Actual source code: bcgslimpl.h

petsc-3.8.4 2018-03-24
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  1: /*
  2:     Private data structure for BiCGStab(L) solver.
  3:     Allocation takes place before each solve.
  4: */
  7:  #include <petscsys.h>

  9: typedef struct {
 10:   PetscInt  ell;               /* Number of search directions. */
 11:   PetscReal delta;             /* Threshold for recomputing exact residual norm */
 12:   PetscBool bConvex;           /* Compute Enhanced BiCGstab polynomial when set to PETSC_TRUE */
 13:   PetscBool pinv;              /* Use pseudoinverse to calculate polynomial correction when set
 14:                                   to PETSC_TRUE */

 16:   /* Workspace Vectors */
 17:   Vec vB;
 18:   Vec vRt;
 19:   Vec vXr;
 20:   Vec vTm;
 21:   Vec *vvR;
 22:   Vec *vvU;

 24:   /* Workspace Arrays */
 25:   PetscScalar  *vY0c, *vYlc, *vYtc;
 26:   PetscScalar  *mZa, *mZb;
 27:   PetscScalar  *u, *v, *work;
 28:   PetscReal    *s, *realwork;
 29:   PetscBLASInt lwork;
 30: } KSP_BCGSL;

 32: /* predefined shorthands */
 33: #define VX      (ksp->vec_sol)
 34: #define VB      (bcgsl->vB)
 35: #define VRT     (bcgsl->vRt)
 36: #define VXR     (bcgsl->vXr)
 37: #define VTM     (bcgsl->vTm)
 38: #define VVR     (bcgsl->vvR)
 39: #define VVU     (bcgsl->vvU)
 40: #define AY0c    (bcgsl->vY0c)
 41: #define AYtc    (bcgsl->vYtc)
 42: #define AYlc    (bcgsl->vYlc)
 43: #define MZa     (bcgsl->mZa)
 44: #define MZb     (bcgsl->mZb)

 46: #endif