Actual source code: index.c

petsc-3.11.4 2019-09-28
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  2: /*
  3:    Defines the abstract operations on index sets, i.e. the public interface.
  4: */
  5:  #include <petsc/private/isimpl.h>
  6:  #include <petscviewer.h>
  7:  #include <petscsf.h>

  9: /* Logging support */
 10: PetscClassId IS_CLASSID;

 12: /*@
 13:    ISRenumber - Renumbers an index set (with multiplicities) in a contiguous way.

 15:    Collective on IS

 17:    Input Parmeters:
 18: .  subset - the index set
 19: .  subset_mult - the multiplcity of each entry in subset (optional, can be NULL)

 21:    Output Parameters:
 22: .  N - the maximum entry of the new IS
 23: .  subset_n - the new IS

 25:    Level: intermediate

 27: .seealso:
 28: @*/
 29: PetscErrorCode ISRenumber(IS subset, IS subset_mult, PetscInt *N, IS *subset_n)
 30: {
 31:   PetscSF        sf;
 32:   PetscLayout    map;
 33:   const PetscInt *idxs;
 34:   PetscInt       *leaf_data,*root_data,*gidxs;
 35:   PetscInt       N_n,n,i,lbounds[2],gbounds[2],Nl;
 36:   PetscInt       n_n,nlocals,start,first_index;
 37:   PetscMPIInt    commsize;
 38:   PetscBool      first_found;

 42:   ISGetLocalSize(subset,&n);
 43:   if (subset_mult) {
 45:     ISGetLocalSize(subset,&i);
 46:     if (i != n) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"Local subset and multiplicity sizes don't match! %d != %d",n,i);
 47:   }
 48:   /* create workspace layout for computing global indices of subset */
 49:   ISGetIndices(subset,&idxs);
 50:   lbounds[0] = lbounds[1] = 0;
 51:   for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
 52:     if (idxs[i] < lbounds[0]) lbounds[0] = idxs[i];
 53:     else if (idxs[i] > lbounds[1]) lbounds[1] = idxs[i];
 54:   }
 55:   lbounds[0] = -lbounds[0];
 56:   MPIU_Allreduce(lbounds,gbounds,2,MPIU_INT,MPI_MAX,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)subset));
 57:   gbounds[0] = -gbounds[0];
 58:   N_n= gbounds[1] - gbounds[0] + 1;
 59:   PetscLayoutCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)subset),&map);
 60:   PetscLayoutSetBlockSize(map,1);
 61:   PetscLayoutSetSize(map,N_n);
 62:   PetscLayoutSetUp(map);
 63:   PetscLayoutGetLocalSize(map,&Nl);

 65:   /* create sf : leaf_data == multiplicity of indexes, root data == global index in layout */
 66:   PetscMalloc2(n,&leaf_data,Nl,&root_data);
 67:   if (subset_mult) {
 68:     const PetscInt* idxs_mult;

 70:     ISGetIndices(subset_mult,&idxs_mult);
 71:     PetscMemcpy(leaf_data,idxs_mult,n*sizeof(PetscInt));
 72:     ISRestoreIndices(subset_mult,&idxs_mult);
 73:   } else {
 74:     for (i=0;i<n;i++) leaf_data[i] = 1;
 75:   }
 76:   /* local size of new subset */
 77:   n_n = 0;
 78:   for (i=0;i<n;i++) n_n += leaf_data[i];

 80:   /* global indexes in layout */
 81:   PetscMalloc1(n_n,&gidxs); /* allocating possibly extra space in gidxs which will be used later */
 82:   for (i=0;i<n;i++) gidxs[i] = idxs[i] - gbounds[0];
 83:   ISRestoreIndices(subset,&idxs);
 84:   PetscSFCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)subset),&sf);
 85:   PetscSFSetGraphLayout(sf,map,n,NULL,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,gidxs);
 86:   PetscLayoutDestroy(&map);

 88:   /* reduce from leaves to roots */
 89:   PetscMemzero(root_data,Nl*sizeof(PetscInt));
 90:   PetscSFReduceBegin(sf,MPIU_INT,leaf_data,root_data,MPI_MAX);
 91:   PetscSFReduceEnd(sf,MPIU_INT,leaf_data,root_data,MPI_MAX);

 93:   /* count indexes in local part of layout */
 94:   nlocals = 0;
 95:   first_index = -1;
 96:   first_found = PETSC_FALSE;
 97:   for (i=0;i<Nl;i++) {
 98:     if (!first_found && root_data[i]) {
 99:       first_found = PETSC_TRUE;
100:       first_index = i;
101:     }
102:     nlocals += root_data[i];
103:   }

105:   /* cumulative of number of indexes and size of subset without holes */
106: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_MPI_EXSCAN)
107:   start = 0;
108:   MPI_Exscan(&nlocals,&start,1,MPIU_INT,MPI_SUM,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)subset));
109: #else
110:   MPI_Scan(&nlocals,&start,1,MPIU_INT,MPI_SUM,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)subset));
111:   start = start-nlocals;
112: #endif

114:   if (N) { /* compute total size of new subset if requested */
115:     *N = start + nlocals;
116:     MPI_Comm_size(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)subset),&commsize);
117:     MPI_Bcast(N,1,MPIU_INT,commsize-1,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)subset));
118:   }

120:   /* adapt root data with cumulative */
121:   if (first_found) {
122:     PetscInt old_index;

124:     root_data[first_index] += start;
125:     old_index = first_index;
126:     for (i=first_index+1;i<Nl;i++) {
127:       if (root_data[i]) {
128:         root_data[i] += root_data[old_index];
129:         old_index = i;
130:       }
131:     }
132:   }

