
Returns the context for the Picard iteration


#include "petscsnes.h"  
PetscErrorCode SNESGetPicard(SNES snes, Vec *r, SNESFunctionFn **f, Mat *Amat, Mat *Pmat, SNESJacobianFn **J, void **ctx)

Not Collective, but Vec is parallel if SNES is parallel. Collective if Vec is requested, but has not been created yet.

Input Parameter#

  • snes - the SNES context

Output Parameters#

  • r - the function (or NULL)

  • f - the function (or NULL); for calling sequence see SNESFunctionFn

  • Amat - the matrix used to defined the operation A(x) x - b(x) (or NULL)

  • Pmat - the matrix from which the preconditioner will be constructed (or NULL)

  • J - the function for matrix evaluation (or NULL); for calling sequence see SNESJacobianFn

  • ctx - the function context (or NULL)

See Also#

SNES: Nonlinear Solvers, SNESSetFunction(), SNESSetPicard(), SNESGetFunction(), SNESGetJacobian(), SNESGetDM(), SNESFunctionFn, SNESJacobianFn





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