Actual source code: asa.c

petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11
  2: /*  -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

  4:       Contributed by Arvid Bessen, Columbia University, June 2007
  6:      This file implements a ASA preconditioner in PETSc as part of PC.

  8:      The adaptive smoothed aggregation algorithm is described in the paper
  9:      "Adaptive Smoothed Aggregation (ASA)", M. Brezina, R. Falgout, S. MacLachlan,
 10:      T. Manteuffel, S. McCormick, and J. Ruge, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
 11:      SISC Volume 25 Issue 6, Pages 1896-1920.

 13:      For an example usage of this preconditioner, see, e.g.
 14:      $PETSC_DIR/src/ksp/ksp/examples/tutorials/ex38.c ex39.c
 15:      and other files in that directory.

 17:      This code is still somewhat experimental. A number of improvements would be
 18:      - keep vectors allocated on each level, instead of destroying them
 19:        (see mainly PCApplyVcycleOnLevel_ASA)
 20:      - in PCCreateTransferOp_ASA we get all of the submatrices at once, this could
 21:        be optimized by differentiating between local and global matrices
 22:      - the code does not handle it gracefully if there is just one level
 23:      - if relaxation is sufficient, exit of PCInitializationStage_ASA is not
 24:        completely clean
 25:      - default values could be more reasonable, especially for parallel solves,
 26:        where we need a parallel LU or similar
 27:      - the richardson scaling parameter is somewhat special, should be treated in a
 28:        good default way
 29:      - a number of parameters for smoother (sor_omega, etc.) that we store explicitly
 30:        could be kept in the respective smoothers themselves
 31:      - some parameters have to be set via command line options, there are no direct
 32:        function calls available
 33:      - numerous other stuff

 35:      Example runs in parallel would be with parameters like
 36:      mpiexec ./program -pc_asa_coarse_pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps -pc_asa_direct_solver 200
 37:      -pc_asa_max_cand_vecs 4 -pc_asa_mu_initial 50 -pc_asa_richardson_scale 1.0
 38:      -pc_asa_rq_improve 0.9 -asa_smoother_pc_type asm -asa_smoother_sub_pc_type sor

 40:     -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 42: /*
 43:   This defines the data structures for the smoothed aggregation procedure
 44: */
 45: #include <../src/ksp/pc/impls/asa/asa.h>
 46: #include <petscblaslapack.h>

 48: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 50: /* Event logging */

 52: PetscLogEvent PC_InitializationStage_ASA, PC_GeneralSetupStage_ASA;
 53: PetscLogEvent PC_CreateTransferOp_ASA, PC_CreateVcycle_ASA;
 54: PetscBool  asa_events_registered = PETSC_FALSE;

 58: /*@C
 59:     PCASASetTolerances - Sets the convergence thresholds for ASA algorithm

 61:     Collective on PC

 63:     Input Parameter:
 64: +   pc - the context
 65: .   rtol - the relative convergence tolerance
 66:     (relative decrease in the residual norm)
 67: .   abstol - the absolute convergence tolerance 
 68:     (absolute size of the residual norm)
 69: .   dtol - the divergence tolerance
 70:     (amount residual can increase before KSPDefaultConverged()
 71:     concludes that the method is diverging)
 72: -   maxits - maximum number of iterations to use

 74:     Notes:
 75:     Use PETSC_DEFAULT to retain the default value of any of the tolerances.

 77:     Level: advanced
 78: @*/
 79: PetscErrorCode  PCASASetTolerances(PC pc, PetscReal rtol, PetscReal abstol,PetscReal dtol, PetscInt maxits)
 80: {

 85:   PetscTryMethod(pc,"PCASASetTolerances_C",(PC,PetscReal,PetscReal,PetscReal,PetscInt),(pc,rtol,abstol,dtol,maxits));
 86:   return(0);
 87: }

 92: PetscErrorCode  PCASASetTolerances_ASA(PC pc, PetscReal rtol, PetscReal abstol,PetscReal dtol, PetscInt maxits)
 93: {
 94:   PC_ASA         *asa = (PC_ASA *) pc->data;

 98:   if (rtol != PETSC_DEFAULT)   asa->rtol   = rtol;
 99:   if (abstol != PETSC_DEFAULT)   asa->abstol   = abstol;
100:   if (dtol != PETSC_DEFAULT)   asa->divtol = dtol;
101:   if (maxits != PETSC_DEFAULT) asa->max_it = maxits;
102:   return(0);
103: }

108: /*
109:    PCCreateLevel_ASA - Creates one level for the ASA algorithm

111:    Input Parameters:
112: +  level - current level
113: .  comm - MPI communicator object
114: .  next - pointer to next level
115: .  prev - pointer to previous level
116: .  ksptype - the KSP type for the smoothers on this level
117: -  pctype - the PC type for the smoothers on this level

119:    Output Parameters:
120: .  new_asa_lev - the newly created level

122: .keywords: ASA, create, levels, multigrid
123: */
124: PetscErrorCode  PCCreateLevel_ASA(PC_ASA_level **new_asa_lev, int level,MPI_Comm comm, PC_ASA_level *prev,
125:                                                     PC_ASA_level *next,KSPType ksptype, PCType pctype)
126: {
128:   PC_ASA_level   *asa_lev;
131:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PC_ASA_level), &asa_lev);

133:   asa_lev->level = level;
134:   asa_lev->size  = 0;

136:   asa_lev->A = 0;
137:   asa_lev->B = 0;
138:   asa_lev->x = 0;
139:   asa_lev->b = 0;
140:   asa_lev->r = 0;
142:   asa_lev->dm           = 0;
143:   asa_lev->aggnum       = 0;
144:   asa_lev->agg          = 0;
145:   asa_lev->loc_agg_dofs = 0;
146:   asa_lev->agg_corr     = 0;
147:   asa_lev->bridge_corr  = 0;
149:   asa_lev->P = 0;
150:   asa_lev->Pt = 0;
151:   asa_lev->smP = 0;
152:   asa_lev->smPt = 0;

154:   asa_lev->comm = comm;

156:   asa_lev->smoothd = 0;
157:   asa_lev->smoothu = 0;

159:   asa_lev->prev = prev;
160:   asa_lev->next = next;
162:   *new_asa_lev = asa_lev;
163:   return(0);
164: }

168: PetscErrorCode PrintResNorm(Mat A, Vec x, Vec b, Vec r)
169: {
171:   PetscBool      destroyr = PETSC_FALSE;
172:   PetscReal      resnorm;
173:   MPI_Comm       Acomm;

176:   if (!r) {
177:     MatGetVecs(A, PETSC_NULL, &r);
178:     destroyr = PETSC_TRUE;
179:   }
180:   MatMult(A, x, r);
181:   VecAYPX(r, -1.0, b);
182:   VecNorm(r, NORM_2, &resnorm);
183:   PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject) A, &Acomm);
184:   PetscPrintf(Acomm, "Residual norm is %f.\n", resnorm);

186:   if (destroyr) {
187:     VecDestroy(&r);
188:   }
190:   return(0);
191: }

195: PetscErrorCode PrintEnergyNormOfDiff(Mat A, Vec x, Vec y)
196: {
198:   Vec            vecdiff, Avecdiff;
199:   PetscScalar    dotprod;
200:   PetscReal      dotabs;
201:   MPI_Comm       Acomm;

204:   VecDuplicate(x, &vecdiff);
205:   VecWAXPY(vecdiff, -1.0, x, y);
206:   MatGetVecs(A, PETSC_NULL, &Avecdiff);
207:   MatMult(A, vecdiff, Avecdiff);
208:   VecDot(vecdiff, Avecdiff, &dotprod);
209:   dotabs = PetscAbsScalar(dotprod);
210:   PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject) A, &Acomm);
211:   PetscPrintf(Acomm, "Energy norm %f.\n", dotabs);
212:   VecDestroy(&vecdiff);
213:   VecDestroy(&Avecdiff);
214:   return(0);
215: }

217: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
218: /*
219:    PCDestroyLevel_ASA - Destroys one level of the ASA preconditioner

221:    Input Parameter:
222: .  asa_lev - pointer to level that should be destroyed

224: */
227: PetscErrorCode PCDestroyLevel_ASA(PC_ASA_level *asa_lev)
228: {

232:   MatDestroy(&(asa_lev->A));
233:   MatDestroy(&(asa_lev->B));
234:   VecDestroy(&(asa_lev->x));
235:   VecDestroy(&(asa_lev->b));
236:   VecDestroy(&(asa_lev->r));

238:   if (asa_lev->dm) {DMDestroy(&asa_lev->dm);}

240:   MatDestroy(&(asa_lev->agg));
241:   PetscFree(asa_lev->loc_agg_dofs);
242:   MatDestroy(&(asa_lev->agg_corr));
243:   MatDestroy(&(asa_lev->bridge_corr));

245:   MatDestroy(&(asa_lev->P));
246:   MatDestroy(&(asa_lev->Pt));
247:   MatDestroy(&(asa_lev->smP));
248:   MatDestroy(&(asa_lev->smPt));

250:   if (asa_lev->smoothd != asa_lev->smoothu) {
251:     if (asa_lev->smoothd) {KSPDestroy(&asa_lev->smoothd);}
252:   }
253:   if (asa_lev->smoothu) {KSPDestroy(&asa_lev->smoothu);}

255:   PetscFree(asa_lev);
256:   return(0);
257: }

259: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
260: /*
261:    PCComputeSpectralRadius_ASA - Computes the spectral radius of asa_lev->A
262:    and stores it it asa_lev->spec_rad

264:    Input Parameters:
265: .  asa_lev - the level we are treating

267:    Compute spectral radius with  sqrt(||A||_1 ||A||_inf) >= ||A||_2 >= rho(A) 

269: */
272: PetscErrorCode PCComputeSpectralRadius_ASA(PC_ASA_level *asa_lev)
273: {
275:   PetscReal      norm_1, norm_inf;

278:   MatNorm(asa_lev->A, NORM_1, &norm_1);
279:   MatNorm(asa_lev->A, NORM_INFINITY, &norm_inf);
280:   asa_lev->spec_rad = PetscSqrtReal(norm_1*norm_inf);
281:   return(0);
282: }

286: PetscErrorCode PCSetRichardsonScale_ASA(KSP ksp, PetscReal spec_rad, PetscReal richardson_scale) {
288:   PC             pc;
289:   PetscBool      flg;
290:   PetscReal      spec_rad_inv;

293:   KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(ksp, PETSC_TRUE);
294:   if (richardson_scale != PETSC_DECIDE) {
295:     KSPRichardsonSetScale(ksp, richardson_scale);
296:   } else {
297:     KSPGetPC(ksp, &pc);
298:     PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)(pc), PCNONE, &flg);
299:     if (flg) {
300:       /* WORK: this is just an educated guess. Any number between 0 and 2/rho(A)
301:          should do. asa_lev->spec_rad has to be an upper bound on rho(A). */
302:       spec_rad_inv = 1.0/spec_rad;
303:       KSPRichardsonSetScale(ksp, spec_rad_inv);
304:     } else {
305:       SETERRQ(((PetscObject)ksp)->comm,PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Unknown PC type for smoother. Please specify scaling factor with -pc_asa_richardson_scale\n");
306:     }
307:   }
308:   return(0);
309: }

313: PetscErrorCode PCSetSORomega_ASA(PC pc, PetscReal sor_omega)
314: {

318:   if (sor_omega != PETSC_DECIDE) {
319:     PCSORSetOmega(pc, sor_omega);
320:   }
321:   return(0);
322: }

325: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
326: /*
327:    PCSetupSmoothersOnLevel_ASA - Creates the smoothers of the level.
328:    We assume that asa_lev->A and asa_lev->spec_rad are correctly computed

330:    Input Parameters:
331: +  asa - the data structure for the ASA preconditioner
332: .  asa_lev - the level we are treating
333: -  maxits - maximum number of iterations to use
334: */
337: PetscErrorCode PCSetupSmoothersOnLevel_ASA(PC_ASA *asa, PC_ASA_level *asa_lev, PetscInt maxits)
338: {
339:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
340:   PetscBool         flg;
341:   PC                pc;

