Actual source code: FEMProblem.hh

petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11
  1: #ifndef __FEMProblem

  4: /*
  6:   Framework for solving a FEM problem using sieve.
  8:   The Discretization objects are WAY too embedded into the way things are done; we will have to create ways of 

 10: This includes derived types doing what indicesExcluded does for all things marked with a boundary marker.

 12: */

 14: #include <sieve/Mesh.hh>

 16: namespace ALE {
 17:   namespace Problem {

 19:     /*
 20:       This class defines a basic interface to a subproblem; all data the type needs will be set at initialization and be
 21:       members of the derived types

 23:       The recommended use for a given problem is to define a subproblem class for doing the data initialization for the
 24:       form, as well as the postprocessing one for doing the boundary handling and setting, and one for dealing with the
 25:       process of the solve.  Work can be broken up as needed; however for the sake of simplicity one should probably
 26:       have various forms in various subproblems to assemble.  This could of course include facet integrals or problems
 27:       over part of the domain.  Look at the examples provided in UFCProblem, which use the UFC form compiler to assemble
 28:       subproblems of a form.

 30:      */

 32:     class SubProblem : public ParallelObject {
 33:     public:

 35:       typedef std::string name_type;

 37:       SubProblem(MPI_Comm comm, const int debug = 0) : ParallelObject(comm, debug) {};
 38:       virtual ~SubProblem() {};

 40:     };

 42:     /*
 43:       Below is a helper derived class of subproblem; the persistently limiting and annoying discretization object in
 44:       Sieve must be excised; Here are subproblem objects containing the helper functions that are presently in the
 45:       monster called PETSC_MESH_TYPE, but with references to the discretization object stolen.  virtual functions to be
 46:       filled in in further derived classes are marked.  This is meant to be a stepping stone towards generalized use of
 47:       problem creation objects with multiple fields and interesting boundary conditions.  This type can be branched into

 49:     */

 51:     //creates a discretization-like thing for this particular case; from this we can use the helper functions in the
 52:     //generalformsubproblem to set up the discretization across the mesh as one might expect in the case of a

 55: #if 0

 57:     //we really can't use this for finite elements with UFC

 59:     class GeneralCell : public ParallelObject {
 60:     private:
 61:       int _embedded_dimension;           //the fiberdimension of the coordinate section
 62:       int closureSize;                   //the size of the closure
 63:       std::map<int, int> _closure_order; //all that really matters; assume interpolated as the order should be the same
 64:       int _num_vertices;                 //necessary to allocate the coordinate array.
 65:       double * _coordinates;             //the coordinate array in order based upon the local topology

 67:       GeneralCell() {
 68:         _num_vertices = 0;
 69:         _coordinates = PETSC_NULL;
 70:       }

 72:       GeneralCell(int embedded_dimension, int num_vertices) {
 73:         _embedded_dimension = embedded_dimension;
 74:         _num_vertices = _num_vertices;
 75:         _coordinates = new double[_embedded_dimension*_num_vertices];
 76:       }

 78:       virtual ~GeneralCell() {
 79:         if (_coordinates)
 80:           delete _coordinates;
 81:       }

 83:       virtual void setMeshCell(Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE> mesh, PETSC_MESH_TYPE::point_type cell) {
 84:         throw Exception("GeneralCell->setCell(): Unimplemented base class");
 85:         return;
 86:       }
 87:       virtual void setClosureOrder(int subcell, int map) {
 88:         _closure_order[subcell] = map;
 89:       }
 90:       virtual int getClosureOrder(int subcell) {
 91:         return _closure_order[subcell];
 92:       }
 93:     };

 95: #endif

 97:     class GeneralBoundaryCondition : ParallelObject {
 98:     protected:

100:       std::string     _labelName;
101:       int             _marker;

103:     public:
104:       GeneralBoundaryCondition(MPI_Comm comm, const int debug = 0) : ParallelObject(comm, debug) {};
105:       virtual ~GeneralBoundaryCondition() {};
106:     public:
107:       virtual const std::string& getLabelName() const {return this->_labelName;};
108:       virtual void setLabelName(const std::string& name) {this->_labelName = name;};
109:       virtual int getMarker() const {return this->_marker;};
110:       virtual void setMarker(const int marker) {this->_marker = marker;};
112:     public:

114:       virtual double integrateDual(unsigned int dof) {
115:         //when implementing this one should have some notion of what the dof number is built into the BC; this would constitute having some cell or something known
116:         //by the object such that that cell can be set and integrated within.
117:         throw Exception("GeneralBoundaryCondition->integrateDual: Nonimplemented base-class version called.");
118:         return 3.;
119:       };
121:       virtual void setReorder(int * reorder) {
122:         throw Exception("GeneralBoundaryCondition->setReorder(): Unimplemented base class version called.");
123:       }

125:       virtual const int * getReorder() {
126:         throw Exception("GeneralBoundaryCondition->getReorder(): Unimplemented base class version called.");
127:         return PETSC_NULL;
128:       }

130:     };
132:     /*
133:       Include at least counts of all the part of the triple, as well as all the information for the cell.
134:      */

136: #if 0

138:     class GeneralFiniteElement : public ParallelObject {
139:     private:
140:     public:
141:       virtual double integrateDual(unsigned int dof) {
142:         //evaluate a degree of freedom
143:         return 0.;
144:       }
145:       virtual int closureIndex(unsigned int dof) {
146:         return 0;
147:       }
148:       virtual int dataIndex(unsigned int dof) {
149:         return 0;
150:       }
151:     };

153: #endif

155:     //we almost, ALMOST need an overall view of a local reference topology for this kind of stuff (and the boundary conditions).

