MOAB: Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.0)
test_mapweights_bcast.cpp File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "moab/Core.hpp"
#include "OfflineMap.h"
#include "moab/Remapping/TempestRemapper.hpp"
#include "moab/Remapping/TempestOnlineMap.hpp"
#include "moab/ParallelComm.hpp"
#include "Internals.hpp"
#include "TestRunner.hpp"
#include <netcdf.h>
#include <netcdf_par.h>
+ Include dependency graph for test_mapweights_bcast.cpp:

Go to the source code of this file.


#define NCERROREXIT(err, MSG)


void test_tempest_map_bcast ()
void read_buffered_map ()
void read_map_from_disk ()
int main (int argc, char **argv)


std::string inMapFilename = ""

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 24 of file test_mapweights_bcast.cpp.


#define NCERROREXIT (   err,
if( err ) \
{ \
std::cout << "Error (" << ( err ) << "): " << ( MSG ); \
std::cout << "\nAborting with message: " << nc_strerror( err ) << "... \n"; \
return; \

Definition at line 62 of file test_mapweights_bcast.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 41 of file test_mapweights_bcast.cpp.

42 {
43  if( argc > 1 )
44  inMapFilename = std::string( argv[1] );
45  else
46  inMapFilename = TestDir + "unittest/";
52 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
53  MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
54 #endif
55  int result = RUN_TESTS( argc, argv );
56 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
57  MPI_Finalize();
58 #endif
59  return result;
60 }

References inMapFilename, read_buffered_map(), read_map_from_disk(), REGISTER_TEST, RUN_TESTS, and test_tempest_map_bcast().

◆ read_buffered_map()

void read_buffered_map ( )

Perform a series of checks to ensure that the local maps in each process still preserve map properties Let us run our usual tests to verify that the map data has been distributed correctly 1) Consistency check – row sum = 1.0 2) Disable conservation checks that require global column sums (and hence more communication/reduction) 3) Perform monotonicity check and ensure failures globally are same as serial case

Definition at line 70 of file test_mapweights_bcast.cpp.

