Actual source code: agg.c

petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11
  1: /* 
  2:  GAMG geometric-algebric multiogrid PC - Mark Adams 2011
  3:  */

  5: #include <../src/ksp/pc/impls/gamg/gamg.h>        /*I "petscpc.h" I*/
  6: #include <petsc-private/kspimpl.h>

  8: #include <assert.h>
  9: #include <petscblaslapack.h>

 11: typedef struct {
 12:   PetscInt nsmooths;
 13:   PetscBool sym_graph;
 14:   PetscBool square_graph;
 15: }PC_GAMG_AGG;

 19: /*@
 20:    PCGAMGSetNSmooths - Set number of smoothing steps (1 is typical)

 22:    Not Collective on PC

 24:    Input Parameters:
 25: .  pc - the preconditioner context

 27:    Options Database Key:
 28: .  -pc_gamg_agg_nsmooths

 30:    Level: intermediate

 32:    Concepts: Aggregation AMG preconditioner

 34: .seealso: ()
 35: @*/
 36: PetscErrorCode PCGAMGSetNSmooths(PC pc, PetscInt n)
 37: {

 42:   PetscTryMethod(pc,"PCGAMGSetNSmooths_C",(PC,PetscInt),(pc,n));
 43:   return(0);
 44: }

 49: PetscErrorCode PCGAMGSetNSmooths_GAMG(PC pc, PetscInt n)
 50: {
 51:   PC_MG           *mg = (PC_MG*)pc->data;
 52:   PC_GAMG         *pc_gamg = (PC_GAMG*)mg->innerctx;
 53:   PC_GAMG_AGG     *pc_gamg_agg = (PC_GAMG_AGG*)pc_gamg->subctx;

 56:   pc_gamg_agg->nsmooths = n;
 57:   return(0);
 58: }

 63: /*@
 64:    PCGAMGSetSymGraph - 

 66:    Not Collective on PC

 68:    Input Parameters:
 69: .  pc - the preconditioner context

 71:    Options Database Key:
 72: .  -pc_gamg_sym_graph

 74:    Level: intermediate

 76:    Concepts: Aggregation AMG preconditioner

 78: .seealso: ()
 79: @*/
 80: PetscErrorCode PCGAMGSetSymGraph(PC pc, PetscBool n)
 81: {

 86:   PetscTryMethod(pc,"PCGAMGSetSymGraph_C",(PC,PetscBool),(pc,n));
 87:   return(0);
 88: }

 93: PetscErrorCode PCGAMGSetSymGraph_GAMG(PC pc, PetscBool n)
 94: {
 95:   PC_MG           *mg = (PC_MG*)pc->data;
 96:   PC_GAMG         *pc_gamg = (PC_GAMG*)mg->innerctx;
 97:   PC_GAMG_AGG      *pc_gamg_agg = (PC_GAMG_AGG*)pc_gamg->subctx;

100:   pc_gamg_agg->sym_graph = n;
101:   return(0);
102: }

107: /*@
108:    PCGAMGSetSquareGraph - 

110:    Not Collective on PC

112:    Input Parameters:
113: .  pc - the preconditioner context

115:    Options Database Key:
116: .  -pc_gamg_square_graph

118:    Level: intermediate

120:    Concepts: Aggregation AMG preconditioner

122: .seealso: ()
123: @*/
124: PetscErrorCode PCGAMGSetSquareGraph(PC pc, PetscBool n)
125: {

130:   PetscTryMethod(pc,"PCGAMGSetSquareGraph_C",(PC,PetscBool),(pc,n));
131:   return(0);
132: }

137: PetscErrorCode PCGAMGSetSquareGraph_GAMG(PC pc, PetscBool n)
138: {
139:   PC_MG           *mg = (PC_MG*)pc->data;
140:   PC_GAMG         *pc_gamg = (PC_GAMG*)mg->innerctx;
141:   PC_GAMG_AGG      *pc_gamg_agg = (PC_GAMG_AGG*)pc_gamg->subctx;

144:   pc_gamg_agg->square_graph = n;
145:   return(0);
146: }

149: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
150: /*
151:    PCSetFromOptions_GAMG_AGG

153:   Input Parameter:
154:    . pc - 
155: */
158: PetscErrorCode PCSetFromOptions_GAMG_AGG( PC pc )
159: {
160:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
161:   PC_MG           *mg = (PC_MG*)pc->data;
162:   PC_GAMG         *pc_gamg = (PC_GAMG*)mg->innerctx;
163:   PC_GAMG_AGG      *pc_gamg_agg = (PC_GAMG_AGG*)pc_gamg->subctx;
164:   PetscBool        flag;
167:   /* call base class */
168:   PCSetFromOptions_GAMG( pc );

170:   PetscOptionsHead("GAMG-AGG options");
171:   {
172:     /* -pc_gamg_agg_nsmooths */
173:     pc_gamg_agg->nsmooths = 0;
174:     PetscOptionsInt("-pc_gamg_agg_nsmooths",
175:                            "smoothing steps for smoothed aggregation, usually 1 (0)",
176:                            "PCGAMGSetNSmooths",
177:                            pc_gamg_agg->nsmooths,
178:                            &pc_gamg_agg->nsmooths,
179:                            &flag);

182:     /* -pc_gamg_sym_graph */
183:     pc_gamg_agg->sym_graph = PETSC_FALSE;
184:     PetscOptionsBool("-pc_gamg_sym_graph",
185:                             "Set for asymmetric matrices",
186:                             "PCGAMGSetSymGraph",
187:                             pc_gamg_agg->sym_graph,
188:                             &pc_gamg_agg->sym_graph,
189:                             &flag);

192:     /* -pc_gamg_square_graph */
193:     pc_gamg_agg->square_graph = PETSC_TRUE;
194:     PetscOptionsBool("-pc_gamg_square_graph",
195:                             "For faster coarsening and lower coarse grid complexity",
196:                             "PCGAMGSetSquareGraph",
197:                             pc_gamg_agg->square_graph,
198:                             &pc_gamg_agg->square_graph,
199:                             &flag);
201:   }
202:   PetscOptionsTail();
204:   return(0);
205: }

207: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
208: /*
209:    PCDestroy_AGG

211:   Input Parameter:
212:    . pc - 
213: */
216: PetscErrorCode PCDestroy_AGG( PC pc )
217: {
218:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
219:   PC_MG           *mg = (PC_MG*)pc->data;
220:   PC_GAMG         *pc_gamg = (PC_GAMG*)mg->innerctx;
221:   PC_GAMG_AGG      *pc_gamg_agg = (PC_GAMG_AGG*)pc_gamg->subctx;
224:   if( pc_gamg_agg ) {
225:     PetscFree(pc_gamg_agg);
226:     pc_gamg_agg = 0;
227:   }

229:   /* call base class */
230:   PCDestroy_GAMG( pc );
232:   return(0);
233: }

235: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
236: /*
237:    PCSetCoordinates_AGG
238:      - collective

240:    Input Parameter:
241:    . pc - the preconditioner context
242:    . ndm - dimesion of data (used for dof/vertex for Stokes) 
243:    . a_nloc - number of vertices local
244:    . coords - [a_nloc][ndm] - interleaved coordinate data: {x_0, y_0, z_0, x_1, y_1, ...}
245: */
249: PetscErrorCode PCSetCoordinates_AGG( PC pc, PetscInt ndm, PetscInt a_nloc, PetscReal *coords )
250: {
251:   PC_MG          *mg = (PC_MG*)pc->data;
252:   PC_GAMG        *pc_gamg = (PC_GAMG*)mg->innerctx;
253:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
254:   PetscInt        arrsz,kk,ii,jj,nloc,ndatarows,ndf;
255:   Mat             mat = pc->pmat;
256:   /* MPI_Comm     wcomm = ((PetscObject)pc)->comm; */

261:   nloc = a_nloc;

263:   /* SA: null space vectors */
264:   MatGetBlockSize( mat, &ndf ); CHKERRQ( ierr ); /* this does not work for Stokes */
265:   if( coords && ndf==1 ) pc_gamg->data_cell_cols = 1; /* scalar w/ coords and SA (not needed) */
266:   else if( coords ) {
267:     if(ndm > ndf) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"degrees of motion %d > block size %d",ndm,ndf);
268:     pc_gamg->data_cell_cols = (ndm==2 ? 3 : 6); /* displacement elasticity */
269:     if(ndm != ndf) {
270:       if(pc_gamg->data_cell_cols != ndf) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"Don't know how to create null space for ndm=%d, ndf=%d.  Use MatSetNearNullSpace.",ndm,ndf);
271:     }
272:   }
273:   else pc_gamg->data_cell_cols = ndf; /* no data, force SA with constant null space vectors */
274:   pc_gamg->data_cell_rows = ndatarows = ndf;     assert(pc_gamg->data_cell_cols>0);
275:   arrsz = nloc*pc_gamg->data_cell_rows*pc_gamg->data_cell_cols;