134:   /* from roots to leaves */
135:   PetscSFBcastBegin(sf,MPIU_INT,root_data,leaf_data);
136:   PetscSFBcastEnd(sf,MPIU_INT,root_data,leaf_data);
137:   PetscSFDestroy(&sf);

139:   /* create new IS with global indexes without holes */
140:   if (subset_mult) {
141:     const PetscInt* idxs_mult;
142:     PetscInt        cum;

144:     cum = 0;
145:     ISGetIndices(subset_mult,&idxs_mult);
146:     for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
147:       PetscInt j;
148:       for (j=0;j<idxs_mult[i];j++) gidxs[cum++] = leaf_data[i] - idxs_mult[i] + j;
149:     }
150:     ISRestoreIndices(subset_mult,&idxs_mult);
151:   } else {
152:     for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
153:       gidxs[i] = leaf_data[i]-1;
154:     }
155:   }
156:   ISCreateGeneral(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)subset),n_n,gidxs,PETSC_OWN_POINTER,subset_n);
157:   PetscFree2(leaf_data,root_data);
158:   return(0);
159: }

162: /*@
163:    ISCreateSubIS - Create a sub index set from a global index set selecting some components.

165:    Collective on IS

167:    Input Parmeters:
168: .  is - the index set
169: .  comps - which components we will extract from is

171:    Output Parameters:
172: .  subis - the new sub index set

174:    Level: intermediate

176:    Example usage:
177:    We have an index set (is) living on 3 processes with the following values:
178:    | 4 9 0 | 2 6 7 | 10 11 1|
179:    and another index set (comps) used to indicate which components of is  we want to take,
180:    | 7 5  | 1 2 | 0 4|
181:    The output index set (subis) should look like:
182:    | 11 7 | 9 0 | 4 6|

184: .seealso: VecGetSubVector(), MatCreateSubMatrix()
185: @*/
186: PetscErrorCode ISCreateSubIS(IS is,IS comps,IS *subis)
187: {
188:   PetscSF         sf;
189:   const PetscInt  *is_indices,*comps_indices;
190:   PetscInt        *subis_indices,nroots,nleaves,*mine,i,owner,lidx;
191:   PetscSFNode     *remote;
192:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
193:   MPI_Comm        comm;

200:   PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)is, &comm);
201:   ISGetLocalSize(comps,&nleaves);
202:   ISGetLocalSize(is,&nroots);
203:   PetscMalloc1(nleaves,&remote);
204:   PetscMalloc1(nleaves,&mine);
205:   ISGetIndices(comps,&comps_indices);
206:   /*
207:    * Construct a PetscSF in which "is" data serves as roots and "subis" is leaves.
208:    * Root data are sent to leaves using PetscSFBcast().
209:    * */
210:   for (i=0; i<nleaves; i++) {
211:     mine[i] = i;
212:     /* Connect a remote root with the current leaf. The value on the remote root
213:      * will be received by the current local leaf.
214:      * */
215:     owner = -1;
216:     lidx =  -1;
217:     PetscLayoutFindOwnerIndex(is->map,comps_indices[i],&owner, &lidx);
218:     remote[i].rank = owner;
219:     remote[i].index = lidx;
220:   }
221:   ISRestoreIndices(comps,&comps_indices);
222:   PetscSFCreate(comm,&sf);
223:   PetscSFSetFromOptions(sf);\
224:   PetscSFSetGraph(sf,nroots,nleaves,mine,PETSC_OWN_POINTER,remote,PETSC_OWN_POINTER);

226:   PetscMalloc1(nleaves,&subis_indices);
227:   ISGetIndices(is, &is_indices);
228:   PetscSFBcastBegin(sf,MPIU_INT,is_indices,subis_indices);
229:   PetscSFBcastEnd(sf,MPIU_INT,is_indices,subis_indices);
230:   ISRestoreIndices(is,&is_indices);
231:   PetscSFDestroy(&sf);
232:   ISCreateGeneral(comm,nleaves,subis_indices,PETSC_OWN_POINTER,subis);
233:   return(0);
234: }

237: /*@
238:    ISIdentity - Determines whether index set is the identity mapping.

240:    Collective on IS

242:    Input Parmeters:
243: .  is - the index set

245:    Output Parameters:
246: .  ident - PETSC_TRUE if an identity, else PETSC_FALSE

248:    Level: intermediate

250:    Concepts: identity mapping
251:    Concepts: index sets^is identity

253: .seealso: ISSetIdentity()
254: @*/
255: PetscErrorCode  ISIdentity(IS is,PetscBool  *ident)
256: {

262:   *ident = is->isidentity;
263:   if (*ident) return(0);
264:   if (is->ops->identity) {
265:     (*is->ops->identity)(is,ident);
266:   }
267:   return(0);
268: }

270: /*@
271:    ISSetIdentity - Informs the index set that it is an identity.

