petsc-3.3-p7 2013-05-11


register a Rosenbrock W scheme by providing the entries in the Butcher tableau and optionally embedded approximations and interpolation


#include "petscts.h"   
PetscErrorCode TSRosWRegister(const TSRosWType name,PetscInt order,PetscInt s,
                              const PetscReal A[],const PetscReal Gamma[],const PetscReal b[],const PetscReal bembed[],
                                 PetscInt pinterp,const PetscReal binterpt[])
Not Collective, but the same schemes should be registered on all processes on which they will be used

Input Parameters

name - identifier for method
order - approximation order of method
s - number of stages, this is the dimension of the matrices below
A - Table of propagated stage coefficients (dimension s*s, row-major), strictly lower triangular
Gamma - Table of coefficients in implicit stage equations (dimension s*s, row-major), lower triangular with nonzero diagonal
b - Step completion table (dimension s)
bembed - Step completion table for a scheme of order one less (dimension s, PETSC_NULL if no embedded scheme is available)
pinterp -Order of the interpolation scheme, equal to the number of columns of binterpt
binterpt -Coefficients of the interpolation formula (dimension s*pinterp)


Several Rosenbrock W methods are provided, this function is only needed to create new methods.


TS, register

See Also


Index of all TS routines
Table of Contents for all manual pages
Index of all manual pages