Akhilesh Raj, Swann Perarnau, Aniruddha Gokhale: A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Performance-aware Reduction in Power Consumption of Data Center Compute Nodes. 11th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineeering (IC2E 2023), September 2023. (preprint PDF, 10 pages, 386 KiB)
Ismail Hawila, Sophie Cerf, Raphaël Bleuse, Swann Perarnau, Eric Rutten: Adaptive Power Control for Sober High-Performance Computing. 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA 2022), pp. 403–410, August 2022. DOI: 10.1109/CCTA49430.2022.9966115, (preprint PDF, 8 pages, 4.1 MiB)
Nicolas Denoyelle, Swann Perarnau, Kamil Iskra, Balazs Gerofi: Rapid Execution Time Estimation for Heterogeneous Memory Systems Through Differential Tracing. 37th International Conference on High Performance Computing (ISC 2022), pp. 256–274, May-June 2022. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-07312-0_13, (preprint PDF, 19 pages, 1.2 MiB)
Ivy B. Peng, Maya B. Gokhale, Karim Youssef, Keita Iwabuchi, Roger Pearce: Enabling Scalable and Extensible Memory-Mapped Datastores in Userspace. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 866–877, April 2022. DOI: 10.1109/tpds.2021.3086302, (preprint PDF, 12 pages, 2.6 MiB)
Kishwar Ahmed, Kazutomo Yoshii, Samia Tasnim: Parallel Application Power and Performance Prediction Modeling Using Simulation. 2021 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2021), December 2021. DOI: 10.1109/WSC52266.2021.9715340, (preprint PDF, 12 pages, 298 KiB)
Nicolas Denoyelle, Emmanuel Jeannot, Swann Perarnau, Brice Videau, Pete Beckman: Narrowing the Search Space of Applications Mapping on Hierarchical Topologies. 12th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High-Performance Computer Systems (PMBS 2021), held in conjunction with SC 2021, pp. 118–128, November 2021. DOI: 10.1109/PMBS54543.2021.00018, (preprint PDF, 11 pages, 353 KiB)
Sophie Cerf, Raphaël Bleuse, Valentin Reis, Swann Perarnau, Éric Rutten: Sustaining Performance While Reducing Energy Consumption: A Control Theory Approach. 27th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2021), Springer LNCS 12820 pp. 334–349, August-September 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-85665-6_21, (preprint PDF, 16 pages, 1.0 MiB)
Ivy Peng, Roger Pearce, Maya Gokhale: On the Memory Underutilization: Exploring Disaggregated Memory on HPC Systems. 32nd IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2020), pp. 183–190, September 2020. DOI: 10.1109/SBAC-PAD49847.2020.00034, (preprint PDF, 8 pages, 654 KiB)
Nicolas Denoyelle, John Tramm, Kazutomo Yoshii, Swann Perarnau, Pete Beckman: NUMA-Aware Data Management for Neutron Cross Section Data in Continuous Energy Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Simulation. 30th Physics of Reactors Conference (PHYSOR 2020): Transition to a Scalable Nuclear Future, March-April 2020. DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/202124704020, (preprint PDF, 11 pages, 164 KiB)
Swann Perarnau, Brian C. Van Essen, Roberto Gioiosa, Kamil Iskra, Maya B. Gokhale, Kazutomo Yoshii, Pete Beckman: Argo. Book chapter in: Gerofi, Ishikawa, Riesen, Wisniewski (eds): Operating Systems for Supercomputers and High Performance Computing. High-Performance Computing Series, vol. 1, pp. 199–220. Springer Singapore, 2019. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-6624-6_12
