mVertElemAdj, and thisMB.

Referenced by moab::HigherOrderFactory::center_node_exist(), moab::TempestRemapper::ComputeOverlapMesh(), moab::NCHelperDomain::create_mesh(), moab::NCHelperScrip::create_mesh(), moab::Skinner::find_skin(), get_adjacencies(), get_element(), get_elements(), and moab::ParCommGraph::receive_mesh().

◆ entities_equivalent()

bool moab::AEntityFactory::entities_equivalent ( const EntityHandle  this_entity,
const EntityHandle vertex_list,
const int  vertex_list_size,
const EntityType  target_type 

compare vertex_list to the vertices in this_entity, and return true if they contain the same vertices

Definition at line 293 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

297 {
298  // compare vertices of this_entity with those in the list, returning true if they
299  // represent the same element
300  EntityType this_type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( this_entity );
302  if( this_type != target_type )
303  return false;
305  else if( this_type == MBVERTEX && ( vertex_list_size > 1 || vertex_list[0] != this_entity ) )
306  return false;
308  // need to compare the actual vertices
309  const EntityHandle* this_vertices = NULL;
310  int num_this_vertices = 0;
311  std::vector< EntityHandle > storage;
312  thisMB->get_connectivity( this_entity, this_vertices, num_this_vertices, false, &storage );
314  // see if we can get one node id to match
315  assert( vertex_list_size > 0 );
316  int num_corner_verts =
317  ( ( this_type == MBPOLYGON || this_type == MBPOLYHEDRON ) ? num_this_vertices
318  : CN::VerticesPerEntity( target_type ) );
319  const EntityHandle* iter = std::find( this_vertices, ( this_vertices + num_corner_verts ), vertex_list[0] );
320  if( iter == ( this_vertices + num_corner_verts ) ) return false;
322  // now lets do connectivity matching
323  bool they_match = true;
325  // line up our vectors
326  int i;
327  int offset = iter - this_vertices;
329  // first compare forward
330  for( i = 1; i < num_corner_verts; ++i )
331  {
332  if( i >= vertex_list_size )
333  {
334  they_match = false;
335  break;
336  }
338  if( vertex_list[i] != this_vertices[( offset + i ) % num_corner_verts] )
339  {
340  they_match = false;
341  break;
342  }
343  }
345  if( they_match == true ) return true;
347  they_match = true;
349  // then compare reverse
350  // offset iter to avoid addition inside loop; this just makes sure we don't
351  // go off beginning of this_vertices with an index < 0
352  offset += num_corner_verts;
353  for( i = 1; i < num_corner_verts; i++ )
354  {
355  if( vertex_list[i] != this_vertices[( offset - i ) % num_corner_verts] )
356  {
357  they_match = false;
358  break;
359  }
360  }
361  return they_match;
362 }

References moab::Core::get_connectivity(), MBPOLYGON, MBPOLYHEDRON, MBVERTEX, thisMB, moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(), and moab::CN::VerticesPerEntity().

Referenced by get_element().

◆ explicitly_adjacent()

bool moab::AEntityFactory::explicitly_adjacent ( const EntityHandle  ent1,
const EntityHandle  ent2 

return true if 2 entities are explicitly adjacent

Definition at line 1259 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

1260 {
1261  const EntityHandle* explicit_adjs;
1262  int num_exp;
1263  get_adjacencies( ent1, explicit_adjs, num_exp );
1264  if( std::find( explicit_adjs, explicit_adjs + num_exp, ent2 ) != explicit_adjs + num_exp )
1265  return true;
1266  else
1267  return false;
1268 }

References get_adjacencies().

Referenced by merge_adjust_adjacencies(), and remove_all_adjacencies().

◆ get_adjacencies() [1/4]

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_adjacencies ( const EntityHandle  entity,
const unsigned int  to_dimension,
bool  create_if_missing,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  adjacent_entities 

Get adjacent entities.

entityThe source entity for which to retrieve adjacent entities.
to_dimensionThe adjacent entities to retrieve, specified by dimension.
create_if_missingCreate adjacent entities that do not already exist.
adjacent_entitiesThe resulting adjacent entities are appended to this list.

Definition at line 560 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

564 {
565  const EntityType source_type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( source_entity );
566  const unsigned source_dimension = CN::Dimension( source_type );
568  ErrorCode result;
569  if( target_dimension == 4 )
570  { // get meshsets 'source' is in
571  result = get_associated_meshsets( source_entity, target_entities );
572  }
573  else if( target_dimension == ( source_type != MBPOLYHEDRON ? 0 : 2 ) )
574  {
575  std::vector< EntityHandle > tmp_storage;
576  const EntityHandle* conn = NULL;
577  int len = 0;
578  result = thisMB->get_connectivity( source_entity, conn, len, false, &tmp_storage );
579  target_entities.insert( target_entities.end(), conn, conn + len );
580  }
581  else if( target_dimension == 0 && source_type == MBPOLYHEDRON )
582  {
583  result = get_polyhedron_vertices( source_entity, target_entities );
584  }
585  else if( source_dimension == target_dimension )
586  {
587  target_entities.push_back( source_entity );
588  result = MB_SUCCESS;
589  }
590  else
591  {
592  if( mVertElemAdj == false )
593  {
594  result = create_vert_elem_adjacencies();
595  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
596  }
598  if( source_dimension == 0 )
599  {
600  result = get_zero_to_n_elements( source_entity, target_dimension, target_entities, create_if_missing );
601  }
602  else if( source_dimension > target_dimension )
603  {
604  result = get_down_adjacency_elements( source_entity, target_dimension, target_entities, create_if_missing );
605  }
606  else // if(source_dimension < target_dimension)
607  {
608  result = get_up_adjacency_elements( source_entity, target_dimension, target_entities, create_if_missing );
609  }
610  }
612  return result;
613 }

References create_vert_elem_adjacencies(), moab::CN::Dimension(), ErrorCode, get_associated_meshsets(), moab::Core::get_connectivity(), get_down_adjacency_elements(), get_polyhedron_vertices(), get_up_adjacency_elements(), get_zero_to_n_elements(), MB_SUCCESS, MBPOLYHEDRON, mVertElemAdj, thisMB, and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

Referenced by add_adjacency(), moab::HigherOrderFactory::center_node_exist(), moab::TempestRemapper::ComputeOverlapMesh(), explicitly_adjacent(), moab::WriteUtil::get_adjacencies(), get_associated_meshsets(), get_down_adjacency_elements_poly(), get_element(), get_up_adjacency_elements(), get_zero_to_n_elements(), merge_adjust_adjacencies(), notify_create_entity(), notify_delete_entity(), remove_adjacency(), remove_all_adjacencies(), and moab::HigherOrderFactory::tag_for_deletion().