157:     class GeneralIntegral : public ParallelObject {
158:     public:
159:       typedef std::string name_type;
160:     private:
161:       //the integral should only apply to the labeled points in some way, probably over the closure(support(point));

164:       //the integrals will have some set of cells or cell-like objects they act on; this includes potentially internal faces.
165:       //But, for cell integrals these should be set to "height" and "0"

167:       name_type _label_name;
168:       int _label_marker;     //We could use this if there's only a certain label and marker that the given integral applies to

170:       int _num_coefficients; //for the linear forms

172:       int _space_dimension;       //the number of DoFs we're dealing with here.
173:       int _tensor_rank;           //the tensor rank; it BETTER be one or two.
174:       int _topological_dimension; //the topological dimension of the given mesh item -- tells us if it's a cell or facet integral

176:       int * _closure2data;  //if there is some API-level data storage, this maps the unknowns for the WHOLE CLOSURE onto the unknowns for the API

178:     public:
180:       GeneralIntegral (MPI_Comm comm, int debug = 0) : ParallelObject(comm, debug) {
181:         _tensor_rank = 0;
182:         _space_dimension = 0;
183:         _topological_dimension = 0;
184:         _label_marker = 0;
185:       }

187:       GeneralIntegral (MPI_Comm comm, name_type labelname, int labelmarker, int nCoefficients = 0, int debug = 0) : ParallelObject(comm, debug) {
188:         _num_coefficients = nCoefficients;
189:         _label_name = labelname;
190:         _label_marker = labelmarker;
191:       }

193:       virtual ~GeneralIntegral () {};

196:       int getNumCoefficients() {
197:         return _num_coefficients;
198:       }

200:       void setNumCoefficients(int nc) {
201:         _num_coefficients = nc;
202:       }

205:       name_type getLabelName() {
206:         return _label_name;
207:       }

209:       int getLabelMarker() {
210:         return _label_marker;
211:       }

213:       void setLabelName(name_type newName) {
214:         _label_name = newName;
215:       }

217:       void setLabelMarker(int newMarker) {
218:         _label_marker = newMarker;
219:       }

222:       virtual void setSpaceDimension(int dim) {
223:         _space_dimension = dim;
224:       }
226:       virtual int getSpaceDimension() {
227:         return _space_dimension;
228:       }

230:       virtual void setTensorRank(int rank) {
231:         _tensor_rank = rank;
232:       }
234:       virtual int getTensorRank() {
235:         return _tensor_rank;
236:       }

240:       virtual const int * getReorder() {
241:         return _closure2data;
242:       }

244:       virtual void setReorder(int * reorder) {
245:         _closure2data = reorder;
246:       }

248:       //use the UFC lingo here
249:       //have some notion of the cell initialized and in-state in the eventual implementation.
250:       virtual void tabulateTensor(double * tensor, const double * coefficients = PETSC_NULL) {
251:         throw Exception("GeneralIntegral->tabulateTensor: Nonimplemented Base class version called.");
252:         return;
253:       }
254:     };

256:     class GeneralDiscretization : ParallelObject { //this should largely resemble the old form of the discretizations, only with specifics of evaluation to FIAT removed.
257:       typedef std::map<std::string, Obj<GeneralBoundaryCondition> > boundaryConditions_type;
258:     protected:
259:       boundaryConditions_type _boundaryConditions;
260:       Obj<GeneralBoundaryCondition> _exactSolution;
261:       std::map<int,int> _dim2dof; //not good enough for tensor product assembly.... however we can generalize this into some sort of "getClosureItemDofs" or something per cell
262:       std::map<int,int> _dim2class;
263:       int           _quadSize;
264:       int           _basisSize;
265:       const int *         _indices;
266:       std::map<int, const int *> _exclusionIndices;
267:       const int * _closure2data; //local index reordering

269:     public:

271:       typedef std::set<std::string> names_type;

273:       GeneralDiscretization(MPI_Comm comm, const int debug = 0) : ParallelObject(comm, debug), _quadSize(0), _basisSize(0), _indices(NULL) {};
274:       virtual ~GeneralDiscretization() {
275:         if (this->_indices) {delete [] this->_indices;}
276:         for(std::map<int, const int *>::iterator i_iter = _exclusionIndices.begin(); i_iter != _exclusionIndices.end(); ++i_iter) {
277:           delete [] i_iter->second;
278:         }
279:         if (_closure2data) {
280:           delete _closure2data;
281:         }
282:       };
283:     public:
284:       virtual const bool hasBoundaryCondition() {return (this->_boundaryConditions.find("default") != this->_boundaryConditions.end());};
285:       virtual Obj<GeneralBoundaryCondition> getBoundaryCondition() {return this->getBoundaryCondition("default");};
286:       virtual void setBoundaryCondition(const Obj<GeneralBoundaryCondition>& boundaryCondition) {this->setBoundaryCondition("default", boundaryCondition);};
287:       virtual Obj<GeneralBoundaryCondition> getBoundaryCondition(const std::string& name) {return this->_boundaryConditions[name];};
288:       virtual void setBoundaryCondition(const std::string& name, const Obj<GeneralBoundaryCondition>& boundaryCondition) {this->_boundaryConditions[name] = boundaryCondition;};
289:       virtual names_type getBoundaryConditions() const {
290:         Obj<names_type> names = names_type();
291:         for(boundaryConditions_type::const_iterator d_iter = this->_boundaryConditions.begin(); d_iter != this->_boundaryConditions.end(); ++d_iter) {
292:           names->insert(d_iter->first);
293:         }
294:         return names;
295:       };

297:       //eh?
298:       //virtual const Obj<BoundaryCondition>& getExactSolution() {return this->_exactSolution;};
299:       //virtual void setExactSolution(const Obj<GeneralBoundaryCondition>& exactSolution) {this->_exactSolution = exactSolution;};
300:       virtual const int     getQuadratureSize() {return this->_quadSize;};
301:       virtual void          setQuadratureSize(const int size) {this->_quadSize = size;};
302:       virtual const int     getBasisSize() {return this->_basisSize;};
303:       virtual void          setBasisSize(const int size) {this->_basisSize = size;};

305:       //eh, until they get this together in UFC keep these around.

307:       virtual int           getNumDof(const int dim) {return this->_dim2dof[dim];};
308:       virtual void          setNumDof(const int dim, const int numDof) {this->_dim2dof[dim] = numDof;};
309:       virtual int           getDofClass(const int dim) {return this->_dim2class[dim];};
310:       virtual void          setDofClass(const int dim, const int dofClass) {this->_dim2class[dim] = dofClass;};
311:     public:

313:       /*
315:       Functions for interacting with external libraries for handling finite element assembly that might have different cell layout.
317:        */

319:       virtual void createReorder() {
320:         throw Exception("GeneralDiscretization->createReorderings: Unimplemented base function");
321:         return;
322:       }

324:       virtual const int * getReorder() {
325:         return _closure2data;
326:       }

328:       virtual void setReorder(int * reorder) {
329:         _closure2data = reorder;
330:       }

332:       //Yeah... not messing with this part.

