petsc-3.8.4 2018-03-24
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String with the name of a VecTagger type


typedef const char* VecTaggerType;
/* tag where the vector values are in a box of explicitly defined values */
#define VECTAGGERABSOLUTE   "absolute"
/* tag where the vector values are in a box of values relative to the set of all values in the vector */
#define VECTAGGERRELATIVE   "relative"
/* tag where the vector values are in a relative range of the *cumulative distribution* of values in the vector */
#define VECTAGGERCDF        "cdf"
/* tag a vector as the union of other tags */
#define VECTAGGEROR         "or"
/* tag a vector as the intersection of other tags */
#define VECTAGGERAND        "and"

Index of all Vec routines
Table of Contents for all manual pages
Index of all manual pages