Ivy B. Peng, Marty McFadden, Eric Green, Keita Iwabuchi, Kai Wu, Dong Li, Roger Pearce, Maya B. Gokhale: UMap: Enabling Application-driven Optimizations for Page Management. Workshop on Memory Centric High Performance Computing (MCHPC 2019), held in conjunction with SC 2019, pp. 71–78, November 2019. DOI: 10.1109/MCHPC49590.2019.00017, (preprint PDF, 8 pages, 425 KiB)
Swann Perarnau, Brice Videau, Nicolas Denoyelle, Florence Monna, Kamil Iskra, Pete Beckman: Explicit Data Layout Management for Autotuning Exploration on Complex Memory Topologies. Workshop on Memory Centric High Performance Computing (MCHPC 2019), held in conjunction with SC 2019, pp. 58–63, November 2019. DOI: 10.1109/MCHPC49590.2019.00015, (preprint PDF, 6 pages, 215 KiB)
Tapasya Patki, Zachary Frye, Harsh Bhatia, Francesco Di Natale, James N. Glosli, Helgi I. Ingólfsson, Barry Rountree: Comparing GPU Power and Frequency Capping: A Case Study with the MuMMI Workflow. 14th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS 2019), held in conjunction with SC 2019, pp. 31–39, November 2019. DOI: 10.1109/WORKS49585.2019.00009, (preprint PDF, 9 pages, 1.7 MiB)
Nicolas Denoyelle, Brice Goglin, Emmanuel Jeannot, Thomas Ropars: Data and Thread Placement in NUMA Architectures: A Statistical Learning Approach. 48th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2019), August 2019. DOI: 10.1145/3337821.3337893, (preprint PDF, 10 pages, 791 KiB)
Srinivasan Ramesh, Swann Perarnau, Sridutt Bhalachandra, Allen D. Malony, Pete Beckman: Understanding the Impact of Dynamic Power Capping on Application Progress. 33rd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2019), pp. 793–804, May 2019. DOI: 10.1109/IPDPS.2019.00088, (preprint PDF, 12 pages, 1.0 MiB)
Anne Benoit, Swann Perarnau, Loïc Pottier, Yves Robert: A Performance Model to Execute Workflows on High-Bandwidth-Memory Architectures. 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2018), August 2018. DOI: 10.1145/3225058.3225110, (preprint PDF, 10 pages, 827 KiB)
Kishwar Ahmed, Jason Liu, Kazutomo Yoshii: Enabling Demand Response for HPC Systems through Power Capping and Node Scaling. 20th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2018), pp. 789–796, June 2018. DOI: 10.1109/HPCC/SmartCity/DSS.2018.00133, (preprint PDF, 8 pages, 540 KiB)
Ryuichi Sakamoto, Tapasya Patki, Thang Cao, Masaaki Kondo, Koji Inoue, Masatsugu Ueda, Daniel Ellsworth, Barry Rountree, Martin Schulz: Analyzing Resource Trade-offs in Hardware Overprovisioned Supercomputers. 32nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2018), pp. 526–535, May 2018. DOI: 10.1109/IPDPS.2018.00062
Matthieu Dreher, Swann Perarnau, Tom Peterka, Kamil Iskra, Pete Beckman: In Situ Workflows at Exascale: System Software to the Rescue. Workshop on In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-scale Analysis and Visualization (ISAV 2017), held in conjunction with SC 2017, pp. 22–26, November 2017. DOI: 10.1145/3144769.3144774, (preprint PDF, 5 pages, 375 KiB)
Daniel Ellsworth, Tapasya Patki, Martin Schulz, Barry Rountree, Allen Malony: Simulating Power Scheduling at Scale. 5th International Workshop on Energy Efficient Supercomputing (E2SC 2017), held in conjunction with SC 2017, November 2017. DOI: 10.1145/3149412.3149414
