
A prototype of a TS implicit Jacobian evaluation function for 2nd order systems that would be passed to TSSetI2Jacobian()


#include <petscts.h> 
PETSC_EXTERN_TYPEDEF typedef PetscErrorCode (*TSI2Jacobian)(TS ts, PetscReal t, Vec U, Vec U_t, Vec U_tt, PetscReal v, PetscReal a, Mat J, Mat Jac, void *ctx);

Calling Sequence#

  • ts - the TS context obtained from TSCreate()

  • t - time at step/stage being solved

  • U - state vector

  • U_t - time derivative of state vector

  • U_tt - second time derivative of state vector

  • v - shift for U_t

  • a - shift for U_tt

  • J - Jacobian of G(U) = F(t,U,W+vU,W’+aU), equivalent to dF/dU + vdF/dU_t + adF/dU_tt

  • jac - matrix from which to construct the preconditioner, may be same as J

  • ctx - [optional] user-defined context for matrix evaluation routine

See Also#

TS: Scalable ODE and DAE Solvers, TS, TSSetI2Jacobian(), DMTSSetI2Jacobian(), TSIFunction(), TSIJacobian(), TSRHSFunction(), TSRHSJacobian()





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