71 {
72  NcError error( NcError::silent_nonfatal );
74  // Define our total buffer size to use
75  NcFile* ncMap = NULL;
76  NcVar *varRow = NULL, *varCol = NULL, *varS = NULL;
78 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
79  int mpierr = 0;
80  const int rootProc = 0;
81 #endif
82  // Main inputs;
83  // 1. Map Filename
84  // 2. Ownership info from the processes to be gathered on root
85  const int nBufferSize = 64 * 1024; // 64 KB
86  const int nNNZBytes = 2 * sizeof( int ) + sizeof( double );
87  const int nMaxEntries = nBufferSize / nNNZBytes;
88  int nA = 0, nB = 0, nVA = 0, nVB = 0, nS = 0;
89  double dTolerance = 1e-08;
91  int nprocs = 1, rank = 0;
92 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
93  MPI_Comm commW = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
94  MPI_Comm_size( commW, &nprocs );
95  MPI_Comm_rank( commW, &rank );
96 #endif
98 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
99  if( rank == rootProc )
100 #endif
101  {
102  ncMap = new NcFile( inMapFilename.c_str(), NcFile::ReadOnly );
103  if( !ncMap->is_valid() )
104  {
105  _EXCEPTION1( "Unable to open input map file \"%s\"", inMapFilename.c_str() );
106  }
108  // Source and Target mesh resolutions
109  NcDim* dimNA = ncMap->get_dim( "n_a" );
110  if( dimNA == NULL )
111  {
112  _EXCEPTIONT( "Input map missing dimension \"n_a\"" );
113  }
114  else
115  nA = dimNA->size();
117  NcDim* dimNB = ncMap->get_dim( "n_b" );
118  if( dimNB == NULL )
119  {
120  _EXCEPTIONT( "Input map missing dimension \"n_b\"" );
121  }
122  else
123  nB = dimNB->size();
125  NcDim* dimNVA = ncMap->get_dim( "nv_a" );
126  if( dimNVA == NULL )
127  {
128  _EXCEPTIONT( "Input map missing dimension \"nv_a\"" );
129  }
130  else
131  nVA = dimNVA->size();
133  NcDim* dimNVB = ncMap->get_dim( "nv_b" );
134  if( dimNVB == NULL )
135  {
136  _EXCEPTIONT( "Input map missing dimension \"nv_b\"" );
137  }
138  else
139  nVB = dimNVB->size();
141  // Read SparseMatrix entries
142  NcDim* dimNS = ncMap->get_dim( "n_s" );
143  if( dimNS == NULL )
144  {
145  _EXCEPTION1( "Map file \"%s\" does not contain dimension \"n_s\"", inMapFilename.c_str() );
146  }
147  else
148  nS = dimNS->size(); // store total number of nonzeros
150  varRow = ncMap->get_var( "row" );
151  if( varRow == NULL )
152  {
153  _EXCEPTION1( "Map file \"%s\" does not contain variable \"row\"", inMapFilename.c_str() );
154  }
156  varCol = ncMap->get_var( "col" );
157  if( varCol == NULL )
158  {
159  _EXCEPTION1( "Map file \"%s\" does not contain variable \"col\"", inMapFilename.c_str() );
160  }
162  varS = ncMap->get_var( "S" );
163  if( varS == NULL )
164  {
165  _EXCEPTION1( "Map file \"%s\" does not contain variable \"S\"", inMapFilename.c_str() );
166  }
167  }
169  // const int nTotalBytes = nS * nNNZBytes;
170  int nEntriesRemaining = nS;
171  int nBufferedReads = static_cast< int >( ceil( ( 1.0 * nS ) / ( 1.0 * nMaxEntries ) ) );
172  int runData[6] = { nA, nB, nVA, nVB, nS, nBufferedReads };
174  mpierr = MPI_Bcast( runData, 6, MPI_INT, rootProc, commW );
175  CHECK_EQUAL( mpierr, 0 );
177 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
178  if( rank != rootProc )
179  {
180  nA = runData[0];
181  nB = runData[1];
182  nVA = runData[2];
183  nVB = runData[3];
184  nS = runData[4];
185  nBufferedReads = runData[5];
186  }
187  else
188  printf( "Global parameters: nA = %d, nB = %d, nS = %d\n", nA, nB, nS );
189 #else
190  printf( "Global parameters: nA = %d, nB = %d, nS = %d\n", nA, nB, nS );
191 #endif
193  std::vector< int > rowOwnership( nprocs );
194  int nGRowPerPart = nB / nprocs;
195  int nGRowRemainder = nB % nprocs; // Keep the remainder in root
196  rowOwnership[0] = nGRowPerPart + nGRowRemainder;
197  for( int ip = 1, roffset = rowOwnership[0]; ip < nprocs; ++ip )
198  {
199  roffset += nGRowPerPart;
200  rowOwnership[ip] = roffset;
201  }
203  // Let us declare the map object for every process
204  OfflineMap mapRemap;
205  SparseMatrix< double >& sparseMatrix = mapRemap.GetSparseMatrix();
207 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
208  if( rank == rootProc )
209 #endif
210  printf( "Parameters: nA=%d, nB=%d, nVA=%d, nVB=%d, nS=%d, nNNZBytes = %d, nBufferedReads = %d\n", nA, nB, nVA,
211  nVB, nS, nNNZBytes, nBufferedReads );
