petsc-3.6.4 2016-04-12
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Solve the Schur complement system computed by MUMPS during the factorization step


#include "petscmat.h"  
PetscErrorCode MatMumpsSolveSchurComplement(Mat F, Vec rhs, Vec sol)
Logically Collective on Mat

Input Parameters

F - the factored matrix obtained by calling MatGetFactor() from PETSc-MUMPS interface
rhs - location where the right hand side of the Schur complement system is stored
sol - location where the solution of the Schur complement system has to be returned


MUMPS Schur complement mode is currently implemented for sequential matrices. The sizes of the vectors should match the size of the Schur complement

References: MUMPS Users' Guide

See Also

MatGetFactor(), MatMumpsSetSchurIndices()

Index of all Mat routines
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Index of all manual pages