◆ get_adjacencies() [2/4]

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_adjacencies ( EntityHandle  entity,
const EntityHandle *&  adjacent_entities,
int &  num_entities 
) const

return const array * for adjacencies

Definition at line 511 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

514 {
515  AdjacencyVector const* vec_ptr = 0;
516  ErrorCode result = get_adjacency_ptr( entity, vec_ptr );
517  if( MB_SUCCESS != result || !vec_ptr )
518  {
519  adjacent_entities = 0;
520  num_entities = 0;
521  return result;
522  }
524  num_entities = vec_ptr->size();
525  adjacent_entities = ( vec_ptr->empty() ) ? NULL : &( ( *vec_ptr )[0] );
526  return MB_SUCCESS;
527 }

References ErrorCode, get_adjacency_ptr(), and MB_SUCCESS.

◆ get_adjacencies() [3/4]

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_adjacencies ( EntityHandle  entity,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  adjacent_entities 
) const

returns the entities in sorted order

Definition at line 529 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

530 {
531  AdjacencyVector const* vec_ptr = 0;
532  ErrorCode result = get_adjacency_ptr( entity, vec_ptr );
533  if( MB_SUCCESS != result || !vec_ptr )
534  {
535  adjacent_entities.clear();
536  return result;
537  }
539  adjacent_entities = *vec_ptr;
540  return MB_SUCCESS;
541 }

References ErrorCode, get_adjacency_ptr(), and MB_SUCCESS.

◆ get_adjacencies() [4/4]

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_adjacencies ( EntityHandle  entity,
std::vector< EntityHandle > *&  adj_vec_ptr_out,
bool  create_if_missing = false 

Definition at line 543 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

544 {
545  adj_vec = 0;
546  ErrorCode result = get_adjacency_ptr( entity, adj_vec );
547  if( MB_SUCCESS == result && !adj_vec && create )
548  {
549  adj_vec = new AdjacencyVector;
550  result = set_adjacency_ptr( entity, adj_vec );
551  if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
552  {
553  delete adj_vec;
554  adj_vec = 0;
555  }
556  }
557  return result;
558 }

References ErrorCode, get_adjacency_ptr(), MB_SUCCESS, and set_adjacency_ptr().

◆ get_adjacency_ptr() [1/2]

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_adjacency_ptr ( EntityHandle  entity,
const std::vector< EntityHandle > *&  ptr 
) const

Definition at line 1428 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

1429 {
1430  ptr = 0;
1432  EntitySequence* seq;
1433  ErrorCode rval = thisMB->sequence_manager()->find( entity, seq );
1434  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval || !seq->data()->get_adjacency_data() ) return rval;
1436  ptr = seq->data()->get_adjacency_data()[entity - seq->data()->start_handle()];
1437  return MB_SUCCESS;
1438 }

References moab::EntitySequence::data(), ErrorCode, moab::SequenceManager::find(), moab::SequenceData::get_adjacency_data(), MB_SUCCESS, moab::Core::sequence_manager(), moab::SequenceData::start_handle(), and thisMB.

◆ get_adjacency_ptr() [2/2]

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_adjacency_ptr ( EntityHandle  entity,
std::vector< EntityHandle > *&  ptr 

Definition at line 1416 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

1417 {
1418  ptr = 0;
1420  EntitySequence* seq;
1421  ErrorCode rval = thisMB->sequence_manager()->find( entity, seq );
1422  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval || !seq->data()->get_adjacency_data() ) return rval;
1424  ptr = seq->data()->get_adjacency_data()[entity - seq->data()->start_handle()];
1425  return MB_SUCCESS;
1426 }

References moab::EntitySequence::data(), ErrorCode, moab::SequenceManager::find(), moab::SequenceData::get_adjacency_data(), MB_SUCCESS, moab::Core::sequence_manager(), moab::SequenceData::start_handle(), and thisMB.

Referenced by get_adjacencies(), and get_memory_use().

◆ get_associated_meshsets()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_associated_meshsets ( EntityHandle  source_entity,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  target_entities 

get the meshsets that are in source_entitiy's adjacency vector

Definition at line 152 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

154 {
156  ErrorCode result;
158  const EntityHandle* adj_vec;
159  int num_adj;
160  result = get_adjacencies( source_entity, adj_vec, num_adj );
161  if( result != MB_SUCCESS || adj_vec == NULL ) return result;
163  // find the meshsets in this vector
164  DimensionPair dim_pair = CN::TypeDimensionMap[4];
165  int dum;
166  const EntityHandle* start_ent =
167  std::lower_bound( adj_vec, adj_vec + num_adj, CREATE_HANDLE( dim_pair.first, MB_START_ID, dum ) );
168  const EntityHandle* end_ent =
169  std::lower_bound( start_ent, adj_vec + num_adj, CREATE_HANDLE( dim_pair.second, MB_END_ID, dum ) );
171  // copy the the meshsets
172  target_entities.insert( target_entities.end(), start_ent, end_ent );
174  return result;
175 }

References moab::CREATE_HANDLE(), moab::dum, ErrorCode, get_adjacencies(), MB_END_ID, MB_START_ID, MB_SUCCESS, and moab::CN::TypeDimensionMap.

Referenced by get_adjacencies().

◆ get_down_adjacency_elements()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_down_adjacency_elements ( EntityHandle  source_entity,
const unsigned int  target_dimension,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  target_entities,
const bool  create_if_missing,
const int  create_adjacency_option = -1 