334:       virtual const int *getIndices() {return this->_indices;};
335:       virtual const int *getIndices(const int marker) {

337:         if (!marker) return this->getIndices();
338:         return this->_exclusionIndices[marker];
339:       };
340:       virtual void       setIndices(const int *indices) {this->_indices = indices;};
341:       virtual void       setIndices(const int *indices, const int marker) {
342:         if (!marker) this->_indices = indices;
343:         this->_exclusionIndices[marker] = indices;
344:       };

346:       //return the size of the space
347:       virtual int size() {
348:         throw Exception("GeneralDiscretization->size(): Nonimplemented base class function called.");
349:         return 0;
350:       }
351:       virtual double evaluateRHS(int dof) {
352:         throw Exception("GeneralDiscretization->evaluateRHS: Nonimplemented base class function called.");
353:       }
354:     };

356:     //The GenericFormSubProblem shown here should basically contain the whole problem as it does the discretization-like setup, which might break
357:     //if you define multiple ones right now.  Set the multiple different spaces using different discretizations.

359:     class GenericFormSubProblem : SubProblem { //takes information from some abstract notion of a problem and sets up the thing.
360:     public:
361:       typedef std::map<std::string, Obj<GeneralDiscretization> > discretizations_type;
362:       typedef std::map<std::string, Obj<GeneralIntegral> > integral_type;
363:       typedef std::set<std::string> names_type;

365:       GenericFormSubProblem(MPI_Comm comm, int debug = 1) : SubProblem(comm, debug) {};

367:       ~GenericFormSubProblem(){};

369:     private:
371:       name_type _solutionSectionName;
372:       name_type _forcingSectionName;
373:       discretizations_type _discretizations;
374:       integral_type _integrals;
375:       Obj<GeneralBoundaryCondition> _exactSolution; //evaluates a function over all unknowns on the form containing an exact solution.  Per discretization later.
376:       int * _closure2data;                          //a mapping from closure indices to data indices for the overall element

379:       //helper functions, stolen directly from Mesh.hh with slight modifications to remove FIAT dependence and instead use stuff from GeneralDiscretization

381:     public:
383:       const Obj<GeneralDiscretization>& getDiscretization() {return this->getDiscretization("default");};
384:       const Obj<GeneralDiscretization>& getDiscretization(const std::string& name) {return this->_discretizations[name];};
386:       void setDiscretization(const Obj<GeneralDiscretization>& disc) {this->setDiscretization("default", disc);};
387:       void setDiscretization(const std::string& name, const Obj<GeneralDiscretization>& disc) {this->_discretizations[name] = disc;};

389:       const Obj<GeneralIntegral>& getIntegral() {return this->getIntegral("default");};
390:       const Obj<GeneralIntegral>& getIntegral(const std::string& name) {return this->_integrals[name];};

392:       void setIntegral(const Obj<GeneralIntegral>& integral) {this->setIntegral("default", integral);};
393:       void setIntegral(const std::string& name, const Obj<GeneralIntegral> integral) {this->_integrals[name] = integral;};

395:       //FAIL! this won't be used.
396:       void setExactSolution(Obj<GeneralBoundaryCondition> exactsol) {
397:         _exactSolution = exactsol;
398:       }

400:       Obj<GeneralBoundaryCondition> getExactSolution(){return _exactSolution;};

402:       Obj<names_type> getDiscretizations() const {
403:         Obj<names_type> names = names_type();
405:         for(discretizations_type::const_iterator d_iter = this->_discretizations.begin(); d_iter != this->_discretizations.end(); ++d_iter) {
406:           names->insert(d_iter->first);
407:         }
408:         return names;
409:       };

411:       Obj<names_type> getIntegrals() const {
412:         Obj<names_type> names = names_type();
413:         for (integral_type::const_iterator i_iter = this->_integrals.begin(); i_iter != this->_integrals.end(); ++i_iter) {
414:           names->insert(i_iter->first);
415:         }
416:         return names;
417:       }

419:       //TODO: Implement a cell interface class towards flexible handling of reordering between various parts of this thing.

421:       virtual void setCell(Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE> mesh, PETSC_MESH_TYPE::point_type c) const { //implementations should set some state of the derived type to the present cell
422:         throw Exception("Using the unimplemented base class version of setCell in GeneralDiscretization.");
423:         return;
424:       };

426:       virtual int localSpaceDimension() {
427:         throw Exception("GeneralDiscretization->localSpaceDimension(): using the unimplemented base class version.");
428:         return 0;
429:       }
431:       /*
432:         Functions handling the creation and application of reordering from element libraries and sieve.
433:        */

435:       virtual void createReorder() {
436:         throw Exception("GeneralFormSubProblem->buildOrderings(): nonimplemented base function");
437:         return;
438:       }

440:       virtual const int * getReorder() {
441:         return _closure2data;
442:       }

444:       virtual void setReorder(int * order) {
445:         _closure2data = order;
446:       }

448:       /*
449:         Functions handling the mesh data layout from the overall subproblem
450:        */

