Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.1)
An array-based unstructured mesh library
mbaddchunk.cpp File Reference
#include "moab/ProgOptions.hpp"
#include "moab/Core.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
+ Include dependency graph for mbaddchunk.cpp:

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int main (int argc, char *argv[])

Function Documentation

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 31 of file mbaddchunk.cpp.

32 {
34  ProgOptions opts;
36  std::string inputfile( "penta3d.h5m" ), outfile( "penta3d_ch.h5m" ), chunkfile_name, gsmapfile;
38  opts.addOpt< std::string >( "input,i", "input mesh filename", &inputfile );
39  opts.addOpt< std::string >( "chunkFile,n", "chunk file from cam run", &chunkfile_name );
40  opts.addOpt< std::string >( "gsMAPfile,g", "gsmap file", &gsmapfile );
42  opts.addOpt< std::string >( "output,o", "output mesh filename", &outfile );
44  opts.parseCommandLine( argc, argv );
46  ErrorCode rval;
47  Core* mb = new Core();
49  rval = mb->load_file( inputfile.c_str() );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't load input file" );
51  std::cout << " opened " << inputfile << " with initial h5m data.\n";
52  // open the netcdf file, and see if it has that variable we are looking for
54  Range nodes;
55  rval = mb->get_entities_by_dimension( 0, 0, nodes );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't get nodes" );
57  Range edges;
58  rval = mb->get_entities_by_dimension( 0, 1, edges );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't get edges" );
60  Range cells;
61  rval = mb->get_entities_by_dimension( 0, 2, cells );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't get cells" );
63  std::cout << " it has " << nodes.size() << " vertices " << edges.size() << " edges " << cells.size() << " cells\n";
65  // construct maps between global id and handles
66  std::map< int, EntityHandle > vGidHandle;
67  std::map< int, EntityHandle > eGidHandle;
68  std::map< int, EntityHandle > cGidHandle;
69  std::vector< int > gids;
70  Tag gid;
71  rval = mb->tag_get_handle( "GLOBAL_ID", gid );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't get global id tag" );
72  gids.resize( nodes.size() );
73  rval = mb->tag_get_data( gid, nodes, &gids[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't get global id on vertices" );
74  int i = 0;
75  for( Range::iterator vit = nodes.begin(); vit != nodes.end(); vit++ )
76  {
77  vGidHandle[gids[i++]] = *vit;
78  }
80  gids.resize( edges.size() );
81  rval = mb->tag_get_data( gid, edges, &gids[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't get global id on edges" );
82  i = 0;
83  for( Range::iterator vit = edges.begin(); vit != edges.end(); vit++ )
84  {
85  eGidHandle[gids[i++]] = *vit;
86  }
88  gids.resize( cells.size() );
89  rval = mb->tag_get_data( gid, cells, &gids[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't get global id on cells" );
90  i = 0;
91  for( Range::iterator vit = cells.begin(); vit != cells.end(); vit++ )
92  {
93  cGidHandle[gids[i++]] = *vit;
94  }
96  if( chunkfile_name.length() > 0 )
97  {
99  // Open chunk file
100  ifstream inFile;
102 chunkfile_name.c_str() );
103  if( !inFile )
104  {
105  cout << "Unable to open chunk file";
106  exit( 1 ); // terminate with error
107  }
108  Tag pTag, cTag;
109  int def_val = -1;
110  rval = mb->tag_get_handle( "ProcID", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, pTag, MB_TAG_CREAT | MB_TAG_DENSE, &def_val );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't define processor tag" );
111  rval = mb->tag_get_handle( "ChunkID", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, cTag, MB_TAG_CREAT | MB_TAG_DENSE, &def_val );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't define chunk tag" );
113  int proc, lcid, ncols;
114  while( inFile >> proc )
115  {
116  inFile >> lcid >> ncols;
117  int Gid;
118  for( i = 0; i < ncols; i++ )
119  {
120  inFile >> Gid;
121  EntityHandle cell = cGidHandle[Gid];
122  rval = mb->tag_set_data( pTag, &cell, 1, &proc );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't set proc tag" );
123  rval = mb->tag_set_data( cTag, &cell, 1, &lcid );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't set chunk tag" );
124  }
125  }
127  inFile.close();
128  }
130  if( gsmapfile.length() > 0 )
131  {
133  // Open chunk file
134  ifstream inFile;
136 gsmapfile.c_str() );
137  if( !inFile )
138  {
139  cout << "Unable to open gsmap file";
140  exit( 1 ); // terminate with error
141  }
142  Tag pTag, cTag;
143  int def_val = -1;
144  std::string procTagName = gsmapfile + "_proc";
145  rval =
146  mb->tag_get_handle( procTagName.c_str(), 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, pTag, MB_TAG_CREAT | MB_TAG_DENSE, &def_val );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't define processor tag" );
147  std::string segTagName = gsmapfile + "_seg";
148  rval =
149  mb->tag_get_handle( segTagName.c_str(), 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, cTag, MB_TAG_CREAT | MB_TAG_DENSE, &def_val );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't define segment tag" );
151  int compid, ngseg, gsize;
152  inFile >> compid >> ngseg >> gsize;
153  for( i = 1; i <= ngseg; i++ )
154  {
155  int start, len, pe;
156  inFile >> start >> len >> pe;
157  int Gid;
158  for( int j = 0; j < len; j++ )
159  {
160  Gid = start + j;
161  EntityHandle cell = cGidHandle[Gid];
162  rval = mb->tag_set_data( pTag, &cell, 1, &pe );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't set proc tag" );
163  rval = mb->tag_set_data( cTag, &cell, 1, &i );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't set segment tag" );
164  }
165  }
167  inFile.close();
168  }
170  rval = mb->write_file( outfile.c_str() );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't write file" );
171  std::cout << " wrote file " << outfile << "\n";
172  return 0;
173 }

References ProgOptions::addOpt(), moab::Range::begin(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_entities_by_dimension(), moab::Core::load_file(), mb, MB_CHK_SET_ERR, MB_TAG_CREAT, MB_TAG_DENSE, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, ProgOptions::parseCommandLine(), moab::Range::size(), moab::Core::tag_get_data(), moab::Core::tag_get_handle(), moab::Core::tag_set_data(), and moab::Core::write_file().