Timothy Williams
Old Projects
Old Projects
INCITE Projects
High-fidelity Gyrokinetic Simulation of Tokamak and ITER Edge Physics
(Chang 2018)
Petascale Simulations of Laser Plasma Interaction Relevant to IFE
(Tsung 2015-2017)
Petascale Simulations of Laser Plasma Interaction Relevant to IFE
(Tsung 2015-2016)
Particle Acceleration in Shocks: From Astrophysics to Laboratory In Silico
(Fiuza 2014-2015)
High-Fidelity Simulation of Tokamak Edge Plasma Transport
(Chang 2014-2015)
Petascale Simulations of Inhomogeneous Alfven Turbulence in the Solar Wind
(Perez 2014)
Kinetic Simulations of Fusion Energy Dynamics at the Extreme Scale
(Tang 2013-2014)
Simulation of Laser-plasma Interaction in National Ignition Facility Experiments
(Langer 2013-2014)
Spectral Slope of MHD Turbulence
(Beresnyak 2013)
Petascale Simulations of Inhomogeneous Alfven Turbulence in the Solar Wind
(Perez 2013)
Computing the Dark Universe
(Habib 2013, year 1)
Petascale Simulations of Inhomogeneous Alfven Turbulence in the Solar Wind
(Perez 2012)
Simulations of Laser-Plasma Interactions in Targets for the National Ignition Facility
(Hinkel 2010-2012)
Advanced Simulations of Plasma Microturbulence at the Petascale and Beyond
(Tang 2011)
High Resolution Global Simulation of Plasma Microturbulence [William Tang, PI] (2008-2010 (I covered mid-2009 through 2010))
Peta-Scale Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Fast Ignition
(Tonge 2010)
Unbalanced magnetohydrodynamic turbulence [Stanislav Boldyrev, PI] (2010)
ALCC Projects
Validation Simulations of Macroscopic Burning-Plasma Dynamics
(King 2015)
Validation Studies of Gyrokinetic Simulations to Understand the Coupling of Ion and Electron Scale Turbulence in Tokamak Plasmas
(Holland 2014)
Predictive Full-Scale Simulations of Fast Ignition of Fusion Targets
(Fiuza 2013)
Petascale Simulation of Laser Plasma Interactions Relevant to Inertial Fusion Energy
(Tsung 2013)
Exploring the Nature of the Lightest Massive Particles in the Universe
(Heitmann 2012)
Sensitivity and uncertainty of precipitation of a climate model
(Zamboni 2012)
ESP Projects
Large-Scale Simulation of Brain Tissue: Blue Brain Project, EPFL
(Delalondre, Theta ESP, 2015-2017)
Global Simulation of Plasma Microturbulence at the Petascale & Beyond
(Tang, Mira ESP, 2010-2013)
Cosmic Structure Probes of the Dark Universe
(Habib, Mira ESP, 2010-2013)
Other Projects
Extreme Scale Turbulence Simulations (Director's Discretionary project; PI: W. Tang)
Factoring large prime numbers
Hamiltonian Cycle Problem
Quantum turbulence in Bose-Einstein condensates
Before Argonne
Pricing & risk of financial instruments—see for example "
Disributed Calculations on Fixed-Income Securities
" [Workshop on High Performance Computational Finance at SC09]
POOMA: Parallel Object-Oriented Methods and Applications
Plasma physics: tokamak core turbulence—see for example the 1995 NERSC Buffer article “
Gyrokinetic Simulation for Realistic Tokamak Parameters
Combinatorial optimization—see for example “
Method of Constrained Global Optimization
” [Phys. Rev. Lett 72 2671 (1994)]
Parallel algorithms—see for example "
Algorithm for solving tridiagonal matrix problems in parallel
" [Parallel Computing 21 1769 (1995)]