277:   /* create data - syntactic sugar that should be refactored at some point */
278:   if (pc_gamg->data==0 || (pc_gamg->data_sz != arrsz)) {
279:     PetscFree( pc_gamg->data );
280:     PetscMalloc((arrsz+1)*sizeof(PetscReal), &pc_gamg->data );
281:   }
282:   /* copy data in - column oriented */
283:   for(kk=0;kk<nloc;kk++){
284:     const PetscInt M = nloc*pc_gamg->data_cell_rows; /* stride into data */
285:     PetscReal *data = &pc_gamg->data[kk*ndatarows]; /* start of cell */
286:     if( pc_gamg->data_cell_cols==1 ) *data = 1.0;
287:     else {
288:       /* translational modes */
289:       for(ii=0;ii<ndatarows;ii++)
290:         for(jj=0;jj<ndatarows;jj++)
291:           if(ii==jj)data[ii*M + jj] = 1.0;
292:           else data[ii*M + jj] = 0.0;

294:       /* rotational modes */
295:       if( coords ) {
296:         if( ndm == 2 ){
297:           data += 2*M;
298:           data[0] = -coords[2*kk+1];
299:           data[1] =  coords[2*kk];
300:         }
301:         else {
302:           data += 3*M;
303:           data[0] = 0.0;             data[M+0] =  coords[3*kk+2]; data[2*M+0] = -coords[3*kk+1];
304:           data[1] = -coords[3*kk+2]; data[M+1] = 0.0;             data[2*M+1] =  coords[3*kk];
305:           data[2] =  coords[3*kk+1]; data[M+2] = -coords[3*kk];   data[2*M+2] = 0.0;
306:         }
307:       }
308:     }
309:   }

311:   pc_gamg->data_sz = arrsz;

313:   return(0);
314: }

317: typedef PetscInt NState;
318: static const NState NOT_DONE=-2;
319: static const NState DELETED=-1;
320: static const NState REMOVED=-3;
321: #define IS_SELECTED(s) (s!=DELETED && s!=NOT_DONE && s!=REMOVED)

323: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
324: /*
325:    smoothAggs - greedy grab of with G1 (unsquared graph) -- AIJ specific
326:      - AGG-MG specific: clears singletons out of 'selected_2'

328:    Input Parameter:
329:    . Gmat_2 - glabal matrix of graph (data not defined)
330:    . Gmat_1 - base graph to grab with
331:    Input/Output Parameter:
332:    . aggs_2 - linked list of aggs with gids )
333: */
336: static PetscErrorCode smoothAggs( const Mat Gmat_2, /* base (squared) graph */
337:                                   const Mat Gmat_1, /* base graph */
338:                                   /* const IS selected_2, [nselected local] selected vertices */
339:                                   PetscCoarsenData *aggs_2 /* [nselected local] global ID of aggregate */
340:                                   )
341: {
343:   PetscBool      isMPI;
344:   Mat_SeqAIJ    *matA_1, *matB_1=0, *matA_2, *matB_2=0;
345:   MPI_Comm       wcomm = ((PetscObject)Gmat_2)->comm;
346:   PetscMPIInt    mype,npe;
347:   PetscInt       lid,*ii,*idx,ix,Iend,my0,kk,n,j;
348:   Mat_MPIAIJ    *mpimat_2 = 0, *mpimat_1=0;
349:   const PetscInt nloc = Gmat_2->rmap->n;
350:   PetscScalar   *cpcol_1_state,*cpcol_2_state,*cpcol_2_par_orig,*lid_parent_gid;
351:   PetscInt      *lid_cprowID_1;
352:   NState        *lid_state;
353:   Vec            ghost_par_orig2;

356:   MPI_Comm_rank( wcomm, &mype );
357:   MPI_Comm_size( wcomm, &npe );
358:   MatGetOwnershipRange(Gmat_1,&my0,&Iend);

360:   if( PETSC_FALSE ) {
361:     PetscViewer viewer; char fname[32]; static int llev=0;
362:     sprintf(fname,"Gmat2_%d.m",llev++);
363:     PetscViewerASCIIOpen(wcomm,fname,&viewer);
364:     PetscViewerSetFormat( viewer, PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_MATLAB);
365:     MatView(Gmat_2, viewer );
366:     PetscViewerDestroy( &viewer );
367:   }

369:   /* get submatrices */
370:   PetscObjectTypeCompare( (PetscObject)Gmat_1, MATMPIAIJ, &isMPI );
371:   if(isMPI) {
372:     /* grab matrix objects */
373:     mpimat_2 = (Mat_MPIAIJ*)Gmat_2->data;
374:     mpimat_1 = (Mat_MPIAIJ*)Gmat_1->data;
375:     matA_1 = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)mpimat_1->A->data;
376:     matB_1 = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)mpimat_1->B->data;
377:     matA_2 = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)mpimat_2->A->data;
378:     matB_2 = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)mpimat_2->B->data;

380:     /* force compressed row storage for B matrix in AuxMat */
381:     matB_1->compressedrow.check = PETSC_TRUE;
382:     MatCheckCompressedRow(mpimat_1->B,&matB_1->compressedrow,matB_1->i,Gmat_1->rmap->n,-1.0);

385:     PetscMalloc( nloc*sizeof(PetscInt), &lid_cprowID_1 );
386:     for( lid = 0 ; lid < nloc ; lid++ ) lid_cprowID_1[lid] = -1;
387:     for (ix=0; ix<matB_1->compressedrow.nrows; ix++) {
388:       PetscInt lid = matB_1->compressedrow.rindex[ix];
389:       lid_cprowID_1[lid] = ix;
390:     }
391:   }
392:   else {
393:     matA_1 = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)Gmat_1->data;
394:     matA_2 = (Mat_SeqAIJ*)Gmat_2->data;
395:     lid_cprowID_1 = PETSC_NULL;
396:   }
397:   assert( matA_1 && !matA_1->compressedrow.use );
398:   assert( matB_1==0 || matB_1->compressedrow.use );
399:   assert( matA_2 && !matA_2->compressedrow.use );
400:   assert( matB_2==0 || matB_2->compressedrow.use );

402:   /* get state of locals and selected gid for deleted */
403:   PetscMalloc( nloc*sizeof(NState), &lid_state );
404:   PetscMalloc( nloc*sizeof(PetscScalar), &lid_parent_gid );
405:   for( lid = 0 ; lid < nloc ; lid++ ) {
406:     lid_parent_gid[lid] = -1.0;
407:     lid_state[lid] = DELETED;
408:   }
410:   /* set lid_state */
411:   for( lid = 0 ; lid < nloc ; lid++ ) {
412:     PetscCDPos pos;
413:     PetscCDGetHeadPos(aggs_2,lid,&pos);
414:     if( pos ) {
415:       PetscInt gid1;
416:       PetscLLNGetID( pos, &gid1 );  assert(gid1==lid+my0);
417:       lid_state[lid] = gid1;
418:     }
419:   }