452:       int setFiberDimensions(const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE> mesh, const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::real_section_type> s, const Obj<names_type>& discs, names_type& bcLabels) {
453:         const int debug  = this->debug();
454:         int       maxDof = 0;
456:         for(names_type::const_iterator f_iter = discs->begin(); f_iter != discs->end(); ++f_iter) {
457:           s->addSpace();
458:         }
459:         for(int d = 0; d <= mesh->getDimension(); ++d) {
460:           int numDof = 0;
461:           int f      = 0;
463:           for(names_type::const_iterator f_iter = discs->begin(); f_iter != discs->end(); ++f_iter, ++f) {
464:             const Obj<GeneralDiscretization>& disc = this->getDiscretization(*f_iter);
465:             const int                       sDof = disc->getNumDof(d);
467:             numDof += sDof;
468:             if (sDof) s->setFiberDimension(mesh->depthStratum(d), sDof, f);
469:           }
470:           if (numDof) s->setFiberDimension(mesh->depthStratum(d), numDof);
471:           maxDof = std::max(maxDof, numDof);
472:         }
473:         // Process exclusions
474:         typedef ISieveVisitor::PointRetriever<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::sieve_type> Visitor;
475:         int f = 0;
477:         for(names_type::const_iterator f_iter = discs->begin(); f_iter != discs->end(); ++f_iter, ++f) {
478:           const Obj<GeneralDiscretization>& disc      = this->getDiscretization(*f_iter);
479:           std::string                     labelName = "exclude-"+*f_iter;
480:           std::set<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::point_type>            seen;
481:           Visitor pV((int) pow(mesh->getSieve()->getMaxConeSize(), mesh->depth()), true);
483:           if (mesh->hasLabel(labelName)) {
484:             const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_type>&         label     = mesh->getLabel(labelName);
485:             const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence>&     exclusion = mesh->getLabelStratum(labelName, 1);
486:             const PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence::iterator end       = exclusion->end();
487:             if (debug > 1) {label->view(labelName.c_str());}
489:             for(PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence::iterator e_iter = exclusion->begin(); e_iter != end; ++e_iter) {
490:               ISieveTraversal<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::sieve_type>::orientedClosure(*mesh->getSieve(), *e_iter, pV);
491:               const Visitor::point_type *oPoints = pV.getPoints();
492:               const int                  oSize   = pV.getSize();
494:               for(int cl = 0; cl < oSize; ++cl) {
495:                 if (seen.find(oPoints[cl]) != seen.end()) continue;
496:                 if (mesh->getValue(label, oPoints[cl]) == 1) {
497:                   seen.insert(oPoints[cl]);
498:                   s->setFiberDimension(oPoints[cl], 0, f);
499:                   s->addFiberDimension(oPoints[cl], -disc->getNumDof(mesh->depth(oPoints[cl])));
500:                   if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "  point: " << oPoints[cl] << " dim: " << disc->getNumDof(mesh->depth(oPoints[cl])) << std::endl;}
501:                 }
502:               }
503:               pV.clear();
504:             }
505:           }
506:         }
507:         // Process constraints
508:         f = 0;
509:         for(std::set<std::string>::const_iterator f_iter = discs->begin(); f_iter != discs->end(); ++f_iter, ++f) {
510:           const Obj<GeneralDiscretization>&    disc        = this->getDiscretization(*f_iter);
511:           const Obj<std::set<std::string> >  bcs         = disc->getBoundaryConditions();
512:           std::string                        excludeName = "exclude-"+*f_iter;
514:           for(std::set<std::string>::const_iterator bc_iter = bcs->begin(); bc_iter != bcs->end(); ++bc_iter) {
515:             const Obj<GeneralBoundaryCondition>& bc       = disc->getBoundaryCondition(*bc_iter);
516:             const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence>&         boundary = mesh->getLabelStratum(bc->getLabelName(), bc->getMarker());
518:             bcLabels.insert(bc->getLabelName());
519:             if (mesh->hasLabel(excludeName)) {
520:               const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_type>& label = mesh->getLabel(excludeName);
522:               for(PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence::iterator e_iter = boundary->begin(); e_iter != boundary->end(); ++e_iter) {
523:                 if (!mesh->getValue(label, *e_iter)) {
524:                   const int numDof = disc->getNumDof(mesh->depth(*e_iter));
526:                   if (numDof) s->addConstraintDimension(*e_iter, numDof);
527:                   if (numDof) s->setConstraintDimension(*e_iter, numDof, f);
528:                 }
529:               }
530:             } else {
531:               for(PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence::iterator e_iter = boundary->begin(); e_iter != boundary->end(); ++e_iter) {
532:                 const int numDof = disc->getNumDof(mesh->depth(*e_iter));
534:                 if (numDof) s->addConstraintDimension(*e_iter, numDof);
535:                 if (numDof) s->setConstraintDimension(*e_iter, numDof, f);
536:               }
537:             }
538:           }
539:         }
540:         return maxDof;
541:       };
542:       void calculateIndices(Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE> mesh) {
543:         typedef ISieveVisitor::PointRetriever<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::sieve_type> Visitor;
544:         // Should have an iterator over the whole tree
545:         Obj<names_type> discs = this->getDiscretizations();
546:         const int       debug = this->debug();
547:         std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, int*> > indices;
549:         for(names_type::const_iterator d_iter = discs->begin(); d_iter != discs->end(); ++d_iter) {
550:           const Obj<GeneralDiscretization>& disc = this->getDiscretization(*d_iter);
551:           indices[*d_iter] = std::pair<int, int*>(0, new int[disc->size()]);  //size isn't a function of the mesh it's a function of the local function space
552:           disc->setIndices(indices[*d_iter].second);
553:         }
554:         const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence>& cells   = mesh->heightStratum(0);
555:         Visitor pV((int) pow(mesh->getSieve()->getMaxConeSize(), mesh->depth())+1, true);
556:         ISieveTraversal<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::sieve_type>::orientedClosure(*mesh->getSieve(), *cells->begin(), pV);
557:         const Visitor::point_type *oPoints = pV.getPoints();
558:         const int                  oSize   = pV.getSize();
559:         int                        offset  = 0;
561:         if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "Closure for first element" << std::endl;}
562:         for(int cl = 0; cl < oSize; ++cl) {
563:           const int dim = mesh->depth(oPoints[cl]);
565:           if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "  point " << oPoints[cl] << " depth " << dim << std::endl;}
566:           for(names_type::const_iterator d_iter = discs->begin(); d_iter != discs->end(); ++d_iter) {
567:             const Obj<GeneralDiscretization>& disc = this->getDiscretization(*d_iter);
568:             const int                  num  = disc->getNumDof(dim);
570:             //if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "    disc " << disc->getName() << " numDof " << num << std::endl;}
571:             for(int o = 0; o < num; ++o) {
572:               indices[*d_iter].second[indices[*d_iter].first++] = offset++;
573:             }
574:           }
575:         }
576:         pV.clear();
577:         if (debug > 1) {
578:           for(names_type::const_iterator d_iter = discs->begin(); d_iter != discs->end(); ++d_iter) {
579:             //const Obj<GeneralDiscretization>& disc = this->getDiscretization(*d_iter);
581:             //std::cout << "Discretization " << disc->getName() << " indices:";
582:             for(int i = 0; i < indices[*d_iter].first; ++i) {
583:               std::cout << " " << indices[*d_iter].second[i];
584:             }
585:             std::cout << std::endl;
586:           }
587:         }
588:       };