344:   /* destroy old smoothers */
345:   if (asa_lev->smoothu && asa_lev->smoothu != asa_lev->smoothd) {
346:     KSPDestroy(&asa_lev->smoothu);
347:   }
348:   asa_lev->smoothu = 0;
349:   if (asa_lev->smoothd) {
350:     KSPDestroy(&asa_lev->smoothd);
351:   }
352:   asa_lev->smoothd = 0;
353:   /* create smoothers */
354:   KSPCreate(asa_lev->comm,&asa_lev->smoothd);
355:   KSPSetType(asa_lev->smoothd, asa->ksptype_smooth);
356:   KSPGetPC(asa_lev->smoothd,&pc);
357:   PCSetType(pc,asa->pctype_smooth);

359:   /* set up problems for smoothers */
360:   KSPSetOperators(asa_lev->smoothd, asa_lev->A, asa_lev->A, DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN);
361:   KSPSetTolerances(asa_lev->smoothd, asa->smoother_rtol, asa->smoother_abstol, asa->smoother_dtol, maxits);
362:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)(asa_lev->smoothd), KSPRICHARDSON, &flg);
363:   if (flg) {
364:     /* special parameters for certain smoothers */
365:     KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(asa_lev->smoothd, PETSC_TRUE);
366:     KSPGetPC(asa_lev->smoothd, &pc);
367:     PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)pc, PCSOR, &flg);
368:     if (flg) {
369:       PCSetSORomega_ASA(pc, asa->sor_omega);
370:     } else {
371:       /* just set asa->richardson_scale to get some very basic smoother */
372:       PCSetRichardsonScale_ASA(asa_lev->smoothd, asa_lev->spec_rad, asa->richardson_scale);
373:     }
374:     /* this would be the place to add support for other preconditioners */
375:   }
376:   KSPSetOptionsPrefix(asa_lev->smoothd, "asa_smoother_");
377:   KSPSetFromOptions(asa_lev->smoothd);
378:   /* set smoothu equal to smoothd, this could change later */
379:   asa_lev->smoothu = asa_lev->smoothd;
380:   return(0);
381: }

383: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
384: /*
385:    PCSetupDirectSolversOnLevel_ASA - Creates the direct solvers on the coarsest level.
386:    We assume that asa_lev->A and asa_lev->spec_rad are correctly computed

388:    Input Parameters:
389: +  asa - the data structure for the ASA preconditioner
390: .  asa_lev - the level we are treating
391: -  maxits - maximum number of iterations to use
392: */
395: PetscErrorCode PCSetupDirectSolversOnLevel_ASA(PC_ASA *asa, PC_ASA_level *asa_lev, PetscInt maxits)
396: {
397:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
398:   PetscBool         flg;
399:   PetscMPIInt       comm_size;
400:   PC                pc;

403:   if (asa_lev->smoothu && asa_lev->smoothu != asa_lev->smoothd) {
404:     KSPDestroy(&asa_lev->smoothu);
405:   }
406:   asa_lev->smoothu = 0;
407:   if (asa_lev->smoothd) {
408:     KSPDestroy(&asa_lev->smoothd);
409:     asa_lev->smoothd = 0;
410:   }
411:   PetscStrcmp(asa->ksptype_direct, KSPPREONLY, &flg);
412:   if (flg) {
413:     PetscStrcmp(asa->pctype_direct, PCLU, &flg);
414:     if (flg) {
415:       MPI_Comm_size(asa_lev->comm, &comm_size);
416:       if (comm_size > 1) {
417:         /* the LU PC will call MatSolve, we may have to set the correct type for the matrix
418:            to have support for this in parallel */
419:         MatConvert(asa_lev->A, asa->coarse_mat_type, MAT_REUSE_MATRIX, &(asa_lev->A));
420:       }
421:     }
422:   }
423:   /* create new solvers */
424:   KSPCreate(asa_lev->comm,&asa_lev->smoothd);
425:   KSPSetType(asa_lev->smoothd, asa->ksptype_direct);
426:   KSPGetPC(asa_lev->smoothd,&pc);
427:   PCSetType(pc,asa->pctype_direct);
428:   /* set up problems for direct solvers */
429:   KSPSetOperators(asa_lev->smoothd, asa_lev->A, asa_lev->A, DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN);
430:   KSPSetTolerances(asa_lev->smoothd, asa->direct_rtol, asa->direct_abstol, asa->direct_dtol, maxits);
431:   /* user can set any option by using -pc_asa_direct_xxx */
432:   KSPSetOptionsPrefix(asa_lev->smoothd, "asa_coarse_");
433:   KSPSetFromOptions(asa_lev->smoothd);
434:   /* set smoothu equal to 0, not used */
435:   asa_lev->smoothu = 0;
436:   return(0);
437: }

439: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
440: /*
441:    PCCreateAggregates_ASA - Creates the aggregates

443:    Input Parameters:
444: .  asa_lev - the level for which we should create the projection matrix

446: */
449: PetscErrorCode PCCreateAggregates_ASA(PC_ASA_level *asa_lev)
450: {
451:   PetscInt          m,n, m_loc,n_loc;
452:   PetscInt          m_loc_s, m_loc_e;
453:   const PetscScalar one = 1.0;
454:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;

457:   /* Create nodal aggregates A_i^l */
458:   /* we use the DM grid information for that */
459:   if (asa_lev->dm) {
460:     /* coarsen DM and get the restriction matrix */
461:     DMCoarsen(asa_lev->dm, MPI_COMM_NULL, &(asa_lev->next->dm));
462:     DMCreateAggregates(asa_lev->next->dm, asa_lev->dm, &(asa_lev->agg));
463:     MatGetSize(asa_lev->agg, &m, &n);
464:     MatGetLocalSize(asa_lev->agg, &m_loc, &n_loc);
465:     if (n!=asa_lev->size) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ,"DM interpolation matrix has incorrect size!\n");
466:     asa_lev->next->size = m;
467:     asa_lev->aggnum     = m;
468:     /* create the correlators, right now just identity matrices */
469:     MatCreateAIJ(asa_lev->comm, n_loc, n_loc, n, n, 1, PETSC_NULL, 1, PETSC_NULL,&(asa_lev->agg_corr));
470:     MatGetOwnershipRange(asa_lev->agg_corr, &m_loc_s, &m_loc_e);
471:     for (m=m_loc_s; m<m_loc_e; m++) {
472:       MatSetValues(asa_lev->agg_corr, 1, &m, 1, &m, &one, INSERT_VALUES);
473:     }
474:     MatAssemblyBegin(asa_lev->agg_corr, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
475:     MatAssemblyEnd(asa_lev->agg_corr, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
476: /*     MatShift(asa_lev->agg_corr, 1.0); */
477:   } else {
478:     /* somehow define the aggregates without knowing the geometry */
479:     /* future WORK */
480:     SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Currently pure algebraic coarsening is not supported!");
481:   }
482:   return(0);
483: }

485: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
486: /*
487:    PCCreateTransferOp_ASA - Creates the transfer operator P_{l+1}^l for current level

489:    Input Parameters:
490: +  asa_lev - the level for which should create the transfer operator
491: -  construct_bridge - true, if we should construct a bridge operator, false for normal prolongator

493:    If we add a second, third, ... candidate vector (i.e. more than one column in B), we
494:    have to relate the additional dimensions to the original aggregates. This is done through
495:    the "aggregate correlators" agg_corr and bridge_corr.
496:    The aggregate that is used in the construction is then given by
497:    asa_lev->agg * asa_lev->agg_corr
498:    for the regular prolongator construction and
499:    asa_lev->agg * asa_lev->bridge_corr
500:    for the bridging prolongator constructions.
501: */
504: PetscErrorCode PCCreateTransferOp_ASA(PC_ASA_level *asa_lev, PetscBool  construct_bridge)
505: {

508:   const PetscReal Ca = 1e-3;
509:   PetscReal      cutoff;
510:   PetscInt       nodes_on_lev;

512:   Mat            logical_agg;
513:   PetscInt       mat_agg_loc_start, mat_agg_loc_end, mat_agg_loc_size;
514:   PetscInt       a;
515:   const PetscInt *agg = 0;
516:   PetscInt       **agg_arr = 0;

518:   IS             *idxm_is_B_arr = 0;
519:   PetscInt       *idxn_B = 0;
520:   IS             idxn_is_B, *idxn_is_B_arr = 0;

522:   Mat            *b_submat_arr = 0;

524:   PetscScalar    *b_submat = 0, *b_submat_tp = 0;
525:   PetscInt       *idxm = 0, *idxn = 0;
526:   PetscInt       cand_vecs_num;
527:   PetscInt       *cand_vec_length = 0;
528:   PetscInt       max_cand_vec_length = 0;
529:   PetscScalar    **b_orth_arr = 0;

531:   PetscInt       i,j;

533:   PetscScalar    *tau = 0, *work = 0;
534:   PetscBLASInt   info,b1,b2;

536:   PetscInt       max_cand_vecs_to_add;
537:   PetscInt       *new_loc_agg_dofs = 0;

539:   PetscInt       total_loc_cols = 0;
540:   PetscReal      norm;

542:   PetscInt       a_loc_m, a_loc_n;
543:   PetscInt       mat_loc_col_start, mat_loc_col_end, mat_loc_col_size;
544:   PetscInt       loc_agg_dofs_sum;
545:   PetscInt       row, col;
546:   PetscScalar    val;
547:   PetscMPIInt    comm_size, comm_rank;
548:   PetscInt       *loc_cols = 0;

551:   PetscLogEventBegin(PC_CreateTransferOp_ASA,0,0,0,0);

553:   MatGetSize(asa_lev->B, &nodes_on_lev, PETSC_NULL);

555:   /* If we add another candidate vector, we want to be able to judge, how much the new candidate
556:      improves our current projection operators and whether it is worth adding it.
557:      This is the precomputation necessary for implementing Notes (4.1) to (4.7).
558:      We require that all candidate vectors x stored in B are normalized such that
559:      <A x, x> = 1 and we thus do not have to compute this.
560:      For each aggregate A we can now test condition (4.5) and (4.6) by computing
561:      || quantity to check ||_{A}^2 <= cutoff * card(A)/N_l */
562:   cutoff = Ca/(asa_lev->spec_rad);

564:   /* compute logical aggregates by using the correlators */
565:   if (construct_bridge) {
566:     /* construct bridging operator */
567:     MatMatMult(asa_lev->agg, asa_lev->bridge_corr, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1.0, &logical_agg);
568:   } else {
569:     /* construct "regular" prolongator */
570:     MatMatMult(asa_lev->agg, asa_lev->agg_corr, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1.0, &logical_agg);
571:   }

573:   /* destroy correlator matrices for next level, these will be rebuilt in this routine */
574:   if (asa_lev->next) {
575:     MatDestroy(&(asa_lev->next->agg_corr));
576:     MatDestroy(&(asa_lev->next->bridge_corr));
577:   }

579:   /* find out the correct local row indices */
580:   MatGetOwnershipRange(logical_agg, &mat_agg_loc_start, &mat_agg_loc_end);
581:   mat_agg_loc_size = mat_agg_loc_end-mat_agg_loc_start;
583:   cand_vecs_num = asa_lev->cand_vecs;

585:   /* construct column indices idxn_B for reading from B */
586:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*(cand_vecs_num), &idxn_B);
587:   for (i=0; i<cand_vecs_num; i++) {
588:     idxn_B[i] = i;
589:   }
590:   ISCreateGeneral(asa_lev->comm, asa_lev->cand_vecs, idxn_B,PETSC_COPY_VALUES, &idxn_is_B);
591:   PetscFree(idxn_B);
592:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(IS)*mat_agg_loc_size, &idxn_is_B_arr);
593:   for (a=0; a<mat_agg_loc_size; a++) {
594:     idxn_is_B_arr[a] = idxn_is_B;
595:   }
596:   /* allocate storage for row indices idxm_B */
597:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(IS)*mat_agg_loc_size, &idxm_is_B_arr);

599:   /* Storage for the orthogonalized  submatrices of B and their sizes */
600:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*mat_agg_loc_size, &cand_vec_length);
601:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscScalar*)*mat_agg_loc_size, &b_orth_arr);
602:   /* Storage for the information about each aggregate */
603:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt*)*mat_agg_loc_size, &agg_arr);
604:   /* Storage for the number of candidate vectors that are orthonormal and used in each submatrix */
605:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*mat_agg_loc_size, &new_loc_agg_dofs);

