Public Member Functions | |
ToolContext (moab::Core *icore) | |
~ToolContext () | |
void | timer_push (std::string operation) |
void | timer_pop () |
void | ParseCLOptions (int argc, char *argv[]) |
Public Attributes | |
moab::Core * | mbcore |
const int | proc_id |
const int | n_procs |
moab::DebugOutput | outputFormatter |
int | blockSize |
int | nlayers |
std::vector< std::string > | inFilenames |
std::vector< Mesh * > | meshes |
std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > | meshsets |
std::vector< int > | disc_orders |
std::vector< std::string > | disc_methods |
std::vector< std::string > | doftag_names |
std::string | fvMethod |
std::string | outFilename |
std::string | intxFilename |
std::string | baselineFile |
std::string | variableToVerify |
moab::TempestRemapper::TempestMeshType | meshType |
bool | skip_io |
bool | computeDual |
bool | computeWeights |
bool | verifyWeights |
bool | enforceConvexity |
int | ensureMonotonicity |
bool | rrmGrids |
bool | kdtreeSearch |
bool | fCheck |
bool | fVolumetric |
bool | useGnomonicProjection |
moab::TempestOnlineMap::CAASType | cassType |
GenerateOfflineMapAlgorithmOptions | mapOptions |
bool | print_diagnostics |
double | boxeps |
double | epsrel |
Private Attributes | |
moab::CpuTimer * | timer |
double | timer_ops |
std::string | opName |
Definition at line 44 of file mbtempest.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 89 of file mbtempest.cpp.
90 : mbcore( icore ), proc_id( 0 ), n_procs( 1 ), outputFormatter( std::cout, 0, 0 ),
91 #endif
92 blockSize( 5 ), nlayers( 0 ), fvMethod( "none" ), outFilename( "" ), intxFilename( "" ),
93 baselineFile( "" ), variableToVerify( "" ), meshType( moab::TempestRemapper::DEFAULT ), skip_io( false ),
94 computeDual( false ), computeWeights( false ), verifyWeights( false ), enforceConvexity( false ),
95 ensureMonotonicity( 0 ), rrmGrids( false ), kdtreeSearch( true ), fCheck( false ), fVolumetric( false ),
96 useGnomonicProjection( false ), cassType( moab::TempestOnlineMap::CAAS_NONE ), print_diagnostics( false ),
97 boxeps( 1e-7 ), // Box error tolerance default value
98 epsrel( ReferenceTolerance ) // ReferenceTolerance is defined in Defines.h in TempestRemap
99 {
100 inFilenames.resize( 2 );
101 doftag_names.resize( 2 );
102 timer = new moab::CpuTimer();
104 outputFormatter.set_prefix( "[MBTempest]: " );
105 }
References doftag_names, inFilenames, outputFormatter, moab::DebugOutput::set_prefix(), and timer.
inline |
Definition at line 107 of file mbtempest.cpp.
108 {
109 // for (unsigned i=0; i < meshes.size(); ++i) delete meshes[i];
110 meshes.clear();
111 inFilenames.clear();
112 disc_orders.clear();
113 disc_methods.clear();
114 doftag_names.clear();
115 outFilename.clear();
116 intxFilename.clear();
117 baselineFile.clear();
118 variableToVerify.clear();
119 meshsets.clear();
120 delete timer;
121 }
References baselineFile, disc_methods, disc_orders, doftag_names, inFilenames, intxFilename, meshes, meshsets, outFilename, timer, and variableToVerify.
inline |
Definition at line 150 of file mbtempest.cpp.
