petsc-3.8.4 2018-03-24
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compute a weighted norm of the difference between two state vectors based on supplied absolute and relative tolerances


#include "petscts.h"  
PetscErrorCode TSErrorWeightedNorm(TS ts,Vec U,Vec Y,NormType wnormtype,PetscReal *norm,PetscReal *norma,PetscReal *normr)
Collective on TS

Input Arguments

ts - time stepping context
U - state vector, usually ts->vec_sol
Y - state vector to be compared to U
wnormtype - norm type, either NORM_2 or NORM_INFINITY

Output Arguments

norm -weighted norm, a value of 1.0 achieves a balance between absolute and relative tolerances
norma -weighted norm, a value of 1.0 means that the error meets the absolute tolerance set by the user
normr -weighted norm, a value of 1.0 means that the error meets the relative tolerance set by the user

Options Database Keys

-ts_adapt_wnormtype <wnormtype> -2, INFINITY

See Also

TSErrorWeightedNormInfinity(), TSErrorWeightedNorm2(), TSErrorWeightedENorm

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