607:   /* loop over local aggregates */
608:   for (a=0; a<mat_agg_loc_size; a++) {
609:        /* get info about current aggregate, this gives the rows we have to get from B */
610:        MatGetRow(logical_agg, a+mat_agg_loc_start, &cand_vec_length[a], &agg, 0);
611:        /* copy aggregate information */
612:        PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*cand_vec_length[a], &(agg_arr[a]));
613:        PetscMemcpy(agg_arr[a], agg, sizeof(PetscInt)*cand_vec_length[a]);
614:        /* restore row */
615:        MatRestoreRow(logical_agg, a+mat_agg_loc_start, &cand_vec_length[a], &agg, 0);
617:        /* create index sets */
618:        ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_SELF, cand_vec_length[a], agg_arr[a],PETSC_COPY_VALUES, &(idxm_is_B_arr[a]));
619:        /* maximum candidate vector length */
620:        if (cand_vec_length[a] > max_cand_vec_length) { max_cand_vec_length = cand_vec_length[a]; }
621:   }
622:   /* destroy logical_agg, no longer needed */
623:   MatDestroy(&logical_agg);

625:   /* get the entries for aggregate from B */
626:   MatGetSubMatrices(asa_lev->B, mat_agg_loc_size, idxm_is_B_arr, idxn_is_B_arr, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, &b_submat_arr);
628:   /* clean up all the index sets */
629:   for (a=0; a<mat_agg_loc_size; a++) { ISDestroy(&idxm_is_B_arr[a]); }
630:   PetscFree(idxm_is_B_arr);
631:   ISDestroy(&idxn_is_B);
632:   PetscFree(idxn_is_B_arr);
634:   /* storage for the values from each submatrix */
635:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscScalar)*max_cand_vec_length*cand_vecs_num, &b_submat);
636:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscScalar)*max_cand_vec_length*cand_vecs_num, &b_submat_tp);
637:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*max_cand_vec_length, &idxm);
638:   for (i=0; i<max_cand_vec_length; i++) { idxm[i] = i; }
639:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*cand_vecs_num, &idxn);
640:   for (i=0; i<cand_vecs_num; i++) { idxn[i] = i; }
641:   /* work storage for QR algorithm */
642:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscScalar)*max_cand_vec_length, &tau);
643:   PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscScalar)*cand_vecs_num, &work);

645:   /* orthogonalize all submatrices and store them in b_orth_arr */
646:   for (a=0; a<mat_agg_loc_size; a++) {
647:        /* Get the entries for aggregate from B. This is row ordered (although internally
648:           it is column ordered and we will waste some energy transposing it).
649:           WORK: use something like MatGetArray(b_submat_arr[a], &b_submat) but be really
650:           careful about all the different matrix types */
651:        MatGetValues(b_submat_arr[a], cand_vec_length[a], idxm, cand_vecs_num, idxn, b_submat);

653:        if (construct_bridge) {
654:          /* if we are constructing a bridging restriction/interpolation operator, we have
655:             to use the same number of dofs as in our previous construction */
656:          max_cand_vecs_to_add = asa_lev->loc_agg_dofs[a];
657:        } else {
658:          /* for a normal restriction/interpolation operator, we should make sure that we
659:             do not create linear dependence by accident */
660:          max_cand_vecs_to_add = PetscMin(cand_vec_length[a], cand_vecs_num);
661:        }

663:        /* We use LAPACK to compute the QR decomposition of b_submat. For LAPACK we have to
664:           transpose the matrix. We might throw out some column vectors during this process.
665:           We are keeping count of the number of column vectors that we use (and therefore the
666:           number of dofs on the lower level) in new_loc_agg_dofs[a]. */
667:        new_loc_agg_dofs[a] = 0;
668:        for (j=0; j<max_cand_vecs_to_add; j++) {
669:          /* check for condition (4.5) */
670:          norm = 0.0;
671:          for (i=0; i<cand_vec_length[a]; i++) {
672:            norm += PetscRealPart(b_submat[i*cand_vecs_num+j])*PetscRealPart(b_submat[i*cand_vecs_num+j])
673:              + PetscImaginaryPart(b_submat[i*cand_vecs_num+j])*PetscImaginaryPart(b_submat[i*cand_vecs_num+j]);
674:          }
675:          /* only add candidate vector if bigger than cutoff or first candidate */
676:          if ((!j) || (norm > cutoff*((PetscReal) cand_vec_length[a])/((PetscReal) nodes_on_lev))) {
677:            /* passed criterion (4.5), we have not implemented criterion (4.6) yet */
678:            for (i=0; i<cand_vec_length[a]; i++) {
679:              b_submat_tp[new_loc_agg_dofs[a]*cand_vec_length[a]+i] = b_submat[i*cand_vecs_num+j];
680:            }
681:            new_loc_agg_dofs[a]++;
682:          }
683:          /* #ifdef PCASA_VERBOSE */
684:          else {
685:            PetscPrintf(asa_lev->comm, "Cutoff criteria invoked\n");
686:          }
687:          /* #endif */
688:        }

690:        CHKMEMQ;
691:        /* orthogonalize b_submat_tp using the QR algorithm from LAPACK */
692:        b1 = PetscBLASIntCast(*(cand_vec_length+a));
693:        b2 = PetscBLASIntCast(*(new_loc_agg_dofs+a));

695:        PetscFPTrapPush(PETSC_FP_TRAP_OFF);
697:        LAPACKgeqrf_(&b1, &b2, b_submat_tp, &b1, tau, work, &b2, &info);
698:        if (info) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB, "LAPACKgeqrf_ LAPACK routine failed");
699: #else
700:        SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"geqrf() - Lapack routine is unavailable\n");
701: #endif
702: #if !defined(PETSC_MISSING_LAPACK_ORGQR) 
703:        LAPACKungqr_(&b1, &b2, &b2, b_submat_tp, &b1, tau, work, &b2, &info);
704: #else
705:        SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"ORGQR - Lapack routine is unavailable\nIf linking with ESSL you MUST also link with full LAPACK, for example\nuse ./configure with --with-blas-lib=libessl.a --with-lapack-lib=/usr/local/lib/liblapack.a'");
706: #endif
707:        if (info) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB, "LAPACKungqr_ LAPACK routine failed");
708:        PetscFPTrapPop();

710:        /* Transpose b_submat_tp and store it in b_orth_arr[a]. If we are constructing a
711:           bridging restriction/interpolation operator, we could end up with less dofs than
712:           we previously had. We fill those up with zeros. */
713:        if (!construct_bridge) {
714:          PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscScalar)*cand_vec_length[a]*new_loc_agg_dofs[a], b_orth_arr+a);
715:          for (j=0; j<new_loc_agg_dofs[a]; j++) {
716:            for (i=0; i<cand_vec_length[a]; i++) {
717:              b_orth_arr[a][i*new_loc_agg_dofs[a]+j] = b_submat_tp[j*cand_vec_length[a]+i];
718:            }
719:          }
720:        } else {
721:          /* bridge, might have to fill up */
722:          PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscScalar)*cand_vec_length[a]*max_cand_vecs_to_add, b_orth_arr+a);
723:          for (j=0; j<new_loc_agg_dofs[a]; j++) {
724:            for (i=0; i<cand_vec_length[a]; i++) {
725:              b_orth_arr[a][i*max_cand_vecs_to_add+j] = b_submat_tp[j*cand_vec_length[a]+i];
726:            }
727:          }
728:          for (j=new_loc_agg_dofs[a]; j<max_cand_vecs_to_add; j++) {
729:            for (i=0; i<cand_vec_length[a]; i++) {
730:              b_orth_arr[a][i*max_cand_vecs_to_add+j] = 0.0;
731:            }
732:          }
733:          new_loc_agg_dofs[a] = max_cand_vecs_to_add;
734:        }
735:        /* the number of columns in asa_lev->P that are local to this process */
736:        total_loc_cols += new_loc_agg_dofs[a];
737:   } /* end of loop over local aggregates */

739:   /* destroy the submatrices, also frees all allocated space */
740:   MatDestroyMatrices(mat_agg_loc_size, &b_submat_arr);
741:   /* destroy all other workspace */
742:   PetscFree(b_submat);
743:   PetscFree(b_submat_tp);
744:   PetscFree(idxm);
745:   PetscFree(idxn);
746:   PetscFree(tau);
747:   PetscFree(work);

749:   /* destroy old matrix P, Pt */
750:   MatDestroy(&(asa_lev->P));
751:   MatDestroy(&(asa_lev->Pt));

753:   MatGetLocalSize(asa_lev->A, &a_loc_m, &a_loc_n);

755:   /* determine local range */
756:   MPI_Comm_size(asa_lev->comm, &comm_size);
757:   MPI_Comm_rank(asa_lev->comm, &comm_rank);
758:   PetscMalloc(comm_size*sizeof(PetscInt), &loc_cols);
759:   MPI_Allgather(&total_loc_cols, 1, MPIU_INT, loc_cols, 1, MPIU_INT, asa_lev->comm);
760:   mat_loc_col_start = 0;
761:   for (i=0;i<comm_rank;i++) {
762:     mat_loc_col_start += loc_cols[i];
763:   }
764:   mat_loc_col_end = mat_loc_col_start + loc_cols[i];
765:   mat_loc_col_size = mat_loc_col_end-mat_loc_col_start;
766:   if (mat_loc_col_size != total_loc_cols) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_COR, "Local size does not match matrix size");
767:   PetscFree(loc_cols);

769:   /* we now have enough information to create asa_lev->P */
770:   MatCreateAIJ(asa_lev->comm, a_loc_n,  total_loc_cols, asa_lev->size, PETSC_DETERMINE,
771:                          cand_vecs_num, PETSC_NULL, cand_vecs_num, PETSC_NULL, &(asa_lev->P));
772:   /* create asa_lev->Pt */
773:   MatCreateAIJ(asa_lev->comm, total_loc_cols, a_loc_n, PETSC_DETERMINE, asa_lev->size,
774:                          max_cand_vec_length, PETSC_NULL, max_cand_vec_length, PETSC_NULL, &(asa_lev->Pt));
775:   if (asa_lev->next) {
776:     /* create correlator for aggregates of next level */
777:     MatCreateAIJ(asa_lev->comm, mat_agg_loc_size, total_loc_cols, PETSC_DETERMINE, PETSC_DETERMINE,
778:                            cand_vecs_num, PETSC_NULL, cand_vecs_num, PETSC_NULL, &(asa_lev->next->agg_corr));
779:     /* create asa_lev->next->bridge_corr matrix */
780:     MatCreateAIJ(asa_lev->comm, mat_agg_loc_size, total_loc_cols, PETSC_DETERMINE, PETSC_DETERMINE,
781:                            cand_vecs_num, PETSC_NULL, cand_vecs_num, PETSC_NULL, &(asa_lev->next->bridge_corr));
782:   }

784:   /* this is my own hack, but it should give the columns that we should write to */
785:   MatGetOwnershipRangeColumn(asa_lev->P, &mat_loc_col_start, &mat_loc_col_end);
786:   mat_loc_col_size = mat_loc_col_end-mat_loc_col_start;
787:   if (mat_loc_col_size != total_loc_cols) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ, "The number of local columns in asa_lev->P assigned to this processor does not match the local vector size");

789:   loc_agg_dofs_sum = 0;
790:   /* construct P, Pt, agg_corr, bridge_corr */
791:   for (a=0; a<mat_agg_loc_size; a++) {
792:     /* store b_orth_arr[a] in P */
793:     for (i=0; i<cand_vec_length[a]; i++) {
794:       row = agg_arr[a][i];
795:       for (j=0; j<new_loc_agg_dofs[a]; j++) {
796:         col = mat_loc_col_start + loc_agg_dofs_sum + j;
797:         val = b_orth_arr[a][i*new_loc_agg_dofs[a] + j];
798:         MatSetValues(asa_lev->P, 1, &row, 1, &col, &val, INSERT_VALUES);
799:         val = PetscConj(val);
800:         MatSetValues(asa_lev->Pt, 1, &col, 1, &row, &val, INSERT_VALUES);
801:       }
802:     }

