petsc-3.6.1 2015-08-06
Gets the global degree-of-freedom for the first field (component) defined on an array of locally owned MOAB mesh vertices. It's utility is when performing Finite-Difference type calculations where vertex traversal is faster than element-wise assembly that is typically done in FEM calculations.
#include "petscdmmoab.h"
PetscErrorCode DMMoabGetVertexDofsBlocked(DM dm,PetscInt** dof)
Not Collective
Input Parameters
Output Parameter
| dm | - the discretization manager object
discretization manager, get, blocked degrees of freedom
See Also
DMMoabGetVertexDofsBlockedLocal(), DMMoabGetDofsBlocked(), DMMoabGetDofsBlockedLocal()
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| dof | - the blocked global degree-of-freedom index array in the discrete representation (Vec, Mat) that is vertex-based based on local numbering