273:    Logically Collective on IS

275:    Input Parmeters:
276: .  is - the index set

278:    Level: intermediate

280:    Concepts: identity mapping
281:    Concepts: index sets^is identity

283: .seealso: ISIdentity()
284: @*/
285: PetscErrorCode  ISSetIdentity(IS is)
286: {

291:   is->isidentity = PETSC_TRUE;
292:   ISSetPermutation(is);
293:   return(0);
294: }

296: /*@
297:    ISContiguousLocal - Locates an index set with contiguous range within a global range, if possible

299:    Not Collective

301:    Input Parmeters:
302: +  is - the index set
303: .  gstart - global start
304: .  gend - global end

306:    Output Parameters:
307: +  start - start of contiguous block, as an offset from gstart
308: -  contig - PETSC_TRUE if the index set refers to contiguous entries on this process, else PETSC_FALSE

310:    Level: developer

312:    Concepts: index sets^is contiguous

314: .seealso: ISGetLocalSize(), VecGetOwnershipRange()
315: @*/
316: PetscErrorCode  ISContiguousLocal(IS is,PetscInt gstart,PetscInt gend,PetscInt *start,PetscBool *contig)
317: {

324:   if (is->ops->contiguous) {
325:     (*is->ops->contiguous)(is,gstart,gend,start,contig);
326:   } else {
327:     *start  = -1;
328:     *contig = PETSC_FALSE;
329:   }
330:   return(0);
331: }

333: /*@
334:    ISPermutation - PETSC_TRUE or PETSC_FALSE depending on whether the
335:    index set has been declared to be a permutation.

337:    Logically Collective on IS

339:    Input Parmeters:
340: .  is - the index set

342:    Output Parameters:
343: .  perm - PETSC_TRUE if a permutation, else PETSC_FALSE

345:    Level: intermediate

347:   Concepts: permutation
348:   Concepts: index sets^is permutation

350: .seealso: ISSetPermutation()
351: @*/
352: PetscErrorCode  ISPermutation(IS is,PetscBool  *perm)
353: {
357:   *perm = (PetscBool) is->isperm;
358:   return(0);
359: }

361: /*@
362:    ISSetPermutation - Informs the index set that it is a permutation.

364:    Logically Collective on IS

366:    Input Parmeters:
367: .  is - the index set

369:    Level: intermediate

371:   Concepts: permutation
372:   Concepts: index sets^permutation

374:    The debug version of the libraries (./configure --with-debugging=1) checks if the
375:   index set is actually a permutation. The optimized version just believes you.

377: .seealso: ISPermutation()
378: @*/
379: PetscErrorCode  ISSetPermutation(IS is)
380: {
383: #if defined(PETSC_USE_DEBUG)
384:   {
385:     PetscMPIInt    size;

388:     MPI_Comm_size(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)is),&size);
389:     if (size == 1) {
390:       PetscInt       i,n,*idx;
391:       const PetscInt *iidx;

393:       ISGetSize(is,&n);
394:       PetscMalloc1(n,&idx);
395:       ISGetIndices(is,&iidx);
396:       PetscMemcpy(idx,iidx,n*sizeof(PetscInt));
397:       PetscSortInt(n,idx);
398:       for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
399:         if (idx[i] != i) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Index set is not a permutation");
400:       }
401:       PetscFree(idx);
402:       ISRestoreIndices(is,&iidx);
403:     }
404:   }
405: #endif
406:   is->isperm = PETSC_TRUE;
407:   return(0);
408: }

410: /*@
411:    ISDestroy - Destroys an index set.

413:    Collective on IS

415:    Input Parameters:
416: .  is - the index set

418:    Level: beginner

420: .seealso: ISCreateGeneral(), ISCreateStride(), ISCreateBlocked()
421: @*/
422: PetscErrorCode  ISDestroy(IS *is)
423: {

427:   if (!*is) return(0);
429:   if (--((PetscObject)(*is))->refct > 0) {*is = 0; return(0);}
430:   if ((*is)->complement) {
431:     PetscInt refcnt;
432:     PetscObjectGetReference((PetscObject)((*is)->complement), &refcnt);
433:     if (refcnt > 1) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE, "Nonlocal IS has not been restored");
434:     ISDestroy(&(*is)->complement);
435:   }
436:   if ((*is)->ops->destroy) {
437:     (*(*is)->ops->destroy)(*is);
438:   }
439:   PetscLayoutDestroy(&(*is)->map);
440:   /* Destroy local representations of offproc data. */
441:   PetscFree((*is)->total);
442:   PetscFree((*is)->nonlocal);
443:   PetscHeaderDestroy(is);
444:   return(0);
445: }

447: /*@
448:    ISInvertPermutation - Creates a new permutation that is the inverse of
449:                          a given permutation.

451:    Collective on IS

453:    Input Parameter:
454: +  is - the index set
455: -  nlocal - number of indices on this processor in result (ignored for 1 proccessor) or
456:             use PETSC_DECIDE

458:    Output Parameter:
459: .  isout - the inverse permutation

461:    Level: intermediate

463:    Notes:
464:     For parallel index sets this does the complete parallel permutation, but the
465:     code is not efficient for huge index sets (10,000,000 indices).

467:    Concepts: inverse permutation
468:    Concepts: permutation^inverse
469:    Concepts: index sets^inverting
470: @*/
471: PetscErrorCode  ISInvertPermutation(IS is,PetscInt nlocal,IS *isout)
472: {

478:   if (!is->isperm) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Not a permutation, must call ISSetPermutation() on the IS first");
479:   if (is->isidentity) {
480:     ISDuplicate(is,isout);
481:   } else {
482:     (*is->ops->invertpermutation)(is,nlocal,isout);
483:     ISSetPermutation(*isout);
484:   }
485:   return(0);
486: }

488: /*@
489:    ISGetSize - Returns the global length of an index set.

491:    Not Collective

493:    Input Parameter:
494: .  is - the index set

496:    Output Parameter:
497: .  size - the global size

499:    Level: beginner

501:    Concepts: size^of index set
502:    Concepts: index sets^size

504: @*/
505: PetscErrorCode  ISGetSize(IS is,PetscInt *size)
506: {

512:   (*is->ops->getsize)(is,size);
513:   return(0);
514: }

516: /*@
517:    ISGetLocalSize - Returns the local (processor) length of an index set.