Definition at line 687 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

692 {
694  EntityType source_type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( source_entity );
696  if( source_type == MBPOLYHEDRON || source_type == MBPOLYGON )
697  return get_down_adjacency_elements_poly( source_entity, target_dimension, target_entities, create_if_missing,
698  create_adjacency_option );
700  // make this a fixed size to avoid cost of working with STL vectors
701  EntityHandle vertex_array[27] = {};
702  ErrorCode temp_result;
704  const EntityHandle* vertices = NULL;
705  int num_verts = 0;
707  // I know there are already vertex adjacencies for this - call
708  // another function to get them
709  std::vector< EntityHandle > storage;
710  ErrorCode result = thisMB->get_connectivity( source_entity, vertices, num_verts, false, &storage );
711  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
713  int has_mid_nodes[4];
714  CN::HasMidNodes( source_type, num_verts, has_mid_nodes );
716  std::vector< int > index_list;
717  int num_sub_ents = CN::NumSubEntities( source_type, target_dimension );
719  for( int j = 0; j < num_sub_ents; j++ )
720  {
721  const CN::ConnMap& cmap = CN::mConnectivityMap[source_type][target_dimension - 1];
723  int verts_per_sub = cmap.num_corners_per_sub_element[j];
725  // get the corner vertices
726  for( int i = 0; i < verts_per_sub; i++ )
727  vertex_array[i] = vertices[cmap.conn[j][i]];
729  // get the ho nodes for sub-subfacets
730  if( has_mid_nodes[1] && target_dimension > 1 )
731  {
732  // has edge mid-nodes; for each edge, get the right mid-node and put in vertices
733  // first get the edge indices
734  index_list.clear();
735  int int_result = CN::AdjacentSubEntities( source_type, &j, 1, target_dimension, 1, index_list );
736  if( 0 != int_result ) return MB_FAILURE;
737  for( unsigned int k = 0; k < index_list.size(); k++ )
738  {
739  int tmp_index = CN::HONodeIndex( source_type, num_verts, 1, index_list[k] );
740  if( tmp_index >= (int)num_verts ) return MB_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE;
742  // put this vertex on the end; reuse verts_per_sub as an index
743  vertex_array[verts_per_sub++] = vertices[tmp_index];
744  }
745  }
746  // get the ho nodes for the target dimension
747  if( has_mid_nodes[target_dimension] )
748  {
749  // get the ho node index for this subfacet
750  int tmp_index = CN::HONodeIndex( source_type, num_verts, target_dimension, j );
751  if( tmp_index >= num_verts ) return MB_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE;
752  vertex_array[verts_per_sub++] = vertices[tmp_index];
753  }
755  EntityHandle tmp_target = 0;
756  temp_result = get_element( vertex_array, verts_per_sub, cmap.target_type[j], tmp_target, create_if_missing,
757  source_entity, create_adjacency_option );
759  if( temp_result != MB_SUCCESS )
760  result = temp_result;
761  else if( 0 != tmp_target )
762  target_entities.push_back( tmp_target );
764  // make sure we're not writing past the end of our fixed-size array
765  if( verts_per_sub > 27 ) return MB_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE;
766  }
768  return result;
769 }

References moab::CN::AdjacentSubEntities(), moab::CN::ConnMap::conn, ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_connectivity(), get_down_adjacency_elements_poly(), get_element(), moab::CN::HasMidNodes(), moab::CN::HONodeIndex(), MB_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE, MB_SUCCESS, MBPOLYGON, MBPOLYHEDRON, moab::CN::mConnectivityMap, moab::CN::ConnMap::num_corners_per_sub_element, moab::CN::NumSubEntities(), moab::CN::ConnMap::target_type, thisMB, and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

Referenced by get_adjacencies(), get_elements(), and get_zero_to_n_elements().

◆ get_down_adjacency_elements_poly()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_down_adjacency_elements_poly ( EntityHandle  source_entity,
const unsigned int  target_dimension,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  target_entities,
const bool  create_if_missing,
const int  create_adjacency_option = -1 

Definition at line 771 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

776 {
778  EntityType source_type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( source_entity );
780  if( !( source_type == MBPOLYHEDRON && target_dimension > 0 && target_dimension < 3 ) &&
781  !( source_type == MBPOLYGON && target_dimension == 1 ) )
782  return MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
784  // make this a fixed size to avoid cost of working with STL vectors
785  std::vector< EntityHandle > vertex_array;
787  // I know there are already vertex adjacencies for this - call
788  // another function to get them
789  ErrorCode result = get_adjacencies( source_entity, 0, false, vertex_array );
790  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
792  ErrorCode tmp_result;
793  if( source_type == MBPOLYGON )
794  {
795  result = MB_SUCCESS;
796  // put the first vertex on the end so we have a ring
797  vertex_array.push_back( *vertex_array.begin() );
798  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < vertex_array.size() - 1; i++ )
799  {
800  Range vrange, adj_edges;
801  vrange.insert( vertex_array[i] );
802  vrange.insert( vertex_array[i + 1] );
803  // account for padded polygons; if the vertices are the same, skip
804  if( vrange.size() == 1 ) continue;
805  tmp_result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( vrange, 1, false, adj_edges );
806  if( MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result ) result = tmp_result;
807  if( adj_edges.size() == 1 )
808  {
809  // single edge - don't check adjacencies
810  target_entities.push_back( *adj_edges.begin() );
811  }
812  else if( adj_edges.size() != 0 )
813  {
814  // multiple ones - need to check for explicit adjacencies
815  unsigned int start_sz = target_entities.size();
816  const EntityHandle* explicit_adjs;
817  int num_exp;
818  for( Range::iterator rit = adj_edges.begin(); rit != adj_edges.end(); ++rit )
819  {
820  // TODO check return value
821  this->get_adjacencies( *rit, explicit_adjs, num_exp );
822  if( NULL != explicit_adjs &&
823  std::find( explicit_adjs, explicit_adjs + num_exp, source_entity ) != explicit_adjs + num_exp )
824  target_entities.push_back( *rit );
825  }
826  if( target_entities.size() == start_sz )
827  {
829  target_entities.push_back( *adj_edges.begin() );
830  }
831  }
832  else
833  {
834  // we have no adjacent edge yet; we need to create one and also add
835  // them to the adjacency of the vertices
836  if( create_if_missing )
837  {
838  EntityHandle newEdge;
839  EntityHandle v[2] = { vertex_array[i], vertex_array[i + 1] };
840  result = thisMB->create_element( MBEDGE, v, 2, newEdge );
841  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
842  // we also need to add explicit adjacency, so next time we do not
843  // create again (because we do not find the edge if it is not adjacent to the
844  // vertices
845  // if (create_adjacency_option >= 0)
846  //{
847  result = add_adjacency( v[0], newEdge );
848  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
849  result = add_adjacency( v[1], newEdge );
850  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
851  target_entities.push_back( newEdge );
852  //}
853  }
854  }
855  }
856  return result;
857  }
859  else
860  {
861  if( target_dimension == 2 )
862  {
863  result = thisMB->get_connectivity( &source_entity, 1, target_entities );
864  }
865  else
866  {
867  std::vector< EntityHandle > dum_vec;
868  result = thisMB->get_connectivity( &source_entity, 1, dum_vec );
869  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
870  result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( &dum_vec[0], dum_vec.size(), 1, create_if_missing, target_entities,
872  return result;
873  }
874  }
876  return MB_SUCCESS;
877 }

References add_adjacency(), moab::Range::begin(), moab::Core::create_element(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_adjacencies(), get_adjacencies(), moab::Core::get_connectivity(), moab::Range::insert(), MB_MULTIPLE_ENTITIES_FOUND, MB_SUCCESS, MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE, MBEDGE, MBPOLYGON, MBPOLYHEDRON, moab::Range::size(), thisMB, moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(), and moab::Interface::UNION.

Referenced by get_down_adjacency_elements().

