
Pull coordinates back from the mesh to the reference element using a single element map.


#include "petscdmplex.h"   
#include "petscfe.h"       
PetscErrorCode DMPlexCoordinatesToReference(DM dm, PetscInt cell, PetscInt numPoints, const PetscReal realCoords[], PetscReal refCoords[])

Not Collective

Input Parameters#

  • dm - The mesh, with coordinate maps defined either by a PetscDS for the coordinate DM (see DMGetCoordinateDM()) or implicitly by the coordinates of the corner vertices of the cell: as an affine map for simplicial elements, or as a multilinear map for tensor-product elements

  • cell - the cell whose map is used.

  • numPoints - the number of points to locate

  • realCoords - (numPoints x coordinate dimension) array of coordinates (see DMGetCoordinateDim())

Output Parameter#

  • refCoords - (numPoints x dimension) array of reference coordinates (see DMGetDimension())


This inversion will be accurate inside the reference element, but may be inaccurate for mappings that do not extend uniquely outside the reference cell (e.g, most non-affine maps)

See Also#

DMPLEX, DMPlexReferenceToCoordinates()






DMPlexCoordinatesToReference_NewtonUpdate() in src/dm/impls/plex/plexgeometry.c
DMPlexCoordinatesToReference_Tensor() in src/dm/impls/plex/plexgeometry.c
DMPlexCoordinatesToReference_FE() in src/dm/impls/plex/plexgeometry.c

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