421:   /* map local to selected local, DELETED means a ghost owns it */
422:   for(lid=kk=0;lid<nloc;lid++){
423:     NState state = lid_state[lid];
424:     if( IS_SELECTED(state) ){
425:       PetscCDPos pos;
426:       PetscCDGetHeadPos(aggs_2,lid,&pos);
427:       while(pos){
428:         PetscInt gid1;
429:         PetscLLNGetID( pos, &gid1 );
430:         PetscCDGetNextPos(aggs_2,lid,&pos);
432:         if( gid1 >= my0 && gid1 < Iend ){
433:           lid_parent_gid[gid1-my0] = (PetscScalar)(lid + my0);
434:         }
435:       }
436:     }
437:   }
438:   /* get 'cpcol_1/2_state' & cpcol_2_par_orig - uses mpimat_1/2->lvec for temp space */
439:   if (isMPI) {
440:     Vec          tempVec;
441:     /* get 'cpcol_1_state' */
442:     MatGetVecs( Gmat_1, &tempVec, 0 );
443:     for(kk=0,j=my0;kk<nloc;kk++,j++){
444:       PetscScalar v = (PetscScalar)lid_state[kk];
445:       VecSetValues( tempVec, 1, &j, &v, INSERT_VALUES );
446:     }
447:     VecAssemblyBegin( tempVec );
448:     VecAssemblyEnd( tempVec );
449:     VecScatterBegin(mpimat_1->Mvctx,tempVec, mpimat_1->lvec,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
451:       VecScatterEnd(mpimat_1->Mvctx,tempVec, mpimat_1->lvec,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
453:     VecGetArray( mpimat_1->lvec, &cpcol_1_state );
454:     /* get 'cpcol_2_state' */
455:     VecScatterBegin(mpimat_2->Mvctx,tempVec, mpimat_2->lvec,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
457:       VecScatterEnd(mpimat_2->Mvctx,tempVec, mpimat_2->lvec,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
459:     VecGetArray( mpimat_2->lvec, &cpcol_2_state );
460:     /* get 'cpcol_2_par_orig' */
461:     for(kk=0,j=my0;kk<nloc;kk++,j++){
462:       PetscScalar v = (PetscScalar)lid_parent_gid[kk];
463:       VecSetValues( tempVec, 1, &j, &v, INSERT_VALUES );
464:     }
465:     VecAssemblyBegin( tempVec );
466:     VecAssemblyEnd( tempVec );
467:     VecDuplicate( mpimat_2->lvec, &ghost_par_orig2 );
468:     VecScatterBegin(mpimat_2->Mvctx,tempVec, ghost_par_orig2,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
470:       VecScatterEnd(mpimat_2->Mvctx,tempVec, ghost_par_orig2,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
472:     VecGetArray( ghost_par_orig2, &cpcol_2_par_orig );

474:     VecDestroy( &tempVec );
475:   } /* ismpi */

477:   /* doit */
478:   for(lid=0;lid<nloc;lid++){
479:     NState state = lid_state[lid];
480:     if( IS_SELECTED(state) ) {
481:       /* steal locals */
482:       ii = matA_1->i; n = ii[lid+1] - ii[lid];
483:       idx = matA_1->j + ii[lid];
484:       for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
485:         PetscInt lidj = idx[j], sgid;
486:         NState statej = lid_state[lidj];
487:         if (statej==DELETED && (sgid=(PetscInt)PetscRealPart(lid_parent_gid[lidj])) != lid+my0) { /* steal local */
488:           lid_parent_gid[lidj] = (PetscScalar)(lid+my0); /* send this if sgid is not local */
489:           if( sgid >= my0 && sgid < Iend ){       /* I'm stealing this local from a local sgid */
490:             PetscInt hav=0,slid=sgid-my0,gidj=lidj+my0;
491:             PetscCDPos pos,last=PETSC_NULL;
492:             /* looking for local from local so id_llist_2 works */
493:             PetscCDGetHeadPos(aggs_2,slid,&pos);
494:             while(pos){
495:               PetscInt gid;
496:               PetscLLNGetID( pos, &gid );
497:               if( gid == gidj ) {
498:                 assert(last);
499:                 PetscCDRemoveNextNode( aggs_2, slid, last );
500:                 PetscCDAppendNode( aggs_2, lid, pos );
501:                 hav = 1;
502:                 break;
503:               }
504:               else last = pos;

506:               PetscCDGetNextPos(aggs_2,slid,&pos);
507:             }
508:             if(hav!=1){
509:               if(hav==0)SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"failed to find adj in 'selected' lists - structurally unsymmetric matrix");
510:               SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"found node %d times???",hav);
511:             }
512:           }
513:           else{            /* I'm stealing this local, owned by a ghost */
514:             assert(sgid==-1);
515:             PetscCDAppendID( aggs_2, lid, lidj+my0 );
516:           }
517:         }
518:       } /* local neighbors */
519:     }
520:     else if( state == DELETED && lid_cprowID_1 ) {
521:       PetscInt sgidold = (PetscInt)PetscRealPart(lid_parent_gid[lid]);
522:       /* see if I have a selected ghost neighbor that will steal me */
523:       if( (ix=lid_cprowID_1[lid]) != -1 ){
524:         ii = matB_1->compressedrow.i; n = ii[ix+1] - ii[ix];
525:         idx = matB_1->j + ii[ix];
526:         for( j=0 ; j<n ; j++ ) {
527:           PetscInt cpid = idx[j];
528:           NState statej = (NState)PetscRealPart(cpcol_1_state[cpid]);
529:           if( IS_SELECTED(statej) && sgidold != (PetscInt)statej ) { /* ghost will steal this, remove from my list */
530:             lid_parent_gid[lid] = (PetscScalar)statej; /* send who selected */
531:             if( sgidold>=my0 && sgidold<Iend ) { /* this was mine */
532:               PetscInt hav=0,oldslidj=sgidold-my0;
533:               PetscCDPos pos,last=PETSC_NULL;
534:               /* remove from 'oldslidj' list */
535:               PetscCDGetHeadPos(aggs_2,oldslidj,&pos);
536:               while( pos ) {
537:                 PetscInt gid;
538:                 PetscLLNGetID( pos, &gid );
539:                 if( lid+my0 == gid ) {
540:                   /* id_llist_2[lastid] = id_llist_2[flid];   /\* remove lid from oldslidj list *\/ */
541:                   assert(last);
542:                   PetscCDRemoveNextNode( aggs_2, oldslidj, last );
543:                   /* ghost (PetscScalar)statej will add this later */
544:                   hav = 1;
545:                   break;
546:                 }
547:                 else last = pos;

549:                 PetscCDGetNextPos(aggs_2,oldslidj,&pos);
550:               }
551:               if(hav!=1){
552:                 if(hav==0)SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"failed to find adj in 'selected' lists - structurally unsymmetric matrix");
553:                 SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"found node %d times???",hav);
554:               }
555:             }
556:             else {
557:               /* ghosts remove this later */
558:             }
559:           }
560:         }
561:       }
562:     } /* selected/deleted */
563:   } /* node loop */

565:   if( isMPI ) {
566:     PetscScalar *cpcol_2_parent,*cpcol_2_gid;
567:     Vec          tempVec,ghostgids2,ghostparents2;
568:     PetscInt     cpid,nghost_2;
569:     GAMGHashTable gid_cpid;

571:     VecGetSize( mpimat_2->lvec, &nghost_2 );
572:     MatGetVecs( Gmat_2, &tempVec, 0 );

574:     /* get 'cpcol_2_parent' */
575:     for(kk=0,j=my0;kk<nloc;kk++,j++){
576:       VecSetValues( tempVec, 1, &j, &lid_parent_gid[kk], INSERT_VALUES );
577:     }
578:     VecAssemblyBegin( tempVec );
579:     VecAssemblyEnd( tempVec );
580:     VecDuplicate( mpimat_2->lvec, &ghostparents2 );
581:     VecScatterBegin(mpimat_2->Mvctx,tempVec, ghostparents2,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
583:       VecScatterEnd(mpimat_2->Mvctx,tempVec, ghostparents2,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
585:     VecGetArray( ghostparents2, &cpcol_2_parent );

587:     /* get 'cpcol_2_gid' */
588:     for(kk=0,j=my0;kk<nloc;kk++,j++){
589:       PetscScalar v = (PetscScalar)j;
590:       VecSetValues( tempVec, 1, &j, &v, INSERT_VALUES );
591:     }
592:     VecAssemblyBegin( tempVec );
593:     VecAssemblyEnd( tempVec );
594:     VecDuplicate( mpimat_2->lvec, &ghostgids2 );
595:     VecScatterBegin(mpimat_2->Mvctx,tempVec, ghostgids2,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
597:       VecScatterEnd(mpimat_2->Mvctx,tempVec, ghostgids2,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
599:     VecGetArray( ghostgids2, &cpcol_2_gid );

601:     VecDestroy( &tempVec );

603:     /* look for deleted ghosts and add to table */
604:     GAMGTableCreate( 2*nghost_2, &gid_cpid );
605:     for( cpid = 0 ; cpid < nghost_2 ; cpid++ ) {
606:       NState state = (NState)PetscRealPart(cpcol_2_state[cpid]);
607:       if( state==DELETED ) {
608:         PetscInt sgid_new = (PetscInt)PetscRealPart(cpcol_2_parent[cpid]);
609:         PetscInt sgid_old = (PetscInt)PetscRealPart(cpcol_2_par_orig[cpid]);
610:         if( sgid_old == -1 && sgid_new != -1 ) {
611:           PetscInt gid = (PetscInt)PetscRealPart(cpcol_2_gid[cpid]);
612:           GAMGTableAdd( &gid_cpid, gid, cpid );
613:         }
614:       }
615:     }