151 {
152 ProgOptions opts;
153 int imeshType = 0;
154 std::string expectedFName = "output.exo";
155 std::string expectedMethod = "fv";
156 std::string expectedFVMethod = "none";
157 std::string expectedDofTagName = "GLOBAL_ID";
158 int expectedOrder = 1;
159 int useCAAS = 0;
160 int nlayer_input = 0;
162 if( !proc_id )
163 {
164 std::cout << "Command line options provided to mbtempest:\n ";
165 for( int iarg = 0; iarg < argc; ++iarg )
166 std::cout << argv[iarg] << " ";
167 std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
168 }
170 opts.addOpt< int >( "type,t",
171 "Type of mesh (default=CS; Choose from [CS=0, RLL=1, ICO=2, OVERLAP_FILES=3, "
173 &imeshType );
175 opts.addOpt< int >( "res,r", "Resolution of the mesh (default=5)", &blockSize );
177 opts.addOpt< void >( "dual,d", "Output the dual of the mesh (relevant only for ICO mesh type)", &computeDual );
179 opts.addOpt< std::string >( "file,f", "Output computed mesh or remapping weights to specified filename",
180 &outFilename );
181 opts.addOpt< std::string >(
182 "load,l", "Input mesh filenames for source and target meshes. (relevant only when computing weights)",
183 &expectedFName );
185 opts.addOpt< void >( "advfront,a",
186 "Use the advancing front intersection instead of the Kd-tree based algorithm "
187 "to compute mesh intersections. (relevant only when computing weights)" );
189 opts.addOpt< std::string >( "intx,i", "Output TempestRemap intersection mesh filename", &intxFilename );
191 opts.addOpt< void >( "weights,w",
192 "Compute and output the weights using the overlap mesh (generally "
193 "relevant only for OVERLAP mesh)",
194 &computeWeights );
196 opts.addOpt< void >( "verbose,v",
197 "Print verbose diagnostic messages during intersection and map computation (default=false)",
198 &print_diagnostics );
200 opts.addOpt< std::string >( "method,m", "Discretization method for the source and target solution fields",
201 &expectedMethod );
203 opts.addOpt< int >( "order,o", "Discretization orders for the source and target solution fields",
204 &expectedOrder );
206 opts.addOpt< std::string >( "global_id,g",
207 "Tag name that contains the global DoF IDs for source and target solution fields",
208 &expectedDofTagName );
210 opts.addOpt< std::string >( "fvmethod",
211 "Sub-type method for FV-FV projections (invdist, delaunay, bilin, "
212 "intbilin, intbilingb, none. Default: none)",
213 &expectedFVMethod );
215 opts.addOpt< void >( "noconserve",
216 "Do not apply conservation to the resultant weights (relevant only "
217 "when computing weights)",
218 &mapOptions.fNoConservation );
220 opts.addOpt< void >( "volumetric",
221 "Apply a volumetric projection to compute the weights (relevant only "
222 "when computing weights)",
223 &fVolumetric );
225 opts.addOpt< void >( "skip_output", "For performance studies, skip all I/O operations.", &skip_io );
227 opts.addOpt< void >( "gnomonic", "Use Gnomonic plane projections to compute coverage mesh.",
228 &useGnomonicProjection );
230 opts.addOpt< void >( "enforce_convexity", "check convexity of input meshes to compute mesh intersections",
231 &enforceConvexity );
233 opts.addOpt< void >( "nobubble", "do not use bubble on interior of spectral element nodes",
234 &mapOptions.fNoBubble );
236 opts.addOpt< void >(
237 "sparseconstraints",
238 "Use sparse solver for constraints when we have high-valence (typical with high-res RLL mesh)",
239 &mapOptions.fSparseConstraints );
241 opts.addOpt< void >( "rrmgrids",
242 "At least one of the meshes is a regionally refined grid (relevant to "
243 "accelerate intersection computation)",
244 &rrmGrids );
246 opts.addOpt< void >( "checkmap", "Check the generated map for conservation and consistency", &fCheck );
248 opts.addOpt< void >( "verify",
249 "Verify the accuracy of the maps by projecting analytical functions "
250 "from source to target "
251 "grid by applying the maps",
252 &verifyWeights );
254 opts.addOpt< std::string >( "var",
255 "Tag name of the variable to use in the verification study "
256 "(error metrics for user defined variables may not be available)",