213  std::map< int, int > rowMap, colMap;
214  int rindexMax = 0, cindexMax = 0;
215  long offset = 0;
217  /* Split the rows and send to processes in chunks
218  Let us start the buffered read */
219  for( int iRead = 0; iRead < nBufferedReads; ++iRead )
220  {
221  // pointers to the data
222  DataArray1D< int > vecRow;
223  DataArray1D< int > vecCol;
224  DataArray1D< double > vecS;
225  std::vector< std::vector< int > > dataPerProcess( nprocs );
226  std::vector< int > nDataPerProcess( nprocs, 0 );
227  for( int ip = 0; ip < nprocs; ++ip )
228  dataPerProcess[ip].reserve( std::max( 100, nMaxEntries / nprocs ) );
230 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
231  if( rank == rootProc )
232 #endif
233  {
234  int nLocSize = std::min( nEntriesRemaining, static_cast< int >( ceil( nBufferSize * 1.0 / nNNZBytes ) ) );
236  printf( "Reading file: elements %ld to %ld\n", offset, offset + nLocSize );
238  // Allocate and resize based on local buffer size
239  vecRow.Allocate( nLocSize );
240  vecCol.Allocate( nLocSize );
241  vecS.Allocate( nLocSize );
243  varRow->set_cur( (long)( offset ) );
244  varRow->get( &( vecRow[0] ), nLocSize );
246  varCol->set_cur( (long)( offset ) );
247  varCol->get( &( vecCol[0] ), nLocSize );
249  varS->set_cur( (long)( offset ) );
250  varS->get( &( vecS[0] ), nLocSize );
252  // Decrement vecRow and vecCol
253  for( size_t i = 0; i < vecRow.GetRows(); i++ )
254  {
255  vecRow[i]--;
256  vecCol[i]--;
258  // TODO: Fix this linear search to compute process ownership
259  int pOwner = -1;
260  if( rowOwnership[0] > vecRow[i] )
261  pOwner = 0;
262  else
263  {
264  for( int ip = 1; ip < nprocs; ++ip )
265  {
266  if( rowOwnership[ip - 1] <= vecRow[i] && rowOwnership[ip] > vecRow[i] )
267  {
268  pOwner = ip;
269  break;
270  }
271  }
272  }
274  assert( pOwner >= 0 && pOwner < nprocs );
275  dataPerProcess[pOwner].push_back( i );
276  }
278  offset += nLocSize;
279  nEntriesRemaining -= nLocSize;
281  for( int ip = 0; ip < nprocs; ++ip )
282  nDataPerProcess[ip] = dataPerProcess[ip].size();
283  }
285  // Communicate the number of DoF data to expect from root
286  int nEntriesComm = 0;
287  mpierr = MPI_Scatter(, 1, MPI_INT, &nEntriesComm, 1, MPI_INT, rootProc, commW );
288  CHECK_EQUAL( mpierr, 0 );
290 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
291  if( rank == rootProc )
292 #endif
293  {
294  std::vector< MPI_Request > cRequests;
295  std::vector< MPI_Status > cStats( 2 * nprocs - 2 );
296  cRequests.reserve( 2 * nprocs - 2 );
298  // First send out all the relevant data buffers to other process
299  std::vector< std::vector< int > > dataRowColsAll( nprocs );
300  std::vector< std::vector< double > > dataEntriesAll( nprocs );
301  for( int ip = 1; ip < nprocs; ++ip )
302  {
303  const int nDPP = nDataPerProcess[ip];
304  if( nDPP > 0 )
305  {
306  std::vector< int >& dataRowCols = dataRowColsAll[ip];
307  dataRowCols.resize( 2 * nDPP );
308  std::vector< double >& dataEntries = dataEntriesAll[ip];
309  dataEntries.resize( nDPP );
311  for( int ij = 0; ij < nDPP; ++ij )
312  {
313  dataRowCols[ij * 2] = vecRow[dataPerProcess[ip][ij]];
314  dataRowCols[ij * 2 + 1] = vecCol[dataPerProcess[ip][ij]];
315  dataEntries[ij] = vecS[dataPerProcess[ip][ij]];
316  }
318  MPI_Request rcsend, dsend;
319  mpierr = MPI_Isend(, 2 * nDPP, MPI_INT, ip, iRead * 1000, commW, &rcsend );
320  CHECK_EQUAL( mpierr, 0 );
321  mpierr = MPI_Isend(, nDPP, MPI_DOUBLE, ip, iRead * 1000 + 1, commW, &dsend );
322  CHECK_EQUAL( mpierr, 0 );
324  cRequests.push_back( rcsend );
325  cRequests.push_back( dsend );
326  }
327  }
329  // Next perform all necessary local work while we wait for the buffers to be sent out
330  // Compute an offset for the rows and columns by creating a local to global mapping for rootProc
331  int rindex = 0, cindex = 0;
332  assert( dataPerProcess[0].size() - nEntriesComm == 0 ); // sanity check
333  for( int i = 0; i < nEntriesComm; ++i )
334  {
335  const int& vecRowValue = vecRow[dataPerProcess[0][i]];
336  const int& vecColValue = vecCol[dataPerProcess[0][i]];
338  std::map< int, int >::iterator riter = rowMap.find( vecRowValue );
339  if( riter == rowMap.end() )
340  {
341  rowMap[vecRowValue] = rindexMax;
342  rindex = rindexMax;
