Actual source code: axpy.c

petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11
  2: #include <petsc-private/matimpl.h>  /*I   "petscmat.h"  I*/

  6: /*@
  7:    MatAXPY - Computes Y = a*X + Y.

  9:    Logically  Collective on Mat

 11:    Input Parameters:
 12: +  a - the scalar multiplier
 13: .  X - the first matrix
 14: .  Y - the second matrix
 16:          or SUBSET_NONZERO_PATTERN (nonzeros of X is a subset of Y's)

 18:    Level: intermediate

 20: .keywords: matrix, add

 22: .seealso: MatAYPX()
 23:  @*/
 24: PetscErrorCode  MatAXPY(Mat Y,PetscScalar a,Mat X,MatStructure str)
 25: {
 27:   PetscInt       m1,m2,n1,n2;

 33:   MatGetSize(X,&m1,&n1);
 34:   MatGetSize(Y,&m2,&n2);
 35:   if (m1 != m2 || n1 != n2) SETERRQ4(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ,"Non conforming matrix add: %D %D %D %D",m1,m2,n1,n2);

 37:   PetscLogEventBegin(MAT_AXPY,Y,0,0,0);
 38:   if (Y->ops->axpy) {
 39:     (*Y->ops->axpy)(Y,a,X,str);
 40:   } else {
 41:     MatAXPY_Basic(Y,a,X,str);
 42:   }
 43:   PetscLogEventEnd(MAT_AXPY,Y,0,0,0);
 44: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_CUSP)
 45:   if (Y->valid_GPU_matrix != PETSC_CUSP_UNALLOCATED) {
 46:     Y->valid_GPU_matrix = PETSC_CUSP_CPU;
 47:   }
 48: #endif
 49:   return(0);
 50: }

 54: PetscErrorCode MatAXPY_Basic(Mat Y,PetscScalar a,Mat X,MatStructure str)
 55: {
 56:   PetscInt          i,start,end,j,ncols,m,n;
 57:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
 58:   const PetscInt    *row;
 59:   PetscScalar       *val;
 60:   const PetscScalar *vals;

 63:   MatGetSize(X,&m,&n);
 64:   MatGetOwnershipRange(X,&start,&end);
 65:   if (a == 1.0) {
 66:     for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
 67:       MatGetRow(X,i,&ncols,&row,&vals);
 68:       MatSetValues(Y,1,&i,ncols,row,vals,ADD_VALUES);
 69:       MatRestoreRow(X,i,&ncols,&row,&vals);
 70:     }
 71:   } else {
 72:     PetscMalloc((n+1)*sizeof(PetscScalar),&val);
 73:     for (i=start; i<end; i++) {
 74:       MatGetRow(X,i,&ncols,&row,&vals);
 75:       for (j=0; j<ncols; j++) {
 76:         val[j] = a*vals[j];
 77:       }
 78:       MatSetValues(Y,1,&i,ncols,row,val,ADD_VALUES);
 79:       MatRestoreRow(X,i,&ncols,&row,&vals);
 80:     }
 81:     PetscFree(val);
 82:   }
 83:   MatAssemblyBegin(Y,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
 84:   MatAssemblyEnd(Y,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
 85:   return(0);
 86: }

 90: PetscErrorCode MatAXPY_BasicWithPreallocation(Mat B,Mat Y,PetscScalar a,Mat X,MatStructure str)
 91: {
 92:   PetscInt          i,start,end,j,ncols,m,n;
 93:   PetscErrorCode    ierr;
 94:   const PetscInt    *row;
 95:   PetscScalar       *val;
 96:   const PetscScalar *vals;

 99:   MatGetSize(X,&m,&n);
100:   MatGetOwnershipRange(X,&start,&end);
101:   if (a == 1.0) {
102:     for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
103:       MatGetRow(Y,i,&ncols,&row,&vals);
104:       MatSetValues(B,1,&i,ncols,row,vals,ADD_VALUES);
105:       MatRestoreRow(Y,i,&ncols,&row,&vals);

107:       MatGetRow(X,i,&ncols,&row,&vals);
108:       MatSetValues(B,1,&i,ncols,row,vals,ADD_VALUES);
109:       MatRestoreRow(X,i,&ncols,&row,&vals);
110:     }
111:   } else {
112:     PetscMalloc((n+1)*sizeof(PetscScalar),&val);
113:     for (i=start; i<end; i++) {
114:       MatGetRow(Y,i,&ncols,&row,&vals);
115:       MatSetValues(B,1,&i,ncols,row,vals,ADD_VALUES);
116:       MatRestoreRow(Y,i,&ncols,&row,&vals);

