Scalability Benchmarks
The end-to-end performance of parallel volume rendering is shown below, in total and in terms of I/O, rendering, and compositing components. Total time is dominated by I/O. Further reading: Peterka, T., Yu, H., Ross, R., Ma, K.-L.: Parallel Volume Rendering on the IBM Blue Gene/P. Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2008 (EGPGV'08) Crete, Greece, April 2008.
Strong scaling for three volume and image sizes shows good scalability to 32 K processes. The I/O efficiency can be improved with different file layouts. Further reading: Peterka, T., Yu, H., Ross, R., Ma, K.-L., and Latham, R: End-to-End Study of Parallel Volume Rendering on the IBM Blue Gene/P. Proceedings of ICPP'09 Conference, Vienna, Austria, September 2009.
Round robin static block distribution is an inexpensive load balancing scheme that can significantly improve efficiency, and performance of direct-send compositing can be improved with multithreaded - MPI hybrid programming for parallel volume rendering. Further reading: Peterka, T., Ross, R., Yu, H., Ma, K.-L.: Assessing Improvements to the Parallel Volume Rendering Pipeline at Large Scale. Proceedings of SC08 Ultrascale Visualization Workshop, Austin TX, November 2008.
In parallel image compositing, binary swap and direct-send are the accepted approaches. Binary swap outperforms standard reduce and reduce-scatter collective algorithms provided by MPI. Direct-send can be improved by using fewer compositing nodes, but its performance still degrades at tens of thousands of processes. Further reading: Peterka, T., Goodell, D., Ross, R., Shen, H.-W., Thakur, R.: A Configurable Algorithm for Parallel Image-Compositing Applications. Proceedings of SC09, Portland OR, November 2009.
Profiling the performance of binary swap and Radix-k image compositing with MPE and Jumpshot reveals very different communication patterns.
The lower bounds on theoretical complexity for the Radix-k image compositing algorithm are as good or better than other algorithms.
Performance of Radix-k image compositing compared to binary swap on Blue Gene/P Intrepid. The left graph is the first rack in increments of 32 processes; the right graph is successive racks in increments of 1024 processes. No bounding box or run-length encoding optimizations as yet are applied.
The effect of bounding box and run-length encoding optimizations on Radix-k image compositing is tested for several different machines, and new target k-values are determined. Large scale results are shown. Further reading: Kendall, W., Peterka, T., Huang, J., Shen, H.-W., Ross, R.: Accelerating and Benchmarking Radix-k Image Compositing at Large Scale. Proceedings of EG PGV'10, Norrkoping, Sweden, May 2010.
Strong and weak scaling for particle tracing of static and time-varying flow fields is shown below. Datasets are from the MAX experiment, Rayleigh-Taylor instability, and flame stabilization, respectively. Further reading: Peterka, T., Ross, R., Nouanesengsey, B., Lee, T.-Y., Shen, H.-W., Kendall, W., Huang, J.: A Study of Parallel Particle Tracing for Steady-State and Time-Varying Flow Fields. Proceedings IPDPS'11, Anchorage AK, May 2011.