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Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.5.1)
An array-based unstructured mesh library
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1 /** @example GenLargeMesh.cpp \n 2  * \brief Create a large structured mesh, partitioned \n 3  * 4  * It shows how to create a mesh on the fly, on multiple processors 5  * Each processor will create its version of a block mesh, partitioned 6  * as AxBxC blocks. Each block will be with blockSize^3 hexahedrons, and 7  * will get a different PARALLEL_PARTITION tag 8  * 9  * The number of tasks will be MxNxK, and it must match the mpi size 10  * Each task p will generate its mesh at location (m,n,k), and it is 11  * lexicographic ordering: rank = m + n * M + k * M * N 12  * 13  * By default M=1, N=1, K=1, so by default it should be launched on 1 proc 14  * By default, blockSize is 4, and A=2, B=2, C=2, so each task will generate locally 15  * blockSize^3 x A x B x C hexahedrons (value = 64x8 = 512 hexas, in 8 partitions) 16  * (if -t, multiple by 6 for total number of cells/tets) 17  * The total number of partitions will be A*B*C*M*N*K (default 8) 18  * 19  * Each part in partition will get a proper tag, and the numbering is in 20  * lexicographic ordering; x direction varies first, then y, then z. 21  * The same principle is used for global id numbering of the nodes and cells. 22  * (x varies first) 23  * 24  * The vertices will get a proper global id, which will be used to resolve the 25  * shared entities 26  * The output will be written in parallel, and we will try sizes as big as we can 27  * (up to a billion vertices, because we use int for global ids) 28  * 29  * Within each partition, the hexas entity handles will be contiguous, and also the 30  * vertices; The global id will be determined easily, for a vertex, but the entity 31  * handle space will be more interesting to handle, within a partition (we want 32  * contiguous handles within a partition). After merging the vertices, some fragmentation 33  * will occur in the vertices handle space, within each partition. 34  * 35  * To run: ./GenLargeMesh 36  * 37  * When launched on more procs, you have to make sure 38  * num procs = M*N*K 39  * 40  * So you can launch with 41  * mpiexec -np 8 ./GenLargeMesh -M 2 -N 2 -K 2 42  * 43  * We also added -q option; it works now only for hexa mesh, it will generate 44  * quadratic hex27 elements 45  * 46  * -t option will generate tetrahedrons instead of hexahedra. Each hexahedra is 47  * decomposed into 6 tetrahedrons. 48  * 49  * -f option will also generate all edges and faces in the model. 50  * -w will use a newer merging method locally. Merging is necessary to merge 51  * vertices on the local task, and the new method does not use a searching tree, 52  * but rather the global id set on the vertices in a consistent manner 53  * 54  * -d and -i options can be used to add some artificial tags on the model; 55  * you can have multiple -d and -i options; -i <tag_name> will set an integer 56  * tag with name tag_name on the vertices; -d < tag_name2> will generate 57  * double tags on cells (3d elements). You can have multiple tags, like 58  * -i tag1 -i tag2 -i tag3 -d tag4 59  * 60  * -x, -y, -z options will control the geometric dimensions of the final mesh, in 61  * x, y and z directions. 62  * 63  * -o <out_file> controls the name of the output file; it needs to have extension h5m, 64  * because the file is written in parallel. 65  * 66  * -k will keep the edges and faces that are generated as part of resolving shared entities 67  * (by default these edges and faces are removed); when -f option is used, the -k option is 68  * enabled too (so no faces and edges are deleted) 69  * 70  */ 71  72 #include "moab/Core.hpp" 73 #include "moab/ProgOptions.hpp" 74 #include "moab/MeshGeneration.hpp" 75 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI 76 #include "moab/ParallelComm.hpp" 77 #include "MBParallelConventions.h" 78 #endif 79  80 #include <ctime> 81 #include <iostream> 82 #include <vector> 83  84 using namespace moab; 85 using namespace std; 86  87 int main( int argc, char** argv ) 88 { 89  90  bool nosave = false; 91  92 