804:     /* compute aggregate correlation matrices */
805:     if (asa_lev->next) {
806:       row = a+mat_agg_loc_start;
807:       for (i=0; i<new_loc_agg_dofs[a]; i++) {
808:         col = mat_loc_col_start + loc_agg_dofs_sum + i;
809:         val = 1.0;
810:         MatSetValues(asa_lev->next->agg_corr, 1, &row, 1, &col, &val, INSERT_VALUES);
811:         /* for the bridge operator we leave out the newest candidates, i.e.
812:            we set bridge_corr to 1.0 for all columns up to asa_lev->loc_agg_dofs[a] and to
813:            0.0 between asa_lev->loc_agg_dofs[a] and new_loc_agg_dofs[a] */
814:         if (!(asa_lev->loc_agg_dofs && (i >= asa_lev->loc_agg_dofs[a]))) {
815:           MatSetValues(asa_lev->next->bridge_corr, 1, &row, 1, &col, &val, INSERT_VALUES);
816:         }
817:       }
818:     }

820:     /* move to next entry point col */
821:     loc_agg_dofs_sum += new_loc_agg_dofs[a];
822:   } /* end of loop over local aggregates */

824:   MatAssemblyBegin(asa_lev->P,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
825:   MatAssemblyEnd(asa_lev->P,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
826:   MatAssemblyBegin(asa_lev->Pt,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
827:   MatAssemblyEnd(asa_lev->Pt,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
828:   if (asa_lev->next) {
829:     MatAssemblyBegin(asa_lev->next->agg_corr,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
830:     MatAssemblyEnd(asa_lev->next->agg_corr,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
831:     MatAssemblyBegin(asa_lev->next->bridge_corr,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
832:     MatAssemblyEnd(asa_lev->next->bridge_corr,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
833:   }

835:   /* if we are not constructing a bridging operator, switch asa_lev->loc_agg_dofs
836:      and new_loc_agg_dofs */
837:   if (construct_bridge) {
838:     PetscFree(new_loc_agg_dofs);
839:   } else {
840:     if (asa_lev->loc_agg_dofs) {
841:       PetscFree(asa_lev->loc_agg_dofs);
842:     }
843:     asa_lev->loc_agg_dofs = new_loc_agg_dofs;
844:   }

846:   /* clean up */
847:   for (a=0; a<mat_agg_loc_size; a++) {
848:     PetscFree(b_orth_arr[a]);
849:     PetscFree(agg_arr[a]);
850:   }
851:   PetscFree(cand_vec_length);
852:   PetscFree(b_orth_arr);
853:   PetscFree(agg_arr);

855:   PetscLogEventEnd(PC_CreateTransferOp_ASA, 0,0,0,0);
856:   return(0);
857: }

859: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
860: /*
861:    PCSmoothProlongator_ASA - Computes the smoothed prolongators I and It on the level

863:    Input Parameters:
864: .  asa_lev - the level for which the smoothed prolongator is constructed
865: */
868: PetscErrorCode PCSmoothProlongator_ASA(PC_ASA_level *asa_lev)
869: {

873:   MatDestroy(&(asa_lev->smP));
874:   MatDestroy(&(asa_lev->smPt));
875:   /* compute prolongator I_{l+1}^l = S_l P_{l+1}^l */
876:   /* step 1: compute I_{l+1}^l = A_l P_{l+1}^l */
877:   MatMatMult(asa_lev->A, asa_lev->P, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1, &(asa_lev->smP));
878:   MatMatMult(asa_lev->Pt, asa_lev->A, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1, &(asa_lev->smPt));
879:   /* step 2: shift and scale to get I_{l+1}^l = P_{l+1}^l - 4/(3/rho) A_l P_{l+1}^l */
880:   MatAYPX(asa_lev->smP, -4./(3.*(asa_lev->spec_rad)), asa_lev->P, SUBSET_NONZERO_PATTERN);
881:   MatAYPX(asa_lev->smPt, -4./(3.*(asa_lev->spec_rad)), asa_lev->Pt, SUBSET_NONZERO_PATTERN);

883:   return(0);
884: }

887: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
888: /*
889:    PCCreateVcycle_ASA - Creates the V-cycle, when aggregates are already defined

891:    Input Parameters:
892: .  asa - the preconditioner context
893: */
896: PetscErrorCode PCCreateVcycle_ASA(PC_ASA *asa)
897: {
899:   PC_ASA_level   *asa_lev, *asa_next_lev;
900:   Mat            AI;

903:   PetscLogEventBegin(PC_CreateVcycle_ASA, 0,0,0,0);

905:   if (!asa) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_NULL, "asa pointer is NULL");
906:   if (!(asa->levellist)) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_NULL, "no levels found");
907:   asa_lev = asa->levellist;
908:   PCComputeSpectralRadius_ASA(asa_lev);
909:   PCSetupSmoothersOnLevel_ASA(asa, asa_lev, asa->nu);

911:   while(asa_lev->next) {
912:     asa_next_lev = asa_lev->next;
913:     /* (a) aggregates are already constructed */

915:     /* (b) construct B_{l+1} and P_{l+1}^l using (2.11) */
916:     /* construct P_{l+1}^l */
917:     PCCreateTransferOp_ASA(asa_lev, PETSC_FALSE);

919:     /* construct B_{l+1} */
920:     MatDestroy(&(asa_next_lev->B));
921:     MatMatMult(asa_lev->Pt, asa_lev->B, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1, &(asa_next_lev->B));
922:     asa_next_lev->cand_vecs = asa_lev->cand_vecs;

924:     /* (c) construct smoothed prolongator */
925:     PCSmoothProlongator_ASA(asa_lev);
927:     /* (d) construct coarse matrix */
928:     /* Define coarse matrix A_{l+1} = (I_{l+1}^l)^T A_l I_{l+1}^l */
929:     MatDestroy(&(asa_next_lev->A));
930:        MatMatMult(asa_lev->A, asa_lev->smP, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1.0, &AI);
931:      MatMatMult(asa_lev->smPt, AI, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1.0, &(asa_next_lev->A));
932:      MatDestroy(&AI);
933:     /*     MatPtAP(asa_lev->A, asa_lev->smP, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1, &(asa_next_lev->A)); */
934:     MatGetSize(asa_next_lev->A, PETSC_NULL, &(asa_next_lev->size));
935:     PCComputeSpectralRadius_ASA(asa_next_lev);
936:     PCSetupSmoothersOnLevel_ASA(asa, asa_next_lev, asa->nu);
937:     /* create corresponding vectors x_{l+1}, b_{l+1}, r_{l+1} */
938:     VecDestroy(&(asa_next_lev->x));
939:     VecDestroy(&(asa_next_lev->b));
940:     VecDestroy(&(asa_next_lev->r));
941:     MatGetVecs(asa_next_lev->A, &(asa_next_lev->x), &(asa_next_lev->b));
942:     MatGetVecs(asa_next_lev->A, PETSC_NULL, &(asa_next_lev->r));

944:     /* go to next level */
945:     asa_lev = asa_lev->next;
946:   } /* end of while loop over the levels */
947:   /* asa_lev now points to the coarsest level, set up direct solver there */
948:   PCComputeSpectralRadius_ASA(asa_lev);
949:   PCSetupDirectSolversOnLevel_ASA(asa, asa_lev, asa->nu);

951:   PetscLogEventEnd(PC_CreateVcycle_ASA, 0,0,0,0);
952:   return(0);
953: }

955: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
956: /*
957:    PCAddCandidateToB_ASA - Inserts a candidate vector in B

959:    Input Parameters:
960: +  B - the matrix to insert into
961: .  col_idx - the column we should insert to
962: .  x - the vector to insert
963: -  A - system matrix

965:    Function will insert normalized x into B, such that <A x, x> = 1
966:    (x itself is not changed). If B is projected down then this property
967:    is kept. If <A_l x_l, x_l> = 1 and the next level is defined by
968:    x_{l+1} = Pt x_l  and  A_{l+1} = Pt A_l P then
969:    <A_{l+1} x_{l+1}, x_l> = <Pt A_l P Pt x_l, Pt x_l>
970:    = <A_l P Pt x_l, P Pt x_l> = <A_l x_l, x_l> = 1
971:    because of the definition of P in (2.11).
972: */
975: PetscErrorCode PCAddCandidateToB_ASA(Mat B, PetscInt col_idx, Vec x, Mat A)
976: {
978:   Vec            Ax;
979:   PetscScalar    dotprod;
980:   PetscReal      norm;
981:   PetscInt       i, loc_start, loc_end;
982:   PetscScalar    val, *vecarray;

985:   MatGetVecs(A, PETSC_NULL, &Ax);
986:   MatMult(A, x, Ax);
987:   VecDot(Ax, x, &dotprod);
988:   norm = PetscSqrtReal(PetscAbsScalar(dotprod));
989:   VecGetOwnershipRange(x, &loc_start, &loc_end);
990:   VecGetArray(x, &vecarray);
991:   for (i=loc_start; i<loc_end; i++) {
992:     val = vecarray[i-loc_start]/norm;
993:     MatSetValues(B, 1, &i, 1, &col_idx, &val, INSERT_VALUES);
994:   }
995:   MatAssemblyBegin(B,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
996:   MatAssemblyEnd(B,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
997:   VecRestoreArray(x, &vecarray);
998:   VecDestroy(&Ax);
999:   return(0);
1000: }

1002: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1003: /*
1004: -  x - a starting guess for a hard to approximate vector, if PETSC_NULL, will be generated
1005: */
1008: PetscErrorCode PCInitializationStage_ASA(PC pc, Vec x)
1009: {
1011:   PetscInt       l;
1012:   PC_ASA         *asa = (PC_ASA*)pc->data;
1013:   PC_ASA_level   *asa_lev, *asa_next_lev;
1014:   PetscRandom    rctx;     /* random number generator context */

1016:   Vec            ax;
1017:   PetscScalar    tmp;
1018:   PetscReal      prevnorm, norm;

1020:   PetscBool      skip_steps_f_i = PETSC_FALSE;
1021:   PetscBool      sufficiently_coarsened = PETSC_FALSE;

1023:   PetscInt       vec_size, vec_loc_size;
1024:   PetscInt       loc_vec_low, loc_vec_high;
1025:   PetscInt       i,j;

1027: /*   Vec            xhat = 0; */

1029:   Mat            AI;

1031:   Vec            cand_vec, cand_vec_new;
1032:   PetscBool      isrichardson;
1033:   PC             coarse_pc;

1036:   PetscLogEventBegin(PC_InitializationStage_ASA,0,0,0,0);
1037:   l=1;
1038:   /* create first level */
1039:   PCCreateLevel_ASA(&(asa->levellist), l, asa->comm, 0, 0, asa->ksptype_smooth, asa->pctype_smooth);
1040:   asa_lev = asa->levellist;

1042:   /* Set matrix */
1043:   asa_lev->A = asa->A;
1044:   MatGetSize(asa_lev->A, &i, &j);
1045:   asa_lev->size = i;
1046:   PCComputeSpectralRadius_ASA(asa_lev);
1047:   PCSetupSmoothersOnLevel_ASA(asa, asa_lev, asa->mu_initial);

1049:   /* Set DM */
1050:   asa_lev->dm = pc->dm;
1051:   PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)pc->dm);

1053:   PetscPrintf(asa_lev->comm, "Initialization stage\n");

1055:   if (x) {
1056:     /* use starting guess */
1057:     VecDestroy(&(asa_lev->x));
1058:     VecDuplicate(x, &(asa_lev->x));
1059:     VecCopy(x, asa_lev->x);
1060:   } else {
1061:     /* select random starting vector */
1062:     VecDestroy(&(asa_lev->x));
1063:     MatGetVecs(asa_lev->A, &(asa_lev->x), 0);
1064:     PetscRandomCreate(asa_lev->comm,&rctx);
1065:     PetscRandomSetFromOptions(rctx);
1066:     VecSetRandom(asa_lev->x, rctx);
1067:     PetscRandomDestroy(&rctx);
1068:   }

1070:   /* create right hand side */
1071:   VecDestroy(&(asa_lev->b));
1072:   MatGetVecs(asa_lev->A, &(asa_lev->b), 0);
1073:   VecSet(asa_lev->b, 0.0);

