petsc-3.7.3 2016-08-01
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Data passed into the matrix factorization routines, and information about the resulting factorization


typedef struct {
  PetscReal     diagonal_fill;  /* force diagonal to fill in if initially not filled */
  PetscReal     usedt;
  PetscReal     dt;             /* drop tolerance */
  PetscReal     dtcol;          /* tolerance for pivoting */
  PetscReal     dtcount;        /* maximum nonzeros to be allowed per row */
  PetscReal     fill;           /* expected fill, nonzeros in factored matrix/nonzeros in original matrix */
  PetscReal     levels;         /* ICC/ILU(levels) */
  PetscReal     pivotinblocks;  /* for BAIJ and SBAIJ matrices pivot in factorization on blocks, default 1.0
                                   factorization may be faster if do not pivot */
  PetscReal     zeropivot;      /* pivot is called zero if less than this */
  PetscReal     shifttype;      /* type of shift added to matrix factor to prevent zero pivots */
  PetscReal     shiftamount;     /* how large the shift is */
} MatFactorInfo;
In Fortran these are simply double precision arrays of size MAT_FACTORINFO_SIZE, that is use
    MatFactorInfo  info(MAT_FACTORINFO_SIZE)

Notes: These are not usually directly used by users, instead use PC type of LU, ILU, CHOLESKY or ICC.

You can use MatFactorInfoInitialize() to set default values.

See Also

MatLUFactorSymbolic(), MatILUFactorSymbolic(), MatCholeskyFactorSymbolic(), MatICCFactorSymbolic(), MatICCFactor(),

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