519:    Not Collective

521:    Input Parameter:
522: .  is - the index set

524:    Output Parameter:
525: .  size - the local size

527:    Level: beginner

529:    Concepts: size^of index set
530:    Concepts: local size^of index set
531:    Concepts: index sets^local size

533: @*/
534: PetscErrorCode  ISGetLocalSize(IS is,PetscInt *size)
535: {

541:   (*is->ops->getlocalsize)(is,size);
542:   return(0);
543: }

545: /*@C
546:    ISGetIndices - Returns a pointer to the indices.  The user should call
547:    ISRestoreIndices() after having looked at the indices.  The user should
548:    NOT change the indices.

550:    Not Collective

552:    Input Parameter:
553: .  is - the index set

555:    Output Parameter:
556: .  ptr - the location to put the pointer to the indices

558:    Fortran Note:
559:    This routine has two different interfaces from Fortran; the first is not recommend, it does not require Fortran 90
560: $    IS          is
561: $    integer     is_array(1)
562: $    PetscOffset i_is
563: $    int         ierr
564: $       call ISGetIndices(is,is_array,i_is,ierr)
565: $
566: $   Access first local entry in list
567: $      value = is_array(i_is + 1)
568: $
569: $      ...... other code
570: $       call ISRestoreIndices(is,is_array,i_is,ierr)
571:    The second Fortran interface is recommended.
572: $          use petscisdef
573: $          PetscInt, pointer :: array(:)
574: $          PetscErrorCode  ierr
575: $          IS       i
576: $          call ISGetIndicesF90(i,array,ierr)

580:    See the Fortran chapter of the users manual and
581:    petsc/src/is/examples/[tutorials,tests] for details.

583:    Level: intermediate

585:    Concepts: index sets^getting indices
586:    Concepts: indices of index set

588: .seealso: ISRestoreIndices(), ISGetIndicesF90()
589: @*/
590: PetscErrorCode  ISGetIndices(IS is,const PetscInt *ptr[])
591: {

597:   (*is->ops->getindices)(is,ptr);
598:   return(0);
599: }

601: /*@C
602:    ISGetMinMax - Gets the minimum and maximum values in an IS

604:    Not Collective

606:    Input Parameter:
607: .  is - the index set

609:    Output Parameter:
610: +   min - the minimum value
611: -   max - the maximum value

613:    Level: intermediate

615:    Notes:
616:     Empty index sets return min=PETSC_MAX_INT and max=PETSC_MIN_INT.
617:     In parallel, it returns the min and max of the local portion of the IS

619:    Concepts: index sets^getting indices
620:    Concepts: indices of index set

622: .seealso: ISGetIndices(), ISRestoreIndices(), ISGetIndicesF90()
623: @*/
624: PetscErrorCode  ISGetMinMax(IS is,PetscInt *min,PetscInt *max)
625: {
628:   if (min) *min = is->min;
629:   if (max) *max = is->max;
630:   return(0);
631: }

633: /*@
634:   ISLocate - determine the location of an index within the local component of an index set

636:   Not Collective

638:   Input Parameter:
639: + is - the index set
640: - key - the search key

642:   Output Parameter:
643: . location - if >= 0, a location within the index set that is equal to the key, otherwise the key is not in the index set

645:   Level: intermediate
646: @*/
647: PetscErrorCode ISLocate(IS is, PetscInt key, PetscInt *location)
648: {

652:   if (is->ops->locate) {
653:     (*is->ops->locate)(is,key,location);
654:   } else {
655:     PetscInt       numIdx;
656:     PetscBool      sorted;
657:     const PetscInt *idx;

659:     ISGetLocalSize(is,&numIdx);
660:     ISGetIndices(is,&idx);
661:     ISSorted(is,&sorted);
662:     if (sorted) {
663:       PetscFindInt(key,numIdx,idx,location);
664:     } else {
665:       PetscInt i;

667:       *location = -1;
668:       for (i = 0; i < numIdx; i++) {
669:         if (idx[i] == key) {
670:           *location = i;
671:           break;
672:         }
673:       }
674:     }
675:     ISRestoreIndices(is,&idx);
676:   }
677:   return(0);
678: }

680: /*@C
681:    ISRestoreIndices - Restores an index set to a usable state after a call
682:                       to ISGetIndices().

684:    Not Collective

686:    Input Parameters:
687: +  is - the index set
688: -  ptr - the pointer obtained by ISGetIndices()

690:    Fortran Note:
691:    This routine is used differently from Fortran
692: $    IS          is
693: $    integer     is_array(1)
694: $    PetscOffset i_is
695: $    int         ierr
696: $       call ISGetIndices(is,is_array,i_is,ierr)
697: $
698: $   Access first local entry in list
699: $      value = is_array(i_is + 1)
700: $
701: $      ...... other code
702: $       call ISRestoreIndices(is,is_array,i_is,ierr)

704:    See the Fortran chapter of the users manual and
705:    petsc/src/is/examples/[tutorials,tests] for details.

707:    Level: intermediate

709:    Note:
710:    This routine zeros out ptr. This is to prevent accidental us of the array after it has been restored.