1075:   /* relax and check whether that's enough already */
1076:   /* compute old norm */
1077:   MatGetVecs(asa_lev->A, 0, &ax);
1078:   MatMult(asa_lev->A, asa_lev->x, ax);
1079:   VecDot(asa_lev->x, ax, &tmp);
1080:   prevnorm = PetscAbsScalar(tmp);
1081:   PetscPrintf(asa_lev->comm, "Residual norm of starting guess: %f\n", prevnorm);

1083:   /* apply mu_initial relaxations */
1084:   KSPSolve(asa_lev->smoothd, asa_lev->b, asa_lev->x);
1085:   /* compute new norm */
1086:   MatMult(asa_lev->A, asa_lev->x, ax);
1087:   VecDot(asa_lev->x, ax, &tmp);
1088:   norm = PetscAbsScalar(tmp);
1089:   VecDestroy(&(ax));
1090:   PetscPrintf(asa_lev->comm, "Residual norm of relaxation after %g %D relaxations: %g %g\n", asa->epsilon,asa->mu_initial, norm,prevnorm);

1092:   /* Check if it already converges by itself */
1093:   if (norm/prevnorm <= pow(asa->epsilon, (PetscReal) asa->mu_initial)) {
1094:     /* converges by relaxation alone */
1095:     SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Relaxation should be sufficient to treat this problem. "
1096:             "Use relaxation or decrease epsilon with -pc_asa_epsilon");
1097:   } else {
1098:     /* set the number of relaxations to asa->mu from asa->mu_initial */
1099:     PCSetupSmoothersOnLevel_ASA(asa, asa_lev, asa->mu);

1101:     /* Let's do some multigrid ! */
1102:     sufficiently_coarsened = PETSC_FALSE;

1104:     /* do the whole initialization stage loop */
1105:     while (!sufficiently_coarsened) {
1106:       PetscPrintf(asa_lev->comm, "Initialization stage: creating level %D\n", asa_lev->level+1);

1108:       /* (a) Set candidate matrix B_l = x_l */
1109:       /* get the correct vector sizes and data */
1110:       VecGetSize(asa_lev->x, &vec_size);
1111:       VecGetOwnershipRange(asa_lev->x, &loc_vec_low, &loc_vec_high);
1112:       vec_loc_size = loc_vec_high - loc_vec_low;

1114:       /* create matrix for candidates */
1115:       MatCreateDense(asa_lev->comm, vec_loc_size, PETSC_DECIDE, vec_size, asa->max_cand_vecs, PETSC_NULL, &(asa_lev->B));
1116:       /* set the first column */
1117:       PCAddCandidateToB_ASA(asa_lev->B, 0, asa_lev->x, asa_lev->A);
1118:       asa_lev->cand_vecs = 1;

1120:       /* create next level */
1121:       PCCreateLevel_ASA(&(asa_lev->next), asa_lev->level+1,  asa_lev->comm, asa_lev, PETSC_NULL, asa->ksptype_smooth, asa->pctype_smooth);
1122:       asa_next_lev = asa_lev->next;

1124:       /* (b) Create nodal aggregates A_i^l */
1125:       PCCreateAggregates_ASA(asa_lev);
1127:       /* (c) Define tentatative prolongator P_{l+1}^l and candidate matrix B_{l+1}
1128:              using P_{l+1}^l B_{l+1} = B_l and (P_{l+1}^l)^T P_{l+1}^l = I */
1129:       PCCreateTransferOp_ASA(asa_lev, PETSC_FALSE);

1131:       /* future WORK: set correct fill ratios for all the operations below */
1132:       MatMatMult(asa_lev->Pt, asa_lev->B, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1, &(asa_next_lev->B));
1133:       asa_next_lev->cand_vecs = asa_lev->cand_vecs;

1135:       /* (d) Define prolongator I_{l+1}^l = S_l P_{l+1}^l */
1136:       PCSmoothProlongator_ASA(asa_lev);

1138:       /* (e) Define coarse matrix A_{l+1} = (I_{l+1}^l)^T A_l I_{l+1}^l */
1139:             MatMatMult(asa_lev->A, asa_lev->smP, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1.0, &AI);
1140:       MatMatMult(asa_lev->smPt, AI, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1.0, &(asa_next_lev->A));
1141:       MatDestroy(&AI);
1142:       /*      MatPtAP(asa_lev->A, asa_lev->smP, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1, &(asa_next_lev->A)); */
1143:       MatGetSize(asa_next_lev->A, PETSC_NULL, &(asa_next_lev->size));
1144:       PCComputeSpectralRadius_ASA(asa_next_lev);
1145:       PCSetupSmoothersOnLevel_ASA(asa, asa_next_lev, asa->mu);

1147:       /* coarse enough for direct solver? */
1148:       MatGetSize(asa_next_lev->A, &i, &j);
1149:       if (PetscMax(i,j) <= asa->direct_solver) {
1150:         PetscPrintf(asa_lev->comm, "Level %D can be treated directly.\n"
1151:                            "Algorithm will use %D levels.\n", asa_next_lev->level,
1152:                            asa_next_lev->level);
1153:         break; /* go to step 5 */
1154:       }

1156:       if (!skip_steps_f_i) {
1157:         /* (f) Set x_{l+1} = B_{l+1}, we just compute it again */
1158:         VecDestroy(&(asa_next_lev->x));
1159:         MatGetVecs(asa_lev->P, &(asa_next_lev->x), 0);
1160:         MatMult(asa_lev->Pt, asa_lev->x, asa_next_lev->x);

1162: /*         /\* (g) Make copy \hat{x}_{l+1} = x_{l+1} *\/ */
1163: /*         VecDuplicate(asa_next_lev->x, &xhat); */
1164: /*         VecCopy(asa_next_lev->x, xhat); */
1166:         /* Create b_{l+1} */
1167:         VecDestroy(&(asa_next_lev->b));
1168:         MatGetVecs(asa_next_lev->A, &(asa_next_lev->b), 0);
1169:         VecSet(asa_next_lev->b, 0.0);

1171:         /* (h) Relax mu times on A_{l+1} x = 0 */
1172:         /* compute old norm */
1173:         MatGetVecs(asa_next_lev->A, 0, &ax);
1174:         MatMult(asa_next_lev->A, asa_next_lev->x, ax);
1175:         VecDot(asa_next_lev->x, ax, &tmp);
1176:         prevnorm = PetscAbsScalar(tmp);
1177:         PetscPrintf(asa_next_lev->comm, "Residual norm of starting guess on level %D: %f\n", asa_next_lev->level, prevnorm);
1178:         /* apply mu relaxations: WORK, make sure that mu is set correctly */
1179:         KSPSolve(asa_next_lev->smoothd, asa_next_lev->b, asa_next_lev->x);
1180:         /* compute new norm */
1181:         MatMult(asa_next_lev->A, asa_next_lev->x, ax);
1182:         VecDot(asa_next_lev->x, ax, &tmp);
1183:         norm = PetscAbsScalar(tmp);
1184:         VecDestroy(&(ax));
1185:         PetscPrintf(asa_next_lev->comm, "Residual norm after Richardson iteration  on level %D: %f\n", asa_next_lev->level, norm);
1186:         /* (i) Check if it already converges by itself */
1187:         if (norm/prevnorm <= pow(asa->epsilon, (PetscReal) asa->mu)) {
1188:           /* relaxation reduces error sufficiently */
1189:           skip_steps_f_i = PETSC_TRUE;
1190:         }
1191:       }
1192:       /* (j) go to next coarser level */
1193:       l++;
1194:       asa_lev = asa_next_lev;
1195:     }
1196:     /* Step 5. */
1197:     asa->levels = asa_next_lev->level; /* WORK: correct? */

1199:     /* Set up direct solvers on coarsest level */
1200:     if (asa_next_lev->smoothd != asa_next_lev->smoothu) {
1201:       if (asa_next_lev->smoothu) { KSPDestroy(&asa_next_lev->smoothu); }
1202:     }
1203:     KSPSetType(asa_next_lev->smoothd, asa->ksptype_direct);
1204:     PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)(asa_next_lev->smoothd), KSPRICHARDSON, &isrichardson);
1205:     if (isrichardson) {
1206:       KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(asa_next_lev->smoothd, PETSC_TRUE);
1207:     } else {
1208:       KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(asa_next_lev->smoothd, PETSC_FALSE);
1209:     }
1210:     KSPGetPC(asa_next_lev->smoothd, &coarse_pc);
1211:     PCSetType(coarse_pc, asa->pctype_direct);
1212:     asa_next_lev->smoothu = asa_next_lev->smoothd;
1213:     PCSetupDirectSolversOnLevel_ASA(asa, asa_next_lev, asa->nu);

1215:     /* update finest-level candidate matrix B_1 = I_2^1 I_3^2 ... I_{L-1}^{L-2} x_{L-1} */
1216:     if (!asa_lev->prev) {
1217:       /* just one relaxation level */
1218:       VecDuplicate(asa_lev->x, &cand_vec);
1219:       VecCopy(asa_lev->x, cand_vec);
1220:     } else {
1221:       /* interpolate up the chain */
1222:       cand_vec = asa_lev->x;
1223:       asa_lev->x = 0;
1224:       while(asa_lev->prev) {
1225:         /* interpolate to higher level */
1226:         MatGetVecs(asa_lev->prev->smP, 0, &cand_vec_new);
1227:         MatMult(asa_lev->prev->smP, cand_vec, cand_vec_new);
1228:         VecDestroy(&(cand_vec));
1229:         cand_vec = cand_vec_new;
1231:         /* destroy all working vectors on the way */
1232:         VecDestroy(&(asa_lev->x));
1233:         VecDestroy(&(asa_lev->b));

1235:         /* move to next higher level */
1236:         asa_lev = asa_lev->prev;
1237:       }
1238:     }
1239:     /* set the first column of B1 */
1240:     PCAddCandidateToB_ASA(asa_lev->B, 0, cand_vec, asa_lev->A);
1241:     VecDestroy(&(cand_vec));

1243:     /* Step 6. Create V-cycle */
1244:     PCCreateVcycle_ASA(asa);
1245:   }
1246:   PetscLogEventEnd(PC_InitializationStage_ASA,0,0,0,0);
1247:   return(0);
1248: }

1250: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1251: /*
1252:    PCApplyVcycleOnLevel_ASA - Applies current V-cycle

1254:    Input Parameters:
1255: +  asa_lev - the current level we should recurse on
1256: -  gamma - the number of recursive cycles we should run

1258: */
1261: PetscErrorCode PCApplyVcycleOnLevel_ASA(PC_ASA_level *asa_lev, PetscInt gamma)
1262: {
1264:   PC_ASA_level   *asa_next_lev;
1265:   PetscInt       g;

1268:   if (!asa_lev) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_NULL, "Level is empty in PCApplyVcycleOnLevel_ASA");
1269:   asa_next_lev = asa_lev->next;

1271:   if (asa_next_lev) {
1272:     /* 1. Presmoothing */
1273:     KSPSolve(asa_lev->smoothd, asa_lev->b, asa_lev->x);
1274:     /* 2. Coarse grid corrections */
1275: /*     MatGetVecs(asa_lev->A, 0, &tmp); */
1276: /*     MatGetVecs(asa_lev->smP, &(asa_next_lev->b), 0); */
1277: /*     MatGetVecs(asa_next_lev->A, &(asa_next_lev->x), 0); */
1278:     for (g=0; g<gamma; g++) {
1279:       /* (a) get coarsened b_{l+1} = (I_{l+1}^l)^T (b_l - A_l x_l) */
1280:       MatMult(asa_lev->A, asa_lev->x, asa_lev->r);
1281:       VecAYPX(asa_lev->r, -1.0, asa_lev->b);
1282:       MatMult(asa_lev->smPt, asa_lev->r, asa_next_lev->b);

1284:       /* (b) Set x_{l+1} = 0 and recurse */
1285:       VecSet(asa_next_lev->x, 0.0);
1286:       PCApplyVcycleOnLevel_ASA(asa_next_lev, gamma);

