petsc-3.8.4 2018-03-24
Report Typos and Errors


Sets the linear operator representing \int_\Omega \div {\bf u} \cdot p dx


#include "petscpc.h" 
PetscErrorCode PCBDDCSetDivergenceMat(PC pc, Mat divudotp, PetscBool trans, IS vl2l)
Collective on PC

Input Parameters

pc - the preconditioning context
divudotp - the matrix (must be of type MATIS)
trans - if trans if false (resp. true), then pressures are in the test (trial) space and velocities are in the trial (test) space.
vl2l - optional IS describing the local (wrt the local mat in divudotp) to local (wrt the local mat in pc->pmat) map for the velocities

Notes: This auxiliary matrix is used to compute quadrature weights representing the net-flux across subdomain boundaries

See Also


Index of all PC routines
Table of Contents for all manual pages
Index of all manual pages