petsc-3.8.4 2018-03-24
Sets the general-purpose function called once at the end of each time step.
#include "petscts.h"
PetscErrorCode TSSetPostStep(TS ts, PetscErrorCode (*func)(TS))
Logically Collective on TS
Input Parameters
| ts | - The TS context obtained from TSCreate()
| func | - The function
Calling sequence of func
func (TS ts);
The function set by TSSetPostStep() is called after each successful step. The solution vector X
obtained by TSGetSolution() may be different than that computed at the step end if the event handler
locates an event and TSPostEvent() modifies it. Use TSSetPostEvaluate() if an unmodified solution is needed instead.
TS, timestep
See Also
TSSetPreStep(), TSSetPreStage(), TSSetPostEvaluate(), TSGetTimeStep(), TSGetStepNumber(), TSGetTime(), TSRestartStep()
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