1288:       /* (c) correct solution x_l = x_l + I_{l+1}^l x_{l+1} */
1289:       MatMultAdd(asa_lev->smP, asa_next_lev->x, asa_lev->x, asa_lev->x);
1290:     }
1291: /*     VecDestroy(&(asa_lev->r)); */
1292: /*     /\* discard x_{l+1}, b_{l+1} *\/ */
1293: /*     VecDestroy(&(asa_next_lev->x)); */
1294: /*     VecDestroy(&(asa_next_lev->b)); */
1296:     /* 3. Postsmoothing */
1297:     KSPSolve(asa_lev->smoothu, asa_lev->b, asa_lev->x);
1298:   } else {
1299:     /* Base case: solve directly */
1300:     KSPSolve(asa_lev->smoothd, asa_lev->b, asa_lev->x);
1301:   }
1302:   return(0);
1303: }

1306: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1307: /*
1308:    PCGeneralSetupStage_ASA - Applies the ASA preconditioner to a vector. Algorithm
1309:                              4 from the ASA paper

1311:    Input Parameters:
1312: +  asa - the data structure for the ASA algorithm
1313: -  cand - a possible candidate vector, if PETSC_NULL, will be constructed randomly

1315:    Output Parameters:
1316: .  cand_added - PETSC_TRUE, if new candidate vector added, PETSC_FALSE otherwise
1317: */
1320: PetscErrorCode PCGeneralSetupStage_ASA(PC_ASA *asa, Vec cand, PetscBool  *cand_added)
1321: {
1323:   PC_ASA_level   *asa_lev, *asa_next_lev;

1325:   PetscRandom    rctx;     /* random number generator context */
1326:   PetscReal      r;
1327:   PetscScalar    rs;
1328:   PetscBool      nd_fast;

1330:   Vec            ax;
1331:   PetscScalar    tmp;
1332:   PetscReal      norm, prevnorm = 0.0;
1333:   PetscInt       c;

1335:   PetscInt       loc_vec_low, loc_vec_high;
1336:   PetscInt       i;

1338:   PetscBool      skip_steps_d_j = PETSC_FALSE;

1340:   PetscInt       *idxm, *idxn;
1341:   PetscScalar    *v;

1343:   Mat            AI;

1345:   Vec            cand_vec, cand_vec_new;

1348:   *cand_added = PETSC_FALSE;
1350:   asa_lev = asa->levellist;
1351:   if (asa_lev == 0) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_NULL, "No levels found in PCGeneralSetupStage_ASA");
1352:   asa_next_lev = asa_lev->next;
1353:   if (asa_next_lev == 0) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_NULL, "Just one level, not implemented yet");
1355:   PetscPrintf(asa_lev->comm, "General setup stage\n");

1357:   PetscLogEventBegin(PC_GeneralSetupStage_ASA,0,0,0,0);

1359:   /* 1. If max. dof per node on level 2 equals K, stop */
1360:   if (asa_next_lev->cand_vecs >= asa->max_dof_lev_2) {
1361:     PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,
1362:                        "Maximum dof on level 2 reached: %D\n"
1363:                        "Consider increasing this limit by setting it with -pc_asa_max_dof_lev_2\n",
1364:                        asa->max_dof_lev_2);
1365:     return(0);
1366:   }

1368:   /* 2. Create copy of B_1 (skipped, we just replace the last column in step 8.) */
1370:   if (!cand) {
1371:     /* 3. Select a random x_1 */
1372:     VecDestroy(&(asa_lev->x));
1373:     MatGetVecs(asa_lev->A, &(asa_lev->x), 0);
1374:     PetscRandomCreate(asa_lev->comm,&rctx);
1375:     PetscRandomSetFromOptions(rctx);
1376:     VecGetOwnershipRange(asa_lev->x, &loc_vec_low, &loc_vec_high);
1377:     for (i=loc_vec_low; i<loc_vec_high; i++) {
1378:       PetscRandomGetValueReal(rctx, &r);
1379:       rs = r;
1380:       VecSetValues(asa_lev->x, 1, &i, &rs, INSERT_VALUES);
1381:     }
1382:     VecAssemblyBegin(asa_lev->x);
1383:     VecAssemblyEnd(asa_lev->x);
1384:     PetscRandomDestroy(&rctx);
1385:   } else {
1386:     VecDestroy(&(asa_lev->x));
1387:     VecDuplicate(cand, &(asa_lev->x));
1388:     VecCopy(cand, asa_lev->x);
1389:   }

1391:   /* create right hand side */
1392:   VecDestroy(&(asa_lev->b));
1393:   MatGetVecs(asa_lev->A, &(asa_lev->b), 0);
1394:   VecSet(asa_lev->b, 0.0);
1396:   /* Apply mu iterations of current V-cycle */
1397:   nd_fast = PETSC_FALSE;
1398:   MatGetVecs(asa_lev->A, 0, &ax);
1399:   for (c=0; c<asa->mu; c++) {
1400:     PCApplyVcycleOnLevel_ASA(asa_lev, asa->gamma);
1402:     MatMult(asa_lev->A, asa_lev->x, ax);
1403:     VecDot(asa_lev->x, ax, &tmp);
1404:     norm = PetscAbsScalar(tmp);
1405:     if (c>0) {
1406:       if (norm/prevnorm < asa->epsilon) {
1407:         nd_fast = PETSC_TRUE;
1408:         break;
1409:       }
1410:     }
1411:     prevnorm = norm;
1412:   }
1413:   VecDestroy(&(ax));

1415:   /* 4. If energy norm decreases sufficiently fast, then stop */
1416:   if (nd_fast) {
1417:     PetscPrintf(asa_lev->comm, "nd_fast is true\n");
1418:     return(0);
1419:   }

1421:   /* 5. Update B_1, by adding new column x_1 */
1422:   if (asa_lev->cand_vecs >= asa->max_cand_vecs) {
1423:     SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_MEM, "Number of candidate vectors will exceed allocated storage space");
1424:   } else {
1425:     PetscPrintf(asa_lev->comm, "Adding candidate vector %D\n", asa_lev->cand_vecs+1);
1426:   }
1427:   PCAddCandidateToB_ASA(asa_lev->B, asa_lev->cand_vecs, asa_lev->x, asa_lev->A);
1428:   *cand_added = PETSC_TRUE;
1429:   asa_lev->cand_vecs++;

1431:   /* 6. loop over levels */
1432:   while(asa_next_lev && asa_next_lev->next) {
1433:     PetscPrintf(asa_lev->comm, "General setup stage: processing level %D\n", asa_next_lev->level);
1434:     /* (a) define B_{l+1} and P_{l+1}^L */
1435:     /* construct P_{l+1}^l */
1436:     PCCreateTransferOp_ASA(asa_lev, PETSC_FALSE);

1438:     /* construct B_{l+1} */
1439:     MatDestroy(&(asa_next_lev->B));
1440:     MatMatMult(asa_lev->Pt, asa_lev->B, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1.0, &(asa_next_lev->B));
1441:     /* do not increase asa_next_lev->cand_vecs until step (j) */
1443:     /* (b) construct prolongator I_{l+1}^l = S_l P_{l+1}^l */
1444:     PCSmoothProlongator_ASA(asa_lev);
1446:     /* (c) construct coarse matrix A_{l+1} = (I_{l+1}^l)^T A_l I_{l+1}^l */
1447:     MatDestroy(&(asa_next_lev->A));
1448:        MatMatMult(asa_lev->A, asa_lev->smP, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1.0, &AI);
1449:     MatMatMult(asa_lev->smPt, AI, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1.0, &(asa_next_lev->A));
1450:     MatDestroy(&AI);
1451:                                  /* MatPtAP(asa_lev->A, asa_lev->smP, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1, &(asa_next_lev->A)); */
1452:     MatGetSize(asa_next_lev->A, PETSC_NULL, &(asa_next_lev->size));
1453:     PCComputeSpectralRadius_ASA(asa_next_lev);
1454:     PCSetupSmoothersOnLevel_ASA(asa, asa_next_lev, asa->mu);

1456:     if (! skip_steps_d_j) {
1457:       /* (d) get vector x_{l+1} from last column in B_{l+1} */
1458:       VecDestroy(&(asa_next_lev->x));
1459:       MatGetVecs(asa_next_lev->B, 0, &(asa_next_lev->x));

1461:       VecGetOwnershipRange(asa_next_lev->x, &loc_vec_low, &loc_vec_high);
1462:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*(loc_vec_high-loc_vec_low), &idxm);
1463:       for (i=loc_vec_low; i<loc_vec_high; i++)
1464:         idxm[i-loc_vec_low] = i;
1465:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscInt)*1, &idxn);
1466:       idxn[0] = asa_next_lev->cand_vecs;

1468:       PetscMalloc(sizeof(PetscScalar)*(loc_vec_high-loc_vec_low), &v);
1469:       MatGetValues(asa_next_lev->B, loc_vec_high-loc_vec_low, idxm, 1, idxn, v);

1471:       VecSetValues(asa_next_lev->x, loc_vec_high-loc_vec_low, idxm, v, INSERT_VALUES);
1472:       VecAssemblyBegin(asa_next_lev->x);
1473:       VecAssemblyEnd(asa_next_lev->x);

1475:       PetscFree(v);
1476:       PetscFree(idxm);
1477:       PetscFree(idxn);
1479:       /* (e) create bridge transfer operator P_{l+2}^{l+1}, by using the previously
1480:          computed candidates */
1481:       PCCreateTransferOp_ASA(asa_next_lev, PETSC_TRUE);

1483:       /* (f) construct bridging prolongator I_{l+2}^{l+1} = S_{l+1} P_{l+2}^{l+1} */
1484:       PCSmoothProlongator_ASA(asa_next_lev);

1486:       /* (g) compute <A_{l+1} x_{l+1}, x_{l+1}> and save it */
1487:       MatGetVecs(asa_next_lev->A, 0, &ax);
1488:       MatMult(asa_next_lev->A, asa_next_lev->x, ax);
1489:       VecDot(asa_next_lev->x, ax, &tmp);
1490:       prevnorm = PetscAbsScalar(tmp);
1491:       VecDestroy(&(ax));

1493:       /* (h) apply mu iterations of current V-cycle */
1494:       /* set asa_next_lev->b */
1495:       VecDestroy(&(asa_next_lev->b));
1496:       VecDestroy(&(asa_next_lev->r));
1497:       MatGetVecs(asa_next_lev->A, &(asa_next_lev->b), &(asa_next_lev->r));
1498:       VecSet(asa_next_lev->b, 0.0);
1499:       /* apply V-cycle */
1500:       for (c=0; c<asa->mu; c++) {
1501:         PCApplyVcycleOnLevel_ASA(asa_next_lev, asa->gamma);
1502:       }

1504:       /* (i) check convergence */
1505:       /* compute <A_{l+1} x_{l+1}, x_{l+1}> and save it */
1506:       MatGetVecs(asa_next_lev->A, 0, &ax);
1507:       MatMult(asa_next_lev->A, asa_next_lev->x, ax);
1508:       VecDot(asa_next_lev->x, ax, &tmp);
1509:       norm = PetscAbsScalar(tmp);
1510:       VecDestroy(&(ax));

1512:       if (norm/prevnorm <= pow(asa->epsilon, (PetscReal) asa->mu)) skip_steps_d_j = PETSC_TRUE;
1514:       /* (j) update candidate B_{l+1} */
1515:       PCAddCandidateToB_ASA(asa_next_lev->B, asa_next_lev->cand_vecs, asa_next_lev->x, asa_next_lev->A);
1516:       asa_next_lev->cand_vecs++;
1517:     }
1518:     /* go to next level */
1519:     asa_lev = asa_lev->next;
1520:     asa_next_lev = asa_next_lev->next;
1521:   }

1523:   /* 7. update the fine-level candidate */
1524:   if (! asa_lev->prev) {
1525:     /* just one coarsening level */
1526:     VecDuplicate(asa_lev->x, &cand_vec);
1527:     VecCopy(asa_lev->x, cand_vec);
1528:   } else {
1529:     cand_vec = asa_lev->x;
1530:     asa_lev->x = 0;
1531:     while(asa_lev->prev) {
1532:       /* interpolate to higher level */
1533:       MatGetVecs(asa_lev->prev->smP, 0, &cand_vec_new);
1534:       MatMult(asa_lev->prev->smP, cand_vec, cand_vec_new);
1535:       VecDestroy(&(cand_vec));
1536:       cand_vec = cand_vec_new;

