petsc-3.8.4 2018-03-24
Report Typos and Errors


remove a callback from the list of hooks to be run when restricting a nonlinear problem to the coarse grid


#include "petscdm.h"          
#include "petscdmlabel.h"     
#include "petscds.h"     
PetscErrorCode DMCoarsenHookRemove(DM fine,PetscErrorCode (*coarsenhook)(DM,DM,void*),PetscErrorCode (*restricthook)(DM,Mat,Vec,Mat,DM,void*),void *ctx)
Logically Collective

Input Arguments

fine - nonlinear solver context on which to run a hook when restricting to a coarser level
coarsenhook - function to run when setting up a coarser level
restricthook - function to run to update data on coarser levels (once per SNESSolve())
ctx - [optional] user-defined context for provide data for the hooks (may be NULL)


This function does nothing if the hook is not in the list.

This function is currently not available from Fortran.

See Also

DMCoarsenHookAdd(), DMRefineHookAdd(), SNESFASGetInterpolation(), SNESFASGetInjection(), PetscObjectCompose(), PetscContainerCreate()

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