Swann Perarnau, Judicael A. Zounmevo, Matthieu Dreher, Brian C. Van Essen, Roberto Gioiosa, Kamil Iskra, Maya B. Gokhale, Kazutomo Yoshii, Pete Beckman: Argo NodeOS: Towards Unified Resource Management for Exascale. 31st IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2017), pp. 153–162, May 2017. DOI: 10.1109/IPDPS.2017.25, (preprint PDF, 10 pages, 1.2 MiB)
Ryuichi Sakamoto, Thang Cao, Masaaki Kondo, Koji Inoue, Masatsugu Ueda, Tapasya Patki, Daniel Ellsworth, Barry Rountree, Martin Schulz: Production Hardware Overprovisioning: Real-world Performance Optimization using an Extensible Power-aware Resource Management Framework. 31st IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2017), pp. 957–966, May 2017. DOI: 10.1109/IPDPS.2017.107, (preprint PDF, 10 pages, 605 KiB)
Daniel Ellsworth, Tapasya Patki, Martin Schulz, Barry Rountree, Allen D. Malony: A Unified Platform for Exploring Power Management Strategies. 4th International Workshop on Energy Efficient Supercomputing (E2SC 2016), held in conjunction with SC 2016, pp. 24–30, November 2016. DOI: 10.1109/E2SC.2016.009
Swann Perarnau, Judicael A. Zounmevo, Balazs Gerofi, Kamil Iskra, Pete Beckman: Exploring Data Migration for Future Deep-Memory Many-Core Systems. 18th IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER 2016), pp. 289–297, September 2016. DOI: 10.1109/CLUSTER.2016.42, (preprint PDF, 9 pages, 187 KiB)
Mike Fagan, Jeremy Schlachter, Kazutomo Yoshii, Sven Leyffer, Krishna Palem, Marc Snir, Stefan M. Wild, and Christian Enz: Overcoming the Power Wall by Exploiting Inexactness and Emerging COTS Architectural Features: Trading Precision for Improving Application Quality. 29th IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC 2016), pp. 241–246, September 2016. DOI: 10.1109/SOCC.2016.7905477, (preprint PDF, 6 pages, 210 KiB)
Daniel Ellsworth, Tapasya Patki, Swann Perarnau, Sangmin Seo, Abdelhalim Amer, Judicael Zounmevo, Rinku Gupta, Kazutomo Yoshii, Henry Hoffman, Allen Malony, Martin Schulz, Pete Beckman: Systemwide Power Management with Argo. 12th Workshop on High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing (HPPAC 2016), held in conjunction with IPDPS 2016, pp. 1118–1121, May 2016. DOI: 10.1109/IPDPSW.2016.81, (preprint PDF, 4 pages, 1.4 MiB)
Leonardo Bautista-Gomez, Ana Gainaru, Swann Perarnau, Devesh Tiwari, Saurabh Gupta, Christian Engelmann, Franck Cappello, Marc Snir: Reducing Waste in Extreme Scale Systems through Introspective Analysis. 30th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2016), pp. 212–221, May 2016. DOI: 10.1109/IPDPS.2016.100, (preprint PDF, 10 pages, 606 KiB)
Daniel A. Ellsworth, Allen D. Malony, Barry Rountree, Martin Schulz: Dynamic Power Sharing for Higher Job Throughput. 27th International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC 2015), November 2015. DOI: 10.1145/2807591.2807643, (preprint PDF, 11 pages, 1.1 MiB)
Tapasya Patki, David K. Lowenthal, Anjana Sasidharan, Matthias Maiterth, Barry L. Rountree, Martin Schulz, Bronis R. de Supinski: Practical Resource Management in Power-Constrained, High Performance Computing. 24th International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC 2015), pp. 121–132, June 2015. DOI: 10.1145/2749246.2749262, (preprint PDF, 12 pages, 527 KiB)
Daniel A. Ellsworth, Allen D. Malony, Barry Rountree, Martin Schulz: POW: System-wide Dynamic Reallocation of Limited Power in HPC. 24th International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC 2015), pp. 145–148, June 2015. DOI: 10.1145/2749246.2749277, (preprint PDF, 4 pages, 378 KiB)
