petsc-3.8.4 2018-03-24
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Set interpolation matrices for AMS/ADS preconditioner


#include "petscpc.h" 
PetscErrorCode PCHYPRESetInterpolations(PC pc, PetscInt dim, Mat RT_PiFull, Mat RT_Pi[], Mat ND_PiFull, Mat ND_Pi[])
Collective on PC

Input Parameters

pc - the preconditioning context
dim - the dimension of the problem, only used in AMS
RT_PiFull -Raviart-Thomas interpolation matrix
RT_Pi -x/y/z component of Raviart-Thomas interpolation matrix
ND_PiFull -Nedelec interpolation matrix
ND_Pi -x/y/z component of Nedelec interpolation matrix

Notes: For AMS, only Nedelec interpolation matrices are needed, the Raviart-Thomas interpolation matrices can be set to NULL. For ADS, both type of interpolation matrices are needed.

See Also

Index of all PC routines
Table of Contents for all manual pages
Index of all manual pages