◆ get_element()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_element ( const EntityHandle vertex_list,
const int  vertex_list_size,
const EntityType  target_type,
EntityHandle target_entity,
const bool  create_if_missing,
const EntityHandle  source_entity = 0,
const int  create_adjacency_option = -1 

get the element defined by the vertices in vertex_list, of the type target_type, passing back in target_entity; if create_if_missing is true and no entity is found, one is created; if create_adjacency_option is >= 0, adjacencies from entities of that dimension to target_entity are created (only create_adjacency_option=0 is supported right now, so that never creates other ancillary entities); explicitly require the vertex_list_size for consistency, even though we could probably get it from target_type

get the element defined by the vertices in vertex_list, of the type target_type, passing back in target_entity; if create_if_missing is true and no entity is found, one is created; if create_adjacency_option is >= 0, adjacencies from entities of that dimension to target_entity are created (only create_adjacency_option=0 is supported right now, so that never creates other ancillary entities)

Definition at line 183 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

190 {
192  // look over nodes to see if this entity already exists
193  target_entity = 0;
194  ErrorCode result;
195  const EntityHandle *i_adj, *end_adj;
197  // need vertex adjacencies, so create if necessary
200  // get the adjacency list
201  const EntityHandle* adj_vec;
202  int num_adj;
203  result = get_adjacencies( vertex_list[0], adj_vec, num_adj );
204  if( result != MB_SUCCESS || adj_vec == NULL ) return result;
206  // check to see if any of these are equivalent to the vertex list
207  int dum;
209  // use a fixed-size array, for speed; there should never be more than 5 equivalent entities
210  EntityHandle temp_vec[15];
211  int temp_vec_size = 0;
213  i_adj = std::lower_bound( adj_vec, adj_vec + num_adj, CREATE_HANDLE( target_type, MB_START_ID, dum ) );
214  end_adj = std::lower_bound( i_adj, adj_vec + num_adj, CREATE_HANDLE( target_type, MB_END_ID, dum ) );
215  for( ; i_adj != end_adj; ++i_adj )
216  {
217  if( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( *i_adj ) != target_type ) continue;
219  if( true == entities_equivalent( *i_adj, vertex_list, vertex_list_size, target_type ) )
220  {
221  temp_vec[temp_vec_size++] = *i_adj;
222  }
223  }
225  if( temp_vec_size == 0 && !create_if_missing ) return result;
227  // test for size against fixed-size array
228  assert( temp_vec_size <= 15 );
230  // test for empty first, 'cuz it's cheap
231  if( temp_vec_size == 0 && true == create_if_missing )
232  {
234  // Create the element with this handle (handle is a return type and should be the last
235  // parameter)
236  result = thisMB->create_element( target_type, vertex_list, vertex_list_size, target_entity );
237  }
239  // next most likely is one entity
240  else if( temp_vec_size == 1 )
241  target_entity = temp_vec[0];
243  // least likely, most work - leave for last test
244  else
245  {
246  // multiple entities found - look for direct adjacencies
247  if( 0 != source_entity )
248  {
250  int num_adjs;
251  for( dum = 0; dum < temp_vec_size; dum++ )
252  {
253  result = get_adjacencies( temp_vec[dum], adj_vec, num_adjs );
254  if( std::find( adj_vec, ( adj_vec + num_adjs ), source_entity ) != ( adj_vec + num_adjs ) )
255  {
256  // found it, return it
257  target_entity = temp_vec[dum];
258  break;
259  }
260  }
262  if( 0 == target_entity &&
263  thisMB->dimension_from_handle( source_entity ) > CN::Dimension( target_type ) + 1 )
264  {
265  // still have multiple entities, and source dimension is two greater than target,
266  // so there may not be any explicit adjacencies between the two; look for common
267  // entities of the intermediate dimension
268  MeshTopoUtil mtu( thisMB );
269  int intermed_dim = CN::Dimension( target_type ) + 1;
270  for( dum = 0; dum < temp_vec_size; dum++ )
271  {
272  if( 0 != mtu.common_entity( temp_vec[dum], source_entity, intermed_dim ) )
273  {
274  target_entity = temp_vec[dum];
275  break;
276  }
277  }
278  }
279  }
281  if( target_entity == 0 )
282  {
283  // if we get here, we didn't find a matching adjacency; just take the first one, but
284  // return a non-success result
285  target_entity = temp_vec[0];
287  }
288  }
290  return result;
291 }

References moab::MeshTopoUtil::common_entity(), moab::Core::create_element(), moab::CREATE_HANDLE(), create_vert_elem_adjacencies(), moab::CN::Dimension(), moab::Core::dimension_from_handle(), moab::dum, entities_equivalent(), ErrorCode, get_adjacencies(), MB_END_ID, MB_MULTIPLE_ENTITIES_FOUND, MB_START_ID, MB_SUCCESS, mVertElemAdj, thisMB, and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

Referenced by get_down_adjacency_elements(), and get_up_adjacency_elements().

◆ get_elements()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_elements ( EntityHandle  source_entity,
const unsigned int  target_dimension,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  target_entities,
const bool  create_if_missing,
const int  create_adjacency_option = -1 

Get adjacencies for a single source entity.

get the elements contained by source_entity, of type target_type, passing back in target_entities; if create_if_missing is true and no entity is found, one is created; if create_adjacency_option is >= 0, adjacencies from entities of that dimension to each target_entity are created (this function uses AEntityFactory::get_element for each element)

Get adjacent entities.

source_entityThe entity for which to retrieve the adjacencies.
target_dimensionRetrieve adjacent entities of this dimension. Must be in the range [1,3], where 4 is used to indicated entity sets.
target_entitiesRequested adjacent entities will be appended to this list.
create_if_missingIf true, adjacent elements of the specified dimension will be created if they do not already exist. If the target dimension is less than the dimension of the input entity and greater than zero, the elements will be created as required to represent the "sides" of the source element. If the target dimension is greater than that of the source entity and less than 3, then sides of the specified dimension on that are a) of greater dimension and b) adjacent to the input entity will be created.
create_adjacency_optionIf create_adjacency_option is >= 0, adjacencies from entities of that dimension to each target_entity are created (this function uses AEntityFactory::get_element for each element)

Definition at line 92 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

97 {
98  // check for trivial case first
99  const EntityType source_type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( source_entity );
100  const unsigned source_dimension = CN::Dimension( source_type );
102  if( source_type >= MBENTITYSET || target_dimension < 1 || target_dimension > 3 )
103  {
104  return MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
105  }
106  else if( source_dimension == target_dimension )
107  {
108  target_entities.push_back( source_entity );
109  return MB_SUCCESS;
110  }
112  ErrorCode result;
113  if( mVertElemAdj == false )
114  {
115  result = create_vert_elem_adjacencies();
116  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
117  }
119  if( source_dimension == 0 )
120  {
121  result = get_zero_to_n_elements( source_entity, target_dimension, target_entities, create_if_missing,
122  create_adjacency_option );
123  }
124  else if( source_dimension > target_dimension )
125  {
126  result = get_down_adjacency_elements( source_entity, target_dimension, target_entities, create_if_missing,
127  create_adjacency_option );
128  }
129  else // if(source_dimension < target_dimension)
130  {
131  result = get_up_adjacency_elements( source_entity, target_dimension, target_entities, create_if_missing,
132  create_adjacency_option );
133  }
135  return result;
136 }