Swann Perarnau, Rajeev Thakur, Kamil Iskra, Ken Raffenetti, Franck Cappello, Rinku Gupta, Pete Beckman, Marc Snir, Henry Hoffmann, Martin Schulz, Barry Rountree: Distributed Monitoring and Management of Exascale Systems in the Argo Project. 15th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS 2015), Springer LNCS 9038 pp. 173–178, June 2015. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-19129-4_14, (preprint PDF, 6 pages, 339 KiB)
Judicael A. Zounmevo, Swann Perarnau, Kamil Iskra, Kazutomo Yoshii, Roberto Gioiosa, Brian C. Van Essen, Maya B. Gokhale, Edgar A. Leon: A Container-Based Approach to OS Specialization for Exascale Computing. 1st International Workshop on Container Technologies and Container Clouds (WoC 2015), held in conjunction with IC2E 2015, pp. 359–364, March 2015. DOI: 10.1109/IC2E.2015.78, (preprint PDF, 6 pages, 676 KiB)
Pete Beckman, Idriss Daoudi, Rinku Gupta, Kamil Iskra, John-Luke Navarro, Swann Perarnau, John Tramm, Brice Videau, Kazutomo Yoshii, Maya Gokhale, Eric Green, Keita Iwabuchi, Roger Pearce, Ivy Peng, Abhik Sarkar, Tapasya Patki, Stephanie Brink, Aniruddha Marathe, Barry Rountree, Kathleen Shoga, David Lowenthal: Argo: Then and Now. 7th ECP Annual Meeting, January 2023. (PDF, 1.4 MiB)
Swann Perarnau, Brice Videau, Maya Gokhale, Ivy Peng, Roger Pearce, Eric Green, Keita Iwabuchi, Abhik Sarkar: Management of Deep Memory Hierarchy in the Exascale Era. 6th ECP Annual Meeting, May 2022. (PDF, 1.0 MiB)
Swann Perarnau, Idriss Daoudi, Kamil Iskra, Kazutomo Yoshii, John-Luke Navarro, Pete Beckman, Tapasya Patki, Stephanie Brink, Aniruddha Marathe, Barry Rountree: Resource Partitioning and Power Management in the Exascale Era. 6th ECP Annual Meeting, May 2022. (PDF, 1.1 MiB)
Nicolas Denoyelle, Swann Perarnau, Brice Videau, Maya Gokhale, Ivy Peng, Roger Pearce, Eric Green, Keita Iwabuchi: Management of Deep Memory Hierarchy in the Exascale Era. 5th ECP Annual Meeting, April 2021. (PDF, 886 KiB)
Florence Monna, Swann Perarnau, Kamil Iskra, Kazutomo Yoshii, Pete Beckman, Tapasya Patki, Stephanie Brink, Aniruddha Marathe, Barry Rountree: Resource Partitioning and Power Management in the Exascale Era. 5th ECP Annual Meeting, April 2021. (PDF, 912 KiB)
Nicolas Denoyelle, Swann Perarnau, Brice Videau, Maya Gokhale, Ivy Peng, Roger Pearce, Eric Green, Keita Iwabuchi: Management of Deep Memory Hierarchy in the Exascale Era. 4th ECP Annual Meeting, February 2020. (PDF, 1.2 MiB)
Valentin Reis, Florence Monna, Swann Perarnau, Kamil Iskra, Kazutomo Yoshii, Tapasya Patki, Stephanie Brink, Aniruddha Marathe, Barry Rountree: Resource Partitioning and Power Management in the Exascale Era. 4th ECP Annual Meeting, February 2020. (PDF, 986 KiB)
Aniruddha Marathe, Barry Rountree, Carsten Trinitis, Christopher Cantalupo, Jonathan Eastep, Josef Weidendorfer, Martin Schulz, Masaaki Kondo, Matthias Maiterth, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Siddhartha Jana, Stephanie Brink, Tapasya Patki: The HPC PowerStack: A Community-wide Collaboration Towards an Energy Efficient Software Stack. 34th ISC High Performance Conference (ISC 2019), June 2019. (PDF, 1.3 MiB)
Marty McFadden, Keita Iwabuchi, Eric Green, Roger Pearce, Maya Gokhale, Kai Wu, Dong Li: UMap: A user level memory mapping library. 10th Annual Non-Volatile Memories Workshop (NVMW 2019), March 2019. (abstract PDF, 2 pages, 188 KiB)
