A boundary may be of type DM_BOUNDARY_NONE (no ghost nodes), DM_BOUNDARY_GHOSTED (ghost vertices/cells exist but aren't filled, you can put values into them and then apply a stencil that uses those ghost locations), DM_BOUNDARY_MIRROR (the ghost value is the same as the value 1 grid point in; that is the 0th grid point in the real mesh acts like a mirror to define the ghost point value; not yet implemented for 3d), DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC (ghost vertices/cells filled by the opposite edge of the domain), or DM_BOUNDARY_TWIST (like periodic, only glued backwards like a Mobius strip).
Note: This is information for the boundary of the __PHYSICAL__ domain. It has nothing to do with boundaries between processes, that width is always determined by the stencil width, see DMDASetStencilWidth().
Note: If the physical grid points have values 0 1 2 3 with DM_BOUNDARY_MIRROR then the local vector with ghost points has the values 1 0 1 2 3 2
Developer notes: Should DM_BOUNDARY_MIRROR have the same meaning with DMDA_Q0, that is a staggered grid? In that case should the ghost point have the same value as the 0th grid point where the physical boundary serves as the mirror?
References: http://scicomp.stackexchange.com/questions/5355/writing-the-poisson-equation-finite-difference-matrix-with-neumann-boundary-cond
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