Beginner - Basic usage |
DMADDAGetCorners |
DMMeshGetChart |
DMPlexCreate |
DMADDAGetGhostCorners |
DMMeshGetCone |
DMPlexCreateBoxMesh |
DMMeshGetConeSize |
DMPlexCreateCGNS |
DMADDAMatSetValues |
DMMeshGetDimension |
DMPlexCreateExodus |
DMCartesianCreate |
DMMeshGetLabelIdIS |
DMPlexCreateFromCellList |
DMCompositeGetNumberDM |
DMMeshGetLabelSize |
DMPlexGetChart |
DMCreate |
DMMeshGetLabelValue |
DMPlexGetCone |
DMCreateGlobalVector |
DMMeshGetMaxSizes |
DMPlexGetConeOrientation |
DMCreateLocalVector |
DMMeshGetMaximumDegree |
DMPlexGetConeSize |
DMCreateMatrix |
DMMeshGetStratumIS |
DMPlexGetDimension |
DMDABoundaryType |
DMMeshGetStratumSize |
DMPlexGetLabelIdIS |
DMDACreate1d |
DMMeshGetSupport |
DMPlexGetLabelSize |
DMDACreate2d |
DMMeshGetSupportSize |
DMPlexGetLabelValue |
DMDACreate3d |
DMMeshGetTransitiveClosure |
DMPlexGetMaxSizes |
DMDAElementType |
DMMeshRestrictVector |
DMPlexGetStratumIS |
DMDAGetBoundingBox |
DMMeshSetChart |
DMPlexGetStratumSize |
DMDAGetCorners |
DMMeshSetCone |
DMPlexGetSupport |
DMDAGetGhostCorners |
DMMeshSetConeSize |
DMPlexGetSupportSize |
DMDAGetInfo |
DMMeshSetDimension |
DMPlexGetTransitiveClosure |
DMDAGetLocalBoundingBox |
DMMeshSetLabelValue |
DMPlexRestoreTransitiveClosure |
DMDAGetLocalInfo |
DMMeshSetUp |
DMPlexSetChart |
DMDAInterpolationType |
DMMeshStratify |
DMPlexSetCone |
DMDALocalInfo |
DMMeshSymmetrize |
DMPlexSetConeOrientation |
DMDASetUniformCoordinates |
DMMeshViewExodusSplit |
DMPlexSetConeSize |
DMDAStencilType |
DMMoabCreate |
DMPlexSetDimension |
DMMoabCreateVector |
DMPlexSetLabelValue |
DMMoabGetBlockSize |
DMPlexSetSupport |
DMGetGlobalVector |
DMMoabGetInterface |
DMPlexSetSupportSize |
DMGetLocalVector |
DMMoabGetLocalToGlobalTag |
DMPlexStratify |
DMGlobalToLocalBegin |
DMMoabGetParallelComm |
DMPlexSymmetrize |
DMGlobalToLocalEnd |
DMMoabGetRange |
DMRestoreGlobalVector |
DMLocalToGlobalBegin |
DMMoabGetVecRange |
DMRestoreLocalVector |
DMLocalToGlobalEnd |
DMMoabGetVecTag |
SectionIntView |
DMMeshAssembleMatrixDM |
DMMoabSetBlockSize |
SectionRealView |
DMMeshAssembleVector |
DMMoabSetInterface |
VecLoadExodusCell |
DMMeshAssembleVectorComplete |
DMMoabSetLocalToGlobalTag |
VecLoadExodusCellSet |
DMMeshClone |
DMMoabSetParallelComm |
VecLoadExodusVertex |
DMMeshCreate |
DMMoabSetRange |
VecLoadExodusVertexSet |
DMMeshCreateExodus |
DMPatchCreate |
VecViewExodusCell |
DMMeshCreateExodusNG |
DMPlexClearLabelStratum |
VecViewExodusCellSet |
DMMeshCreateMeshFromAdjacency |
DMPlexClearLabelValue |
VecViewExodusVertex |
DMMeshCreatePCICE |
DMPlexClone |
VecViewExodusVertexSet |
Intermediate - Setting options for algorithms and data structures |
BCSectionGetArray |
DMDASetStencilType |
DMPlexInterpolate |
BCSectionRealCreate |
DMDASetStencilWidth |
DMPlexMatSetClosure |
BCSectionRealGetArray |
DMDAVecGetArray |
DMPlexPointGlobalRead |
DMADDACreate |
DMDAVecGetArrayDOF |
DMPlexPointGlobalRef |
DMDAVecRestoreArray |
DMPlexPointLocalRead |
DMCompositeGetLocalISs |
DMDAVecRestoreArrayDOF |
DMPlexPointLocalRef |
DMComputeVariableBounds |
DMGetApplicationContext |
DMPlexRestoreJoin |
DMConvert |
DMGetBlockSize |
DMPlexRestoreMeet |
DMCreateAggregates |
DMGetCoordinateDM |
DMPlexSetCoordinateSection |
DMCreateDefaultSF |
DMGetCoordinates |
DMPlexVecGetClosure |
DMCreateDomainDecomposition |
DMGetCoordinatesLocal |
DMPlexVecRestoreClosure |
DMCreateFieldDecomposition |
DMGetDefaultGlobalSection |