590:       void calculateIndicesExcluded(const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE> mesh, const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::real_section_type>& s, const Obj<names_type>& discs) {
591:         typedef ISieveVisitor::PointRetriever<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::sieve_type> Visitor;
592:         typedef std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, indexSet> > indices_type;
593:         const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_type>& indexLabel = mesh->createLabel("cellExclusion");
594:         const int debug  = this->debug();
595:         int       marker = 0;
596:         std::map<indices_type, int> indexMap;
597:         indices_type                indices;
598:         Visitor pV((int) pow(mesh->getSieve()->getMaxConeSize(), mesh->depth())+1, true);
600:         for(names_type::const_iterator d_iter = discs->begin(); d_iter != discs->end(); ++d_iter) {
601:           const Obj<GeneralDiscretization>& disc = this->getDiscretization(*d_iter);
602:           const int                  size = disc->size();
604:           indices[*d_iter].second.resize(size);
605:         }
606:         const names_type::const_iterator dBegin = discs->begin();
607:         const names_type::const_iterator dEnd   = discs->end();
608:         std::set<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::point_type> seen;
609:         int f = 0;
611:         for(names_type::const_iterator f_iter = dBegin; f_iter != dEnd; ++f_iter, ++f) {
612:           std::string labelName = "exclude-"+*f_iter;
614:           if (mesh->hasLabel(labelName)) {
615:             const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence>&     exclusion = mesh->getLabelStratum(labelName, 1);
616:             const PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence::iterator end       = exclusion->end();
618:             if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "Processing exclusion " << labelName << std::endl;}
619:             for(PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence::iterator e_iter = exclusion->begin(); e_iter != end; ++e_iter) {
620:               if (mesh->height(*e_iter)) continue;
621:               ISieveTraversal<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::sieve_type>::orientedClosure(*mesh->getSieve(), *e_iter, pV);
622:               const Visitor::point_type *oPoints = pV.getPoints();
623:               const int                  oSize   = pV.getSize();
624:               int                        offset  = 0;
626:               if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "  Closure for cell " << *e_iter << std::endl;}
627:               for(int cl = 0; cl < oSize; ++cl) {
628:                 int g = 0;
630:                 if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "    point " << oPoints[cl] << std::endl;}
631:                 for(names_type::const_iterator g_iter = dBegin; g_iter != dEnd; ++g_iter, ++g) {
632:                   const int fDim = s->getFiberDimension(oPoints[cl], g);
634:                   if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "      disc " << *g_iter << " numDof " << fDim << std::endl;}
635:                   for(int d = 0; d < fDim; ++d) {
636:                     indices[*g_iter].second[indices[*g_iter].first++] = offset++;
637:                   }
638:                 }
639:               }
640:               pV.clear();
641:               const std::map<indices_type, int>::iterator entry = indexMap.find(indices);
643:               if (debug > 1) {
644:                 for(std::map<indices_type, int>::iterator i_iter = indexMap.begin(); i_iter != indexMap.end(); ++i_iter) {
645:                   for(names_type::const_iterator g_iter = discs->begin(); g_iter != discs->end(); ++g_iter) {
646:                     std::cout << "Discretization (" << i_iter->second << ") " << *g_iter << " indices:";
647:                     for(int i = 0; i < ((indices_type) i_iter->first)[*g_iter].first; ++i) {
648:                       std::cout << " " << ((indices_type) i_iter->first)[*g_iter].second[i];
649:                     }
650:                     std::cout << std::endl;
651:                   }
652:                   std::cout << "Comparison: " << (indices == i_iter->first) << std::endl;
653:                 }
654:                 for(names_type::const_iterator g_iter = discs->begin(); g_iter != discs->end(); ++g_iter) {
655:                   std::cout << "Discretization " << *g_iter << " indices:";
656:                   for(int i = 0; i < indices[*g_iter].first; ++i) {
657:                     std::cout << " " << indices[*g_iter].second[i];
658:                   }
659:                   std::cout << std::endl;
660:                 }
661:               }
662:               if (entry != indexMap.end()) {
663:                 mesh->setValue(indexLabel, *e_iter, entry->second);
664:                 if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "  Found existing indices with marker " << entry->second << std::endl;}
665:               } else {
666:                 indexMap[indices] = ++marker;
667:                 mesh->setValue(indexLabel, *e_iter, marker);
668:                 if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "  Created new indices with marker " << marker << std::endl;}
669:               }
670:               for(names_type::const_iterator g_iter = discs->begin(); g_iter != discs->end(); ++g_iter) {
671:                 indices[*g_iter].first  = 0;
672:                 for(unsigned int i = 0; i < indices[*g_iter].second.size(); ++i) indices[*g_iter].second[i] = 0;
673:               }
674:             }
675:           }
676:         }
677:         if (debug > 1) {indexLabel->view("cellExclusion");}
678:         for(std::map<indices_type, int>::iterator i_iter = indexMap.begin(); i_iter != indexMap.end(); ++i_iter) {
679:           if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "Setting indices for marker " << i_iter->second << std::endl;}
680:           for(names_type::const_iterator g_iter = discs->begin(); g_iter != discs->end(); ++g_iter) {
681:             const Obj<GeneralDiscretization>& disc = this->getDiscretization(*g_iter);
682:             const indexSet  indSet   = ((indices_type) i_iter->first)[*g_iter].second;
683:             const int       size     = indSet.size();
684:             int            *_indices = new int[size];
686:             if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "  field " << *g_iter << std::endl;}
687:             for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
688:               _indices[i] = indSet[i];
689:               if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "    indices["<<i<<"] = " << _indices[i] << std::endl;}
690:             }
691:             disc->setIndices(_indices, i_iter->second);
692:           }
693:         }
694:       };
695:     public:
696:       void setupField(const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE> mesh, const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::real_section_type>& s, const int cellMarker = 2, const bool noUpdate = false, const bool setAll = false) {
697:         typedef ISieveVisitor::PointRetriever<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::sieve_type> Visitor;
698:         const Obj<names_type>& discs  = this->getDiscretizations();
699:         const int              debug  = s->debug();
700:         names_type             bcLabels;
702:         s->setChart(mesh->getSieve()->getChart());
703:         int maxDof = this->setFiberDimensions(mesh, s, discs, bcLabels);
704:         this->calculateIndices(mesh);
705:         this->calculateIndicesExcluded(mesh, s, discs);
706:         this->createReorder();
707:         mesh->allocate(s);
708:         s->defaultConstraintDof();
709:         const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_type>& cellExclusion = mesh->getLabel("cellExclusion");
711:         if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "Setting boundary values to " << std::endl;}
712:         for(names_type::const_iterator n_iter = bcLabels.begin(); n_iter != bcLabels.end(); ++n_iter) {
713:           Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence> boundaryCells = mesh->getLabelStratum(*n_iter, cellMarker);