343  rindexMax++;
344  }
345  else
346  rindex = riter->second;
348  std::map< int, int >::iterator citer = colMap.find( vecColValue );
349  if( citer == colMap.end() )
350  {
351  colMap[vecColValue] = cindexMax;
352  cindex = cindexMax;
353  cindexMax++;
354  }
355  else
356  cindex = citer->second;
358  sparseMatrix( rindex, cindex ) = vecS[i];
359  }
361  // Wait until all communication is pushed out
362  mpierr = MPI_Waitall( cRequests.size(),, );
363  CHECK_EQUAL( mpierr, 0 );
364  } // if( rank == rootProc )
365 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
366  else
367  {
368  if( nEntriesComm > 0 )
369  {
370  MPI_Request cRequests[2];
371  MPI_Status cStats[2];
372  /* code */
373  // create buffers to receive the data from root process
374  std::vector< int > dataRowCols( 2 * nEntriesComm );
375  vecRow.Allocate( nEntriesComm );
376  vecCol.Allocate( nEntriesComm );
377  vecS.Allocate( nEntriesComm );
379  /* TODO: combine row and column scatters together. Save one communication by better packing */
380  // Scatter the rows, cols and entries to the processes according to the partition
381  mpierr = MPI_Irecv(, 2 * nEntriesComm, MPI_INT, rootProc, iRead * 1000, commW,
382  &cRequests[0] );
383  CHECK_EQUAL( mpierr, 0 );
385  mpierr = MPI_Irecv( vecS, nEntriesComm, MPI_DOUBLE, rootProc, iRead * 1000 + 1, commW, &cRequests[1] );
386  CHECK_EQUAL( mpierr, 0 );
388  // Wait until all communication is pushed out
389  mpierr = MPI_Waitall( 2, cRequests, cStats );
390  CHECK_EQUAL( mpierr, 0 );
392  // Compute an offset for the rows and columns by creating a local to global mapping
393  int rindex = 0, cindex = 0;
394  for( int i = 0; i < nEntriesComm; ++i )
395  {
396  const int& vecRowValue = dataRowCols[i * 2];
397  const int& vecColValue = dataRowCols[i * 2 + 1];
399  std::map< int, int >::iterator riter = rowMap.find( vecRowValue );
400  if( riter == rowMap.end() )
401  {
402  rowMap[vecRowValue] = rindexMax;
403  rindex = rindexMax;
404  rindexMax++;
405  }
406  else
407  rindex = riter->second;
408  vecRow[i] = rindex;
410  std::map< int, int >::iterator citer = colMap.find( vecColValue );
411  if( citer == colMap.end() )
412  {
413  colMap[vecColValue] = cindexMax;
414  cindex = cindexMax;
415  cindexMax++;
416  }
417  else
418  cindex = citer->second;
419  vecCol[i] = cindex;
421  sparseMatrix( rindex, cindex ) = vecS[i];
422  }
424  // clear the local buffer
425  dataRowCols.clear();
426  } // if( nEntriesComm > 0 )
427  } // if( rank != rootProc )
429  MPI_Barrier( commW );
430 #endif
431  }
433 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
434  if( rank == rootProc )
435 #endif
436  {
437  assert( nEntriesRemaining == 0 );
438  ncMap->close();
439  }
441  /**
442  * Perform a series of checks to ensure that the local maps in each process still preserve map properties
443  * Let us run our usual tests to verify that the map data has been distributed correctly
444  * 1) Consistency check -- row sum = 1.0
445  * 2) Disable conservation checks that require global column sums (and hence more communication/reduction)
446  * 3) Perform monotonicity check and ensure failures globally are same as serial case
447  */
448  printf( "Rank %d: sparsematrix size = %d x %d\n", rank, sparseMatrix.GetRows(), sparseMatrix.GetColumns() );
450  // consistency: row sums
451  {
452  int isConsistentP = mapRemap.IsConsistent( dTolerance );
453  if( 0 != isConsistentP )
454  {
455  printf( "Rank %d failed consistency checks...\n", rank );
456  }
457  CHECK_EQUAL( 0, isConsistentP );
458  }
460  // conservation: we will disable this conservation check for now.
461  // int isConservativeP = mapRemap.IsConservative( dTolerance );
462  // CHECK_EQUAL( 0, isConservativeP );
464  // monotonicity: local failures
465  {
466  int isMonotoneP = mapRemap.IsMonotone( dTolerance );
467  // Accumulate sum of failures to ensure that it is exactly same as serial case
468  int isMonotoneG;
469  mpierr = MPI_Allreduce( &isMonotoneP, &isMonotoneG, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, commW );
470  CHECK_EQUAL( mpierr, 0 );
472  // 4600 monotonicity fails in serial and parallel for the test map file
473  CHECK_EQUAL( 4600, isMonotoneG );
474  }
476  delete ncMap;
478  return;
479 }