617:     /* look for deleted ghosts and see if they moved - remove it */
618:     for(lid=0;lid<nloc;lid++){
619:       NState state = lid_state[lid];
620:       if( IS_SELECTED(state) ){
621:         PetscCDPos pos,last=PETSC_NULL;
622:         /* look for deleted ghosts and see if they moved */
623:         PetscCDGetHeadPos(aggs_2,lid,&pos);
624:         while(pos){
625:           PetscInt gid;
626:           PetscLLNGetID( pos, &gid );

628:           if( gid < my0 || gid >= Iend ) {
629:             GAMGTableFind( &gid_cpid, gid, &cpid );
630:             if( cpid != -1 ) {
631:               /* a moved ghost - */
632:               /* id_llist_2[lastid] = id_llist_2[flid];    /\* remove 'flid' from list *\/ */
633:               PetscCDRemoveNextNode( aggs_2, lid, last );
634:             }
635:             else last = pos;
636:           }
637:           else last = pos;

639:           PetscCDGetNextPos(aggs_2,lid,&pos);
640:         } /* loop over list of deleted */
641:       } /* selected */
642:     }
643:     GAMGTableDestroy( &gid_cpid );

645:     /* look at ghosts, see if they changed - and it */
646:     for( cpid = 0 ; cpid < nghost_2 ; cpid++ ){
647:       PetscInt sgid_new = (PetscInt)PetscRealPart(cpcol_2_parent[cpid]);
648:       if( sgid_new >= my0 && sgid_new < Iend ) { /* this is mine */
649:         PetscInt gid = (PetscInt)PetscRealPart(cpcol_2_gid[cpid]);
650:         PetscInt slid_new=sgid_new-my0,hav=0;
651:         PetscCDPos pos;
652:         /* search for this gid to see if I have it */
653:         PetscCDGetHeadPos(aggs_2,slid_new,&pos);
654:         while(pos){
655:           PetscInt gidj;
656:           PetscLLNGetID( pos, &gidj );
657:           PetscCDGetNextPos(aggs_2,slid_new,&pos);
659:           if( gidj == gid ) { hav = 1; break; }
660:         }
661:         if( hav != 1 ){
662:           /* insert 'flidj' into head of llist */
663:           PetscCDAppendID( aggs_2, slid_new, gid );
664:         }
665:       }
666:     }

668:     VecRestoreArray( mpimat_1->lvec, &cpcol_1_state );
669:     VecRestoreArray( mpimat_2->lvec, &cpcol_2_state );
670:     VecRestoreArray( ghostparents2, &cpcol_2_parent );
671:     VecRestoreArray( ghostgids2, &cpcol_2_gid );
672:     PetscFree( lid_cprowID_1 );
673:     VecDestroy( &ghostgids2 );
674:     VecDestroy( &ghostparents2 );
675:     VecDestroy( &ghost_par_orig2 );
676:   }

678:   PetscFree( lid_parent_gid );
679:   PetscFree( lid_state );

681:   return(0);
682: }

684: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
685: /*
686:    PCSetData_AGG - called if data is not set with PCSetCoordinates.  
687:       Looks in Mat for near null space.
688:       Does not work for Stokes

690:   Input Parameter:
691:    . pc - 
692:    . a_A - matrix to get (near) null space out of.
693: */
696: PetscErrorCode PCSetData_AGG( PC pc, Mat a_A )
697: {
698:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
699:   PC_MG          *mg = (PC_MG*)pc->data;
700:   PC_GAMG        *pc_gamg = (PC_GAMG*)mg->innerctx;
701:   MatNullSpace mnull;

704:   MatGetNearNullSpace( a_A, &mnull );
705:   if( !mnull ) {
706:     PetscInt bs,NN,MM;
707:     MatGetBlockSize( a_A, &bs ); CHKERRQ( ierr );
708:     MatGetLocalSize( a_A, &MM, &NN ); CHKERRQ( ierr );  assert(MM%bs==0);
709: PetscPrintf(((PetscObject)a_A)->comm,"[%d]%s bs=%d MM=%d\n",0,__FUNCT__,bs,MM);
710:     PCSetCoordinates_AGG( pc, bs, MM/bs, PETSC_NULL );
711:   }
712:   else {
713:     PetscReal *nullvec;
714:     PetscBool has_const;
715:     PetscInt i,j,mlocal,nvec,bs;
716:     const Vec *vecs; const PetscScalar *v;
717:     MatGetLocalSize(a_A,&mlocal,PETSC_NULL);
718:     MatNullSpaceGetVecs( mnull, &has_const, &nvec, &vecs );
719:     PetscMalloc((nvec+!!has_const)*mlocal*sizeof *nullvec,&nullvec);
720:     if (has_const) for (i=0; i<mlocal; i++) nullvec[i] = 1.0;
721:     for (i=0; i<nvec; i++) {
722:       VecGetArrayRead(vecs[i],&v);
723:       for (j=0; j<mlocal; j++) nullvec[(i+!!has_const)*mlocal + j] = PetscRealPart(v[j]);
724:       VecRestoreArrayRead(vecs[i],&v);
725:     }
726:     pc_gamg->data = nullvec;
727:     pc_gamg->data_cell_cols = (nvec+!!has_const);
728:     MatGetBlockSize( a_A, &bs ); CHKERRQ( ierr ); /* this does not work for Stokes */
729:     pc_gamg->data_cell_rows = bs;
730:   }
731:   return(0);
732: }

734: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
735: /*
736:  formProl0

738:    Input Parameter:
739:    . agg_llists - list of arrays with aggregates
740:    . bs - block size
741:    . nSAvec - column bs of new P
742:    . my0crs - global index of start of locals
743:    . data_stride - bs*(nloc nodes + ghost nodes)
744:    . data_in[data_stride*nSAvec] - local data on fine grid
745:    . flid_fgid[data_stride/bs] - make local to global IDs, includes ghosts in 'locals_llist'
746:   Output Parameter:
747:    . a_data_out - in with fine grid data (w/ghosts), out with coarse grid data
748:    . a_Prol - prolongation operator
749: */
752: static PetscErrorCode formProl0(const PetscCoarsenData *agg_llists,/* list from selected vertices of aggregate unselected vertices */
753:                                 const PetscInt bs,          /* (row) block size */
754:                                 const PetscInt nSAvec,      /* column bs */
755:                                 const PetscInt my0crs,      /* global index of start of locals */
756:                                 const PetscInt data_stride, /* (nloc+nghost)*bs */
757:                                 PetscReal      data_in[],   /* [data_stride][nSAvec] */
758:                                 const PetscInt flid_fgid[], /* [data_stride/bs] */
759:                                 PetscReal **a_data_out,
760:                                 Mat a_Prol /* prolongation operator (output)*/
761:                                 )
762: {
764:   PetscInt  Istart,my0,Iend,nloc,clid,flid,aggID,kk,jj,ii,mm,ndone,nSelected,minsz,nghosts,out_data_stride;
765:   MPI_Comm       wcomm = ((PetscObject)a_Prol)->comm;
766:   PetscMPIInt    mype, npe;
767:   PetscReal      *out_data;
768:   PetscCDPos         pos;
769:   GAMGHashTable  fgid_flid;

771: /* #define OUT_AGGS */
772: #ifdef OUT_AGGS
773:   static PetscInt llev = 0; char fname[32]; FILE *file = PETSC_NULL; PetscInt pM;
774: #endif

777:   MPI_Comm_rank(wcomm,&mype);
778:   MPI_Comm_size(wcomm,&npe);
779:   MatGetOwnershipRange( a_Prol, &Istart, &Iend );
780:   nloc = (Iend-Istart)/bs; my0 = Istart/bs; assert((Iend-Istart)%bs==0);
781:   Iend /= bs;
782:   nghosts = data_stride/bs - nloc;

784:   GAMGTableCreate( 2*nghosts, &fgid_flid );
785:   for(kk=0;kk<nghosts;kk++) {
786:     GAMGTableAdd( &fgid_flid, flid_fgid[nloc+kk], nloc+kk );
787:   }

789: #ifdef OUT_AGGS
790:   sprintf(fname,"aggs_%d_%d.m",llev++,mype);
791:   if(llev==1) {
792:     file = fopen(fname,"w");
793:   }
794:   MatGetSize( a_Prol, &pM, &jj );
795: #endif

797:   /* count selected -- same as number of cols of P */
798:   for(nSelected=mm=0;mm<nloc;mm++) {
799:     PetscBool ise;
800:     PetscCDEmptyAt( agg_llists, mm, &ise );
801:     if( !ise ) nSelected++;
802:   }
803:   MatGetOwnershipRangeColumn( a_Prol, &ii, &jj );
804:   assert((ii/nSAvec)==my0crs); assert(nSelected==(jj-ii)/nSAvec);