257 &variableToVerify );
259 opts.addOpt< int >( "monotonicity", "Ensure monotonicity in the weight generation. Options=[0,1,2,3]",
260 &ensureMonotonicity );
262 opts.addOpt< int >( "ghost", "Number of ghost layers in coverage mesh (default=1)", &nlayer_input );
264 opts.addOpt< double >( "boxeps", "The tolerance for boxes (default=1e-7)", &boxeps );
266 opts.addOpt< int >( "caas", "apply CAAS nonlinear filter after linear map application", &useCAAS );
268 opts.addOpt< std::string >( "baseline", "Output baseline file", &baselineFile );
270 opts.parseCommandLine( argc, argv );
272 // By default - use Kd-tree based search; if user asks for advancing front, disable Kd-tree
273 // algorithm
274 kdtreeSearch = opts.numOptSet( "advfront,a" ) == 0;
276 switch( imeshType )
277 {
278 case 0:
279 meshType = moab::TempestRemapper::CS;
280 break;
282 case 1:
283 meshType = moab::TempestRemapper::RLL;
284 break;
286 case 2:
287 meshType = moab::TempestRemapper::ICO;
288 break;
290 case 3:
291 meshType = moab::TempestRemapper::OVERLAP_FILES;
292 break;
294 case 4:
295 meshType = moab::TempestRemapper::OVERLAP_MEMORY;
296 break;
298 case 5:
299 meshType = moab::TempestRemapper::OVERLAP_MOAB;
300 break;
302 default:
303 meshType = moab::TempestRemapper::DEFAULT;
304 break;
305 }
307 // decipher whether we want to use CAAS filter when applying the projection
308 switch( useCAAS )
309 {
310 case moab::TempestOnlineMap::CAAS_GLOBAL:
311 cassType = moab::TempestOnlineMap::CAAS_GLOBAL;
312 break;
313 case moab::TempestOnlineMap::CAAS_LOCAL:
314 cassType = moab::TempestOnlineMap::CAAS_LOCAL;
315 break;
316 case moab::TempestOnlineMap::CAAS_LOCAL_ADJACENT:
317 cassType = moab::TempestOnlineMap::CAAS_LOCAL_ADJACENT;
318 break;
319 case moab::TempestOnlineMap::CAAS_QLT:
320 cassType = moab::TempestOnlineMap::CAAS_QLT;
321 break;
322 default:
323 cassType = moab::TempestOnlineMap::CAAS_NONE;
324 break;
325 }
327 if( meshType > moab::TempestRemapper::ICO ) // compute overlap mesh and maps possibly
328 {
329 opts.getOptAllArgs( "load,l", inFilenames );
330 opts.getOptAllArgs( "order,o", disc_orders );
331 opts.getOptAllArgs( "method,m", disc_methods );
332 opts.getOptAllArgs( "global_id,i", doftag_names );
334 assert( inFilenames.size() == 2 );
335 assert( ensureMonotonicity >= 0 && ensureMonotonicity <= 3 );
337 // get discretization order parameters
338 if( disc_orders.size() == 0 ) disc_orders.resize( 2, 1 );
339 if( disc_orders.size() == 1 ) disc_orders.push_back( disc_orders[0] );
341 // get discretization method parameters
342 if( disc_methods.size() == 0 ) disc_methods.resize( 2, "fv" );
343 if( disc_methods.size() == 1 ) disc_methods.push_back( disc_methods[0] );
345 // get DoF tagname parameters
346 if( doftag_names.size() == 0 ) doftag_names.resize( 2, "GLOBAL_ID" );
347 if( doftag_names.size() == 1 ) doftag_names.push_back( doftag_names[0] );
349 assert( disc_orders.size() == 2 );
350 assert( disc_methods.size() == 2 );
351 assert( doftag_names.size() == 2 );
353 // for computing maps and overlaps, set discretization orders
354 mapOptions.nPin = disc_orders[0];
355 mapOptions.nPout = disc_orders[1];
356 mapOptions.fSourceConcave = false;
357 mapOptions.fTargetConcave = false;
359 mapOptions.strMethod = "";
361 if( expectedFVMethod != "none" )
362 {
363 mapOptions.strMethod += expectedFVMethod + ";";
364 fvMethod = expectedFVMethod;
366 // These FV projection methods are non-conservative; specify it explicitly
367 mapOptions.fNoConservation = true;
368 }
369 switch( ensureMonotonicity )
370 {
371 case 0:
372 mapOptions.fMonotone = false;
373 break;
374 case 3:
375 mapOptions.strMethod += "mono3;";
376 break;
377 case 2:
378 mapOptions.strMethod += "mono2;";
379 break;
380 default:
381 mapOptions.fMonotone = true;
382 }
383 mapOptions.fNoCorrectAreas = false;
384 mapOptions.fNoCheck = !fCheck;
386 //assert( fVolumetric && fInverseDistanceMap == false ); // both options cannot be active
387 if( fVolumetric ) mapOptions.strMethod += "volumetric;";
389 // For global meshes, this default should work out of the box.