References CHECK_EQUAL, moab::error(), inMapFilename, MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, and size.

Referenced by main().

◆ read_map_from_disk()

void read_map_from_disk ( )

Definition at line 481 of file test_mapweights_bcast.cpp.

482 {
483  moab::ErrorCode rval;
484  NcError error( NcError::verbose_nonfatal );
485  MPI_Comm commW = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
486  std::vector< int > tmp_owned_ids;
487  double dTolerance = 1e-08;
489  std::string remap_weights_filename = TestDir + "unittest/";
491  moab::Interface* mb = new moab::Core();
492  moab::ParallelComm pcomm( mb, commW );
494  moab::TempestRemapper remapper( mb, &pcomm );
495  remapper.meshValidate = true;
496  remapper.constructEdgeMap = true;
498  // Do not create new filesets; Use the sets from our respective applications
499  remapper.initialize( false );
501  moab::TempestOnlineMap onlinemap( &remapper );
503  rval = onlinemap.ReadParallelMap( remap_weights_filename.c_str(), tmp_owned_ids, true );
504  CHECK_EQUAL( rval, moab::MB_SUCCESS );
506  // consistency: row sums
507  int isConsistentP = onlinemap.IsConsistent( dTolerance );
508  CHECK_EQUAL( 0, isConsistentP );
510  // conservation: we will disable this conservation check for now
511  // since we do not have information about source and target areas
512  // to accurately decipher conservation data satisfaction
513  // int isConservativeP = onlinemap.IsConservative( dTolerance );
514  // CHECK_EQUAL( 0, isConservativeP );
516  // monotonicity: global failures
517  int isMonotoneP = onlinemap.IsMonotone( dTolerance );
518  // Accumulate sum of failures to ensure that it is exactly same as serial case
519  // 4600 fails in serial. What about parallel ? Check and confirm.
520  CHECK_EQUAL( 4600, isMonotoneP );
521 }

References CHECK_EQUAL, moab::TempestRemapper::constructEdgeMap, moab::error(), ErrorCode, moab::TempestRemapper::initialize(), moab::TempestOnlineMap::IsConsistent(), moab::TempestOnlineMap::IsMonotone(), mb, MB_SUCCESS, moab::TempestRemapper::meshValidate, MPI_COMM_WORLD, and moab::TempestOnlineMap::ReadParallelMap().

