T. J. Williams, "Delivering Science on Day One," in Computing in Science & Engineering, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 104-107, Mar.-Apr. 2016.
B. Wang, S. Ethier, W. Tang, T. Williams, K. Ibrahim, K. Madduri, S. Williams, L. Oliker, "Kinetic Turbulence Simulations at Extreme Scale on Leadership-Class Systems," in Proceedings of SC13: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 82 , 12 pages. DOI=10.1145/2503210.2503258 https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2503210.2503258.
S. Coghlan, K. Kumaran, R. M. Loy, P. Messina, V. Morozov, J. C. Osborn, S. Parker, K. M. Riley, N. A. Romero, and T. J. Williams. 2013. "Argonne applications for the IBM Blue Gene/Q, Mira." IBM J. Res. Dev. 57, 1 (January 2013), 140-150. DOI=10.1147/JRD.2013.2238371 https://dx.doi.org/10.1147/JRD.2013.2238371
Karmesin, J. Crotinger, J. Cummings, S. Haney, W. Humphrey, J. Reynders, S. Smith, T. Williams, "Array Design and Expression Evaluation in POOMA II," in Computing In Object-Oriented Parallel Environments, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1505 (Springer, 1998).
A. M. Dimits, T. J. Williams, J. A. Byers, and B. I. Cohen, "Scalings of Ion-Temperature-Gradient-Driven Anomalous Transport in Tokamaks," Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 71 (1996).
T. J. Williams, Y. Matsuda, and E. Boerner, "Parallel Particle Simulation On the TC2000 and CM-2,"In The 1991 MPCI Yearly Report: Attack of the Killer Micros, E. R. Brooks et al. eds., UCRL-ID-107022, 133-138.
L. L. LoDestro, et al., "Comparison of Simulations and Theory of Low-frequency Plasma Turbulence," (Proc. of 13th Int. Conf. on Plasma Phys. and Cont. Fusion Res.) IAEA, Washington D.C., IAEA-CN-53/D-1-3, 1990.
Y. Matsuda, B. I. Cohen, and T. J. Williams, “Improvements in the Gyrokinetic Simulation Method,” US-Japan Workshop on Advances in Simulation Techniques Applied to Plasmas and Fusion, Los Angeles, CA, September 1990
Timothy J. Williams, "POOMA: Parallel Object-Oriented Methods and Applications: Focus on POOMA Applications," general session #8: The Spring96 Cray User Group Conference March, 1996.
Timothy J. Williams, "Improved Gyrokinetic Simulation Techniques," invited talk #IT4: The 13th International Conference on the Numerical Simulation of Plasmas, September, 1989.
Timothy J. Williams, "Totally Tubular and Massively Parallel," 4th Annual Numerical Tokamak Symposium, Lake Tahoe, April 5-6, 1994.
Timothy J. Williams, Bruce I. Cohen, Andris M. Dimits, Jack. A. Byers, X. Xu, and John Stimson, "Advances in Gyrokinetic PIC Simulation," Proceedings of the The 15th International Conference on the Numerical Simulation of Plasmas, paper #3A9, Valley Forge, PA, September 7-9, 1994.
Timothy J. Williams and Andris M. Dimits, "Message-Passing Parallel Quasiballooning Gyrokinetic PIC Code," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 39, 1726, November 1994.
Timothy J. Williams, "3D Message-Passing Gyrokinetic PIC Code," 3rd Annual Numerical Tokamak Symposium Dallas, March 16-17, 1994.
Timothy J. Williams, "A Generic Gyrokinetic PIC Simulation Code For Parallel Computers," International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, Dallas, March 14-16, 1994.
T. J. Williams, et. al., "Progress on Parallel Gyrokinetic PIC Simulation," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 38, 2016, November 1993.
A. M. Dimits, et. al., "Toroidal Gyrokinetic Simulations with Ion-Ion Collisions," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 38, 2015, November 1993.
J. A. Byers, et. al., "Convergence Studies on df Gyrokinetic Codes," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 38, 2016, November 1993.
Timothy J. Williams, "3D Gyrokinetic Particle-in-cell Simulation on Parallel Computers," Proc. Supercomputing '92, Minneapolis, November 1993.
Timothy J. Williams, "3D Gyrokinetic PIC Simulation on High Performance Computers," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 38, 1446, May 1993.
T. J. Williams, et. al., "Memory Access in Massively Parallel Gyrokinetic PIC Simulation," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 37, 1557, November 1992.
A. M. Dimits, et. al., "Simulations of Plasma Turbulence using Quasiballooning Coordinates," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 37, 1555, November 1992.
