#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "mhdf.h"
#include <H5Tpublic.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Macros | |
#define | CHK_ERR(A) |
Functions | |
int | main (int argc, char *argv[]) |
#define CHK_ERR | ( | A | ) |
do \
{ \
if( mhdf_isError( A ) ) \
{ \
fprintf( stderr, "Error: %s\n", mhdf_message( A ) ); \
exit( 2 ); \
} \
} while( 0 )
MOAB, a Mesh-Oriented datABase, is a software component for creating, storing and accessing finite element mesh data.
Copyright 2006 Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Definition at line 56 of file hexes_to_gmsh.c.
int main | ( | int | argc, |
char * | argv[] | ||
) |
Definition at line 66 of file hexes_to_gmsh.c.
67 {
68 /* input file */
69 const char* filename;
70 mhdf_FileHandle file;
71 mhdf_Status status;
72 mhdf_Status* const sptr = &status;
73 hid_t handle; /* generic handle used to refer to any data block in file */
75 /* output file */
76 const char* gmsh_filename;
77 FILE* gmsh;
78 unsigned gmsh_type; /* hexahedral element type number */
79 double x, y, z; /* temp storage of node coordinates */
80 unsigned node_offset, node_id; /* temporary values */
81 unsigned* connectivity; /* temporary value */
83 /* node data */
84 long numnode; /* total number of nodes */
85 long nodestart; /* file id of first node in list */
86 int dimension; /* coordinate values per node */
87 double* nodecoords; /* interleaved node coordinates */
88 unsigned* nodeids; /* GLOBAL_ID value for nodes */
89 int have_nodeids = 0;
91 /* hex data */
92 char* hexgroup = NULL; /* name of element group containing hexes */
93 long numhex; /* total number of hexahedral elements */
94 long hexstart; /* file id of first hex in group */
95 int nodes_per_hex; /* length of connectivity list for a hex */
96 unsigned* hexconnectivity; /* hex connectivity data */
97 unsigned* hexids; /* GLOBAL_ID value for hexes */
98 int have_hexids = 0;
100 /* list of element groups in file */
101 char** elem_groups;
102 unsigned num_elem_groups;
103 char namebuffer[64];
105 /* tag data for accessing GLOBAL_ID */
106 int tagsize; /* number of values for each entity */
107 int ts, td, tg; /* unused tag properties */
108 int havesparse, havedense; /* Boolean values */
109 enum mhdf_TagDataType tagtype; /* base data type of tag */
110 hid_t sparse_handle[2]; /* handle pair for sparse tag data */
111 unsigned* sparse_entities; /* temp storage of sparse tag file ids */
112 unsigned* sparse_ids; /* temp storage of GLOBAL_ID values in spasre tag */
113 long junk, numtag; /* number of entities for which tag data is available */
114 long fileid, globalid; /* temporary values */
115 long ncount = 0, hcount = 0; /* temporary count of number of tag values */
117 /* iteration */
118 long i;
119 int j;
120 unsigned k;
122 /* process CL args (expect input .h5m file and output .gmsh file name) */
123 if( argc != 3 )
124 {
125 fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s <input_file> <output_file>\n", argv[0] );
126 return 1;
127 }
128 filename = argv[1];
129 gmsh_filename = argv[2];
131 /* Open the file */
132 file = mhdf_openFile( filename, 0, 0, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
134 /* Read node coordinates. */
135 handle = mhdf_openNodeCoords( file, &numnode, &dimension, &nodestart, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
136 nodecoords = (double*)malloc( dimension * numnode * sizeof( double ) );
137 mhdf_readNodeCoords( handle, 0, numnode, nodecoords, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
138 mhdf_closeData( file, handle, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