References create_vert_elem_adjacencies(), moab::CN::Dimension(), ErrorCode, get_down_adjacency_elements(), get_up_adjacency_elements(), get_zero_to_n_elements(), MB_SUCCESS, MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE, MBENTITYSET, mVertElemAdj, and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

◆ get_memory_use() [1/2]

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_memory_use ( const Range entities,
unsigned long long &  total_entity_storage,
unsigned long long &  total_amortized_storage 

Definition at line 1488 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

1491 {
1492  min_per_ent = amortized = 0;
1493  SequenceData* prev_data = 0;
1494  RangeSeqIntersectIter iter( thisMB->sequence_manager() );
1495  ErrorCode rval = iter.init( ents_in.begin(), ents_in.end() );
1496  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1498  do
1499  {
1500  AdjacencyVector** array = iter.get_sequence()->data()->get_adjacency_data();
1501  if( !array ) continue;
1503  EntityID count = iter.get_end_handle() - iter.get_start_handle() + 1;
1504  EntityID data_occ = thisMB->sequence_manager()
1505  ->entity_map( iter.get_sequence()->type() )
1506  .get_occupied_size( iter.get_sequence()->data() );
1508  if( iter.get_sequence()->data() != prev_data )
1509  {
1510  prev_data = iter.get_sequence()->data();
1511  amortized += sizeof( AdjacencyVector* ) * iter.get_sequence()->data()->size() * count / data_occ;
1512  }
1514  array += iter.get_start_handle() - iter.get_sequence()->data()->start_handle();
1515  for( EntityID i = 0; i < count; ++i )
1516  {
1517  if( array[i] ) min_per_ent += sizeof( EntityHandle ) * array[i]->capacity() + sizeof( AdjacencyVector );
1518  }
1519  } while( MB_SUCCESS == ( rval = iter.step() ) );
1521  amortized += min_per_ent;
1522  return ( rval == MB_FAILURE ) ? MB_SUCCESS : rval;
1523 }

References moab::Range::begin(), moab::EntitySequence::data(), moab::Range::end(), moab::SequenceManager::entity_map(), ErrorCode, moab::SequenceData::get_adjacency_data(), moab::RangeSeqIntersectIter::get_end_handle(), moab::TypeSequenceManager::get_occupied_size(), moab::RangeSeqIntersectIter::get_sequence(), moab::RangeSeqIntersectIter::get_start_handle(), moab::RangeSeqIntersectIter::init(), MB_SUCCESS, moab::Core::sequence_manager(), moab::SequenceData::size(), moab::SequenceData::start_handle(), moab::RangeSeqIntersectIter::step(), thisMB, and moab::EntitySequence::type().

◆ get_memory_use() [2/2]

void moab::AEntityFactory::get_memory_use ( unsigned long long &  total_entity_storage,
unsigned long long &  total_storage 

Definition at line 1456 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

1457 {
1458  entity_total = memory_total = 0;
1460  // iterate through each element type
1461  SequenceData* prev_data = 0;
1462  for( EntityType t = MBVERTEX; t != MBENTITYSET; t++ )
1463  {
1465  TypeSequenceManager& seqman = thisMB->sequence_manager()->entity_map( t );
1466  for( i = seqman.begin(); i != seqman.end(); ++i )
1467  {
1468  if( !( *i )->data()->get_adjacency_data() ) continue;
1470  if( prev_data != ( *i )->data() )
1471  {
1472  prev_data = ( *i )->data();
1473  memory_total += prev_data->size() * sizeof( AdjacencyVector* );
1474  }
1476  const AdjacencyVector* vec;
1477  for( EntityHandle h = ( *i )->start_handle(); h <= ( *i )->end_handle(); ++h )
1478  {
1479  get_adjacency_ptr( h, vec );
1480  if( vec ) entity_total += vec->capacity() * sizeof( EntityHandle ) + sizeof( AdjacencyVector );
1481  }
1482  }
1483  }
1485  memory_total += sizeof( *this ) + entity_total;
1486 }

References moab::TypeSequenceManager::begin(), moab::TypeSequenceManager::end(), moab::SequenceManager::entity_map(), get_adjacency_ptr(), MBENTITYSET, MBVERTEX, moab::Core::sequence_manager(), moab::SequenceData::size(), and thisMB.

◆ get_polyhedron_vertices()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_polyhedron_vertices ( const EntityHandle  source_entity,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  target_entities 

get the vertices for a polyhedron (special implementation because for polyhedra connectivity array stores faces)

Definition at line 138 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

140 {
141  // get the connectivity array pointer
142  const EntityHandle* connect = NULL;
143  int num_connect = 0;
144  ErrorCode result = thisMB->get_connectivity( source_entity, connect, num_connect );
145  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
147  // now get the union of those polygons' vertices
148  result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( connect, num_connect, 0, false, target_entities, Interface::UNION );
149  return result;
150 }

References ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_adjacencies(), moab::Core::get_connectivity(), MB_SUCCESS, thisMB, and moab::Interface::UNION.

Referenced by get_adjacencies().

◆ get_up_adjacency_elements()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_up_adjacency_elements ( EntityHandle  source_entity,
const unsigned int  target_dimension,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  target_entities,
const bool  create_if_missing,
const int  create_adjacency_option = -1 

