ex1.c: Tests VecView() contour plotting for 2d DMDAs
ex2.c: Tests DMDAGlobalToNaturalAllCreate() using contour plotting for 2d DMDAs
ex3.c: Tests DMCreateInterpolation() for nonuniform DMDA coordinates
ex4.c: Demonstrates various vector routines for DMDA
ex5.c: Tests DMDAGetElements() and VecView() contour plotting for 2d DMDAs
ex6.c: \n\n
ex7.c: Demonstrates using PetscViewerPushFormat(viewer,PETSC_VIEWER_BINARY_MATLAB)\n\n
ex8.c: Tests imbedding DMComposites inside DMComposites
ex9.c: Demonstrates HDF5 vector input/ouput\n\n
ex10.c: Test to write HDF5 file from PETSc DMDA Vec
ex12.c: Tests DMGetGlobalVector() and DMRestoreGlobalVector()
ex15.c: Tests VecView() functionality with DMDA objects when using:
ex51.c: Tests DMDAVecGetArrayDOF()\n
ex65dm.c: Tests coarsening with DM
swarm_ex1.c: Tests DMSwarm\n\n