712: .seealso: ISGetIndices(), ISRestoreIndicesF90()
713: @*/
714: PetscErrorCode  ISRestoreIndices(IS is,const PetscInt *ptr[])
715: {

721:   if (is->ops->restoreindices) {
722:     (*is->ops->restoreindices)(is,ptr);
723:   }
724:   return(0);
725: }

727: static PetscErrorCode ISGatherTotal_Private(IS is)
728: {
730:   PetscInt       i,n,N;
731:   const PetscInt *lindices;
732:   MPI_Comm       comm;
733:   PetscMPIInt    rank,size,*sizes = NULL,*offsets = NULL,nn;

738:   PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)is,&comm);
739:   MPI_Comm_size(comm,&size);
740:   MPI_Comm_rank(comm,&rank);
741:   ISGetLocalSize(is,&n);
742:   PetscMalloc2(size,&sizes,size,&offsets);

744:   PetscMPIIntCast(n,&nn);
745:   MPI_Allgather(&nn,1,MPI_INT,sizes,1,MPI_INT,comm);
746:   offsets[0] = 0;
747:   for (i=1; i<size; ++i) offsets[i] = offsets[i-1] + sizes[i-1];
748:   N = offsets[size-1] + sizes[size-1];

750:   PetscMalloc1(N,&(is->total));
751:   ISGetIndices(is,&lindices);
752:   MPI_Allgatherv((void*)lindices,nn,MPIU_INT,is->total,sizes,offsets,MPIU_INT,comm);
753:   ISRestoreIndices(is,&lindices);
754:   is->local_offset = offsets[rank];
755:   PetscFree2(sizes,offsets);
756:   return(0);
757: }

759: /*@C
760:    ISGetTotalIndices - Retrieve an array containing all indices across the communicator.

762:    Collective on IS

764:    Input Parameter:
765: .  is - the index set

767:    Output Parameter:
768: .  indices - total indices with rank 0 indices first, and so on; total array size is
769:              the same as returned with ISGetSize().

771:    Level: intermediate

773:    Notes:
774:     this is potentially nonscalable, but depends on the size of the total index set
775:      and the size of the communicator. This may be feasible for index sets defined on
776:      subcommunicators, such that the set size does not grow with PETSC_WORLD_COMM.
777:      Note also that there is no way to tell where the local part of the indices starts
778:      (use ISGetIndices() and ISGetNonlocalIndices() to retrieve just the local and just
779:       the nonlocal part (complement), respectively).

781:    Concepts: index sets^getting nonlocal indices
782: .seealso: ISRestoreTotalIndices(), ISGetNonlocalIndices(), ISGetSize()
783: @*/
784: PetscErrorCode ISGetTotalIndices(IS is, const PetscInt *indices[])
785: {
787:   PetscMPIInt    size;

792:   MPI_Comm_size(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)is), &size);
793:   if (size == 1) {
794:     (*is->ops->getindices)(is,indices);
795:   } else {
796:     if (!is->total) {
797:       ISGatherTotal_Private(is);
798:     }
799:     *indices = is->total;
800:   }
801:   return(0);
802: }

804: /*@C
805:    ISRestoreTotalIndices - Restore the index array obtained with ISGetTotalIndices().

807:    Not Collective.

809:    Input Parameter:
810: +  is - the index set
811: -  indices - index array; must be the array obtained with ISGetTotalIndices()

813:    Level: intermediate

815:    Concepts: index sets^getting nonlocal indices
816:    Concepts: index sets^restoring nonlocal indices
817: .seealso: ISRestoreTotalIndices(), ISGetNonlocalIndices()
818: @*/
819: PetscErrorCode  ISRestoreTotalIndices(IS is, const PetscInt *indices[])
820: {
822:   PetscMPIInt    size;

827:   MPI_Comm_size(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)is), &size);
828:   if (size == 1) {
829:     (*is->ops->restoreindices)(is,indices);
830:   } else {
831:     if (is->total != *indices) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Index array pointer being restored does not point to the array obtained from the IS.");
832:   }
833:   return(0);
834: }
835: /*@C
836:    ISGetNonlocalIndices - Retrieve an array of indices from remote processors
837:                        in this communicator.

839:    Collective on IS

841:    Input Parameter:
842: .  is - the index set

844:    Output Parameter:
845: .  indices - indices with rank 0 indices first, and so on,  omitting
846:              the current rank.  Total number of indices is the difference
847:              total and local, obtained with ISGetSize() and ISGetLocalSize(),
848:              respectively.

850:    Level: intermediate

852:    Notes:
853:     restore the indices using ISRestoreNonlocalIndices().
854:           The same scalability considerations as those for ISGetTotalIndices
855:           apply here.

857:    Concepts: index sets^getting nonlocal indices
858: .seealso: ISGetTotalIndices(), ISRestoreNonlocalIndices(), ISGetSize(), ISGetLocalSize().
859: @*/
860: PetscErrorCode  ISGetNonlocalIndices(IS is, const PetscInt *indices[])
861: {
863:   PetscMPIInt    size;
864:   PetscInt       n, N;

869:   MPI_Comm_size(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)is), &size);
870:   if (size == 1) *indices = NULL;
871:   else {
872:     if (!is->total) {
873:       ISGatherTotal_Private(is);
874:     }
875:     ISGetLocalSize(is,&n);
876:     ISGetSize(is,&N);
877:     PetscMalloc1(N-n, &(is->nonlocal));
878:     PetscMemcpy(is->nonlocal, is->total, sizeof(PetscInt)*is->local_offset);
879:     PetscMemcpy(is->nonlocal+is->local_offset, is->total+is->local_offset+n, sizeof(PetscInt)*(N - is->local_offset - n));
880:     *indices = is->nonlocal;
881:   }
882:   return(0);
883: }

885: /*@C
886:    ISRestoreTotalIndices - Restore the index array obtained with ISGetNonlocalIndices().

888:    Not Collective.