1538:       /* destroy all working vectors on the way */
1539:       VecDestroy(&(asa_lev->x));
1540:       VecDestroy(&(asa_lev->b));

1542:       /* move to next higher level */
1543:       asa_lev = asa_lev->prev;
1544:     }
1545:   }
1546:   /* 8. update B_1 by setting the last column of B_1 */
1547:   PCAddCandidateToB_ASA(asa_lev->B, asa_lev->cand_vecs-1, cand_vec, asa_lev->A);
1548:   VecDestroy(&(cand_vec));

1550:   /* 9. create V-cycle */
1551:   PCCreateVcycle_ASA(asa);
1553:   PetscLogEventEnd(PC_GeneralSetupStage_ASA,0,0,0,0);
1554:   return(0);
1555: }

1557: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1558: /*
1559:    PCConstructMultigrid_ASA - creates the multigrid preconditionier, this is a fairly
1560:    involved process, which runs extensive testing to compute good candidate vectors

1562:    Input Parameters:
1563: .  pc - the preconditioner context

1565:  */
1568: PetscErrorCode PCConstructMultigrid_ASA(PC pc)
1569: {
1571:   PC_ASA         *asa = (PC_ASA*)pc->data;
1572:   PC_ASA_level   *asa_lev;
1573:   PetscInt       i, ls, le;
1574:   PetscScalar    *d;
1575:   PetscBool      zeroflag = PETSC_FALSE;
1576:   PetscReal      rnorm, rnorm_start;
1577:   PetscReal      rq, rq_prev;
1578:   PetscScalar    rq_nom, rq_denom;
1579:   PetscBool      cand_added;
1580:   PetscRandom    rctx;

1584:   /* check if we should scale with diagonal */
1585:   if (asa->scale_diag) {
1586:     /* Get diagonal scaling factors */
1587:     MatGetVecs(pc->pmat,&(asa->invsqrtdiag),0);
1588:     MatGetDiagonal(pc->pmat,asa->invsqrtdiag);
1589:     /* compute (inverse) sqrt of diagonal */
1590:     VecGetOwnershipRange(asa->invsqrtdiag, &ls, &le);
1591:     VecGetArray(asa->invsqrtdiag, &d);
1592:     for (i=0; i<le-ls; i++) {
1593:       if (d[i] == 0.0) {
1594:         d[i]     = 1.0;
1595:         zeroflag = PETSC_TRUE;
1596:       } else {
1597:         d[i] = 1./PetscSqrtReal(PetscAbsScalar(d[i]));
1598:       }
1599:     }
1600:     VecRestoreArray(asa->invsqrtdiag,&d);
1601:     VecAssemblyBegin(asa->invsqrtdiag);
1602:     VecAssemblyEnd(asa->invsqrtdiag);
1603:     if (zeroflag) {
1604:       PetscInfo(pc,"Zero detected in diagonal of matrix, using 1 at those locations\n");
1605:     }
1607:     /* scale the matrix and store it: D^{-1/2} A D^{-1/2} */
1608:     MatDuplicate(pc->pmat, MAT_COPY_VALUES, &(asa->A)); /* probably inefficient */
1609:     MatDiagonalScale(asa->A, asa->invsqrtdiag, asa->invsqrtdiag);
1610:   } else {
1611:     /* don't scale */
1612:     asa->A = pc->pmat;
1613:   }
1614:   /* Initialization stage */
1615:   PCInitializationStage_ASA(pc, PETSC_NULL);
1617:   /* get first level */
1618:   asa_lev = asa->levellist;

1620:   PetscRandomCreate(asa->comm,&rctx);
1621:   PetscRandomSetFromOptions(rctx);
1622:   VecSetRandom(asa_lev->x,rctx);

1624:   /* compute starting residual */
1625:   VecDestroy(&(asa_lev->r));
1626:   MatGetVecs(asa_lev->A, PETSC_NULL, &(asa_lev->r));
1627:   MatMult(asa_lev->A, asa_lev->x, asa_lev->r);
1628:   /* starting residual norm */
1629:   VecNorm(asa_lev->r, NORM_2, &rnorm_start);
1630:   /* compute Rayleigh quotients */
1631:   VecDot(asa_lev->x, asa_lev->r, &rq_nom);
1632:   VecDot(asa_lev->x, asa_lev->x, &rq_denom);
1633:   rq_prev = PetscAbsScalar(rq_nom / rq_denom);

1635:   /* check if we have to add more candidates */
1636:   for (i=0; i<asa->max_it; i++) {
1637:     if (asa_lev->cand_vecs >= asa->max_cand_vecs) {
1638:       /* reached limit for candidate vectors */
1639:       break;
1640:     }
1641:     /* apply V-cycle */
1642:     PCApplyVcycleOnLevel_ASA(asa_lev, asa->gamma);
1643:     /* check convergence */
1644:     MatMult(asa_lev->A, asa_lev->x, asa_lev->r);
1645:     VecNorm(asa_lev->r, NORM_2, &rnorm);
1646:     PetscPrintf(asa->comm, "After %D iterations residual norm is %f\n", i+1, rnorm);
1647:     if (rnorm < rnorm_start*(asa->rtol) || rnorm < asa->abstol) {
1648:       /* convergence */
1649:       break;
1650:     }
1651:     /* compute new Rayleigh quotient */
1652:     VecDot(asa_lev->x, asa_lev->r, &rq_nom);
1653:     VecDot(asa_lev->x, asa_lev->x, &rq_denom);
1654:     rq = PetscAbsScalar(rq_nom / rq_denom);
1655:     PetscPrintf(asa->comm, "After %D iterations Rayleigh quotient of residual is %f\n", i+1, rq);
1656:     /* test Rayleigh quotient decrease and add more candidate vectors if necessary */
1657:     if (i && (rq > asa->rq_improve*rq_prev)) {
1658:       /* improve interpolation by adding another candidate vector */
1659:       PCGeneralSetupStage_ASA(asa, asa_lev->r, &cand_added);
1660:       if (!cand_added) {
1661:         /* either too many candidates for storage or cycle is already effective */
1662:         PetscPrintf(asa->comm, "either too many candidates for storage or cycle is already effective\n");
1663:         break;
1664:       }
1665:       VecSetRandom(asa_lev->x, rctx);
1666:       rq_prev = rq*10000.; /* give the new V-cycle some grace period */
1667:     } else {
1668:       rq_prev = rq;
1669:     }
1670:   }

1672:   VecDestroy(&(asa_lev->x));
1673:   VecDestroy(&(asa_lev->b));
1674:   PetscRandomDestroy(&rctx);
1675:   asa->multigrid_constructed = PETSC_TRUE;
1676:   return(0);
1677: }

1679: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1680: /*
1681:    PCApply_ASA - Applies the ASA preconditioner to a vector.

1683:    Input Parameters:
1684: .  pc - the preconditioner context
1685: .  x - input vector

1687:    Output Parameter:
1688: .  y - output vector

1690:    Application Interface Routine: PCApply()
1691:  */
1694: PetscErrorCode PCApply_ASA(PC pc,Vec x,Vec y)
1695: {
1696:   PC_ASA         *asa = (PC_ASA*)pc->data;
1697:   PC_ASA_level   *asa_lev;

1702:   if (!asa->multigrid_constructed) {
1703:     PCConstructMultigrid_ASA(pc);
1704:   }

1706:   /* get first level */
1707:   asa_lev = asa->levellist;

1709:   /* set the right hand side */
1710:   VecDuplicate(x, &(asa->b));
1711:   VecCopy(x, asa->b);
1712:   /* set starting vector */
1713:   VecDestroy(&(asa->x));
1714:   MatGetVecs(asa->A, &(asa->x), PETSC_NULL);
1715:   VecSet(asa->x, 0.0);
1717:   /* set vectors */
1718:   asa_lev->x = asa->x;
1719:   asa_lev->b = asa->b;

1721:   PCApplyVcycleOnLevel_ASA(asa_lev, asa->gamma);
1723:   /* Return solution */
1724:   VecCopy(asa->x, y);

1726:   /* delete working vectors */
1727:   VecDestroy(&(asa->x));
1728:   VecDestroy(&(asa->b));
1729:   asa_lev->x = PETSC_NULL;
1730:   asa_lev->b = PETSC_NULL;

1732:   return(0);
1733: }

1735: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1736: /*
1737:    PCApplyRichardson_ASA - Applies the ASA iteration to solve a linear system

1739:    Input Parameters:
1740: .  pc - the preconditioner context
1741: .  b - the right hand side

1743:    Output Parameter:
1744: .  x - output vector

1746:   DOES NOT WORK!!!!!

1748:  */
1751: PetscErrorCode PCApplyRichardson_ASA(PC pc,Vec b,Vec x,Vec w,PetscReal rtol,PetscReal abstol, PetscReal dtol,PetscInt its,PetscBool  guesszero,PetscInt *outits,PCRichardsonConvergedReason *reason)
1752: {
1753:   PC_ASA         *asa = (PC_ASA*)pc->data;
1754:   PC_ASA_level   *asa_lev;
1755:   PetscInt       i;
1756:   PetscReal      rnorm, rnorm_start;

1761:   if (! asa->multigrid_constructed) {
1762:     PCConstructMultigrid_ASA(pc);
1763:   }

1765:   /* get first level */
1766:   asa_lev = asa->levellist;

1768:   /* set the right hand side */
1769:   VecDuplicate(b, &(asa->b));
1770:   if (asa->scale_diag) {
1771:     VecPointwiseMult(asa->b, asa->invsqrtdiag, b);
1772:   } else {
1773:     VecCopy(b, asa->b);
1774:   }
1775:   /* set starting vector */
1776:   VecDuplicate(x, &(asa->x));
1777:   VecCopy(x, asa->x);
1779:   /* compute starting residual */
1780:   VecDestroy(&(asa->r));
1781:   MatGetVecs(asa->A, &(asa->r), PETSC_NULL);
1782:   MatMult(asa->A, asa->x, asa->r);
1783:   VecAYPX(asa->r, -1.0, asa->b);
1784:   /* starting residual norm */
1785:   VecNorm(asa->r, NORM_2, &rnorm_start);

1787:   /* set vectors */
1788:   asa_lev->x = asa->x;
1789:   asa_lev->b = asa->b;

1792:   /* **************** Full algorithm loop *********************************** */
1793:   for (i=0; i<its; i++) {
1794:     /* apply V-cycle */
1795:     PCApplyVcycleOnLevel_ASA(asa_lev, asa->gamma);
1796:     /* check convergence */
1797:     MatMult(asa->A, asa->x, asa->r);
1798:     VecAYPX(asa->r, -1.0, asa->b);
1799:     VecNorm(asa->r, NORM_2, &rnorm);
1800:     PetscPrintf(asa->comm, "After %D iterations residual norm is %f\n", i+1, rnorm);
1801:     if (rnorm < rnorm_start*(rtol)) {
1802:       *reason = PCRICHARDSON_CONVERGED_RTOL;
1803:       break;
1804:     } else if (rnorm < asa->abstol) {
1805:       *reason = PCRICHARDSON_CONVERGED_ATOL;
1806:       break;
1807:     } else if (rnorm > rnorm_start*(dtol)) {
1808:       *reason = PCRICHARDSON_DIVERGED_DTOL;
1809:       break;
1810:     }
1811:   }
1812:   *outits = i;
1814:   /* Return solution */
1815:   if (asa->scale_diag) {
1816:     VecPointwiseMult(x, asa->x, asa->invsqrtdiag);
1817:   } else {
1818:     VecCopy(x, asa->x);
1819:   }

1821:   /* delete working vectors */
1822:   VecDestroy(&(asa->x));
1823:   VecDestroy(&(asa->b));
1824:   VecDestroy(&(asa->r));
1825:   asa_lev->x = PETSC_NULL;
1826:   asa_lev->b = PETSC_NULL;
1827:   return(0);
1828: }

1830: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1831: /*
1832:    PCDestroy_ASA - Destroys the private context for the ASA preconditioner
1833:    that was created with PCCreate_ASA().