Definition at line 1079 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

1084 {
1086  EntityType source_type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( source_entity );
1088  const EntityHandle* source_vertices = NULL;
1089  int num_source_vertices = 0;
1090  std::vector< EntityHandle > conn_storage;
1092  // check to see whether there are any equivalent entities (same verts, different entity);
1093  // do this by calling get_element with a 0 source_entity, and look for a
1094  // MB_MULTIPLE_ENTITIES_FOUND return code
1096  // NOTE: we only want corner vertices here, and for the code below which also uses
1097  // source_vertices
1098  ErrorCode result =
1099  thisMB->get_connectivity( source_entity, source_vertices, num_source_vertices, true, &conn_storage );
1100  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1101  EntityHandle temp_entity;
1102  result = get_element( source_vertices, num_source_vertices, source_type, temp_entity, false, 0 );
1104  bool equiv_entities = ( result == MB_MULTIPLE_ENTITIES_FOUND ) ? true : false;
1106  std::vector< EntityHandle > tmp_vec;
1107  if( !equiv_entities )
1108  {
1109  // get elems adjacent to each node
1110  std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > elems( num_source_vertices );
1111  int i;
1112  for( i = 0; i < num_source_vertices; i++ )
1113  {
1114  // get elements
1115  // see comment above pertaining to source_vertices; these are corner vertices only
1116  get_zero_to_n_elements( source_vertices[i], target_dimension, elems[i], create_if_missing, 0 );
1117  // sort this element list
1118  std::sort( elems[i].begin(), elems[i].end() );
1119  }
1121  // perform an intersection between all the element lists
1122  // see comment above pertaining to source_vertices; these are corner vertices only
1123  for( i = 1; i < num_source_vertices; i++ )
1124  {
1125  tmp_vec.clear();
1127  // intersection between first list and ith list, put result in tmp
1128  std::set_intersection( elems[0].begin(), elems[0].end(), elems[i].begin(), elems[i].end(),
1129  std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector< EntityHandle > >( tmp_vec ) );
1130  // tmp has elems[0] contents and elems[0] contents has tmp's contents
1131  // so that elems[0] always has the intersection of previous operations
1132  elems[0].swap( tmp_vec );
1133  }
1135  // elems[0] contains the intersection, swap with target_entities
1136  target_entities.insert( target_entities.end(), elems[0].begin(), elems[0].end() );
1137  }
1138  else if( source_type == MBPOLYGON )
1139  {
1140  // get adjacencies using polyhedra's connectivity vectors
1141  // first get polyhedra neighboring vertices
1142  result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( source_vertices, num_source_vertices, 3, false, tmp_vec );
1143  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1145  // now filter according to whether each is adjacent to the polygon
1146  const EntityHandle* connect = NULL;
1147  int num_connect = 0;
1148  std::vector< EntityHandle > storage;
1149  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < tmp_vec.size(); i++ )
1150  {
1151  result = thisMB->get_connectivity( tmp_vec[i], connect, num_connect, false, &storage );
1152  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1153  if( std::find( connect, connect + num_connect, source_entity ) != connect + num_connect )
1154  target_entities.push_back( tmp_vec[i] );
1155  }
1156  }
1158  else
1159  {
1160  // else get up-adjacencies directly; code copied from get_zero_to_n_elements
1162  // get the adjacency vector
1163  AdjacencyVector* adj_vec = NULL;
1164  result = get_adjacencies( source_entity, adj_vec );
1166  if( result != MB_SUCCESS )
1167  return result;
1168  else if( adj_vec == NULL )
1169  return MB_SUCCESS;
1171  DimensionPair dim_pair_dp1 = CN::TypeDimensionMap[CN::Dimension( source_type ) + 1],
1172  dim_pair_td = CN::TypeDimensionMap[target_dimension];
1173  int dum;
1175  Range tmp_ents, target_ents;
1177  // get iterators for start handle of source_dim+1 and target_dim, and end handle
1178  // of target_dim
1179  AdjacencyVector::iterator start_ent_dp1 =
1180  std::lower_bound( adj_vec->begin(), adj_vec->end(),
1181  CREATE_HANDLE( dim_pair_dp1.first, MB_START_ID, dum ) ),
1183  start_ent_td =
1184  std::lower_bound( adj_vec->begin(), adj_vec->end(),
1185  CREATE_HANDLE( dim_pair_td.first, MB_START_ID, dum ) ),
1187  end_ent_td = std::lower_bound( adj_vec->begin(), adj_vec->end(),
1188  CREATE_HANDLE( dim_pair_td.second, MB_END_ID, dum ) );
1190  // get the adjacencies for source_dim+1 to target_dim-1, and the adjacencies from
1191  // those to target_dim
1192  std::copy( start_ent_dp1, start_ent_td, range_inserter( tmp_ents ) );
1193  result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( tmp_ents, target_dimension, false, target_ents, Interface::UNION );
1194  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1196  // now copy the explicit adjacencies to target_dimension
1197  std::copy( start_ent_td, end_ent_td, range_inserter( target_ents ) );
1199  // now insert the whole thing into the argument vector
1201  std::copy( target_ents.begin(), target_ents.end(), std::back_inserter( target_entities ) );
1202 #else
1203  target_entities.insert( target_entities.end(), target_ents.begin(), target_ents.end() );
1204 #endif
1205  }
1207  return result;
1208 }

References moab::Range::begin(), moab::CREATE_HANDLE(), moab::CN::Dimension(), moab::dum, moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_adjacencies(), get_adjacencies(), moab::Core::get_connectivity(), get_element(), get_zero_to_n_elements(), MB_END_ID, MB_MULTIPLE_ENTITIES_FOUND, MB_START_ID, MB_SUCCESS, MBPOLYGON, thisMB, moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(), moab::CN::TypeDimensionMap, and moab::Interface::UNION.

Referenced by get_adjacencies(), and get_elements().

◆ get_vertices()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_vertices ( EntityHandle  h,
const EntityHandle *&  vect_out,
int &  count_out,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  storage 

Definition at line 35 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

39 {
40  ErrorCode result;
42  {
43  storage.clear();
44  result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( &h, 1, 0, false, storage );
45  vect_out = &storage[0];
46  count_out = storage.size();
47  }
48  else
49  {
50  result = thisMB->get_connectivity( h, vect_out, count_out, false, &storage );
51  }
52  return result;
53 }

References ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_adjacencies(), moab::Core::get_connectivity(), MBPOLYHEDRON, thisMB, and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

Referenced by create_vert_elem_adjacencies(), and remove_all_adjacencies().

◆ get_zero_to_n_elements()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_zero_to_n_elements ( EntityHandle  source_entity,
const unsigned int  target_dimension,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  target_entities,
const bool  create_if_missing,
const int  create_adjacency_option = -1 

Definition at line 648 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

653 {
654  AdjacencyVector::iterator start_ent, end_ent;
656  // get the adjacency vector
657  AdjacencyVector* adj_vec = NULL;
658  ErrorCode result = get_adjacencies( source_entity, adj_vec );
659  if( result != MB_SUCCESS || adj_vec == NULL ) return result;
661  if( target_dimension < 3 && create_if_missing )
662  {
663  std::vector< EntityHandle > tmp_ents;
665  start_ent = std::lower_bound( adj_vec->begin(), adj_vec->end(),
666  FIRST_HANDLE( CN::TypeDimensionMap[target_dimension + 1].first ) );
668  end_ent = std::lower_bound( start_ent, adj_vec->end(), LAST_HANDLE( CN::TypeDimensionMap[3].second ) );
670  std::vector< EntityHandle > elems( start_ent, end_ent );
672  // make target_dimension elements from all adjacient higher-dimension elements
673  for( start_ent = elems.begin(); start_ent != elems.end(); ++start_ent )
674  {
675  tmp_ents.clear();
676  get_down_adjacency_elements( *start_ent, target_dimension, tmp_ents, create_if_missing, 0 );
677  }
678  }
680  DimensionPair dim_pair = CN::TypeDimensionMap[target_dimension];
681  start_ent = std::lower_bound( adj_vec->begin(), adj_vec->end(), FIRST_HANDLE( dim_pair.first ) );
682  end_ent = std::lower_bound( start_ent, adj_vec->end(), LAST_HANDLE( dim_pair.second ) );
683  target_entities.insert( target_entities.end(), start_ent, end_ent );
684  return MB_SUCCESS;
685 }

References ErrorCode, moab::GeomUtil::first(), moab::FIRST_HANDLE(), get_adjacencies(), get_down_adjacency_elements(), moab::LAST_HANDLE(), MB_SUCCESS, and moab::CN::TypeDimensionMap.

