
Steps one time step


#include "petscts.h"  
PetscErrorCode TSStep(TS ts)


Input Parameter#


The public interface for the ODE/DAE solvers is TSSolve(), you should almost for sure be using that routine and not this routine.

The hook set using TSSetPreStep() is called before each attempt to take the step. In general, the time step size may be changed due to adaptive error controller or solve failures. Note that steps may contain multiple stages.

This may over-step the final time provided in TSSetMaxTime() depending on the time-step used. TSSolve() interpolates to exactly the time provided in TSSetMaxTime(). One can use TSInterpolate() to determine an interpolated solution within the final timestep.

See Also#

TS: Scalable ODE and DAE Solvers, TS, TSCreate(), TSSetUp(), TSDestroy(), TSSolve(), TSSetPreStep(), TSSetPreStage(), TSSetPostStage(), TSInterpolate()






TSStep_ARKIMEX() in src/ts/impls/arkimex/arkimex.c
TSStep_BDF() in src/ts/impls/bdf/bdf.c
TSStep_EIMEX() in src/ts/impls/eimex/eimex.c
TSStep_Euler() in src/ts/impls/explicit/euler/euler.c
TSStep_RK() in src/ts/impls/explicit/rk/rk.c
TSStep_SSP() in src/ts/impls/explicit/ssp/ssp.c
TSStep_GLEE() in src/ts/impls/glee/glee.c
TSStep_Alpha() in src/ts/impls/implicit/alpha/alpha1.c
TSStep_Alpha() in src/ts/impls/implicit/alpha/alpha2.c
TSStep_DiscGrad() in src/ts/impls/implicit/discgrad/tsdiscgrad.c
TSStep_IRK() in src/ts/impls/implicit/irk/irk.c
TSStep_Sundials() in src/ts/impls/implicit/sundials/sundials.c
TSStep_Theta() in src/ts/impls/implicit/theta/theta.c
TSStep_Mimex() in src/ts/impls/mimex/mimex.c
TSStep_MPRK() in src/ts/impls/multirate/mprk.c
TSStep_MPRKSPLIT() in src/ts/impls/multirate/mprk.c
TSStep_Pseudo() in src/ts/impls/pseudo/posindep.c
TSStep_RosW() in src/ts/impls/rosw/rosw.c
TSStep_BasicSymplectic() in src/ts/impls/symplectic/basicsymplectic/basicsymplectic.c

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