1835:    Input Parameter:
1836: .  pc - the preconditioner context

1838:    Application Interface Routine: PCDestroy()
1839: */
1842: static PetscErrorCode PCDestroy_ASA(PC pc)
1843: {
1844:   PC_ASA         *asa;
1845:   PC_ASA_level   *asa_lev;
1846:   PC_ASA_level   *asa_next_level;

1851:   asa = (PC_ASA*)pc->data;
1852:   asa_lev = asa->levellist;

1854:   /* Delete top level data */
1855:   PetscFree(asa->ksptype_smooth);
1856:   PetscFree(asa->pctype_smooth);
1857:   PetscFree(asa->ksptype_direct);
1858:   PetscFree(asa->pctype_direct);
1859:   PetscFree(asa->coarse_mat_type);

1861:   /* this is destroyed by the levels below  */
1862: /*   MatDestroy(&(asa->A)); */
1863:   VecDestroy(&(asa->invsqrtdiag));
1864:   VecDestroy(&(asa->b));
1865:   VecDestroy(&(asa->x));
1866:   VecDestroy(&(asa->r));

1868:   /* Destroy each of the levels */
1869:   while(asa_lev) {
1870:     asa_next_level = asa_lev->next;
1871:     PCDestroyLevel_ASA(asa_lev);
1872:     asa_lev = asa_next_level;
1873:   }

1875:   PetscFree(asa);
1876:   return(0);
1877: }

1881: static PetscErrorCode PCSetFromOptions_ASA(PC pc)
1882: {
1883:   PC_ASA         *asa = (PC_ASA*)pc->data;
1884:   PetscBool      flg;
1886:   char           type[20];

1891:   PetscOptionsHead("ASA options");
1892:   /* convergence parameters */
1893:   PetscOptionsInt("-pc_asa_nu","Number of cycles to run smoother","No manual page yet",asa->nu,&(asa->nu),&flg);
1894:   PetscOptionsInt("-pc_asa_gamma","Number of cycles to run coarse grid correction","No manual page yet",asa->gamma,&(asa->gamma),&flg);
1895:   PetscOptionsReal("-pc_asa_epsilon","Tolerance for the relaxation method","No manual page yet",asa->epsilon,&(asa->epsilon),&flg);
1896:   PetscOptionsInt("-pc_asa_mu","Number of cycles to relax in setup stages","No manual page yet",asa->mu,&(asa->mu),&flg);
1897:   PetscOptionsInt("-pc_asa_mu_initial","Number of cycles to relax for generating first candidate vector","No manual page yet",asa->mu_initial,&(asa->mu_initial),&flg);
1898:   PetscOptionsInt("-pc_asa_direct_solver","For which matrix size should we use the direct solver?","No manual page yet",asa->direct_solver,&(asa->direct_solver),&flg);
1899:   PetscOptionsBool("-pc_asa_scale_diag","Should we scale the matrix with the inverse of its diagonal?","No manual page yet",asa->scale_diag,&(asa->scale_diag),&flg);
1900:   /* type of smoother used */
1901:   PetscOptionsList("-pc_asa_smoother_ksp_type","The type of KSP to be used in the smoothers","No manual page yet",KSPList,asa->ksptype_smooth,type,20,&flg);
1902:   if (flg) {
1903:     PetscFree(asa->ksptype_smooth);
1904:     PetscStrallocpy(type,&(asa->ksptype_smooth));
1905:   }
1906:   PetscOptionsList("-pc_asa_smoother_pc_type","The type of PC to be used in the smoothers","No manual page yet",PCList,asa->pctype_smooth,type,20,&flg);
1907:   if (flg) {
1908:     PetscFree(asa->pctype_smooth);
1909:     PetscStrallocpy(type,&(asa->pctype_smooth));
1910:   }
1911:   PetscOptionsList("-pc_asa_direct_ksp_type","The type of KSP to be used in the direct solver","No manual page yet",KSPList,asa->ksptype_direct,type,20,&flg);
1912:   if (flg) {
1913:     PetscFree(asa->ksptype_direct);
1914:     PetscStrallocpy(type,&(asa->ksptype_direct));
1915:   }
1916:   PetscOptionsList("-pc_asa_direct_pc_type","The type of PC to be used in the direct solver","No manual page yet",PCList,asa->pctype_direct,type,20,&flg);
1917:   if (flg) {
1918:     PetscFree(asa->pctype_direct);
1919:     PetscStrallocpy(type,&(asa->pctype_direct));
1920:   }
1921:   /* options specific for certain smoothers */
1922:   PetscOptionsReal("-pc_asa_richardson_scale","Scaling parameter for preconditioning in relaxation, if smoothing KSP is Richardson","No manual page yet",asa->richardson_scale,&(asa->richardson_scale),&flg);
1923:   PetscOptionsReal("-pc_asa_sor_omega","Scaling parameter for preconditioning in relaxation, if smoothing KSP is Richardson","No manual page yet",asa->sor_omega,&(asa->sor_omega),&flg);
1924:   /* options for direct solver */
1925:   PetscOptionsString("-pc_asa_coarse_mat_type","The coarse level matrix type (e.g. SuperLU, MUMPS, ...)","No manual page yet",asa->coarse_mat_type, type,20,&flg);
1926:   if (flg) {
1927:     PetscFree(asa->coarse_mat_type);
1928:     PetscStrallocpy(type,&(asa->coarse_mat_type));
1929:   }
1930:   /* storage allocation parameters */
1931:   PetscOptionsInt("-pc_asa_max_cand_vecs","Maximum number of candidate vectors","No manual page yet",asa->max_cand_vecs,&(asa->max_cand_vecs),&flg);
1932:   PetscOptionsInt("-pc_asa_max_dof_lev_2","The maximum number of degrees of freedom per node on level 2 (K in paper)","No manual page yet",asa->max_dof_lev_2,&(asa->max_dof_lev_2),&flg);
1933:   /* construction parameters */
1934:   PetscOptionsReal("-pc_asa_rq_improve","Threshold in RQ improvement for adding another candidate","No manual page yet",asa->rq_improve,&(asa->rq_improve),&flg);
1935:   PetscOptionsTail();
1936:   return(0);
1937: }

1941: static PetscErrorCode PCView_ASA(PC pc,PetscViewer viewer)
1942: {
1943:   PC_ASA          *asa = (PC_ASA*)pc->data;
1945:   PetscBool      iascii;
1946:   PC_ASA_level   *asa_lev = asa->levellist;

1949:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERASCII,&iascii);
1950:   if (iascii) {
1951:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  ASA:\n");
1952:     asa_lev = asa->levellist;
1953:     while (asa_lev) {
1954:       if (!asa_lev->next) {
1955:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Coarse grid solver -- level %D -------------------------------\n",0);
1956:       } else {
1957:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Down solver (pre-smoother) on level ? -------------------------------\n");
1958:       }
1959:       PetscViewerASCIIPushTab(viewer);
1960:       KSPView(asa_lev->smoothd,viewer);
1961:       PetscViewerASCIIPopTab(viewer);
1962:       if (asa_lev->next && asa_lev->smoothd == asa_lev->smoothu) {
1963:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Up solver (post-smoother) same as down solver (pre-smoother)\n");
1964:       } else if (asa_lev->next){
1965:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Up solver (post-smoother) on level ? -------------------------------\n");
1966:         PetscViewerASCIIPushTab(viewer);
1967:         KSPView(asa_lev->smoothu,viewer);
1968:         PetscViewerASCIIPopTab(viewer);
1969:       }
1970:       asa_lev = asa_lev->next;
1971:     }
1972:   } else {
1973:     SETERRQ1(((PetscObject)pc)->comm,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Viewer type %s not supported for PCASA",((PetscObject)viewer)->type_name);
1974:   }
1975:   return(0);
1976: }

1978: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1979: /*
1980:    PCCreate_ASA - Creates a ASA preconditioner context, PC_ASA, 
1981:    and sets this as the private data within the generic preconditioning 
1982:    context, PC, that was created within PCCreate().

1984:    Input Parameter:
1985: .  pc - the preconditioner context

1987:    Application Interface Routine: PCCreate()
1988: */
1992: PetscErrorCode  PCCreate_ASA(PC pc)
1993: {
1995:   PC_ASA         *asa;

2000:   /*
2001:       Set the pointers for the functions that are provided above.
2002:       Now when the user-level routines (such as PCApply(), PCDestroy(), etc.)
2003:       are called, they will automatically call these functions.  Note we
2004:       choose not to provide a couple of these functions since they are
2005:       not needed.
2006:   */
2007:   pc->ops->apply               = PCApply_ASA;
2008:   /*  pc->ops->applytranspose      = PCApply_ASA;*/
2009:   pc->ops->applyrichardson     = PCApplyRichardson_ASA;
2010:   pc->ops->setup               = 0;
2011:   pc->ops->destroy             = PCDestroy_ASA;
2012:   pc->ops->setfromoptions      = PCSetFromOptions_ASA;
2013:   pc->ops->view                = PCView_ASA;

2015:   /* Set the data to pointer to 0 */
2016:   pc->data                = (void*)0;

2018:   PetscObjectComposeFunctionDynamic((PetscObject)pc,"PCASASetTolerances_C","PCASASetTolerances_ASA",PCASASetTolerances_ASA);

2020:   /* register events */
2021:   if (! asa_events_registered) {
2022:     PetscLogEventRegister("PCInitializationStage_ASA", PC_CLASSID,&PC_InitializationStage_ASA);
2023:     PetscLogEventRegister("PCGeneralSetupStage_ASA",   PC_CLASSID,&PC_GeneralSetupStage_ASA);
2024:     PetscLogEventRegister("PCCreateTransferOp_ASA",    PC_CLASSID,&PC_CreateTransferOp_ASA);
2025:     PetscLogEventRegister("PCCreateVcycle_ASA",        PC_CLASSID,&PC_CreateVcycle_ASA);
2026:     asa_events_registered = PETSC_TRUE;
2027:   }

2029:   /* Create new PC_ASA object */
2030:   PetscNewLog(pc,PC_ASA,&asa);
2031:   pc->data = (void*)asa;

2033:   /* WORK: find some better initial values  */
2034:   asa->nu             = 3;
2035:   asa->gamma          = 1;
2036:   asa->epsilon        = 1e-4;
2037:   asa->mu             = 3;
2038:   asa->mu_initial     = 20;
2039:   asa->direct_solver  = 100;
2040:   asa->scale_diag     = PETSC_TRUE;
2041:   PetscStrallocpy(KSPRICHARDSON, (char **) &(asa->ksptype_smooth));
2042:   PetscStrallocpy(PCSOR, (char **) &(asa->pctype_smooth));
2043:   asa->smoother_rtol    = 1e-10;
2044:   asa->smoother_abstol  = 1e-20;
2045:   asa->smoother_dtol    = PETSC_DEFAULT;
2046:   PetscStrallocpy(KSPPREONLY, (char **) &(asa->ksptype_direct));
2047:   PetscStrallocpy(PCREDUNDANT, (char **) &(asa->pctype_direct));
2048:   asa->direct_rtol      = 1e-10;
2049:   asa->direct_abstol    = 1e-20;
2050:   asa->direct_dtol      = PETSC_DEFAULT;
2051:   asa->richardson_scale = PETSC_DECIDE;
2052:   asa->sor_omega        = PETSC_DECIDE;
2053:   PetscStrallocpy(MATSAME, (char **) &(asa->coarse_mat_type));

2055:   asa->max_cand_vecs    = 4;
2056:   asa->max_dof_lev_2    = 640; /* I don't think this parameter really matters, 640 should be enough for everyone! */

2058:   asa->multigrid_constructed = PETSC_FALSE;

2060:   asa->rtol       = 1e-10;
2061:   asa->abstol     = 1e-15;
2062:   asa->divtol     = 1e5;
2063:   asa->max_it     = 10000;
2064:   asa->rq_improve = 0.9;
2066:   asa->A           = 0;
2067:   asa->invsqrtdiag = 0;
2068:   asa->b           = 0;
2069:   asa->x           = 0;
2070:   asa->r           = 0;

2072:   asa->levels    = 0;
2073:   asa->levellist = 0;

2075:   asa->comm = ((PetscObject)pc)->comm;
2076:   return(0);
2077: }