390 if( ! "bilin" ) ) nlayers = 3;
391 else
392 nlayers = ( mapOptions.nPin > 1 ? mapOptions.nPin + 1 : 0 );
393 if ( nlayer_input )
394 nlayers = std::max( nlayer_input, nlayers );
395 }
397 // clear temporary string name
398 expectedFName.clear();
400 mapOptions.strOutputMapFile = outFilename;
401 mapOptions.strOutputFormat = "Netcdf4";
402 }
References ProgOptions::addOpt(), baselineFile, blockSize, boxeps, moab::TempestOnlineMap::CAAS_GLOBAL, moab::TempestOnlineMap::CAAS_LOCAL, moab::TempestOnlineMap::CAAS_LOCAL_ADJACENT, moab::TempestOnlineMap::CAAS_NONE, moab::TempestOnlineMap::CAAS_QLT, cassType, computeDual, computeWeights, moab::TempestRemapper::CS, moab::TempestRemapper::DEFAULT, disc_methods, disc_orders, doftag_names, enforceConvexity, ensureMonotonicity, fCheck, fvMethod, fVolumetric, ProgOptions::getOptAllArgs(), moab::TempestRemapper::ICO, inFilenames, intxFilename, kdtreeSearch, mapOptions, meshType, nlayers, ProgOptions::numOptSet(), outFilename, moab::TempestRemapper::OVERLAP_FILES, moab::TempestRemapper::OVERLAP_MEMORY, moab::TempestRemapper::OVERLAP_MOAB, ProgOptions::parseCommandLine(), print_diagnostics, proc_id, moab::TempestRemapper::RLL, rrmGrids, skip_io, useGnomonicProjection, variableToVerify, and verifyWeights.
Referenced by main().
inline |
Definition at line 129 of file mbtempest.cpp.
130 {
131 double locElapsed = timer->time_since_birth() - timer_ops, avgElapsed = 0, maxElapsed = 0;
132 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
133 MPI_Reduce( &locElapsed, &maxElapsed, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, pcomm->comm() );
134 MPI_Reduce( &locElapsed, &avgElapsed, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, pcomm->comm() );
135 #else
136 maxElapsed = locElapsed;
137 avgElapsed = locElapsed;
138 #endif
139 if( !proc_id )
140 {
141 avgElapsed /= n_procs;
142 std::cout << "[LOG] Time taken to " << opName.c_str() << ": max = " << maxElapsed
143 << ", avg = " << avgElapsed << "\n";
144 }
145 // std::cout << "\n[LOG" << proc_id << "] Time taken to " << opName << " = " <<
146 // timer->time_since_birth() - timer_ops << std::endl;
147 opName.clear();
148 }
References moab::ParallelComm::comm(), n_procs, opName, proc_id, moab::CpuTimer::time_since_birth(), timer, and timer_ops.
Referenced by CreateTempestMesh(), and main().
inline |
Definition at line 123 of file mbtempest.cpp.
124 { 125 timer_ops = timer->time_since_birth(); 126 opName = operation; 127 }
References opName, moab::CpuTimer::time_since_birth(), timer, and timer_ops.
