petsc-3.8.4 2018-03-24
Report Typos and Errors


Set point coordinates in a DMSwarm on a regular (ijk) grid


#include "petscdmswarm.h"   
PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DMSwarmSetPointsUniformCoordinates(DM dm,PetscReal min[],PetscReal max[],PetscInt npoints[],InsertMode mode)
Collective on DM

Input parameters

dm - the DMSwarm
min - minimum coordinate values in the x, y, z directions (array of length dim)
max - maximum coordinate values in the x, y, z directions (array of length dim)
npoints - number of points in each spatial direction (array of length dim)
mode - indicates whether to append points to the swarm (ADD_VALUES), or over-ride existing points (INSERT_VALUES)


When using mode = INSERT_VALUES, this method will reset the number of particles in the DMSwarm to be npoints[0]*npoints[1] (2D) or npoints[0]*npoints[1]*npoints[2] (3D). When using mode = ADD_VALUES, new points will be appended to any already existing in the DMSwarm

See Also

DMSwarmSetType(), DMSwarmSetCellDM(), DMSwarmType

Index of all DMSWARM routines
Table of Contents for all manual pages
Index of all manual pages