714:           if (setAll) boundaryCells = mesh->heightStratum(0);
715:           //const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::real_section_type>&  coordinates   = mesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
716:           const Obj<names_type>&         discs         = this->getDiscretizations();
717:           const PETSC_MESH_TYPE::point_type               firstCell     = *boundaryCells->begin();
718:           const int                      numFields     = discs->size();
719:           PETSC_MESH_TYPE::real_section_type::value_type *values        = new PETSC_MESH_TYPE::real_section_type::value_type[mesh->sizeWithBC(s, firstCell)];
720:           int                           *dofs          = new int[maxDof];
721:           int                           *v             = new int[numFields];
722:           Visitor pV((int) pow(mesh->getSieve()->getMaxConeSize(), mesh->depth())+1, true);
724:           for(PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = boundaryCells->begin(); c_iter != boundaryCells->end(); ++c_iter) {
725:             ISieveTraversal<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::sieve_type>::orientedClosure(*mesh->getSieve(), *c_iter, pV);
726:             const Visitor::point_type *oPoints = pV.getPoints();
727:             const int                  oSize   = pV.getSize();
729:             if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "  Boundary cell " << *c_iter << std::endl;}
730:             //mesh->computeElementGeometry(coordinates, *c_iter, v0, J, PETSC_NULL, detJ);
731:             this->setCell(mesh, *c_iter);
732:             for(int f = 0; f < numFields; ++f) v[f] = 0;
733:             for(int cl = 0; cl < oSize; ++cl) {
734:               //if (*c_iter == 0) std::cout << oPoints[cl] << std::endl;
735:               const int cDim = s->getConstraintDimension(oPoints[cl]);
736:               int       off  = 0;
737:               int       f    = 0;
738:               int       i    = -1;
740:               if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "    point " << oPoints[cl] << std::endl;}
741:               if (cDim || setAll) {
742:                 if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "      constrained excMarker: " << mesh->getValue(cellExclusion, *c_iter) << std::endl;}
743:                 for(names_type::const_iterator f_iter = discs->begin(); f_iter != discs->end(); ++f_iter, ++f) {
744:                   const Obj<GeneralDiscretization>& disc    = this->getDiscretization(*f_iter);
745:                   const Obj<names_type>           bcs     = disc->getBoundaryConditions();
746:                   const int                       fDim    = s->getFiberDimension(oPoints[cl], f);//disc->getNumDof(this->depth(oPoints[cl]));
747:                   const int                      *indices = disc->getIndices(mesh->getValue(cellExclusion, *c_iter));
748:                   int                             b       = 0;
750:                   for(names_type::const_iterator bc_iter = bcs->begin(); bc_iter != bcs->end(); ++bc_iter, ++b) {
751:                     const Obj<GeneralBoundaryCondition>& bc    = disc->getBoundaryCondition(*bc_iter);
752:                     const int                          value = mesh->getValue(mesh->getLabel(bc->getLabelName()), oPoints[cl]);
753:                     if (b > 0) v[f] -= fDim;
754:                     if (value == bc->getMarker()) {
755:                       if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "      field " << *f_iter << " marker " << value << std::endl;}
756:                       for(int d = 0; d < fDim; ++d, ++v[f]) {
757:                         dofs[++i] = off+d;
758:                         //if (!noUpdate) values[indices[v[f]]] = (*bc->getDualIntegrator())(v0, J, v[f], bc->getFunction());
759:                         if (!noUpdate) {
760:                           values[indices[v[f]]] = bc->integrateDual(v[f]);
761:                         }
762:                         if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "      setting values["<<indices[v[f]]<<"] = " << values[indices[v[f]]] << std::endl;}
763:                       }
764:                       // Allow only one condition per point
765:                       ++b;
766:                       break;
767:                     } else {
768:                       if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "      field " << *f_iter << std::endl;}
769:                       for(int d = 0; d < fDim; ++d, ++v[f]) {
770:                         if (!setAll) {
771:                           values[indices[v[f]]] = 0.0;
772:                         } else {
773:                           //TODO: do strides of the rank of the unknown space; we need a natural way of handling vectors in a single discretization.
774:                           values[indices[v[f]]] = bc->integrateDual(v[f]);
775:                         }
776:                         if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "      setting values["<<indices[v[f]]<<"] = " << values[indices[v[f]]] << std::endl;}
777:                       }
778:                     }
779:                   }
780:                   if (b == 0) {
781:                     if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "      field " << *f_iter << std::endl;}
782:                     for(int d = 0; d < fDim; ++d, ++v[f]) {
783:                       values[indices[v[f]]] = 0.0;
784:                       if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "      setting values["<<indices[v[f]]<<"] = " << values[indices[v[f]]] << std::endl;}
785:                     }
786:                   }
787:                   off += fDim;
788:                 }
789:                 if (i != cDim-1) {throw ALE::Exception("Invalid constraint initialization");}
790:                 s->setConstraintDof(oPoints[cl], dofs);
791:               } else {
792:                 if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "      unconstrained" << std::endl;}
793:                 for(names_type::const_iterator f_iter = discs->begin(); f_iter != discs->end(); ++f_iter, ++f) {
794:                   const Obj<GeneralDiscretization>& disc    = this->getDiscretization(*f_iter);
795:                   const int                       fDim    = s->getFiberDimension(oPoints[cl], f);//disc->getNumDof(this->depth(oPoints[cl]));
796:                   const int                      *indices = disc->getIndices(mesh->getValue(cellExclusion, *c_iter));
798:                   if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "      field " << *f_iter << std::endl;}
799:                   for(int d = 0; d < fDim; ++d, ++v[f]) {
800:                     values[indices[v[f]]] = 0.0;
801:                     if (debug > 1) {std::cout << "      setting values["<<indices[v[f]]<<"] = " << values[indices[v[f]]] << std::endl;}
802:                   }
803:                 }
804:               }
805:             }
806:             if (debug > 1) {
807:               for(int f = 0; f < numFields; ++f) v[f] = 0;
808:               for(int cl = 0; cl < oSize; ++cl) {
809:                 int f = 0;
810:                 for(names_type::const_iterator f_iter = discs->begin(); f_iter != discs->end(); ++f_iter, ++f) {
811:                   const Obj<GeneralDiscretization>& disc    = this->getDiscretization(*f_iter);
812:                   const int                       fDim    = s->getFiberDimension(oPoints[cl], f);
813:                   const int                      *indices = disc->getIndices(mesh->getValue(cellExclusion, *c_iter));
815:                   for(int d = 0; d < fDim; ++d, ++v[f]) {
816:                     std::cout << "    "<<*f_iter<<"-value["<<indices[v[f]]<<"] " << values[indices[v[f]]] << std::endl;
817:                   }
818:                 }
819:               }
820:             }
821:             if (!noUpdate) {
822:               mesh->updateAll(s, *c_iter, values);
823:             }
824:             pV.clear();
825:           }
826:           delete [] dofs;
827:           delete [] values;
828:         }
829:         if (debug > 1) {s->view("");}
830:       };
831:     };
832:     /*