Referenced by main().

◆ test_tempest_map_bcast()

void test_tempest_map_bcast ( )

Perform a series of checks to ensure that the local maps in each process still preserve map properties Let us run our usual tests to verify that the map data has been distributed correctly 1) Consistency check – row sum = 1.0 2) Disable conservation checks that require global column sums (and hence more communication/reduction) 3) Perform monotonicity check and ensure failures globally are same as serial case

Definition at line 523 of file test_mapweights_bcast.cpp.

524 {
525  /*
526  *
527  * Load mapping file generated with CS5 and ICOD5 meshes with FV-FV
528  * projection for field data. It has following attributes:
529  *
530  * Analyzing map
531  * ..Per-dof consistency (tol 1.00000e-08).. PASS
532  * ..Per-dof conservation (tol 1.00000e-08).. PASS
533  * ..Weights within range [-10,+10].. Done
534  * ..
535  * .. Total nonzero entries: 8976
536  * .. Column index min/max: 1 / 150 (150 source dofs)
537  * .. Row index min/max: 1 / 252 (252 target dofs)
538  * .. Source area / 4pi: 9.999999999991666e-01
539  * .. Source area min/max: 7.758193626656797e-02 / 9.789674024202324e-02
540  * .. Target area / 4pi: 9.999999999999928e-01
541  * .. Target area min/max: 3.418848585325412e-02 / 5.362041648788460e-02
542  * .. Source frac min/max: 9.999999999997851e-01 / 1.000000000003865e+00
543  * .. Target frac min/max: 9.999999999993099e-01 / 1.000000000000784e+00
544  * .. Map weights min/max: -2.062659472710135e-01 / 1.143815352351317e+00
545  * .. Row sums min/max: 9.999999999993099e-01 / 1.000000000000784e+00
546  * .. Consist. err min/max: -6.901146321069973e-13 / 7.838174553853605e-13
547  * .. Col wt.sums min/max: 9.999999999997854e-01 / 1.000000000003865e+00
548  * .. Conserv. err min/max: -2.146061106600428e-13 / 3.865352482534945e-12
549  * ..
550  * ..Histogram of nonzero entries in sparse matrix
551  * ....Column 1: Number of nonzero entries (bin minimum)
552  * ....Column 2: Number of columns with that many nonzero values
553  * ....Column 3: Number of rows with that many nonzero values
554  * ..[[25, 0, 2],[29, 0, 8],[30, 0, 10],[31, 150, 232]]
555  * ..
556  * ..Histogram of weights
557  * ....Column 1: Lower bound on weights
558  * ....Column 2: Upper bound on weights
559  * ....Column 3: # of weights in that bin
560  * ..[[-1, 0, 4577],[0, 1, 4365],[1, 2, 34]]
561  *
562  */
563  NcError error( NcError::silent_nonfatal );
564  MPI_Comm commW = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
565  const int rootProc = 0;
566  const std::string outFilename = inMapFilename;
567  double dTolerance = 1e-08;
568  int mpierr = 0;
570  int nprocs, rank;
571  MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs );
572  MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
574  const double dFillValueOverride = 0.0;
575  OfflineMap mapRemap;
576  if( rank == 0 )
577  {
578  std::cout << "Reading file: " << outFilename << std::endl;
579  mapRemap.Read( outFilename );
580  mapRemap.SetFillValueOverrideDbl( dFillValueOverride );
581  mapRemap.SetFillValueOverride( static_cast< float >( dFillValueOverride ) );
583  int isConsistent = mapRemap.IsConsistent( dTolerance );
584  CHECK_EQUAL( 0, isConsistent );
585  int isConservative = mapRemap.IsConservative( dTolerance );
586  CHECK_EQUAL( 0, isConservative );