118:       MatGetRow(X,i,&ncols,&row,&vals);
119:       for (j=0; j<ncols; j++) {
120:         val[j] = a*vals[j];
121:       }
122:       MatSetValues(B,1,&i,ncols,row,val,ADD_VALUES);
123:       MatRestoreRow(X,i,&ncols,&row,&vals);
124:     }
125:     PetscFree(val);
126:   }
127:   MatAssemblyBegin(B,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
128:   MatAssemblyEnd(B,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
129:   return(0);
130: }

134: /*@
135:    MatShift - Computes Y =  Y + a I, where a is a PetscScalar and I is the identity matrix.

137:    Neighbor-wise Collective on Mat

139:    Input Parameters:
140: +  Y - the matrices
141: -  a - the PetscScalar 

143:    Level: intermediate

145: .keywords: matrix, add, shift

147: .seealso: MatDiagonalSet()
148:  @*/
149: PetscErrorCode  MatShift(Mat Y,PetscScalar a)
150: {
152:   PetscInt       i,start,end;

156:   if (!Y->assembled) SETERRQ(((PetscObject)Y)->comm,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"Not for unassembled matrix");
157:   if (Y->factortype) SETERRQ(((PetscObject)Y)->comm,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"Not for factored matrix");
158:   MatCheckPreallocated(Y,1);

160:   if (Y->ops->shift) {
161:     (*Y->ops->shift)(Y,a);
162:   } else {
163:     PetscScalar alpha = a;
164:     MatGetOwnershipRange(Y,&start,&end);
165:     for (i=start; i<end; i++) {
166:       MatSetValues(Y,1,&i,1,&i,&alpha,ADD_VALUES);
167:     }
168:     MatAssemblyBegin(Y,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
169:     MatAssemblyEnd(Y,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
170:   }
171: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_CUSP)
172:   if (Y->valid_GPU_matrix != PETSC_CUSP_UNALLOCATED) {
173:     Y->valid_GPU_matrix = PETSC_CUSP_CPU;
174:   }
175: #endif
176:   return(0);
177: }

181: PetscErrorCode  MatDiagonalSet_Default(Mat Y,Vec D,InsertMode is)
182: {
184:   PetscInt       i,start,end,vstart,vend;
185:   PetscScalar    *v;

188:   VecGetOwnershipRange(D,&vstart,&vend);
189:   MatGetOwnershipRange(Y,&start,&end);
190:   if (vstart != start || vend != end) SETERRQ4(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ,"Vector ownership range not compatible with matrix: %D %D vec %D %D mat",vstart,vend,start,end);
191:   VecGetArray(D,&v);
192:   for (i=start; i<end; i++) {
193:     MatSetValues(Y,1,&i,1,&i,v+i-start,is);
194:   }
195:   VecRestoreArray(D,&v);
196:   MatAssemblyBegin(Y,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
197:   MatAssemblyEnd(Y,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
198:   return(0);
199: }

203: /*@
204:    MatDiagonalSet - Computes Y = Y + D, where D is a diagonal matrix
205:    that is represented as a vector. Or Y[i,i] = D[i] if InsertMode is

208:    Input Parameters:
209: +  Y - the input matrix
210: .  D - the diagonal matrix, represented as a vector

213:    Neighbor-wise Collective on Mat and Vec

215:    Level: intermediate

217: .keywords: matrix, add, shift, diagonal

219: .seealso: MatShift()
220: @*/
221: PetscErrorCode  MatDiagonalSet(Mat Y,Vec D,InsertMode is)
222: {

228:   if (Y->ops->diagonalset) {
229:     (*Y->ops->diagonalset)(Y,D,is);
230:   } else {
231:     MatDiagonalSet_Default(Y,D,is);
232:   }
233:   return(0);
234: }

238: /*@
239:    MatAYPX - Computes Y = a*Y + X.