J. A. Byers, et. al., "3D Gyrokinetic Simulations of ITG Modes with Velocity Shear," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 37, 1555, November 1992.
A. M. Dimits, et. al.,
"Generation and Effects of Sheared Perpendicular Flows in Plasmas with Nonzero dTperp/dr," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 37, 1587, November 1992.
Andris M. Dimits, Timothy J. Williams, and J. A. Byers, "Nonlinear Particle and Fluid Simulations using Quasi-Ballooning Coordinates," International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, April 1992.
B. I. Cohen, et. al., , Timothy J. Williams, and J. A. Byers, "Gyrokinetic Simulations of Ion-Temperature-Gradient Modes with Sheared Poloidal Velocity," International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, April 1992.
B. I. Cohen, T. J. Williams, A. M. Dimits, and L. D. Pearlstein, "Gyrokinetic simulation of Velocity-Shear Effects on Ion-Temperature-Gradient Modes," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 36, 2280, October 1991.
T J. Williams and Y. Matsuda, "Comparison Study: 3D Gyrokinetic PIC Codes on the Cray 2, TC2000, and CM2," Proceedings of the The 14th International Conference on the Numerical Simulation of Plasmas, paper #PT5, Annapolis, MD, September, 1991.
Timothy J. Williams, Bruce I. Cohen, Andris M. Dimits, and Lynda L. LoDestro, "Semi-Implicit Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation," International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, April 1991.
Y. Matsuda, T J. Williams, and J. Byers, "Three-Dimensional Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation of Ion Temperature Gradient Mode on Massively Parallel Computers," International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, April 1991.
L. L. LoDestro, B. I. Cohen, A. M. Dimits, and T. J. Williams, "Two-Dimensional Gyrokinetic Simulation Studies," International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, April 1991.
Y. Matsuda, B. I. Cohen, and T. J. Williams, “Improvements in the Gyrokinetic Simulation Method,” US-Japan Workshop on Advances in Simulation Techniques Applied to Plasmas and Fusion, Los Angeles, CA, September 1990.
Timothy J. Williams, Y. Matsuda, and E. Boerner, "Parallel Particle Simulation Algorithms on the CM-2 and BBN TC2000," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 35:2001, November 1990.
B. I. Cohen, et. al., "Gyrokinetic Code Development," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 35:2038, November 1990.
L. L. LoDestro, et. al., "Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation Studies," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 35:2038, November 1990.
A. M. Dimits, B. I. Cohen, T. J. Williams, and W. W. Lee, "Comparison of Fluid and Gyrokinetic Simulations of the hi Instability," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 35:2036, October 1990.
Timothy J. Williams, et. al., "Gyrokinetic Particle Simulations of Electrostatic Plasma Turbulence," International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, April 1990.
Bruce I. Cohen, Timothy J. Williams, "Semi-Implicit Particle Simulation of Kinetic Plasma Phenomena," International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, April 1990.
Timothy J. Williams, B. I. Cohen, and R. D. Sydora, "Optimizing Gyrokinetic Simulation Techniques," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 34:2044, November 1989.
T J. Williams, G. Vahala, and E. Tracy, "Strong Decimation of the Betchov Model of Turbulence: Relation to DIA," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 33:2020, October 1988.
T J. Williams, G. Vahala, and E. Tracy, "Results of Kraichnan's Decimated Amplitude Scheme for Model Turbulence," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 32:1858, November 1987.
T. Williams, E. Tracy, and G. Vahala, "Decimation of Betchov's Model of Quadratic Turbulence: Comparison with the DIA," International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, April 1987.
E. Tracy, T. Williams, and G. Vahala, "A Test of Kraichnan's Decimation Scheme on Betchov's Model of Quadratic Turbulence," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 31:1561, October 1986.
T. Williams, G. Vahala, and E. Tracy, "Decimation of a Modal Description of 2D Navier-Stokes Turbulence," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 31:1561, October 1986.
Tim Williams, E. Tracy, and G. Vahala, "Decimation in Turbulence," International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, April 1986.
T. Williams and G. Vahala, "Nonlinear Dynamics and Point Models for Bumpy Tori," Bull. of the Amer. Phys. Soc., 29:1183, October 1984.
"INCITE and HPC on BG/P and BG/Q at ALCF," invited talk at HSCCI Health Sciences Research Summit: Application of HPC to Health Sciences, Rochester, NY 29 June 2012.
"Workshop Intro," ESP April Workshop - "Code for Q," 30 April 2012.
"Workshop Intro," ESP March Workshop - "Code for Q," 19 March 2012.