petsc-3.8.4 2018-03-24
Report Typos and Errors


Returns the trajectory sensitivities


#include "petscts.h"  
PetscErrorCode TSForwardGetSensitivities(TS ts,PetscInt *nump,Vec **sp,PetscInt *num,Vec **s)
Not Collective, but Vec returned is parallel if TS is parallel

Output Parameter

ts - the TS context obtained from TSCreate()
nump - number of parameters
sp - sensitivities with respect to the parameters, the number of entries in these vectors is the same as the number of parameters
num - number of initial values
s - sensitivities with respect to the (selected) initial condition variables, the dimension and parallel layout of these vectors is the same as the ODE solution vector


TS, forward sensitivity

See Also

TSForwardSetSensitivities(), TSForwardSetIntegralGradients(), TSForwardGetIntegralGradients(), TSForwardStep()

Index of all TS routines
Table of Contents for all manual pages
Index of all manual pages