241:    Logically on Mat

243:    Input Parameters:
244: +  a - the PetscScalar multiplier
245: .  Y - the first matrix
246: .  X - the second matrix

249:    Level: intermediate

251: .keywords: matrix, add

253: .seealso: MatAXPY()
254:  @*/
255: PetscErrorCode  MatAYPX(Mat Y,PetscScalar a,Mat X,MatStructure str)
256: {
257:   PetscScalar    one = 1.0;
259:   PetscInt       mX,mY,nX,nY;

265:   MatGetSize(X,&mX,&nX);
266:   MatGetSize(X,&mY,&nY);
267:   if (mX != mY || nX != nY) SETERRQ4(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ,"Non conforming matrices: %D %D first %D %D second",mX,mY,nX,nY);

269:   MatScale(Y,a);
270:   MatAXPY(Y,one,X,str);
271:   return(0);
272: }

276: /*@
277:     MatComputeExplicitOperator - Computes the explicit matrix

279:     Collective on Mat

281:     Input Parameter:
282: .   inmat - the matrix

284:     Output Parameter:
285: .   mat - the explict preconditioned operator

287:     Notes:
288:     This computation is done by applying the operators to columns of the 
289:     identity matrix.

291:     Currently, this routine uses a dense matrix format when 1 processor
292:     is used and a sparse format otherwise.  This routine is costly in general,
293:     and is recommended for use only with relatively small systems.

295:     Level: advanced
297: .keywords: Mat, compute, explicit, operator

299: @*/
300: PetscErrorCode  MatComputeExplicitOperator(Mat inmat,Mat *mat)
301: {
302:   Vec            in,out;
304:   PetscInt       i,m,n,M,N,*rows,start,end;
305:   MPI_Comm       comm;
306:   PetscScalar    *array,zero = 0.0,one = 1.0;
307:   PetscMPIInt    size;

313:   comm = ((PetscObject)inmat)->comm;
314:   MPI_Comm_size(comm,&size);

316:   MatGetLocalSize(inmat,&m,&n);
317:   MatGetSize(inmat,&M,&N);
318:   MatGetVecs(inmat,&in,&out);
320:   VecGetOwnershipRange(out,&start,&end);
321:   PetscMalloc(m*sizeof(PetscInt),&rows);
322:   for (i=0; i<m; i++) {rows[i] = start + i;}

324:   MatCreate(comm,mat);
325:   MatSetSizes(*mat,m,n,M,N);
326:   if (size == 1) {
327:     MatSetType(*mat,MATSEQDENSE);
328:     MatSeqDenseSetPreallocation(*mat,PETSC_NULL);
329:   } else {
330:     MatSetType(*mat,MATMPIAIJ);
331:     MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation(*mat,n,PETSC_NULL,N-n,PETSC_NULL);
332:   }

334:   for (i=0; i<N; i++) {

336:     VecSet(in,zero);
337:     VecSetValues(in,1,&i,&one,INSERT_VALUES);
338:     VecAssemblyBegin(in);
339:     VecAssemblyEnd(in);

341:     MatMult(inmat,in,out);

343:     VecGetArray(out,&array);
344:     MatSetValues(*mat,m,rows,1,&i,array,INSERT_VALUES);
345:     VecRestoreArray(out,&array);

347:   }
348:   PetscFree(rows);
349:   VecDestroy(&out);
350:   VecDestroy(&in);
351:   MatAssemblyBegin(*mat,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
352:   MatAssemblyEnd(*mat,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
353:   return(0);
354: }

356: /* Get the map xtoy which is used by MatAXPY() in the case of SUBSET_NONZERO_PATTERN */
359: PetscErrorCode MatAXPYGetxtoy_Private(PetscInt m,PetscInt *xi,PetscInt *xj,PetscInt *xgarray, PetscInt *yi,PetscInt *yj,PetscInt *ygarray, PetscInt **xtoy)
360: {
362:   PetscInt       row,i,nz,xcol,ycol,jx,jy,*x2y;

365:   PetscMalloc(xi[m]*sizeof(PetscInt),&x2y);
366:   i = 0;
367:   for (row=0; row<m; row++){
368:     nz = xi[1] - xi[0];
369:     jy = 0;
370:     for (jx=0; jx<nz; jx++,jy++){
371:       if (xgarray && ygarray){
372:         xcol = xgarray[xj[*xi + jx]];
373:         ycol = ygarray[yj[*yi + jy]];
374:       } else {
375:         xcol = xj[*xi + jx];
376:         ycol = yj[*yi + jy];  /* col index for y */
377:       }
378:       while ( ycol < xcol ) {
379:         jy++;
380:         if (ygarray){
381:           ycol = ygarray[yj[*yi + jy]];
382:         } else {
383:           ycol = yj[*yi + jy];
384:         }
385:       }
386:       if (xcol != ycol) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"X matrix entry (%D,%D) is not in Y matrix",row,ycol);
387:       x2y[i++] = *yi + jy;
388:     }
389:     xi++; yi++;
390:   }
391:   *xtoy = x2y;
392:   return(0);
393: }