806:   /* aloc space for coarse point data (output) */
807:   out_data_stride = nSelected*nSAvec;
808:   PetscMalloc( out_data_stride*nSAvec*sizeof(PetscReal), &out_data );
809:   for(ii=0;ii<out_data_stride*nSAvec;ii++) {
810:     out_data[ii]=1.e300;
811:   }
812:   *a_data_out = out_data; /* output - stride nSelected*nSAvec */

814:   /* find points and set prolongation */
815:   minsz = 100;
816:   ndone = 0;
817:   for( mm = clid = 0 ; mm < nloc ; mm++ ){
818:     PetscCDSizeAt( agg_llists, mm, &jj );
819:     if( jj > 0 ) {
820:       const PetscInt lid = mm, cgid = my0crs + clid;
821:       PetscInt cids[100]; /* max bs */
822:       PetscBLASInt asz=jj,M=asz*bs,N=nSAvec,INFO;
823:       PetscBLASInt   Mdata=M+((N-M>0)?N-M:0),LDA=Mdata,LWORK=N*bs;
824:       PetscScalar    *qqc,*qqr,*TAU,*WORK;
825:       PetscInt       *fids;
826:       PetscReal      *data;
827:       /* count agg */
828:       if( asz<minsz ) minsz = asz;

830:       /* get block */
831:       PetscMalloc( (Mdata*N)*sizeof(PetscScalar), &qqc );
832:       PetscMalloc( (M*N)*sizeof(PetscScalar), &qqr );
833:       PetscMalloc( N*sizeof(PetscScalar), &TAU );
834:       PetscMalloc( LWORK*sizeof(PetscScalar), &WORK );
835:       PetscMalloc( M*sizeof(PetscInt), &fids );

837:       aggID = 0;
838:       PetscCDGetHeadPos(agg_llists,lid,&pos);
839:       while(pos){
840:         PetscInt gid1;
841:         PetscLLNGetID( pos, &gid1 );
842:         PetscCDGetNextPos(agg_llists,lid,&pos);

844:         if( gid1 >= my0 && gid1 < Iend ) flid = gid1 - my0;
845:         else {
846:           GAMGTableFind( &fgid_flid, gid1, &flid );
847:           assert(flid>=0);
848:         }
849:         /* copy in B_i matrix - column oriented */
850:         data = &data_in[flid*bs];
851:         for( kk = ii = 0; ii < bs ; ii++ ) {
852:           for( jj = 0; jj < N ; jj++ ) {
853:             PetscReal d = data[jj*data_stride + ii];
854:             qqc[jj*Mdata + aggID*bs + ii] = d;
855:           }
856:         }
857: #ifdef OUT_AGGS
858:         if(llev==1) {
859:           char str[] = "plot(%e,%e,'r*'), hold on,\n", col[] = "rgbkmc", sim[] = "*os+h>d<vx^";
860:           PetscInt MM,pi,pj;
861:           str[12] = col[(clid+17*mype)%6]; str[13] = sim[(clid+17*mype)%11];
862:           MM = (PetscInt)(PetscSqrtReal((PetscReal)pM));
863:           pj = gid1/MM; pi = gid1%MM;
864:           fprintf(file,str,(double)pi,(double)pj);
865:           /* fprintf(file,str,data[2*data_stride+1],-data[2*data_stride]); */
866:         }
867: #endif
868:         /* set fine IDs */
869:         for(kk=0;kk<bs;kk++) fids[aggID*bs + kk] = flid_fgid[flid]*bs + kk;
871:         aggID++;
872:       }

874:       /* pad with zeros */
875:       for( ii = asz*bs; ii < Mdata ; ii++ ) {
876:         for( jj = 0; jj < N ; jj++, kk++ ) {
877:           qqc[jj*Mdata + ii] = .0;
878:         }
879:       }

881:       ndone += aggID;
882:       /* QR */
883:       PetscFPTrapPush(PETSC_FP_TRAP_OFF);
884:       LAPACKgeqrf_( &Mdata, &N, qqc, &LDA, TAU, WORK, &LWORK, &INFO );
885:       PetscFPTrapPop();
886:       if( INFO != 0 ) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"xGEQRS error");
887:       /* get R - column oriented - output B_{i+1} */
888:       {
889:         PetscReal *data = &out_data[clid*nSAvec];
890:         for( jj = 0; jj < nSAvec ; jj++ ) {
891:           for( ii = 0; ii < nSAvec ; ii++ ) {
892:             assert(data[jj*out_data_stride + ii] == 1.e300);
893:             if( ii <= jj ) data[jj*out_data_stride + ii] = PetscRealPart(qqc[jj*Mdata + ii]);
894:             else data[jj*out_data_stride + ii] = 0.;
895:           }
896:         }
897:       }

899:       /* get Q - row oriented */
900:       LAPACKungqr_( &Mdata, &N, &N, qqc, &LDA, TAU, WORK, &LWORK, &INFO );
901:       if( INFO != 0 ) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"xORGQR error arg %d",-INFO);

903:       for( ii = 0 ; ii < M ; ii++ ){
904:         for( jj = 0 ; jj < N ; jj++ ) {
905:           qqr[N*ii + jj] = qqc[jj*Mdata + ii];
906:         }
907:       }

909:       /* add diagonal block of P0 */
910:       for(kk=0;kk<N;kk++) {
911:         cids[kk] = N*cgid + kk; /* global col IDs in P0 */
912:       }
913:       MatSetValues(a_Prol,M,fids,N,cids,qqr,INSERT_VALUES);

915:       PetscFree( qqc );
916:       PetscFree( qqr );
917:       PetscFree( TAU );
918:       PetscFree( WORK );
919:       PetscFree( fids );
920:       clid++;
921:     } /* coarse agg */
922:   } /* for all fine nodes */
923:   MatAssemblyBegin(a_Prol,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
924:   MatAssemblyEnd(a_Prol,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);

926: /* MPI_Allreduce( &ndone, &ii, 1, MPIU_INT, MPIU_SUM, wcomm ); */
927: /* MatGetSize( a_Prol, &kk, &jj ); */
928: /* MPI_Allreduce( &minsz, &jj, 1, MPIU_INT, MPIU_MIN, wcomm ); */
929: /* PetscPrintf(wcomm," **** [%d]%s %d total done, %d nodes (%d local done), min agg. size = %d\n",mype,__FUNCT__,ii,kk/bs,ndone,jj); */

931: #ifdef OUT_AGGS
932:   if(llev==1) fclose(file);
933: #endif
934:   GAMGTableDestroy( &fgid_flid );

936:   return(0);
937: }

939: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
940: /*
941:    PCGAMGgraph_AGG

943:   Input Parameter:
944:    . pc - this
945:    . Amat - matrix on this fine level
946:   Output Parameter:
947:    . a_Gmat - 
948: */
951: PetscErrorCode PCGAMGgraph_AGG( PC pc,
952:                                 const Mat Amat,
953:                                 Mat *a_Gmat
954:                                 )
955: {
957:   PC_MG          *mg = (PC_MG*)pc->data;
958:   PC_GAMG        *pc_gamg = (PC_GAMG*)mg->innerctx;
959:   const PetscInt verbose = pc_gamg->verbose;
960:   const PetscReal vfilter = pc_gamg->threshold;
961:   PC_GAMG_AGG    *pc_gamg_agg = (PC_GAMG_AGG*)pc_gamg->subctx;
962:   PetscMPIInt    mype,npe;
963:   Mat            Gmat;
964:   MPI_Comm       wcomm = ((PetscObject)Amat)->comm;
965:   PetscBool  set,flg,symm;

968: #if defined PETSC_USE_LOG
969:   PetscLogEventBegin(PC_GAMGGgraph_AGG,0,0,0,0);
970: #endif
971:   MPI_Comm_rank( wcomm, &mype);
972:   MPI_Comm_size( wcomm, &npe);

974:   MatIsSymmetricKnown(Amat, &set, &flg);
975:   symm = (PetscBool)(pc_gamg_agg->sym_graph || !(set && flg));

977:   PCGAMGCreateGraph( Amat, &Gmat ); CHKERRQ( ierr );
978:   PCGAMGFilterGraph( &Gmat, vfilter, symm, verbose ); CHKERRQ( ierr );
980:   *a_Gmat = Gmat;

982: #if defined PETSC_USE_LOG
983:   PetscLogEventEnd(PC_GAMGGgraph_AGG,0,0,0,0);
984: #endif
985:   return(0);
986: }

988: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
989: /*
990:    PCGAMGCoarsen_AGG

