
Monitors progress of the TS solvers by plotting each component of the solution vector in a time based line graph


#include "petscts.h"  
PetscErrorCode TSMonitorLGSolution(TS ts, PetscInt step, PetscReal ptime, Vec u, void *dctx)


Input Parameters#

  • ts - the TS context

  • step - current time-step

  • ptime - current time

  • u - current solution

  • dctx - the TSMonitorLGCtx object that contains all the options for the monitoring, this is created with TSMonitorLGCtxCreate()

Options Database Key#

  • -ts_monitor_lg_solution_variables - enable monitor of lg solution variables


Each process in a parallel run displays its component solutions in a separate window

This is not called directly by users, rather one calls TSMonitorSet(), with this function as an argument, to cause the monitor to be used during the TS integration.

See Also#

TS: Scalable ODE and DAE Solvers, TSMonitorSet(), TSMonitorDefault(), VecView(), TSMonitorLGCtxCreate(), TSMonitorLGCtxSetVariableNames(), TSMonitorLGCtxGetVariableNames(), TSMonitorLGSetVariableNames(), TSMonitorLGGetVariableNames(), TSMonitorLGSetDisplayVariables(), TSMonitorLGCtxSetDisplayVariables(), TSMonitorLGCtxSetTransform(), TSMonitorLGSetTransform(), TSMonitorLGError(), TSMonitorLGSNESIterations(), TSMonitorLGKSPIterations(), TSMonitorEnvelopeCtxCreate(), TSMonitorEnvelopeGetBounds(), TSMonitorEnvelopeCtxDestroy(), TSMonitorEnvelop()





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