Summary of Time Integrators Available In PETSc#
TS Name |
Reference |
Class |
Type |
Order |
euler |
forward Euler |
one-step |
explicit |
ssp |
multistage SSP [Ket08] |
Runge-Kutta |
explicit |
rk* |
multiscale |
Runge-Kutta |
explicit |
beuler |
backward Euler |
one-step |
implicit |
cn |
Crank-Nicolson |
one-step |
implicit |
theta* |
theta-method |
one-step |
implicit |
bdf |
Backward Differentiation Formulas |
one-step |
implicit |
alpha |
alpha-method [JWH00] |
one-step |
implicit |
gl |
general linear [BJW07] |
multistep-multistage |
implicit |
eimex |
extrapolated IMEX [CS10] |
one-step |
, adaptive |
dirk |
diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta |
implicit |
arkimex |
IMEX Runge-Kutta |
rosw |
Rosenbrock-W |
linearly implicit |
glee |
GL with global error |
explicit and implicit |
mprk |
Multirate Partitioned Runge-Kutta |
multirate |
explicit |
basicsymplectic |
Basic symplectic integrator for separable Hamiltonian |
semi-implicit Euler and Velocity Verlet |
explicit |
irk |
fully implicit Runge-Kutta |
Gauss-Legrendre |
implicit |
J.C. Butcher, Z. Jackiewicz, and W.M. Wright. Error propagation of general linear methods for ordinary differential equations. Journal of Complexity, 23(4-6):560–580, 2007. doi:10.1016/j.jco.2007.01.009.
E.M. Constantinescu and A. Sandu. Extrapolated implicit-explicit time stepping. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 31(6):4452–4477, 2010. doi:10.1137/080732833.
K.E. Jansen, C.H. Whiting, and G.M. Hulbert. A generalized-alpha method for integrating the filtered Navier–Stokes equations with a stabilized finite element method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 190(3):305–319, 2000.
D.I. Ketcheson. Highly efficient strong stability-preserving Runge–Kutta methods with low-storage implementations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 30(4):2113–2136, 2008. doi:10.1137/07070485X.