petsc-3.9.4 2018-09-11
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Sets the required information to visualize different fields from a vector.


#include "petscviewer.h" 
#include "petscsys.h"    
PetscErrorCode PetscViewerGLVisSetFields(PetscViewer viewer, PetscInt nf, const char* fec_type[], PetscInt dim[], PetscErrorCode(*g2l)(PetscObject,PetscInt,PetscObject[],void*), PetscObject Vfield[], void* ctx, PetscErrorCode(*destroyctx)(void*))
Logically Collective on PetscViewer

Input Parameters

viewer - the PetscViewer
nf - number of fields to be visualized
fec_type - the type of finite element to be used to visualize the data (see FiniteElementCollection::Name() in MFEM)
dim - array of space dimension for field vectors (used to initialize the scene)
g2lfields - User routine to compute the local field vectors to be visualized; PetscObject is used in place of Vec on the prototype
Vfield - array of work vectors, one for each field
ctx - User context to store the relevant data to apply g2lfields
destroyctx - Destroy function for userctx

Notes: g2lfields is called on the vector V to be visualized in order to extract the relevant dofs to be put in Vfield[], as

For vector spaces, the block size of Vfield[i] represents the vector dimension. It misses the Fortran bindings. The names of the Vfield vectors will be displayed in the window title.

See Also

PetscViewerGLVisOpen(), PetscViewerCreate(), PetscViewerSetType(), PetscObjectSetName()








PetscViewerGLVisSetFields_GLVis(PetscViewer viewer, PetscInt nfields, const char* fec_type[], PetscInt dim[], PetscErrorCode(*g2l)(PetscObject,PetscInt,PetscObject[],void*), PetscObject Vfield[], void* ctx, PetscErrorCode(*destroyctx) in src/sys/classes/viewer/impls/glvis/glvis.c

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