587  int isMonotone = mapRemap.IsMonotone( dTolerance );
588  CHECK_EQUAL( 4600, isMonotone );
590  // verify that the source and target mesh areas are equal
591  DataArray1D< double >& srcAreas = mapRemap.GetSourceAreas();
592  DataArray1D< double >& tgtAreas = mapRemap.GetTargetAreas();
594  double totSrcArea = 0.0;
595  for( size_t i = 0; i < srcAreas.GetRows(); ++i )
596  totSrcArea += srcAreas[i];
598  double totTgtArea = 0.0;
599  for( size_t i = 0; i < tgtAreas.GetRows(); ++i )
600  totTgtArea += tgtAreas[i];
602  CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( totSrcArea, totTgtArea, 1e-10 );
603  }
605  MPI_Barrier( commW );
607  SparseMatrix< double >& sparseMatrix = mapRemap.GetSparseMatrix();
609  // Get the row, col and entry data tupl
610  // Retrieve all data from the map operator on root process
611  DataArray1D< int > dataRowsGlobal, dataColsGlobal;
612  DataArray1D< double > dataEntriesGlobal;
613  if( rank == 0 )
614  {
615  sparseMatrix.GetEntries( dataRowsGlobal, dataColsGlobal, dataEntriesGlobal );
616  std::cout << "Total NNZ in remap matrix = " << dataRowsGlobal.GetRows() << std::endl;
617  }
619  int *rg = nullptr, *cg = nullptr;
620  double* de = nullptr;
621  int nMapGlobalRowCols[3] = { sparseMatrix.GetRows(), sparseMatrix.GetColumns(),
622  static_cast< int >( dataEntriesGlobal.GetRows() ) };
624  /* split the rows and send to processes in chunks */
625  std::vector< int > rowAllocation;
626  std::vector< int > sendCounts;
627  std::vector< int > displs;
628  const int NDATA = 3;
629  if( rank == 0 )
630  {
631  rg = dataRowsGlobal;
632  cg = dataColsGlobal;
633  de = dataEntriesGlobal;
635  // Let us do a trivial partitioning of the row data
636  rowAllocation.resize( nprocs * NDATA );
637  displs.resize( nprocs );
638  sendCounts.resize( nprocs );
640  int nRowPerPart = nMapGlobalRowCols[0] / nprocs;
641  int remainder = nMapGlobalRowCols[0] % nprocs; // Keep the remainder in root
642  // printf( "nRowPerPart = %d, remainder = %d\n", nRowPerPart, remainder );
643  int sum = 0;
644  for( int i = 0; i < nprocs; ++i )
645  {
646  rowAllocation[i * NDATA] = nRowPerPart + ( i == 0 ? remainder : 0 );
647  rowAllocation[i * NDATA + 1] = std::find( rg, rg + dataRowsGlobal.GetRows(), sum ) - rg;
648  sum += rowAllocation[i * NDATA];
649  displs[i] = rowAllocation[i * NDATA + 1];
650  }
651  for( int i = 0; i < nprocs - 1; ++i )
652  {
653  rowAllocation[i * NDATA + 2] = rowAllocation[( i + 1 ) * NDATA + 1] - rowAllocation[i * NDATA + 1];
654  sendCounts[i] = rowAllocation[i * NDATA + 2];
655  }
656  rowAllocation[( nprocs - 1 ) * NDATA + 2] = nMapGlobalRowCols[2] - displs[nprocs - 1];
657  sendCounts[nprocs - 1] = rowAllocation[( nprocs - 1 ) * NDATA + 2];
659  // for( int i = 0; i < nprocs; i++ )
660  // printf( "sendcounts[%d] = %d, %d, %d\tdispls[%d] = %d, %d\n", i, rowAllocation[i * NDATA],
661  // rowAllocation[i * NDATA + 1], rowAllocation[i * NDATA + 2], i, displs[i], sendCounts[i] );
662  }
664  mpierr = MPI_Bcast( nMapGlobalRowCols, 3, MPI_INT, rootProc, commW );
665  CHECK_EQUAL( mpierr, 0 );
667  int allocationSize[NDATA] = { 0, 0, 0 };
668  mpierr = MPI_Scatter(, NDATA, MPI_INT, &allocationSize, NDATA, MPI_INT, rootProc, commW );
669  CHECK_EQUAL( mpierr, 0 );
671  // create buffers to receive the data from root process
672  DataArray1D< int > dataRows, dataCols;
673  DataArray1D< double > dataEntries;