992:   Input Parameter:
993:    . a_pc - this
994:   Input/Output Parameter:
995:    . a_Gmat1 - graph on this fine level - coarsening can change this (squares it)
996:   Output Parameter:
997:    . agg_lists - list of aggregates
998: */
1001: PetscErrorCode PCGAMGCoarsen_AGG( PC a_pc,
1002:                                   Mat *a_Gmat1,
1003:                                   PetscCoarsenData **agg_lists
1004:                                   )
1005: {
1007:   PC_MG          *mg = (PC_MG*)a_pc->data;
1008:   PC_GAMG        *pc_gamg = (PC_GAMG*)mg->innerctx;
1009:   PC_GAMG_AGG    *pc_gamg_agg = (PC_GAMG_AGG*)pc_gamg->subctx;
1010:   Mat             mat,Gmat2, Gmat1 = *a_Gmat1; /* squared graph */
1011:   IS              perm;
1012:   PetscInt        Ii,nloc,bs,n,m;
1013:   PetscInt *permute;
1014:   PetscBool *bIndexSet;
1015:   MatCoarsen crs;
1016:   MPI_Comm        wcomm = ((PetscObject)Gmat1)->comm;
1017:   PetscMPIInt     mype,npe;

1020: #if defined PETSC_USE_LOG
1021:   PetscLogEventBegin(PC_GAMGCoarsen_AGG,0,0,0,0);
1022: #endif
1023:   MPI_Comm_rank( wcomm, &mype);
1024:   MPI_Comm_size( wcomm, &npe);
1025:   MatGetLocalSize( Gmat1, &n, &m );
1026:   MatGetBlockSize( Gmat1, &bs );  assert(bs==1);
1027:   nloc = n/bs;

1029:   if( pc_gamg_agg->square_graph ) {
1030:     MatTransposeMatMult( Gmat1, Gmat1, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, PETSC_DEFAULT, &Gmat2 );
1032:   }
1033:   else Gmat2 = Gmat1;

1035:   /* get MIS aggs */
1036:   /* randomize */
1037:   PetscMalloc( nloc*sizeof(PetscInt), &permute );
1038:   PetscMalloc( nloc*sizeof(PetscBool), &bIndexSet );
1039:   for ( Ii = 0; Ii < nloc ; Ii++ ){
1040:     bIndexSet[Ii] = PETSC_FALSE;
1041:     permute[Ii] = Ii;
1042:   }
1043:   srand(1); /* make deterministic */
1044:   for ( Ii = 0; Ii < nloc ; Ii++ ) {
1045:     PetscInt iSwapIndex = rand()%nloc;
1046:     if (!bIndexSet[iSwapIndex] && iSwapIndex != Ii) {
1047:       PetscInt iTemp = permute[iSwapIndex];
1048:       permute[iSwapIndex] = permute[Ii];
1049:       permute[Ii] = iTemp;
1050:       bIndexSet[iSwapIndex] = PETSC_TRUE;
1051:     }
1052:   }
1053:   PetscFree( bIndexSet );
1055:   ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_SELF, nloc, permute, PETSC_USE_POINTER, &perm);
1057: #if defined PETSC_GAMG_USE_LOG
1058:   PetscLogEventBegin(petsc_gamg_setup_events[SET4],0,0,0,0);
1059: #endif
1060:   MatCoarsenCreate( wcomm, &crs );
1061:   /* MatCoarsenSetType( crs, MATCOARSENMIS );  */
1062:   MatCoarsenSetFromOptions( crs );
1063:   MatCoarsenSetGreedyOrdering( crs, perm );
1064:   MatCoarsenSetAdjacency( crs, Gmat2 );
1065:   MatCoarsenSetVerbose( crs, pc_gamg->verbose );
1066:   MatCoarsenSetStrictAggs( crs, PETSC_TRUE );
1067:   MatCoarsenApply( crs );
1068:   MatCoarsenGetData( crs, agg_lists );  /* output */
1069:   MatCoarsenDestroy( &crs );

1071:   ISDestroy( &perm );
1072:   PetscFree( permute );
1073: #if defined PETSC_GAMG_USE_LOG
1074:   PetscLogEventEnd(petsc_gamg_setup_events[SET4],0,0,0,0);
1075: #endif
1076:   /* smooth aggs */
1077:   if( Gmat2 != Gmat1 ) {
1078:     const PetscCoarsenData *llist = *agg_lists;
1079:     smoothAggs( Gmat2, Gmat1, *agg_lists );
1080:     MatDestroy( &Gmat1 );
1081:     *a_Gmat1 = Gmat2; /* output */
1082:     PetscCDGetMat( llist, &mat );
1083:     if(mat) SETERRQ(wcomm,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Auxilary matrix with squared graph????");
1084:   }
1085:   else {
1086:     const PetscCoarsenData *llist = *agg_lists;
1087:     /* see if we have a matrix that takes pecedence (returned from MatCoarsenAppply) */
1088:     PetscCDGetMat( llist, &mat );
1089:     if( mat ) {
1090:       MatDestroy( &Gmat1 );
1091:       *a_Gmat1 = mat; /* output */
1092:     }
1093:   }
1094: #if defined PETSC_USE_LOG
1095:   PetscLogEventEnd(PC_GAMGCoarsen_AGG,0,0,0,0);
1096: #endif
1097:   return(0);
1098: }

1100: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1101: /*
1102:  PCGAMGProlongator_AGG
1104:  Input Parameter:
1105:  . pc - this
1106:  . Amat - matrix on this fine level
1107:  . Graph - used to get ghost data for nodes in 
1108:  . agg_lists - list of aggregates
1109:  Output Parameter:
1110:  . a_P_out - prolongation operator to the next level
1111:  */
1114: PetscErrorCode PCGAMGProlongator_AGG( PC pc,
1115:                                       const Mat Amat,
1116:                                       const Mat Gmat,
1117:                                       PetscCoarsenData *agg_lists,
1118:                                       Mat *a_P_out
1119:                                       )
1120: {
1121:   PC_MG          *mg = (PC_MG*)pc->data;
1122:   PC_GAMG        *pc_gamg = (PC_GAMG*)mg->innerctx;
1123:   const PetscInt verbose = pc_gamg->verbose;
1124:   const PetscInt data_cols = pc_gamg->data_cell_cols;
1126:   PetscInt       Istart,Iend,nloc,ii,jj,kk,my0,nLocalSelected,bs;
1127:   Mat            Prol;
1128:   PetscMPIInt    mype, npe;
1129:   MPI_Comm       wcomm = ((PetscObject)Amat)->comm;
1130:   const PetscInt col_bs = data_cols;
1131:   PetscReal      *data_w_ghost;
1132:   PetscInt       myCrs0, nbnodes=0, *flid_fgid;

1135: #if defined PETSC_USE_LOG
1136:   PetscLogEventBegin(PC_GAMGProlongator_AGG,0,0,0,0);
1137: #endif
1138:   MPI_Comm_rank( wcomm, &mype);
1139:   MPI_Comm_size( wcomm, &npe);
1140:   MatGetOwnershipRange( Amat, &Istart, &Iend );
1141:   MatGetBlockSize( Amat, &bs ); CHKERRQ( ierr );
1142:   nloc = (Iend-Istart)/bs; my0 = Istart/bs; assert((Iend-Istart)%bs==0);

1144:   /* get 'nLocalSelected' */
1145:   for( ii=0, nLocalSelected = 0 ; ii < nloc ; ii++ ){
1146:     PetscBool ise;
1147:     /* filter out singletons 0 or 1? */
1148:     PetscCDEmptyAt( agg_lists, ii, &ise );
1149:     if( !ise ) nLocalSelected++;
1150:   }
1152:   /* create prolongator, create P matrix */
1153:   MatCreate( wcomm, &Prol );
1154:   MatSetSizes(Prol,nloc*bs,nLocalSelected*col_bs,PETSC_DETERMINE,PETSC_DETERMINE);
1156:   MatSetBlockSizes( Prol, bs, col_bs );
1157:   MatSetType( Prol, MATAIJ );
1158:   MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation( Prol, data_cols, PETSC_NULL);
1159:   MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation(Prol,data_cols, PETSC_NULL,data_cols, PETSC_NULL);
1160:   /* nloc*bs, nLocalSelected*col_bs, */
1162:   /* data_cols, PETSC_NULL, data_cols, PETSC_NULL, */
1163:   /* &Prol ); */