Referenced by get_adjacencies(), get_elements(), and get_up_adjacency_elements().

◆ merge_adjust_adjacencies()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::merge_adjust_adjacencies ( EntityHandle  entity_to_keep,
EntityHandle  entity_to_remove 

in preparation for merging two entities, adjust adjacencies so that entity_to_keep will be adjacent to the "right" entities after merge (also checks for potential formation of equivalent entities and creates explicit adjacencies accordingly)

Definition at line 1270 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

1271 {
1272  int ent_dim = CN::Dimension( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( entity_to_keep ) );
1273  ErrorCode result;
1275  // check for newly-formed equivalent entities, and create explicit adjacencies
1276  // to distinguish them; this must be done before connectivity of higher-dimensional
1277  // entities is changed below, and only needs to be checked if merging vertices
1278  if( ent_dim == 0 )
1279  {
1280  result = check_equiv_entities( entity_to_keep, entity_to_remove );
1281  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1282  }
1284  // check adjacencies TO removed entity
1285  for( int dim = 1; dim < ent_dim; dim++ )
1286  {
1287  Range adjs;
1288  result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( &entity_to_remove, 1, dim, false, adjs );
1289  if( result != MB_SUCCESS ) return result;
1290  // for any explicit ones, make them adjacent to keeper
1291  for( Range::iterator rit = adjs.begin(); rit != adjs.end(); ++rit )
1292  {
1293  if( this->explicitly_adjacent( *rit, entity_to_remove ) )
1294  {
1295  result = this->add_adjacency( *rit, entity_to_keep );
1296  if( result != MB_SUCCESS ) return result;
1297  }
1298  }
1299  }
1301  // check adjacencies FROM removed entity
1302  std::vector< EntityHandle > conn, adjs;
1303  result = this->get_adjacencies( entity_to_remove, adjs );
1304  if( result != MB_SUCCESS ) return result;
1305  // set them all, and if to_entity is a set, add to that one too
1306  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < adjs.size(); i++ )
1307  {
1308  if( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( adjs[i] ) == MBENTITYSET )
1309  {
1310  // result = this->add_adjacency(entity_to_keep, adjs[i]);
1311  // if(result != MB_SUCCESS) return result;
1312  // result = thisMB->add_entities(adjs[i], &entity_to_keep, 1);
1313  // if(result != MB_SUCCESS) return result;
1314  result = thisMB->replace_entities( adjs[i], &entity_to_remove, &entity_to_keep, 1 );
1315  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1316  }
1317  else if( ent_dim == 0 )
1318  {
1319  conn.clear();
1320  result = thisMB->get_connectivity( &adjs[i], 1, conn );
1322  if( result == MB_SUCCESS )
1323  {
1324  std::replace( conn.begin(), conn.end(), entity_to_remove, entity_to_keep );
1325  result = thisMB->set_connectivity( adjs[i], &conn[0], conn.size() );
1326  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1327  }
1328  else
1329  return result;
1330  }
1331  else
1332  {
1333  result = this->add_adjacency( entity_to_keep, adjs[i] );
1334  if( result != MB_SUCCESS ) return result;
1335  }
1336  }
1338  return MB_SUCCESS;
1339 }

References add_adjacency(), moab::Range::begin(), check_equiv_entities(), dim, moab::CN::Dimension(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, explicitly_adjacent(), moab::Core::get_adjacencies(), get_adjacencies(), moab::Core::get_connectivity(), MB_SUCCESS, MBENTITYSET, moab::Core::replace_entities(), moab::Core::set_connectivity(), thisMB, and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

◆ notify_change_connectivity()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::notify_change_connectivity ( EntityHandle  entity,
const EntityHandle old_array,
const EntityHandle new_array,
int  number_nodes 

calling code notifying that an entity changed its connectivity

Definition at line 1211 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

1215 {
1216  EntityType source_type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( entity );
1217  if( source_type == MBPOLYHEDRON ) return MB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
1219  // find out which ones to add and which to remove
1220  std::vector< EntityHandle > old_verts, new_verts;
1221  int i;
1222  for( i = 0; i < number_verts; i++ )
1223  {
1224  if( old_array[i] != new_array[i] )
1225  {
1226  old_verts.push_back( old_array[i] );
1227  new_verts.push_back( new_array[i] );
1228  }
1229  }
1231  ErrorCode result;
1233  if( mVertElemAdj == true )
1234  {
1235  // update the vertex-entity adjacencies
1236  std::vector< EntityHandle >::iterator adj_iter;
1237  for( adj_iter = old_verts.begin(); adj_iter != old_verts.end(); ++adj_iter )
1238  {
1239  if( std::find( new_verts.begin(), new_verts.end(), *adj_iter ) == new_verts.end() )
1240  {
1241  result = remove_adjacency( *adj_iter, entity );
1242  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1243  }
1244  }
1245  for( adj_iter = new_verts.begin(); adj_iter != new_verts.end(); ++adj_iter )
1246  {
1247  if( std::find( old_verts.begin(), old_verts.end(), *adj_iter ) == old_verts.end() )
1248  {
1249  result = add_adjacency( *adj_iter, entity );
1250  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
1251  }
1252  }
1253  }
1255  return MB_SUCCESS;
1256 }

References add_adjacency(), ErrorCode, MB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, MB_SUCCESS, MBPOLYHEDRON, mVertElemAdj, remove_adjacency(), and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

◆ notify_create_entity()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::notify_create_entity ( const EntityHandle  entity,
const EntityHandle node_array,
const int  number_nodes 

calling code notifying this that to update connectivity of 'entity'

Definition at line 615 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

618 {
619  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS, tmp_result;
620  if( vert_elem_adjacencies() )
621  {
622  // iterate through nodes and add adjacency information
623  if( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( entity ) == MBPOLYHEDRON )
624  {
625  // polyhedron - get real vertex connectivity
626  std::vector< EntityHandle > verts;
627  tmp_result = get_adjacencies( entity, 0, false, verts );
628  if( MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result ) return tmp_result;
629  for( std::vector< EntityHandle >::iterator vit = verts.begin(); vit != verts.end(); ++vit )
630  {
631  tmp_result = add_adjacency( *vit, entity );
632  if( MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result ) result = tmp_result;
633  }
634  }
635  else
636  {
637  for( unsigned int i = number_nodes; i--; )
638  {
639  tmp_result = add_adjacency( node_array[i], entity );
640  if( MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result ) result = tmp_result;
641  }
642  }
643  }
645  return result;
646 }

References add_adjacency(), ErrorCode, get_adjacencies(), MB_SUCCESS, MBPOLYHEDRON, moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(), and vert_elem_adjacencies().