890:    Input Parameter:
891: +  is - the index set
892: -  indices - index array; must be the array obtained with ISGetNonlocalIndices()

894:    Level: intermediate

896:    Concepts: index sets^getting nonlocal indices
897:    Concepts: index sets^restoring nonlocal indices
898: .seealso: ISGetTotalIndices(), ISGetNonlocalIndices(), ISRestoreTotalIndices()
899: @*/
900: PetscErrorCode  ISRestoreNonlocalIndices(IS is, const PetscInt *indices[])
901: {
905:   if (is->nonlocal != *indices) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Index array pointer being restored does not point to the array obtained from the IS.");
906:   return(0);
907: }

909: /*@
910:    ISGetNonlocalIS - Gather all nonlocal indices for this IS and present
911:                      them as another sequential index set.

914:    Collective on IS

916:    Input Parameter:
917: .  is - the index set

919:    Output Parameter:
920: .  complement - sequential IS with indices identical to the result of
921:                 ISGetNonlocalIndices()

923:    Level: intermediate

925:    Notes:
926:     complement represents the result of ISGetNonlocalIndices as an IS.
927:           Therefore scalability issues similar to ISGetNonlocalIndices apply.
928:           The resulting IS must be restored using ISRestoreNonlocalIS().

930:    Concepts: index sets^getting nonlocal indices
931: .seealso: ISGetNonlocalIndices(), ISRestoreNonlocalIndices(),  ISAllGather(), ISGetSize()
932: @*/
933: PetscErrorCode  ISGetNonlocalIS(IS is, IS *complement)
934: {

940:   /* Check if the complement exists already. */
941:   if (is->complement) {
942:     *complement = is->complement;
943:     PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)(is->complement));
944:   } else {
945:     PetscInt       N, n;
946:     const PetscInt *idx;
947:     ISGetSize(is, &N);
948:     ISGetLocalSize(is,&n);
949:     ISGetNonlocalIndices(is, &idx);
950:     ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_SELF, N-n,idx, PETSC_USE_POINTER, &(is->complement));
951:     PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)is->complement);
952:     *complement = is->complement;
953:   }
954:   return(0);
955: }

958: /*@
959:    ISRestoreNonlocalIS - Restore the IS obtained with ISGetNonlocalIS().

961:    Not collective.

963:    Input Parameter:
964: +  is         - the index set
965: -  complement - index set of is's nonlocal indices

967:    Level: intermediate

970:    Concepts: index sets^getting nonlocal indices
971:    Concepts: index sets^restoring nonlocal indices
972: .seealso: ISGetNonlocalIS(), ISGetNonlocalIndices(), ISRestoreNonlocalIndices()
973: @*/
974: PetscErrorCode  ISRestoreNonlocalIS(IS is, IS *complement)
975: {
977:   PetscInt       refcnt;

982:   if (*complement != is->complement) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Complement IS being restored was not obtained with ISGetNonlocalIS()");
983:   PetscObjectGetReference((PetscObject)(is->complement), &refcnt);
984:   if (refcnt <= 1) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Duplicate call to ISRestoreNonlocalIS() detected");
985:   PetscObjectDereference((PetscObject)(is->complement));
986:   return(0);
987: }

989: /*@C
990:    ISView - Displays an index set.

992:    Collective on IS

994:    Input Parameters:
995: +  is - the index set
996: -  viewer - viewer used to display the set, for example PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_SELF.

998:    Level: intermediate

1000: .seealso: PetscViewerASCIIOpen()
1001: @*/
1002: PetscErrorCode  ISView(IS is,PetscViewer viewer)
1003: {

1008:   if (!viewer) {
1009:     PetscViewerASCIIGetStdout(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)is),&viewer);
1010:   }

1014:   PetscObjectPrintClassNamePrefixType((PetscObject)is,viewer);
1015:   (*is->ops->view)(is,viewer);
1016:   return(0);
1017: }

1019: /*@
1020:   ISLoad - Loads a vector that has been stored in binary or HDF5 format with ISView().

1022:   Collective on PetscViewer

1024:   Input Parameters:
1025: + is - the newly loaded vector, this needs to have been created with ISCreate() or some related function before a call to ISLoad().
1026: - viewer - binary file viewer, obtained from PetscViewerBinaryOpen() or HDF5 file viewer, obtained from PetscViewerHDF5Open()

1028:   Level: intermediate

1030:   Notes:
1031:   IF using HDF5, you must assign the IS the same name as was used in the IS
1032:   that was stored in the file using PetscObjectSetName(). Otherwise you will
1033:   get the error message: "Cannot H5DOpen2() with Vec name NAMEOFOBJECT"

1035:   Concepts: index set^loading from file

1037: .seealso: PetscViewerBinaryOpen(), ISView(), MatLoad(), VecLoad()
1038: @*/
1039: PetscErrorCode ISLoad(IS is, PetscViewer viewer)
1040: {
1041:   PetscBool      isbinary, ishdf5;

1047:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject) viewer, PETSCVIEWERBINARY, &isbinary);
1048:   PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject) viewer, PETSCVIEWERHDF5, &ishdf5);
1049:   if (!isbinary && !ishdf5) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Invalid viewer; open viewer with PetscViewerBinaryOpen()");
1050:   if (!((PetscObject)is)->type_name) {ISSetType(is, ISGENERAL);}
1051:   (*is->ops->load)(is, viewer);
1052:   return(0);
1053: }

1055: /*@
1056:    ISSort - Sorts the indices of an index set.