1165:   /* can get all points "removed" */
1166:    MatGetSize( Prol, &kk, &ii );
1167:   if( ii==0 ) {
1168:     if( verbose ) {
1169:       PetscPrintf(wcomm,"[%d]%s no selected points on coarse grid\n",mype,__FUNCT__);
1170:     }
1171:     MatDestroy( &Prol );
1172:     *a_P_out = PETSC_NULL;  /* out */
1173:     return(0);
1174:   }
1175:   if( verbose ) {
1176:     PetscPrintf(wcomm,"\t\t[%d]%s New grid %d nodes\n",mype,__FUNCT__,ii/col_bs);
1177:   }
1178:   MatGetOwnershipRangeColumn( Prol, &myCrs0, &kk );

1180:   assert((kk-myCrs0)%col_bs==0);
1181:   myCrs0 = myCrs0/col_bs;
1182:   assert((kk/col_bs-myCrs0)==nLocalSelected);

1184:   /* create global vector of data in 'data_w_ghost' */
1185: #if defined PETSC_GAMG_USE_LOG
1186:   PetscLogEventBegin(petsc_gamg_setup_events[SET7],0,0,0,0);
1187: #endif
1188:   if (npe > 1) { /*  */
1189:     PetscReal *tmp_gdata,*tmp_ldata,*tp2;
1190:     PetscMalloc( nloc*sizeof(PetscReal), &tmp_ldata );
1191:     for( jj = 0 ; jj < data_cols ; jj++ ){
1192:       for( kk = 0 ; kk < bs ; kk++) {
1193:         PetscInt ii,stride;
1194:         const PetscReal *tp = pc_gamg->data + jj*bs*nloc + kk;
1195:         for( ii = 0 ; ii < nloc ; ii++, tp += bs ){
1196:           tmp_ldata[ii] = *tp;
1197:         }
1198:         PCGAMGGetDataWithGhosts( Gmat, 1, tmp_ldata, &stride, &tmp_gdata );

1201:         if(jj==0 && kk==0) { /* now I know how many todal nodes - allocate */
1202:           PetscMalloc( stride*bs*data_cols*sizeof(PetscReal), &data_w_ghost );
1203:           nbnodes = bs*stride;
1204:         }
1205:         tp2 = data_w_ghost + jj*bs*stride + kk;
1206:         for( ii = 0 ; ii < stride ; ii++, tp2 += bs ){
1207:           *tp2 = tmp_gdata[ii];
1208:         }
1209:         PetscFree( tmp_gdata );
1210:       }
1211:     }
1212:     PetscFree( tmp_ldata );
1213:   }
1214:   else {
1215:     nbnodes = bs*nloc;
1216:     data_w_ghost = (PetscReal*)pc_gamg->data;
1217:   }
1219:   /* get P0 */
1220:   if( npe > 1 ){
1221:     PetscReal *fid_glid_loc,*fiddata;
1222:     PetscInt stride;
1224:     PetscMalloc( nloc*sizeof(PetscReal), &fid_glid_loc );
1225:     for(kk=0;kk<nloc;kk++) fid_glid_loc[kk] = (PetscReal)(my0+kk);
1226:     PCGAMGGetDataWithGhosts( Gmat, 1, fid_glid_loc, &stride, &fiddata );
1228:     PetscMalloc( stride*sizeof(PetscInt), &flid_fgid );
1229:     for(kk=0;kk<stride;kk++) flid_fgid[kk] = (PetscInt)fiddata[kk];
1230:     PetscFree( fiddata );

1232:     assert(stride==nbnodes/bs);
1233:     PetscFree( fid_glid_loc );
1234:   }
1235:   else {
1236:     PetscMalloc( nloc*sizeof(PetscInt), &flid_fgid );
1237:     for(kk=0;kk<nloc;kk++) flid_fgid[kk] = my0 + kk;
1238:   }
1239: #if defined PETSC_GAMG_USE_LOG
1240:   PetscLogEventEnd(petsc_gamg_setup_events[SET7],0,0,0,0);
1241:   PetscLogEventBegin(petsc_gamg_setup_events[SET8],0,0,0,0);
1242: #endif
1243:   {
1244:     PetscReal *data_out = PETSC_NULL;
1245:     formProl0( agg_lists, bs, data_cols, myCrs0, nbnodes,
1246:                       data_w_ghost, flid_fgid, &data_out, Prol );
1248:     PetscFree( pc_gamg->data ); CHKERRQ( ierr );
1249:     pc_gamg->data = data_out;
1250:     pc_gamg->data_cell_rows = data_cols;
1251:     pc_gamg->data_sz = data_cols*data_cols*nLocalSelected;
1252:   }
1253: #if defined PETSC_GAMG_USE_LOG
1254:   PetscLogEventEnd(petsc_gamg_setup_events[SET8],0,0,0,0);
1255: #endif
1256:   if (npe > 1) PetscFree( data_w_ghost );
1257:   PetscFree( flid_fgid );
1259:   *a_P_out = Prol;  /* out */
1260: #if defined PETSC_USE_LOG
1261:   PetscLogEventEnd(PC_GAMGProlongator_AGG,0,0,0,0);
1262: #endif
1263:   return(0);
1264: }

1266: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1267: /*
1268:    PCGAMGOptprol_AGG

1270:   Input Parameter:
1271:    . pc - this
1272:    . Amat - matrix on this fine level
1273:  In/Output Parameter:
1274:    . a_P_out - prolongation operator to the next level
1275: */
1278: PetscErrorCode PCGAMGOptprol_AGG( PC pc,
1279:                                   const Mat Amat,
1280:                                   Mat *a_P
1281:                                   )
1282: {
1284:   PC_MG          *mg = (PC_MG*)pc->data;
1285:   PC_GAMG        *pc_gamg = (PC_GAMG*)mg->innerctx;
1286:   const PetscInt verbose = pc_gamg->verbose;
1287:   PC_GAMG_AGG    *pc_gamg_agg = (PC_GAMG_AGG*)pc_gamg->subctx;
1288:   PetscInt       jj;
1289:   PetscMPIInt    mype,npe;
1290:   Mat            Prol = *a_P;
1291:   MPI_Comm       wcomm = ((PetscObject)Amat)->comm;

1294: #if defined PETSC_USE_LOG
1295:   PetscLogEventBegin(PC_GAMGOptprol_AGG,0,0,0,0);
1296: #endif
1297:   MPI_Comm_rank( wcomm, &mype);
1298:   MPI_Comm_size( wcomm, &npe);

1300:   /* smooth P0 */
1301:   for( jj = 0 ; jj < pc_gamg_agg->nsmooths ; jj++ ){
1302:     Mat tMat;
1303:     Vec diag;
1304:     PetscReal alpha, emax, emin;
1305: #if defined PETSC_GAMG_USE_LOG
1306:     PetscLogEventBegin(petsc_gamg_setup_events[SET9],0,0,0,0);
1307: #endif
1308:     if( jj == 0 ) {
1309:       KSP eksp;
1310:       Vec bb, xx;
1311:       PC pc;
1312:       MatGetVecs( Amat, &bb, 0 );
1313:       MatGetVecs( Amat, &xx, 0 );
1314:       {
1315:         PetscRandom    rctx;
1316:         PetscRandomCreate(wcomm,&rctx);
1317:         PetscRandomSetFromOptions(rctx);
1318:         VecSetRandom(bb,rctx);
1319:         PetscRandomDestroy( &rctx );
1320:       }
1321:       KSPCreate(wcomm,&eksp);
1322:       KSPAppendOptionsPrefix( eksp, "gamg_est_");
1323:       KSPSetFromOptions( eksp );
1324:       KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero( eksp, PETSC_FALSE );
1325:       KSPSetOperators( eksp, Amat, Amat, SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN );
1326:       CHKERRQ( ierr );
1327:       KSPGetPC( eksp, &pc );                              CHKERRQ( ierr );
1328:       PCSetType( pc, PCJACOBI );   /* smoother */
1331:       KSPSetNormType( eksp, KSP_NORM_NONE );
1332:       KSPSetComputeSingularValues( eksp,PETSC_TRUE );
1334:       /* solve - keep stuff out of logging */
1335:       PetscLogEventDeactivate(KSP_Solve);
1336:       PetscLogEventDeactivate(PC_Apply);
1337:       KSPSolve( eksp, bb, xx );
1338:       PetscLogEventActivate(KSP_Solve);
1339:       PetscLogEventActivate(PC_Apply);
1341:       KSPComputeExtremeSingularValues( eksp, &emax, &emin );
1342:       if( verbose ) {
1343:         PetscPrintf(wcomm,"\t\t\t%s smooth P0: max eigen=%e min=%e PC=%s\n",
1344:                     __FUNCT__,emax,emin,PCJACOBI);
1345:       }
1346:       VecDestroy( &xx );
1347:       VecDestroy( &bb );
1348:       KSPDestroy( &eksp );