DMPlexVecSetClosure |
DMCreateFieldIS |
DMGetDefaultSF |
DMCreateSubDM |
DMGetDefaultSection |
DMGetLocalToGlobalMapping |
DMSetApplicationContext |
DMDACoor2d |
DMGetLocalToGlobalMappingBlock |
DMSetApplicationContextDestroy |
DMDACoor3d |
DMGetPointSF |
DMSetCoordinates |
DMGetType |
DMSetCoordinatesLocal |
DMDAGetCoordinateName |
DMLoad |
DMSetDefaultGlobalSection |
DMDAGetElementType |
DMMeshCreateSectionRealIS |
DMSetDefaultSF |
DMDAGetElements |
DMMeshDistribute |
DMSetDefaultSection |
DMDAGetFieldName |
DMMeshGenerate |
DMSetMatType |
DMDAGetGlobalIndices |
DMMeshGetCellSectionInt |
DMSetPointSF |
DMDAGetGlobalIndicesF90 |
DMMeshGetCellSectionReal |
DMSetType |
DMDAGetInterpolationType |
DMMeshGetCoordinates |
DMSetVariableBounds |
DMDAGetNeighbors |
DMMeshGetElements |
DMSetVecType |
DMDAGetNonOverlappingRegion |
DMMeshGetSectionInt |
DMDAGetNumLocalSubDomains |
DMMeshGetSectionReal |
DMDAGetOffset |
DMMeshGetVertexSectionInt |
MatCreateSeqUSFFT |
DMDAGetOverlap |
DMMeshGetVertexSectionReal |
MatGetDM |
DMDAGetOwnershipRanges |
DMMeshHasSectionInt |
MatSetDM |
DMDAGetReducedDMDA |
DMMeshHasSectionReal |
MatSetValuesTopology |
DMDAGetRefinementFactor |
DMMeshRefine |
MatSetupDM |
DMDALocalToLocalBegin |
DMMeshSetSectionInt |
PetscDTGaussJacobiQuadrature |
DMDALocalToLocalEnd |
DMMeshSetSectionReal |
PetscDTGaussQuadrature |
DMDANaturalToGlobalEnd |
DMMeshSetupSection |
PetscDTLegendreEval |
DMDARestoreElements |
SectionGetArray |
DMDASetBoundaryType |
DMPlexCopyCoordinates |
SectionIntDistribute |
DMDASetCoordinateName |
DMPlexCreateLabel |
SectionIntRestrictClosureWithArray |
DMDASetDim |
DMPlexDistribute |
SectionIntSet |
DMDASetDof |
DMPlexGenerate |
SectionIntUpdateClosure |
DMDASetElementType |
DMPlexGetCoordinateSection |
SectionRealAXPY |
DMDASetFieldName |
DMPlexGetFullJoin |
SectionRealDistribute |
DMDASetInterpolationType |
DMPlexGetFullMeet |
SectionRealNorm |
DMDASetNonOverlappingRegion |
DMPlexGetJoin |
SectionRealRestrictClosure |
DMDASetNumLocalSubDomains |
DMPlexGetLabel |
SectionRealRestrictClosureWithArray |
DMDASetNumProcs |
DMPlexGetLabelName |
SectionRealSet |
DMDASetOffset |
DMPlexGetMeet |
SectionRealToVecDM |
DMDASetOverlap |
DMPlexGetNumLabels |
SectionRealUpdateClosure |
DMDASetOwnershipRanges |
DMPlexGetPointGlobal |
VecGetDM |
DMDASetRefinementFactor |
DMPlexGetPointLocal |
VecSetDM |
DMDASetSizes |
DMPlexHasLabel |
Advanced - Setting more advanced options and customization |
DMCartesianGetMesh |
DMMeshCreateGlobalScatter |
SectionIntAddSpace |
DMCartesianSetMesh |
DMMeshCreateMatrix |
SectionIntAllocate |
DMCoarsenHookAdd |
DMMeshCreateScatterToZeroCell |
SectionIntClear |
DMCompositeAddDM |
DMMeshCreateScatterToZeroCellSet |
SectionIntComplete |
DMCompositeCreate |
DMMeshCreateScatterToZeroVertex |
SectionIntCreate |
DMCompositeGather |
DMMeshCreateScatterToZeroVertexSet |
SectionIntDestroy |
DMCompositeGatherArray |
DMMeshCreateVector |
SectionIntGetBundle |
DMCompositeGetAccess |
DMMeshGetGlobalScatter |
SectionIntGetFiberDimension |
DMCompositeGetAccessArray |
DMMeshGetMesh |
SectionIntGetFibration |
DMCompositeGetEntries |
DMMeshLoad |
SectionIntGetSection |
DMCompositeGetEntriesArray |
DMMeshSetMesh |
SectionIntGetSize |
DMCompositeGetGlobalISs |
DMPlexComputeCellGeometry |
SectionIntRestrict |
DMCompositeGetISLocalToGlobalMappings |
DMPlexComputeCellGeometryFVM |
SectionIntSetBundle |
DMCompositeGetLocalVectors |