674  dataRows.Allocate( allocationSize[2] );
675  dataCols.Allocate( allocationSize[2] );
676  dataEntries.Allocate( allocationSize[2] );
678  /* TODO: combine row and column scatters together. Save one communication by better packing */
679  // Scatter the rows, cols and entries to the processes according to the partition
680  mpierr = MPI_Scatterv( rg,,, MPI_INT, (int*)( dataRows ), dataRows.GetByteSize(),
681  MPI_INT, rootProc, commW );
682  CHECK_EQUAL( mpierr, 0 );
684  mpierr = MPI_Scatterv( cg,,, MPI_INT, (int*)( dataCols ), dataCols.GetByteSize(),
685  MPI_INT, rootProc, commW );
686  CHECK_EQUAL( mpierr, 0 );
688  mpierr = MPI_Scatterv( de,,, MPI_DOUBLE, (double*)( dataEntries ),
689  dataEntries.GetByteSize(), MPI_DOUBLE, rootProc, commW );
690  CHECK_EQUAL( mpierr, 0 );
692  // Compute an offset for the rows and columns by creating a local to global mapping
693  std::vector< int > rowMap, colMap;
694  for( int i = 0; i < allocationSize[2]; ++i )
695  {
696  int rindex, cindex;
697  std::vector< int >::iterator riter = std::find( rowMap.begin(), rowMap.end(), dataRows[i] );
698  if( riter == rowMap.end() )
699  {
700  rowMap.push_back( dataRows[i] );
701  rindex = rowMap.size() - 1;
702  }
703  else
704  rindex = riter - rowMap.begin();
705  dataRows[i] = rindex;
707  std::vector< int >::iterator citer = std::find( colMap.begin(), colMap.end(), dataCols[i] );
708  if( citer == colMap.end() )
709  {
710  colMap.push_back( dataCols[i] );
711  cindex = colMap.size() - 1;
712  }
713  else
714  cindex = citer - colMap.begin();
715  dataCols[i] = cindex;
716  }
718  // Now set the data received from root onto the sparse matrix
719  sparseMatrix.SetEntries( dataRows, dataCols, dataEntries );
721  /**
722  * Perform a series of checks to ensure that the local maps in each process still preserve map properties
723  * Let us run our usual tests to verify that the map data has been distributed correctly
724  * 1) Consistency check -- row sum = 1.0
725  * 2) Disable conservation checks that require global column sums (and hence more communication/reduction)
726  * 3) Perform monotonicity check and ensure failures globally are same as serial case
727  */
729  // consistency: row sums
730  int isConsistentP = mapRemap.IsConsistent( dTolerance );
731  CHECK_EQUAL( 0, isConsistentP );
733  // conservation: we will disable this conservation check for now.
734  // int isConservativeP = mapRemap.IsConservative( dTolerance );
735  // CHECK_EQUAL( 0, isConservativeP );
737  // monotonicity: local failures
738  int isMonotoneP = mapRemap.IsMonotone( dTolerance );
739  // Accumulate sum of failures to ensure that it is exactly same as serial case
740  int isMonotoneG;
741  mpierr = MPI_Allreduce( &isMonotoneP, &isMonotoneG, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, commW );
742  CHECK_EQUAL( mpierr, 0 );
743  // 4600 fails in serial. What about parallel ? Check and confirm.
744  CHECK_EQUAL( 4600, isMonotoneG );
746  return;
747 }

References CHECK_EQUAL, CHECK_REAL_EQUAL, moab::error(), inMapFilename, MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, and moab::sum().

Referenced by main().

Variable Documentation

◆ inMapFilename

std::string inMapFilename = ""

Definition at line 35 of file test_mapweights_bcast.cpp.

Referenced by main(), read_buffered_map(), and test_tempest_map_bcast().