Pete Beckman, Sridutt Bhalachandra, Nicolas Denoyelle, Rinku Gupta, Kamil Iskra, Florence Monna, Swann Perarnau, Valentin Reis, John Tramm, Brice Videau, Kazutomo Yoshii, Maya Gokhale, Marty McFadden, Tapasya Patki, Roger Pearce: Argo – Improved Operating System and Resource Management in the Exascale Era. 3rd ECP Annual Meeting, January 2019. (PDF, 1.6 MiB)
Nicolas Denoyelle, Swann Perarnau, Brice Videau, Maya Gokhale, Marty McFadden, Roger Pearce, Eric Green, Keita Iwabuchi, Kai Wu, Dong Li: Argo – Managment of Deep Memory Hierarchy in the Exascale Era. 3rd ECP Annual Meeting, January 2019. (PDF, 1.4 MiB)
Sridutt Bhalachandra, Kamil Iskra, Swann Perarnau, Valentin Reis, Kazutomo Yoshii, Tapasya Patki: Argo – Resource Partitioning and Power Management in the Exascale Era. 3rd ECP Annual Meeting, January 2019. (PDF, 1.3 MiB)
Swann Perarnau, Rinku Gupta, Pete Beckman, Pavan Balaji, Cyril Bordage, George Bosilca, Franck Cappello, Jack Dongarra, Daniel Ellsworth, Brian Van Essen, Damien Genet, Roberto Gioiosa, Maya Gokhale, Thomas Herault, Henry Hoffman, Kamil Iskra, Laxmikant Kale, Gokcen Kestor, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Edgar Leon, Jonathan Lifflander, Huiwei Lu, Allen Malony, Nikita Mishra, Kenneth Raffenetti, Barry Rountree,Martin Schulz, Sangmin Seo, Sameer Shende, Marc Snir, Wyatt Spear, Yanhua Sun, Rajeev Thakur, Kazutomo Yoshii, Xuechen Zheng, Huazhe Zhang, Judicael Zounmevo: ARGO: An Exascale Operating System and Runtime. 27th International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC 2015), November 2015. (PDF, 5.1 MiB)
Judicael A. Zounmevo, Kamil Iskra, Kazutomo Yoshii, Roberto Gioiosa, Brian C. Van Essen, Maya B. Gokhale, Edgar A. Leon: A Single-Kernel Approach to OS Specialization and Node Resource Partitioning for Exascale Computing. 11th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2014), October 2014. (PDF, 171 KiB)
Sven Leyffer, Stefan M. Wild, Mike Fagan, Marc Snir, Krishna Palem, Kazutomo Yoshii, Hal Finkel: Doing Moore with Less – Leapfrogging Moore’s Law with Inexactness for Supercomputing. 3rd International Workshop on Post Moore’s Era Supercomputing (PMES 2018), held in conjunction with SC 2018, November 2018. (PDF, 20 slides, 352 KiB)
Brian Van Essen, Ming Jiang, Maya Gokhale: Tuning Memory-Mapped I/O with Non-Native Page Sizes for Data-Intensive Applications. 7th Annual Non-Volatile Memories Workshop (NVMW 2016), March 2016. (PDF, 19 slides, 4.4 MiB)
Brian Van Essen, Ming Jiang, Maya Gokhale: Developing a Framework for Analyzing Data Movement within a Memory Management Runtime for Data-Intensive Applications. 6th Annual Non-Volatile Memories Workshop (NVMW 2015), March 2015. (PDF, 23 slides, 2.5 MiB)
Pete Beckman, Kamil Iskra, Florence Monna, Swann Perarnau, Valentin Reis: Argo – Containers. 3rd ECP Annual Meeting, January 2019. (PDF, 2 pages, 1.8 MiB)
Nicolas Denoyelle, Swann Perarnau, Brice Videau, Maya Gokhale, Marty McFadden, Roger Pearce, Eric Green, Keita Iwabuchi, Kai Wu, Dong Li: Argo – Memory Management. 3rd ECP Annual Meeting, January 2019. (PDF, 2 pages, 2.5 MiB)
Sridutt Bhalachandra, Kamil Iskra, Swann Perarnau, Valentin Reis, Kazutomo Yoshii, Tapasya Patki: Argo – Power Management. 3rd ECP Annual Meeting, January 2019. (PDF, 2 pages, 1.8 MiB)
Pete Beckman, Kamil Iskra, Swann Perarnau, Kazutomo Yoshii: Argo – Future Hardware. 3rd ECP Annual Meeting, January 2019. (PDF, 1 page, 1.5 MiB)