petsc-3.11.4 2019-09-28
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Create a sub index set from a global index set selecting some components.


#include "petscis.h" 
PetscErrorCode ISCreateSubIS(IS is,IS comps,IS *subis)
Collective on IS

Input Parmeters

is -the index set
comps -which components we will extract from is

Output Parameters

subis -the new sub index set

Example usage

We have an index set (is) living on 3 processes with the following values

| 4 9 0 | 2 6 7 | 10 11 1| and another index set (comps) used to indicate which components of is we want to take, | 7 5 | 1 2 | 0 4|

The output index set (subis) should look like

| 11 7 | 9 0 | 4 6|

See Also

VecGetSubVector(), MatCreateSubMatrix()




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