#include "petsctao.h" PetscErrorCode TaoSetFromOptions(Tao tao)Collective on Tao
tao | - the Tao solver context |
-tao_type <type> | - The algorithm that TAO uses (lmvm, nls, etc.) | |
-tao_gatol <gatol> | - absolute error tolerance for ||gradient|| | |
-tao_grtol <grtol> | - relative error tolerance for ||gradient|| | |
-tao_gttol <gttol> | - reduction of ||gradient|| relative to initial gradient | |
-tao_max_it <max> | - sets maximum number of iterations | |
-tao_max_funcs <max> | - sets maximum number of function evaluations | |
-tao_fmin <fmin> | - stop if function value reaches fmin | |
-tao_steptol <tol> | - stop if trust region radius less than <tol> | |
-tao_trust0 <t> | - initial trust region radius | |
-tao_monitor | - prints function value and residual at each iteration | |
-tao_smonitor | - same as tao_monitor, but truncates very small values | |
-tao_cmonitor | - prints function value, residual, and constraint norm at each iteration | |
-tao_view_solution | - prints solution vector at each iteration | |
-tao_view_ls_residual | - prints least-squares residual vector at each iteration | |
-tao_view_step | - prints step direction vector at each iteration | |
-tao_view_gradient | - prints gradient vector at each iteration | |
-tao_draw_solution | - graphically view solution vector at each iteration | |
-tao_draw_step | - graphically view step vector at each iteration | |
-tao_draw_gradient | - graphically view gradient at each iteration | |
-tao_fd_gradient | - use gradient computed with finite differences | |
-tao_fd_hessian | - use hessian computed with finite differences | |
-tao_mf_hessian | - use matrix-free hessian computed with finite differences | |
-tao_cancelmonitors | - cancels all monitors (except those set with command line) | |
-tao_view | - prints information about the Tao after solving | |
-tao_converged_reason | - prints the reason TAO stopped iterating |