1058:    Collective on IS

1060:    Input Parameters:
1061: .  is - the index set

1063:    Level: intermediate

1065:    Concepts: index sets^sorting
1066:    Concepts: sorting^index set

1068: .seealso: ISSortRemoveDups(), ISSorted()
1069: @*/
1070: PetscErrorCode  ISSort(IS is)
1071: {

1076:   (*is->ops->sort)(is);
1077:   return(0);
1078: }

1080: /*@
1081:   ISSortRemoveDups - Sorts the indices of an index set, removing duplicates.

1083:   Collective on IS

1085:   Input Parameters:
1086: . is - the index set

1088:   Level: intermediate

1090:   Concepts: index sets^sorting
1091:   Concepts: sorting^index set

1093: .seealso: ISSort(), ISSorted()
1094: @*/
1095: PetscErrorCode ISSortRemoveDups(IS is)
1096: {

1101:   (*is->ops->sortremovedups)(is);
1102:   return(0);
1103: }

1105: /*@
1106:    ISToGeneral - Converts an IS object of any type to ISGENERAL type

1108:    Collective on IS

1110:    Input Parameters:
1111: .  is - the index set

1113:    Level: intermediate

1115:    Concepts: index sets^sorting
1116:    Concepts: sorting^index set

1118: .seealso: ISSorted()
1119: @*/
1120: PetscErrorCode  ISToGeneral(IS is)
1121: {

1126:   if (is->ops->togeneral) {
1127:     (*is->ops->togeneral)(is);
1128:   } else SETERRQ1(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)is),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Not written for this type %s",((PetscObject)is)->type_name);
1129:   return(0);
1130: }

1132: /*@
1133:    ISSorted - Checks the indices to determine whether they have been sorted.

1135:    Collective on IS

1137:    Input Parameter:
1138: .  is - the index set

1140:    Output Parameter:
1141: .  flg - output flag, either PETSC_TRUE if the index set is sorted,
1142:          or PETSC_FALSE otherwise.

1144:    Notes:
1145:     For parallel IS objects this only indicates if the local part of the IS
1146:           is sorted. So some processors may return PETSC_TRUE while others may
1147:           return PETSC_FALSE.

1149:    Level: intermediate

1151: .seealso: ISSort(), ISSortRemoveDups()
1152: @*/
1153: PetscErrorCode  ISSorted(IS is,PetscBool  *flg)
1154: {

1160:   (*is->ops->sorted)(is,flg);
1161:   return(0);
1162: }

1164: /*@
1165:    ISDuplicate - Creates a duplicate copy of an index set.

1167:    Collective on IS

1169:    Input Parmeters:
1170: .  is - the index set

1172:    Output Parameters:
1173: .  isnew - the copy of the index set

1175:    Level: beginner

1177:    Concepts: index sets^duplicating

1179: .seealso: ISCreateGeneral(), ISCopy()
1180: @*/
1181: PetscErrorCode  ISDuplicate(IS is,IS *newIS)
1182: {

1188:   (*is->ops->duplicate)(is,newIS);
1189:   (*newIS)->isidentity = is->isidentity;
1190:   (*newIS)->isperm     = is->isperm;
1191:   return(0);
1192: }

1194: /*@
1195:    ISCopy - Copies an index set.

1197:    Collective on IS

1199:    Input Parmeters:
1200: .  is - the index set

1202:    Output Parameters:
1203: .  isy - the copy of the index set

1205:    Level: beginner

1207:    Concepts: index sets^copying

1209: .seealso: ISDuplicate()
1210: @*/
1211: PetscErrorCode  ISCopy(IS is,IS isy)
1212: {

1219:   if (is == isy) return(0);
1220:   (*is->ops->copy)(is,isy);
1221:   isy->isperm     = is->isperm;
1222:   isy->max        = is->max;
1223:   isy->min        = is->min;
1224:   isy->isidentity = is->isidentity;
1225:   return(0);
1226: }

1228: /*@
1229:    ISOnComm - Split a parallel IS on subcomms (usually self) or concatenate index sets on subcomms into a parallel index set

1231:    Collective on IS and comm

1233:    Input Arguments:
1234: + is - index set
1235: . comm - communicator for new index set
1236: - mode - copy semantics, PETSC_USE_POINTER for no-copy if possible, otherwise PETSC_COPY_VALUES

1238:    Output Arguments:
1239: . newis - new IS on comm

1241:    Level: advanced

1243:    Notes:
1244:    It is usually desirable to create a parallel IS and look at the local part when necessary.

1246:    This function is useful if serial ISs must be created independently, or to view many
1247:    logically independent serial ISs.

1249:    The input IS must have the same type on every process.

1251: .seealso: ISSplit()
1252: @*/
1253: PetscErrorCode  ISOnComm(IS is,MPI_Comm comm,PetscCopyMode mode,IS *newis)
1254: {
1256:   PetscMPIInt    match;

1261:   MPI_Comm_compare(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)is),comm,&match);
1262:   if (mode != PETSC_COPY_VALUES && (match == MPI_IDENT || match == MPI_CONGRUENT)) {
1263:     PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)is);
1264:     *newis = is;
1265:   } else {
1266:     (*is->ops->oncomm)(is,comm,mode,newis);
1267:   }
1268:   return(0);
1269: }

1271: /*@
1272:    ISSetBlockSize - informs an index set that it has a given block size

1274:    Logicall Collective on IS

1276:    Input Arguments:
1277: + is - index set
1278: - bs - block size

1280:    Level: intermediate

1282: .seealso: ISGetBlockSize(), ISCreateBlock()
1283: @*/
1284: PetscErrorCode  ISSetBlockSize(IS is,PetscInt bs)
1285: {

1291:   if (bs < 1) SETERRQ1(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)is),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Block size %D, must be positive",bs);
1292:   (*is->ops->setblocksize)(is,bs);
1293:   return(0);
1294: }

1296: /*@
1297:    ISGetBlockSize - Returns the number of elements in a block.