1350:       if( pc_gamg->emax_id == -1 ) {
1351:         PetscObjectComposedDataRegister( &pc_gamg->emax_id );
1352:         assert(pc_gamg->emax_id != -1 );
1353:       }
1354:       PetscObjectComposedDataSetScalar( (PetscObject)Amat, pc_gamg->emax_id, emax );
1355:     }

1357:     /* smooth P1 := (I - omega/lam D^{-1}A)P0 */
1358:     MatMatMult( Amat, Prol, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, PETSC_DEFAULT, &tMat );
1359:     MatGetVecs( Amat, &diag, 0 );
1360:     MatGetDiagonal( Amat, diag );     /* effectively PCJACOBI */
1361:     VecReciprocal( diag );
1362:     MatDiagonalScale( tMat, diag, 0 );
1363:     VecDestroy( &diag );
1364:     alpha = -1.5/emax;
1365:     MatAYPX( tMat, alpha, Prol, SUBSET_NONZERO_PATTERN );
1366:     MatDestroy( &Prol );
1367:     Prol = tMat;
1368: #if defined PETSC_GAMG_USE_LOG
1369:     PetscLogEventEnd(petsc_gamg_setup_events[SET9],0,0,0,0);
1370: #endif
1371:   }
1372: #if defined PETSC_USE_LOG
1373:   PetscLogEventEnd(PC_GAMGOptprol_AGG,0,0,0,0);
1374: #endif
1375:   *a_P = Prol;

1377:   return(0);
1378: }

1380: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1381: /*
1382:    PCGAMGKKTProl_AGG

1384:   Input Parameter:
1385:    . pc - this
1386:    . Prol11 - matrix on this fine level
1387:    . A21 - matrix on this fine level
1388:  In/Output Parameter:
1389:    . a_P22 - prolongation operator to the next level
1390: */
1393: PetscErrorCode PCGAMGKKTProl_AGG( PC pc,
1394:                                   const Mat Prol11,
1395:                                   const Mat A21,
1396:                                   Mat *a_P22
1397:                                   )
1398: {
1400:   PC_MG          *mg = (PC_MG*)pc->data;
1401:   PC_GAMG        *pc_gamg = (PC_GAMG*)mg->innerctx;
1402:   const PetscInt verbose = pc_gamg->verbose;
1403:   /* PC_GAMG_AGG    *pc_gamg_agg = (PC_GAMG_AGG*)pc_gamg->subctx;  */
1404:   PetscMPIInt    mype,npe;
1405:   Mat            Prol22,Tmat,Gmat;
1406:   MPI_Comm       wcomm = ((PetscObject)pc)->comm;
1407:   PetscCoarsenData *agg_lists;

1410: #if defined PETSC_USE_LOG
1411:   PetscLogEventBegin(PC_GAMGKKTProl_AGG,0,0,0,0);
1412: #endif
1413:   MPI_Comm_rank( wcomm, &mype);
1414:   MPI_Comm_size( wcomm, &npe);

1416:   /* form C graph */
1417:   MatMatMult( A21, Prol11, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, PETSC_DEFAULT, &Tmat);
1418:   MatMatTransposeMult(Tmat, Tmat, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, PETSC_DEFAULT, &Gmat );
1419:   MatDestroy(&Tmat);
1420:   PCGAMGFilterGraph(&Gmat, 0.0, PETSC_FALSE, verbose);

1422:   /* coarsen constraints */
1423:   {
1424:     MatCoarsen crs;
1425:     MatCoarsenCreate( wcomm, &crs );
1426:     MatCoarsenSetType( crs, MATCOARSENMIS );
1427:     MatCoarsenSetAdjacency( crs, Gmat );
1428:     MatCoarsenSetVerbose( crs, verbose );
1429:     MatCoarsenSetStrictAggs( crs, PETSC_TRUE );
1430:     MatCoarsenApply( crs );
1431:     MatCoarsenGetData( crs, &agg_lists );
1432:     MatCoarsenDestroy( &crs );
1433:   }

1435:   /* form simple prolongation 'Prol22' */
1436:   {
1437:     PetscInt ii,mm,clid,my0,nloc,nLocalSelected;
1438:     PetscScalar val = 1.0;
1439:     /* get 'nLocalSelected' */
1440:     MatGetLocalSize( Gmat, &nloc, &ii );
1441:     for( ii=0, nLocalSelected = 0 ; ii < nloc ; ii++ ){
1442:       PetscBool ise;
1443:       /* filter out singletons 0 or 1? */
1444:       PetscCDEmptyAt( agg_lists, ii, &ise );
1445:       if( !ise ) nLocalSelected++;
1446:     }

1448:     MatCreate(wcomm,&Prol22);
1449:     MatSetSizes( Prol22,nloc, nLocalSelected,
1450:                         PETSC_DETERMINE, PETSC_DETERMINE);
1452:     MatSetType( Prol22, MATAIJ );
1453:     MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation(Prol22,1,PETSC_NULL);
1454:     MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation(Prol22,1,PETSC_NULL,1,PETSC_NULL);
1456:     /* MatCreateAIJ( wcomm, */
1457:     /*                      nloc, nLocalSelected, */
1458:     /*                      PETSC_DETERMINE, PETSC_DETERMINE, */
1459:     /*                      1, PETSC_NULL, 1, PETSC_NULL, */
1460:     /*                      &Prol22 ); */
1462:     MatGetOwnershipRange( Prol22, &my0, &ii );
1463:     nloc = ii - my0;
1465:     /* make aggregates */
1466:     for( mm = clid = 0 ; mm < nloc ; mm++ ){
1467:       PetscCDSizeAt( agg_lists, mm, &ii );
1468:       if( ii > 0 ) {
1469:         PetscInt asz=ii,cgid=my0+clid,rids[1000];
1470:         PetscCDPos pos;
1471:         if(asz>1000)SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"Very large aggregate: %d",asz);
1472:         ii = 0;
1473:         PetscCDGetHeadPos(agg_lists,mm,&pos);
1474:         while(pos){
1475:           PetscInt gid1;
1476:           PetscLLNGetID( pos, &gid1 );
1477:           PetscCDGetNextPos(agg_lists,mm,&pos);
1479:           rids[ii++] = gid1;
1480:         }
1481:         assert(ii==asz);
1482:         /* add diagonal block of P0 */
1483:         MatSetValues(Prol22,asz,rids,1,&cgid,&val,INSERT_VALUES);
1485:         clid++;
1486:       } /* coarse agg */
1487:     } /* for all fine nodes */
1488:     MatAssemblyBegin(Prol22,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
1489:     MatAssemblyEnd(Prol22,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
1490:   }

1492:   /* clean up */
1493:   MatDestroy( &Gmat );
1494:   PetscCDDestroy( agg_lists );
1495: #if defined PETSC_USE_LOG
1496:   PetscLogEventEnd(PC_GAMGKKTProl_AGG,0,0,0,0);
1497: #endif
1498:   *a_P22 = Prol22;

1500:   return(0);
1501: }

1503: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1504: /*
1505:    PCCreateGAMG_AGG

1507:   Input Parameter:
1508:    . pc - 
1509: */
1512: PetscErrorCode  PCCreateGAMG_AGG( PC pc )
1513: {
1514:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
1515:   PC_MG           *mg = (PC_MG*)pc->data;
1516:   PC_GAMG         *pc_gamg = (PC_GAMG*)mg->innerctx;
1517:   PC_GAMG_AGG      *pc_gamg_agg;

1520:   /* create sub context for SA */
1521:   PetscNewLog( pc, PC_GAMG_AGG, &pc_gamg_agg );
1522:   assert(!pc_gamg->subctx);
1523:   pc_gamg->subctx = pc_gamg_agg;
1525:   pc->ops->setfromoptions = PCSetFromOptions_GAMG_AGG;
1526:   pc->ops->destroy        = PCDestroy_AGG;
1527:   /* reset does not do anything; setup not virtual */

1529:   /* set internal function pointers */
1530:   pc_gamg->graph = PCGAMGgraph_AGG;
1531:   pc_gamg->coarsen = PCGAMGCoarsen_AGG;
1532:   pc_gamg->prolongator = PCGAMGProlongator_AGG;
1533:   pc_gamg->optprol = PCGAMGOptprol_AGG;
1534:   pc_gamg->formkktprol = PCGAMGKKTProl_AGG;
1536:   pc_gamg->createdefaultdata = PCSetData_AGG;

1538:   PetscObjectComposeFunctionDynamic( (PetscObject)pc,
1539:                                             "PCSetCoordinates_C",
1540:                                             "PCSetCoordinates_AGG",
1541:                                             PCSetCoordinates_AGG);
1542:   return(0);
1543: }