petsc-3.7.3 2016-08-01
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Produce the element Jacobian for a chunk of elements by quadrature integration


#include "petscfe.h" 
PetscErrorCode PetscFERefine(PetscFE fe, PetscFE *feRef)
Not collective

Input Parameters

fem - The PetscFE object for the field being integrated
prob - The PetscDS specifying the discretizations and continuum functions
jtype - The type of matrix pointwise functions that should be used
fieldI - The test field being integrated
fieldJ - The basis field being integrated
Ne - The number of elements in the chunk
geom - The cell geometry for each cell in the chunk
coefficients - The array of FEM basis coefficients for the elements for the Jacobian evaluation point
coefficients_t - The array of FEM basis time derivative coefficients for the elements
probAux - The PetscDS specifying the auxiliary discretizations
coefficientsAux - The array of FEM auxiliary basis coefficients for the elements

Output Parameter

elemMat -the element matrices for the Jacobian from each element


Loop over batch of elements (e):
  Loop over element matrix entries (f,fc,g,gc --> i,j):
    Loop over quadrature points (q):
      Make u_q and gradU_q (loops over fields,Nb,Ncomp)
        elemMat[i,j] += \psi^{fc}_f(q) g0_{fc,gc}(u, \nabla u) \phi^{gc}_g(q)
                     + \psi^{fc}_f(q) \cdot g1_{fc,gc,dg}(u, \nabla u) \nabla\phi^{gc}_g(q)
                     + \nabla\psi^{fc}_f(q) \cdot g2_{fc,gc,df}(u, \nabla u) \phi^{gc}_g(q)
                     + \nabla\psi^{fc}_f(q) \cdot g3_{fc,gc,df,dg}(u, \nabla u) \nabla\phi^{gc}_g(q)
*/ PetscErrorCode PetscFEIntegrateJacobian(PetscFE fem, PetscDS prob, PetscFEJacobianType jtype, PetscInt fieldI, PetscInt fieldJ, PetscInt Ne, PetscFECellGeom *geom, const PetscScalar coefficients[], const PetscScalar coefficients_t[], PetscDS probAux, const PetscScalar coefficientsAux[], PetscScalar elemMat[]) { PetscErrorCode ierr;

PetscFunctionBegin; PetscValidHeaderSpecific(fem, PETSCFE_CLASSID, 1); if (fem->ops->integratejacobian) {ierr = (*fem->ops->integratejacobian)(fem, prob, jtype, fieldI, fieldJ, Ne, geom, coefficients, coefficients_t, probAux, coefficientsAux, elemMat);CHKERRQ(ierr);} PetscFunctionReturn(0); }

#undef __FUNCT__ #define __FUNCT__ "PetscFEIntegrateBdJacobian" /*C PetscFEIntegrateBdJacobian - Produce the boundary element Jacobian for a chunk of elements by quadrature integration

Not collective

Input Parameters

fem = The PetscFE object for the field being integrated- . prob - The PetscDS specifying the discretizations and continuum functions
fieldI - The test field being integrated
fieldJ - The basis field being integrated
Ne - The number of elements in the chunk
geom - The cell geometry for each cell in the chunk
coefficients - The array of FEM basis coefficients for the elements for the Jacobian evaluation point
coefficients_t - The array of FEM basis time derivative coefficients for the elements
probAux - The PetscDS specifying the auxiliary discretizations
coefficientsAux - The array of FEM auxiliary basis coefficients for the elements

Output Parameter

elemMat -the element matrices for the Jacobian from each element


Loop over batch of elements (e):
  Loop over element matrix entries (f,fc,g,gc --> i,j):
    Loop over quadrature points (q):
      Make u_q and gradU_q (loops over fields,Nb,Ncomp)
        elemMat[i,j] += \psi^{fc}_f(q) g0_{fc,gc}(u, \nabla u) \phi^{gc}_g(q)
                     + \psi^{fc}_f(q) \cdot g1_{fc,gc,dg}(u, \nabla u) \nabla\phi^{gc}_g(q)
                     + \nabla\psi^{fc}_f(q) \cdot g2_{fc,gc,df}(u, \nabla u) \phi^{gc}_g(q)
                     + \nabla\psi^{fc}_f(q) \cdot g3_{fc,gc,df,dg}(u, \nabla u) \nabla\phi^{gc}_g(q)
*/ PetscErrorCode PetscFEIntegrateBdJacobian(PetscFE fem, PetscDS prob, PetscInt fieldI, PetscInt fieldJ, PetscInt Ne, PetscFECellGeom *geom, const PetscScalar coefficients[], const PetscScalar coefficients_t[], PetscDS probAux, const PetscScalar coefficientsAux[], PetscScalar elemMat[]) { PetscErrorCode ierr;

PetscFunctionBegin; PetscValidHeaderSpecific(fem, PETSCFE_CLASSID, 1); if (fem->ops->integratebdjacobian) {ierr = (*fem->ops->integratebdjacobian)(fem, prob, fieldI, fieldJ, Ne, geom, coefficients, coefficients_t, probAux, coefficientsAux, elemMat);CHKERRQ(ierr);} PetscFunctionReturn(0); }

#undef __FUNCT__ #define __FUNCT__ "PetscFERefine" /*@ PetscFERefine - Create a "refined" PetscFE object that refines the reference cell into smaller copies. This is typically used to precondition a higher order method with a lower order method on a refined mesh having the same number of dofs (but more sparsity). It is also used to create an interpolation between regularly refined meshes.

Input Parameter

fe -The initial PetscFE

Output Parameter

feRef -The refined PetscFE

See Also

PetscFEType, PetscFECreate(), PetscFESetType()

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