DMPlexCreateRigidBody |
SectionIntSetFiberDimension |
DMCompositeRestoreAccess |
DMRedundantCreate |
SectionIntSetFiberDimensionField |
DMCompositeRestoreAccessArray |
DMRedundantGetSize |
SectionIntSetSection |
DMCompositeRestoreLocalVectors |
DMRedundantSetSize |
SectionIntUpdate |
DMCompositeScatter |
DMRefineHookAdd |
SectionIntZero |
DMCompositeScatterArray |
DMRegister |
SectionRealAddSpace |
DMCompositeSetCoupling |
DMRegisterAll |
SectionRealAllocate |
DMDACreate |
DMSetOptionsPrefix |
SectionRealClear |
DMDACreatePF |
DMShellCreate |
SectionRealComplete |
DMDAGetArray |
DMShellSetCreateGlobalVector |
SectionRealCreate |
DMDAGetLogicalCoordinate |
DMShellSetCreateLocalVector |
SectionRealCreateLocalVector |
DMDAGetProcessorSubset |
DMShellSetCreateMatrix |
SectionRealDestroy |
DMDAGetProcessorSubsets |
DMShellSetGlobalToLocal |
SectionRealDuplicate |
DMDAGetRay |
DMShellSetGlobalToLocalVecScatter |
SectionRealGetBundle |
DMDAGlobalToNaturalAllCreate |
DMShellSetGlobalVector |
SectionRealGetFiberDimension |
DMDAGlobalToNaturalBegin |
DMShellSetLocalToGlobal |
SectionRealGetFibration |
DMDAGlobalToNaturalEnd |
DMShellSetLocalToGlobalVecScatter |
SectionRealGetSection |
DMDANaturalAllToGlobalCreate |
DMShellSetLocalVector |
SectionRealGetSize |
DMDANaturalToGlobalBegin |
DMShellSetMatrix |
SectionRealRestrict |
DMDARestoreArray |
DMSlicedCreate |
SectionRealSetBundle |
DMGlobalToLocalBeginDefaultShell |
DMSlicedSetBlockFills |
SectionRealSetFiberDimension |
DMGlobalToLocalEndDefaultShell |
DMSlicedSetGhosts |
SectionRealSetFiberDimensionField |
DMGlobalToLocalHookAdd |
DMSlicedSetPreallocation |
SectionRealSetSection |
DMLocalToGlobalBeginDefaultShell |
DMSubDomainHookAdd |
SectionRealToVec |
DMLocalToGlobalEndDefaultShell |
PCICERenumberBoundary |
SectionRealUpdate |
DMMeshCreateGlobalRealVector |
PetscDTReconstructPoly |
SectionRealZero |
Developer - Interfaces intended primarily for library developers, not for typical applications programmers |
ADDAHCiter |
DMGetNamedGlobalVector |
DMPlexGetDepthStratum |
ADDAHCiterStartup |
DMGetNamedLocalVector |
DMPlexGetHeightStratum |
DMADDASetRefinement |
DMGetRefineLevel |
DMPlexGetSubpointMap |
DMClearGlobalVectors |
DMGetWorkArray |
DMPlexLabelCohesiveComplete |
DMCoarsen |
DMHasColoring |
DMPlexLabelComplete |
DMCoarsenHierarchy |
DMHasVariableBounds |
DMPlexMarkBoundaryFaces |
DMCreateColoring |
DMInitializePackage |
DMPlexProjectFunction |
DMCreateDomainDecompositionScatters |
DMInterpolate |
DMPlexRemoveLabel |
DMCreateInjection |
DMLabelHasPoint |
DMPlexVTKWriteAll |
DMCreateInterpolation |
DMLocatePoints |
DMRefine |
DMCreateInterpolationScale |
DMMeshSetMaxDof |
DMRefineHierarchy |
DMDAConvertToCell |
DMPlexAddLabel |
DMRestoreNamedGlobalVector |
DMDACreateNaturalVector |
DMPlexComputeJacobianActionFEM |
DMRestoreNamedLocalVector |
DMDACreatePatchIS |
DMPlexComputeJacobianFEM |
DMRestoreWorkArray |
DMDACreateSection |
DMPlexComputeL2Diff |
DMRestrict |
DMDAGetScatter |
DMPlexComputeResidualFEM |
DMSetFromOptions |
DMDASetBlockFills |
DMPlexConstructCohesiveCells |
DMSetMatrixPreallocateOnly |
DMDASetGetMatrix |
DMPlexConstructGhostCells |
DMSetUp |
DMPlexCreateSection |
DMSetVec |
DMDestroy |
DMPlexCreateSubmesh |
DMSubDomainRestrict |
DMFinalizePackage |
DMPlexCreateSubpointIS |
DMView |
DMGetCoarsenLevel |
DMPlexGetDepth |
PetscSectionCreateGlobalSectionLabel |
No deprecated routines |