140 /* Find first element group containing hexahedra */
141 elem_groups = mhdf_getElemHandles( file, &num_elem_groups, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
142 for( k = 0; k < num_elem_groups; ++k )
143 {
144 mhdf_getElemTypeName( file, elem_groups[k], namebuffer, sizeof( namebuffer ), sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
145 if( !hexgroup && !strcmp( mdhf_HEX_TYPE_NAME, namebuffer ) )
146 hexgroup = strdup( elem_groups[k] );
147 else
148 printf( "Skipping element group '%s' containing element of type '%s'\n", elem_groups[k], namebuffer );
149 }
150 free( elem_groups );
152 if( !hexgroup )
153 {
154 fprintf( stderr, "No Hexahedra defined in file\n" );
155 return 4;
156 }
158 /* Read Hexahedron connectivity */
159 handle = mhdf_openConnectivity( file, hexgroup, &nodes_per_hex, &numhex, &hexstart, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
160 hexconnectivity = (unsigned*)malloc( numhex * nodes_per_hex * sizeof( unsigned ) );
161 mhdf_readConnectivity( handle, 0, numhex, H5T_NATIVE_UINT, hexconnectivity, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
162 mhdf_closeData( file, handle, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
163 /* Note: hex connectivity list contains file-space node IDs, which are
164 the nodes in the sequence they are read from the file, with
165 the first node having an ID of 'nodestart' */
167 /* Check for "GLOBAL_ID" tag */
168 nodeids = (unsigned*)malloc( numnode * sizeof( unsigned ) );
169 hexids = (unsigned*)malloc( numhex * sizeof( unsigned ) );
170 mhdf_getTagInfo( file, "GLOBAL_ID", &tagtype, &tagsize, &ts, &td, &tg, &havesparse, sptr );
172 /* If have GLOBAL_ID tag, try to read values for nodes and hexes */
173 if( !mhdf_isError( sptr ) )
174 {
175 /* Check that the tag contains what we expect */
176 if( tagtype != mhdf_INTEGER || tagsize != 1 )
177 {
178 fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Invalid data type for 'GLOBAL_ID' tag.\n" );
179 exit( 3 );
180 }
182 /* Check for and read dense-format tag data for nodes */
183 havedense = mhdf_haveDenseTag( file, "GLOBAL_ID", mhdf_node_type_handle(), sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
184 if( havedense )
185 {
186 handle = mhdf_openDenseTagData( file, "GLOBAL_ID", mhdf_node_type_handle(), &numtag, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
187 assert( numtag == numnode );
188 mhdf_readDenseTag( handle, 0, numtag, H5T_NATIVE_UINT, nodeids, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
189 mhdf_closeData( file, handle, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
190 have_nodeids = 1;
191 }
192 /* Check for and read dense-format tag data for hexes */
193 havedense = mhdf_haveDenseTag( file, "GLOBAL_ID", hexgroup, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
194 if( havedense )
195 {
196 handle = mhdf_openDenseTagData( file, "GLOBAL_ID", hexgroup, &numtag, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
197 assert( numtag == numhex );
198 mhdf_readDenseTag( handle, 0, numtag, H5T_NATIVE_UINT, hexids, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
199 mhdf_closeData( file, handle, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
200 have_hexids = 1;
201 }
202 /* Check for and read sparse-format tag data */
203 if( havesparse )
204 {
205 mhdf_openSparseTagData( file, "GLOBAL_ID", &numtag, &junk, sparse_handle, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
206 sparse_entities = (unsigned*)malloc( numtag * sizeof( unsigned ) );
207 mhdf_readSparseTagEntities( sparse_handle[0], 0, numtag, H5T_NATIVE_UINT, sparse_entities, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
208 sparse_ids = (unsigned*)malloc( numtag * sizeof( unsigned ) );
209 mhdf_readSparseTagValues( sparse_handle[1], 0, numtag, H5T_NATIVE_UINT, sparse_ids, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
210 mhdf_closeData( file, sparse_handle[0], sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
211 mhdf_closeData( file, sparse_handle[1], sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
213 /* Set hex and node ids from sparse tag data */
214 for( i = 0; i < numtag; ++i )
215 {
216 fileid = sparse_entities[i];
217 globalid = sparse_ids[i];
218 if( fileid >= nodestart && fileid - nodestart < numnode )
219 {
220 nodeids[fileid - nodestart] = globalid;
221 ++ncount;
222 }
223 else if( fileid >= hexstart && fileid - hexstart < numhex )
224 {
225 hexids[fileid - hexstart] = globalid;
226 ++hcount;
227 }
228 }
229 free( sparse_ids );
230 free( sparse_entities );
232 /* make sure there was an ID for each node and each hex */
233 if( ncount == numnode ) have_nodeids = 1;
234 if( hcount == numhex ) have_hexids = 1;
236 } /* end have sparse tag for GLOBAL_ID */
237 } /* end have GLOBAL_ID tag */
239 /* done with input file */
240 free( hexgroup );
241 mhdf_closeFile( file, sptr );CHK_ERR( sptr );
243 /* if no GLOBAL_ID, just use incrementing values */
244 if( !have_nodeids )
245 for( i = 0; i < numnode; ++i )
246 nodeids[i] = i + 1;
247 if( !have_hexids )
248 for( i = 0; i < numhex; ++i )
249 hexids[i] = i + 1;
251 /* write out as gmesh file version 1.0 */
253 /* get gmsh type for hexahedrons */
254 if( nodes_per_hex == 8 )
255 gmsh_type = 5;
256 else if( nodes_per_hex == 27 )
257 gmsh_type = 12;
258 else
259 {
260 fprintf( stderr, "Cannot store %d node hex in gmsh file.\n", nodes_per_hex );
261 exit( 4 );
262 }
264 /* open file */
265 gmsh = fopen( gmsh_filename, "w" );
267 /* Write node data. If dimension is less than 3,
268 write zero for other coordinate values. In the
269 (highly unlikely) case that dimension is greater
270 than three, disregard higher-dimension coordinate
271 values. */
272 fprintf( gmsh, "$NOD\n" );
273 fprintf( gmsh, "%lu\n", numnode );
274 for( i = 0; i < numnode; ++i )
275 {
276 x = nodecoords[dimension * i];
277 y = z = 0.0;
278 if( dimension > 1 )
279 {
280 y = nodecoords[dimension * i + 1];
281 if( dimension > 2 )
282 {
283 z = nodecoords[dimension * i + 2];
284 }
285 }
286 fprintf( gmsh, "%u %f %f %f\n", nodeids[i], x, y, z );
287 }
289 /* Write element connectivity data */
290 fprintf( gmsh, "$ENDNOD\n$ELM\n" );
291 fprintf( gmsh, "%lu\n", numhex );
292 for( i = 0; i < numhex; ++i )
293 {
294 fprintf( gmsh, "%u %u 1 1 %d", hexids[i], gmsh_type, nodes_per_hex );
295 /* connectivity list for this hex */
296 connectivity = hexconnectivity + i * nodes_per_hex;
297 for( j = 0; j < nodes_per_hex; ++j )
298 {
299 /* get offset in node list from file id */
300 node_offset = connectivity[j] - nodestart;
301 /* get node id from ID list */
302 node_id = nodeids[node_offset];
303 fprintf( gmsh, " %u", node_id );
304 }
305 fprintf( gmsh, "\n" );
306 }
307 fprintf( gmsh, "$ENDELM\n" );
308 fclose( gmsh );
309 return 0;
310 }
References CHK_ERR, mdhf_HEX_TYPE_NAME, mhdf_closeData(), mhdf_closeFile(), mhdf_getElemHandles(), mhdf_getElemTypeName(), mhdf_getTagInfo(), mhdf_haveDenseTag(), mhdf_INTEGER, mhdf_isError(), mhdf_node_type_handle(), mhdf_openConnectivity(), mhdf_openDenseTagData(), mhdf_openFile(), mhdf_openNodeCoords(), mhdf_openSparseTagData(), mhdf_readConnectivity(), mhdf_readNodeCoords(), and mhdf_readSparseTagEntities().