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI 93  MPI_Init( &argc, &argv ); 94 #endif 95  MeshGeneration::BrickOpts bopts; 96  // default options 97  bopts.A = bopts.B = bopts.C = 2; 98  bopts.M = bopts.N = bopts.K = 1; 99  bopts.blockSize = 4; 100  bopts.xsize = bopts.ysize = bopts.zsize = 1.; 101  bopts.ui = CartVect( 1., 0, 0. ); 102  bopts.uj = CartVect( 0., 1., 0. ); 103  bopts.uk = CartVect( 0., 0., 1. ); 104  bopts.newMergeMethod = bopts.quadratic = bopts.keep_skins = bopts.tetra = false; 105  bopts.adjEnts = bopts.parmerge = false; 106  bopts.GL = 0; 107  108  ProgOptions opts; 109  110  opts.addOpt< int >( string( "blockSize,b" ), string( "Block size of mesh (default=4)" ), &bopts.blockSize ); 111  opts.addOpt< int >( string( "xproc,M" ), string( "Number of processors in x dir (default=1)" ), &bopts.M ); 112  opts.addOpt< int >( string( "yproc,N" ), string( "Number of processors in y dir (default=1)" ), &bopts.N ); 113  opts.addOpt< int >( string( "zproc,K" ), string( "Number of processors in z dir (default=1)" ), &bopts.K ); 114  115  opts.addOpt< int >( string( "xblocks,A" ), string( "Number of blocks on a task in x dir (default=2)" ), &bopts.A ); 116  opts.addOpt< int >( string( "yblocks,B" ), string( "Number of blocks on a task in y dir (default=2)" ), &bopts.B ); 117  opts.addOpt< int >( string( "zblocks,C" ), string( "Number of blocks on a task in x dir (default=2)" ), &bopts.C ); 118  119  opts.addOpt< double >( string( "xsize,x" ), string( "Total size in x direction (default=1.)" ), &bopts.xsize ); 120  opts.addOpt< double >( string( "ysize,y" ), string( "Total size in y direction (default=1.)" ), &bopts.ysize ); 121  opts.addOpt< double >( string( "zsize,z" ), string( "Total size in z direction (default=1.)" ), &bopts.zsize ); 122  123  opts.addOpt< void >( "newMerge,w", "use new merging method", &bopts.newMergeMethod ); 124  125  opts.addOpt< void >( "quadratic,q", "use hex 27 elements", &bopts.quadratic ); 126  127  opts.addOpt< void >( "keep_skins,k", "keep skins with shared entities", &bopts.keep_skins ); 128  129  opts.addOpt< void >( "tetrahedrons,t", "generate tetrahedrons", &bopts.tetra ); 130  131  opts.addOpt< void >( "faces_edges,f", "create all faces and edges", &bopts.adjEnts ); 132  133  opts.addOpt< int >( string( "ghost_layers,g" ), string( "Number of ghost layers (default=0)" ), &bopts.GL ); 134  135  vector< string > intTagNames; 136  string firstIntTag; 137  opts.addOpt< string >( "int_tag_vert,i", "add integer tag on vertices", &firstIntTag ); 138  139  vector< string > doubleTagNames; 140  string firstDoubleTag; 141  opts.addOpt< string >( "double_tag_cell,d", "add double tag on cells", &firstDoubleTag ); 142  143  string outFileName = "GenLargeMesh.h5m"; 144  opts.addOpt< string >( "outFile,o", "Specify the output file name string (default GenLargeMesh.h5m)", 145  &outFileName ); 146  147 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_HDF5_PARALLEL 148  bool readb = false; 149  opts.addOpt< void >( "readback,r", "read back the generated mesh", &readb ); 150  151  bool readAndGhost = false; 152  opts.addOpt< void >( "readAndGhost,G", "read back the generated mesh and ghost one layer", &readAndGhost ); 153 #endif 154  155  opts.addOpt< void >( "parallel_merge,p", "use parallel mesh merge, not vertex ID based merge", &bopts.parmerge ); 156  157  opts.addOpt< void >( "no_save,n", "do not save the file", &nosave ); 158  159  opts.parseCommandLine( argc, argv ); 160  161  opts.getOptAllArgs( "int_tag_vert,i", intTagNames ); 162  opts.getOptAllArgs( "double_tag_cell,d", doubleTagNames ); 163  164  if( bopts.adjEnts ) bopts.keep_skins = true; // Do not delete anything 165  166  Interface* mb = new( std::nothrow ) Core; 167  if( NULL == mb ) 168  { 169 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI 170  MPI_Finalize(); 171 #endif 172  return 1; 173  } 174  175  int rank = 0, size = 1; 176  177 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI 178  MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank ); 179  MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size ); 180 #endif 181  182  EntityHandle fileset; 183  ErrorCode rval = mb->create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, fileset );MB_CHK_ERR( rval ); 184 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI 185  ParallelComm* pc = new ParallelComm( mb, MPI_COMM_WORLD ); 186  MeshGeneration* mgen = new MeshGeneration( mb, pc, fileset ); 187 #else 188  MeshGeneration* mgen = new MeshGeneration( mb, 0, fileset ); 189 #endif 190  191  clock_t tt = clock(); 192  193  rval = mgen->BrickInstance( bopts );MB_CHK_ERR( rval ); 194  195  Range all3dcells; 196  rval = mb->get_entities_by_dimension( fileset, 3, all3dcells );MB_CHK_ERR( rval ); 197  198  if( 0 == rank ) 199  { 200  cout << "generate local mesh: " << ( clock() - tt ) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl; 201  tt = clock(); 202  cout << "number of elements on rank 0: " << all3dcells.size() << endl; 203  cout << "Total number of elements " << all3dcells.size() * size << endl; 204  cout << "Element type: " << ( bopts.tetra ? "MBTET" : "MBHEX" ) 205  << " order:" << ( bopts.quadratic ? "quadratic" : "linear" ) << endl; 206  } 207  Range verts; 208  rval = mb->get_entities_by_dimension( 0, 0, verts );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't get all vertices" ); 209  210  if( !nosave ) 211  { 212 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_HDF5_PARALLEL 213  rval = mb->write_file( outFileName.c_str(), 0, ";;PARALLEL=WRITE_PART;CPUTIME;", &fileset, 1 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't write in parallel" ); 214 #else 215  // should be a vtk file, actually, maybe make sure of that 216  rval = mb->write_file( outFileName.c_str(), 0, "", &fileset, 1 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't write in serial" ); 217 #endif 218  if( 0 == rank ) 219  { 220  cout << "write file " << outFileName << " in " << ( clock() - tt ) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" 221  << endl; 222  tt = clock(); 223  } 224  } 225  // delete the mesh that we already have in-memory 226  size_t nLocalVerts = verts.size(); 227  size_t nLocalCells = all3dcells.size(); 228  229  mb->delete_mesh(); 230  231 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_HDF5_PARALLEL 232  if( !nosave && readb ) 233  { 234  // now recreate a core instance and load the file we just wrote out to verify 235  Core mb2; 236  std::string read_opts( "PARALLEL=READ_PART;PARTITION=PARALLEL_PARTITION;PARALLEL_RESOLVE_" 237  "SHARED_ENTS;CPUTIME;" ); 238  if( readAndGhost ) read_opts += "PARALLEL_GHOSTS=3.0.1;"; 239  rval = mb2.load_file( outFileName.c_str(), 0, read_opts.c_str() );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't read in parallel" ); 240  if( 0 == rank ) 241  { 242  cout << "read back file " << outFileName << " with options: \n" 243  << read_opts << " in " << ( clock() - tt ) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl; 244  tt = clock(); 245  } 246  moab::Range nverts, ncells; 247  rval = mb2.get_entities_by_dimension( 0, 0, nverts );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't get all vertices" ); 248  rval = mb2.get_entities_by_dimension( 0, 3, ncells );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't get all 3d cells elements" ); 249  250  if( readAndGhost && size > 1 ) 251  { 252  // filter out the ghost nodes and elements, for comparison with original mesh 253  // first get the parallel comm 254  ParallelComm* pcomm2 = ParallelComm::get_pcomm( &mb2, 0 ); 255  if( NULL == pcomm2 ) MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "can't get parallel comm." ); 256  rval = pcomm2->filter_pstatus( nverts, PSTATUS_GHOST, PSTATUS_NOT );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't filter ghost vertices" ); 257  rval = pcomm2->filter_pstatus( ncells, PSTATUS_GHOST, PSTATUS_NOT );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't filter ghost cells" ); 258  } 259  if( nverts.size() != nLocalVerts && ncells.size() != nLocalCells ) 260  { 261  MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Reading back the output file led to inconsistent number of entities." ); 262  } 263  264  // delete the mesh that we already have in-memory 265  mb2.delete_mesh(); 266  } 267 #endif 268  269 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI 270  MPI_Finalize(); 271 #endif 272  return 0; 273 }