petsc-3.6.4 2016-04-12
Report Typos and Errors


String with the name of a PETSc preconditioner method.


typedef const char* PCType;
#define PCNONE            "none"
#define PCJACOBI          "jacobi"
#define PCSOR             "sor"
#define PCLU              "lu"
#define PCSHELL           "shell"
#define PCBJACOBI         "bjacobi"
#define PCMG              "mg"
#define PCEISENSTAT       "eisenstat"
#define PCILU             "ilu"
#define PCICC             "icc"
#define PCASM             "asm"
#define PCGASM            "gasm"
#define PCKSP             "ksp"
#define PCCOMPOSITE       "composite"
#define PCREDUNDANT       "redundant"
#define PCSPAI            "spai"
#define PCNN              "nn"
#define PCCHOLESKY        "cholesky"
#define PCPBJACOBI        "pbjacobi"
#define PCMAT             "mat"
#define PCHYPRE           "hypre"
#define PCPARMS           "parms"
#define PCFIELDSPLIT      "fieldsplit"
#define PCTFS             "tfs"
#define PCML              "ml"
#define PCGALERKIN        "galerkin"
#define PCEXOTIC          "exotic"
#define PCCP              "cp"
#define PCBFBT            "bfbt"
#define PCLSC             "lsc"
#define PCPYTHON          "python"
#define PCPFMG            "pfmg"
#define PCSYSPFMG         "syspfmg"
#define PCREDISTRIBUTE    "redistribute"
#define PCSVD             "svd"
#define PCGAMG            "gamg"
#define PCSACUSP          "sacusp"        /* these four run on NVIDIA GPUs using CUSP */
#define PCSACUSPPOLY      "sacusppoly"
#define PCBICGSTABCUSP    "bicgstabcusp"
#define PCAINVCUSP        "ainvcusp"
#define PCBDDC            "bddc"
#define PCKACZMARZ        "kaczmarz"

Notes: Click on the links below to see details on a particular solver

PCRegister() is used to register preconditioners that are then accessible via PCSetType()

See Also

PCSetType(), PC, PCCreate(), PCRegister(), PCSetFromOptions()

Index of all PC routines
Table of Contents for all manual pages
Index of all manual pages