Referenced by moab::TempestRemapper::ComputeOverlapMesh(), moab::NCHelperDomain::create_mesh(), moab::NCHelperScrip::create_mesh(), moab::ParCommGraph::receive_mesh(), and moab::ReadUtil::update_adjacencies().

◆ notify_delete_entity()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::notify_delete_entity ( EntityHandle  entity)

calling code notifying this that an entity is getting deleted

calling code is notifying this that an entity is going to be deleted from the database

Definition at line 1529 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

1530 {
1531  if( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( entity ) == MBVERTEX )
1532  {
1533  std::vector< EntityHandle > adj_entities;
1534  for( int dim = 1; dim < 4; ++dim )
1535  {
1536  ErrorCode rval = get_adjacencies( entity, dim, false, adj_entities );
1537  if( rval != MB_SUCCESS && rval != MB_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND ) return rval;
1538  if( !adj_entities.empty() ) return MB_FAILURE;
1539  }
1540  }
1542  // remove any references to this entity from other entities
1543  return remove_all_adjacencies( entity, true );
1544 }

References dim, ErrorCode, get_adjacencies(), MB_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND, MB_SUCCESS, MBVERTEX, remove_all_adjacencies(), and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

◆ remove_adjacency()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::remove_adjacency ( EntityHandle  base_entity,
EntityHandle  adjacency_to_remove 

remove an adjacency from from the base_entity.

Definition at line 399 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

400 {
401  ErrorCode result;
403  if( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( base_entity ) == MBENTITYSET )
404  return thisMB->remove_entities( base_entity, &adj_to_remove, 1 );
406  // get the adjacency tag
407  AdjacencyVector* adj_list = NULL;
408  result = get_adjacencies( base_entity, adj_list );
409  if( adj_list == NULL || MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
411  // remove the specified entity from the adjacency list and truncate
412  // the list to the new length
413  adj_list->erase( std::remove( adj_list->begin(), adj_list->end(), adj_to_remove ), adj_list->end() );
415  return result;
416 }

References ErrorCode, get_adjacencies(), MB_SUCCESS, MBENTITYSET, moab::Core::remove_entities(), thisMB, and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

Referenced by moab::MeshSet::create_adjacencies(), notify_change_connectivity(), moab::range_tool< pair_iter_t >::ranged_remove_entities(), moab::MeshSet::remove_adjacencies(), remove_all_adjacencies(), moab::MeshSet::replace_entities(), moab::vector_remove_range(), moab::vector_remove_ranges(), and moab::vector_remove_vector().

◆ remove_all_adjacencies()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::remove_all_adjacencies ( EntityHandle  base_entity,
const bool  delete_adj_list = false 

remove all adjacencies from from the base_entity.

Definition at line 419 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

420 {
421  ErrorCode result;
422  EntityType base_type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( base_entity );
424  if( base_type == MBENTITYSET ) return thisMB->clear_meshset( &base_entity, 1 );
425  const int base_ent_dim = CN::Dimension( base_type );
427  // Remove adjacencies from element vertices back to
428  // this element. Also check any elements adjacent
429  // to the vertex and of higher dimension than this
430  // element for downward adjacencies to this element.
431  if( vert_elem_adjacencies() && base_type != MBVERTEX )
432  {
433  EntityHandle const *connvect = 0, *adjvect = 0;
434  int numconn = 0, numadj = 0;
435  std::vector< EntityHandle > connstorage;
436  result = get_vertices( base_entity, connvect, numconn, connstorage );
437  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
439  for( int i = 0; i < numconn; ++i )
440  {
441  result = get_adjacencies( connvect[i], adjvect, numadj );
442  if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
444  bool remove_this = false;
445  for( int j = 0; j < numadj; ++j )
446  {
447  if( adjvect[j] == base_entity ) remove_this = true;
449  if( CN::Dimension( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( adjvect[j] ) ) != base_ent_dim &&
450  explicitly_adjacent( adjvect[j], base_entity ) )
451  remove_adjacency( adjvect[j], base_entity );
452  }
454  if( remove_this ) remove_adjacency( connvect[i], base_entity );
455  }
456  }
458  // get the adjacency tag
459  AdjacencyVector* adj_list = 0;
460  result = get_adjacencies( base_entity, adj_list );
461  if( MB_SUCCESS != result || !adj_list ) return result;
463  // check adjacent entities for references back to this entity
464  for( AdjacencyVector::reverse_iterator it = adj_list->rbegin(); it != adj_list->rend(); ++it )
465  remove_adjacency( *it, base_entity );
467  if( delete_adj_list )
468  result = set_adjacency_ptr( base_entity, NULL );
469  else
470  adj_list->clear();
472  return MB_SUCCESS;
473 }

References moab::Core::clear_meshset(), moab::CN::Dimension(), ErrorCode, explicitly_adjacent(), get_adjacencies(), get_vertices(), MB_SUCCESS, MBENTITYSET, MBVERTEX, remove_adjacency(), set_adjacency_ptr(), thisMB, moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(), and vert_elem_adjacencies().

Referenced by notify_delete_entity().

◆ set_adjacency_ptr()

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::set_adjacency_ptr ( EntityHandle  entity,
std::vector< EntityHandle > *  ptr 

Definition at line 1440 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

1441 {
1442  EntitySequence* seq;
1443  ErrorCode rval = thisMB->sequence_manager()->find( entity, seq );
1444  if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
1446  if( !seq->data()->get_adjacency_data() && !seq->data()->allocate_adjacency_data() )
1449  const EntityHandle index = entity - seq->data()->start_handle();
1450  std::vector< EntityHandle >*& ref = seq->data()->get_adjacency_data()[index];
1451  delete ref;
1452  ref = ptr;
1453  return MB_SUCCESS;
1454 }

References moab::SequenceData::allocate_adjacency_data(), moab::EntitySequence::data(), ErrorCode, moab::SequenceManager::find(), moab::SequenceData::get_adjacency_data(), MB_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED, MB_SUCCESS, moab::Core::sequence_manager(), moab::SequenceData::start_handle(), and thisMB.

Referenced by get_adjacencies(), and remove_all_adjacencies().

◆ vert_elem_adjacencies()

bool moab::AEntityFactory::vert_elem_adjacencies ( ) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ mVertElemAdj

bool moab::AEntityFactory::mVertElemAdj

whether vertex to element adjacencies are begin done

Definition at line 176 of file AEntityFactory.hpp.

Referenced by AEntityFactory(), create_vert_elem_adjacencies(), get_adjacencies(), get_element(), get_elements(), notify_change_connectivity(), and vert_elem_adjacencies().

◆ thisMB

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: