Actual source code: jacobi.c

petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11
  2: /*  -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

  4:      This file implements a Jacobi preconditioner in PETSc as part of PC.
  5:      You can use this as a starting point for implementing your own 
  6:      preconditioner that is not provided with PETSc. (You might also consider
  7:      just using PCSHELL)

  9:      The following basic routines are required for each preconditioner.
 10:           PCCreate_XXX()          - Creates a preconditioner context
 11:           PCSetFromOptions_XXX()  - Sets runtime options
 12:           PCApply_XXX()           - Applies the preconditioner
 13:           PCDestroy_XXX()         - Destroys the preconditioner context
 14:      where the suffix "_XXX" denotes a particular implementation, in
 15:      this case we use _Jacobi (e.g., PCCreate_Jacobi, PCApply_Jacobi).
 16:      These routines are actually called via the common user interface
 17:      routines PCCreate(), PCSetFromOptions(), PCApply(), and PCDestroy(), 
 18:      so the application code interface remains identical for all 
 19:      preconditioners.  

 21:      Another key routine is:
 22:           PCSetUp_XXX()           - Prepares for the use of a preconditioner
 23:      by setting data structures and options.   The interface routine PCSetUp()
 24:      is not usually called directly by the user, but instead is called by
 25:      PCApply() if necessary.

 27:      Additional basic routines are:
 28:           PCView_XXX()            - Prints details of runtime options that
 29:                                     have actually been used.
 30:      These are called by application codes via the interface routines
 31:      PCView().

 33:      The various types of solvers (preconditioners, Krylov subspace methods,
 34:      nonlinear solvers, timesteppers) are all organized similarly, so the
 35:      above description applies to these categories also.  One exception is
 36:      that the analogues of PCApply() for these components are KSPSolve(), 
 37:      SNESSolve(), and TSSolve().

 39:      Additional optional functionality unique to preconditioners is left and
 40:      right symmetric preconditioner application via PCApplySymmetricLeft() 
 41:      and PCApplySymmetricRight().  The Jacobi implementation is 
 42:      PCApplySymmetricLeftOrRight_Jacobi().

 44:     -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 46: /* 
 47:    Include files needed for the Jacobi preconditioner:
 48:      pcimpl.h - private include file intended for use by all preconditioners 
 49: */

 51: #include <petsc-private/pcimpl.h>   /*I "petscpc.h" I*/

 53: /* 
 54:    Private context (data structure) for the Jacobi preconditioner.  
 55: */
 56: typedef struct {
 57:   Vec        diag;               /* vector containing the reciprocals of the diagonal elements
 58:                                     of the preconditioner matrix */
 59:   Vec        diagsqrt;           /* vector containing the reciprocals of the square roots of
 60:                                     the diagonal elements of the preconditioner matrix (used 
 61:                                     only for symmetric preconditioner application) */
 62:   PetscBool  userowmax;
 63:   PetscBool  userowsum;
 64:   PetscBool  useabs;             /* use the absolute values of the diagonal entries */
 65: } PC_Jacobi;

 70: PetscErrorCode  PCJacobiSetUseRowMax_Jacobi(PC pc)
 71: {
 72:   PC_Jacobi *j;

 75:   j            = (PC_Jacobi*)pc->data;
 76:   j->userowmax = PETSC_TRUE;
 77:   return(0);
 78: }

 84: PetscErrorCode  PCJacobiSetUseRowSum_Jacobi(PC pc)
 85: {
 86:   PC_Jacobi *j;

 89:   j            = (PC_Jacobi*)pc->data;
 90:   j->userowsum = PETSC_TRUE;
 91:   return(0);
 92: }

 98: PetscErrorCode  PCJacobiSetUseAbs_Jacobi(PC pc)
 99: {
100:   PC_Jacobi *j;

103:   j         = (PC_Jacobi*)pc->data;
104:   j->useabs = PETSC_TRUE;
105:   return(0);
106: }

109: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
110: /*
111:    PCSetUp_Jacobi - Prepares for the use of the Jacobi preconditioner
112:                     by setting data structures and options.   

114:    Input Parameter:
115: .  pc - the preconditioner context

117:    Application Interface Routine: PCSetUp()

119:    Notes:
120:    The interface routine PCSetUp() is not usually called directly by
121:    the user, but instead is called by PCApply() if necessary.
122: */
125: static PetscErrorCode PCSetUp_Jacobi(PC pc)
126: {
127:   PC_Jacobi      *jac = (PC_Jacobi*)pc->data;
128:   Vec            diag,diagsqrt;
130:   PetscInt       n,i;
131:   PetscScalar    *x;
132:   PetscBool      zeroflag = PETSC_FALSE;

135:   /*
136:        For most preconditioners the code would begin here something like

138:   if (pc->setupcalled == 0) { allocate space the first time this is ever called
139:     MatGetVecs(pc->mat,&jac->diag);
140:     PetscLogObjectParent(pc,jac->diag);
141:   }

143:     But for this preconditioner we want to support use of both the matrix' diagonal
144:     elements (for left or right preconditioning) and square root of diagonal elements
145:     (for symmetric preconditioning).  Hence we do not allocate space here, since we
146:     don't know at this point which will be needed (diag and/or diagsqrt) until the user
147:     applies the preconditioner, and we don't want to allocate BOTH unless we need
148:     them both.  Thus, the diag and diagsqrt are allocated in PCSetUp_Jacobi_NonSymmetric()
149:     and PCSetUp_Jacobi_Symmetric(), respectively.
150:   */

152:   /*
153:     Here we set up the preconditioner; that is, we copy the diagonal values from
154:     the matrix and put them into a format to make them quick to apply as a preconditioner.
155:   */
156:   diag     = jac->diag;
157:   diagsqrt = jac->diagsqrt;

159:   if (diag) {
160:     if (jac->userowmax) {
161:       MatGetRowMaxAbs(pc->pmat,diag,PETSC_NULL);
162:     } else if (jac->userowsum) {
163:       MatGetRowSum(pc->pmat,diag);
164:     } else {
165:       MatGetDiagonal(pc->pmat,diag);
166:     }
167:     VecReciprocal(diag);
168:     VecGetLocalSize(diag,&n);
169:     VecGetArray(diag,&x);
170:     if (jac->useabs) {
171:       for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
172:         x[i]     = PetscAbsScalar(x[i]);
173:       }
174:     }
175:     for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
176:       if (x[i] == 0.0) {
177:         x[i]     = 1.0;
178:         zeroflag = PETSC_TRUE;
179:       }
180:     }
181:     VecRestoreArray(diag,&x);
182:   }
183:   if (diagsqrt) {
184:     if (jac->userowmax) {
185:       MatGetRowMaxAbs(pc->pmat,diagsqrt,PETSC_NULL);
186:     } else if (jac->userowsum) {
187:       MatGetRowSum(pc->pmat,diagsqrt);
188:     } else {
189:       MatGetDiagonal(pc->pmat,diagsqrt);
190:     }
191:     VecGetLocalSize(diagsqrt,&n);
192:     VecGetArray(diagsqrt,&x);
193:     for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
194:       if (x[i] != 0.0) x[i] = 1.0/PetscSqrtReal(PetscAbsScalar(x[i]));
195:       else {
196:         x[i]     = 1.0;
197:         zeroflag = PETSC_TRUE;
198:       }
199:     }
200:     VecRestoreArray(diagsqrt,&x);
201:   }
202:   if (zeroflag) {
203:     PetscInfo(pc,"Zero detected in diagonal of matrix, using 1 at those locations\n");
204:   }
205:   return(0);
206: }
207: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
208: /*
209:    PCSetUp_Jacobi_Symmetric - Allocates the vector needed to store the
210:    inverse of the square root of the diagonal entries of the matrix.  This
211:    is used for symmetric application of the Jacobi preconditioner.

213:    Input Parameter:
214: .  pc - the preconditioner context
215: */
218: static PetscErrorCode PCSetUp_Jacobi_Symmetric(PC pc)
219: {
221:   PC_Jacobi      *jac = (PC_Jacobi*)pc->data;

224:   MatGetVecs(pc->pmat,&jac->diagsqrt,0);
225:   PetscLogObjectParent(pc,jac->diagsqrt);
226:   PCSetUp_Jacobi(pc);
227:   return(0);
228: }
229: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
230: /*
231:    PCSetUp_Jacobi_NonSymmetric - Allocates the vector needed to store the
232:    inverse of the diagonal entries of the matrix.  This is used for left of
233:    right application of the Jacobi preconditioner.

235:    Input Parameter:
236: .  pc - the preconditioner context
237: */
240: static PetscErrorCode PCSetUp_Jacobi_NonSymmetric(PC pc)
241: {
243:   PC_Jacobi      *jac = (PC_Jacobi*)pc->data;

246:   MatGetVecs(pc->pmat,&jac->diag,0);
247:   PetscLogObjectParent(pc,jac->diag);
248:   PCSetUp_Jacobi(pc);
249:   return(0);
250: }
251: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
252: /*
253:    PCApply_Jacobi - Applies the Jacobi preconditioner to a vector.

255:    Input Parameters:
256: .  pc - the preconditioner context
257: .  x - input vector

259:    Output Parameter:
260: .  y - output vector

262:    Application Interface Routine: PCApply()
263:  */
266: static PetscErrorCode PCApply_Jacobi(PC pc,Vec x,Vec y)
267: {
268:   PC_Jacobi      *jac = (PC_Jacobi*)pc->data;

272:   if (!jac->diag) {
273:     PCSetUp_Jacobi_NonSymmetric(pc);
274:   }
275:   VecPointwiseMult(y,x,jac->diag);
276:   return(0);
277: }
278: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
279: /*
280:    PCApplySymmetricLeftOrRight_Jacobi - Applies the left or right part of a
281:    symmetric preconditioner to a vector.

283:    Input Parameters:
284: .  pc - the preconditioner context
285: .  x - input vector

287:    Output Parameter:
288: .  y - output vector

290:    Application Interface Routines: PCApplySymmetricLeft(), PCApplySymmetricRight()
291: */
294: static PetscErrorCode PCApplySymmetricLeftOrRight_Jacobi(PC pc,Vec x,Vec y)
295: {
297:   PC_Jacobi      *jac = (PC_Jacobi*)pc->data;

300:   if (!jac->diagsqrt) {
301:     PCSetUp_Jacobi_Symmetric(pc);
302:   }
303:   VecPointwiseMult(y,x,jac->diagsqrt);
304:   return(0);
305: }
306: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
309: static PetscErrorCode PCReset_Jacobi(PC pc)
310: {
311:   PC_Jacobi      *jac = (PC_Jacobi*)pc->data;

315:   VecDestroy(&jac->diag);
316:   VecDestroy(&jac->diagsqrt);
317:   return(0);
318: }

320: /*
321:    PCDestroy_Jacobi - Destroys the private context for the Jacobi preconditioner
322:    that was created with PCCreate_Jacobi().

324:    Input Parameter:
325: .  pc - the preconditioner context

327:    Application Interface Routine: PCDestroy()
328: */
331: static PetscErrorCode PCDestroy_Jacobi(PC pc)
332: {

336:   PCReset_Jacobi(pc);

338:   /*
339:       Free the private data structure that was hanging off the PC
340:   */
341:   PetscFree(pc->data);
342:   return(0);
343: }

347: static PetscErrorCode PCSetFromOptions_Jacobi(PC pc)
348: {
349:   PC_Jacobi      *jac = (PC_Jacobi*)pc->data;

353:   PetscOptionsHead("Jacobi options");
354:     PetscOptionsBool("-pc_jacobi_rowmax","Use row maximums for diagonal","PCJacobiSetUseRowMax",jac->userowmax,
355:                           &jac->userowmax,PETSC_NULL);
356:     PetscOptionsBool("-pc_jacobi_rowsum","Use row sums for diagonal","PCJacobiSetUseRowSum",jac->userowsum,
357:                           &jac->userowsum,PETSC_NULL);
358:     PetscOptionsBool("-pc_jacobi_abs","Use absolute values of diagaonal entries","PCJacobiSetUseAbs",jac->useabs,
359:                           &jac->useabs,PETSC_NULL);
360:   PetscOptionsTail();
361:   return(0);
362: }

364: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
365: /*
366:    PCCreate_Jacobi - Creates a Jacobi preconditioner context, PC_Jacobi, 
367:    and sets this as the private data within the generic preconditioning 
368:    context, PC, that was created within PCCreate().

370:    Input Parameter:
371: .  pc - the preconditioner context

373:    Application Interface Routine: PCCreate()
374: */

376: /*MC
377:      PCJACOBI - Jacobi (i.e. diagonal scaling preconditioning)

379:    Options Database Key:
380: +    -pc_jacobi_rowmax - use the maximum absolute value in each row as the scaling factor,
381:                         rather than the diagonal
382: .    -pc_jacobi_rowsum - use the row sums as the scaling factor,
383:                         rather than the diagonal
384: -    -pc_jacobi_abs - use the absolute value of the diagaonl entry

386:    Level: beginner

388:   Concepts: Jacobi, diagonal scaling, preconditioners

390:   Notes: By using KSPSetPCSide(ksp,PC_SYMMETRIC) or -ksp_pc_side symmetric 
391:          can scale each side of the matrix by the squareroot of the diagonal entries.

393:          Zero entries along the diagonal are replaced with the value 1.0

395: .seealso:  PCCreate(), PCSetType(), PCType (for list of available types), PC,
396:            PCJacobiSetUseRowMax(), PCJacobiSetUseRowSum(), PCJacobiSetUseAbs()
397: M*/

402: PetscErrorCode  PCCreate_Jacobi(PC pc)
403: {
404:   PC_Jacobi      *jac;

408:   /*
409:      Creates the private data structure for this preconditioner and
410:      attach it to the PC object.
411:   */
412:   PetscNewLog(pc,PC_Jacobi,&jac);
413:   pc->data  = (void*)jac;

415:   /*
416:      Initialize the pointers to vectors to ZERO; these will be used to store
417:      diagonal entries of the matrix for fast preconditioner application.
418:   */
419:   jac->diag          = 0;
420:   jac->diagsqrt      = 0;
421:   jac->userowmax     = PETSC_FALSE;
422:   jac->userowsum     = PETSC_FALSE;
423:   jac->useabs        = PETSC_FALSE;

425:   /*
426:       Set the pointers for the functions that are provided above.
427:       Now when the user-level routines (such as PCApply(), PCDestroy(), etc.)
428:       are called, they will automatically call these functions.  Note we
429:       choose not to provide a couple of these functions since they are
430:       not needed.
431:   */
432:   pc->ops->apply               = PCApply_Jacobi;
433:   pc->ops->applytranspose      = PCApply_Jacobi;
434:   pc->ops->setup               = PCSetUp_Jacobi;
435:   pc->ops->reset               = PCReset_Jacobi;
436:   pc->ops->destroy             = PCDestroy_Jacobi;
437:   pc->ops->setfromoptions      = PCSetFromOptions_Jacobi;
438:   pc->ops->view                = 0;
439:   pc->ops->applyrichardson     = 0;
440:   pc->ops->applysymmetricleft  = PCApplySymmetricLeftOrRight_Jacobi;
441:   pc->ops->applysymmetricright = PCApplySymmetricLeftOrRight_Jacobi;
442:   PetscObjectComposeFunctionDynamic((PetscObject)pc,"PCJacobiSetUseRowMax_C","PCJacobiSetUseRowMax_Jacobi",PCJacobiSetUseRowMax_Jacobi);
443:   PetscObjectComposeFunctionDynamic((PetscObject)pc,"PCJacobiSetUseRowSum_C","PCJacobiSetUseRowSum_Jacobi",PCJacobiSetUseRowSum_Jacobi);
444:   PetscObjectComposeFunctionDynamic((PetscObject)pc,"PCJacobiSetUseAbs_C","PCJacobiSetUseAbs_Jacobi",PCJacobiSetUseAbs_Jacobi);
445:   return(0);
446: }

452: /*@
453:    PCJacobiSetUseAbs - Causes the Jacobi preconditioner to use the 
454:       absolute value of the diagonal to for the preconditioner

456:    Logically Collective on PC

458:    Input Parameters:
459: .  pc - the preconditioner context

462:    Options Database Key:
463: .  -pc_jacobi_abs

465:    Level: intermediate

467:    Concepts: Jacobi preconditioner

469: .seealso: PCJacobiaUseRowMax(), PCJacobiaUseRowSum()

471: @*/
472: PetscErrorCode  PCJacobiSetUseAbs(PC pc)
473: {

478:   PetscTryMethod(pc,"PCJacobiSetUseAbs_C",(PC),(pc));
479:   return(0);
480: }

484: /*@
485:    PCJacobiSetUseRowMax - Causes the Jacobi preconditioner to use the 
486:       maximum entry in each row as the diagonal preconditioner, instead of
487:       the diagonal entry

489:    Logically Collective on PC

491:    Input Parameters:
492: .  pc - the preconditioner context

495:    Options Database Key:
496: .  -pc_jacobi_rowmax 

498:    Level: intermediate

500:    Concepts: Jacobi preconditioner

502: .seealso: PCJacobiaUseAbs()
503: @*/
504: PetscErrorCode  PCJacobiSetUseRowMax(PC pc)
505: {

510:   PetscTryMethod(pc,"PCJacobiSetUseRowMax_C",(PC),(pc));
511:   return(0);
512: }

516: /*@
517:    PCJacobiSetUseRowSum - Causes the Jacobi preconditioner to use the 
518:       sum of each row as the diagonal preconditioner, instead of
519:       the diagonal entry

521:    Logical Collective on PC

523:    Input Parameters:
524: .  pc - the preconditioner context

527:    Options Database Key:
528: .  -pc_jacobi_rowsum

530:    Level: intermediate

532:    Concepts: Jacobi preconditioner

534: .seealso: PCJacobiaUseAbs(), PCJacobiaUseRowSum()
535: @*/
536: PetscErrorCode  PCJacobiSetUseRowSum(PC pc)
537: {

542:   PetscTryMethod(pc,"PCJacobiSetUseRowSum_C",(PC),(pc));
543:   return(0);
544: }