1299:    Not Collective

1301:    Input Parameter:
1302: .  is - the index set

1304:    Output Parameter:
1305: .  size - the number of elements in a block

1307:    Level: intermediate

1309:    Concepts: IS^block size
1310:    Concepts: index sets^block size

1312: .seealso: ISBlockGetSize(), ISGetSize(), ISCreateBlock(), ISSetBlockSize()
1313: @*/
1314: PetscErrorCode  ISGetBlockSize(IS is,PetscInt *size)
1315: {

1319:   PetscLayoutGetBlockSize(is->map, size);
1320:   return(0);
1321: }

1323: PetscErrorCode ISGetIndicesCopy(IS is, PetscInt idx[])
1324: {
1326:   PetscInt       len,i;
1327:   const PetscInt *ptr;

1330:   ISGetSize(is,&len);
1331:   ISGetIndices(is,&ptr);
1332:   for (i=0; i<len; i++) idx[i] = ptr[i];
1333:   ISRestoreIndices(is,&ptr);
1334:   return(0);
1335: }

1337: /*MC
1338:     ISGetIndicesF90 - Accesses the elements of an index set from Fortran90.
1339:     The users should call ISRestoreIndicesF90() after having looked at the
1340:     indices.  The user should NOT change the indices.

1342:     Synopsis:
1343:     ISGetIndicesF90(IS x,{integer, pointer :: xx_v(:)},integer ierr)

1345:     Not collective

1347:     Input Parameter:
1348: .   x - index set

1350:     Output Parameters:
1351: +   xx_v - the Fortran90 pointer to the array
1352: -   ierr - error code

1354:     Example of Usage:
1355: .vb
1356:     PetscInt, pointer xx_v(:)
1357:     ....
1358:     call ISGetIndicesF90(x,xx_v,ierr)
1359:     a = xx_v(3)
1360:     call ISRestoreIndicesF90(x,xx_v,ierr)
1361: .ve

1363:     Level: intermediate

1365: .seealso:  ISRestoreIndicesF90(), ISGetIndices(), ISRestoreIndices()

1367:   Concepts: index sets^getting indices in f90
1368:   Concepts: indices of index set in f90

1370: M*/

1372: /*MC
1373:     ISRestoreIndicesF90 - Restores an index set to a usable state after
1374:     a call to ISGetIndicesF90().

1376:     Synopsis:
1377:     ISRestoreIndicesF90(IS x,{integer, pointer :: xx_v(:)},integer ierr)

1379:     Not collective

1381:     Input Parameters:
1382: .   x - index set
1383: .   xx_v - the Fortran90 pointer to the array

1385:     Output Parameter:
1386: .   ierr - error code

1389:     Example of Usage:
1390: .vb
1391:     PetscInt, pointer xx_v(:)
1392:     ....
1393:     call ISGetIndicesF90(x,xx_v,ierr)
1394:     a = xx_v(3)
1395:     call ISRestoreIndicesF90(x,xx_v,ierr)
1396: .ve

1398:     Level: intermediate

1400: .seealso:  ISGetIndicesF90(), ISGetIndices(), ISRestoreIndices()

1402: M*/

1404: /*MC
1405:     ISBlockGetIndicesF90 - Accesses the elements of an index set from Fortran90.
1406:     The users should call ISBlockRestoreIndicesF90() after having looked at the
1407:     indices.  The user should NOT change the indices.

1409:     Synopsis:
1410:     ISBlockGetIndicesF90(IS x,{integer, pointer :: xx_v(:)},integer ierr)

1412:     Not collective

1414:     Input Parameter:
1415: .   x - index set

1417:     Output Parameters:
1418: +   xx_v - the Fortran90 pointer to the array
1419: -   ierr - error code
1420:     Example of Usage:
1421: .vb
1422:     PetscInt, pointer xx_v(:)
1423:     ....
1424:     call ISBlockGetIndicesF90(x,xx_v,ierr)
1425:     a = xx_v(3)
1426:     call ISBlockRestoreIndicesF90(x,xx_v,ierr)
1427: .ve

1429:     Level: intermediate

1431: .seealso:  ISBlockRestoreIndicesF90(), ISGetIndices(), ISRestoreIndices(),
1432:            ISRestoreIndices()

1434:   Concepts: index sets^getting block indices in f90
1435:   Concepts: indices of index set in f90
1436:   Concepts: block^ indices of index set in f90

1438: M*/

1440: /*MC
1441:     ISBlockRestoreIndicesF90 - Restores an index set to a usable state after
1442:     a call to ISBlockGetIndicesF90().

1444:     Synopsis:
1445:     ISBlockRestoreIndicesF90(IS x,{integer, pointer :: xx_v(:)},integer ierr)

1447:     Not Collective

1449:     Input Parameters:
1450: +   x - index set
1451: -   xx_v - the Fortran90 pointer to the array

1453:     Output Parameter:
1454: .   ierr - error code

1456:     Example of Usage:
1457: .vb
1458:     PetscInt, pointer xx_v(:)
1459:     ....
1460:     call ISBlockGetIndicesF90(x,xx_v,ierr)
1461:     a = xx_v(3)
1462:     call ISBlockRestoreIndicesF90(x,xx_v,ierr)
1463: .ve

1465:     Notes:
1466:     Not yet supported for all F90 compilers

1468:     Level: intermediate

1470: .seealso:  ISBlockGetIndicesF90(), ISGetIndices(), ISRestoreIndices(), ISRestoreIndicesF90()

1472: M*/