Referenced by CreateTempestMesh(), and main().
std::string ToolContext::baselineFile |
Definition at line 63 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), ParseCLOptions(), and ~ToolContext().
int ToolContext::blockSize |
Definition at line 52 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by CreateTempestMesh(), and ParseCLOptions().
double ToolContext::boxeps |
Definition at line 81 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), and ParseCLOptions().
moab::TempestOnlineMap::CAASType ToolContext::cassType |
Definition at line 78 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), and ParseCLOptions().
bool ToolContext::computeDual |
Definition at line 68 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by CreateTempestMesh(), and ParseCLOptions().
bool ToolContext::computeWeights |
Definition at line 69 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by CreateTempestMesh(), main(), and ParseCLOptions().
std::vector< std::string > ToolContext::disc_methods |
Definition at line 58 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), ParseCLOptions(), and ~ToolContext().
std::vector< int > ToolContext::disc_orders |
Definition at line 57 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), ParseCLOptions(), and ~ToolContext().
std::vector< std::string > ToolContext::doftag_names |
Definition at line 59 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), ParseCLOptions(), ToolContext(), and ~ToolContext().
bool ToolContext::enforceConvexity |
Definition at line 71 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), and ParseCLOptions().
int ToolContext::ensureMonotonicity |
Definition at line 72 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), and ParseCLOptions().
double ToolContext::epsrel |
Definition at line 82 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main().
bool ToolContext::fCheck |
Definition at line 75 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), and ParseCLOptions().
std::string ToolContext::fvMethod |
Definition at line 60 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by ParseCLOptions().
bool ToolContext::fVolumetric |
Definition at line 76 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by ParseCLOptions().
std::vector< std::string > ToolContext::inFilenames |
Definition at line 54 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by CreateTempestMesh(), main(), ParseCLOptions(), ToolContext(), and ~ToolContext().
std::string ToolContext::intxFilename |
Definition at line 62 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), ParseCLOptions(), and ~ToolContext().
bool ToolContext::kdtreeSearch |
Definition at line 74 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), and ParseCLOptions().
GenerateOfflineMapAlgorithmOptions ToolContext::mapOptions |
Definition at line 79 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), and ParseCLOptions().
moab::Core* ToolContext::mbcore |
Definition at line 46 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by CreateTempestMesh(), and main().
std::vector< Mesh* > ToolContext::meshes |
Definition at line 55 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by CreateTempestMesh(), main(), and ~ToolContext().
std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > ToolContext::meshsets |
Definition at line 56 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by CreateTempestMesh(), main(), and ~ToolContext().
moab::TempestRemapper::TempestMeshType ToolContext::meshType |
Definition at line 66 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by CreateTempestMesh(), main(), and ParseCLOptions().
const int ToolContext::n_procs |
Definition at line 50 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by get_file_read_options(), and timer_pop().
int ToolContext::nlayers |
Definition at line 53 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), and ParseCLOptions().
private |
Definition at line 407 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by timer_pop(), and timer_push().
std::string ToolContext::outFilename |
Definition at line 61 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by CreateTempestMesh(), main(), ParseCLOptions(), and ~ToolContext().
moab::DebugOutput ToolContext::outputFormatter |
Definition at line 51 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by CreateTempestMesh(), main(), and ToolContext().
bool ToolContext::print_diagnostics |
Definition at line 80 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), and ParseCLOptions().
const int ToolContext::proc_id |
Definition at line 50 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by CreateTempestMesh(), get_file_read_options(), main(), ParseCLOptions(), and timer_pop().
bool ToolContext::rrmGrids |
Definition at line 73 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), and ParseCLOptions().
bool ToolContext::skip_io |
Definition at line 67 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), and ParseCLOptions().
private |
Definition at line 405 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by timer_pop(), timer_push(), ToolContext(), and ~ToolContext().
private |
Definition at line 406 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by timer_pop(), and timer_push().
bool ToolContext::useGnomonicProjection |
Definition at line 77 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), and ParseCLOptions().
std::string ToolContext::variableToVerify |
Definition at line 64 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), ParseCLOptions(), and ~ToolContext().
bool ToolContext::verifyWeights |
Definition at line 70 of file mbtempest.cpp.
Referenced by main(), and ParseCLOptions().