836:     */

841:     PetscErrorCode RHS_FEMProblem(::Mesh mesh, SectionReal X, SectionReal section,  void * ctx) {
842:       GenericFormSubProblem * subproblem = (GenericFormSubProblem *)ctx;
843:       Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE> m;
847:       MeshGetMesh(mesh, m);
848:       SectionRealZero(section);
849:       Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::real_section_type> s;
850:       SectionRealGetSection(section, s);
851:       // Loop over cells
852:       //loop over integrals;
854:       GenericFormSubProblem::names_type integral_names = subproblem->getIntegrals();
855:       GenericFormSubProblem::names_type::const_iterator n_iter = integral_names.begin();
856:       GenericFormSubProblem::names_type::const_iterator n_iter_end = integral_names.end();
857:       //const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::order_type>& order = m->getFactory()->getGlobalOrder(m, "default", s);
858:       while (n_iter != n_iter_end) {
859:         Obj<GeneralIntegral> cur_integral = subproblem->getIntegral(*n_iter);
860:         //get the integral's topological objects.
861:         std::string cur_marker_name = cur_integral->getLabelName();
862:         int cur_marker_num = cur_integral->getLabelMarker();
863:         int cur_rank = cur_integral->getTensorRank();
864:         int cur_dimension = cur_integral->getSpaceDimension();
865:         Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence> integral_cells = m->getLabelStratum(cur_marker_name, cur_marker_num);
866:         PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence::iterator ic_iter = integral_cells->begin();
867:         PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence::iterator ic_iter_end = integral_cells->end();
868:         if (cur_rank == 1) {
869:           PetscScalar * values;
870:           PetscMalloc(cur_dimension*sizeof(PetscScalar), &values);
871:           PetscScalar * elemVec;
872:           PetscMalloc(cur_dimension*sizeof(PetscScalar), &elemVec);
873:           Obj<GenericFormSubProblem::names_type> discs = subproblem->getDiscretizations();
874:           //loop over cells
875:           while (ic_iter != ic_iter_end) {
876:             subproblem->setCell(m, *ic_iter);
877:             //loop over discretizations
878:             GenericFormSubProblem::names_type::iterator d_iter = discs->begin();
879:             GenericFormSubProblem::names_type::iterator d_iter_end = discs->end();
880:             while (d_iter != d_iter_end) {
881:               Obj<GeneralDiscretization> disc = subproblem->getDiscretization(*d_iter);
882:               //evaluate the RHS at each index point
883:               for (int i = 0; i < disc->size(); i++) {
884:                 values[disc->getIndices()[i]] = -1.*disc->evaluateRHS(i);
885:               }
886:               d_iter++;
887:             }
888:             cur_integral->tabulateTensor(elemVec, values);
889:             SectionRealUpdateAdd(section, *ic_iter, elemVec);
890:             ic_iter++;
891:           }
892:           SectionRealGetSection(section, s);
893:         } else if (cur_rank == 2) {
894:           //cancel out BCs if necessary... this doesn't require any knowledge of the discretization form (if handled right).
895:           PetscScalar * full_tensor;
896:           PetscMalloc(cur_dimension*cur_dimension*sizeof(PetscScalar), &full_tensor);
897:           PetscScalar * elemVec;
898:           PetscMalloc(cur_dimension*sizeof(PetscScalar), &elemVec);
899:           while (ic_iter != ic_iter_end) {
900:             subproblem->setCell(m, *ic_iter);
901:             cur_integral->tabulateTensor(full_tensor);
902:             //create the linear contribution from the BCs
903:             PetscScalar * xValues;
904:             SectionRealRestrict(X, *ic_iter, &xValues); //get the coefficients -- BUG: setCell restricts as well; static
905:             for(int f = 0; f < cur_dimension; f++) {
906:               elemVec[f] = 0.;
907:               for(int g = 0; g < cur_dimension; g++) {
908:                 elemVec[f] += full_tensor[f*cur_dimension+g]*xValues[g];
909:               }
910:             }
911:             SectionRealUpdateAdd(section, *ic_iter, elemVec);
912:             ic_iter++;
913:           }
914:           //delete full_tensor;
915:           //delete elemVec;
916:         } else {
917:           throw Exception("RHS_FEMProblem: Unsupported tensor rank");
918:         }
919:         n_iter++;
920:         SectionRealGetSection(section, s);
921:       }
922:       // Exchange neighbors
923:       SectionRealComplete(section);
924:       // Subtract the constant
925:       if (m->hasRealSection("constant")) {
926:         const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::real_section_type>& constant = m->getRealSection("constant");
927:         Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::real_section_type>        s;
929:         SectionRealGetSection(section, s);
930:         s->axpy(-1.0, constant);
931:       }
932:       PetscBool  flag;
933:       PetscOptionsHasName(PETSC_NULL, "-vec_view", &flag);
934:       if (flag) {
935:         SectionRealGetSection(section, s);
936:         s->view("RHS");
937:       }
938:       return(0);
939:     }

944:     PetscErrorCode Jac_FEMProblem(::Mesh mesh, SectionReal section, Mat A, void * ctx) {
946:       GenericFormSubProblem * subproblem = (GenericFormSubProblem *)ctx;
947:       Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::real_section_type> s;
948:       Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE> m;
950:       MatZeroEntries(A);
951:       MeshGetMesh(mesh, m);
952:       SectionRealGetSection(section, s);
953:       //loop over integrals; for now.
954:       GenericFormSubProblem::names_type integral_names = subproblem->getIntegrals();
955:       GenericFormSubProblem::names_type::iterator n_iter = integral_names.begin();
956:       GenericFormSubProblem::names_type::iterator n_iter_end = integral_names.end();
957:       const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::order_type>&        order         = m->getFactory()->getGlobalOrder(m, "default", s);
958:       while (n_iter != n_iter_end) {
959:         Obj<GeneralIntegral> cur_integral = subproblem->getIntegral(*n_iter);
960:         //get the integral's topological objects.
961:         std::string cur_marker_name = cur_integral->getLabelName();
962:         int cur_marker_num = cur_integral->getLabelMarker();
963:         int cur_rank = cur_integral->getTensorRank();
964:         int cur_dimension = cur_integral->getSpaceDimension();
965:         //GOOD LORD >:(
966:         m->setMaxDof(subproblem->localSpaceDimension());

968:         //divide here; ignore integral ranks that aren't 2 in the jacobian construction.
969:         if (cur_rank == 2) {
970:           Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence> integral_cells = m->getLabelStratum(cur_marker_name, cur_marker_num);
971:           PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence::iterator ic_iter = integral_cells->begin();
972:           PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence::iterator ic_iter_end = integral_cells->end();
973:           PetscScalar * tensor;
974:           PetscMalloc(cur_dimension*cur_dimension*sizeof(PetscScalar), &tensor);
975:           while (ic_iter != ic_iter_end) {
976:             subproblem->setCell(m, *ic_iter);
977:             cur_integral->tabulateTensor(tensor);
978:             updateOperator(A, m, s, order, *ic_iter, tensor, ADD_VALUES);
979:             ic_iter++;
980:           }
981:         }
982:         n_iter++;
983:       }
984:       MatAssemblyBegin(A, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
985:       MatAssemblyEnd(A, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
986:       //MatView(A, PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_SELF);
987:       return(0);
988:     }

993:     PetscErrorCode SubProblemView(SectionReal section, std::string name, PetscViewer viewer, int firstField = 0, int lastField = 0) {
994:       //"vectorize" takes the first n discretizations and writes them out as a vector
998:       Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE> m;
999:       Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::real_section_type> field;
1000:       SectionRealGetBundle(section, m);
1001:       SectionRealGetSection(section, field);
1002:       const ALE::Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::numbering_type>& numbering = m->getFactory()->getNumbering(m, 0);
1003:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "POINT_DATA %d\n", numbering->getGlobalSize());
1005:       if (lastField - firstField > 0) {
1006:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "VECTORS %s double\n", name.c_str());
1008:       } else {
1009:         if (name == "") {
1010:           PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "SCALARS Unknown double %d\n", 1);
1011:         } else {
1012:           PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "SCALARS %s double %d\n", name.c_str(), 1);
1013:         }
1014:         PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "LOOKUP_TABLE default\n");
1015:       }
1016:       typedef PETSC_MESH_TYPE::real_section_type::value_type value_type;
1017:       const Obj<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::real_section_type::chart_type>& chart   = field->getChart();
1018:       const MPI_Datatype                  mpiType = ALE::New::ParallelFactory<value_type>::singleton(field->debug())->getMPIType();
1019:       int enforceDim;
1020:       int fiberDim = lastField - firstField + 1;
1021:       if (lastField - firstField > 0) {
1022:         enforceDim = 3;  //we need at least three vector components to be written out
1023:       } else {
1024:         enforceDim = 0;
1025:       }
1026:       if (field->commRank() == 0) {
1027:         for(PETSC_MESH_TYPE::real_section_type::chart_type::const_iterator p_iter = chart->begin(); p_iter != chart->end(); ++p_iter) {
1028:           if (!numbering->hasPoint(*p_iter)) continue;
1029:           const value_type *array = field->restrictPoint(*p_iter);
1030:           const int&        dim   = field->getFiberDimension(*p_iter);
1031:           ostringstream     line;
1033:           // Perhaps there should be a flag for excluding boundary values
1034:           if (dim != 0) {
1035:             for(int d = firstField; d <= lastField; d++) {
1036:               if (d > 0) {
1037:                 line << " ";
1038:               }
1039:               line << array[d];
1040:             }
1041:             for(int d = fiberDim; d < enforceDim; d++) {
1042:               line << " 0.0";
1043:             }
1044:             line << std::endl;
1045:             PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "%s", line.str().c_str());
1046:           }
1047:         }
1048:         for(int p = 1; p < field->commSize(); p++) {
1049:           value_type *remoteValues;
1050:           int         numLocalElementsAndFiberDim[2];
1051:           int         size;
1052:           MPI_Status  status;
1054:           MPI_Recv(numLocalElementsAndFiberDim, 2, MPI_INT, p, 1, field->comm(), &status);
1055:           size = numLocalElementsAndFiberDim[0]*numLocalElementsAndFiberDim[1];
1056:           PetscMalloc(size * sizeof(value_type), &remoteValues);
1057:           MPI_Recv(remoteValues, size, mpiType, p, 1, field->comm(), &status);
1059:           for(int e = 0; e < numLocalElementsAndFiberDim[0]; e++) {
1060:             for(int d = 0; d < fiberDim; d++) {
1061:               if (mpiType == MPI_INT) {
1062:                 PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "%d", remoteValues[e*numLocalElementsAndFiberDim[1]+d]);
1063:               } else {
1064:                 PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "%G", remoteValues[e*numLocalElementsAndFiberDim[1]+d]);
1065:               }
1066:             }
1067:             for(int d = fiberDim; d < enforceDim; d++) {
1068:               PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, " 0.0");
1069:             }
1070:             PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "\n");
1071:           }
1072:           PetscFree(remoteValues);
1073:         }
1074:       } else {
1075:         value_type *localValues;
1076:         int         numLocalElements = numbering->getLocalSize();
1077:         const int   size = numLocalElements*fiberDim;
1078:         int         k = 0;
1080:         PetscMalloc(size * sizeof(value_type), &localValues);
1081:         for(PETSC_MESH_TYPE::real_section_type::chart_type::const_iterator p_iter = chart->begin(); p_iter != chart->end(); ++p_iter) {
1082:           if (!numbering->hasPoint(*p_iter)) continue;
1083:           if (numbering->isLocal(*p_iter)) {
1084:             const value_type *array = field->restrictPoint(*p_iter);
1085:             //const int&        dim   = field->getFiberDimension(*p_iter);
1087:             for(int i = firstField; i <= lastField; ++i) {
1088:               localValues[k++] = array[i];
1089:             }
1090:           }
1091:         }
1092:         if (k != size) {
1093:           SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Invalid number of values to send for field, %d should be %d", k, size);
1094:         }
1095:         int numLocalElementsAndFiberDim[2] = {numLocalElements, fiberDim};
1096:         MPI_Send(numLocalElementsAndFiberDim, 2, MPI_INT, 0, 1, field->comm());
1097:         MPI_Send(localValues, size, mpiType, 0, 1, field->comm());
1098:         PetscFree(localValues);
1099:       }
1100:       return(0);
1101:     }
1102:   }  //namespace Problem
1103: } //namespace ALE

1105: #endif